OnX Features & Uses

Show Notes

This week on the Missouri Woods & Water Podcast Nate & Micah get to talk with our buddy Jared Larsen with OnX about some of its awesome features and uses that may be a little overlooked at times.  OnX is full of features that may be little known, especially some on the desktop.  Jared dives into a lot of great features the end user has access to so that you can utilize the program and get the best bang for your buck.  Thanks for listening!

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Missouri woods and water podcast with your host, Nate Thomas here to do a quick intro for today's show with our buddy Jared Larson over at on X maps. This show, man, we talk about all kinds of stuff mostly features that some of hell us and our listeners might not even know about.

We get into all kinds of stuff that Onyx offers and is going to be offering and, the ease of use just what onX is and how you can utilize it, what your options are, what you can do if you're a whitetail hunter out West, all that stuff. [00:01:00] It is a detailed podcast where Jared gets into a lot of stuff with us, so I don't want to spend too much time on the intro.

Let's run through our sponsors and just get into today's show with Jared with OnX here. But first let's hit OnX, man. Use the code MWW20 for 20 percent off. By the time you hear this, it'll be close will it be the season yet? Not quite. It'll be close to the season here in Missouri and all across the country.

Seasons are kicking off when it comes to elk and all kinds of, whitetail early season, all that. So if you don't have on X, download it, use the code, save you 20 percent off Weber Outfitters, man, check them out. Love working with them. Quality people over there, over in Hawk Point, Missouri Weber Outfitters.

com, give them a call. Stop in, check out some of their bows a little bit late, but. It's never really too late to get yourself a new bow. Check them out. They've got awesome tree stands, saddles. We got outfitted with a few saddles there. So check them out. Morrell [00:02:00] targets as I'm sitting here recording this the Friday before I leave for Wyoming.

My Morrell Target is sitting in the back of my truck right now going to Wyoming with me. My big roller. I'm excited to throw it out there when we get to Wyoming and take some shots and make sure our bows are still on. So check them out, morrelltargets. com. Athlon Optics, ridiculously good. Find a dealer near you, athlonoptics.

com. Check out the different offerings they have. If you're not sure what to go with reach out to us. We shoot a good array of them at this point. We'll let you know what we think of the different ones. All of us have a little bit of a favorite. We don't shoot them all. And but we do shoot a decent amount of them.

You can always reach out to us. Midwest gun works, use our code woods, water for 5 percent off. Now's a good time to be getting stuff for your deer rifles set up. Rifle season in our state will be here before you know it. So don't get behind the eight ball, get your [00:03:00] parts ordered.

And if you want a new gun they sell those two river's edge tree stands a little bit late, but it's, never too late to get some stands in the woods. If you're gonna buy some, use the code Missouri10 for 10 percent off plus free shipping on any hang on or ladder stand. Lucky Buck I just dumped a few sites here before leaving, and I'm down to doing about a third to a half of a bucket now.

As we are well aware, deer will start to use less and less mineral throughout the season as they transition into other things. That's when you start using less of it. So you don't have to spend so much money on more mineral than you really need. And then last but not, no, not, I guess I lied to you.

Reveal cameras. Speaking of those, change the batteries out so that I when I'm out there, when I was out there dumping, I'd change the batteries out of my cameras still running like champs. And so check them out. Reveal [00:04:00] cameras by Tacticam, Black Ovis and Camofire. Last but not least. Check them out I should have ordered a Puffy Jacket, but I didn't that was my bad, but Black Opus has those, so use the code MWW10 for 10 percent off if you're looking for something like that, and then Camo Fire, hop on the app and find some last second deals here before season starts.

It's a great time to be doing some of that stuff. Anyways, I don't know if it'll be Trail Cam Tuesday or not. Don't give Andy the satisfaction of checking and I'll just let I'll take you guys's word for it on whatever it is When it comes out when this show comes out next Tuesday Let us let's just get into the show me and Micah talk with Jared Larson with onyx maps About the awesome features onyx has this is the Missouri woods and water podcast

[00:05:00] Alright, with me and Micah today, we got our buddy over at Onyx, Jared Larson. Jared, what's up, man? Good afternoon, gentlemen. Not a whole lot, just sitting here on this Friday ready to boot scoot out of the office and do a little bit of fishing before fall gets here, and the fishing rods get put away, and the bow takes the front seat, oh, we're getting stoked. I don't get to fish as much as I'd like to, but my heart's definitely starting to race just a little bit knowing the deer season and elk season is right around the corner. It's getting exciting. I know you guys got a bunch of rain that you guys have been waiting on for a while, and shoot, out here in Montana we've had more rain.

This August than like the previous six that I've lived here combined. And yeah, it's been pretty cool. And yeah, like you guys, I am jonesing for for that first hunt of the year, which thankfully I only got to wait until September. So it's going to be here quick. Same. Yeah, we're, we leave in two and a half weeks for our annual elk hunt.

I'm getting stoked tonight. I was doing a little bit of research on [00:06:00] our unit that we're going out to. And same, that unit has gotten a lot of moisture this year. That's going to be good. Good things. Yeah. Speaking of research, is this a unit you guys are familiar with and you've learned in the past?

We are. It's changed a little bit in the aspect that it went to a draw unit this year. It was over the counter. So we're going to see, not sure if that's going to, I would assume that's going to help us some. So we'll see how it works out. I don't know if it's going to have the impact that we want it to, but you're always optimistic.

Those first year regulation changes are always such a wild card that actually happened with my elk spot here in Montana two years ago yeah, they changed up the tag allocation and the units that were allocated to this particular permit. And I tell you what it it. It was good before and it only got better.

Hopefully you guys experienced the same. Yeah. I don't get to go with them this year cause I drew a Wyoming tag, but I'm hoping I hear nothing but like just, oh yeah, Mike has got one down now. Andy's got [00:07:00] one down, like a year from that, that we've never really had. We've all had years out there where I think an animal has died every year.

For the last three or four seasons outside of last season. Yeah, whether it was a muley that somebody drew a mule deer tag or an elk But I'm hoping like this is just the year that they just go crazy and I Hear about it and then I go to Wyoming and do the same damn thing. That'd be great yeah, we'll see but speaking of features the premise of today's show we could we'll have Jared introduce himself and talk about who he is and what he does for Onyx, but I would assume most of our listeners know what Onyx is.

Yeah. Probably 99 percent know what Onyx is. a hunter, you probably have an idea what Onyx is. Onyx is a mapping service or a yeah, mapping service is just what I'll use, who we've been partnered with for a few years and have been active users of for even longer than that. [00:08:00] We're going to talk about.

All the stuff Onyx can do that you might not know about. There's a Jared was giving us a few stats before we started recording. And he can even talk about those during the show if he wants. But before we get into it, Jared, tell us about who you are. And what you do for Onyx. Yeah, a hundred percent.

My, my technical title is something along the lines of white sale marketing manager. So I oversee all internal and external marketing strategy and communications for the Western. Western the Eastern market. So Whitetail and turkey is really my focus. And so then coming with that. I also Work with all of our partners and ambassadors like you guys that are again They're their main quarry is Whitetails or turkeys so get to spend a lot of time on the phone and working with folks like yourselves dialing in promotions and chatting With folks about the app and how to better utilize it to get through their channels, to help educate, consumers, how to be more successful in the field.

[00:09:00] Because at the end of the day, that is the basis that on X was created upon was to empower. Our customers to have more success with the for the most part, most people have a very limited time to be in the woods. And if you only have five, seven, 10 days to hunt throughout the course of a year we want to ensure that, that you are as successful as possible and on the flip side, as you mentioned that this whole podcast is about some of the more nuanced.

In depth features which at the same time, alongside of those guys that are the weekend warriors, or, the parents at home that can just sneak away a day here, the app is equally built for those that are spending a hundred days in the field to really give you as many tools and features at your fingertips to dial in your hunt strategy, whether that's, chasing a eight and a half year old white tail, you have four years of history.

History with, or on your first elk hunts, or, chasing your first gobbler. It's really built for any and all experience levels to [00:10:00] empower you to have more enjoyable and successful trips into the woods. Yeah. And that's how this show came about. We were actually on a call with Jared last week, I think last week as we periodically do with him.

And he was talking about some of the stuff that you guys are doing over there and I'm just like, man. We are not utilizing this how many people don't use this? How many people don't even know this exists? And, we thought it'd be a great way to get some of the information out by talking about it to all of our listeners.

Let's just get into the basics of ONX what people do a lot of, and then we'll move into just, some of the stuff that is really badass that you think more people could utilize. 100%. First and foremost, public and private land ownership data is our bread and butter.

That's really what we're founded upon. And what so many people utilize the app for is really just a, a plat map that will also, give you your exact location. When you are out [00:11:00] in the field or out driving around that way, it's just very easy to have your bearings, understanding exactly where you're at on the landscape and exactly what land designation that you are on, whether that's, a private land with.

private landowner information that if you simply tap on any landowner's piece of property, it's going to give you their name, tax address, acreage, all that good stuff to help you know exactly whose land that is. If you want to contact them about, leasing their property or permission to hunt or things of that nature.

And then on top of that, of course, also public land. Not as relevant in many folks for the whitetail woods. Obviously there's plenty of people chasing whitetails on public ground. But it really gets confusing out West, where there is vast amounts of public land that has no signage or representation letting people know that it's public.

And so just being able to instill confidence in anybody that is in the field out there hunting unfamiliar ground is. is the basics of our app with that land [00:12:00] ownership information and those landowner designations. And then beyond that, of course, we have all of the tool sets within the app that are going to help you manage a property or remember a hunt or remember details about a place that you scouted with custom waypoints.

We have over. 80 icons, everything from bull elk to bedding areas, to tree stands, to trail cameras. If you can think of it in a hunting scenario, there's probably a custom waypoint icon on it on the Onyx hunt app for you. And then on top of that, you're able to color code all those things, leave notes, attach photos, share that with your buddies to really just, again, Ensure that when you come across something meaningful in the woods, a big community scrape or a big wall out West or, whatever it is, being able to mark that exact location just becomes so valuable.

In future time, when you're back in that spot, looking for something in particular that, you recall seeing, whether that's last year, last week, whatever it is, being able to go right to that spot, know [00:13:00] exactly what it was that you found of interest there and be able. And then on top of that, all of that is totally possible without any cell service.

So long as you save those maps before you leave home while you still have Wi Fi or cellular data. When you save those maps, if you get to an area that. Doesn't have cell coverage or you're bouncing in and out of one bar. You can simply flip your phone on airplane mode to help save battery and just utilize that map just as you would with service.

So long as again, you've saved it beforehand. Which I mean, as you guys know, out West, that is an absolute lifesaver and really replaces the need for a. PS unit at large. So often in the Whitetail woods and a lot of places that I hunt, you get down in a Creek bottom or off the Ridge tops and you just have very marginal or minimal service.

So I'm always saving maps and utilizing airplane mode just for that, that quick, snappy, responsive experience within the hunt app. When you are [00:14:00] on the fringe of service. So at the basis, that is what the app does. And then, of course, as we talked about, we're gonna go a little bit deeper into some of these other features that are.

Some of the new and novel ones and some of just the ones that are underutilized because there are just so many different tools and layers within the app that Unless you really sit there and familiarize yourself with it. A lot of them are hard to find so Speak a little more on the airplane mode or downloading offline maps How many times do you see people not do that correctly?

Because I'm sure I'm sure you guys get complaints. And, oh, my map wouldn't load when I was out here, and, they don't understand that. How, number one, Mike and I know how easy it is. But walk the listener through downloading an offline map and why it would be so important, especially when you're going somewhere that you don't know what it's for.

The service would be like, and how easy it can really [00:15:00] be. Yeah, a hundred percent. If you are looking at your on X hunt app, the very bottom left hand corner, you have a tab that says offline maps, simply tap that. And then there's a big orange button that says new map, tap that again. And from there, you're going to be able to choose your map detail, whether you want a low resolution map, a medium resolution map, or a high resolution map.

And so the difference is there. Low resolution is going to take up less space on your phone, but you're not going to be able to really zoom in and pick out a particular tree on the landscape. You're going to get the 30, 000 foot view, be able to see the large picture and then the higher the detail you go, the larger and more space that it's going to take up on your phone.

But when I say more space, a fairly large, high detail map, you're talking You know, 0. 2 gigabytes. So not very large by all standards. But so after you choose your detail level, you're simply just going to name that map. So it means something to you, Whitetail, lease Elkhunt, whatever it is.

And then simply hit [00:16:00] save. And if you have good service, it is not going to take even 60 seconds for that map to save. And once you've saved that area, the you're good to go. So once you get there and you are on the fringe of service or you have no service, the reason I recommend airplane mode is then it just automatically.

tells your phone not to be searching for that service. So again, your app is snappy and responsive and knows that it is offline and it's working off that offline map. Whereas if you don't put it in airplane mode, if you have, one bar of LTE or, you're just bouncing between service and no service, your phone is not recognizing that you are trying to use on X in an offline setting.

And so you'll often experience, lag in the app and it'll almost feel like it's not loading and that your save map isn't working, but that's because you need to, enable airplane mode, or you can simply go offline. Inside of the on X on app to also, again, [00:17:00] tell the app that you are working offline for it to recognize that map is there for that snappy experience.

If you have one bar, no bars, you could be out in the middle of never land Alaska and utilize the Han app just as you would sitting at home. On your couch. So it all just takes a few minutes of preparation. But the biggest thing is just remembering to do it because like you guys I have been many times where i'm heading somewhere and think son of a gun I did not save that map and you know You have that waning two bars of service or one bar of service and you're trying to get that map saved.

So Yeah, just make mental note. If you don't know the area you're going to, always save a map. If you know you're going to have spotty service, yeah, just make sure you're going to be covered. Yeah, I even go one step further. Once I get them all downloaded like I've got all my maps for Colorado already downloaded, but every year before we leave, I'll go into my app, make sure my app is updated.

I don't know that really messes with anything, but always make sure it's updated. And I'll go into my app, [00:18:00] and then I'll go into airplane mode anyways, and I'll just go off service at home. Even though you can go offline inside the app, I'll just go airplane mode on my phone, and then I'll get on my I'll get on my app, or my maps and test them.

Okay, they're good, let's go. Yeah, you can go offline and that works, but I know if I go into airplane mode, there's nothing. My phone is done. And if I can get on the map then and go play, then I know it's good to go for. I think that's a, like a big problem people run into is they, it's like, they don't quite get the entire aspect of downloading the app offline map.

So I thought it'd be great to explain it to them. And the other hot tip that I'll throw out there for Offline Maps and what I do, particularly when going to, particularly out West, doesn't apply so much in the Whitetail Woods, but save really expansive, low resolution maps. Save half the state of Colorado in a low resolution map, and then save more detailed maps inside of it.

Which I've run [00:19:00] into this problem years ago, not having done this where, you have a higher resolution map saved in your A and B spot, but A spot is filled with people and B spot turned out to be, just hit, you missed your mark on your e scouting and it's not holding elk or whatever having that low resolution map, you're still going to be able to navigate through the rest of your unit, find roads, understand what is public and private.

Okay. Thank you. And you're not going to be, left hung out to dry, needing to go get service to find an area to save a new map or, scout a new potential spot. Always over save versus under save. There's no worse feeling than when you... Cross that line and you're like, damn it. I wish I had went a little further, on this.

We had that yeah, we did that we we ventured off to where we normally hunt and we're like, okay let's go check this out and we could obviously you could always You can still save like a pin, like we always, whenever we park our quads or wherever, we always save a pin there, be like if anything, I know I can get back to that pin somehow.

I might not [00:20:00] notice the ridge that I'm going to have to walk up or down or whatever the case may be, but it's a little uneasy whenever things blurry and you can't make out detail when it's not saved. So yeah, like you said, definitely want to expand the picture and get a little bit bigger view in its basis.

That, that's why I got Onyx in the first place, just to talk about why somebody would want to pay for, a mapping service, right? Wow, I can just go walk around. I understand that. You say that is the case, but when you're somewhere that you don't know my very first year in Colorado And I think I told you this story already Jared But I had this little yellow Garmin GPS the cheapest one that Garmin made.

E Trax. Yeah, sure piece of shit it's awesome It actually it is what it was it worked fine for what it was, right? But all it was a screen and a dot Where you were and a dot where any type of waypoint that you would put on there I'm using that [00:21:00] my first year, and I've got a dot where our camp is, and I've got a dot where I'm at with my brother in law.

My brother in law says, hey, let's separate right here. You go this way, I go this way. And I'm like, alright. So I start walking in this dark timber in Colorado, and I just I turn this corner on this ridge. And I feel completely lost. I don't know where I'm at anymore. I don't like this.

And I can't look at this yellow garmin. And know anything about where I'm at. And I could not have gotten back to my brother in law quicker. I felt lost, I didn't like it. Scared is another term you can use. And after that day, I said I will not ever come back out here without knowing where I'm at.

And, that's the big, there's other features I'll talk about later that I love about it, but that was the big thing for me is I can look on that map and know exactly where I'm at on this mountain, where stuff is that I need to go, and what the mountain looks like to get there. [00:22:00] Or even if you're just in Missouri and you're on a new 1200 acre piece of public or 5000 acre large piece of public ground, which we do have large pieces of public in this state.

It just sucks to get lost and not have any way to a spilling confidence. Yes. Zero. I had, I had zero confidence that first year and I could not have bought Onyx quick enough if I could have paid for it right then and there. But I didn't have service. Yeah, offline maps, definitely a clutch in those situations.

And I think that kind of bleeds into the tracking feature, which is a super simple feature, but again, I, widely underutilized. As far as just being able to leave a bread crumb anywhere and everywhere that you're going. And simply turn on that tracker. It's again going to leave a bread crumb everywhere you've been.

Track your speed walks as well as your time and elevation gained and loss. So as you can imagine, ton of use cases for that. I lay out all my entrance and exit [00:23:00] routes into all my tree stands with tracks. That way you can easily share them with buddies that aren't familiar. They know exactly how to get in and get out.

Shoot, when I'm waterfowl hunting and I'm scouting, like I track my entire drive in my truck. That way I know, every field and water piece that I've looked at on that scout. And then, like when I'm out elk hunting, having that track becomes pretty invaluable just because if I wasn't dropping waypoints or, I go back to hunt there, weeks or years later, I know places that I've been and just having content on the map in a given location, it just brings it back to memory, it helps jog that memory as far as okay.

I wrapped around that ridge for X, Y, and Z reason or, Oh, I, I remember stopping there and setting up the there was a wallow there, even though I didn't mark a waypoint there, it really just helps jog your memory. And again, just leaves you with a better understanding of places you have covered places that you may be overlooked.

Another really good use case that I use it for all the time, shed hunting is[00:24:00] like just gritting out an area, or if made a marginal hit on a critter, another really good. way to use the tracker gridding and making sure that, you didn't overlook a small parcel that, your dead deer could be laying or there could be some sheds that you're looking for.

So so many use cases for the tracker as well. Yeah. I would say, and we're going to talk about some more off the beat features. I don't think you're ever going to come out with a feature that is more. More favorite to me than the feature that you guys have called, and I don't know what it's actually called, but I call it the direction of travel feature.

Compass mode. Compass mode. Dude, my brain works exactly like that. It's like I'm standing in the map and I can look. Wherever I point my phone is the direction it goes. It is the only app that I know of now, I have not used other apps in years. But at one point in time, before we ever even had a podcast, I had [00:25:00] not one, not two, but three different mapping services downloaded on my phone.

I told you I was freaked out about getting lost. And the two others that I won't mention, one of them had a feature. It tried to make like yours, but. It didn't do it that way. And that feature is gotta be the best feature that I will ever use on that app bar none, because that's the way I'm always using it out in the field, because that's the way my brain works.

It's a, it's not a brand new feature, but who, who came up, that was a win for me, man. Yeah. And yeah what Nate's speaking to there is if you tap the crosshairs in the bottom right corner of your app, you tap it once, it's going to bring you to your location. You tap it twice and it's going to turn into a blue little GPS triangle.

And then from there, it's also going to present you a compass option right above that. And if you tap on that'll bring you into the new compass mode. Which not only does it give you that sight cone and bearing that as you turn your phone, it's going to show you. [00:26:00] exactly which way you're facing which is insanely helpful and useful, like pinpointing a gobble or pinpointing a bugle to understand exactly where that bird or where that elk is.

But we also added on top of that basically a tool that is going to eliminate the need to use the line distance tool as a line with hash marks now populates off of your location. So you can quickly understand. Okay, that next ridge is 230 yards away from me, or, oh, that water source down below there is, 120 yards away.

Just really quick way to measure distances from you and that will actually be the foundation for another tool that we're building, which, if you turn that compass mode on, you'll see a little range finder icon. And so that is the foundation for what will be range finder integration which we're currently.

Working with a number of partners in the space that, manufacture range finders so that in the future, if you have a range [00:27:00] finder that is able to Bluetooth connect to your phone, like many of the new ones are. You will be able to range, range of meal deer across the canyon and you'll be able to have it set up.

So exactly where you range, it will drop a way point of that exact location on your map, that way you can just be. Assured that you have that deer's elk, whatever critter it is, location pinpointed to prepare yourself to, create the best stock route possible to get in on that critter. A lot of these tools that we're building when we make updates to them, they're typically foundational for, even more futuristic, even more badass.

Product enhancements that are coming down the pipe. So that's what the new update with compass mode is the foundation of, and we'll be a pretty sweet integration once we have that dialed in. Yeah. Another thing I love about it, which one of our buddies just taught us how to do that. I did you two fingers, so line distance is something we use out west all the time and we used to [00:28:00] go into the, tools and then line distance.

You can just put two fingers on two points in the map, hold them on there, and it'll give you the line distance. I use that. Two finger line distance. Yeah. Place them simultaneously on the screen. It's gonna give you a distance measure from, each of your two contact points. It'll populate for three seconds, tell you the distance, and then it just disappears.

That way you don't have all these random red lines sitting on your map that, you know. You needed to know the distance for two seconds, but you don't at all need to keep that line. And so like a lot of times we develop those features purely based on what we are recognizing customers are doing or what we hear from customers.

And so the way that one came about is we're just seeing that the vast majority of line distances, people were. Creating, they were immediately discarded. And it became pretty obvious to us okay, people don't actually want to keep the line distance on their map.

They simply want to check out how far a is [00:29:00] from B. And we do these little things called design sprints or hackathons where. When something like that is happening a small section of our engineering team will get together for a day or two days and just work on one specific iteration or something of something.

And so that's what that came out of. We recognize that folks weren't interested in keeping these lines, so we came up with a solution and Implemented it as soon as we could. I'm with you. The two finger line distance. I use it a ton when he showed it to us. I was like, what I used it the other day we were on vacation this week and we were down in Arkansas on a float trip and my whole family was with me and we got, there's 15 of us, eight, kids and, we're just floating down the river and we had a certain time that we had to get back to where they were going to pick us up or else it was going to be like 25 each, 15 minutes over or something like that, and we got in late and we were getting that time.

We're like, man. I don't know if we're going to make it, we might have to spend quite a bit of money just to, but I was able to, I had service at the [00:30:00] time. I didn't save my map cause I was on vacation. I wasn't thinking about it, but I was like, I could figure this out. So I just got on there real quick and I did my I knew where they were going to pick us up and I, obviously I knew where I was at, did the line like, Oh, we got 1.

7 miles left to go. And we had two hours to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever the case, we made it with eight minutes to spare. That's how. Closely, we cut it, but without that, we would yeah. If we didn't have that, we probably would have been either, we would have either a taken too much time or we would have scurried and ruin the whole trip just because we weren't worrying about relaxing, floating down the river and we were more worried about getting picked up in time.

So it, it just took a little ease off the mind. It was pretty, pretty useful. Love it. And those are just like basic. Yeah, that's the basics, man. Like we, we talk, like I said, we talked last week and and when we talked about this, the majority of the users on X, they're using it on their phone, but after talking with you last [00:31:00] week, we are barely scratching the surface on what on X offers on the web portion.

So on your laptop or on your computer, let's get into some of those things that People are not recognizing that they actually have at their fingertips. A hundred percent. So I'm going to start with aerial imagery. If you're looking at on X right now, or you're familiar with on X, we have incredibly high resolution and very detailed aerial imagery across the country.

But in a lot of places it's not necessarily the most up to. excuse me, the most up to date imagery. As you can imagine, sourcing aerial imagery is very difficult and very expensive. There's not a ton of providers out there to choose from. And so recently we've started to get more creative and try to find new ways to source aerial imagery in different capacities.

And so what we're working on right now and what I'm going to show you here Is leaf off [00:32:00] imagery will be available on our web platform very shortly after this podcast releases. And then pretty quickly after that into the mobile apps. And so with leaf off imagery, it's starting out that we have a dozen states that leaf off will be available for within elite membership.

And that is something to note here. A lot of these newer. More in depth, nuanced features will only be available to our elite members. And leaf off imagery is one of those, but states like Missouri, Pennsylvania, Mississippi West Virginia, Wisconsin, there's a number of them that will have leaf off imagery that will be incredibly high resolution.

So I just flipped it on here. And as you can see, it goes from a canopy of green in this creek bottom to, no canopy at all. And you're able to really zoom in, get a picture of what that creek bottom looks like without all that leaf cover that really just blinds you of what the landscape looks like at [00:33:00] large.

In November, in December, when you are doing that hunting to really again, visualize and understand the landscape just that much better. So leap off imagery, we're pretty stoked on that. And if it is not in. One of the states, or if you are not in a state that leaf off is currently going to be launched in this first iteration we are working on sourcing additional states.

So iterative iteratively throughout, the next couple of years, we hope to get leaf off for everywhere in the country. So making progress on that front. But Missouri made the cut on the first, Missouri did make the cut on the first one. That's just going to be so beneficial.

Like I got this one piece of public ground next to me and I don't hunt it that often. I'm, I have access to private land. I'm blessed in that way, but there is this one piece of private or public. It's pretty small, but it is literally nothing but trees. It's nothing but trees and it's got a Creek running through it.

And you can, obviously looking at [00:34:00] the top of the map, all is trees. So you can't really get into some of that detail stuff that you might be able to picture. Oh this is probably a little less, they have better access if they're going this way or whatever. And you might be able to pick up on some of those trails and things like that, that really become beneficial.

Yep, 100 percent like I know, it's in my ability to use it under my employee account currently. And just some historic spots that I used to hunt in Wisconsin you turn on that leaf off imagery and yeah, you can see some of those really well utilized deer trails and things that. You would just never be able to pick up with a canopy full of leaves on so excited to get that one out.

And it's been highly requested by so many people in the south in the southeast part of the United States, those folks really seem to be interested in that leaf off imagery and getting a better understanding of that landscape under the trees and being able to visualize it. So stoked to be able to bring that to folks.

The next aerial image update. Okay. It [00:35:00] is our recent imagery with the ability to look back historically. And so what this is we are we sourced imagery that is updated roughly every two weeks across the country. And so with that, you'll notice that it is lower resolution imagery than our general base map.

But again, it's getting updated every two weeks across the country. So it is absolutely awesome for. Seeing where a tornado went through, or if you did TSI, or you cleared out a new food plot, or you're looking for where the snow line is, or you're looking out west to see, the creep of vegetation as summer moves on, and you're trying to find a, a really good green honey hole for a high country mule deer hunt.

You're just able to see so much more. And looking at this particular spot on the map, you can see that when I flip on the recent imagery, like there's multiple large, I'm not sure if this is going to be a housing development or what they're working on here, but you can see. That, [00:36:00] the landscape just vastly changes from our general base map imagery versus this recent image that was taken, at some point in the last two weeks.

And then on top of that, you're able to on web currently. You're able to historically look back to March of 2023. That recent imagery is in the mobile platforms, but the historic look back is currently only on web, but we'll be in mobile platforms again here very shortly before hunting seasons kick off.

That really utilize that. That would really suck. What's that? That would really suck. Like you're like, man, look at this spot. It looks good. You turn on recent imagery and you're like, where the freaking hell did all the trees go? Yeah. Yeah, the PC showing us, yeah. The PC showing us is showing this nice big chunk of timber.

And then probably, I don't know, a thousand acres is cleared. So yeah, I get that. That's definitely beneficial. Yeah, so pretty pumped on that. I've been using a ton. I'm heading to Alaska here in just a [00:37:00] couple of weeks on a moose hunt. And just watching the green creep up the river system that we're floating has been super cool and honestly, confidence instilling, knowing that, some of those locations higher up on the river are getting green and there is going to be good, some good vegetation and hopefully hold some moose.

So lots of ways to utilize recent imagery, especially when preparing for. Going somewhere you haven't been to see if, the crops have been harvested or, things of that nature that are going to affect your hunt, but you don't really have any way of knowing until you get there without having something like this at your disposal.

How many phone calls would you have to make? Hey, have you ever been on this river at this point? And what's the what's it doing right now? That's yeah, that's impossible to figure out without this. Totally. And then the last aerial image update that we have live right now is what we're calling imagery on demand.

And so what that is you'll be able to order a [00:38:00] custom image that you choose the exact location of, and now it is an extra. 60 for customers to order this image, but you are literally dictating a satellite to go up in the next 10 to 14 days and take a aerial image of a very particular location.

I think it's about a mile and a half wide by a mile and a half wide as far as the size of the image it's going to give you. But once you purchase that, you tell the satellite the exact location you want that image of that. In the next 10 to 14 days based on weather conditions, to ensure there's not cloud cover and things of that nature, it's going to take that aerial image, it's going to populate on your account and your account only, you are going to own that little fresh aerial image and you're going to be able to toggle that on and off, just like you would any other piece of the base map.

Again, maybe you bought a new property or you got a new lease this year or you cleared new food plots or you're going to a new unit in [00:39:00] Wyoming for an elk hunt and you want to better understand, what an area looks like. For 60, the amount of value that you could get out of understanding that landscape before you've ever been there, or just the luxury and novelty of having what your property looks like exactly today.

On your map pretty cool opportunity and not something anyone else out there is doing. So we're pretty excited to, to get that ability for our customers in order to, have a custom aerial image. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Really cool. Yeah, it's definitely awesome. Yeah, that's some of the the biggest things we noticed on our call with you the other week is, I have specifically this year more than any I think I've probably used the web based app more than guys like Micah in our group a little bit, but this year with going to Wyoming being brand new, noticed that some of the stuff you can do, on the web app, which I'm sure your version or your idea is to get all that [00:40:00] possibly available on mobile at some point, There's only so much a phone can do that a computer can't, right?

My computer screen is 23 inches larger than my phone is. And it's amazing the detail you can see when you're on the web based app. I guess it's called an app, the website, whatever. Web map, web app, whatever you want to call it. I'm down for more. But by and large, we do plan on getting all of these features that are in web.

Over to the mobile app with a few caveats, but the reason they go to web first is it's easier to develop for web than it is on mobile platforms. And then the other thing is we have full control over our web map. And when we send new things into an iOS platform on your Apple device or into an Android platform, Google platform in your Android device.

Those have to go through an approval process and we only can send updates, every so often there's just a lot [00:41:00] more logistics and complexities to getting things into the mobile devices. So pretty much by and large, everything first goes to the. And then, just as soon as we can get it developed and into the mobile products, that's where we put it.

But I know Nate was leading on to something that is only web based and to be honest with you, it will probably stay web based just because of the complexities of the tool. But it is what we are calling Onyx Labs. And again, so this is only available to elite members only on web. And it's on the right hand side toolbar.

It has a little red beta flag on it because we are using this as a beta testing grounds. In order to get as much feedback from our customers as possible on what they like about this tool, how they're utilizing it, how we can improve upon it. But basically within OnX Labs, there's two main features currently.

The first one is TerrainX. And so I'm just going to zoom in to a [00:42:00] random place in Colorado here. Let the map populate for a minute. But then if you throw your map into 3D by just holding ctrl and then clicking on your left clicking on your mouse or your track pad, you're able to, pan that 3d and start looking around.

But the real cool features of this really come into play on the left hand side toolbar here. Slope angle, slope aspect and elevation band over there. And so what you can do. When you're looking at it in 3d here. And I will say that when you are using this platform just because the data is so rich and you're trying to pull so much detail from these maps, it does load a little bit slower than the general web map, but let's say you're looking for a, North facing.

30 degree slope for, elk bedding on your hunt in Colorado there. So as you see, as I slide and adjust [00:43:00] these different aspects angles, you'll see things get highlighted and darkened. And so the highlighted portions. are showing you exactly what you are filtering by. So right now I'm filtering for a predominantly North facing slope between 20 and 30 degrees.

And you can see just the very limited areas that are highlighted. If I was, looking for a good potential elk bedding grounds, or let's say, the inverse, maybe it's shed season and you want to find, a South facing slope. You could do the same thing. But just iterate it with your filtering ability to look at those south slopes change that slope angle to whatever, fit.

And again, it just is really going to help you narrow in on places that are of interest versus places that don't fit the script for what you're looking for. So just a super cool tool only available on the web map. Great for doing e scouting. Definitely more [00:44:00] useful for western hunts than whitetail hunts, but certainly some applicability there too.

If you're honing in on creating a bedding area that you want to do some TSI on. So you want to locate a south facing ridge, or maybe you found particular. Mass trees that were produced in just a ton of acorns at a particular elevation band. So you can still filter and utilize these things in the whitetail woods.

You just have to get a little bit more creative. And obviously the scale isn't going to be so large. But just a lot of yeah. And what I like the map you got up right now, what I enjoy about it is when I'm so let's just pretend like this is where I'm going in Wyoming, right? I'm looking at that and going, I want to get to the peak of that mountain.

How am I going to get there? I can look at my map and I can look at my topo lines and go, it's probably steeper over here, blah, blah, blah. But here I can look at it and go, all right, I'm probably going to run around Johnson Creek [00:45:00] and up the bowl that way. Cause there's there's no question. I can tell what it is now.

Cause it's like a, it's like I'm standing. On a cloud right on top of the mountain and I can see what's steeper. I can see everything where, sometimes we've all been there where we look at topo lines and we get there and we're like, holy shit, this is not what I was expecting to see.

And using that slope angle, you can get a pretty good. understanding of, the easiest route up this bowl, as I have this slope angle dialed to everything from 90 degrees to zero degrees, if I drop that down to, only showing 30 degree gradients or less, there's, and even to 20 degree gradient or less, you can see that this little drain is going to be the easiest route.

Up to that ridgeline. So yeah, a ton of different use cases there with TerrainX when you're planning from home. And then the other cool tool within OnX [00:46:00] Labs is ViewShed. So if you click on these little binocular icons up here you are going to be given like a little bullseye essentially as your cursor.

And anywhere you place that cursor based on the terrain around you, it is going to highlight what you are able to visually see from that location. So really taken a lot of the guesswork out of finding a glassing knob and, trying to put together what you're going to be able to see from there.

So just a really neat feature again while you're scouting from home to quickly understand what you're going to be able to see from any point that you're interested in glassing from. And this would be perfect for whitetail folks too, like in the summer if you're wanting to go check out the bucks in a bean field of an evening and it's somewhere you've never really been for.

Been to before you can be like where is it that I can see the most of this field? What vantage point can I be at instead of driving up and down the road and go, and it's probably best here. You can just [00:47:00] be like I know it's best here because it's showing me I can see the most from this vantage point before you ever even travel out there.

Yeah. And the other thing that we're trying to add to viewshed it's been a challenge as you can imagine, but we're trying to get it to take into account vegetation as well. Because so many glassing knobs, like you, you can be fighting trees or as you just described in the Midwest.

Fighting crop ditches full of tall grass or things of that nature. So really trying to improve that feature to not only analyze the topography and the terrain features themselves, but also the vegetation that's around to take into account. Okay. Recognizing those trees are 30 feet higher.

Whatever they are, what is the visibility through that vegetation? Like all of our tools there, they're usually at some points in their life cycle with an iteration only to be built upon and hopefully make better for you guys. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Another new feature that's going to be pretty [00:48:00] cool is is the the trail camera tool.

So you told us a little bit about this too. Go and go into that. What's that going to be like? Yeah. So I'm super pumped for the trail camera stuff. It is definitely going to be a bit of a slow burn and a long tail project. But basically over the course of close to the last two years, we've been.

Being really calculated and gathering as much data and information as we possibly can about how folks are using trail cameras, particularly cell cameras. Just because as and as all you listening know, there might not be anything more addictive than cell cameras and the notifications that you get when you get a photo to come in.

And so we dove deeper into that. By doing a bunch of survey data to try to understand what are the major pain points of utilizing cell cameras because us here internally pretty, the entire hunt team at Onyx Hunt hunts avidly. And so like [00:49:00] myself, for instance, I was running. three to four brands of cell cameras every single year.

I had cutty backs, I had Bushnell's, I had a tax cam. And so I had to have, my, my cutty backs were only sending me emails. They didn't even have an app, until fairly recently I had to have my tax cam app and then I had to have my Bushnell app. I'm receiving photos.

In three different platforms, not to mention, none of those platforms really give me the ability to organize those photos. And so beyond that, if you're going to analyze those photos, then you need like a spreadsheet or really detailed notes in your phone and your notes app or some other way to help.

understand the factors and conditions that a target buck is daylighting on, or you're just getting pictures of a target buck in general, trying to put together his pattern, understand where he's bedding and put together a plan and a strategy on the map in order to hunt that deer more [00:50:00] effectively. It was all just so cumbersome and so disjointed that we decided we're going to take a stab at.

Simplifying trail camera management. And so again, right now, foundationally, we have the concrete poured, if you will, of the house that is going to be built. And so what currently exists within the hunt app is On web, you can utilize the trail camera tool any day now. That tool is going to be in both Android and iOS platforms.

And so what that tool does foundationally is it's slightly different than a way point. It's only a trail camera icon on it. But you can currently set that trail camera icon where your trail cameras are at. And as you edit it, It is going to keep track of your historic locations of that camera as you move it.

And right now, you're able to upload any trail camera photo you have on a desktop or SD card or anything like that. You can upload those photos to [00:51:00] those individual camera locations to start putting all of your trail camera data within OnX. But in the very near future, within the month or so with...

Exodus, Bushnell, and Covert, we are launching cellular integration. So with those brands, you are going to be able to receive cellular images from those cameras right to your Onyx Hunt app. And we hope to onboard many more. Trail camera manufacturers. We basically started with those three because they were super on board with our vision and what we were doing.

And we're just taking it one step at a time and trying not to take too big a bites that we can't chew off very effectively. And so once that integration is set up with those companies, as far as you're able to receive cellular images to your hunt app, more specifically to. the exact trail camera icon that represents that camera in the woods.

That way your organization starts to be done for you [00:52:00] as far as housing those images under that camera's physical location. And then again, as you move that camera, those images are going to be attached to The historic locations of that camera or the current location of that camera. And so as soon as that integration is built, we'll then start to work towards our organization of trail cameras.

We already have an analysis tool built that is going to save you a load of time as far as identifying buck, doe, bear, pig, coyote, so on and so forth. But then the ability to create custom folders. Custom tags for all of your photos. So of course there'll be organized by camera, but if you want to go a step further and create a folder that is, your Missouri lease or your Iowa farm or, whatever.

Particular piece of ground you're able to create a folder and add all those photos to that folder. And then beyond that create custom tags. So you have a target buck, Steve, or your target buck, Bob, or, whatever it is, you're able to categorize all those [00:53:00] folders in an organized manner. And really just start to keep track of all of your camera photos within the hunt app, where you're going to be planning your strategy and analyzing the map already.

To organize your photos there and then after organization is in a good spot, we're going to start to work on building an analysis tool, analyzing the deer on your property from your photos. And so what that looks is with the metadata from a trail camera photo, we're able to pull all of the weather conditions based on that camera's location.

Imagine you want to understand more correlations of your target buck, Steve. So let's say you have 60 photos of this deer and 14 of them are in daylight and you want to start pulling out the factors. that he is daylighting on. Okay. Of those 14 images, nine of them are on a Northeast wind on your South [00:54:00] food plot camera.

Three of them were on a Southwest wind on your North pinch pot pinch point camera. So from there, with those factors combined with additional factors, if you so choose, whether that's temperature, barometric pressure, moon phase, whatever it is that you are interested in pulling out of that metadata as far as all weather variables and conditions, we're going to be able to spit that out to you to help you put together a better plan in place to hopefully, tag that mature buck.

And then, beyond that, let's say you wanted to go harvest a dough, you could say. Tell me the cameras that have had the most daylight dough activity in the last week. And we'd say, okay, your south food plot, six of the last seven days, you've had an evening daylight photo of a dough or, your north pinch point.

Only two of the last seven days have you had an evening daylight photo. Odell easy choice. I'm going to the South food plot. So really, instead of predictive and analysis based on, insurance car collision [00:55:00] data to help you identify the peak rut in your area or anecdotal weather factors by and large from hunters helping you predict movement in your area.

We're going to be pulling data from your trail camera Intel that you are uploading into on X to help you give analysis on your deer. To make you more successful trying to put an arrow or a a round through the buck that you're most after. So you can see what we were talking about with this type of show.

I mean that right there, there's a handful of features we just discussed that. I'm sure we didn't even. Skim the surface of everything that Onyx, can do. There's other features I use all the time out west like historical burn data One of the place we're going to hunt in Wyoming.

There was a burn over the past handful of years that happened there so I can see where the fire was because I can't tell You know, although, leaf off imagery and stuff like that, if it's available at some [00:56:00] point that'll be an option, that'll be available at some point, obviously, but, historical burn data is something I look at all the time.

Acorn produces oaks. That's like a wildly popular lair. If you want to get a great general understanding of where red and white and mixed oaks are on any part of the landscape that's a really highly utilized feature. But by and large, underutilized by Onyx consumers. What are some other features that maybe you think are really underutilized that we haven't really discussed yet today that you would love to see more people using because it's just so awesome.

So a really interesting one, and this is similar to what some of TerrainX does, but under the Land and Access folder in your app layers Slope Angle is in there. And I'm utilizing that to try to just really easily locate, natural terrain funnels, obvious pinch points, easy access points.

If [00:57:00] there's any type of topography and terrain, basically it populates a color coordinated degree of slope aspect or degree of slope angle. So green is going to be gradual. Red is going to be steep and you're just really easily able to identify. Oh, like there's A couple really steep edges, but then a nice green gradual rise to the saddle.

Okay, perfect natural terrain funnel or pinch. That would probably be a great spot to set up during the rut from a buck cruising from one drainage over into the next. So that's one that I utilize quite a bit. 3D exaggeration. Oh yeah. That is now available on mobile. If you're not seeing it on your ios device it is currently in a split And so what I mean by that is anytime we release a new feature We send it out to five percent of our user base.

Make sure there's no bugs It's working well for a couple of days. Then it goes to 10%, then it goes to 20%. So just [00:58:00] a check and balance to ensure that when we're releasing new features, they're working as intended and not slowing people down. But that 3d exaggeration, I drew a Kansas tag this year. I chose to hunt a unit in Western Kansas that is pretty dang flat and there's not many trees.

And I'm actually going with the intent to spot and stalk and try to decoy a whitetail from the ground on my bow. And so really utilizing that, that 3d elevation exaggeration to bring to life those little swales and those little ditches that we all know deer. know exactly where those are, and they use the heck out of that subtle terrain.

But it's not very obvious on a topo map, especially a topo map with, 20 ft contours. So really utilizing that elevation exaggeration to pick out that nitty knit nit pick out that subtle terrain features that critters are going to be using. That's one I really like optimal wind and wind calendar, something that just makes it really easy to pick [00:59:00] any day's stand location.

So if you drop a waypoint, any waypoint icon, I really only do it on my tree stand icons. But if you tap that icon, it's going to pull up a card with the waypoint and you're going to be able to tap wind direction. And then from there you. can either have that exact waypoint display the current wind direction at all times, or you can set your optimal wind direction.

So it's gonna populate a pie chart with all of the cardinal directions. And you can say, okay, this South food plot stand hunts on a South wind, Southwest wind and a Southeast wind, anything predominantly South. Then a little bubble is going waypoint icon. And, anything with that predominantly south wind, it's going to show up green.

Let's say there is a northwest wind, it's going to show up red. And then on top of that, if you set those wind conditions on... we are going to produce a wind calendar for you. And so if you have, let's say you have eight tree stands on your 65 acre property. And if you set up the [01:00:00] optimal wind direction on all eight of those tree stands, that wind calendar is going to give you a seven day prediction of what the wind is going to be doing at each of those stand locations by daybreak, midday so you're just able to super easily at a glance, understand, okay, what stands are viable hunts options for today or this coming Saturday?

Just to help again, really narrow down and at a glance, understand where you're going to go sit. I like that one. Oh yeah, that's huge. I like when I don't have to get, so I think we've all been in this boat before, but I like when I don't have to get on five different apps to do stuff.

And that was one of them. I used to get on my Onyx and I'd, look at where I'm going, okay, where I want to go sit here. And then I'd get on a weather app that I've got that has a wind map. And it's just a map of a bunch of arrows. And then I'm like, alright Windy. Huh? Windy? You using the Windy app?

No, it's it's called... And it's a good app. I would [01:01:00] recommend it if you, it's called MyRadar. And then there's a wind, there's a wind feature. And I can look at the, I look at the wind direction. It's not even really arrows. It's just like little dashes that you can tell where it's going. That is actually a super awesome feature.

The windy app and the, my radar app do a pretty good job of that. And that is one. 100 percent on our road map to start to implement like those more large scale wind trends, because it is super cool when you can like, look at that what you're speaking to in my radar, you can zoom out in the whole country.

And you can see in the upper Midwest, this big vortex that's creating, a west wind, but you look down and, like you can see where that weather pattern breaks, where Yeah. Maybe down in Missouri there, it starts to switch and you see it a predominantly South wind. And then, in a lot of those apps, you can forecast days in advance to see how those weather systems are changing.

And yeah, super cool stuff that again it's on the on X roadmap and it'll [01:02:00] be in there one of these days. Yeah. We always joke with our engineers, the marketing team does that. It's just. Two lines of code, right? Yeah, it doesn't mean more involved than that. It doesn't mean I don't ever get on those apps ever again, but I don't have to anymore, right?

So like my radar, I still use it a lot for when a front's coming in, and I'm like, am I going to be in the stand when this front hits? And like last year or the year before, I can't remember, I was in a tree stand when the front hit and the wind I could not have timed it more perfectly. I was like watching the radar.

And I got into that stand maybe 10 minutes before the front hit and the wind switched and it got colder and everything happened the way I wanted it to. And, that, that was one of those times I got on that app because, that was a little bit like more detailed than anything else. But what I love about, the wind direction deal is I do it.

I do it for every single one of my tree stands and I can look and say, all right, the wind says I'm good [01:03:00] here. Now, am I going this evening? Okay. Thermals, I look at those sometimes depending on where you're at. And I think I should be good here. Even if my thermals rise with this wind, it should take it this direction.

I should be all right. I use that all the time. You can just see to the listeners, it's more than just, looking at a map. There's a lot of stuff you can utilize. We didn't hit probably 10 percent of all of it still. But there's a lot of stuff that Onyx has that you can utilize especially as an elite member.

But, so talk about before we get off, what the different membership membership options are and how people can use Onyx if they are interested in getting on it. Yeah, 100%. We have basically three different membership tiers. We have our single state product, which is a premium membership, 30 bucks.

If you just want Missouri, if you just want Arkansas, whatever individual state you get all the data for that state, but you do not get anything for additional states. And then we have our two state option. And really we just launched this recently, [01:04:00] purely by popular request. A lot of folks that are hunting Missouri and Iowa, or Arkansas and Missouri, or Missouri and Kansas, those folks that have One neighbor stayed away that they often frequent to.

So we're now offering a two state option for 45. If you want to just add an additional state to your premium membership. But then really the most bang for your buck is going to be the elite membership that covers all 50 States. It gives you all these new features. that we just talked about. So recent imagery, leaf off imagery on X labs with terrain X and view shed.

The trail camera analysis, part of that tool that is all going to only be for our elite members. And then on top of that we have our elite. benefits. So we're constantly working with other brands in the industry to deliver for you guys either early access to new product launches or discounts to, the gear that we use and trust, whether that's, tree stands, saddles, boots, optics.

So really just trying to give back to our consumer and make the 100 [01:05:00] that the elite product is such a no brainer that people don't even think about it because it's They know they're getting way more value out of it than the tank of gas that 100 would otherwise get you. So that's where I would go.

If you got 99 bucks the elite membership is going to beyond pay for itself with just the confidence and the increased ability that you're going to have to be more efficient in finding. game rich environments on top of all of the different ancillary benefits that you get with elite.

And of course, if you go to on X maps. com and use code MWW, you're going to save 20% on your on X subscription. And you're also going to. Support these good fellas you're listening to. Head over to onyxmaps. com, use that code N M W, and you'll save save a little coin. And that's what's cool is, not just us, but Onyx is they do a lot out there for, the consumer, as it would say, right?

We're not the only one that's got a discount code. There's discount codes all over the place, and, if [01:06:00] you're a listener of our show or any of their other partners, they are trying to hook you up with a even better deal than I think the elite is already.

And you can get it instead of 99, you can get it for 79, 80 bucks for the entire year. But yeah, with August, like August is something we've coined internally as our elite month, where we are just running a ton of really cool promotions with our different elite.

Partners and giving away 30 day free trials to elite. So if you haven't already signed up for on X and you're on the edge thinking about it, there's no better time than now to go check it out. We always offer a seven day free trial, but if you can get it free for 30 days, why wouldn't you? 23 extra days.

There you go. Sometimes 24, depends on what month. Yeah. Yeah, dude. Jared, I appreciate you coming on and, talking about all these awesome features to our listeners. The more they can learn, the more we can learn about all the different features that we have that we're paying for.

The better we can be because, it just gives us more information. I'm going to be over the [01:07:00] next month. I'm going to be on the three d elevation exaggeration and the the slope. Can't remember what exactly it's called. The slope. Tranex. Yeah. Thank you. The Tranex. Quite a bit because my scouting for Wyoming is gonna be on my computer.

I don't get to go out there before. A lot of people don't and this is where this comes in handy. Man, we appreciate you coming on. Good luck in a few weeks in Alaska. Yeah, if you get a big old moose, you're going to have to come on and tell us that. That's one of those dream hunts. You guys got a deal.

I yeah, I'd love nothing more to circle back here in a couple months and exchange some stories. And so if you listeners have any questions for me, Feel free to shoot me an email. My email is jaredjared. larsen, l a r s e n, at onxmaps. com. My Instagram handle is jaredclarsen. Drop me a DM there. If you have questions, happy to help you out and answer anything you may need.

Don't be a stranger. Micah, Nate, appreciate you guys having me on. Best of luck out west [01:08:00] and hopefully we'll reconvene here in a couple months and and have a good ol story session about some critters fallin You would be our first moose, Tales of the Chase. Yeah, that's for sure. Hopefully it happens.

Alright, man, we appreciate it, Jared. Alright, we'll see ya, buddy. Thank you.