Covert Operation

Show Notes

In this episode, Ricky has a chat with Vapor Trail Pro-staffer Ashley Covert and her husband Justin. Ashley is an adult onset hunter, introduced under the wing of her husband, and has proven herself as a passionate and successful provider for the family. Justin speaks of the days spent in the woods as a child walking alongside his father. It was there he learned the tricks of the trade that he and Ashley now pass down to their son. 

The Covert’s recently spent some time hunting the coveted Buffalo County, WI whitetail. Ashley was the recipient of Gearheads Pro-Staffer of the Year award, earning her family an invitation to the highly sought after opportunity. They break down the highs and lows of the hunt, and the excitement of hunting an area commonly seen on Justin’s favorite hunting shows of the past. 

As a family man and avid bowhunter, Ricky identifies the difficulties of ensuring balance. Ashley discusses their family dynamic and the things they do to foster a positive experience for everyone involved. 

The Range Podcast can be found on all major platforms, including iTunes, Spotify and Google. Video versions of the podcast can also be found on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel. 

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The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Range Podcast. I'm Ricky Bruley and with me is Jake Hollywood Iverson. Join us at the Archery Range where we'll tell stories from the hunt, discuss technical bow shooting tactics and gear, and pick the brains of some of the most successful people to ever shoot a bow. Whether you're about to shoot that X for the win or send an arrow at a trophy buck, this podcast is for you.

The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery. Makers of the best bowstrings money can buy, originators of limb driven arrow rest technology, and innovators of stokerized stabilizer systems. Welcome to the range, everybody. I am Ricky Bruley, and I am so happy to be back in the studio with y'all.

I've moved from the backcountry studio. We've got a bit of a new look here. We're constantly learning and evolving for your viewing pleasure. So if we change something and you don't like it, please let us know. Thank you for joining us all [00:01:00] today. You can also find the video version of this podcast on the Vapor Trail YouTube channel.

So please head on over, subscribe. Give this episode a and make sure you hit that bell so you can get notified of all things archery. Welcome to this episode known as Covert Operation. On the show today, we have a couple of long time Vapor Trail customers, one of which would officially become Vapor Trail and Stoker Eyes Pro Staffer.

You've most likely seen our content shared on our IG stories. These two spend many days afield. In fact, they just recently took a trip to one of the holy grails of the Whitetail Woods, Buffalo County, Wisconsin. Justin and Ashley Covert, thanks for jumping on this Unpropped 2 episode. Thanks for having us.

Thank you for having us. Yeah, absolutely. No problem. Yeah, we had a, we had a last minute cancellation and we've got episodes scheduled out for the next couple of months, but usually I'm not really very prepared for trying to dive into a quick episode on the day of, appreciate [00:02:00] you guys volunteering and figure y'all would make a good fit.

So as a one man band here, it is my responsibility to manage our social media channels, as well as the promotional staff. And over the course of 2022 Ashley, you had been tagging us in a lot of content on your Instagram page. And I started to take notice. I reached out to see if you had any interest in being on staff.

And not only did you accept, but you also informed me that your husband, Justin was a long time fan. So it was like a win situation. So that was perfect. Tell me a little bit about all of that, how that all went down as far as like your experience with getting into the social media scene with hunting and all that kind of stuff.

So I just started following a bunch of people that were posting and it looked like a fun way to just grow as a person. Not necessarily over the view counts and everything, but I saw people posting positive messages and whatnot, and I thought it was a really fun way to not [00:03:00] only share my journey, but just help people along the way.

And that's where I got started. And then it just turned into the nature photos and the photos of the bow outside and catching like sunsets and stuff and trying to find the prettiest parts of nature so that even if somebody doesn't hunt. They're still drawn to the pictures and they want to look at them.

Yeah, for sure. And it just, it kept growing from there and it's been a really fun journey. And It's been about, I think it's only been like five years since I've been doing it and he's the one that got me into it. I actually didn't eat meat before we got married. So it's been, yeah, it's been really fun and it's been really interesting and it's helped me grow all together as a person.

And I've enjoyed that a lot. There's been a lot of moments that I've been proud of myself. And as an adult, I don't feel like people are proud of themselves enough. And it's made me push boundaries and do things I never thought I would do, and [00:04:00] it's just grown into so much more than a social media experience or becoming a popular person amongst people.

It's become me growing into a different person and blossoming into. Something else. And it's been fun. It's been a really fun time and having my husband on for the ride. And then our little one joins us on all of our adventures for the most part too. It's been a really fun family experience as well.

Yeah, no, that's great. And hats off to you too, for, being an adult onset hunter. I can't imagine. I grew up in it, I was brought up as a hunter and fisherman and all those kinds of things. And so it was really easy to, transition into, getting into bow hunting and doing just diving more and deeper into it and get started from the get go can be tough.

Luckily you had Justin there to, walk you through the process. So that's really cool. And now you're able to pass it on to your boy and. Make it a family affair. So that's great. I can't wait until my daughter's old enough to start taking her out hunting. I'm excited for that.

We're waiting for [00:05:00] it. It's been a lot of fun watching you on your journey. And then especially like my more recently seeing some of the things that some of the hunts that you and Justin have been going on as well. But I'd like to start with you, Justin, tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your journey to becoming a bow hunter.

I've lived in West Virginia pretty much my whole life. And I don't really remember a time that I haven't hunted. It's, I don't remember any time in my life where I wasn't in the woods and chasing my dad. And I was lucky enough to have a dad that he was a carpenter. He would get off work, take me hunting every evening.

And I would be seven years old walking with a bow missing five or six deer an evening. There was a lot of deer, and I chased a bunch of them. Didn't hit very many, but I shot a lot. But I was lucky to spend a lot of time in the woods as a kid, and it's just stuck with me. I've always been pretty well addicted to hunting, I guess you could say.

Met her, and then my hunting strategy had to change somewhat with [00:06:00] adult one set hunter coming on board, as everyone wants to call her. But she's done really well. I'm getting her elevated this year, so I think that'll help some. We've done a lot of ground on the past few years, which was a big change for me, but we were still finding deer, so I got a lot of pretty good deer.

Fantastic. And what about you, Ashley? Talk a little bit about, the decision that you made and, what was really the driving force behind wanting to. Haunt and especially like to go right into bow hunting as well. So I had always been curious about bow hunting. And when I lived back home in Washington I shot a bow at some, I don't know, like outdoor store or something like that.

And I snapped the absolute snot out of my arm. And from then on, I never touched a bow again. And I was like, it's really cool, but that hurt. And I just, I never had any interest. And I knew I needed to eat meat. And when I [00:07:00] ended up pregnant with our son, I started eating cheeseburgers like crazy, but red meat does something to my stomach.

And it just, it doesn't agree very well. And I ate deer meat and I didn't have any issues. So when I started hunting, I legitimately started hunting out of food source because it doesn't mess up my stomach. And. The first year I wanted to start bow hunting, but Justin was like we'll shoot with a gun first and we'll see how you feel about it.

So I got my first one with a gun and then afterwards I was like, okay, I want to bow now. And then I practiced and practiced. And then the following year I went out and that was the year that I got the most amount of bows. I think I ended up with five that year. And I think two of them were bow and It was really fun and it makes it a little bit more of a challenge.

So it's, obviously it's a lot easier to shape with a gun. So I liked the bow [00:08:00] because it was a lot more personal and like up close. And when I picked the does, I picked the ones that don't have babies. They're not producing offspring anymore. They're not, they just blow. They're just. Old biddies.

And so I hunt the old biddies and then I take them out cause they're just eating food and there's not really much need for them at that point. They're not producing anything. I have fun hunting does, and Justin says, once I shoot a buck, I'll probably be after bucks, but so far I get the same excitement with does as I do with bucks.

I don't know. I don't know how to explain it. I'm challenging anybody to It's just as challenging as most things are if you pick a particular one. [00:09:00] Yeah. That's fantastic. And also, it was interesting as well. I've got a, I have a friend that he has Lyme's disease. And so with that he runs into the same thing where he, other meats just don't agree with them, but, wild game, especially venison does agree with them.

And so it's one of the primary sources of food for him. So I thought that was interesting. And just like you guys. My wife, she's not a hunter. She never has been, although she really has some sort of strange distaste for birds, so she would not be afraid to kill a turkey. Like she, she's gone out turkey hunting with me a few times.

Although she loves owls and like birds of prey, that kind of thing. Cause they're very majestic and all that. And she paints a lot of owls in her artwork as well. It's so pretty. It's beautiful. Yeah, she's really talented. The, I'm trying to cause we don't eat the kids and her, they don't eat a lot of meat either.

So we're starting to transition into this. Just trying to become more self [00:10:00] sufficient in the world be less dependent upon, groceries and all that kind of stuff. We're trying to be farmers now and so she's starting to get a greater understanding for the necessity of hunting and all those kinds of things.

Whether she'll do that or not I don't know. Again, turkey hunting she'll blast one right in the face without hesitating. That's awesome. But yeah, for deer she's not really so much into that, but so yeah, it's really cool what you guys are doing and appreciate you guys shooting our products, Justin.

So when was, when did you first hear about us or when what got you to start using our products or vapor products? I should say I've been shooting. Pro V style rest for and strings for roughly probably 20 years. I would say I'm not exactly sure if it dates back quite a bit. The local boat tech that I see quite a bit.

He was a big vapor trail fan would swear. There were certain arrests. You couldn't tune and he just pushed it. And that's what I got as a. A young 20 year old, and I've been shooting him ever since recommended [00:11:00] him. I've always had great luck. I've never had a failure with 1. that's what I. Had her shooting and they're just always worked well for me, but myself.

Yeah. Yeah, no, we appreciate that. It's, it was fun being a part of the whole team back then when we developed that arrow rest. That was our second iteration of the pro. And we, we were just trying to, accommodate the folks that wanted something that had a capture mechanism on it.

And we were scratching our heads on the design and trying to take our original pro, put a cage on that and try to make it function. And we were having a really hard time making it universal. And then our previous owner one day. Had a dream and was like, I got it. I got to figure it out. I had a dream last night of how to make it work.

And so that's how the ProView was born. Micro, both bugs behind me were killed with the micro. Oh, right on. It wasn't the prov. Yeah. Yeah. But I shot it for several years and I love that rest too. That's awesome. It's still, we still, we have a sell a ton of those, the original pro and the micro elites, and we've got a [00:12:00] lot of dealers that they, that's their tried and true, that's what they like to use, that's what they like to put on their customers both.

So it's still very popular rest. So that's really cool. And thank you guys for. For supporting us for all these years. It was really cool when you said that Justin had been been a fan and been using our products for a long time. Then it all started, the pieces all started to fall into place.

So you guys just recently got back from a bow hunt in Buffalo County, Wisconsin. It's highly regarded over there. Anytime you tell somebody you're going to Buffalo County, their eyes usually light up and I've hunted out there one time too. I was with a writer's camp and I had the opportunity to hunt at Buffalo County's land too.

And so tell us a little bit about how that all came about, the relationship that you guys have with gear head and how that went down and then go into a little bit about, how the hunt went. We'll be right back

Coming this Friday, [00:13:00] June 30th, is our brand new online arrow customizer. Build your Victory or Easton arrows with multiple vane options, configurations, and custom arrow wraps in a large array of designs and colors. Spine indexing and expedited build options are also available. So you can get back out in the field and flinging in style.

Check out the Vapor Trail Arrow customizer at customizer. In January I was picked to be Gearheads staffer of the year and skip invited not just myself, but Justin and Peanut to come to Wisconsin and hunt with them. And then initially, we were trying to go hunt Montana, but we couldn't pull tags, and then we were going to try for Wyoming, and we didn't pull tags there either, and then where Wisconsin was over the counter, that's where we had ended up and Skip had known some people with some land in Buffalo County, so that's where we started out first and it was a [00:14:00] bust and, The setups weren't the greatest for the situations and the winds that we had that day.

So we were there for, I think, three days and I think we saw, what, three does? So that was about all we saw there and it was really hot. And then we ended up going towards Richland County, I think is what it was called. And Brady had worked really hard and put us up on some land and whatnot. And the first day I had saw It was probably about 220 yards away and he was just bedded down, which was really cool.

Cause it's something I'd never seen before. He was just bedded down in some corn way out in the distance. And I was trying to get his attention and it never worked. And I was like, okay. So then Justin saw that day. Yeah. You can talk about that one. First bobcat I've ever seen while hunting. And I guess it was pretty rare for that area to actually see him.

They get them on trail camera. They don't see him in person very often, but about 430 evening a good size [00:15:00] Bobcat came out and it came under the elevator blind and got a circle me and then disappeared into the court. But that was that was a really cool experience. See what it in person and it was hot and it was hungry.

Everything honey at that time was having trouble. Yeah, a lot of acorns. So many acorns. That was part of the problem in Buffalo County. They're so used to hunting the food plots and stuff like that out there that when the acorns hit, nobody was deep enough in the woods to see any deer. Even the people we were hunting with driving around late in the evening while we were hunting, they weren't seeing them in the fields or anything.

So it was just rough times. Acorns dropping is always mega hard. Seven. Day two, I was in a tree stand and I watched a doe come through and she hung out for a bit. And I think that was about all that we saw on day two. And then day three hurt my feel bad. Day three, it finally ended up raining and the temperatures [00:16:00] dropped.

And there was two bucks that came barreling from behind me and they came flying and I tried knocking my arrow and everything I meant at them they didn't stop then coming back through they stopped and it was behind me and it was a blind that wasn't like a window that wasn't opened. And I was trying to unzip it and everything, and I couldn't get it unzipped, but when I drew back, apparently when I was trying to knock my arrow, I bumped my arrow off the string.

I wouldn't have been able to get a shot from back there anyways. So I watched him, and I thought, for certain, he was gonna circle around. So I'm sitting there, drawn back, waiting for him to circle around, and he never circled back around. And I was like, Oh, no, but it was really neat to see because where we hunt in West Virginia and stuff you don't see very much movement.

You see a lot of does, but as far as bucks go, there's not. Not a lot. Big difference in West Virginia Public land and Buffalo County, [00:17:00] Wisconsin. . Yeah. Or anywhere in Wisconsin really. But yeah. So is the, is like the buck to do ratio pretty outta whack over in the area where you're in West Virginia?

Awful. In West Virginia, it's probably at, in most areas, I won't say everywhere, but most areas I would say it's a 20 to one ratio. Oh, wow. Yeah. Certain areas see a lot of running activity, but certain areas. It's almost zero rutting activity because they just don't have to. Yeah. So everybody's, most of the hunters are looking for bucks.

Nobody's really taking out any does and and that makes it tough too for calling or trying to, any of that kind of stuff, cause a buck doesn't really have to respond. He's got 20 does at his disposal that he can. So we run into that a lot here in Minnesota. There's little, there's really good pockets and stuff, especially in the Metro areas that can really tuck in and hide.

And yeah the buck to doe ratio here is pretty, pretty out of whack too. I think, and it may have changed now since the last time I checked, but I think on the, on average is about 10 to one here in the [00:18:00] state of Minnesota. So feel your pain. In West Virginia, you can take five bucks and it's in a year and then three bucks for it's been three for several years and then after this year, it's dropping to two a year.

That should help us some in this state coming up, but we'll see. It's finally going in a decent direction though. How, so personally, how do you guys feel about that? Cause I think it'd be great to be able to shoot two bucks in this state, but if we could do that, then we wouldn't have any.

So that's, that would be concerning for me. So I'm good with the one buck deal with whatever weapon you choose how do you feel about that? Coming down to potentially just two deer, but possibly even just one buck. I went to a lot of meetings in West Virginia and we can do a 3 minute public comment and I'll spend a lot of time at those meetings talking, trying to get to a 1 buck limit because we were so high, but let's drop into a 2.

I wish we could do a [00:19:00] 2 buck the 2nd one, having some kind of point restriction or spread limit just so that way we could. I don't know, still hunt quite a bit in this state, but still have some quality deer. And there are some gigantic bucks that come out of West Virginia every year. There's been some two hundreds come out of some areas and there are a lot of big deer, but they can be far a few in between in certain areas.

For sure. Yeah. And I know Wisconsin used to have a, what they call an earn a buck deal where you had to shoot a doe first and then you had to submit your doe tag in order to get your buck tag. We have a couple of counties like a buck, but very few to where, you can kill two bucks with archery.

So your Buffalo County hunt, I don't want to say a bust, right? Because you got some time in the stand you have to be one with nature, and just sort out all your thoughts and everything in the blind and the tree stand, you guys sat separate from each other then. Yeah. It was hit or miss and some nights I was running the camera for her.

And just in the blind with her and several, I think it was two nights. I [00:20:00] was running camera and then the other four or five nights. We were in separate states. Okay, that was the 1st time I've ever been west of Columbus. Getting out in that country was crazy for me to say, I grew up watching all the hunting films from out there and all that.

So no matter what, even not seeing ducks, it was still just cool getting to hunt that area. That was the first time I really hunted around corn. Yeah. I just saw that photo that you took too. That was really beautiful. The grass and everything and the, the clouds and everything, the background was a really nice photo.

Very pretty spot. Yeah. So when I hunted out there too, it was, I did end up shooting a doe, I think it was on the last day. And it was one of those things, it was a writer's camp and so they had usually the way those things go is, an outfitter has, some openings either late, it's never anything peak, but he had some openings late season and so we just went out and hunted and yeah, it was just really cool to be out there.

And actually with the way things are out have always been with vapor trail, I wear a lot of hats. So like during the day, I literally brought [00:21:00] my 27 inch Mac with me and I was sitting there in the cabin working on stuff, during the day when we weren't hunting. So it was kinda, it wasn't really much of a vacation, but.

Either way, I can say I hunted Buffalo County once, so that's something else I wanted to talk to you guys about too. And I know, like you said Ashley, it's been roughly all five years since you made the decision to start hunting, but I'm just curious about the dynamics of being married, having a family finding time to hunt and put food on the table as a married man, a father, I understand the difficulties of I guess that can arise with that combination.

Do you guys have any like tips or tricks for the couples out there that are trying to make that sort of dynamic work? So we are a very simple family. Like we don't really live outside of our means and. The main expenses either go to peanut or they go to hunting for the [00:22:00] most part. We grow a garden every year, so we've got like fresh vegetables and all that stuff.

We can, we freeze. And then when we have meat from the deer, it just adds to our food supply. So we basically homestead in a sense without all of the animals. We'll get there eventually. But and then the way we work is I stay home with peanut and then Justin typically works. And so we take care of the garden and do that.

And then we have the money for the bills and the little bit of extras that we need. And then as a family dynamic, we just all do it together. It's not really a chore, it's not really a hassle. If we go check the trail cams, Peanut's oh, can I go with you? And then he just loves wandering through the woods.

And then if... Justin wants to go scout heavy hardcore, then he just takes off on his own and he goes and scouts for a bit and then comes back with his findings or whatever it may be. And you can add [00:23:00] to it too, babe. A lot of the hunting we do is 2 miles back on public, so taking him with us on some of the trips right now are hard.

And in another year or two, he'll be going a mile back with us, I think. Yeah, so this year we're hoping to get him in the turkey woods a little bit more. Right now, he... He knows he's struggling being quiet. So he he opts out a lot. He says he don't want to go because he has to be quiet right now.

But he loves scouting. He loves getting out in the woods and scouting and all that. So it won't be long. He's only five. Yeah, he likes making scrapes. He likes. All of that stuff. So it's his favorite. He likes pointing out rubs. He'll get milkweed pods and he'll start spreading milkweed out. So he knows the things that we do in the woods and he's very familiar with that.

It's just, he does not like to be quiet yet. He shoots when we shoot up at evening. He's got his little Cabela's bow that he's letting arrows fly out of. We do a lot of it together. So it's a lot of fun. Yeah, I really look forward to, my daughter is a pretty feral child [00:24:00] and I have a feeling she's going to be she's really going to love it.

I've taken her out turkey hunting and stuff like that. And the only way that I can really make that work out is by giving her a an iPad that she, so she can watch a movie while we're sitting in there, but She just like surprisingly she'll put it down and then she'll just sit with me and then just look around, and if I move and my chair creaks or something, she gets on me about it.

She's shh, quiet. So she gets, yeah, she gets it. But of course, she's three. And her energy gets the best of her. But either way, I never take her out with the expectation that. That there's going to be any sort of, I guess what you might call success, with killing something, but ends up always being success.

Just getting her out in the woods and having fun. And she loves playing with the decoys and all that kind of stuff. So it's not even about like forcing them into it. It's just about having them there and planting the seed. The more you force them, the less they want. If you just set them, like you said, you set her up with her little iPad and [00:25:00] stuff, and she chooses to take that look.

It's just, I feel like some people put so much on their kiddos when they're so young, because they want them to want it so bad, that's where they end up falling short. You just gotta kinda let them do their own thing. And let them experience it in their own way. Absolutely. Absolutely. I get our our boy Coda, he's 11 now and I've taken him hunting in the ground blind a couple of times and we've done some grouse hunting and he prefers the grouse hunting.

He likes to be moving, walking, looking at things. He just, he can't, he's not into sitting around and maybe someday he'll be into it and maybe he won't, and that's okay. It's just whatever. Whatever he wants to do, just to, try to keep that outdoor spark alive.

Cause you know, the video games and everything come along and those can easily be distracting. Any amount of time that we can get them outside is fantastic. Kids miss out on small game hunting anymore. All the kids go directly into Whitedale hunting and there's so much woodsmanship that's learned.

Walking through the woods, squirrel [00:26:00] hunting and small game hunting. And that's a loss because there's hardly anybody small game hunting anymore. And that just, I just, one thing I'm hoping to get with Peanut is him out in the woods, small game hunting for a few years before he whitetail hunts very much.

Just to learn. Yeah, for sure. And I think gosh, what was it? It wasn't too long ago, just a couple of months ago or this spring. Koda actually shot a rabbit with his bow. And he was just excited. He was just jazzed up, and I was like, you did what, so it was just really cool.

And he was super excited. And, but then at the same time, he went through all those emotions, where he had some sadness about it and didn't really know how to feel about it, but he, like we'll We'll cook up the rabbit and he'll eat it. And he's this is good.

That's pretty cool. But it was a big learning experience for him too. Cause it's, it is a lot of emotions to go through. There's been. Times when I've shot things and I've been like, oh I don't know how I feel about that situation. And then it turns out fine. And you [00:27:00] never know how anybody's gonna feel until it happens.

It's the weirdest thing. He's warned me. He's you might feel some remorse or you might feel some sadness or whatever. But you never really understand it until it happens. When it happens, then you're like, oh, okay, this is what they're talking about. But it's such a weird thing to try and explain to somebody that's never experienced it.

You Yeah, I've cried twice. The first buck I ever killed and the biggest buck I ever killed. That's very valid, I feel yeah, I turned up once in the woods and that was over hitting one and I never found it. And now it still bothers me to this day. Yeah. That's always, that's a tough one to go through.

Yeah. Yeah. That happened a few times. And it would have still been my biggest today. Woofka. Yeah. Yeah. That's tough. With all the time spent in the woods and, all that. And then for that to happen, like I said, I've been there a few times. So feel your pain, brother. Yeah. That's tough. Everybody putting an order in now, needing it [00:28:00] in a week.

Yeah. Yeah. It's we're catching back up, but we did fall behind. We got inundated with orders just before Labor Day weekend. It was like a tsunami hit us and I couldn't imagine. We typically have a pretty steady flow of orders that come in and we can gauge and estimate what we're going to have and how things are going to, how they're going to come through.

But I think what happened is a few other manufacturers in the industry really got. Backed up. And so a lot of their orders were coming our way. And yeah, we just, we got hit hard. And so now we're just getting caught back up. And just glad that I was able to get you guys on and take a, take some time out of the day to, chat with you guys, it's been a great conversation and really appreciate you guys taking time out of your day and getting peanut over to grandma and grandpa's there.

So we could be a part of this. Thank you for having us. Yeah, he enjoys it up there. Oh, that's good. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. So well, folks, that brings us to the end of this episode. [00:29:00] Ashley, where can the listeners find you on social media? On Facebook as another Ashley outdoors and then on Instagram and made me do underscores cause they don't do spaces, but another Ashley outdoors as well.

So that's my two handles. And how about you, Justin, if people want to connect with you, it would be a covert on Instagram. That would be the main one. Excellent. All right. You can find us at the range podcast on Instagram and Facebook and you can find me Ricky dot Wayne 80 on Instagram and Ricky W.

Brewley on Facebook. Again, please be sure to head over to our vapor trail YouTube channel. And if you like this episode, be sure to. Be sure to give it a make sure you subscribe and hit that bell so you can be up to date on all things archery. If you're listening do me a favor give us a rating and make sure to give us five stars.

Big thanks to the Coverts for joining us today last minute and good luck with the rest of your season and keep the content coming. [00:30:00] I really do appreciate it and with that we are going to pack up our bows and arrows and we're hitting the range. Have a great day everybody. Thank you. Bye. Vapor Trail is now offering an exclusive discount to the range podcast listeners.

Enter promo code T R P 15. That's t r p 15 at checkout for 15% off V T X Bullrings and Vapor Trail and Stoke Rice, branded t-shirts, hats, and other gear. Woo.

Heard it. Nice shot. Hell went flying. I think he cut the, I think he cut the tube at the bottom.