July Whitetail Tactics with Garrett Prahl

Show Notes

This week on the show Andrew and Paul start off the second half of July in full whitetail mode.  Talking archery tuning, tactics, and some gear.  New partner to the show, Black Gate Hunting, is introduced with more information to come!  Paul and Andrew discuss events coming up around the state as well as some news. 

Before the meat and potatoes of the show, the guys talk to Kirk from NW Pennsylvania to rehash some of the details about PA’s DMAP permits.  If you are considering hunting PA this year make sure not to miss that. And always refer to the state regulations book!


The main focus of this weeks show comes from the chat Andrew had with Garrett Prahl, the DIY Sportsmen. Garrett is a very experienced hunter with many tips that he shares with us to help you in your July scouting.  Where to find beds, how to set up cameras, some tree knowledge and more.

Have a great week and enjoy the O2 if you get out into Ohio’s great Outdoors!


Check out the Sportsmen's Empire Podcast Network for more relevant outdoor content!

Show Transcript

[00:00:00] What's up everybody? Welcome back to the O two podcast. Paul, what's going on man? Monz, how are you man? Good to see you buddy. Good. Let's see. It's today is July 17th, so we are, it's like dead period. Nothing going on in this state outdoor wise unless you're fishing, I'm sure you bass fishing in Angleland.

Our buddy Nick Moan, finished in the top 65 of a bass tournament recently here. A lot of guys are out doing that. Congratulations to you guys have fun cat fishing's in full swing, but I don't know man so much. Yeah, for me much, this is like one of those times where you get lulled to sleep.

It's it's middle of July, it's hot, there's bugs time, there's, do I really want to go spend a whole day out in the woods prepping? Properties or whatever hanging cameras. But the answer is yes. Yes you do. And you need to do that because before you know it, it's gonna be [00:01:00] the last Saturday in September.

And actually, I had somebody ask me about doing something September 30th and today, and I had to think about it. I'm like, what day is the first day? Did you just laugh when they asked you that? I did, but at the same time I was like I'm gonna have to check my calendar, man. Like it's creeping up here.

So yeah, it goes quick, man, because school around here starts like aug, like middle week, middle of August. And dude, once that happens, I mean it is fall is. Barreling down on us. It always, for me, it always goes quick from July 4th. Once I get to July 4th, like my mind just starts switching to fall and, the wintertime and all the fun stuff that happens then, so I'm ready for fall Turkey season.

I, I understand that. Always. No, I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready to shoot a deer with my bow man. I can't wait for that. I do wanna say we've got a new partner of this program. I wanna say thanks to Justin and Ryan and all the folks at Black Gate Trail cameras. [00:02:00] We met these guys at a t a, this is an Ohio company.

They're based in Peebles, Ohio. They've got cell cams. They sent us two. Oh my God. These things are sweet great pictures. A ton of a ton of features on these things. Really neat. They got a solar panel coming out that you can get on their website. Pretty cool, man. Pretty cool. Camera so far.

I'm gonna get mine out here. I got signed up, I got the program data going. What's your website, Mons? The website is black gate hunting.com and I'll add on to Paul's comments there. Really great looking quality pictures when we were oh yeah. At their booth and everything. It looked awesome.

So we're gonna give the R four G and the R four G light a go at it and see how things pop up. I just got my memory cards in the mail today, so hopefully throw some batteries in there and get 'em hung before the weekend or sometime this weekend. Yeah, good stuff. Black Gate hunting.com. Check 'em out online, check 'em out on Instagram.

Just put in Black Gate hunting. They'll pop up. So thanks to those guys. Really looking forward to getting those outs. Mid bus Gun [00:03:00] works.com. Use the code Ohio Outdoors five, Ohio Outdoors. Five, save yourself 5% on every order that you have. Man, I'm telling you, I I've mentioned this every time we talk about it, Andrew, dude, that gun parts finder is legit.

It's got a ton of information really if you need parts for any of your firearms, anything. Midwest gum works.com. Dig into that parts finder. They've got the breakdowns the schematics, the diagrams of the firearms. Cameron does a lot of stuff on their YouTube channel. Great YouTube channel. Oh man.

Solid, solid stuff. So if you're tinkerer, you gotta get get some work done on one of your firearms midwest com works.com, Ohio Outdoors five. Save yourself 5%. And we were just talking, Paul, you need to get down there and get yourself a gun so we can go out. I do and hunt some coyotes hopefully this summer.

So with our ex vision optics thanks to those guys all your thermal and night vision. Needs there. Binoculars, scopes, range finders, all that kind of stuff. Awesome man. I have not been out [00:04:00] enough to use mine lately, but I need to actually, like I was just telling you, talking to a guy at the gym that I might be able to pick up some property some time out there with him.

He's oh, hell yeah man. Let's go. Yep. Send, yeah, do that. So what's what's the exhibition website again? Andrew? Exhibition optics.com. Exhibition optics.com. While you're why you're posting, pop around the internet, check out time to go wild.com. Heard us talk about 'em every week.

Great supporters of the show. Great group of people running that that brand running, that social media platform. Man, time to go wild.com. Android Apple Store. For the app, we're on there. Find me Paul Campbell. Find Andrew Mons, but he won't he won't respond cuz he's running the O two podcast page.

Great community. Now I really love, there's a lot of people getting geared up for deer season, Andrew, talking about BAU setups. I had a question for the community last week about clarifiers and verifiers for my Bo Peep site. Mike Larsen set me straight, man. Got me down the path that I [00:05:00] needed, answered my question.

It's interesting. We're gonna talk about this after we get through this, but I wanna talk about Beau Shops and asking dumb questions. So put a pin in that question. Also, Andrew, what can you get and go on Half Rack Index. Half Rack Promise Index, index Vision actually or you can visit half dash rack.

I gotta give a shot to go wild real quick before we get to half rack. So Yeah. I've been out practicing and shooting. Some days are really good, some days are really bad. I'm still trying to get that site figured out. I'm getting much more comfortable with it. But Paul, I had to upgrade my 3D deer target because I have been, I get so sick of shooting arrows through those plastic deer legs.

You know what I'm talking about? Like when you have the phone, you have your phone here, you're not supposed to shoot the legs. Andrew, I understand that. I understand that, Paul, but sometimes the arrow doesn't go right where you want it. So I had to, I ordered one the other day from the guys that go wild Reinhardt.

And it came really fast and it's really perfect because it's got foam legs and I don't have to worry about that problem anymore of cutting legs in, [00:06:00] in half. Wow, there you go. Now on the half rack, half dash rack. So half half-rack.com. Dude, those guys are great, man. Check out the products. They got a ton of really cool shirts.

The snack packs I love, they got the stuff that you're like, I don't know if I need that. And then you get it and you're like, how did I ever live without this? Like I, oh man, I love it. The the Boone Sling is awesome. I've got that. The Wildcat Bow case is really neat. They've got for you guys that are hunting in private land, you want a bow hanger?

They're bow hanger is low. Legit, check them out. half-rack.com. Ohio Outdoors. 15, save yourself 15% on everything. What else? Who else we got? Mons. Who else? We gotta say thank you and would love you too. First light thanks to them and they got some new things out, the origin pants. Some new gloves.

Yeah, man, we're gonna try to get Greg on to talk about everything that they've come out with this year leading up to the season. Can't say enough about that. And I think that's all of the commercials, Paul. Yeah, I think so. [00:07:00] So I'm talking about like archery. Questions, archery setup questions like the actual, like process of setting up your bow and changing.

One of the things that that I've had some issues with, just my eyes sight is getting worse. So like the closeup vision, whatever that I've had, I've worn contacts for years. I can't say anything far away. And just recently it, it started to fade. So I've noticed that the pins like in low light situations have, are really blurry.

And if I'm looking, if I'm shooting, like when we were down at archery, hike, shooting those 40, 50 yard bombs, Dude, I was having trouble seeing some of those pins. So there's these things called clarifiers. And so I got on Go wild and I asked what a clarifier was and Michael Larson's no, you don't need to clarify.

Cause that's like a piece that fits on the housing of the site. He's you need a verifier. It goes, and you, it like screws into the peep site and it's like a third of the cost. It's 40 bucks. And I'm like, dude that's exactly what I need. And so if I and then [00:08:00] there's a conversation on Go Wild.

If you go into a bo shop, a lot of times you feel like, You're asking a dumb question or if you didn't buy, and it's not like this everywhere. You didn't buy anything. Like you feel like, eh, man, I didn't buy this boat, but I need help. And sometimes, and this is like human nature, like if you're asking a question as an adult male or adult female and you know that you should know this, but you don't do you feel dumb at all or do you just send it and you're like I need a clarifier.

And here's the thing, like if I would've gone to a boat shop, I'm like, do you need to clarify those? Some of those are like $300. They probably would've thrown that on there. That's not what I need. I need a $40 verifier to help me see the pens. Not the setup. A lot of what are your thoughts on that?

I feel stupid. I feel stupid asking questions like anything. How do whatever. Plunge a pl, a toilet or something like that. But to me it's if you go to a good bow shop and they, you got somebody that you can trust, that's what matters. And they're gonna be like, nah, they're gonna pull the one, Mike Larson.

They're gonna be like, no, you don't need that. You need this thing. And yeah, here, let's try. And he's here's why. This is what this does. This solves your [00:09:00] problem. Yeah. I don't know, man. There's I know Sirius Archery, I saw their podcast today was answering your archery questions that they released on their podcast.

And it was all about asking questions about arrow tuning and arrow setup and oh know, man, there's so much there's so much. And like you and I were talking about the first axis, second axi, third axis on the bows and the levels and all that kind of stuff. I'm like, man, I just slapped that site on that bow and it looks like it's shooting straight.

So there, there's a lot of fine tuning on that stuff. And really, you were talking about, buy, maybe we buy a bow press and we can do work on this stuff together. I'm like, man, I don't know. Don't tempt me. I know. I don't know dude. I like to learn to do things to, I like to tinker and stuff, but my problem, I know what you, my problem is tinkering leads to tearing things apart.

And then I have a problem putting back together. And with Bo season, like right around the corner, the last thing I need to do is tear that thing apart and then be like, oh, I don't know how to put this back together. I dunno. Just like minor adjustments, we could probably figure out, I don't know, maybe not.

Maybe like working on a bow [00:10:00] is, I dunno, I would like to do that because I don't wanna have to drive 45 minutes for something that I'm like, oh, I probably could have done that. Just. Just a mentor, maybe some time. I don't know. That's all I got for that. So I get you. Yeah. Muster and the marsh this week, man.

It's coming. If you're listening to this goes live on Wednesday, Friday Muster and the marsh starts. We will be there conservation dinner Friday night. That is a separate ticket from Muster and the Marsh. But man, there's a ton of stuff on on Saturday for the outdoor enthusiast, outdoor wildlife conservationist in this state beyond.

So check that out. Muster and the marsh.com for the Ohio bha back Country Hunters Anglers. This is a national thing, man. This is their big national event. Yep. This is the showcase baby. So looking forward to meeting cow and and Kevin from Meat Eater. So that'll be pretty neat meeting those guys.

All right, Paul, so last week you had the opportunity to attend the Ohio Wildlife Council meeting, and I did. We don't have to get into the nitty gritty of everything that was happening there, but for [00:11:00] news around the state governor DeWine has appointed Solomon Curtis to the Ohio Wildlife Council.

There was a press release put out on their website. Looks like it was on July 13th, but he's an avid bass fisherman. So we got a good bass fisherman on the council now, and if you have any questions about that and check out their, the Ohio dnr.gov for more information there. Don't forget, oh, the controlled hunt lotteries are, you can apply for those all through the month of July.

And what else, Paul? I think that's all there. There is we'll touch briefly on that. We're, we'll dive into this, really deep here here later in the year. But there are new regulations coming out for controlled hunts in this state, in the state of Ohio. I have worked. Quite a bit with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Department of Wildlife, to clarify some of the rules here for hunters in the state.

And a lot of those revolve around controlled hunt. So I've really been and that's why I was the [00:12:00] rules council or the meeting last week was to really understand the rules process, the rules making process for wildlife laws in the state. It's been a learning process.

It's been pretty neat. We're gonna dive into that, not today, but if you are awarded a hunt here in, in just a couple of weeks, those rules and regulations have changed. They've been clarified. So keep an eye out for that. That's good. Good to know. Speaking of clarification, we did have a listener reach out to us and wanted to help us explain, Regulations over in the state of Pennsylvania a little bit better.

So we had our show last week with Johnny and we talked about what they have over there called the DMAP Permits, which, oh, he tell us, hold on a second. Dear Management Assistance Program. Program. Kirk, thank you for reaching out to us and we're gonna throw his little excerpt in here.

We did a little interview with him. Yeah. Just to kinda explain. Yeah. It's quick. Yeah, quick. Clarify the rules, what DMAs or D dmap permits are, where you can use 'em, how you can use 'em. [00:13:00] Very good. Thank you Kirk for reaching out, taking the time to hop on the website just to, to clarify that for our listeners.

Thank you very much. And two more things. I did wanna say, we had the folks from VPA on the show a few weeks ago, and they've just released, I think they're calling the omegas these broadheads really to help self help. Self sharpen them. Not self sharpen, but help you sharpen 'em easier. And it's a cool little process.

It's got this flat piece on the, with the feral or whatever, but that really helps get that angle right. So check those out if you haven't seen them yet, they are very cool. Got our hands on a couple of 'em and we'll see how they do this fall. But I think the last thing I got, Paul is this the week, this week's show?

We've got Garrett Pro, the do-it-yourself sportsman fellow Sportsman's Empire Network Brethren. Garrett is very meticulous and he is very smart when it comes to the woods. So [00:14:00] we wanted to bring him on to talk about some of the tactics and different things that he does when he's out in the woods and trying to find big bucks.

Now he's out in Minnesota. It's a little bit different terrain than we have, but in the big scheme of things, he's still looking for the same, sign and different things that we are. It's a good talk. It's very educational and I think you're gonna get a lot out of it that you can really take to the woods and apply.

We go through a few different scenarios as far as what kind of equipment you're using, climbing trees, hunting from the ground, anything like that. But it's it's a pretty good one and I think you guys will enjoy it. And man, this will be our tactic episode for the month of July, and we will continue rolling and I don't know what next week is it gear?

Maybe? But going through our little revolving. Sequence here. Yeah, we're gonna do it. We gotta do a dear talk. Let's make that happen, man. Yeah. Looking forward to that. But yeah thanks for the [00:15:00] continued support of this show. Thanks for for clicking download every week. Thanks for listen Search CO2 podcast on any of them and we will pop up.

So thank you so much for listening. Enjoy Kirk, clarifying some rules on NPA and and Garrett Pearl, the y Fortune. Take care, everybody.

All right. Paul and I are joined tonight with Kirk's from Northwest Pennsylvania, and he listened to our show last week with Johnny Stewart. And we just wanna get a little clarification on a few things. From the state of Pennsylvania as far as the DMAP permits go. So we had a nice talk with Johnny.

There, there was some stuff in there about the DMAP permits. Kirk reached out to us and said, Hey, I think we need to get that a little bit clarified. Kirk, you wanna give us a quick rundown of your background and what you do? Yeah. My, my background is, I'm your average guy.

I, I have a 40 hour a [00:16:00] week job, but I bow hunting is my passion. I hunt, almost every day during season, and I jump across state lines. I hunt over in Ohio quite a bit too. Making sure one knows the rules. It's pretty important. You, you don't wanna run, you don't wanna run a file of the wardens.

That's my background. I've been hunting for 40 years now absolute. Do Kurt, if you would we just talked briefly about clarifying some of the D map. Rules in the state of Pennsylvania. Breakdown, what one that stands for, and two, what those permits are and where a hunter can use those.

Sure. So what DMAP stands for is actually Deer Management Assistance Program. And what that is private land owners can enroll their properties as well as state owned property can be en enrolled. I know several state parks are enrolled in the program. I believe the Allegheny National Forest is enrolled in the program.

And starting this year, there are some select game [00:17:00] lands that are actually involved in the program as well. So what a DMAP tag is, it's a tag that allows you to take an analyst deer on a specific property. So when you go to buy a DMAP tag, you have to know what the DMAP number is. And then you buy the tag for that number.

If it is still available, then it allows you to take an analyst deer off of that particular property. So is there, so there's, it's just like almost kinda like a quota hunt in some states. There's only so many of those DMAP tags per day or per season. It's per season. And it is similar to a quota hunt except, you can buy those over the counter.

You could buy them online typically. I know that a lot of the Dmap P units sell out pretty fast just because it's an extra tag past statewide allotment. Okay. So like you, you had said it's an additional, an antlerless tag on top of your bag limit for that Pennsylvania, right? Correct.

Correct. Okay. [00:18:00] Now the private property that's enrolled in that any hunter can participate in a DMAP permit hunt on private property, or is there additional steps that a hunter needs to take? The properties that I've typically been hunting myself are private, but they're open to public hunting.

Okay. So just for DMAP permits only. A couple of these properties are actually open to public hunting in general. Okay. However, there are a lot of properties that are open for the public, just for the dmap, but, a lot of times, I shouldn't say a lot of times. First of all like we had discussed a little bit earlier, I just want to be clear, if folks have any questions, the best place to go is to the PA Game Commission website.

And that will answer all of your questions. Yeah. It also has all the information for participating landowners and it will typically give contact information for the landowner so you can, maybe get ahold of them, have either a phone conversation or an email back and forth with them to find out what their specifics are.

Yeah. Ker that's, I'm, thank you [00:19:00] for reaching out to us and clarifying that. It can be confusing wildlife rules and regulations, especially if you're not familiar with them from outta state. They can be a lot and we say a lot. Always go back to your book, go back to the rules and regulations.

If you have more questions, reach out to the controlling agency and in whatever state you're in. So we'll go ahead and include in the show notes the link to the dmap website for the state of Pennsylvania. Those tags are not available yet. Like it looks like they go on sale August 14th. Does that sound right, Kirk?

The yes it does at 8:00 AM Yep. So I'm sure they'll probably be a big line for them, but anyhow we'll keep that put those in the show notes. Kirk, is there anything else we messed up or missed there last week? No, that sounds pretty good. I just wanted to make sure that was a little clearer to you guys cuz you know, nobody wants to come across the state lines and think, Hey, I got this DMAP tag, I can just go hunting anywhere.

And the next thing you get pinched by. Get pinched by the warden. And, those are uncomfortable conversations. Better say, I'm sorry. There's, what's the Lacey Act. If you harvested a deer, any animal [00:20:00] illegally, and you transported it across straight lines, so pa to, to Ohio, that's a federal crime at that point.

That's a serious, that's a serious thing. So it's important to to clarify that, know the rules and regulations wherever you're hunting. So thank you for your taking the time to get on the website and fill out a form, man. I really appreciate you. Yep. Yeah.

Hey, no problem, Kirk. I see your hat there. Appreciate your service to the country. And good luck this season, man. Hey, thanks. You guys too. Take care. Yep. Thank you. Yep.

All right. What's up everybody? Welcome back to the O two podcast. Tonight we are joined with our very special guest, Mr. Garrett Pro, who is a fellow Sportsman's Empire Network contributor. Garrett, how's it going, man? Doing pretty well. Good. You got staying busy, you're up in Minnesota, right? You're staying busy up there?

Is it snowing yet? Or just about? No, it's actually really hot this time [00:21:00] of year. It's, we definitely get all four seasons, so I think it was still snowing in Turkey season for sure, but then it's it goes from a couple weeks of spring right into full blown summer. Everything leaves out and we have temperatures in the mid nineties occasionally, which with the humidity seems like it's just as bad as when I used to live in Missouri when I was younger.

Just not as frequent that it gets quite that hot. Yeah. Is the only difference. Yeah, it's been down here in Ohio, it's been relatively nice lately and we've had some sporadic rain. It's getting a little dry at this point, but I'm sure it'll come back. So we avoided the humidity for the first part of June cuz it just didn't rain.

And now that's back. So we're, it's back to reality here, but tonight I wanna talk a little bit about kind of whitetail tactics. Anybody hold on, let me back up. I'm really good at that Jumping the gun thing. But Garrett, tell us about what you do, your content that you create and some of that kind of stuff.

You've got some excellent things out there on YouTube and Instagram and different things like that. But let's, for anybody who [00:22:00] doesn't know, Garrett is your time. Yeah. So I've made videos and done podcasts over the years, primarily focusing on things that'll help somebody become a better. Hunter and either, public land or just DIY in general.

Going out and doing their own scouting hunting based off of the sign that they find, making their equipment more efficient, being able to set up a system that works the best for them so that they can make the most outta the time that they have in the woods. And a little bit of archery content thrown in there as well.

So are you hunting primarily public land or only public land? I'd say it's probably, I don't know, it's gotta be about 90% or so. I'll put it this way. I don't generally hunt private land intentionally or set goals of hunting private land. And this year may be a bit of an anomaly and that I'll do a metro hunt that we have in the Twin cities.

I've built up a few points for that, and that'll be one where it's like a city park type hunt that they have it ultra [00:23:00] controlled. So I'll do that for a tag, but generally speaking, I'm hunting public land Apart from that. I think a lot of it just has to do with, I'm not very good at door knocking. I'm really awkward at small talk and, conversations and Yeah.

A buddy, one of my roommates and I in college went and did some door knocking back in like the 20 13, 14 ish timeframe, and I think we got one yes out of 67 properties knocking around doors in the Twin Cities areas. So it's man, all that waste of time going door to door, it's like I could just spend that time scouting on public and be oftentimes just as well off.

I'm not opposed to it, but it's just logistically as easier for me. That's a good, interesting thought. I've never thought about it that way. The time you spend trying to get on the private, you could be better off just scouting the public. That makes a lot of sense. I'm not good at it either. It's gotta be one of those things that it's, an acquaintance or something that the door opens up.

But I [00:24:00] did it last year, two years ago to one property nearby my house, and I think I was just asking the shed hunt and the answer I got was, I wish you wouldn't in a really nasty tone. So she didn't say no, but she said, I wish I you wouldn't. I didn't pursue that one though. Anyways, but anyhoo, so it is now July.

Today is July 11th, so we'll call it the midway through the month of July and it's, the itch is coming, right? We've gotten through Turkey season much to Paul's dismay, but we've gotten through the 4th of July. Summer is almost halfway over, I guess we could say. And it's time to really start doing that kinda.

Whitetail prep, and obviously you're out shooting your bows and you're tuning all that kind of stuff. I don't wanna really necessarily go down that rabbit hole, but if it's, if you got a couple a day a few hours go out and start scouting, that's what I wanna talk about what we're looking for.

And we can sit on our EMA or our ESC scout [00:25:00] above and, and it's great. It gets you headed in the right direction. But there's also been times where I'll do that and I go out and it is, looks nothing like what I anticipated and just completely throw, throws me for a loop. So what are, when are your first steps when it comes to, scouting?

Whether it is ees scouting or just going out and exploring, or what are some things people should start thinking about when they're looking this direction? Yeah. Are we talking specifically this time of year or just in general? Yeah. Let's talk about this time of the year because I want to be like, I, when you get into the middle of the season, then that can be a different ball game and that kind of stuff.

So most of the places that I scout this time of the season, I have some familiarity with either, either hunted them in the past or I've scouted them in early spring before the woods really get greened up. And I have a basic idea of what I'm after. And then it comes down to verification. What am I verifying?

I'm trying to verify, especially for that opening week timeframe. Are there [00:26:00] white oak trees that are gonna be carrying acorns? It seems like it's hit or miss in a lot of areas. Either you have a strong or a weak acorn crop. Especially focusing on the areas that have isolated oaks instead of oaks all over the place.

And number two, just to see what's out there. Obviously a lot of times if you get velvet pictures of bucks, they may not be in the same areas once the season actually comes around and they're hard horned. But it's helpful to know, oh, this, chunk of 5,000 acres. I got a couple really nice bucks.

Even if they're not there, they're probably gonna be somewhere in that piece of land that I can find throughout the season. Whereas maybe this other place where I've historically gotten pictures of alba deer, there's not a lot of big deer that are showing up. A lot of the areas that I hunt, I don't necessarily have the opportunity to glass just because they don't set up well for it.

There's not really, ag sources that are visible from the roads. So you end up having to hike way in there, get up in a tree and try to look over early, clear cuts and things like that. And it's tough to get in there and be unobtrusive while doing so. So I'm always looking out for those opportunities [00:27:00] because I think glassing is a very useful tool in the places where it sets up well for it.

I just don't usually in the places I hunt, have the opportunity to do it. So those are the two things I'm usually trying to verify is, what is the area holding this time of year trying to get as many different cast a wide net this time of year so that I can focus my efforts once the season starts a little bit better.

And then what are gonna be some of those really hot food sources? This year especially, I'm gonna try and put a bigger focus on filling traditional tags. And historically when I've done that, I've tried to go in with the same goals that I normally would have with my compound and try and chase bigger deer.

And I end up invariably getting these scenarios in which I don't see a lot of deer during the early part of the season. And I know that if I was hunting other areas that maybe had higher deer densities, I'd be better off. But I'm, I splitting those different priorities. So this year I'm taking more of a focus on just filling some tags early and then transitioning as it gets later into October toward [00:28:00] more hunting bucks.

And with that in mind, a lot of the scouting for me this time of year is really gonna shift towards checking those oak trees, checking those early season food sources. Maybe it is a soybean field or a corn field adjacent to public. Maybe one year it's beans, one year it's corn. I know historically if it's corn, then the woodlots behind tend to hold more deer.

Cuz of that extra cover there. So those are the things I'm really trying to look for specifically. For the early season and just kind not as much. I find this time of year that helps me quite as much when it gets to like later October or during the rut. I feel like my scouting for tho for that time of year ends up being best either in season finding it live or March or April.

When does the season start? In Minnesota? We're usually second week of September or second weekend, second to third weekend. So a lot of times it'll end up being like between the 13th and the 20th of September. Okay. Depend on the year. That's not [00:29:00] too far off from us. We always start the last Saturday of September really not that much different.

Okay. So you talked about oak trees. Now anybody who listens to us knows that I have a passion for trees and horticulture in general. What are some things people need to look at when you're talking about finding that, that hot oak At this time of the year, the a acorns are not falling yet. But what are some things that, the differences between white oaks, red oaks, bur oaks, shingle oaks, different food sources that way?

The way I was always taught was that, you'll have some oaks that will produce one year real heavy. Maybe they next year. Not at all. I thought I read or heard something recently where there are some oaks that never produce any acorns. What are you looking for when you're out there now and picking those trees out and know, historically it might have been a great feet tree last year, but this year might not.

And are you climbing up in the tr the tree and trying to catch branches or, I'm usually bringing binoculars. Okay. At least like a 10 power. I like I've got a big pair that I use for 3D artery. [00:30:00] It's like a 10 by 50 AHDs. And you don't need something that fancy, but it definitely helps to have something a little bit more powerful when you're looking that high up in the tree.

I like to stabilize against the trunk of another tree just to hold nice and stable. Cuz a lot of times if I'm just handholding, I'll look it up in the tree tops. It can be tough to hold, steady enough to be like, ah, those acorns are not, especially if the leaves are moving around with wind. But if you get a heavy enough tree and you get a big enough oak where they have those lower horizontal facing branches, then a lot of times you don't have to look very high to find if it's gonna be loaded with acorns or not.

Just depends on the tree. But I'm usually in areas where I know historically where the oaks tend to be and sometimes they're big oak flats. And those can be a little bit tougher. You usually assume that there's gonna be some oaks on that flat that are dropping and some years they're all dropping it seems so you might walk around there before the season, it's ah, this one's loaded, this one's loaded, this one's loaded. Then you know, okay, this is probably gonna be a good acorn year. And maybe in years like that, I know I can spend more time hunting those oak flats or [00:31:00] edges of the flats near bedding in the, Hopes that I can actually hunt longer, right?

I can hunt from say, first light through 11:00 AM and I could have a do stroll by it at almost any time of the day, it seems but then there's other years, like you mentioned, where it's man, there's just, there's not hardly anything. I'll go walk out to these Oak Islands on a secluded cattail marsh that's no acorns.

Heres no acorns. Heres no acorns here. I did that a lot last season. It seemed like everywhere that I went and was checking these oak trees, it's yeah, there's maybe an acorn here or there, but it just wasn't looking great. And then finally on, the third day of hunting, it's okay here's, here's the mother load.

It's three oak trees, dropping tons of deer sign, fresh droppings all around the trees. And then it's okay, now I know where I can focus on. And it didn't take me, or it took me longer than I would've liked. If I would've done more preseason checking, I might have been able to find those trees without having to waste two, three days in the season in order to get the same knowledge.[00:32:00]

So in that situation, you just kept moving to find those oaks, right? Yeah. And, yep. Do you have a secondary tree source that you would go after if you couldn't find oaks, whether it was the property? There's, here's the deal and when I say this in Ohio, again I'm not, I'm making a generalization, it's not completely true, but the eastern part of our state tends to grow oaks better because we have lower pH on that side of the, in the soil, the western side of the state.

It can be a real struggle to get oak trees to grow. I'm not saying there are none, so don't anybody jump my stuff. But it's just the way it is. And obviously, and then on the western side of Ohio, we're much heavier in ag, so I'm not even sure that. The tree side of things plays into it as much because there's just so much agriculture over there anyhow.

If you were to come across the property and you couldn't find a good oak, or whether they don't exist or they're just not dropping, is there a secondary food source that you'd be looking at to set up around? [00:33:00] Usually either. Hopefully ag, because if there's ag, at least it's like you got a destination and if there's no ag and there's no acorns, but there's clearly deer still around there, then it becomes a little bit tougher for me.

I know like the Red Oaks probably aren't gonna be dropping yet cause they don't usually drop till later in the season, and we don't have at least where I'm at, a lot of other well-known secondary mast sources. But there's lots and lots of, Forbes and early successional growth and things like that the Dro feed on.

Which makes it tougher because those food sources are all over the place. It's like they can get outta their bed and just eat to their arts content as long as they want to. So it makes it harder to say oh, they're betting here, they're gonna move to here. Cause you don't really always know.

And in that case, maybe it's, you're better off if you're just, especially after general deer bouncing up different properties and finding ones that you think you could find a more direct food source. Even in areas that have a lot of, say, white Oaks, [00:34:00] if I have an area like that, but then I have another area where there's three on one little ridge and the, back corner of the property.

I'm gonna check that one first. Cause if that one's loaded, then I know I can hit that like the first or second day of season and have a better opportunity of getting a shot than hunting that oak flat where I might see more deer. But the odds of having one it range is lower. And that's kinda the same thing if they're just feeding on brows, it's a little bit tougher to pinpoint.

So you just try and get as close to bedding as you can. Usually you can get pretty close because the woods are so thick and they're just, it's just noisier, right? Sound doesn't carry as far. So if you know where they're bedding in that scenario, that you can oftentimes sneak really close, like within, 50, 60 yards and get set up.

So we're onto the bedding discussion, and this is on my, this is one of the things I wanna talk about. My ignorance, my lack of knowledge in this, it drives me nuts because I like to, I'm one of these people one plus one has to equal two. I have to understand how you get to where, all that kinda stuff.

[00:35:00] When I drive around the city or outside of Columbus, there's deer betting in front yards. There's deer Lane everywhere. There just seemed to be, you pick a place, it's, it could be a deer bed. How are you finding what constitutes a deer bed? And I know it seems like such a stupid question, and maybe it is, but I've come across them.

I never can really figure out a rhyme or reason why and oftentimes of course, it's place, if I'm hunting outta state and I'm like, wow, there's sure a lot of beds here and I'll never be back here. But if you were on a property and what kind of things are you, where do you gotta find them?

Where do the deer bed, Garrett? I don't know how to else ask it. Yeah. Yeah. Early season's the toughest, I think, because there's more places where they can bed. The growth is so tall. There's, weeds, tall grass ferns like, there's just a lot more opportunity for deer to be hidden at any given spot.

Once that stuff all starts dying down, then the bedding gets a little bit more condensed and it becomes a little bit easier. I think a oftentimes a lot of the beds that we find postseason [00:36:00] scouting are some of those beds that are formed after a lot of that vegetation has died off. So I might know that I found beds here, and here in March.

But going into the opening week of season, I may or may not be able to rely on some of those. Maybe they're being used or maybe they're using more early season beds that are closer to certain food sources, and they'll end up shifting backwards as the season progresses. And a lot of times finding those early season beds, it can be tough because you don't always, you're not able to just look at a map and easily predict there's gonna be deer batting here in like an oxbow river bottom type place.

Or a lot of times at Hill Country, if you've got the classic point scenario, you could be a little bit more pinpoint in your predictions. But in that flatter ground, bigger woods, it becomes a lot less predictable. A lot of times I'll find beds on edges of say older clear cuts and mature hardwoods, or I'll find them on points of smaller little, [00:37:00] not even, I don't even call it a ridge, but just like where the elevation is, say 10 feet.

Higher than the surrounding area that's more like flat, swampy ish type ground. I might find beds on the point of it. I might find beds halfway up on there. I might find beds on the edge like that. It can just be all over. And a lot of times I just take notes each season as I'm going through, oh, I bumped a deer here.

Market. And then over five, six years of hunting a similar area. It's okay, I know early season, this is where I bumped deer in the past. This is generally where they like to be. And then as the season progresses, you just keep that dialogue going and you keep taking notes and compare that with the late season in season and postseason scouting, and then you can get a little bit better picture for here's what they're doing throughout the various points of the hunting season.

Yeah, early season is definitely the toughest because they got, max cover. Do you literally have a no notebook that's like [00:38:00] super thick, full of years of notes? No, I actually, I don't really take physical notes that much. I use Spartan Forge quite a bit, and that pretty much is my entire library of past season notes.

I have my way points, I'll be dropping photos where it makes sense. I'll take notes on the way points themselves. I'll use color coordination on the way points to either designate, this is what I think is a big deer, or a general deer, or what I couldn't quite decipher. Maybe it's this year versus that year.

This is a bet that they were using when there was corn in this adjacent ag field or, this one was soybeans. So that in conjunction with the journaling feature as part of the app, I pretty much have it all electronically in there, so I don't have a physical notebook per se. Gotcha. So from a deer's perspective, what are some things that they are when they choose their bed their beds.

What are some things, you talked about being on ridge, being on a point, I know thermals and wind and what they can see. All that kind of stuff comes together. Is there certain things along those lines when even if [00:39:00] you stumble upon one, you're like, why is this here? And then you're like, oh, I can see that they, this would be good, or why, whatever.

With dough bedding, it's usually just a thicker area, right? You have a food source and you have thick cover nearby anywhere throughout that, that area. There could be dough bedding. If it's hill country, a lot of times you'll find it on a thicker flat, whereas the bucks might be, more off the points.

If it's a clear cut. A lot of times I'll find doze bedding either kind of haphazardly on the edges or like within the interior of the clear cuts. And when you find bucks bedding in those clear cuts, it's usually gonna be like a spot on a spot type of a thing where you sit there and you're like, Oh yeah, it'd be really hard to set up on this deer.

Yeah. Because of the dropping thermals. Or, I'll give you an example. I was scouting a place this spring. It was a clear cut on a hillside, probably, I don't know, 12, 15 years old enough where the trees are probably between three to seven inches in [00:40:00] diameter of regrowth enough that you can walk through, but there's still ferns and thorns and things like that.

And on this hillside, within that clear cut, you had a lot of fallen timber mixed throughout on the edge, where it veered off into more of a flat and you could follow these trails up and through there. And you got onto that little flat and it was nice and thick and maybe 15 yards past where I got flat.

I was like, okay, bed here, walk another couple feet, another bed here, walk another five yards, another bed here. Okay, this is dough bedding, right? You can't really see anything around there. It's a cluster. There wasn't necessarily a wind advantage per se. I back off of that trail to get back on the hillside.

I follow a different trail up and then you find one big lone tree, scattered throughout the early regrowth. And then there's more old historical rubs up through there. And I find one big bed that has, a bunch of, shed hair [00:41:00] from the early spring. And this one, it was like, okay, you can see 40 yards down the ridge up above that bed.

It was more deadfall. So it created like an upward barrier, but still being on the slope with a northerly wind could have wind over the top upward rising thermals throughout the day. And then when those thermal switching go down, he's got all the wind at his back, but he can visually see how blow it's like clearly buck bed.

So it, it's hard to, it's hard to pinpoint, like I wouldn't be able to look at a map if that clear cut and be like, oh, there's a bed right here. There's just no way. I had to get boots in the ground to, to find those. But and it can be really tough this time of year to try and go out there and figure that out.

That's one of those scenarios where either during the season or postseason you, you're gonna find a bed like that. So usually early season, the more obvious type stuff, like the river bottom bedding, the hill country bedding the marsh bedding can be a little bit easier to figure out. Do you use cameras at all?[00:42:00]

Yeah, I do. Okay. You stumble upon a bed and or beds or whatever you're, coming across. How, where are you setting the camera up and what where do you set the camera up, like in relation to that bed? Are you putting it right on the bed? Are you putting it off on the side path, or are you not even going to put a camera anywhere near that?

Usually I'll put my cameras on scrapes and pinch points, and a lot of the best intel that I get comes from the scrape. Locations. And what I tend to find is that, and I only put 'em on what I consider to be better scrapes. If find a hundred scrapes in an area, maybe 10 of those are scrape worthy or camera worthy.

And so I'll put these in these areas and a lot of times what I find, especially for the ones that tend to get really good, say late October, is in like the August timeframe. Sometimes even in July, August, I'll get big mature bucks that'll hit 'em in, full velvet [00:43:00] one to four times. It might even be like during daylight, right?

But then they just disappear. But then right as that late October timeframe heats up, then they'll start hitting those scrapes again and maybe it's at night, but then you hit a good cold front or something and they start showing up in daylight. And then you build that library year over year. So I have a lot of cameras and areas like that where they might actually be locations that'll end up pun.

And if I'm getting daylight pictures and of frequency of them, okay, he's probably bed close that, that bedding area that I found, spring scouting or whatever, he's probably using that one. He's probably using this access trail and I can keep that in mind when I'm going in to hunt that spot. He's probably gonna be pretty close, right?

Because if it's, if he's bedded further away from that particular scrape, he's probably not gonna be getting to it in daylight. And I know okay, he's probably not betting in that area, so I don't necessarily need to have the camera really close to the bed to get the type of intel that I would want to get.

And then with the pinch point information, a lot of times I'll have those cameras just soak [00:44:00] and I'll look at the data year over year. Ah, there was, two, two bucks that crossed during daylight throughout the entire rut period. This isn't a very great pinch point. Whereas another camera at a different pinch point, oh man, there's, there was five mature deer, all different ones in a one week timeframe.

If I'm gonna. Put in a lot of time on this certain wind, like this would be a good spot to do it. You just gotta put in the hours. So those are usually the two things I'll do early season. Specific. Sometimes if there's like an isolated oak source like we were talking about earlier where there's maybe two or three trees, it's ah I can know that there's deer probably coming in there and they're gonna be feeding there.

But if I want to get an idea of which gear are coming in and feeding, it's just a bunch of dos. Is there about coming in then a camera in that scenario might be helpful as well. One thing I think I'm picking up from the conversation, you do a lot of dough hunting, is that, and I maybe not, but do you shoot a lot of, do?

[00:45:00] Historically I've shot more doughs than I have bucks. Okay. But in the last five years, I've shot more bucks than do I, don't I? I'm not opposed to shooting dos. I love shooting do, but my wife shoots dough every year. It seems like now that she's started hunting. So I don't. I don't have to shoot as many.

And a lot of times if I am hunting for a buck, oftentimes I'm in an area where it's man, I don't wanna shoot anything back here unless it's one that I'm after because of the work required. It's if I wanna shoot a dough, I'll shoot one close to the road. Cause there's a lot of areas where I can find those that are a lot easier to drag out than some of the spots I end up hunting.

But like I said, this year with the traditional mindset, at least for that September, early October timeframe, I probably will be hunting more of those close to the road type spots in areas where I have good food sources and good dough bedding. I shoot a lot of Ds because it fills the freezer and I've never, I shouldn't say never.

It's taken me a long time to get to the point where I was able to get on decent bucks, decent for me. And I just didn't know. If you were to say, if [00:46:00] you're a hunter and you're in that phase or whatever, you just wanna go out and fill the freezer. Are you treating any of this camera or the scouting or anything, any different?

Everybody talks about let's go find the biggest deer in the, in the world and go after it. But if you're maybe not going after that super secluded buck that's often eight miles deep in the woods and stuff, are there anything else tactic wise from or scouting wise, camera wise that you might do differently?

Yeah, I like to, with that mindset, have a really widen out of a lot of areas that are easy to check. That might mean that they're close to the road. That might mean it's a place where you can ride a mountain bike back and check it pretty quickly. But I'm looking for areas where it's man there's a ton of dos in here.

It's just deer sign everywhere. And maybe it's an area where, historically they'll come out in daylight and that's all you need to check. It's yep, they're in here this year. I'm good. Maybe it's an area, it's like there's a lot of deer sign, but I haven't really hunted here before.

I don't know if they're, if these [00:47:00] deer are betting close, I don't know if they're getting here after dark or if this is all daytime sign, nighttime sign, having a camera in that scenario could be helpful just to give you that extra intel. But if I'm just after any deer, instead of having, let's say one piece of land where I have 10 good hunting spots that are spread throughout, and it might take me twofold days to check all of those spots because the amount of time that takes me to get to all of them versus let's say you have six different pieces of land that you could drive to.

Each one has the best two or three that are really quick and easy to check. Then maybe you can check all those over the same two day time span, but you end up, especially in the summer and it's a little bit easier, right? You're not going through thick, nasty, mosquito infested swamps. You're able to get in and get out, be.

Pretty unintrusive. Check the things you wanna check, and then maybe you end up finding oh, man, like this place also has a big deer.[00:48:00] Or this property didn't have a lot of deer last year, but it seems like they're everywhere this year. The places will cycle. Sometimes a certain piece of property will get hit really hard for a couple of years, and then the deer numbers go way down on that particular piece.

And then less people a hundred because they're just not seeing many deer like they used to. In that particular place has a chance to rebound over the next few years and it might have more deer once again without that many people hunting it. So spreading yourself across different places that are easy to check will give you that a bit of intel as well.

If you're just after any deer. Keep the odds up. Yeah. And I'm just, my philosophy's kind of always been eventually those doughs are going to bring in the bucks. Do you buy into any of that? If they're, even though it might be a seemingly simple area close to the road, or easy access or whatever like that, if the doughs are there come November, they're gonna have a tail behind them at some point, right?

Generally, yeah. But some places are still gonna be a lot better than others. I've got there's a [00:49:00] couple of places that are really close to the road in one property that, as an example, I'll have usually one or two just giants that show up during daylight, but picking 'em on the exact right day that they're gonna come through, it's you gotta be out there all day for 20 days in a row.

Whereas there's other spots where it's man, there's a lot of doves at bed here throughout the course of the summer. Feed throughout, feed here throughout the fall, and then the bucks come in. But it's man, there's always three or four good deer throughout this two week span that'll hit it from the third week of October through the second week of November.

So it's I'm gonna put my odds in that spot, typically versus the other one. So yeah, they'll, those dough pockets will bring in bucks, but you'll find some pockets, especially year over year might be better on average than others. Yeah, I'm really good at taking pictures of doughs. So my cameras are loaded with dough, pictures and coyotes, but so I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to reevaluate that with some of this, these [00:50:00] ideas.

But the let's see here. So you're talking about your traditional archery this year, and I saw your video the other day shooting at ADR yards. That was very impressive. I. Is there anything different when you're talking about your weapon choice that you're gonna do when selecting, location and this might be more in season, but when it comes to the trad bow, is it gonna be something that you're more likely to hunt off the ground?

More likely tight to get in tight because you want to have that close shot? Anything different than what you might do if you were using a compound or a crossbow or even a rifle? Usually my setups, even with a compound, tend to be pretty close and tight, but one difference is I'm, there's an extra 10 yards there, right?

So if I'm set up with a compound and it's yeah, I can I can shoot out to 30 in this spot, but with a traditional boat, it's oh, I'd really prefer it to beat 15, 20 if the scenario's right. So maybe there's one trail that I can't hunt, but this is still the right tree to be in.

And maybe I take that risk. [00:51:00] I do hunting off the ground from the aspect of. Being able to maintain good alignment and form with the traditional bow, you can still definitely do it out of a tree, but it tends to get harder the higher you get up in the tree. And it can be a little bit more awkward to maneuver some shot angles.

If I really gotta, lean around the tree to one side, I can still get my compound back, hit those draw stops and just have total clearance to be able to make a shot with the tree mostly blocking me. But with the traditional bow, I find that sometimes I can't quite get to that same angle because I don't have the clearance.

And even if I do have the clearance, I can't get my torso twisted into that full alignment that I would like to get into. So I might find that, like for me, like a, a two o'clock through a six o'clock as a lefty is like my bread and butter shot. So those are really gonna be what I'm looking for.

I find it's a little bit harder for me to take a weak side shot as well, so I might be more likely to hunt in areas where I know I'm gonna have that chip shot because, They're very unforgiving. If you're in a, [00:52:00] if you're in a non-ideal body position, are you hunting from saddle most of the time? Yeah. Okay.

It gives you a little bit more leeway there when you're trying to maneuver. But let's see here, there's something else I'm gonna ask you. I think from a tactics and scouting perspective we've covered a lot now one thing here rubs, when it comes to rubs that you find in the woods, obviously you're probably not gonna find a whole lot of fresh stuff at this time of the year.

But if you come across a good rub line from the past, how do you use that in your scouting and prep for this season? I'll mark it. And especially if there's a pocket that has a lot of rubs, I'll mark that knowing that it's likely gonna be a good rub area. Like that that clear cut example.

That I gave earlier. That'd be like an example of a spot that's got a lot of historical rubs in there. A lot of times when I'll find trees of that size, those aspen trees, a lot of [00:53:00] times when they're that age they'll tend to attract those, they'll tend to attract bucker and the rot and they'll tend to be very rubbed up.

There's other places I hunt where it's man, I hardly ever find rubs, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's no bucks there. And just because you found a good rub line, it could have been last year, a buck that rubbed the hell outta the trees and then walked out and got shot. He's gone.

But you find that other bucks will come into that same zone and do the same thing again year after year? Yeah, it depends. If it's a particular bedding area and you got a one rub line coming outta that bedding area, then that'll happen if another buck happens to move in there. But a lot of times if you have a ton of land and you only have you got basically unlimited betting opportunities.

You might have one bucket kilo on an area, it doesn't necessarily get filled, so it might be dead. I also seem to find that there's a lot of bigger deer in an area. There tends to be more rubs in general, more competition or [00:54:00] whatever. I'll, there's one area that I go into that three years ago when I shot that one, the place was just, you couldn't hardly walk 15 feet without going past a rub.

And there's a lot of good sized tall rubs, bigger trees. But last year, the same place didn't hardly have any bigger deer. Just, a bunch of two year olds and the occasional three year old, and the number of rubs throughout that area was probably down 80%. So early season you might find just fewer rubs in general, you'll find the rubs around the bedding areas.

But during the rut, when you're looking at historical rubs, which is a lot of times what you're gonna find if you go out this time of year, then it's yeah maybe not. It just depends on what that particular year has to hold. You're not gonna necessarily know until the season starts unless you have access to glassing or you're getting velt pictures.

All right. So now I have a couple questions and I want, I'm gonna, I'm gonna give you some mild hypotheticals here. I'm selfishly [00:55:00] asking questions for myself, but picture yourself on a small property. Okay. And you have this problem where you don't have a ton of trees to choose from or movement. You can't just can't make a whole lot of moves out there.

It probably a clear cut from 20, 25 years ago, so you might be hanging in four inch diameter trees. And every time you go out in the morning, there are deer underneath your stand and or underneath that tree, trees that you have to choose from. Are you gonna quit going in the morning and just try to go in at night?

Or is there something that you, what would you do? And it like they're getting in there before first light, man. I can't figure out if they're like, if they're betting that close or they're in there feeding on something. There's no food source that I've seen that's stands out as something wonderful, but I can't tell you.

The one, its a couple years ago. I bet it was 80% of the time. I'd walk out there in the morning and had my little red light on and I got eyes sitting there looking right back at me. And I'm just like, [00:56:00] why are you in here all the time? And I've had camp. There was one time I was getting ready to go out in the morning, fair chaser, not whatever.

My alert went off and there was deer there and I'm like, I don't even think I'm gonna go out because this big boy's in there. And I'm like, I'll just bump him out before I even get in there. And these deer were in the same area that you would. Tend on hunting. It's not like you're hunting, quarter mile past where you'd be bumping into these deer.

Yeah. And it was more, it's more of a travel area that they I thought that they were going through. So I don't know if they were going from the bean field back to bed somewhere and I just was catching with the worst time man. It was it got really annoying and frustrating. Yeah. That'd be the thing to figure out is are they actually betting in that area or like you said, is it a travel area and they're eventually betting somewhere else?

Cause if it's the ladder, then it's like you, if you take a different access route in to get to that betting area, you might still be okay. But if they're just hanging around that area and betting, it's yeah, you don't really have much of an option to hunt that in the morning. At least in my opinion.

It'd be better off trying to slip in the afternoon where you [00:57:00] can see and go in slow. Yeah. And I have actually had a lot more success on that property in the afternoon. I might have seen more deer in the evening or in the mornings overall, but actual. Success coming in the afternoon, but, okay.

Stupid question, but I've asked a few people this. What is Garrett's favorite tree to hang into? Like species? Yep. I got Bur Oaks. Okay. Just a lot of cover. That's probably my favorite. Do they, you get nice big, lots of branches. Nice big grooved bark. It's like you can oftentimes find branches to lean up against and have a nice comfy set.

Yeah. Probably like those, the best buros in the areas that have them. So get out there everybody and learn how to identify a baroque and hopefully you find a good one. But I thought Paul was gonna hop on here, but he must have got sidetracked with his cheerleader party at his house. His. Kids had Camp Rara this week lucky him.

But Garrett, I appreciate your time, man. And is if [00:58:00] you want to tell everybody where they can find you and pick up more of your wealth of information, go for it. Yeah. So you can find me with the named DIY sportsman on YouTube, Instagram I guess kind of Facebook. Usually I just repost stuff from Instagram to Facebook and then the DIY Sportsman podcast through the Sportsman's Empire.

And then I do some work with Tethered and Spartan Forged, so sometimes you'll see me do things through their social medias as well. Very good. I appreciate you man, and good luck this season. We'll talk to you soon. Absolutely. Good luck to you as well.