Don’t Hold Back in the Rut w/ Jacob Myers

Show Notes

Hey everyone, welcome to episode 197 of the Antler Up Podcast!

On this week's episode I was joined by Co-Host of the Southern Outdoorsmen Podcast Jacob Myers! Jacob and Andrew run a phenomenal show and I always have a great time when I am able to catch up with Jacob.   This was a great time to have Jacob on to discuss some rut hunting information and breaking down some hunts and more! This episode is packed with deer hunting stories and tactics that will help you out in the heat of the moment during the rut! Like the title says, Jacob shares why you shouldn’t hold back this rut! Get out there and get after it! 

We begin this episode by hearing Jacob share what is new with him and the podcast and he explains his passion for creating the content he does.  We discuss what is on the docket for the season, takeaways from some recent podcasts, preparing himself mentally and physically for the rut!  Jacob also shares his thoughts on reading sign and when to push the envelope when setting up.  Be sure to check Jacob and Andrew out on their YouTube channel and Podcast every week at The Southern Outdoorsmen! Enjoy this fun episode and see you next week! 

Thanks again for all the support and best of luck out there and Antler Up!

Check out the Sportsmen's Empire Podcast Network for more relevant outdoor content!

Show Transcript

Jeremy Dinsmore: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Antler Up podcast brought to you by Tethered. The world's best saddle hunting equipment, and we have a fun show for you all today.

What's up everybody. Welcome back to this week's episode of the Antler Up podcast. We're on episode 197. And on this week's episode, I was joined by co host of the Southern Outdoorsman podcast, Jacob Myers. Jacob and Andrew run a phenomenal show, and I always have a great time when I have the ability to catch up with Jacob.

This was a great time to have him on because we discussed some rut hunting information and breaking down some hunts and a whole lot more. This episode is packed with deer hunting stories and tactics that will help you out in the heat of the moment during the rut. Like the title [00:01:00] says, Jacob shares why you shouldn't hold back this rut.

Get out there and get after it. We begin this episode by hearing Jacob share what is new with him and the podcast. And he explains his passion for creating the content that he does. We discuss what is on the docket for this season takeaways from some recent podcasts, preparing himself mentally and physically for the rut.

And Jacob also shares his thoughts on reading sign and when to push the envelope when setting up. Be sure to check Jacob out and Andrew out over on their YouTube channel and podcasts every week over on this Southern Outdoorsman podcast and YouTube channel. Enjoy this fun episode. It's always a great time to hear Jacob talk.

Dude has so much passion. I have a lot of respect for him, so definitely give it a listen and enjoy. Best of luck to everybody out there. Antler up.

All right, everybody, real quick, before we get into this episode so up to this point, I'm recording [00:02:00] this a couple days ahead of some big time hunts coming up that I have fun. As I say, big time, I'm talking the timeframe and up to this point, I've been really happy with how the season has gone.

Just want to just touch upon that, let you know what's going on for me just really briefly. So I've. Tried to strategize when I hunt instead of I want to hunt smarter not harder And what I mean by that is really pick my time Spend more time with the family a little bit and you know what it's starting to pay off this year so far Have three does in the freezer, really fun, exciting hunts.

Got my first one on film as well. So if you haven't already done so go check that one out, drop a comment, subscribe, like it really helps me out with all that. And, obviously I'm going to have some more videos and I'm going to try to have more videos out, especially when it comes to gear and other things like that, but really means a lot to me with all the support and the kind messages and the comments on the, on our YouTube, but also on Instagram.

Really means a lot. And that's why I do what I do, [00:03:00] because I'd love getting a chance to bring that out to you and meet new people and have the chance to, we all could just get better as individuals and and as hunters. With that next week. We'll be dropping an episode with Jake Hofer over from the Exodus outdoor podcast and everything.

And, they have some really cool, exciting news coming out right now because they are launching something called the Exodus vault. It's a place to lock in significant savings on their website over on exodusoutdoorgear. com. And it's going to feature one of their best products and one that I've been running for the last couple of years.

And I have two of them and that is the render, which is their flagship customer favorite, really. Camera, which you're going to be able to save 95 on this. Now, the thing with the vault is. No additional coupons could be used because once they're gone, like this item's gone, they're going to be coming out with something new along those lines.

But to show your support for the podcast, just go ahead and put antler up in there. Or a you even if you go ahead and purchase one of these [00:04:00] renders, or also they're going to have arrows or the memory card holder. Just things that are going to be low stock and they're not planning on replacing, but I want to tell you something real quick about the render.

This thing has been flawless for me over the last three, three years that I've used it. And like I said, I have two of them total. I have two rivals. And man. It's funny. My dad just told me the other day of another trail cam company. We've had these cell cameras up on our private mountain for the last couple of years.

And right now to the point we can't even see if it is a buck other than just. Antlers, you can't really tell the difference of it's if it's at a spike. Is it an eight point? Is it a ten point? We have no clue We can't tell but with my renders and my rival on the same Locations we could see clear as day during the night.

They work flawlessly So a five year warranty theft and for damage warranty. It's really been a Favorite for thousands of enthusiasts out there as far as hunters go. So you got flexible data plans, unlimited [00:05:00] images, no glow flash to render will provide critical real time data. And also, right now I know scrape week is on the outs, but you still need it for that Intel.

And if you are able to leave them out all year round. You can't go wrong. Awesome video. Awesome images. So check out the Exodus vault over on exodusoutdoorgear. com. So again, enjoy this fun episode with Jacob. Hope you are staying safe out there. Have fun hunting, get it done. Antler up.

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com. And a special code is made for our listeners. Of the antler up podcast for America's best bowstrings use code antler up and you will save 10 off your order. Spartan Forge stands at the nexus of machine learning and whitetail deer hunting to deliver truly intuitive and science based products that saves the hunter time spent scouting, planning, and executing their hunts.

You have deer prediction, journaling, and the best maps on any hunting app platform there is. Use code ANTLERUP to save 20 percent off your Spartan Forge membership at spartanforge. ai. I like it. So here we go, everybody. Welcome back to this week's episode [00:07:00] of the Antler Up podcast. I'm joined by one of the hosts of the Southern Outdoorsman Hunting Podcast, Mr.

Jacob Myers. Jacob, welcome to the show, man. It's a pleasure to have you back on.

Jacob Myers: Yeah, I appreciate it. It's been a long time coming, Jeremy, but a lot's changed since then, dude. Your show's grown, our show's grown, so many things have happened, man. And look, we're all still here, dude, so we're having a good time.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah, dude, like we just said earlier, we BS for about 19 minutes now. We had a blast doing that, and I look back, it was episode 37. And man, one of the highest downloaded episodes I ever did before, even we went over to Dan Johnson and that that world of the sportsman's empire and everything like that.

So it just was so cool to see how continuously that episode continued to grow even before just people looking you up, and that was a really fun conversation, which I'm sure we could even adapt to some of the things that we've talked about on that one. But, I guess you're saying some things have grown and things are going on with you guys.

So for this, the Northeastern individuals, the PAs, the Michigans, the New York, the guys that are [00:08:00] living under a rock and obviously maybe I'm sure I've had to have heard from you, but those not man, what, or already have what's been new for you and the guys what your podcasts that you've got

Jacob Myers: going on.

Yeah. So since the last time being on here I've been now full time with our show since November of 2021. So that's a pretty awesome deal to say the least, do something that you truly love. But also just with that, probably like you, As a host of one of these shows, when you interview very successful hunters, much more successful than you, myself, you learn so much from those individuals and you're able to actually go out there and apply it and seeing like how things your payoff.

So we're at the five and a half year mark right now on our show. Coming up on six years in February. And in the matter of that last five and a half years, how much more knowledge that, myself has my cohost, Andrew has, and then also all of our listeners, cause we're all learning together when you're interviewing these super successful hunters, specifically in our region of the country, the Southeast, and you're able to go out there and apply and build like a [00:09:00] deeper knowledge base than, any of us probably could have ever done, by ourselves.

So it really shows the power of these podcasts and what someone can really take away from. If you're truly taking notes, going out and applying it and also putting the pieces together and always asking yourself why I was going to start the podcast off with this. And what I mean by asking yourself, why is.

Why are you not having success or why are you having success in these situations? If you're not seeing deer, you need to ask yourself, why, what am I doing? That's possibly causing me not to have the success of even having an observation of a deer, let alone being able to kill one, especially a buck. And the more throughout the years we've done that, the more success we've had, the more success our listeners have had.

And it's been very impactful of just. How asking why can add so much more value to somebody than just going out there, beating your head up against the tree, not knowing why you're not being successful. And of course, if you ask yourself why you'll start getting to uncovering what the problem is and really making yourself a lot more successful in the long run.

Dude, it's

Jeremy Dinsmore: so funny. You say that because a [00:10:00] couple weeks ago, Chad Sylvester, the Exodus outdoor guys, their podcast, they interviewed me for maybe some, a little bit of snippets that there'll be putting out here through the course of the year. And they asked me, what do some of these really amazing successful deer hunters have in common?

And I went to that. I said, I think the most generic, but very Most relatable. And the correct answer is these guys really asked the question why, but to build on that, I said, not only are these individuals asking why they're so really just incredible at adapting and making that calculated move, whether, like you said, either they are successful with.

Fill in a tag or successful being in the game basically. And not just being total, full bore, like, why am I not seeing deer? So the question why with that and then also being able to adapt. I think those two things seamlessly work together and the really diehard and the really great hunters out there are doing [00:11:00] those two things extremely well.

Jacob Myers: Absolutely. It is one of those things that man, it really clicks with you after you start doing that. We'll have guests or we'll have listeners ride in. Talking about like how they've struggled applying different tactics from different guests. And when you start asking them, them question those questions of why are you doing, why do you think you're not seeing this success?

And you start asking just a bunch of why questions. They start coming to realization of potentially what are they doing wrong? Because you might be thinking you're doing everything right, but if you're access is terrible, getting into a spot, especially like on a morning hunt, you're not gonna probably see any deer, right?

Or if you're in a really good spot and you have a really good observation, say in the afternoon, sit. And you get out and you make a ton of noise, you leave a ton of ground sent in an area that's really hard to hunt. You go back in there, you might not have another opportunity. And there's so many other factors of why the word why is so impactful for people.

It's really been impactful for myself, all the listeners, and everybody else, and just applying that to what you're doing. And really, don't just try [00:12:00] something. For a couple of weeks, you hear something on one of these podcasts and you're like, man, I'm going to go out and do it. You try it for two or three hunts.

It doesn't work for me and this doesn't work. There's a bunch of factors that could be happening, truly, it's hard to go apply something that someone's been doing for decades. And you're the first time you're ever going out there. You've never done this before and you're going to go try and do it.

And that's one big factor. Another factor is. When you're trying something new for the first time, you don't have the confidence in it like these guests have been doing again for a longer period of time. So all that kind of plays into a factor, because if you just try something once or twice, you don't see success with it, and you're constantly trying doing different tactics, you're going to constantly bounce around, never having confidence in anything that you're doing, and you're going to truly struggle.

And that's one thing that's happened to me over the last few years is I have very specific things that I now do that I feel very confident at, and it may take me, if we do an out of state trip and. Go to a different state and I might have five days to hunt. It may take me a couple of days in order to find the deer.

But once we find them, having the confidence of how I go about sitting up on those deer [00:13:00] to give you the best opportunities has really paid off big time. Yeah, that's

Jeremy Dinsmore: awesome, dude. The rewind and go not squirrel. But when I told you about the hunt that I already was on, dude, that was a two dayer.

Like I came home late that night after that encounter. And like you said, it's amazing when you start to apply things and ask yourself why, man, that has been one of the biggest improvements, I think, heck, even for me over the last year and a half. It almost took me like a year and a half to finally.

beat myself up, go through some, a couple of walls basically, and smash my head through things until it finally sunk in a little bit. And things have been clicking ever since then. And obviously told you a really cool story with the encounter that I had, you're just saying about the question, why, man, I have to ask this because I've been trying to open up episodes.

I say this now with the guests, a couple of times, just random questions, man, just off topic a little bit then just getting into the tactics and all that stuff. But this one's a really good one being that you [00:14:00] already said that you're doing this full time. Now you're excelling, having a blast.

And again, just always watching you from a few years ago, doing your channel when you'd go to ATA shows, just doing a really good job of. Putting information out there, no matter what it was. And I really respect that it's meaningful. It's great things. So why do you do what you

Jacob Myers: do? Oh, dude, that's an interesting question.

So it's changed now from what it used to be. Early on, it was truly had nothing to do with the listeners. It was like, I want to learn how to become a better deer hunter. Okay. And by doing that, I'm able to interview people that maybe I didn't have a chance to talk to previously, if I didn't have a podcast, cause they probably wouldn't want to talk to a random guy off social media for an hour and a half to really pick their brains.

So it went from what I wanted to get out of it to now seeing the hundreds of listener success stories that we have coming in every single season from, tons of listeners, that's what really drives me. It's like when I interview somebody, I'm like, okay, maybe it's something that I can't necessarily apply to just based [00:15:00] off regional wise, the habitat train difference that maybe, what they hunt compared to what I hunt when it comes to guests.

But I know there's. Ever how many thousands of listeners out there that can then take that information and potentially make it their best season ever by applying what this person talks about. And that's really what drives me now is like, when we get those listeners, success stories that come in. And I get to read the story.

We get to publish the story and kind of pick the listener's brain of what's really helped them be successful by what they've taken away from the show. Gets me so much more excited about producing the show than even just trying to make myself a more better deer, which I am still trying to learn. I'm trying to become better, more consistent as well, but it's really exciting when you get these younger guys or these guys that maybe have been hunting for 30 or 40 years, but they haven't really had the repeatable success.

Here's something they all want to show from somebody else. They're humble enough to go and apply it. And then when they have this success, they ride in dude, I'm 55 years old, been hunting for 35, 40 years. And I just had my best season ever after applying these specific tactics from this specific guest.

And now it's completely changed my perspective, on whitetail hunting. Take the guesswork

Jeremy Dinsmore: out [00:16:00] of building your own arrows for this upcoming season by ordering a custom set of arrows from exodus outdoor gear They have developed and sourced literally the most precise archery components on earth to build a tailored arrow for your hunting adventures Just head over to exodus's website and plug in your specifications in the arrow builder and have your custom set sent straight to your door You have two arrows to choose from one being the mmt arrow, which is a two Four six diameter shaft and the new NIS, which is a two Oh four diameter shaft arrow.

Use code AU to save 15 percent off your tailored arrow order at exodusoutdoorgear. com. Yeah, that's awesome, dude. And the one aspect that I do want to get into is one of your recent guests said, because I want to hear some of the things that you really take away from that. And that is the one that you just did with Rick Cope.

That was a pretty. Awesome episode and I still have to I didn't get a chance to finish it completely just yet However, I know seeing that's the one thing again You do a [00:17:00] really good job of posting on certain Facebook groups and other media outlets where you talk about things as you give some details It seemed like this was a guess that you've been really wanting to get on the show for quite some time You finally got him on.

So what were some of those key? Like your cliff notes. So those that haven't been able to listen to this one, I highly encourage you to go back, feel like this is one where you could apply to a bunch of different areas. It's not just that Southeast region. So what, what were some of your key takeaways from this specific episode from someone that, like I said, you've been trying to get on or been wanting to have on the show for a long time.

So I guess you can even dive into how long you've been wanting that and go into the episode a little bit.

Jacob Myers: Yeah. So Rick coat, which is episode five, 10 of the Southern Outdoorsman Southern Outdoorsman podcast that took two years to actually come about. So I learned about him from my actual listener had written in by man.

This guy, he's my pastor at my local church. He's an unbelievable deer hunter. You ought to get him on the podcast. And I tried to do some research, through social media, [00:18:00] and I couldn't find out much about him until somehow. The listener might have sent me or actually I might have messaged Rick on Facebook and he told me he had this seminar coming out that he was going to do at the church for a bunch of his parishioners that wanted to come and he just wanted to share what he knew.

I sat through digitally through his seminar online, and it blew my mind. And this guy, he's from South Carolina, he's a big feed tree hunter, loves honey oaks when acorns drop and that's like his go to. And he was talking at such a high level on feed trees, and we've interviewed some of the best feed tree hunters I personally think in the Southeast that we've had on the show.

And he was up there, if not even higher, white tail IQ than me.

And I was like, dude, I've got to get this guy on the podcast. And it just took so long by the time I learned about them and we were talking, it was already getting out of that phase of the season, that early season up until a mid season. And we were getting to December time period.

And I'm like, man, I'm just going to save you. We'll get together next year and next year came [00:19:00] through and actually sounds terrible, but I was so busy lining up so many different guests. I couldn't, I almost couldn't, We almost forgot about Rick. And then it happened, by happenstance, someone else reached back out, like me and y'all, we just got back on, we were able to reconnect, and he's a very busy guy, he travels all around the world doing what he does as a pastor, and he's hard to get ahold of.

Extremely hard to get ahold of, but finally we were able to line it up, and I Within the first 10 minutes of the podcast, I'm like, dude, this might be one of our top five episodes we've ever done. And we've had people, listeners write in saying that was the top three episode of all the time for our show.

Some of the bigger takeaways that he talks about. In my opinion, whereas the difference between the average deer hunter who like knows of feed trees, knows like how you can kill deer on oak trees or, soft mass, you have soft mass where you're at in the country, how to go about scouting for it and when to go about hunting it.

And also for targeting bucks and mature bucks as well, because you hear from a lot of people like, man. Features are great for finding deer, but it's not [00:20:00] great for like killing mature bucks. And I've got guests I've had on the show that kind of proved that concept wrong, that they do kill mature bucks in upper echelon mature bucks.

One of our guys who's been on the podcast a bunch Jonathan Moreland from Arkansas. He's killed 180 something inch deer on a feed tree early season with his long boat on camera. You can go check it on YouTube right now. It's pretty awesome video. And he's killed other, hoping young quality bucks, all features, all matured here.

And we've had other guests in the past as well. The thing about South Carolina isn't actually known for giant deer. So your mature buck might be 105 inches. Okay. You're not necessarily talking about 140, 150 class inch white tail, even though there are found there, there's not very plentiful.

And it was fascinating about how he learned from one of his, it really was his mentor, Sonny. Rick talked about how to scout for these feed trees. And as a young man met scouting back in the eighties met Sonny back in the eighties who at that time was in his late fifties. Now I believe he's in his eighties right now, and he was able to show Rick how to go about [00:21:00] finding these features in a very short period of time, finding what trees are the best based on the sign left there and how to go about hunting him and he told a very impactful thing that I think he told Rick that he mentioned the episode You know, don't shoot this deer when he's at 30 or 40 yards, wait until he gets 15 yards from me and kill him because he's coming to where you're positioned at, because typically he tries to climb the feature itself or get very close to it and just how impactful that was for him in a time period when they had this huge hurricane come through in the eighties that knocked down a bunch of trees it made extremely hard to hunt food plots and stuff like that.

And just this very short, subtle tip of how to go about hunting feature. He's completely changed Rick's perspective and he's killed a absolute ton of deer with a bow. And that's directly affected us because it changed my perspective. Like we've interviewed against some other really high quality featry hunters, but the way he was able to go about.

Having that conversation and really get into the weeds on it, I think impacted a ton of people, not just myself and Andrew, but a ton of the listeners as well. And I think that's one of the reasons why we're getting such awesome [00:22:00] feedback from a guest like that.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. And then, man, he's fired up too.

Jacob Myers: Yeah.

He's the kind of guy if I, he'd probably be a fun guy to go to one of his sermons and listen to him talk because yeah, he brings some energy. And we had messages about that. Man, I love his energy. I'm like, dude, that's what you get, man. Yeah, dude is a dude is. Fired up about it. He's excited.

One thing I liked about him and one thing I like about a lot of our guests are really all of our guests, they're all willing to share, bits and pieces of what's helped them be successful to help others who don't have the success, become more successful and be become more confident and have more fun in the woods, because if you're having success.

Getting on deer, killing deer, even observations of deer, this for some guys, it might just gain the observation of seeing a buck. Maybe they haven't seen a mature buck in four years. Just having that opportunity, could be a success for somebody. It makes it more fun while you're out there.

Yeah. I always say this I love going to the woods and spend time in the woods, but I'm trying to go out there and try to become successful and trying to find whether I'm just trying to kill a doe where I'm trying to kill a mature buck, whatever it is. That's much more fun when you're able to put the [00:23:00] pieces together and you're finding the sign you're sitting on the sign You're actually having that opportunity come past you whether or not you execute it, that's on you But at least you had the opportunity to see that and have that that shot opportunity So what

Jeremy Dinsmore: you're saying is exactly how I feel about this past weekend By the time this one airs, I know it's gonna be some time and I've talked about it.

Wouldn't really talk about it that much on the podcast by the time this one airs, but what Jacob just said is the experience I had this past weekend in Maryland. I had some really cool encounters early one morning with a couple of different does and they just skirted me on the outserts.

There were corn and all that stuff. And then. Like I said, Saturday night, with everything going on, just with the bucks coming in and my encounter that I had, I was in the right spot and the right situation and didn't really do anything wrong. Just hit that ground scent. And as soon as he busted up, came in a little bit open cover.

There he was. And man, that's, it would have sucked if I didn't see a single deer. You know what I mean? And, but that one buck that came through a real nice, good buck. He made that trip worth it and allow me to hopefully get back there later this [00:24:00] month. And, Jacob, that's really great that you say, there's certain guests that I'll, bring that energy and are willing to share certain information.

That makes obviously the listeners learning and grow. And the one aspect I have to talk about, you've already mentioned it is having that listener success. And I like when you post that stuff, because there are things that. Other people could learn and grow from these people. And these are individuals that you may, you don't have on the show.

It's not their listener success stories. So that's really cool to see that you guys do that because not only can we listen to a certain guests and learn and grow, but then also get a chance to read some of these listeners success stories, which is really cool because they're the ones out there putting the, what they're listening to and the knowledge together and be successful.

Jacob Myers: Yeah, and dude, I'll say this is a quick segment. We had a listener success story. A guy come up to us he's a younger kid. I think he's 21, 22 years old. His name's Tracy Brooke and he's from Alabama. He actually, we met him at a trade show, came by the trade show, talked to us. And he had an unbelievable story where he didn't come from like [00:25:00] a hunting family.

Nobody in his family hunted. He got interested in hunting through his employer that he was working with. I think he still works with today and his employer told him, if you work with me. Throughout this summer and this fall, I'll take you out and let you get your first year this fall in my hunting club and he's able to do that.

It was back in 2020, he was able to go out and kill his first year. It was a button, but spike, but cool. And the next year going to the 2021 season, didn't know anything about the show and he was like, man, I'm gonna try and go out and get permission. Like he's watched much YouTube videos, guys hunting kind of urban properties.

He was trying to get permission to hunt places and really didn't get a lot of permission properties and the boys that he did. He just didn't have the confidence of hunting and really didn't get any opportunities. And he learned about the show the following season going to January of 2022, learned about the show, started listening to the show, started applying the show, bought his first bow ever, never grew up bow hunting, never grew up shooting a bow, bought his first bow ever, started hunting public land.

And he hunted six different pieces of public land in Alabama. He killed a total of 10 deer during the season killed eight with his bow, two with his rifle[00:26:00] was one buck away. You get three bucks in Alabama. He was one buck away from actually shooting his full limit of three bucks and filling all three tags and just couldn't recover the last buck shot with a bow, couldn't recover it.

But he killed 10 deer his very first year after applying all this stuff. And what he's told us and the impactful part of it, and this is what kind of gets me fired up about doing the podcast and even shows like this, where even I can come on and, we can talk a lot about this is he was able to pull information out from different guests about, habitat diversity and hunting transition edges and going out there.

He failed a lot of bow season early in the season. He said it took him 30 since he could hunt a lot with his work schedule. 36 to figure out how the deer were using the areas. And then after that, he could go when he's like nearly every time I went in. I had a shot opportunity here. And he killed 10. He missed 13 with a So it's just crazy how much opportunity that he was able to get.

And again, stories like that get me so excited because he killed two really nice bucks, dude. And the third buck he said was bigger than the other two. And I'm like, that is awesome. And now he's getting a couple of his buddies into hunting just because [00:27:00] that success and he's able to take them out there as well.

Dude, that is

Jeremy Dinsmore: fantastic to hear. I love hearing that. And I've asked both this question and I want to ask you this one. And this, again, this is more so of a personal thing. And I think listeners will get a lot out of it as well. You've been doing it five, plus years, like you said, six coming up and over 500 episodes some great things listening to some unbelievable hunters.

And we talked a little bit about it earlier. And I talked about it. When do you think. And you've been applying things for you, right? Like you said, you've been learning and growing and applying different tactics and strategies. Do you feel like you've come into Jacob's own with your own strategy?

You might do a little bit here and there to test something out or try something different. Like I think, I've heard Bo say this a bunch of times where, you know, obviously being mobile and doing all this stuff and, and he was just like, man. When it comes to this spot at home, I know how to hunt this.

Like, why am I trying something totally different? Not being successful when he just. Does Bo [00:28:00] right when he does what's to tried and true, do you feel like you went through that phase and do you feel like now you're at Jacob's own, I guess you could say as far as your strategy, your mindset, all that different

Jacob Myers: things.

I would yes. And I would call it more confidence in what I do and now have a very specific way I go about hunting. And that's really formulated over the last few years of putting more pieces together and actually, like we mentioned earlier, asking why, but also going out there and testing it.

And when you're having that success, why was I successful on this hunt, whether it was an observation or I kill a deer and putting those pieces together and that's tremendously helped over the last few years and built more confidence in myself that, when we travel and go to different places, I have, if I have a few days to hunt, I feel.

Confident if we're in this specific habitat type that I really like, which we can talk about in this episode. I feel like I can get opportunities at a buck, whether it's just observation, which is sharpening. I feel like I get myself in the position. If I have a few days to hunt and that's really taken back to, really applying a lot more that, was discussed in the show and figuring out what works [00:29:00] best for me.

So one thing I like, I just mentioned is. Finding the habitat that I really like to hunt, which for me I'll hunt a bunch of different habitats, from, anywhere in the Midwest, the Southeast, potentially going to get to the Northeast the next year or two. What I feel very confident hunting habitat wise is rolling hills, if not a little bit more steeper terrain mixed timber, both hardwoods and pines with clear cuts with timber cuts.

I feel very confident hunting that kind of habitat and getting on deer. I've also had success hunting big river bombs and killing deer that way. Killing bucks that way had some. I've hunted Iowa now twice, and I've had luck, of course, late season hunting that kind of ag I've hunted ag and other areas at different points of the season had some success there as well, but definitely my bread and butter is like the areas where you have a lot more timber cuts and that rolling hill topography and really focusing on the thermal aspect in those kind of areas and how that can play such a factor for you.

I always, the thing that's the most where I had the least confidence is super flat land. Whether it's ag or big robot [00:30:00] where it's super flat and there's not a lot of habitat diversity that you can see on a map. That is where I'm like, God, dude, this is going to be rough. Cause at that point, it's so much more, it's always boots on the ground, but so much more boots on the ground.

When you can't find stuff on a map to go in and really spot check, you have to burn so many more miles in those areas. And like the big river bottom stuff I've been hunting the last couple of years. Like in Arkansas, it's been like that. Like you can look at a map and I might have an idea what this looks like, but when you get on the ground, it may look completely different than what you thought it was.

And you have to cover 10, 15, 20 miles in order, over a couple of days in order to figure out like where the deer at during that time of the season. You're there. And then figure out how you're going to go about hunting that. But yeah, like I, that's one of the reason why I can relate with a lot of you guys up in PA some steeper train, mixed timber with the clear cuts.

I'm like, I love that. And again, that's one of the reason why we talked about potentially coming to PA at some point. Just applying what we do in the Southeast up there. And I think it would relate really well. Cause the conversations I've had with guys like Bo. There's a lot of similarities there, yeah, you're, a long ways away from where we're at, 12 [00:31:00] plus hours away, but it seems like it hunts very similar to how we do it down here.

Yeah, I, where

Jeremy Dinsmore: you're hunting, man, I consider that still the big woods, some of the things and some of the videos that you guys are putting out, like the one that you and Andrew had that really cool success. I think you guys aired it last year. I, if I could if I'm speaking correctly and all that stuff.

And it was really cool to see what you guys were doing. And you were just saying about the wind and thermals, that's still the aspect that, these guys that are hunting PA big woods, mountains, and don't matter where, I guess you could say, obviously I'm saying PA being located here. That's it takes a little bit to, to figure those things out.

I know it sounds basic of. Understanding, but actually getting in there and like where you alluded a lot of too early alluded to earlier about your access, right? And like how your winds and thermals play huge dividend and yeah, man, it could really either make or break your hunt.

Jacob Myers: Oh man. Yeah. And then also something I've learned in that kind of habitat, and I haven't necessarily seen this a whole bunch in the flatland of hunting, especially like [00:32:00] big river bongs, but.

Especially in hill country or more mountainous country that like that thermal place, such a role for getting bucks on their feet. I had a hunt in Arkansas a couple of years ago, hunting some mountains and big elevation change, probably similar to some of the stuff that you guys have in parts of PA where, you're talking, a couple of thousand feet of elevation change or, anywhere between 800 and, 1500 feet of elevation change.

And on those light and variable condition days where you don't have a lot of wind speed. How much like the thermal switch, especially like with a falling thermal in the afternoon, how much of a factor that is for getting a buck on his feet in those conditions. I had a hunt there a couple of years ago, it was not necessarily light and variable.

I think we had probably three mile an hour wind and I was hunting a big ridge system on this mountain. I was running North to South. And access was like halfway up that ridge system. So you didn't have to go up, eight, nine or feet in elevation. You had to go a few hundred feet in elevation from the access point, especially if you were hunting up or down, but in that situation, finding an area where there was a ton of a ton of buck sign scrapes and rubs real close to the access road that you could drive in on, [00:33:00] which is like a little two track, like just a logging road.

You could drive back in on and finding all that sign in where it was coming off the top of that big bridge system. And in that area, they had done a lot of select cutting where they didn't do a full clear cut where all the trees were cut out, they came through and they did a select cut or as Andrew said, like a high grade cut where they were leaving a lot of these big oaks, as they see trees and they're limiting a lot of the competition around them.

So real high stem count the kind of stuff that, at that point season in late October, all the leaves were pretty much falling off the tree at that point. So you could see through the samples. You could walk through them, but if you get elevated, you couldn't really shoot down into that stuff.

And if you're on a spot where I backtracked a lot of that buck sign going back up that ridge, just falling rubs and scrapes and just some subtle trails going up the ridge. And I can look on the maps, especially using slope angle shading and you can see there's like a subtle bench up there. There's looked like a little rock outcropping coming off the side of the mountain, probably 150 feet from the top.

And while I was coming in on a east facing slope. And the thing is it was an afternoon [00:34:00] hunt at two 30 in the afternoon. It didn't get dark there until six 37 o'clock almost at two 30, when that sun went over the backside of that Ridge and the wind was coming out the Northwest and your North, it was so calm right there.

The second the sun went over that Ridge at two 30, there was already a falling thermal and probably within 30 to 40 minutes of that falling thermal, I could hear deer getting up probably. 100 yards above me up along that bench. And you could hear start walking around and feeding popping acorns.

Unfortunately, I wasn't quite close enough to where they were moving from, so they held hang up there and they were feeding around. You could hear him walk around and popping acorns. But I was just slightly too far out of range in order to get the opportunity of those deer. But it's like those kind of things play such a factor when you start paying attention to thermals and like I did episode with Bo talking about thermals and how much that's played a factor for us after interviewing some super high quality guests on those topics and what we've taken away from it and actually going out and apply.

In seeing how much that plays a factor for buck movement in those times, especially when the winds are not very [00:35:00] high in the wind speeds. It's just played out so well for us. And that's one of those things that I really try to pay attention to, especially early in the season. Finding those north facing slopes, those cooler areas.

That you're going to have a falling thermal much earlier in the day, in the evening, that potentially would get a buck on his feet a lot more kind of moving around as he's transitioning to feeding or potentially going to go check some more doe bedding areas.

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Use code antler up seven 50 for $750 off, or antler up 25 to save 25% off the site, excluding the roam. So check out ride pwr. com and prepare for your next adventure. I actually, this would be now two years ago. It was the first week into the season that Saturday and my initial plan to hunt. Back in Northeast Pennsylvania was this bottom that I have had success hunting multiple years hunting up there in a different area.

And just the way the wind was, it was going to be tough to access it. It wasn't in the best. It's a north facing slope and like what you were just saying. And the thermals do. Like you said, if, depending on how, what, what's happening, they will drop pretty early [00:37:00] and it just didn't seem right to that early.

It's one of my quote unquote, better spots, I guess you could say, and when hunted the other kind of, it would be the more of the Eastern side a little bit, just to play to win and do it a little bit of an observation said, and maybe whack a dough type of ordeal. And as soon as I was leaving.

I got in my truck, it was, headlamp was on, it was dark out and I had a cell camera down below on a mock scrape and boom, right at, I don't know, hunting light was done by 25 minutes. So he was, he was well past that, but he was up on his feet or obviously was a really good eight pointer and one that I would shoot every day of the week back at home and.

It that early in the year, like you just said, and it just things that things set up perfectly for that buck. And I've looked at like why he, where the direction he was coming from and deer usually do not come from that direction. And it just, [00:38:00] when was a little bit more in his favor, all that type of stuff.

And I said to my dad, Even if I would have quote unquote went in there I wouldn't have seen him because he would have smelled me and just it would have been game over before it started so it was like a it was an interesting thing for me to learn that because how now we Maneuver around that mountain a little bit is it's changed a lot for heat My dad and I my dad has hunted that area for 30 plus years longer than that than I've been alive So it's pretty interesting to see and how much more success especially he's had over the last couple years with applying some of these Strategies

Jacob Myers: Yeah, absolutely.

It's, we even have guests that will ride in that not only are the guests, the podcasts are already really successful, but they still listen. And, they'll message me or send me a text message or something like that. Man, this guy, you just had on something clicked for me. I, he's got my wheels turning, thinking about something else.

And to me, that's really exciting as well. Even when you interview someone who's really successful, but they're not just stuck in their ways. They're constantly trying to learn. And some of the best deer hunters I've ever talked [00:39:00] to, or had the chance to Are constantly trying to learn. They're not just a hundred percent.

This is all I do. If I can figure out that one other slight thing that maybe gives me a slight more edge or something else to pay attention to, they'll focus on it and even, try to replicate some of that in addition to what they're already having success with. And that's super fascinating.

So to me, one thing about these shows that really shows me a lot of value for a listener is no matter your experience level, there's always potentially something that might just be 1 percent of a conversation that you can take away and maybe it makes that light bulb go off for you.

But when it does, it gives you the opportunity to be able to go out there and potentially apply something that you didn't think about or do something you haven't thought about previously before and test that with something that you're already doing, having success with and seeing if it adds even more value to your hunting style and helps you even come more successful.

So I think that's a really big part as well. And to me, that's really exciting, especially with some of these podcasts. There's always this, the subtlest. A bit of information you can always take away to make you think about something a little bit differently. So maybe when you get in that situation, I've heard about this [00:40:00] before, when it shows maybe trying to let me do this instead of that, based on what i've done or what i've listened to and seeing how that directly applies for them.

Yeah. So

Jeremy Dinsmore: Here's a question for you. What do you think are like, what do you think is like the top factor of getting buck up on their feet and that deer movement? Do you think it's weather

Jacob Myers: it depends on the time of year. I've seen early, like early season, like Andrew's had some really good hunts.

I was able to join him a specific year down in Georgia, but him, our buddy, Michael Pike on an early season in 102 degree weather and had some of the best movement they've ever seen. Mature bucks, big bucks moving, very close to getting shot opportunities, bucks, just out of range, a little bit too thick in areas.

And it's not really playing a factor like the heat wasn't as much of a factor. Like books are moving to 30 in the afternoon, early season, early September. I think whether, I think definitely if you looked at a deer study, so I'll bring it back to deer studies and I have some qualms with some of these different deer studies and how they pull data, these GPS collar studies.

But Mississippi state university had a report on this, [00:41:00] that the biggest factor for whether or not just deer in general were being killed was whether or not it was a Saturday. Okay. Okay. It was Saturday and the most you're going to get killed. And of course we can all agree that, most people have the time, the day be off to go hunt.

Cause they were checking it with weather patterns and moon and all that kind of stuff. But I think you can get a lot more in the details and nitty gritty with this, especially when it comes to like additional hunting pressure because I've interviewed guys that talked about. They like to hunt on a rising temperature day when the temperature is actually going up for a couple of factors.

Number one, most guys aren't going to spend time in the woods if the temperature is rising. If the temperature is falling, guys will get in the woods. So when the temperature is rising, it's going to be a little bit less pressure. But also, one of these guys, Clifton Dennett, he's also from Arkansas, he talks about When you have that weird temperature swing, whether it's going up in temperature or down in temperature, the bucks shift bedding a little bit.

It was going up in temperature. He might try to move back to a slightly more shady area, a little more cooler, a little more wind a little more breeze opportunity for him to stay a little cooler. He may get down a little subtle draw, close to some water, something like that, that he may [00:42:00] do differently, which is going to get him on his feet and give you shot opportunities.

If you're hunting, when that rising temperature is happening, same thing on the falling temperature, he may shift bedding a little bit. Hey, Courser in the rut. May make them a little more frisky, but I think the temperature thing, everybody feels more confident. If you're hunting a day where you get, 20 degree temperature drop, that morning or that the evening before you're going out there, you're like, Oh man, it's going to be perfect.

But also I've hunted days like that, during the rut where it's like, there's a lack of movement in our deer down here in Alabama, specifically, if we get one of those really crazy temperature drops, which our temperature. It doesn't get nearly as cold as it does where you guys are at. But if we get those days where it's getting down in the low twenties, upper teens and it might get up to 40 something degrees a day or 35 degrees.

Those deer do not want to move until that sun is way up. Like you're not going to have a lot of deer moving super early. Like you're going to see deer moving. 11 o'clock noon, one o'clock, two o'clock, and that's going to be your movement times. And if you're not in the woods and you're only hunting to nine to 10 o'clock in the morning, you're not going to see any gear that day.

So I think that's another huge factor, but for me, just like [00:43:00] most guys, if I have a cold front coming in, I'm a guy, I sweat a whole bunch. It just makes me feel more comfortable going to the woods. But also one thing that we've learned a lot recently is when you have a shift in wind direction.

So say like in our area of the country, we get a decent amount of northwest winds, but when you have this southeast breeze that we'll have for four or five days, and all of a sudden it shifts 180 degrees and starts coming out of the northwest. Something about that wind shift shifts movement.

And for that first day or so of that wind shift, seems like there's going to be deer on their feet, reshifting to different bedding locations, if it's the rut bucks are going to check no bedding areas, slightly different that day, which gives you a better opportunity than when it's been the exact same wind direction for the last seven days.

There's something about that, that 180 degree wind switch that seems to get bucks on their feet and gives you more opportunities when you go in the woods. Also. Dude, I love hunting in the rain. We've talked about this a whole bunch on our show, but especially during the rut or pre rut, if you can just suck it up now, if it's lightning and thunderstorms, that's slightly different, but if it's one of those days where you might [00:44:00] have some downpours and it's going to be showering throughout the day.

Whether you're hunting with, archery equipment, muzzleloader, rifle, it doesn't matter if you can, get you some decent rain gear that's durable. It's not going to rip on you when you're going through some cover and you can slip your way into some spots. You can have some awesome hunts those days.

It's just miserable when you're on the stand or in the saddle that, you're getting pelted by rain. Yeah, you get rain gear on, but dude, this is sucks. But for whatever reason, those conditions, it seems like it gets bucks on their feet specifically, especially where we're at in the Southeast, like that's a huge factor that, we've seen with a lot of the different deer studies that when it starts raining, those deer on their feet, they're using it to their advantage and really covering some ground.

Yeah, I love that,

Jeremy Dinsmore: dude. I, that's what I encountered too. I sucked it up. It was thundering and lightning and hunkered down. And as soon as it, it was raining really well for a long time and. Once that rain started lightening up a little bit, it was just the wind blowing the water basically off the leaves is when I had that encounter with that buck, which was cool.

And I set up over a scrape just came from that wrong direction, like I said earlier, but it was [00:45:00] looking at how it was. The last two days high nineties that day on Saturday, it was 85, but still felt like 92. And like you said, dear, we're still moving. It's not, nothing was changing. It's just a matter of finding them.

And like what you were saying earlier, you're like finding things that you'd like to hunt. That's what I did. I was looking at the map. This reminds me a little bit more of home. I'm going to go here. And obviously I fell right into, to some really good sign and, it brought me home basically.

And I felt confident, right? That's what you're just saying, being confident and stuff like that. You were just talking about the rut, Jacob, and, when it comes to preparing. For that rut timeframe. So for example where are you going to be this upcoming year during let's just say just to be more universal, I guess you could say not being your specific front in Alabama, where, what's your timeframe for November?

Or October 31st through November 16th. Like, where are you going to be there in this timeframe?

Jacob Myers: So this is going to be really interesting for yourself and a lot of listeners. Alabama based off a [00:46:00] absolute ton of research that the state's done over the last 15, 20 years has five distinct different rut times based off the region, the state that you're in.

I don't even typically in November, I may hunt Alabama a little bit, but I'm traveling to States actually have a November rut. There's a few areas in Alabama that do have that mid November, almost like a later November, okay. But a lot of stuff we hunt in Alabama, like you're not even getting that, like you might get some pre run activity in November, but it's really not even getting heated up until the second week of December going through January, depending on where you're at.

And when I'm saying five different distinct ruts, I'm not talking about like a secondary rut or anything like that. They've done fetal studies where they've killed those, late in the season going into, February, March, the state has and done fetal measurements on windows and specific areas of the state are being bred and getting an average to in Alabama or DNR has a really good map online.

It showcase the different regions of the state based off the different rut maps, and it's fascinating because. If I was a guy in Alabama, I didn't travel out of state. You could literally hunt rutting deer or [00:47:00] pre rutting deer from October 31st all the way through January 28th or so. But just by moving in different parts of the state now, go back to your question, late October, early November time period.

I'm going to be in Arkansas during that period of time, they have a November rut. We've had some very good hunts over their last few years. And we'll capitalize, hopefully capitalize there. We have got quite some time to hunt in Arkansas before we come back to Alabama.

And then when we come back to Alabama, we're going to be hunting that pre rut time period, which I've had guys we've had on podcasts really have a ton of success hunting scrapes, around Thanksgiving time period, we're having bucks checking scrapes, especially you talking about what we discussed earlier with your deer.

Right after a front hits, if you can be in the woods, like if it stops raining at 4am and you can be in the woods sitting over a really good community scrape by daylight, you've got a chance to potentially have a buck come back in there and work that scrape. And we've had when we got on the podcast he's been a co host a little bit on one episode in the past.

He killed, I think it's four deer in the last three years [00:48:00] on scrapes on a specific piece of Alabama and a lot of these deer he's killing at 15 yards or less because of how thick the cover is and he's had tremendous success doing that. But really, just based off where we live, I like to travel to other states during that time of year.

Down here, it's just a feed tree pattern at that time. Bucks aren't even really doing pre rut. They're really not sparring or anything at that point in the season. So in our season is very long here. We hunt from October, generally middle October season this year, we'll open October 14th for us.

And it goes to February 10th. So we'll hunt here for a few, a week or so hunting feed trees. And then when that pattern shifts a little bit to different food sources we'll start bouncing to some different States. And then when it starts getting to pre rut in Alabama, we'll come back to Alabama.

Really January we'll hunt Mississippi late Jane or late December this year for a rut hunt as well. But we're able to dissect different parts of the state and really capitalize on it. So that's one thing I love about living down here in the deep South is we can capitalize on other States for us.

Like I come with the PA and it does not affect me one bit back home. I don't miss anything other than trying to kill a deer on a feed tree.[00:49:00] So that is a huge advantage of where we're at, but we've got, we'll be hunting Tennessee this year, Alabama, Georgia. Mississippi and Arkansas this season. So that brings

Jeremy Dinsmore: up a great segue for me, Jacob, for you.

Because, when you look at Arkansas, right? And you're planning this hunt, this is that rut for them. And you're planning on, what's your, how do you prepare yourself? With a game plan mentally your checklist your strategy, you know How are you going up with that gate coming up with that game plan to attack this?

Like you said you've had success there in the past So what are some of these things because obviously yeah find the does all that type of stuff But what's some nitty gritty things? Have you been able to you know when it comes to developing this game plan that you think has helped you be?

Successful or put or at least help lead to

Jacob Myers: success Number one dude. I love doing this when you hunt out state Is you don't, I'm the kind of guy, I don't want to go to the place that everybody talks about. Okay. There, there's [00:50:00] some play every state's like this, every state's like this, when it comes to public land, there are specific pieces that a lot of people know about.

And for good reason, like they kill some really big deer, but typically those areas have the most hunting pressure. So if you take the numbers in consideration of based on how many hunters are hunting that area, and you look at what's called a mandate, if you get five guys. On say like a lease hunting on a Saturday, that'd be five man days for that one day.

Okay. Cause everybody's doing their own thing, but you're talking about some of these pieces of public land that yeah, they kill giant deer, but there's, 10 times or 20 times the amount of hunters in those places. If you look at the actual ratio of your opportunity, it's going to be probably lower than the average, than some of these other parcels that maybe aren't as known about or discussed about so I like to look at areas that.

Aren't well known for maybe producing a lot of mature bucks. But one reason why that is, it just doesn't get a lot of hunting pressure. And that comes into doing a lot of research, talking a lot of different people like I got a lot of context for Arkansas, a bunch of contacts for a bunch of other States as well, and talking about, what's an area that looks good for me on the map that again, stuff I like [00:51:00] to hunt but maybe I don't see it a whole bunch as in like on social media, you can go to any of these Facebook groups, every state has.

A publicly in hunting group for that state. Some states have multiple. Alabama's got a couple. Georgia's got a couple. Arkansas's got a couple. They all have a bunch of them. Illinois, same thing. And you can just start looking up names of management areas in those groups, okay? And a lot of people were willing to post stuff about where they killed at and all this kind of stuff.

And you can see where a lot of attention is getting drawn. After you do that, one thing I love to do is if I'm interested in the area, I typically try to find the game warden or the conservation officer and or the biologist that covers that either piece of public or that region, the state and pick their brain on.

Deer numbers, hunting pressure numbers success rates, all that kind of stuff. Some states are better than others when it comes to tracking success rates, but they can, a lot of times, they can at least tell you what's the hunting pressure typically like in those areas. There's areas I, I think of like Tennessee, for example, I've got a pretty good relationship to one of the game wars that covers, this region of the state.

[00:52:00] And he always tells me, he's dude, if you come here and hunt October until the first week of November, you're not going to see a lot of guys. But if you start coming out here, mid November, late November, that's when all the locals are out hunting and there's a reason why is because you're getting a lot more into the rut that period of time and they kill big deer that time, but if you can hunt during that pre rut time period, you can potentially have a lot of success and then not have a ton of hunting pressure as well in addition to, when you're out there.

So I try to take all that in perspective and then also looking at access, if it's an area that's like. A lot of piece of public land we have in Alabama is extremely roaded up, it has a ton of road systems some are drivable, some have gates on them, you have to walk past them, and you can't use e bikes in Alabama on public land, so that really limits eliminates a lot of pressure, but you go to a state like Arkansas, or Missouri, or Georgia, where they allow e bikes, I think Tennessee is the same way, if they allow e bikes, Those gated roads don't mean anything.

You just imagine that checked out the list. There's guys with e bikes, they can fly two miles down that road that you'd have to walk down if you didn't have an e bike. So that takes a [00:53:00] lot into consideration. So trying to find areas that, that's less of an option, especially in a state like Arkansas, something I pay attention to less road access and also looking for other creative access, whether it's boat access, whether you get the hike in a super long ways, and there's not a lot of good parking areas.

All that kind of comes into a factor for me when I'm looking at a piece to potentially hunt and maybe I go to a piece that's maybe not as well known for big bucks, that one 50, one 60 plus inch deer, but I can go to an area that I know confidently that. I can probably find mature bucks there.

He might be 110 inches or he might be a one 40. I don't know until I get there. But typically when you go to those areas, you're going to have a lot less hunting pressure. And that's typically what I'm looking for is where can I go where there's a lot less hunting pressure. I'm getting away from the crowds.

Cause I'm going to a piece of public land that's not well known about, or maybe not as highly discussed about and other than a few locals, you don't have a lot of punting pressure on those specific properties.

Jeremy Dinsmore: How much does the access play a role for you during that timeframe? Because obviously, especially more, let's like lean towards more of that rut timeframe.

[00:54:00] It's, when bucks are, could be a little bit more stupid and catch them a little bit, how important is that access route for you during that time?

Jacob Myers: Extremely important. And I've learned this the hard way over the takeaway I've learned from the podcast and in mishaps and situations where, to me, access is so critical, especially if you're hunting public land or if you're hunting some leased property, a lease or a hunting club, you get a bunch of buddies in it or a private farm you got access to, especially if it's not like thousands of acres, you can burn some stuff up really quickly and educate a ton of deer if you don't have a really good access and an exit route.

I probably am a little bit different because some of these spots I may hunt once and never come back to the whole year. So I don't really care about the access all that much. I just want to be able to get in super clean or if there's certain areas I'm like, I know I'm going to hunt here at least four or five times a season, like in this general area, I'll try to figure out like, what's the best exit or exit route coming out of those locations.

Entrance routes, you really got to look at a couple of things. Like what is everybody else doing and doing what everybody else is doing isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as you can jayhook back [00:55:00] into a spot because there's a there was a hunt last year and I've given this example a little bit on our show where a piece of public land in Alabama you come up and you park at this gate and they had clear cut a lot of the timber right next to the road on this piece of public.

And when you park at the gate, it's Fairly open. It's what we call a broom sedge. It's this tall grass. It's real yellow, real golden yellow gets, four or five feet tall gets pretty dense. And like you could have a deer staying 15 yards from me. If you're on the ground, you would never see that deer.

You'd hear him, but you're not going to see him. And this place was a lot like that. And typically in this area, when you park at this gate and you walk in and you can walk in for a very long ways on this roadway, that kind of goes back into this property. And there's a bunch of different clear cuts all throughout this road system.

You'd find these big buck tracks, not far from the truck, like you really wouldn't like you go, 100 yards past the truck down this road bed. And you'd see big tracks crossing right there, there was clear cut and you're like, dude, how do I hunt this? And there was a couple trees, couple big pines that you get like 300 yards from the truck.

Okay. Not super far from the truck. [00:56:00] And watch that axis point and watch that clear cut. And this is now, this is specifically a rifle hunt. This isn't archery. This is a rifle hunt specifically here in this example. And we went to this spot. And we had, I think three of our buddies meet us there.

So it was me, Andrew, and then three buddies. So we had five guys hunting from this one access point. Everybody other than me and Andrew hiked back in three, three quarters of a mile back, got set up. And me and Andrew were like, dude, we're going to hunt right over here. Really? Like you could shine your headlamp, get a bright headlamp.

You can almost see the trees from the truck. I'm like, yeah, I'm like, I think there's an opportunity here to catch a buck slipping on this backside where everybody's walking past daylight hit. No, no movement. Buddy shirt, Texas. Hey, get deer up and moving. And I look up and I've got a really nice three and a half year old eight point walking right at me from the truck.

And at the time I see it, he's 80 yards from me. Okay. And there's nowhere he came from. It's just that grass and there's nothing on the other side of the road. Like he was somewhere in that general vicinity of the vehicles and he's walking right towards me. And it was a really nice deer. If I hadn't interviewed a couple other podcast guests, like literally a couple of weeks previously, I probably would have shot the deer, but [00:57:00] I just knew there's bigger bucks out there.

And I'm like, we're just going to pass it here. He walks up 30, 40 yards from me. I'm filming them, sent to the buddies. And of course they're like, man, why don't I hear a gunshot? I'm like there's there's a lot bigger deer I've seen here earlier in the season that I know is in his general area. So we're going to give him pass and he did his own thing.

Kind of meandered off. And again, the, where he walked came from and where he left to, if you were hunting in a traditional stand location, you would have never seen this deer, never would have seen this deer probably a couple of hours later. It's probably 11, 11 o'clock, almost noon. And we were going to sit till at least two o'clock that day.

It's early point of the rut. Two of my buddies, they had to walk back to their trucks. And when they're walking back, they're literally 120 yards from me. Like I'm watching them walking through there. They're looking at me like, man, that's the stain you're hunting. And they're texting me.

I'm like, yeah, dude. They get back to their truck and I can see the trucks. They start their truck up and they're just talking and stuff. I didn't care because the deer are used to it. A buck gets up not 30 yards from the trucks. There was like a couple trees right there and some tall grass.

He gets up from a bed and starts going back across in private land next to us, which [00:58:00] is pretty open. And I text the guys, it wasn't a shooter, but I was texting the guys like, Hey guys, you just had a buck 35 yards from you guys. Bedded there. Let you walk within 10 yards of them down the road bed and get to your trucks.

And he slipped up the backside. Y'all never knew he was there. And it opened my eyes and perspective about access that you don't always have to go in as far as possible, especially if a lot of other guys are doing that specifically, I see that in areas where they have a lot of roadbeds, a lot of logging roads, a lot of guys are like, man, I'll walk a mile and a half back and I may only get 200 yards off the access point, like the logging trail, the roadbed.

But a lot of guys, if they had the opportunity, they're going to walk past a ton of deer and a ton of sign that, if you're a little more open minded, you can find now on the flip side. Other pieces of public land we've hunted. That's maybe less accessible when you have less access roads to me.

That's where you have a lot more guys are like, I'm going to punch in there. I want to get in there. I'm going to get way off an access road. Cause there's not a lot of them. And to me, that's where, you can get away from some people. You can push in a little, maybe a little bit further than everybody else does, and I've had success there as well.

Like we had [00:59:00] killed that hunt. You were talking about with Andrew, we killed three bucks in there in that spot within four days. And I, to the deer, I shot her two and a half miles in on that piece of public way to pack them out. And you could have gone a lot further than that if you wanted, but a lot of the hunting pressure because of that, a lot of guys are staying a little bit close to the truck is really rugged.

And they just didn't want to punch in there that far. And it really paid off. So there's some places it can really hurt you by like how far you're going in access wise, if it's really roaded up, because you could walk from one road system. If you walk at mile, you could walk yourself right back into more pressure.

Hunting around another road bed versus an area that's a lot less roaded up. You can maybe potentially get away from a lot more people and hunt more subtle terrain features that most people would overlook on the maps. Also boat access has been big for us trying to use boat access in a bunch of different places, especially when we hunt river bottoms, some of these places you can hike into some you can't.

And, when you're in a state like Alabama, we're like, Doug, hunting's not as big, like Arkansas, like you go to Arkansas, use a boat. Everybody and their mother has a couple of boats, especially when you start getting into the area of the state that's known for duck [01:00:00] hunting. But, and those are areas that you could get away from people by walking.

If you use a boat, great. Don't hunt next to the boat. I still hike in a quarter mile. It's a different spot. That's unassessable by boat and you can get away from a lot of pressure. So that's another really big factor as well for us and keying on some of that. But my thing that one thing I've been paying attention to a lot more recently really happened in the last year is.

Finding those overlooked spots. You hear guys like Dan and Fulton talking about this kind of dating the fat chick, the spot that everybody looks at. And they're like, dude, why would you sit right there? And I had another hunt in this very similar location. I was just talking about with those trucks parked there.

I was on a very similar location, close to that area. Had another three and a half year old seven point come by me right at last light, and I'm not 110 yards off the side of the road and my buddies. They were on the other side when they came to walk back. I had to stay in the tree for a little bit longer because this buck was just lingering, feeding on oaks underneath my tree.

That buck could see their headlights as they were walking out of the woods from the other side of the road. And they're talking, I could hear them claiming his day when they were walking back. And he stood there rock solid until they [01:01:00] started the trucks off. And when he stopped hearing the gravel pop from their trucks, that's when he continued back to feed it.

So that's really changed my perspective in those really rooted up areas. A lot of times you can have a ton of success, close to access points, as long as it's overlooked. If it's next to those areas, people are constantly thinking about driving past or walking past. You can have a lot of success in those areas.

Yeah. So

Jeremy Dinsmore: let me ask you, I want this. I want Jacob Myers is like your top three. Rut hunting strategies or like you're like, these are the three things that I have to abide by.

Jacob Myers: Okay. Yeah. So number one is like fairly clean access. If you're walking back and hunting dough bedding areas, get some really good train features and you're blowing out all the deer on the way in and they're out lingering feeding in the dark and you're going on a morning hunt.

You're yourself. I thought, yeah, you might have a buck come by that was, half a mile away. When he gets in there and doesn't smell any other deer. He's probably not going to punch into where you're trying to set up on. So that's a really big thing. So even during the rut, taking access to [01:02:00] consideration, like how can I get into a spot like backdoor and area that the deer aren't at right now, but I'm going to catch them coming back into later is huge.

Specifically around a lot of clear cuts for us, finding what's called an SMZ streamside management zone, which is where down where we're at, they can't cut all the way down to the creek bottoms. They have to leave a buffer of timber around those creek bottoms. Okay. Typically, you're going to find a lot of deer feeding in those clear cuts, especially as we get towards our rut down here.

They're feeding the clear cuts on a lot of that, woody brows and some green brows and softer brows that we still may have come to rut down here because it doesn't get quite as cold to kill everything off. So you can use those ditches and those creep bombs to get your way up into position where you can work closer up to one of those clear cuts where those bucks are going to cut across like a like a very short drainage that kind of comes up out of those clear cuts that can work extremely well.

But also one thing I really love for hunting during the rut.

And the other thing. No matter where I look at, I want to find an area that has 2345 habitat edges [01:03:00] all coming together in one spot. If you can find that you don't even need to scout it. If you can go in there, like I'll go into those areas in the dark on a morning hunt and feel extremely confident. I'm gonna have an opportunity, whether I have my bow in my hand or have a gun or a muzzle, or it doesn't matter by getting an opportunity at a deer.

If I can find those edges where everything comes together. In timber company and timber country, or, the big woods, as y'all call it, but I've never heard that term. And so I started listening to y'all somebody else podcast from up in the Northeast. I'm like, dude, everything down here is timber.

We don't have open hand. It's all timber. Yeah. But, when you have a bunch of different, like you can get in a corner, sometimes it's on the property line. Sometimes you can have it out in the public land where you have two or three different age clear cuts, all growing in one area. And then you have a hardwood drainage coming up and splitting them.

That can be true. That can be fantastic. Especially if you have a clear cut down by us, it's one of them is maybe a year to two years old. It's really short brows. It's the kind of area you could walk out in that, come to rut and I could see 60, 80 yards around me.

And that'd be a spot they're going to feed at. The does will feed, especially like in the evenings. And then, next [01:04:00] to it, you might have another clear cut. That's, they replant pines down here and those pines might be, it might be like a six year old clear cut. Those pines are maybe seven, eight feet tall.

Really thick, heavy brows really thick briars and area that these does really tuck back up to in bed. And so we'll have bucks and the dose of trying to lose the bucks and that kind of stuff. And then next to that, you might have some older timber. You might have some pines have been planted.

They're there for 10, 12 years. They're a little open underneath, but they still have some thick draws running through them. And a buck will bounce between all those in that one area where he can hit all three types and kind of cross that one specific location. And it was thermal a lot of times it's not a thermal hub, you'll find all that habitat edge.

That's huge. That's like my number one go to if I'm going to go to an area during the rut, I'm looking for the most habitat diversity possible in an area. And if I don't have it, if it's true, like a big wood setting, like where we shot those three bucks last year in Alabama, there's no habitat edges, at least that you see on aerial maps.

When you get boots on the ground, you can find, where some, trees died, died and the, you're a little bit thick underneath where maybe you have some sapling growth [01:05:00] next to some bigger timber. But in those areas, there's a lot more big woods and you don't have a ton of habitat diversity.

I'm looking for terrain features, like really good terrain features, like great saddles. I like to hunt, especially if you find an area with like multiple finger ridges coming off. So you have like maybe one ridge system coming off of it, say a mountain or just a long ridge. And it's got three or four points coming off of it.

Sitting at the top of those three or four points could be absolute dynamite. Okay. Especially during the rut where, you got those betting all over that ridge system, all over the secondary little points dropping off and the bucket. He's coming up there. He's going to cross at that point. At some point, he's going to cross where they all come together on that main ridge system at some point in the day.

A lot of times you're going to find a big community scrape at those spots as well. So it's a great place to put a trail camera. And those are fantastic. Like during the rut, I'm looking at what is the most, I call it like linear path of travel. Yeah, what is like the longest path of travel that a book could take that would bring him by a specific point on the map and a lot of times it's these long ridges where they all come together is that spot if he's going to cover a ton of [01:06:00] distance that day and hopefully with the conditions are right, maybe he will.

I can put myself in that position where you have all these linear paths of travel coming to you from one spot and you can find a lot of this on the map. That's one reason why I love hunting hill countries because I can look at a topo map. And I can see where these spots are automatically and also a lot of guys overlooked at a lot of guys, want to sit on the edge of a clear cut, which is great.

If I had a ton of success killing nice bucks on clear cuts. Especially during gun season, but if you get back in that timber and you can find all these long points coming together dude, that is such a good spot. Instead of getting over the edge and getting down on the bottom where you have swirling winds, you can have a ton of success in those areas.

And then also, I've started to love saddles the last couple of years. Killed two of those bucks in a saddle last year. One was potentially the oldest buck I've ever killed had two guys look two different tax terms that a biologist look at and thought the deer was probably, once they get over five years old, it's hard to just it's hard to guesstimate how old they are unless you send the jaw off.

But they're like, dude, he was showing me one of my tax returns. I do, this is a seven year old jawbone that I took off a deer that was confirmed seven and a half [01:07:00] years old. He's look at your wear and your deer compared to that. And it was like half the wear line more of that seven year old deer.

And killed him in a saddle, pushing a doe through that saddle. And the thing is not all saddles are created equal. If you're in a place with a ton of, it's really Hill country. You don't have these long ridge systems. A small saddle is not going to help you because why does he need to cross to this saddle when there's another cell a hundred yards down from me, or there's another low spot he can cross that saddles really play a factor for us when you have these very long ridge systems that maybe run for a couple of miles, and there's only one or two saddles on that whole ridge system.

And then on top of that, finding a compounding feature with that saddle, where it's a saddle next to a thermal hub or next to a couple other secondary ridge points that come off paralleling that saddle that's where you really start upping your odds for opportunities for bucks crossing through than just some random saddle in the woods, because we'll talk about saddles and episodes and we'll have somebody messages, send us a screenshot on X.

What do you think about the saddle, Mike? Not to hurt your feelings, but dude, that's not a great [01:08:00] saddle. And you'll ask, why? I'm like, dude, there's another saddle, 150 yards from there. And there's another one on the other side of the screen. The less of those terrain features you have, the better those terrain features are in the long run for finding actual buck movement through them.

Again, if they're plentiful everywhere, it's going to be hard to pick which one they're going to use. And there's no guarantee they're going to use one over the 2, 000 acres. There's a lot higher odds of success that those books are going to be using it, but you got to take consideration. If there's only one or two of them, there's a good chance that there's anybody else out there using, these digital maps.

They're probably going to find those spots as well. So it's a double edged sword.

Jeremy Dinsmore: If you're in the market for finding a new trail camera, I highly encourage you to look no further than Exodus. Exodus has two main options to choose from as far as cameras go a budget friendly option that doesn't compromise quality.

The Exodus rival is the camera for you. Simplicity meets functionality in this easy to use feature rich cell camera. The rival offers crystal clear photo quality, easy set up and use with complete remote [01:09:00] management through the app anywhere in the world. Two already are set up in Northeastern PA for me and they're working flawlessly.

And if you're looking for an all encompassing cell camera, seriously, look no further than the render. It's their flagship camera. It stood the test of time for thousands of hunter across the country. I have one deployed here locally where I live and another one I'm saving for back at Northeastern PA again, zero issues.

And I'll tell you what. Exodus stands by their five year warranty for accidents or for theft. Top of the line customer service, so see for yourself why so many made the switch to Exodus and experienced the Exodus difference. Use code AU to get 15 percent off your first camera today. What kind of last question to wrap up the rut talk and everything like that, Jacob, when you prepare for that out of state hunt or really any out of state hunt, it could be rut time.

It could not be rut time. You mentally have to be ready. I just, that's the one aspect that I just love [01:10:00] about hunting is taking my sports side of what I've learned playing sports and coaching sports, the mental side of things. Like I just, something that I just love and. We go through certain seasons and you have your ups, your downs and you could beat yourself up, but it's a matter of are you able to get back on the horse and be positive and make that next shot?

Are you able to push through the and persevere through the hard times and all that stuff? And it's really easy right now to sit back and be like, Oh man, I'm so pumped for you. This Arkansas hunt. But maybe when that time comes, the weather isn't doing what he would love for it to do, but you're still going right.

So mentally, how do you can stay in the game and kind of work through those demons? I guess you could say. Great

Jacob Myers: example. I'm going to go back to the Arkansas trip from last year. So I went to Arkansas twice last year, once in the muzzleloader season and once in the rifle season when it opened up.

Their muzzleloader season typically happens mid October, runs for two [01:11:00] weeks, and then their gun season will open typically the second week of November, and run for a few, run for a week or so. Went during the October hunt, got there a couple days before the muzzleloader hunt, bowhunted, hunted a few spots, and what I was trying to find is, I was trying to find, That buck sign early on in October, cause they run in November.

So you're going to find those, a lot of pres rut activity in that mid to late October time period, you're gonna find a ton of straights typically and rubs, and I went in and covered like 18 miles in two or three days and found zero bucks on. And some, I'm talking like you look on the map, like this place looks dynamite, for big riverbob hunting.

And I was finding a bunch of does dude, I saw, I think I was there for, Oh man, maybe five days. I think I saw 70 deer actually from the stand while hunting all, but two were does. Okay. So two little bucks as well. I saw on that hunt and I'm like, where are these mature bucks? So I knew they're here.

This is the first time I've really hunted this property. And I'm like, I [01:12:00] know they're here. I know they've got to be in some of these different spots. I was checking different thick tickets and everything. And one thing I did not take into consideration is to try to focus less on the rubs and scrapes and try to find more of the tracks because the area I was in, it held tracks really well, but I was constantly looking up through the woods, trying to find looking branches, seeing scrapes, seeing rubs, and they just, for whatever reason, were not laying down that sign at that point, it had been very hot, very dry up to that point, and it was just a lackluster amount of signs.

How I stayed in the game was, Everything I'm doing now is going to pay off at some point. It might be tomorrow. It might be the next time I come here, but it's going to pay off at some point. So keep covering ground. Don't just find an area and keep sitting on it. If you don't have the sign that tells you that there's a buck here, that's what you're hunting for, especially a mature buck.

And I use that and I found a lot of, I found a bunch of areas. I'm like, dude. Had some success shot, shot a younger buck in a doe on that hunt, but I found some areas. I'm like, I had one more buck tag in my pocket, but if I come back in November and they're laying down the sun, they should, I know where all these doe groups are at now and I can key in on that.

And that's exactly what I [01:13:00] did. And I saw, I think it was five shooters in the first two days of the hunt and shot one of the bucks on the third day of the hunt. And and funny thing, I shot it inside bow range. I'm like, I should've just had the bow with me, dude. But that was a huge aspect.

And so what I always tell somebody, it's do you want an out of state hunt or whether you're just hunting, different piece of public land, or, maybe get access in private where you're at. Don't justify how you hunt it based off what you're seeing right now. If your cameras don't really, and it also don't rely solely on trail cameras.

Trail cameras only see such a small fraction of what's happening around there. And we've interviewed guys like our good buddy, Shane Parker, who's going to be hunting with us in Georgia, which will be over by the time this episode comes out. He runs like 289 trail cameras on public lane. Okay, across the state of Alabama.

He runs most trail cameras that anybody knows. I can't imagine what his battery bill is. And one thing he's learned, because he'll put three trail cameras on one tree pointing different directions around like a community scrape to see how bucks are using it. And so often, he'll have a buck circle below that [01:14:00] scrape where if your camera's facing the scrape, you would never see him on camera.

There's no activity. But he's circling 34 yards below the scrape and his other camera's picking it up. And that really changed his perspective about don't just rely on what a trail camera is telling you in the area. You really have to have boots on the ground and really find that sign. And to me, that's one way you can be a lot more confident in what you're doing.

Because if you're not finding the sign now, plan for what you're going to be doing. It's tough if a guy takes off four or five days from work and he has only say four or five, six, seven days to hunt. If you had the weekends and everything. It makes it tough because you're probably not going to come back.

But like I've had hunts like that too, where it's extremely tough, but you have to realize if it's not happening where you're at, you have to keep moving. Yeah. Don't sit there and hope it's going to happen. You have to make it happen and cover the most ground possible. And if you're at the bulk beer, like you're at some point, you're going to bump a bucket, but okay, maybe I'm not going to kill this buck, but I see how he's using it and then I can go try to find something similar on the maps and be like, okay, I bumped this buck off.

Say, the river bombs, Oxbow Lake, it's been at the tip of Oxbow. [01:15:00] Where's another Oxford? I can go to that sets up pretty similar based off the maps and actually hunted. Maybe I don't have to go scout. I'm going to go in there actually set a stand or get my saddle the morning I'm hunting and seeing what happens.

And a lot of times that really pays off. So that's what I've had a lot of success with in a short time periods, which is, staying mental in the game, even if you're bumping bucks and you're bumping gear. Great. Okay, cool. You now know what they're using in that area. And then based off what it looks like on the map, whether it's a train feature, a habitat edge, whatever they're bait, they're betting on that you bump them off, try to look for that similar thing on the map at a different area and actually go in there and hunt it.

Don't scout, just go and hunt it. Throw a morning, sit out. If it doesn't pay off, get down, start scouting around and see if you can find the sign, confirm that, Hey, deer using this area, just like they were using the other area that bumped them out of right. Preach,

Jeremy Dinsmore: man. That's awesome. So like to do all this.

What's your gear set up right now? It's been a while since we've talked. A lot of cool things have come out since, episode 37, man. And this is the one thing I always joke and say, we were like long lost cousins with that, so what, what's going on with your [01:16:00] setup right now?

How what is your dialed in setup?

Jacob Myers: It's so funny. I never feel it's ever dialed in. Also I've simplified a lot of stuff, like there's not buying a ton of gear. I have bought some, actually I've got a lot, but maybe not as much. I think the last time we were on the podcast, I think it had eight or nine different saddles.

So now I'll get it down to one which is pretty nice. But and then I've got one set of six, I use and everything else. So right now I'm using a tethered Phantom elite saddle. And really enjoyed that. It's been a pretty slick system, just how close it is to you when you're actually how tight it can get to you when you're walking the woods, so you don't have anything hanging off you.

And I'm still using, I think the same six I was using back when you and me talked last on episode like 36, which is a lone wolf custom gear, full link sticks I would love to get a set of minis from any company. I don't care. I'll buy whatever, but I just got so used to using those full length sticks.

I can get so high with them. Plus I can use an eight or to get up even higher. I don't really mind carrying the extra length. Now I've still been using those and then been using a bunch of different platforms. I've been [01:17:00] using a tether predator XL for the last, probably. It's almost three or two seasons now going into my third season with an XL.

And I personally, as a saddle hunter, I really like having the bigger platform. Okay. And the reason why, can I get, give people an idea if you're trying to get into saddle hunting or looking at saddle hunting, bigger platform, you can actually freestand on it. As long as you don't have like size 13 inch or 13 boots or something like that.

I'm 10 and a half. Size boot. So I can free stand on a XL platform, and I can stand on just like a lock on. So if a deer gets on my weak side or gets, directly behind me at my six o'clock position, I can free stand, I can pull myself up on the platform and turn around and don't even have to lean into the tether, which is really nice.

And then also I still will implement. Different lock on stands at different points of season. Like early season, I'll go back and forth. If I'm covering a ton of ground, like when we go to Georgia here in a little bit, I'm going to use it. I'm going to have a, both a lock on with me and a saddle.

I like using the saddle specifically in areas that like. I have no idea if I'm even going to get in a [01:18:00] tree and I'm going to cover as much ground as possible when I'm boots on the ground. So I don't want to have a stand on my back, potentially hitting stuff. I want the most streamlined system possible, but lock ons, I've got a bunch of different ones.

I've got a out on a limb hush stand. I've got a lone wolf custom gear 1. 0 stand. I've got a elevate I cannot remember what they name that standard. They're real small one. It's similar to a 0. 5 along with custom here. And I'll implement some of those throughout the season based off where I'm hunting at.

Especially if I'm getting in areas like real shrubby and I don't want to be facing into that real shrubby tree. I'll use like one of those little lock ons going to that position, just pack it in with me with the sticks. And then just packs, like using a bunch of different packs and get a A kafari woodsman pack with her tactical 24 inch frame works real, real well for packing your gear in and also getting a deer out on the same trip especially if you're using like the saddle kit, super easy staying, it's not bad either.

And then also using on different points of season the first light transfer pack as well and implementing that as well as still packs your gear. Fine. Do you still pack a deer out? Okay. It's not bad. But yeah, I've [01:19:00] really simplified from like buying a whole bunch of different things.

The only thing I made change this year. We've talked on our podcast, but I haven't implemented quite yet is one sticking, especially down here later in the season. We have a lot of pine trees, big, lonely pines, and I've actually left the saddle and sticks in the lock ons at the house and took a climber to certain spots because I say it's a gun hunt, not bow hunting at that time of year, late January.

And I know I need to climb like legitimately 40 plus feet of a tree in order to be able to see down to a clear cut. Yup. And I had one last year, I had to tie two, or two years ago, I had to tie two six 30 foot pull up ropes together to get up the tree. I had just the climber three times up and four times coming down.

And I measured it off, it was 43 feet to the platform, which is scary high. That is scary high. Scary high. I still didn't have another branch on that tree for another probably 15 feet up. But again. Climb that high. I'm not worried about deer seeing me because he's going to be blinded by the sun if he looks up at me anyways.

But that's why I'm looking at using the one stick [01:20:00] is in that kind of situation where later in the season, when I typically would maybe try to use a climber, cause I know I need a hot climate, extremely high post rut on a clear cut, trying to find a buck bed on that stuff with a rifle.

Instead of packing in, a 23 pound climber I can pack in, my one stick and I can bring 50 foot of rope if I need it. And my saddle and get up there and be probably a lot more secure to be a hundred percent honest than being in the climber. I felt a lot more secure in my saddle than I do in a climber.

But still not be limited on how high I need to get in a tree to get the shot opportunities. Yeah, dude, that's awesome.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Jacob, again, I just want to say thanks for all that you do in this podcast world is putting content out there, knowledge it's fantastic. Number one, number two, it's really extremely helpful.

And I applaud you for what you've been doing and the success that you've been having. It's so awesome to see. Again, like I said earlier, from afar, from before I even had you on the podcast, it was just awesome to see the growth in what you've been doing and getting a chance to have you on the podcast.

Now, the second time getting to meet you [01:21:00] briefly at ATA two years ago, man, you're a humble individual. So awesome to talk to you. Like we could continue on for hours and hours. And I can't get sick of you. So I, again, just want to say thank you for what you've done, what you're doing for taking the time to speak with me, man.

And I will say this, I'm super happy that we had the chance to do this after that Alabama loss, man. Hey,

Jacob Myers: it is what it is, man. All of those guys. I could take a hill. I know I can take it out.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I'm a Penn state fan. I'm used to it. I'm used

Jacob Myers: to those animals. It's bad. I've got, so when we go to this Georgia trip, not to make a long story short, but we'll go to this Georgia trip.

One of our camera guys, he's a big Texas fan and he was texting us before the game happened. He's Jake, I just want to let you know, if we win, you're not going to hear the end of it on this hunt. I'm like, okay. Second, the game was ended. He's Oh, just be prepared. Be ready. I'm going to have fun.

I'm like, all right, cool. Yeah. I'm excited.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I'm excited on a side note for college football. To see the playoff, like it's a weird world of what college sports is going into as far as these conferences. And [01:22:00] I'm not really pumped about that. I'm excited to see what a 12 team playoff will actually look like.

I'm excited for that, but outside of that, man, I it's tough to get. I'm, I know maybe it's other people have different opinions. I'm for the kids to get paid because of just knowing how much money these universities really do make not only off of players, but other things. I think it's interesting, but but man, it, I don't know, man it's, I used to love love college football, and I still do, but there's just something that doesn't seem right to me as of the last couple of years.

I don't know what it is.

Jacob Myers: No, I'll just my one thought on this can get totally saturated from white to honey. One thing I like, it bothers me a little bit is this transfer portal. Yeah, that thing sucks. Where guys can just get up and leave and start playing is I don't know that to me that's even I've got more qualms of that than I even do about the players getting paid because I'm like you, I know some guys are like, man, it takes a purity out of the game when they're getting paid, but my day, whatever, man if it helps them perform better, great, [01:23:00] but if it doesn't, they're going to get cut from the team anyways, and those guys get cut but yeah the transfer portal is just crazy these guys get up and leave and play for all these different teams and To me that's like the most fascinating thing with everything going on right now Yeah, there's what that

Jeremy Dinsmore: quarterback from rice is on his fourth team in four years or something like come on, bro But oh man, yeah, but jacob dude, I again, thank you Where could people tune in what day of the week is the episodes drop in and follow along with you guys?

for this upcoming season

Jacob Myers: Yeah, absolutely. So I'll say this, of course, the name of the podcast is the Southern Outdoorsman. I will say this, even if you don't live in the Southeast, we actually have quite a few listeners in the Northeast and in the Midwest, you can still apply a lot of this stuff to where you're at.

We've got actually a pretty big listenership in Michigan. Funny enough, that sees a lot of success from this. You can follow along with the podcast course, anywhere you listen to this podcast right now, Apple podcast, Spotify, heart radio. Also, we do a video version of the podcast, what we're doing here on YouTube.

Just search the Southern Outdoorsman on YouTube. And yeah, dude, other than [01:24:00] that, it's it's exciting. We got a ton going on a ton of big hunts this year, doing a lot more filming content, video content. So really excited to put a lot of stuff out and actually showing. Listeners and viewers how to go about applying a lot of stuff actually in the field is one thing about hearing it, but probably a lot of listeners here.

I'm a very visual learner and I hear somebody talk about, but I'm trying to apply it to where I'm at. It's a lot easier when you actually can see some of these podcast guests talk about actually in the field what they're doing So we're trying to go on a few different hunts this year with a couple of our most popular guests Highlighting very specific things that they do and showcase in a video format.

So we're really excited about that this year

Jeremy Dinsmore: Awesome, man. Best of luck to you and I just again, thanks man, and please go follow Jacob and andrew what they got going on. It's fantastic stuff if you're already not doing so so thanks again Everybody for tuning in this week. We'll see you next week antler up Thanks for

Jacob Myers: listening to this episode of the Antler Up podcast.

We hope you enjoyed it. Please go check us out on our Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and go wild. And [01:25:00] at antlerupoutdoors. com. If you enjoyed this episode, go leave a review and subscribe for next week's episode. Until then, Antler Up.