Out of State Hunts

Show Notes

On this episode of The Nomadic Outdoorsman Dan talks with 19 year old high school senior Glenn Rafferty about his desire to chase animals and new adventures across the US.

Glenn is a passionate outdoorsman that loves to hunt everything from bear and elk to whitetail and turkey. From the time he turned 16 and got his license he started exploring new places to hunt both on his own and with family and friends. Glenn spends a lot of the year in his home state of Ohio knocking on doors and getting new permission to hunt a variety of species. Dan and Glenn talk about their similarities and share with the listeners just how easy it is to go out and experience new adventures.

Show Transcript

Dan Mathews: [00:00:00] All right guys. Welcome to today's show, and I'm really excited about this episode because I have got a young man from Ohio named Glen Rafferty on the show. And if I could just describe him really quickly, he is a young nomadic outdoorsman. From the time he was 16, he decided I'm gonna go and hunt a bunch of different places.

I'm not just gonna get stuck on my home property or in my own little area, my county in Ohio. I'm gonna go all over the place and hunt as many different things as I can. And so to dive into some of his stories of things that he's already chased after all over the country is pretty awesome. Not to mention when he is at home, he's going around and knocking on hundreds of doors a year to get permission.

He's passionate about getting new hunters out there. And so all around, this is an amazing episode. I'm excited. I hope you are too. Let's jump into the episode with Glen.[00:01:00]

Like he was doing things that were just badass. That was one of the coolest moments of my life. I was really scared, but knowing that Dan had the gun, I did have the rifle, like we would be Okay.

All right guys, welcome to today's show. And joining me on the show is Glen Rafferty, an outdoorsman from Ohio. And man, I'm excited for this episode, man, because you hunt all over the place and a lot of people from the Midwest, especially anywhere east of Mississippi, honestly, they just, I feel like people easily get stuck in their area, but you've been fortunate enough to travel all over the place.

So thanks for hopping on, man. It's gonna be fun. Thank you for having me. Why don't you share with the listeners maybe what it is in the outdoors that you do, where you hunt and how you got into it.

Glenn Rafferty: So I started out pretty early from my [00:02:00] dad used to take me out and I used to sit on a bucket, fall asleep or go sit in the sand.

And ever since my youngest memories of watching my dad shoot a dough and ever since then I was so excited to get out and try to do it on my own. And growing up, I've always watched all the TV shows and never really played sports cuz I was always wanting to go outside and go shoot squirrels, rabbits, and deer.

And as I got older, I got my driver's license. I hunted a lot growing up, but once I turned 16, that's when the addiction really started and I started meeting a bunch of new people through tournaments, ice archery tournaments. I met a lot of people through there and learned a lot and just hearing their stories just really drove me crazy and just wanted to get out there and just learn and do as much as I could.

Dan Mathews: Yeah, that's sweet. What was it about being 16? Was it that you had your license and you could actually travel all over and

Glenn Rafferty: hunt? I, yeah. I grew up in a pretty pretty easy [00:03:00] coming up. My parents let me do about what I wanted so I can go where I wanted and long as they knew where I was.

And so I, anywhere I could hunt anything that was in season, I would go and hunt from bears to Turkey elk, mule, deer. I've hunted all COOs, deer. I've been all around. I've been all around. I'm very lucky too, and I've traveled as much as I can.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. What what was your first out-of-state hunt that you did?

Glenn Rafferty: I was the year I turned 12 years old is on my birthday. My dad drew for a youth cow elk tag, and I was able to fill my tag on the first day. We had a fabulous hunt. We seen a lot of elk and I was. It was something so different from the Ohio white to Ohio, Turkey, and I ever since going out west for the first time, I fell in love with it out there.

It's just such a different environment than it is back home and just seeing those big animals roam around is just incredible.

Dan Mathews: [00:04:00] Yeah, the addiction really hits once you realize how quickly you can get outta state and go hunt something else. But that's a big change. Elk versus, whitetail in Ohio.

Oh yeah.

Glenn Rafferty: We did a little bit of West Virginia deer hunt too, growing up. Maybe right before I went on that elk hunt, but the first big outta state hunt was

Dan Mathews: Colorado. Yeah. Is that now these hunts that you go on outta state, are those hunts that you do every year now, or are you still exploring new states or gave up on some.

Glenn Rafferty: We try to go or I try to go, me and my dad usually try to go on our own hunts together once a year for something new, whether I have the gun or he has the gun. But me personally, I'm trying to go as many different states as I can. Doesn't matter what it is for whitetail Turkey we're just trying to see as much land as we can and just enjoy it while we have it.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. Did your dad hunt outta state [00:05:00] quite a bit or was it really when you were of age that he started exploring that stuff?

Glenn Rafferty: So growing up my dad hunted a lot and right when I started hunting he slowed down just so I can start hunting more. He DMA mostly focuses on the business now and just helps me out and helps find areas for me to go.

But growing up my dad did hunt out west quite a bit and he is a part of a lot of out west hunts. And he shot a couple, he shot a nice bull out in Canada, I believe. Nice six by seven. And I always seen that growing up and I've always wanted to get out in there and chase 'em,

Dan Mathews: man, everybody's got that person in their life, whether it's a parent or a neighbor that gets out and hunt and it seems unattainable as a kid.

Or even in high school for me, it was the landowner who let us hunt whitetails on his property. He would always come back and he is oh, just got back from Colorado muzzle loader season. And I'm like, what? You went all the way to Colorado. Isn't that a [00:06:00] $30,000 hunt? And hearing about how easily you can get a tag out there, there's so many out of, out-of-state tags that you can pick up.

And it's not just in Colorado. There's things like that all over the place. But hearing that he would. He'd sell his dairy cows and he'd go out there for a full month with his muzzle loader or with his bow, depending on which year it was. And he is I just camp out for 30 days and I'll resupply halfway through the trip, I'll go into town and get some more rice and beans and he would just go out there and chase after him.

And that was always such a foreign concept to me. Cuz just like you and just like probably a lot of people listening, you know that five gallon bucket, you got well acquainted with it growing up. You sat on it, you just waited for a deer to come, hoping that it was a good one. And yeah, once you start branching out it changes everything.


Glenn Rafferty: And as I started getting a little older, I started really getting into [00:07:00] finding and chasing big mature whitetail. Cause I live in Ohio and I'm very lucky to have a lot of permissions that I've knocked on and gotten and we own some land ourselves and. My dad growing up, anything that was, decent once gun season came, he'd shoot and I'd shoot, I'll shoot my do early, but once I get my doze outta the way, I'm really trying to target one Pacific deer and it's been up and I've had a lot of up, ands up and downs and, but we're trying to make it work.

I'm trying to get better at it, but I've killed a couple bucks. Last year I ended up shooting a deer that went just under one 60. But opening day I was watching this deer for two years. I had come in and he was four and a half year old, roughly around like one, it was probably around one 70. And he came in opening day and I just, I let my nerves get ahead of me and I took a shot and it wasn't the best [00:08:00] shot.

And I tr I had good blood, really good blood, but we tracked it for two, 300 yards and just never gave up. And then we came back two days later with a group of guys and we grid searched it and we couldn't find it. And then a week later ended up having it on trail camera again. He was good. And he ended up getting killed by a neighbor later on that year.


Dan Mathews: Oh man. That's when you go, Hey, it's First Blood man. First blood, that's my dear.

Glenn Rafferty: Yeah, that was a big one. He was nice enough to call me, cuz me and him were about the only ones that could hunt this hunt anywhere near this big park. And he was nice enough to call me and I came out and checked it out and it was pretty, it was wild.

It was

Dan Mathews: cool though. What was the verdict? Where where was your shot placement on it?


Glenn Rafferty: I hit almost right in front of the shoulder at, and so he is, he's cording away, walking away. And I hit right in front of the shoulder and came out, like through the neck, the bottom of the neck. But [00:09:00] nothing there grabbed.

Yeah, it was just all meat.

Dan Mathews: Oh man that's a bummer. Like I've never even had a shot at a deer that size. I hear the stories and the heartbreak, but honestly it's, a learning lesson and each hunt like that you grow from what, so what did last season look like for you as far as all the different hunts you did last

Glenn Rafferty: season?

I went on, I went to New Mexico in October and we went out for bear. Cause I've went on a couple bear hunts growing up, but we never had luck with dogs. And we went with an outfitter out in New Mexico and the first day of the hunt, we weren't even in New Mexico for 24 hours. We ended up having a big salmon bear come in.

I was able to harvest that with my bow. That was pretty cool. That was the first look at bear and just how they did it out there was a lot different. And New Mexico was

Dan Mathews: beautiful. Yeah. What was that like? Break down that hunt for me because I've never, the southeast is [00:10:00] a pla or the Southwest is a place that you don't necessarily think about for bear.

Pennsylvania, the Virginias Kentucky, they're all places that have great bears, even the Northeast, but like the western states, the mountain states, it's awesome. But the southwest, I just feel is a less known about part of the country as far as bear hunting.

Glenn Rafferty: So in New Mexico, they have the color phases, they have the Cinnamons and the black bear.

And I was really wanting to kill a cinnamon. And so we've met up with an outfitter and we talked him on the phone and just got the whole deal about the whole situation and. He ended up sending us a pin on Oex to go to the camp. So we started heading down New Mexico. We drove straight, theres 28 hours and we're following this pin through the national forest trying to find the camp.

And we couldn't find it for a good, a couple hours ended up being right off a trail that we just kept passing and he kept, he put a red marker up top on a tree that we were supposed to find, but it was not very visible at all. But we got into camp [00:11:00] that day and he was showing us bears that they shot within the weeks past cuz he stays out there for months, the whole bear season.

He'll stay out there and just have new people come in, new people leave. And so he is talking about our, how successful it could possibly be. And so we all went back to the camp, we ate and went to bed and right in the morning was struck up on a bear with dogs and we were on that bear for probably two and a half hours.

And the bear went tree for a while. And the dogs came, run to us as Bear came, run as they're young. By getting the gun. Getting the gun. Cause I wanted to use my bow so they came in the gun. But right when I grabbed the gun, the bear ended up treeing. And that was a whole, that was a whole experience right there is watching all those dogs work and seeing the love that those dogs have doing that.

Because being around hunting dogs, you can see how much they live for it. It's just, yeah, watching them tree bear and just doing what they [00:12:00] loved, that was really cool. But that bear ended up running up the tree about 35 yards and I was able to shoot it. And that was a pretty cool experience.

That was the first time I ever done anything like that and I, I loved it.

Dan Mathews: Dang, I can't, I can only imagine. I've got to watch dogs work like that before and it is the most like, thrilling thing because even when you're not on something, if they strike out at all, It's just immediate. It's like having a deer, like sitting in the tree, stand all day long, not seeing anything and then all of a sudden you see a deer all the way across the field and it just reignites that like excitement in you.

And hearing those dogs even one of 'em, like it's instant oh, is this it? Is this it? Here we go.

Glenn Rafferty: And the guy, the guys that run the dogs, they love just washing dogs. They don't even, they don't care for harvesting the animals at all. They just like washing their dogs work and letting 'em do what they love, which is just amazing.

It [00:13:00] was awesome experience. That was pretty cool. Now this year's Bear hunt, I ended up harvesting a black bear in West Virginia with a good buddy of mine, Mason. He has a farm, a family farm that they had a lot of bear on this year and they're getting photos of him cuz he runs cameras all year. And right when seasons coming up early September they kept getting these bears that were walking this big acorn flat.

Like pretty constantly every day. Opening day or the open day of deer season, I ended up making my way down there and our first set, we ended up having a bear come in right at last light and just red perfectly, and we hang and hunt. That day. We hung our stand that night, that morning haunted and ended up shooting the bear that afternoon after sin all day.

And that was a whole different story and a whole different type of bear hunting, which was cool to see both as aspects of hunting bear from tree stand to using dogs and just [00:14:00] watching that bear work his way in and laying down and just, he'd stand back up and lay back down for about an hour. I was in a adrenaline rush, but it ended up working his way into about 30 yards and I made a perfect shot and it ran about 45 yards and piled up.

That was a, oh

Dan Mathews: gosh. Dang that sounds incredible. I've had a couple bear tags, but never even seen a bear. And it's just public land. I get a bear tag when I go out elk hunting hoping oh, maybe I'll see one, maybe I won't. Who knows? And every time I talk to somebody about bear hunting, whether it's with hounds, whether it's with bait, or whether you're just out hunting and one bear, like something about a predator, right?

Something about a big, furry animal that could tear you up is just thrilling. Absolutely. So now you did the bear hunt. What what other hunts did you have this past season?

Glenn Rafferty: This past season, I made it out to Colorado. [00:15:00] We elk hunted for a couple days. I had an opportunity on a bull and some never really gave me a good shot.

And we were hunting unit 55 and that third season, the snow came down real early. So this elk came. Those elk are usually up high when that snow comes down, they moved down lower. The season before the third season, the snow hit hard and pushes elk down low for third R, third season rifle, and a lot of people harvested those elk.

So we went down for fourth season and allows, there's small herds all in little patches of woods and it was really hard to find them. And I ended up helping. I was on my way out one night and I seen an old guy who shot a mule and ended up helping him pack that mule deer out, and he ended up giving me a pin to where he seen a group of elk with one bull in it.

So that morning, me, my dad and one of his buddies ended up making our way to that pin. And right at first light, we ended up seeing five cows in [00:16:00] that bull run down. They sat into a group of pines and there's only one way in the pines really, and one way out. So we ended up sitting on the way out for those elk to get out about 400 yards away.

And we sat there for about six hours. And after six hours, the first cow ended up walking out and running up the hill and then kept happening and the bull finally stepped out and gave us a shot, but we never really got a good shot at that bull. And he ended up making out of there too. And the next day my dad was able to harvest a cow.

Oh, sweet. And that was the last day. So we ended up, we were able to pack that out and head home and have a little elk meat for the season.

Dan Mathews: Dang, man it's just an amazing time when you can get out to a new area and hunt like, oh yeah. I tell people all the time, just find something. Find something, even if it's not outta state, go to a different part, make a trip out of it cuz you know, waking up early and driving somewhere and hunting the day and coming back, that's [00:17:00] fun.

Oh yeah, you actually go with a couple buddies or with your dad or cousin or son or grandpa or whoever. I feel like every guy needs to have a trip or two like that a year where they can just get away. That's where

Glenn Rafferty: my love of Turkey Young really started was being able to get out and do it really cheap and sleep in my truck and go new public lands and be aggressive and trying to get in it done and one or two days and then head back home.

This next week and I'm heading to, or this week I'm headed Virginia, actually go hum birds for a couple days and on some public land and I get back and I'll be heading to West Virginia and then I'll get for the Monday and Tuesday opener and then I'll get back again. I leave for Michigan the next week.

And I'll be back in Ohio later that week to hunt. And at the end of the year I'm heading to Wyoming and I'm really excited about that cause we're hunting a new species, which is Miriam's Nice. And I've all nice Miriam and my goal is to do the slam eventually [00:18:00] one day. So this will be my foot step in the door for getting my Miriam down and I'm excited about that cuz it's just, that looks totally different than our hunting our Easterns back home in the hills of Ohio and West Virginia.

So I'm real excited about that.

Dan Mathews: Yeah, that's awesome. What I mean you've hunted a ton of different species. What's your favorite out of all of them? I'd say

Glenn Rafferty: in between, probably Turkey. There's something about chasing those birds and getting them to respond to you and getting their reaction when they come to the decoys, beat up on the decoys and gobbling real close to you.

It's just nothing like it. Yeah, that's. That's probably my favorite.

Dan Mathews: Turkey hunting is like it's a rush in that you hear 'em from so far away. Kinda elk, right? Yeah. If you hunt 'em in the rut, you just hear 'em from so far away and you can tell like they're coming to me or they're not.

You [00:19:00] can call, you can communicate and I don't know man. It's growing on me lately. I used to trash talk turkeys like crazy. I would just be like, this is the dumbest thing. This is a bunch of guys who are just bored from the winter that just need to get out and shoot something. But lately I find myself getting more and more excited about season.


Glenn Rafferty: That's really what I like being able to like react with the bird and kind of play his game and see what he wants to do. Cuz every bird I've realized is different. You either got a bird that's gonna wanna come in, or you got a bird that does not wanna come in at all and you either, you gotta work around what he wants to do, not what you wanna do, and.

We've, I've been pretty lucky. I've been pretty successful in Turkey Woods and been able to guide a bunch of people out around me to get their first birds or a bird in general. And last year I had a great season. I got 12 people on long beers last year and within my, I got my own two I shot my one West Virginia, one Ohio last year.[00:20:00]

That was the only two I shot last year. But other than that, I got a bunch of kids their first turkeys last year, which was fantastic. That's one thing I'm really starting to enjoy is taking younger kids out and just getting their first animals. I've had a blast with that. Just seeing the love through their eyes, just, that's

Dan Mathews: fun.

Yeah. When you can get somebody on their first bird man or their first animal period. I've had some buddies and it's not it's not like they've even hunted before. They've been, they're like, yeah, man, I'd come out and shoot something. And I'm like, all right, show up. And it's funny cuz we'll go duck hunting and they're in like blue jeans and I'm like, oh man, that's I should have given you some more guidance on this.

Going out and helping them get their first duck or goose or coyote or rabbit, that, that spark that, you just see it in their eyes like, oh my gosh. It's just getting back in tune with our instincts and like we are, we're predators, we've been hunting since the beginning of time and when you can get out there and [00:21:00] successfully do it, there's nothing like it.

Especially with kids. Oh

Glenn Rafferty: yeah. A lot of people I realize nowadays are, they talk like people that don't hunt. They don't really understand it until they actually go out and try for the first time. Like that. Just that adrenaline rush and just being out in nature and getting away from everything that really can change a person to loving the outdoors for and trying to.

Become more of an outdoorsman to hunt and just be outside more.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. How do you go about finding all these people? Are they buddies, ears or friend of a friend that's Hey man, I want to get on Turkey, or are you actually promoting it somewhere to take people out? I don't really

Glenn Rafferty: promote it.

I got a lot of people that come up and ask me, cuz a lot of people know me in this area and they always will shoot me a text on Instagram or my phone number and ask if I can take 'em out. If I got time, I usually will take 'em out and try to get 'em on a bird. And I have some parents that end up texting me too to take [00:22:00] their kids out cuz their dad don't hunt and they want their sons to hunt.

I have more mothers that want their sons getting hunting than their fathers actually with kids. So I have a lot of mothers text me to have me take their sons out, try to get their first deer, Turkey, and those mothers just love it, love getting their sons out in the woods. And that's really what I enjoy now.


Dan Mathews: fun. Yeah, that's sweet man. To be able to pass that torch on, so to speak, to another generation. And who knows, like those kids, what they're gonna do with hunting and outdoors. It could be that they start a camp where they get a bunch of people out on their first birds because they remember that with you.

Or, maybe they just become lifelong hunters and travel all over the place the same way that you do. Absolutely. What so you said that you've got a lot of properties there in Ohio to hunt. Are you mainly hunting Turkey and whitetail on those,

Glenn Rafferty: Around, yeah. I'm also big into waterfall, honey.

I got into waterfall honey, a couple years ago to change things up. So [00:23:00] between Turkey whitetail and waterfowl, that's mostly what I try to get permission on around here. And the waterfowl was just a thing that my dad never did, and no one around here really does. And we live in the port, we got a lot of lakes around us and we got a decent amount of birds that come through and migrate.

And so we got a decent amount of fields and I've always looked at these skis, think it was stupid thing waterfowl hunting was stupid about, oh one of my good buddies up in Toledo who guides Jordan Cole they invited me to come down and try to shoot some ducks. And I went down there and I had a ball.

I got home that later that week and I bought a new shotgun decoys and dozens of goose decoys, not knowing what I'm doing at all, and started knocking on doors and ended up my first goose hunt ever going out. Ended up tag or limiting out. And that's really what did it when I was able to go do it by myself and know that.

I didn't just blow all this money for not, [00:24:00] and I ended up buying a boat later that year too. And from there I was camping in my truck at boat launches and sleeping in the marshes and just driving around, knocking on as many doors as I can trying to find. Big feeds and just getting people out there with a bunch of buddies and try to see if we can all have some fun.

Shoot some birds.

Dan Mathews: All right guys. I'm excited to introduce the new age of accessing private property for hunting and fishing with Infinite Outdoors. I joined the Infinite Outdoors Crew on a duck hunt in Colorado this fall, and the experience was unmatched. We were able to book the property right on their app, get directions to the blind, and had the whole place to ourselves all for a super reasonable price.

Infinite Outdoors has developed a unique way to combine conservation, technology and private land access all through their US built app and website. By working closely with landowners and on staff biologists, they [00:25:00] aim to bring you the best parts of accessing private land at the touch of a finger, they provided adventures for big game turkeys, waterfowl, fly fishing, upland birds, small game predators, and more.

As yearly leases get more expensive and secluded, public land gets harder to find. I believe this is the way of the future. To check it out for yourself, download the Infinite Outdoors App or visit infinite outdoors usa.com and use code nomadic 15 for 15% off your annual membership of 39 99.

Yeah. That's awesome, man. I've got one of my really good friends, unfortunately he did not get into hunting when I lived there. We went to school, we were like best friends. I'm like, dude, you gotta come out. You gotta come out. You gotta come out. I move outta state for college and he hits me up and he is dude, I got into hunting this year.

And I'm like, are you kidding me, man? And yeah, he did the exact [00:26:00] same thing. He's like, all right, check it out. I just bought a new rifle, a new bow, a new shotgun. I got a duck boat, I got a bunch of decoys. I bought a dog that I'm gonna train. And I'm like, dude, when, when people get the bug, they really get it.

Oh, it is not like a tiptoe sport. You're all in once you experience what it is that we're talking about.

Glenn Rafferty: Absolutely. And it's just fun being able to get out there with buddies by waterfront hunting. And it's just good time. You got, you waterfall hunt quite a bit

Dan Mathews: around when you Oh, I love it.

I absolutely love it. I think at one point it was probably my number one. Like I just was eaten up with it. Being where I'm at here in southwest Missouri, and I say this quite a bit on the podcast, but it's just not the greatest area for waterfowl. If you can successfully get birds here, it like you're doing something right.

Because there's just not a ton of them. There's a decent migration, but they seem to split right around southwest Missouri. And so if you can successfully bag birds here, you can do it just about anywhere. Yeah. [00:27:00] But I think when I first started waterfowl hunting, I was probably in my teens and my uncle got into it and it was just another thing to do, and my na or my cousin got into it, he started getting into competitive calling and he's now competitive calling again and.

It was, he was like, all right, hey man, this is what we're gonna do. And I remember, I've got these waiters on that are three sizes too big for me. I'm standing in these res and it's like picturesque, right? A small little pocket pond just surrounded by six foot tall reeds. We're standing there and I remember to this day, I will never forget this image or this feeling.

A Drake mallard is just back flapping right in front of me. Eight feet off my barrel. And he is take him. And I pull up. And I don't know if he was being nice or if I actually was the one that shot him, but I remember standing up and pulling the trigger and that sucker folded. And I was like, I just shot something out of the air.

This is the [00:28:00] coolest thing I've ever done. And after that I was like, man, gimme a call. I'm gonna start calling. He gave me like the buck gardener, double nasty. I still have it on my lanyard. First call I ever had started blowing that. And then from there I was just, I was hooked. And to this day, that's when I can get guys together and actually go on a trip somewhere in Waterfowl Hunt, there's not much that beats it.

Oh, absolutely.

Glenn Rafferty: We had a group of guys around my era, there's a lot of people that hunt and we had a group of guys that went out South Dakota this year and they went and hunted on a bunch of the public land that's private land's not posted, cuz the South Dakota, if land's not posted, you can hunt on it.

And they went out to South Dakota and they ended up doing really good on some land they found on a couple, couple big fields. They ended up shooting a they limit of field ducks every day and a decent amount of snows and specs. And they just did this on a weekend. They drove down on a Friday all night and hunted Saturday, [00:29:00] Sunday and came home and they did.

They did good. And that's one thing I'd really want to go out and do is just do it on your own. Go out west and try to get on some different species. Cause in Ohio we don't get very many snows or specs. We get occasional spec that comes through with snow, but not like it is out west.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. The thing about waterfowl, man, you can find them in such crazy landscapes.

I would've never guessed it. We were at like 10,000 feet in the mountains on a mountain goat hunt and there were gadwall and teal hanging out on this damned up creek. There was a giant, like a hundred foot long beaver dam and then it looks like, looked like a flood, washed even more debris in, but there were birds landing on it.

And I'm like, dude, you know how cool that would be like a couple buddies to pack in here, hike in 10 miles, set up camp on this trout stream, and then shoot ducks and just have a cast and blast for a few days. That would be amazing.

Glenn Rafferty: What state was that in?

Dan Mathews: That was in Colorado. [00:30:00] But who drew the mountain goat tag?

My buddy Sean. He's the luckiest human being alive. I'm waiting to get the call. I just know this year or next year he's gonna draw his big horn because he drew his moose first. He called me. Yeah, he drew his moose and he is Dan, we're going moose hunting. I need you to take two weeks off of work.

And I'm like, I'm all in. So I told work about it right away. Not the next year, but the year after that he drew his mountain goat tag calls me, Dan, I need you to take time off work. We're going mountain goat hunting. And then he didn't draw last year. I think his dad put in for a bunch of stuff and he wanted to help his dad get a few animals.

And I think this year he put in for Big Horn and we'll see if he gets it. We're we

Glenn Rafferty: put in for Colorado Moose? I put in for mule deer tags. And I drew for another point for big Horn, but mostly I'm just trying to shoot a mule deer this year with my bow if I draw a tag or not. I drew on some harder units, so I'm probably [00:31:00] not gonna draw, but I just wanna build my points up cuz I want to get on unit 55.

That's a really good unit for big mule deer and, but it takes a lot of points to get in for a non-resident. Yeah. And we also put in for Kentucky Elk, which right now that you can put in for $10 per season. It's cow tag bull tag and cow tag, bull tag for bow season and gun season. And it's 10 30 bucks to put in for all three.

It's not very successful, but if you get in, is it, if you get into the draw, then you should shoot your

Dan Mathews: bull shoot. I need to reevaluate. Is it closed now? Because I put in for Kentucky. But I don't think I put in for, I didn't realize that I could put in for all those. I figured it was like a one and done type of thing.

I just didn't read up enough about it. Did you

Glenn Rafferty: put in for the Kentucky Elk? Yeah. Okay. That ended, that ends I think the 10th. Cuz different than the Colorados and about west

Dan Mathews: ending dates. [00:32:00] I'm gonna have to look at that and put in for all three because yeah, I'm pretty sure I only put in for one thinking it was just like out west.

I mean like you can put in for multiple units and seasons and stuff. Is your first, second, third choice, whatever. I didn't realize, I don't know, I don't know how I misread that, but I'm gonna have to take a look cuz I put in for Kentucky, I put in for Pennsylvania. I put in for Maine moose and then a bunch of Western states

Glenn Rafferty: we put in for Maine too.

That's success. That's like a, just a good. I mean you have, everyone has their own chance of getting that tag and as you, we have a good shot at getting that tag. It's just draw, I mean it's just lottery tag or lottery system, so it doesn't matter how many points you have for the main one. I don't know if they, did they do points for the main Cause this is the first you're putting in for the main moose?

Dan Mathews: Yeah. Yeah. You still have points and I don't know what the weight system is on it. If, how they determine[00:33:00] your odds, I guess if it's just like a straight across, cuz I know some places they'll like multiply the amount of points you have by a certain number and then it gives you that many more chances to just weigh out or, make you feel like you've got a better chance than you probably do.

Yeah. But yeah, Maine would be sweet. I de I, I put in for all my stuff in Colorado, put in for a bunch of other Western states and fingers crossed I, every year. I'm not like a superstitious guy. I'm not the guy who thinks oh man, I'm gonna go get a lottery ticket and hopefully win. But every year for some reason I just, I'm like, this is the year man.

I'm gonna draw a Colorado moose. And my wife's probably pretty happy that I don't because the price tag that comes along with it.

Glenn Rafferty: Absolutely. But that would be their new Finland are two places I would want to go. Hum. Moose at New Finland is pretty cool. We got a guy that lives down the road. He's been past, he went past three years in a row.

He shot a bull and [00:34:00] he, it's a a four hour ride on a gator and they are packed in way in the back country for, I think they do a 12 day hunt. And the pictures he has when he call back are just incredible. It's just that area just looks so beautiful.

Dan Mathews: See, that's the exciting part to me, like the adventure of it.

You go back, my buddy Weston, he went and did a black bear hunt in Canada, and he's dude, we were like standing on top of a four-wheeler driving through a shallow end of a lake, like to wear my boots. If I didn't have like muck boots on my feet would've gotten wet. It was all the way up over the seat.

And, they've got the snorkel and stuff, but hearing those stories where it's it's an adventure just to get to where you're hunting. Those are my favorite. I don't know I like all kinds of hunting, but to me that just adds to it tenfold. Whereas if you're just at a lodge and you walk out the back and it's oh, there's your elk.

Go ahead and shoot it, I'm sure I'd have a ton of fun with it, but I would much rather be in the [00:35:00] middle of nowhere. You might break down, you might have to call for help. It's gonna take you, an hour and a half to drive back on a four-wheeler to your base camp. That's my kind of hunt. I love

Glenn Rafferty: the adventure more than the harvest.

The harvest is the bonus, but. The stuff you get to see and stuff you gotta go through to get that animal. That's what really makes the story up for me. And just the adventure for me.

Dan Mathews: Oh yeah, I'm sure. So I get asked all the time, like for people that I talk to in person and I talk about all the hunts that I do that are like, what do you do for a living?

Because not everybody gets to travel and hunt all, all over the place. And I feel very fortunate and blessed. I'm sure you probably get that question and I've got a feeling there's listeners going, dude, what does this guy do? He's hunting all over the place all the time.

Glenn Rafferty: I am in a high school still.

It's my last year. I'm a senior this year in high school, and I started this as a freshman in high school. I was 16 as a freshman and I missed a lot of school, but our school went to online, so I was able to keep up [00:36:00] with school on the computer. So I would do as many trips as I could, either down south in Ohio, knocking on doors out to West Virginia or out west to take a week off, just go out west and.

I just take off school and I would just go and just try to enjoy life as much as I can before I have to go and work my life away a little bit.

Dan Mathews: Dang, I didn't realize you were still in high school. I picture you now like sitting up in a tree stand or being out west somewhere with the green screen and you've got your computer like looking for an elk and trying to convince your teacher you're sitting in a room somewhere.

When we

Glenn Rafferty: started doing Zoom, when Covid hit that was when my time really shined cuz we had that whole year of school off. It was all online. So we'd zoom in school or zoom for school and there's a lot of times where I'd be humming while I was on Zoom. I'd throw an AirPod in and the. First day of Ohio deer season, I went out to go fill a doe tag and I zoomed me spot and stalking a [00:37:00] dough on Zoom and I was able to shoot, I shot that deer on Zoom spot and stalk, and my teacher told me that I was allowed to take class off for the day and go get the deer, which was, and she wrote a whole story about that on her Facebook page about how she just loves teaching, cuz every day's different.

And then I've waterfall hunted a lot on Zoom and Turkey on it, on Zoom as well.

Dan Mathews: That is awesome. I've never had to be on a Zoom call when I'm out hunting, but that is, yeah, that's quite the story. Being on Zoom for class and shooting a dough that,

Glenn Rafferty: but mostly for school, I would, every weekend I'd try to, I mostly, after school, I'd go to work and after work, if I had to go check cameras, I would do most of that stuff.

If I had zoom in the dark and it sucked, but I'd have a lot of spots where, I'd be running 10 to 15 cameras and I, with school and work after school, it was hard for me [00:38:00] to go and do all this stuff in the daylight. So I'd hang stands in the dark and I'd go put corn out in the dark and the highway. Lot of bait.

And I'd do everything in the dark and during the week and I'd say my better spots for the weekends if I had to go work on 'em. But a lot of the urban spots around here, cuz I do a lot of urban hunting. Yeah. And I hunt some big land down south. But a lot of my hunting's urban, cuz a lot of these, a lot of these big deer in Ohio, they are a lot, they feel a lot more comfortable behind houses cause there's not pressure around there.

But they know to move, they know when to move and that's like dead middle of night. And every once in a, every once in a while you can catch the moving with the rut coming up and just, or if the weather drops cold. But a lot of times you gotta hunt those funnels behind houses and. I've had a lot of success chasing whitetail in some urban spots when it's just like a funnel between houses and the deer moving between the houses.

[00:39:00] And that's probably my favorite type of whitetail. And just being close to ev like the houses and everything, just that whole environment, it's just a lot different. Yeah,

Dan Mathews: that seems like it'd be a weird feel to it being that close, but hearing about all these different hunters all over the country and I know a guy here in Springfield that he does the same thing and he is dude, you'd be blown away by the type of deer that are hanging out right behind the McDonald's or right behind a boat dealership.

And he is and they're so patentable, they're on five acres and that's it. And so you know exactly where they're going for food, water, and cover. And they're gonna do it the same time every single day. Yeah. It's just

Glenn Rafferty: matter. You can get a good access point, but they don't know you're in there.

Yeah. That's. The big thing about hunting these urban spots you can get, if you can get away with getting in there and getting out without being detected, then you have a really good chance of getting shot at that deer. Yeah, this deer, my biggest deer behind me, that one, I ended up shooting him on a 15 acre [00:40:00] piece and I, that spot I knew where he was betting and I was able to slip in cuz the property is just a big hillside.

So I just walk up the hillside and it flattened out to a big oak flattened, big, thick thorn bushes. And I was able to slip in, get my standup, and I was like 40 yards from the bedding. And the first night I hunted him, I was sitting, I had a camera out, I got a photo of him running some doze and I was out to eat.

And I left the restaurant, gave my card to my buddies to pay for my food. I'm leaving. So I ran back home, grabbed my bow and went out to the property. And I ended up seeing this buck the day before I shot it. He ended up running into 20 yards, but I just did not have a window and I was not trying to make the mistake cuz the same.

I just wanted to go shot before I was gonna take the shot. And I just made a decision not to shoot it and I just let it work. These do off and watched 'em chase these doze had a couple other, like one 30 s, one 40 s come in and I [00:41:00] was just holding off this deer. So when the sun started going down, I was like, I'm gonna get out early.

I'm not trying to bust anything for the morning. So I got outta the stand early and that next morning was when time changed and I didn't realize that. So I ended up getting in the stand a little bit later than I'd like to. And that was a cold, crisp morning. It was actually pretty slow. I didn't see my first deer till about nine o'clock.

And by nine o'clock I had a group do work his way in and I heard something like rustling in the back and I look back and all I see is just him coming up the hill. And he came running over, ran these doze right under my tree standing. I ended up shooting this deer right under my tree standing about one yard away and he ended up running up tail and expiring up there.

But that was one of the most adrenaline field haunts.

Dan Mathews: All right, guys. If you've been listening to the podcast, I'm sure you've heard me talk about the helicopter hog hunt that I did down in Texas. [00:42:00] Now, I went down there with rope Texan Outfitters and Landon and Brandon, the owners put us on the animals.

We killed 150 pigs in 19 coyotes, just from the air. On top of that. We went out thermal hunting at night and got up close and personal to more hogs. I didn't have to worry about bringing guns or ammunition because all of that was provided for me, and it is to this day, the most action packed day of hunting I've ever had.

I stand by what I've said in the past, and that's that helicopter hog hunting is the funnest thing that you can do with pants on. In addition, they offer Sandhill crane hunts, and predator calling. So if you're looking for the most exciting hunt of your life in something that you're gonna want to come back and do year after year, go check out rogue texan.com and book your hunt today.

Yeah. Geez, man. That is, that's nuts. I have not urban hunted yet. We've actually got a deal here in town. [00:43:00] It's the Springfield Nature Center, and they give out like a handful of tags every year. You have to apply for it and you can build points, but I've never hunted there. I used to hike there all the time.

And you walk around and it's hilarious because you'll be three feet from deer, like you're on the trail. And the, these deer are so used to people. And part of me is man, there's no, it's not really a chess match at all. Like you've got a bow in hand and you could literally just walk around on the trails until you see a deer that you wanna shoot.

But there are some monsters that get pulled outta that, that property every single year. And so I'm like, Would it be worth it to draw, or would I feel like I didn't do enough? Whereas what you're talking about, these things are used to human presence, but not used to pressure as far as hunting goes.

And so like you walk in there at the wrong time and you bump 'em out, who knows what they're gonna do.

Glenn Rafferty: If you end up bumping one of these deer out, I've noticed that [00:44:00] either they go strictly nocturnal or they just disappear. Yeah. And usually if you only got one shot of these deer, which I've found is some bigger parties down south where I've had mistake happen and I've ended up having the deer come back in.

But these urban spots, if they feel any pressure at all, they just get out of there.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. Man I've gotta try that. I've gotta start asking for permission around here, cuz I know there's a lot of spots real close to town or in town where, it's like you can't go a night without seeing a deer.

You just drive by. A come and go gas station and there's deer all over in the field next to it. That's how

Glenn Rafferty: it is around here. There's a couple spots up north of us and you drive around this development and there's one 50 s, one 60 s bed down on sidewalks, but nobody, oh gosh. And it is, it's just cool to go out there and watch 'em.

But there are some giants up there that have no pressure on 'em. If you can slip into a spot to be able to hunt 'em, then you would shoot a big one every [00:45:00] year.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. There's up there. Are you this year, do you have a group of bucks that you've been following that you're going after this season, this

Glenn Rafferty: year was my pride, my hardest season for having pre big mature white tail.

I had a couple deer that was falling that were about in the 1 45 1 50 s, but they were pretty much nocturnal. They would never break daylight. And they were mostly spent a lot of their time on the neighbor property and would not come over to my property till about sundown. And when I was on my way down to Colorado, I had a couple of my hit list deer show up in daylight as only did had, I had those deer show up in daylight was when I was in Colorado.

So when I got back home, I started hunting a new property. I was down south, had no history with it, had a couple nice deer show up. As season started getting closer to an ending, I ended up having a decent one 30 s eight point come out. I was able to shoot that and I was happy with that cuz [00:46:00] I was ready to go out and start water fell hunting.

Cuz it's hard to get out waterfall hunt and deer hunt all at the same time.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. Yeah, that's, I mean it, it's tough. The fall really throws you some curve balls when it comes to different species being open. Yeah. Because like you want to hunt 'em all. But for me it's really hard to walk away if I see a deer, like a mature buck.

In daylight. It doesn't matter what trip I've got planned. My problem is I always, same thing with you. I'm heading out to Colorado to hunt something. I'm heading out to a different state to hunt something, and all of a sudden that's when the buck shows up in daylight right in front of my stand. And it drives me freaking crazy.

It's like they know, it's like they watch me drive out of town and they're like, all right, we're free, we're clear. We can hang out until he gets back.

Glenn Rafferty: I had to turn my camera off this year when that happened cuz he stayed around there for about two hours past my stand. About six or six. Oh no. I just shut notifications off.

It hurt too bad. I was like, I'm gonna Colorado, we're gonna have, get chased him after some [00:47:00] elk and enjoy this time and not worry about the whitetail back home. Cuz I end up start stressing about it. Trying to get in front of one of these whitetails where it drives me nuts if I can't get a chance.

And this year they whooped my butt. They did?

Dan Mathews: Yeah. Dang man. That's actually, are you are you filming your hunts or documenting 'em somewhere?

Glenn Rafferty: This was my first year ever starting to film. And the one day I didn't bring my camera out when I ended up shooting that box, but I started filming, I filmed my bear hunt, I filmed a couple kids shoot their first deer, and I'm starting to get into it.

It's just hard to learn that discipline of taking that camera out, setting it up, and just a whole new responsibility going out in the woods is learning to film and worrying about the camera before the shot is just, I'm not that good at it yet, but I'm trying to get better at it. I gotta get a better camera on my camera, on my guys.

Just some cheap and moves a lot and have

Dan Mathews: Bob. I did that for a couple years. I had a, like a [00:48:00] cheap I don't know if I found it at Walmart or what, but it's like a mojo stick, bolted together. You screw it into the tree and then it just pivots and it hardly does its job.

And Yeah, I ended up getting a nicer camera arm, but I'm still, I still struggle. Like I had to hire my buddy. He's gonna start following me around on hunts because I get out there and as soon as a deer or any animal shows up, that camera might as well not even exist. I'm just like, it's go time. I'm gonna shoot this thing and I always forget to hit record.


Glenn Rafferty: I'm just not good at that. I have really, I have good, I'm good buddies with the legendary TV show. They have a honey show on the Outdoors channel. They live not too far from me, and they care wave, they were just down Florida this past week, and they didn't shoot a bird this weekend because they wasn't on film, so they wouldn't shoot it.

And I just don't have that discipline. If I had a opportunity, not a bird, I'm gonna take it and I would not worry about the camera.

Dan Mathews: See, and I don't understand that. If you go down there to hunt [00:49:00] and it's like, all right, I can either get a bird and not get it on camera. Or not get a bird and still have no footage.

I'm shooting the bird. At least you don't come back empty handed.

Glenn Rafferty: Yeah. At this point for them it's their job now. So I guess, but I don't got that discipline of trying to worry about the camera more than the Honda itself. I'd rather try to enjoy it in person more than the camera.

But yeah, I'm gonna try to film my next couple whitetail hunts. I gotta film all this Turkey season. I'm gonna try to film Wyoming and everywhere I go this year, just trying to get better at it, but just so I have something to remember those moments later on and I'll post 'em on YouTube.


Dan Mathews: yeah. Are you now, you get to travel a bunch and hunt a bunch of different things, so you're checking things off your list every year, it seems what's your number one, if I said, this is it, man, like you get any hunt this year, where are you going? What are you hunting and what [00:50:00] weapon are you using? Big Horn, sheep,

Glenn Rafferty: Colorado. Absolutely. Number one, any sheep species, but big horn's number one. If I had the opportunity to go for Big Horn, I'm bringing a rifle, cuz that's a once in a lifetime hunt.

That would be for me at least. And going out for those, that is just a total different environment. Being up in the high country, chasing those would be absolutely incredible.

Dan Mathews: Yeah. Sheep, I hear people who get that sheep bug and they just want to go and they, don't get me wrong, I want to do it.

But for me, I just don't know. There's so many unknowns with it, I think is what it is. Like the gear that you use is different, you're not taking the same stuff as you would just elk cunning. You're having to traverse terrain. That I think elk cunnings hard sometimes where I'm like, man, this is tough.

Yeah, dude. That is as gnarly as it gets. Like the fact that these animals survive up there. Same with mountain [00:51:00] goats, like the fact that they can survive in some of these places blows my mind.

Glenn Rafferty: Some of those locations, those I see Mountain, I've seen mountain goats and some of the locations, seeing them on the silos, Rocky Hills, it's just incredible how they get around that area.

Dan Mathews: Yeah, I think it would be sweet for sure. I'd be afraid to catch the sheep bug because that's the type of thing I, I don't want to get hooked on something that I'm only gonna be able to do once in my life, or, I say that you can draw a sheep tag in a lot of different states now, but the price tag that comes with that, the amount of time that comes with that, the physical shape, like you have to stay in shape there.

You're not going out there as a, super heavy dude. Climbing up a mountain in your sixties, someone's probably gonna say something and be like, no, that's my uncle. He does that every year, but I just can't imagine, even me in the physical shape that I'm in now, I work out almost every day to [00:52:00] go up and chase those sheep around, that is intimidating.

Glenn Rafferty: I'm still young, but I'd have to put in some work before I went out there, because that's a total different train than what I'm used to. Especially the air. You're up that high. There is so much thinner, and you gotta, that would just be a lot harder just on yourself, not even physically, but mentally as well.

Dan Mathews: Yeah I'm up for a good challenge. I, that's one of my favorite parts about hunting is those moments where you're like, dude, this is never gonna end. I feel like I'm gonna die right now. But then you look back on it and it's a hundred percent worth it and you wouldn't trade it for the world. So I'm not gonna shy away from a challenge like that, but, Sheep is probably the thing I am most intimidated by as far as actually getting out there and trying to envision succeeding in it.

Another hunt

Glenn Rafferty: we were looking at is the Hawaii axis Deer. That would be a really cool one. And they have a huge, really big population of 'em. And they're all at like different stages. [00:53:00] Some are in velvet and some are hard horned and that would be a really cool hunt. And those are actually really successful hunts with a rifle.

But with Bow, if you go out there that I guess success rate's like only 5% with a bow out there. Cause it's just, geez those animals are in those big, wide open flat and it's just hard to get close to 'em.

Dan Mathews: And that would be fun. I'd be all about that hunt. My thing. The other thing I think about when traveling and hunting is meat preservation, right?

So I get intimidated by that. I. Where am I gonna be able to take this thing? Especially in Hawaii, odds are you're not gonna be flying out there with a couple big Yeti a hundred quart coolers. And so to figure out, okay, how am I gonna preserve this meat? Is there a processor that's gonna take it?

What about the mount? All of that stuff. But in most of these places for destination hunts, there's a local place to do it. It just takes a little bit more time. And in research, a

Glenn Rafferty: lot of that is [00:54:00] like the shipping's, the most expensive part. Shipping all that meat bag, shipping the hide back, or getting them out of there and shipping it back home.

That's where a lot of the money is. And for those outta state, like real exotic places.

Dan Mathews: See I say I cracked the code. It's, I think it's probably a pretty well known thing at this point. When we hunted Alaska and we went fishing up there, I figured out that you can basically, Take your meat in somewhere, take your fish in somewhere, they'll bag it up, they'll vacuum seal it.

They'll freeze it for you. They'll package it up in a cardboard box with a styrofoam insert, and it'll stay frozen. But you can just pay for an extra bag on the airline and fly back with it as an additional bag. And so we, it's funny because in Alaska you go to the airport and almost every airport you go to there, you'll see guys with the big luggage carts.

They're pushing it around and it's just loaded with these white boxes. And man, that guy really got into salmon. Oh, he got, he was [00:55:00] successful with his moose, whatever. And it's fun because you talked to all those people. It's Hey man, what'd you come up here for? And they tell you what they shot, what they caught.

And it's just a really cool environment up there. I don't think every state's gonna be like that, but Alaska, they make it very easy and very friendly for non-residents. Alaska is one

Glenn Rafferty: place I would like to go look at and just explore. Not even just on the honey aspect, but also just to explore and hike around.

Cuz I've seen foes Alaska and it is

Dan Mathews: beautiful. Yeah, I've only got to explore Kodiak and it was unreal. I would recommend it to everybody. And the hunting, the fishing, the wildlife, viewing, everything about it is insane. In fact, the guy that we took, we, we took a bush plane and it was like a bear viewing thing and he informed us as we're flying over these remote lakes in Southwest Kodiak Island.

He's oh, you see that cabin down there? And we're like, yeah. He's that's owned [00:56:00] by the state and you can rent that cabin out. And I was like, no way. And he is yeah, you gotta hire a Bush pilot and we'll drop you on the lake. We'll pull it right up to the. Right up to the cabin. He's there's a bear box outside.

You have to keep all of your stuff in it. There's no running water. You collect and filter your water. And he's going through all of this stuff. He's yeah, it's propane. Everything's propane inside. We don't have electricity on these spots. And I'm like, dang, how much is it per night? And he's oh, they're about 39 bucks a night.

And I was like, what you mean I can fly up here, come salmon fish in this remote lake in the middle of nowhere, be surrounded by grizzly bears and blacktail deer for 39 bucks a night. And so ever since then, I've regretted my bachelor party cuz I was like, we stayed local. I'm like, dude, that would be the most epic bachelor party ever to go fish in Alaska at a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Glenn Rafferty: Did you guys just f fish for salmon or did you guys fish for halibut

Dan Mathews: at all? [00:57:00] We fished for everything. Yeah. So we fished for salmon, halibut, lingcod, rockfish Man, I can't, I have no idea how many pounds of fish we brought back. It had to have been a couple hundred pounds of fish and we didn't.

So that, that trip and that lake that we were on, that was just for a bear viewing deal. But we saw 50 something grizzly bears that day. We were, I was yards from a saan cubs, like we had cubs, 10 yards in front of us playing for an hour and a half while their mom was catching fish, bringing 'em to shore.

They'd go over, take it from her, eat everything they could, and they'd go back to wrestling right in front of us. And whales up there, like we had whale slap in their tail right next to us. There's sea lions or seals corpuses, there's sharks. Like I didn't think Alaska was a place that had sharks.

And we're catching fish. And all of a sudden you're like, just reeling the rod is bent in half and then all of a sudden it goes slack. And he is yep, another shark just got your [00:58:00] fish. I'm like a shark really? And he is oh yeah, dude, there's sharks all over. They'll follow these boats around and just steal the fish off their lines.

And it's just the most wild place. Everybody needs to check out Alaska, but how of it tastes like, it was phenomenal. And it was huge. I don't know, I don't remember how many pounds he estimated that thing weighed, but watching Jonathan, that one of the guys that I went with, yeah, he was reeling that in and it was like the most exciting and terrifying look on his face, just like his forearms are burning, but he just can't wait to see this thing.

Yeah, halibut was good. Yellow eye was amazing. The salmon's always good. Rockfish is good. It's just a sportsman paradise up there. Absolutely.

Glenn Rafferty: During the off season we try to make our way down to the keys every year and we do a lot of offshore, offshore fishing out there and shark fishing out there and, Catching those groupers and snappers off the wreck.

That's a blast out there too, doing that. See,

Dan Mathews: Alaska's the only place [00:59:00] I've ever like Deep Sea fished, and so I want to get down to Florida. We go to Florida all the time and the fact that I haven't really hunted or fished anything in Florida, I still don't understand why I made that choice.

But I can't wait to get down there seeing those Goliath grouper. Oh yeah. My problem is I just, I get, I have such an addictive personality to where if I get into something, I'm going all in. So if I start shark fishing, if I go spear fishing I think is the coolest thing ever. And I haven't done it yet, but I want to so bad.

And first time this year, oh man that just blows my mind. But I will say I'm not afraid of sharks. Yeah. But those Goliath grouper are the most terrifying fish I think I've ever seen. Like the size of them. They could just swallow you whole.

Glenn Rafferty: They're, they actually open up a tagging system so you can harvest one a year or something like that.

Or it's a draw system so you can actually harvest one and take it back and eat it. That would [01:00:00] be an awesome thing to go and do is catch what a big one go and harvest it. And, because there's a lot of meat on those.

Dan Mathews: Oh, yeah. And that was halibut too. Halibut just had so much meat. You get four monster flas off of them.

And I, I did not catch one. I haven't caught one in the two trips that I've been up there, but I can't wait to actually get up there and do it. Yeah. What before, before we hop off, I know we're coming up on an hour before we all hop off, why don't you share with the listeners where they can find you, where they can follow along, where they can see some of the footage that you took this last season.

Glenn Rafferty: You can always follow my Instagram on RAF underscore Boo. I post most of my stuff on there, just wild game and everything I hunt and all my travels. Also got a little YouTube channel start. It's called Next Generation Outdoors, and we've posted a couple videos there, but we're trying to get some more videos going to be able to post up there.

We got a video of one of [01:01:00] my buddies Mason, shooting a 200 inch whitetail out in Texas this year, and that was a pretty cool experience. So that should be up eventually. We've had the footage for quite a bit. We just gotta get, sit down and actually edit

Dan Mathews: it. Yeah, I'm excited to see that dude. A 200 inch whitetail man.

That's no joke. Yeah. Seeing the statistics, if you look at the statistics of how many people actually shoot like a boon and Crockett or a pop and young buck with their bow, it's very low. They're, it's 10% of people in their lifetime ever even shoot that. And so then I can only imagine what the.

What the odds of shooting at 200 inch are. His goal

Glenn Rafferty: was just to go down and shoot like a one 40 s and he ended up shoot he drew back on like a one 40 s and his bow ended up hitting the blind or something. His arrow went right over its back and I think the next day that deer ended up coming in, they never seen it before on the farm and he is able to see Absolutely.

Pen wheeled it and went [01:02:00] like 40 yards and crashed. Geez. That was a big

Dan Mathews: Texas year. Yeah, that would be sweet. Dude, I appreciate you hopping on. I feel like we could swap stories for quite a while, but good luck this season with all your upcoming hunts and we'll keep in touch man. We'll have to get together and do a hunt at some point.

Absolutely. Thank you.