Cam's October Lull Buck

Show Notes

On this episode of Michigan WIld Nate and returning guest Cam Carpenter dive into the success story of Cam's 2024 archery buck. Cam is no stranger to shooting above average bucks in Michigan even at his young age. He has tagged multiple mature deer and enjoys the process and the challenge it offers each year.

Even though this buck was shot during the October lull, this story starts over the summer. Cam gained access to a new property and had no idea what to expect. While expectations were soon set shortly after deploying cams as multiple bucks showed up and stayed leading up to October 1st.

As the first few weeks of the season progressed Cam had multiple encounters with this deer. He stayed persistent and stuck to his game plan. Every encounter Cam continued to learn more about the buck and how he used the property. All that came together on October 17th when Cam shot his October Lull Buck!

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In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs.

Show Transcript