Physical Prep for Healthy Hunting (and Living)

Show Notes

On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman we chat with Chris Heskett.  Chris is a PA native that specializes in physical fitness and nutrition.  Chris is also an avid hunter that strives to fill his freezer every season with quality meat for he and his family. Mitch and Chris discuss how maximizing your physical health has many benefits in the field during the fall season.

Men are extremely guilty of being a "know-it-all" or DIY for just about anything.  The reality is with anything in life, we all have strengths and weaknesses.  If you're a plumber, you may be able to turn a wrench but it may not make you a mechanic.  In Mitch's case, he may have played sports and followed programs in the past, but that doesn't make him an expert in physical fitness.  Getting help from a professional like Chris can help anyone reach their physical fitness goals.  Mitch and Chris discuss workouts, off season and in season health, eating habits and wild game, and catering a plan that fits with your goals and lifestyle.  Be sure to check Chris's podcast the Wild Nutrition Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Check out the Sportsmen's Empire Podcast Network for more relevant outdoor content!

Wild Nutrition | Podcast on Spotify

Show Transcript

[00:00:00] How's it going everybody? Welcome back to another episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman podcast. I'm your host, Mitchell Shirk, and this is our first episode launch on a Wednesday. Mr. Bossman, Dan Johnson told me that we were making the switch from launching on Fridays to launching on Wednesdays, the little changes in the network going on, and he said it was to my benefit.

So that gives you guys an extra day extra two weekdays for you to download my episodes and listen to 'em that week. We'll go with that, but all good. So we making that transition, but in the heart of summer, I'll tell you what, it doesn't take me long. To get my mind off of turkeys and back onto deer.

[00:01:00] So just this past week in my travels for work I, again, I'm an agronomist. I've said this a million times. I'm an agronomist and this time of year I cover a lot of farms, a lot of ground, and a lot of time I'm on four-wheelers, just going up farm lanes farm lanes, zipping through fields to check crops, bounce from one field to the next.

Hop over a tree line, go to the next farm. And in the past week I've bumped two really good bucks. Two, and I've actually seen a lot of deer, but two of them that were substantial they ran out with another buck that was smaller than them. And you could tell the difference that, the smaller of the two deer was probably your standard two and a half year old deer, just my estimation.

But the larger of the two had significantly longer body. It was taller, it had more defined hams, more defined chest and rack was quite impressive out to its ears. [00:02:00] And it, like I said, didn't take me long at all to be off the Turkey kick and back onto the deer kick. This has been a year like no other with this drought.

It's made the time I spend in the field and the demand by clients a little bit higher than normal. And that's fine. It's just, it's a new challenge. But with that challenge on top of, the household stuff we got going on, I'm in the middle of a bunch of projects. I've done absolutely zero hunting prep so far, almost zero hunting prep, normally I helped this time by now, normally I help with food plots.

I've done some chainsaw work trail cutting, tree stand cleanup, stuff like that. I'm usually helping, especially at the main place that I hunt. And here it is, it's June and I've done none of that. And it's actually it's quite frustrating. It's, Depressing a little bit if I start to think about it too much.[00:03:00]

But it's I, it's one of those things, I gotta accept it and I have to accept the fact that I might reap what I sow this year. And I made the decision too, just for my own personal self, that if I can't if I don't get some of these house projects wrapped up in the summertime and get, can get some time to devote to the main place that I've hunted most of my life.

If I can't get some off season time then I'm probably not gonna spend very much time hunting there just because it just does not feel right for me to go and hunt, take time off of work and force time in the fall to hunt when I haven't done any prep work on a property. That's very good.

And I don't want to take anymore. I'll be the first to admit that, in, in my life I've been so fortunate in so many blessings with family and friends and loved ones and hunting opportunities. And I've done a really good job of taking a lot. And I if anybody can relate to me you can you can [00:04:00] understand my mentality.

So I would, I really want to hunt there. It's my favorite place in the world to hunt, but if I can't devote some time to off season stuff, probably won't spend as much in season time there. And that's okay. Seasons come and seasons go and one season that's resurfaced for me, or came to came to heads with here is the fact that, I'm young.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still, I'm 29 years old. Next year I'll break 30, but I'm young. I feel good. But I definitely noticed in my later. Twenties that I was just getting lazy, I was getting into a groove or a, not even a groove, a routine of just day-to-day work. And, now father, husband, household, all those things that just consume your time and really wasn't taking good care of myself.

And I would say it wasn't last season, but the season before 2021 was probably my roughest [00:05:00] season for a couple reasons. Struggled to connect, struggled with my shooting in season, but I I also noticed for the first time, like a significant lag physically. In in the mountains, like I would get out of breath quicker.

I had more cramps after I was done hunting in my legs from walking. I was, it was taking me longer to go places and I, I got to the heaviest weight that I'd ever been in my life, and it just wasn't a really good place. And, last year I said, I can't take this anymore. And I did a kind of a program.

I did lose a bunch of weight and it helped, but what I did was not very sustainable. And I'm just, I'm coming at this because I want to be able to enjoy the thing I love the most, especially now that I have a little less time than I used to devote to it. So the time that I get, I wanna maximize it and I want to enjoy it.

And I wanna be the person that, I have it in my mind that I am going where I have to go for game and I'm not [00:06:00] gonna complain wine or gripe or be held up by my own physical shortcomings to go to that location. I want to enjoy my hunt where I've gotta go to go game and explore. I love to explore and I don't want to de deter that.

The other motivation I have too is, I've got two boys, a three, three-year-old and a one-year-old. And it occurred to me at one point that there is a very good chance that these two are gonna be knuckleheads like their dad is, or once was, or is, or whatever you wanna say. But when they if my oldest Lucas, if he's three, so in another 15 years, when he's 18 years old, coming outta high school, that's about the time you think you're 10 foot tall and bulletproof.

I still wanna make sure that he knows that he's not gonna be able to kick his dad's rear end. And I wanna make sure that my boys can't can't whoop up on their old man that they know who the boss is. So those are my two motivations. With that Here recently I made a connection with somebody and he's our guest of our show this [00:07:00] week.

His name is Chris Heskett. Chris is, a Pennsylvania guy hunter, father, husband, and he's a nutritionist and also a health coach. And I'm actually at the moment he's doing a 21 day challenge, peak weight, peak fat loss challenge. Like a jumpstart of his program kind of gets you used to some of the things he does, but it's a challenge.

It's an opportunity to learn stuff. And I decided I was gonna do it. I had him on the show and we started talking about it. I was like, you know what? That sounds like a great thing for me to just change my groove up a little bit and do something that's healthy and good for me and maybe learn some good habits along the way.

But the sole motivation for me is I've been following Chris on Instagram, seeing the things he's been putting out for not just hunters, but for people in general that just wanna live healthier lifestyles. And I think it's one thing that we don't talk about enough. And I could tell you right now, for the majority of [00:08:00] my life, I've neglected greatly because I didn't value it that much.

But as time goes on, I'm starting to see that when I have physical health maximized everything else my, my social health my mental health, all of that just falls into place so much night. It's so much better. And I enjoy. My day-to-day life better, and that turns into hunting. Like I said, everything I do at the end of the day, I'm thinking about how does this make me a better hunter and everything else, even though there's a lot bigger, better, more important things than that.

But that's always been my mentality. So that was the motivation. And we talk about just getting out of the funk, the day-to-day stuff that you might have and what we can do right now in the off season to prepare if we're, if you're experiencing any of the things that I experienced in the past two years.

We talk about, Changing day-to-day lifestyles. What are some things that we [00:09:00] can do to build muscle groups or endurance, to hike mountains, to climb trees, to set tree stands to be more agile things like that. And it's all revolving around that. We talk a little bit about food and wild game and utilizing it in, through the lens of how Chris does with his lifestyle and what he enjoys out of that.

And, we all know that wild game is, high quality for for as far as nutrition goes. So this is a great episode for just trying to get us mentally motivated to be On the, on top of things physically and keeping up with our physical health. Real quick, we're gonna get a word from our partners here, and we're gonna first give a shout out to Radix Hunting.

Guys, if you are ready for off season prep work, you need to check Radix Hunting Out guys. They're Gen 600 standard cameras, fantastic image quality, excellent trigger speed response. Really handy use [00:10:00] camera. They also have their MCO cell cameras, which in my opinion, it's hard to beat. Mco, there's a lot of comparable cameras out there, but as far as price and what you get, it's a hard camera to beat.

It's a, it's again, high quality, great image quality great trigger response, great coverage between at and t Verizon. And it, it's it's a tool that is well used. I'm looking forward to running mine on a couple of my places. I hunt farther away. And the, it's a company that would invest in, they have a lot of trail camera accessories to check out their stick and pick stuff from trail cameras, mounts and adapters and stuff like that.

Radis hunting. And also I want to give give our mention to hunt worth guys, if you were in, if you were looking to upgrade your clothing, if you want something that's more comfortable, if you want something that keeps you warm, keeps you dry, keeps you from the wind all the Elkins pa line that I ran this year in Turkey season did that and more, I was truly.

Just [00:11:00] blown away. First of all the price was not gonna b break the bank. It's got versatility throughout a long duration of the season, but it did, it kept me so warm and it was comfortable. Like I, I've been somebody that I never realized how important comfortable clothing was to me. When I hunted.

I always had cheap stuff. I always mix and match the wrong size. Things like that, belt pants were a little bit baked, cinched my belt down a little bit tighter and just live with it. I felt so, I felt like an athlete when I was walking in the woods. It felt, it just felt good. And to me now, I don't want to go into woods without feeling like that, without feeling my mobility, having quiet clothing and having a great camel pattern like I do with with the disruption pattern.

So guys, check out Hunt Worth. I think it's a company that if you're looking to swap stuff out and get that upgrade, check out Hunt Worth. And with that, let's get to this episode.[00:12:00]

Hey, joining me tonight, I have got another podcast host little bit different type of podcast, but we got some similar interests. I have Chris Heskett on the line with us this evening. Chris, thank you so much for joining. Thank you Mitchell for inviting me. Yeah, absolutely. So I have been on a constant battle for the past lifetime of trying to make sure that I'm in physical, mental preparation for everything that I do.

I was going through this weird bout for a long time, and I think it was just the phases of life. I went through school and sports and I was really in the best shape of my life. And then I went into careers and getting married and just learning how to maneuver my life with the changes in pace and then having kids and it just got so chaotic and I never ever would've thought those life changes would have such an impact to my hunting.

And they have, and, making those right changes. Good. I know that you are. A fitness nutrition coach, and you also love hunting, [00:13:00] chris, a again, thank you for coming on and I'd love you to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about what you do. Yeah, so I am a online fitness and nutrition coach.

I was an in-person personal trainer for about nine years before eventually my wife and I had our first daughter she's about to turn two in September. So a, after that being a personal trainer and having kids does not go hand in hand with the schedule. I transitioned to online coaching but the big focus has been for like my clients I like working with people who enjoy the outdoors.

And part of that is hunting. So I've included my hobby of hunting into coaching, and you'll see that in a, of content, especially as closer to season here when archery content and stuff, I start to ramp up. But I didn't actually start out hunting, so a lot of guys grow up hunting. That was not me.

I grew up around hunters in Gettysburg but did not hunt. My dad didn't hunt, nobody hunted. My [00:14:00] wife's family, huge hunters. Her granddad actually had these state black bear record for a while. Wow. The thing they didn't have back then when he got it, I forget the date, but they didn't have like a stand big enough for it.

So they, it's actually smaller, but it's yeah. My uncle Inlaws, as soon as you open up his room, it's there just like right over you. It's massive. Like that thing is smaller than it's supposed to be. Holy crap. But so I didn't get into it until so my wife she battles anemia and like low b12.

So that's not a problem. She can eat red meat. But a couple years ago she developed an allergy to beef. And so you need iron and b12. Beef is a great source. She also has GI issues. So she had a eating disorder when before we met. And that messed up her digestive system so she couldn't take iron supplements.

So we tried out Vincent and she loves it. Awesome. So that's how I got into hunting, I guess about four years ago, was, okay, we can't afford to buy bison every single week. We need [00:15:00] red meat for my wife to be healthy. So I guess I'm gonna go out and start hunting and provide for my wife. So that's literally like that was, I was like, I'm only going do deer hunting.

That's all I'm gonna do. And got a Joe the first year, like last day of rifle season, in the last hour, like the entire season, nothing was like last chance, finally had an opportunity. And immediately I'm like, yep, I'm addicted to this. This is my new personality now. So I have to say, Chris, that is the absolute coolest way I've ever heard somebody getting into hunting because I've done this, show I'm I'm closing in on a hundred episodes this year.

So I've had a bunch of interviews and, before that and all the people I meet and stuff with hunting, it's always about, your intro of somehow you were introduced to it by a family member or a friend or something like that. And it was the thrill of that, and that wasn't even in the first part of it.

You learned what, why we love it so much. Like that, that almost [00:16:00] addiction or that connection you have as a hunter you learned that after the fact and that's so cool. Thank you. Yeah, it's I still have that like newbie, so I know as we go through things with fitness, like generally like you're like I'm blanking on the word, but you're not as fired up about it, like after a decade or two decades.

I have that now. So it's like guys like my age have been hunting for two decades now, like I'm 33. They're like, oh yeah, I like hunting. But it's, for a lot of them it's starting to die down where I'm like, no. Like I am like all in on this thing. It come August, it's all I'm thinking about just like hunting.

When can I get outside? When, how am I gonna be, when can I get like the last couple things in with my bow? When do I dial in my, like it is full on just for a lot of guys back when they were in their teens. This conversation's gonna start to take a turn. I didn't expect. So I have to ask this next question.

So if your wife really enjoys venison and it's an important part of her diet, tell me a little bit about the husband [00:17:00] wife relationship as you've become more in depth with your interest in hunting and the time spent away, especially now as a dad too. So we'll tag team for hunting. So she's gone into hunting.

She's with me. So she's a year or so behind, but she hasn't done as much just cuz she was finishing up nursing school and she got pregnant and she's currently pregnant with number two. So it's like we've gone through like a couple seasons. She's she's only gotten out a couple times. But we basically after that first year, like the second season I harvested for deer and that was like our red meat for the year.

So that's we view it not as oh, I'm going off on a guys weekend more like this is how we're going to eat. So either I have to go and get the red meat or we are not gonna have red meat. And my wife absolutely loves it. And now with my daughter, we just had our last roast, she destroyed it.

Like my daughter absolutely annihilates vent. She'll eat almost as much as I. [00:18:00] Like, how is this kid still hungry? But so it's just one of those things like we need to have it so it's more like grocery shopping almost. I hate to put it that way, but it's essential for us. So we view it that way. This needs to happen.

These are the days I'm gonna go hunt for the best chance. So we just talk about that way rather than Going off on guys weekend or going off on girls weekend. It's an essential component in the fall that we need to do for our family. And that is just so pure because to be honest with you, and I'm guilty of this as, as much as anybody, that's usually not the case in most cases.

And I've had this conversation on my show with, friends and family off the show, the. The overwhelming guilt or the juggling and struggling that I have as a father, as a husband, as a friend, as an employee, all those stuff it just weighs on you and realizing the importance of things in life.

But I'm typically putting hunting up there not necessarily as the value in [00:19:00] the venison that comes back to my table. Wow. That's greatly appreciated. And I utilize as much as possible. I'll be, I'd be the first to say I'd be lying if I said that was the first of first primary reason that I'm doing it.

And I, I think a lot of people would kid themselves to be to say that's the case. No I really like that and appreciate that. I think it brings into like just the purity of. What's important in hunting in the first place. But, yeah, no I kind of wanna circle back too. So you're a physical fitness coach, nutritionist.

Tell me a little bit about getting into that. Like how, what was that path for you in this very interesting field? So I started, let's see. I didn't do any sports really growing up until I did cross country when I was 14, freshman in high school. And then back then all the girls wanted like guys to be jacked.

So I was a skinny cross country runner. And I figured, and super introverted too, like no self-confidence, super introverted back then. So I was like, [00:20:00] cool. So girls, like guys with muscles build muscle, get girls, does not work that way, by the way. But that was my teenage brain thinking, Hey, would you do this?

But I just fell in love with the process of training and then I would get other people coming up. Never girls, usually other guys, any guy who's been lifting those. It's always like other guys asking me like, what's your split bro? So I would be helping them with either their diet or building a workout routine.

So that just became something I liked and I've always been super nerdy into the sciences and stuff. So it's just Hey, there's this exercise science degree offered by colleges. I'm gonna go and do that. Had no idea I was gonna get into training. My big thing was I just wanted to stay outta hospitals.

I wanted to help people before they got into the hospital, keep people from getting in there. So as we're going through, I'm like, oh, we can either go strength conditioning, which that was my internship at Bucknell, or we can go like personal training. It's like [00:21:00] strength conditioning. You work like fif like 12 to 15 hour days and make 30 grand a year.

Or you can go personal training, maybe do the same, but potentially make way more money. Okay, we're gonna go back. So that's kinda how I got into was I liked it for myself. I liked helping other people. I liked the science, and then it just naturally, like that was the best course of action for me. Very cool.

So dive a little bit more into the motivation for it. You're interested in it, but is there something about it that motivates you in this? Because it seems like for the overwhelming majority of Americans that nutrition, physical fitness overall health I, I just don't put it as a priority in my life for whatever reason.

So tell me a little bit about your mindset and philosophy in regards to that. So when it comes to being motivated, do something, you have to have a really [00:22:00] good goal. I know it sounds woo, but. It needs to be super clear cut and it needs to be something beyond, like I just wanna get in shape.

Like what does in-shape mean? I just wanna lose a little bit of weight. Like that motivates nobody for more than six weeks. So what's like the driving factor for you? Like why do you wanna lose that weight? Why do you want to get in shape? What's the thing that's driving you to do those things? Is it, Hey, I'm going back country L hunting and I live in Pennsylvania and I'm gonna be in Colorado at, 10,000 plus feet of elevation.

I need to be in shape for that. I have a, I had a client who does just that. So it's yeah, that's gonna be a motivate motivator because that can be the deciding factor of whether you harvest an elk or not for that archery hunt. Or it might be like, Hey, like I realize my health is declining and I wanna be there to see like my grandkids graduate college.

Unless I start putting in the work now. I'm never gonna see that.[00:23:00] So it, it can be a multitude of factors. I always, for a lot of my clients, it's coming back to family and Hey, like I started working out and now I can do all these things with my kids. I can get down the floor, I can play with them.

I can go out in the backyard and do things and I'm not tired. So that's a big thing that a lot of clients get after they start by losing weight, start by working out the basic stuff, but then they realize, oh, this is why we do this thing. Absolutely. Yeah, I can definitely relate to that. I Again, coming out of a new phase of life, a couple probably two, three seasons ago I was just living life, fly by the seat of my pants.

And it was, like I said, two or three seasons ago, I really noticed that, my, my fall hunting trips that I would take typically was upstate Pennsylvania, going to Deer Camp, bear Camp, running around mountains for a few days. It was the first time that I ever noticed I am not able to.

Have the stamina of and go the [00:24:00] places I wanna go. As quick as I want to go, like I did a few years ago. And it really bugged me. It really got to a point where I was like, the thing I love and enjoy the most is getting harder to do and I don't want that to happen. And another motivating thing I have too.

So I have a three year old and a one-year-old. Both boys, happy father. And it occurred to me not that long ago that, I've got two boys. Lord knows they're probably gonna be headstrong like their dad and think they're real big, tough stuff. And in 18 years they're probably thinking they're gonna be able to kick dad's rear end.

And I wanna make sure that they know that's not possible while they're living under my roof. A couple of motivating factors and stuff, but, really the thing that I want to do is, I've hunt hunted with so many people over the years where you start maybe you drive in the top of a ridge on a big track of public land, right?

And you look down this drainage across the hollow and say, Hey, we wanna climb down here. We wanna get into this bottom, and we're gonna, we're gonna make a push across this side hill for bear and such. And I'd be with guys that go, [00:25:00] you're gonna go all the way down there for that.

Like why? I don't wanna shoot something down there, then I gotta get it out. And that is something that never crosses my mind because that's where I want to be, that's where I enjoy it. I just want it to be something that I'm sustainable to do and I'm, it's easier to do. And I think there's a lot of hunters out there that are probably in that mindset.

The, but part of that is a life gets in the way and life can get really hard to be, make the time valuable. I'm sure you can relate to that. When the, when you get clients that might have something similar of that nature, maybe they're somewhere in that demographic of 25 to 45, have an interest in hunting or some kind of personal hobby of such.

But you got. The business of work and family and things like that really make it up. How how do you see like time management as I, I guess so to speak? How do you work with clients in a sense of [00:26:00] time management and prioritizing what really needs to be done in order to achieve those goals?

So couple routes we can go here. So first of all most people think we have to be in shape. We have to be a Cameron Hayes and run like a mile. Like a marathon every single day, plus workout. So the minimum we need to do is two days a week of some sort of exercise. So if you can do two days a week for 30 minutes, that's one hour out of your week that you just have to find.

To start seeing fitness goals, obviously it's not gonna give, you're not gonna become like a fitness model. You're not gonna be in amazing shape to where you can run like 10 Ks. That's not gonna happen. But you're gonna build muscle, maintain your strength, maintain a good level of fitness with just two times a week, 30 minutes, that's it.

So it's setting an expectation of, Hey, we don't have to do that much. Where can we find this time? Or maybe it's three times a week. Like we have a few clients three times a week, 15 minutes. We have clients [00:27:00] who so I have a lot of clients who are in pharmaceuticals right now. So corporate world, they're traveling for business.

It's 15 minute workouts. That's all we're gonna do. For hunters, one of the best workouts you can do is rocking. So if you're not familiar with that term, it's just weighted walking, like what vest on or throw like books or weights into backpack handle can handle it. But you can do that. If you walk a dog every single day, just throw the weight vest on when you go walk a dog.

So if you're walking a dog two miles a day, cool, now you just create a two mile workout for yourself while you just walk your dog. So you can work it in different ways like that, where maybe it's not the traditional like go-to gym workout for one hour, come home that's been an hour and a half hour of your day, cause gym and stuff.

But you can still get in shape that way. The other thing we do is let's look at how much time you're actually wasting. Pull up your phone. There's a setting in there that shows you like what your screen time is, how much screen time [00:28:00] are you spending on social media? How much screen time are you spending on video games?

How much TV are you watching? Are those things actually helping you towards your goal? And with a lot of those things you can watch Netflix and be on the treadmill to watch on that. You can do both. You can, walk at an incline with a weight vest on, get a good workout in that way. So it's, first let's take a look at your schedule, see where it fits in, and then set a realistic expectation for how many days a week you can get to it.

The way I phrase it to my clients when they come on, like, how many days think of your craziest week. How many days can you commit to working out on those weeks? And they'll be like two or three generally. Cool. That's the expectation. Anything above that's like extra credit. So I know you want to work out five days a week, you did you get a check that you did a good week if you get two or three days in, and then it's just extra if you can do more.

And the next week, if you can't get [00:29:00] all five days in, cool. You got your two in. Amazing. And then you just see that progress over time and then seasons of your life. Where time opens up, you can go all in and seasons of your life where things get crazy, you just cut back to those two times a week and you just play like that.

Like during hunting season, I do not work out near as much. I'm running a business. I have my kids I have actual hunting season. So my workouts generally cut back to three days a week. When normally I like to work out five to six times per week. Right now I'm working out five or six days per week.

So it just depends. Again, holidays too around the the hunting season as well. So you have all these things playing a role you can just cut back then. But if you build this habit, then it's gonna be something you're just gonna try to work in. Cause that's the other thing a lot of people view themselves as it's, you have to have an identity shift.

If you identify yourself as, I'm lazy, I'm fat, I'm not fit, like those are other people, but [00:30:00] that's not me. You're always gonna be telling yourself that. And even if you start working out, your brain's gonna fight your identity. Cause it's gonna be we're a fat, lazy person. We don't do that. So your brain starts to fight you with that subconsciously.

And we have to have the shift to identity. So with my clients, I can say, this is your you 2.0. Like visualize that person, you wanna be that in-shape Dad who can go and do a Colorado elcon at the drop of a die. That's your goal. The in-shape mom, the saying a great example for the her kids. If that's you have to visualize that person and then start visualizing what does that version of you do on a day-to-day basis.

It's probably not cutting out little carbs, it's probably not working out six days per week. It's probably just trying to do what you can while still spending time with your kids and your family and doing your hobbies as well. So that's, it's a visualization exercise we need to do. If you're looking to simplify your food plot system while [00:31:00] enhancing the quality of your soil, you need to check out Vitalized Seed Company.

Vitalize provides top quality seed blends designed to fit into their one two planting system. The system has been designed to allow highly diverse plant species to grow synergistically, optimizing nutrient uptake and cycling the way God intended. Reduce your inputs, build your soil, and maximize the quality tonnage for the wildlife in your area.

Find out more about this system and get your and be sure to check them out on Instagram and Facebook. You brought up a good point earlier in this conversation. So you brought up, the ideology of seeing somebody on social media who is just an absolute beast. And you brought up Cameron Haynes, which I think everybody in the hunting world goes to.

Cameron Haynes because he is one of the most determined like. Motivational individuals in the hunting space that there is. And hats off to him, but he's I don't [00:32:00] wanna call him an extremist, but man he's close. He's close if he's not an extremist right. And that's motivating.

But then you put yourself into the shoes, the average bow hunter, the average, just general outdoorsmen. And of course you, you might get like a dopamine hit watching something like that and getting inspired to do that. And staging things out though that are realistic and measurable to achieve goals.

That's gotta be really tough. So tell me a little bit about like how you. Break things down with clients when you get into a situation let's just say for example, man I wanted to just take my bow hunting this year in Pennsylvania, the extreme I was gonna be running mountains like crazy and I just got this outside of my mind idea of what I'm gonna be achieving.

First of all, it's gotta be hard on you to really understand, what this person's capable of in the beginning, but, setting realistic goals and then monitoring how you achieve those goals or like the step process cuz it's so hard to [00:33:00] see results sometimes or people don't know how, dive into that.

I'm rambling at this point. Yeah. So yeah, Cameron Hennings is an outlier. I would never put someone on that kinda program. Also, most people don't wanna live the life he lives where he wakes up at 3:30 AM and then like to get his runs in. But back to your point with the goals, you, we need to set a smart goal.

So that's an acronym. It needs to be specific, measurable, attainable relevant, and then time-based. So when we're single, so let's say right now we're trying to get ready for September or October for archery hunting, you're gonna be running all over mountains. So more probably like we're talking whitetail.

We're talking October. Okay, cool. So we have what, we're almost in June now, so you have about four-ish months to get ready. So we have a time base, we have the tea, we have four months to get ready. Then we have to say smart goal, like what can actually be achieved [00:34:00] in the next four months if you're starting from ground zero, where I can tell you right now, if you go all in, like I'm gonna run every day, lift every day, and your immune system.

So when we start out lifting or with any exercise, we need to make sure we can recover from that. So if you're super sore, probably doing a little too much or it's just something new. So probably three days a week at most, maybe four days a week. Measurable, what does running all over the mountains look like?

I have I have in my mind what that looks like. That's probably gonna be eight to 10 miles a day, but for someone else that might just be three miles. For someone, it might be like, I need to do this and I'm going to, I listen to way too much Joe Rogan and I'm pulling a 90 pound bow and this other person pulling a 50 pound.

So it's having a measurable goal of these are the things I need to be able to do. Come October for the running all over the mountains for my archery [00:35:00] hunt. How do I get from here to there? That was SM a is attainable. So again, just saying a realistic expectation that in four months you're probably not gonna become a marathon runner, but you can make drastic improvements.

And then it might not be this year, but the following year, the following season, you might be in the actual prime shape you wanna be. It might not be this year if you're starting right now. And then relevant means it's actually relevant to like whatever goal you're setting. I'm gonna start, I'm gonna cut do keto and I'm gonna do lift every day and I'm gonna do all these other things.

But is that relevant to your life? If you do keto, you're never going out to dinner with your family, you're never gonna be celebrating holidays from now until then with your family. Like you can't eat that food. If you're every single day. But some days that means you're not gonna be able to sit down with your family.

And that's important. Is that actually relevant to your goal or is that taking away from this, that e [00:36:00] 2.0 version of yourself? Hey, I'm an amazing dad who I hunt. I sent a great example. If you're skip skipping dinner to go work out, is that really setting that example for your kids? You can answer I can't tell you whether that's a yes or no answer.

You have to decide that for yourself. For me, that's a hard no. I, we sit down every night and have dinner as a family. So that's how you set that goal, is you figure out what you need to do. We have that time and then figure out how we're gonna get there. And then that's the big goal.

And then we break it down to smaller goals. Like every four to six weeks, you're gonna set like little mini goals. So that would be like, first like four weeks. We're gonna work out two times per week, and then we're gonna bump three times per week and then four times per week. And Then it's okay, cool.

I just made amazing improvements all along the way. Instead, like the big hairy, scary goal of great, I set this goal. Where do I start? Where do you think a lot of people fall off the boat, so to speak, when you're going through stuff? Is [00:37:00] it a lot of the time because they don't set they don't set a timeline or a process that is achievable, like you said or there's a lot of times sometimes it's just mental blockades.

Like, where do you see that lag for so many people when they're trying to achieve a goal, let's just say it's revolved around being in better shape to be a better hunter or whatever that case might be. Unrealistic expectations. Everyone overestimates what they can do in 30 days and underestimates what they can do in the next year.

So everyone's chasing I wanna transform my life in the next 30 to 90 days. It's always like 30 to 90 days. I wanna completely revamp everything. But if you actually expanded the time horizon, so like with my clients minimum commitment to work with me six months, because for one habit, we're talking just like one habit.

It takes three weeks to actually have that set in. And usually we're talking multiple habits. We have to break some bad habits. [00:38:00] We have like maybe it's stress coping mechanism. Poor sleep habits, we're already battling, say, lack of exercise. So just one habit takes three weeks. So if you're trying to overhaul your life in 90 days, you're gonna be trying to break all these habits and start all these new ones.

And that can be very overwhelming. So I always try to do one or two things at a time with clients. These are your main focuses right now. These, like two things. It might be like, get eight hours sleep per night and get thousand steps per day. Or maybe it's eat protein at every single meal or eat a veggie every single meal.

It's just like those things for the next three weeks, that's your focus. And if you do that over a year from now, you're gonna be like a totally different person. Like you'll be that person you're trying to do in 90 days. It's just gonna take longer. So that's where people get like they lose sight.

And also like in the middle, usually about week six to eight people tend to fall off cause. Motivation, [00:39:00] it's super fickle. Like it's here one day, it's gone the next, it's gonna burn out in about four weeks. If you're like motivated to make a change right now and you don't have a goal and you don't have some way to keep you accountable, you're gonna fall off in about six to eight weeks.

Cause that motivation's gonna just go out. If you think back of how manys and workout programs you tried passed, probably been about that long. All sudden, it's like something pops up in that six, eight timeframe and then you like, okay, when I get back from this trip, I'm track or I'm done. I'm gonna take a week.

And then that week into six months. You need some accountability partner. This might be your partner. Personally, I think it's a terrible idea. My wife and I'm a coach and I refuse to coach my wife. Not smart. My wife does works with my assistant coach. She does not work with me. Partners tend to be really bad accountability partners.

And so the reason for that is generally as a partner, your wife, even if like you're the head of household, like it's kinda a 50 50 [00:40:00] relationship when you're in like a coach client relationship, the coach is ahead. Yeah. Like up here the client's down here a little bit cause they're like a student.

It's like teacher student relationship. When you do that with your spouse, you hope you don't wanna have sex for the next 90 days. Just say you're gonna butt heads and you're gonna hurt feelings. So it's better just give someone else that and they're like, oh my god, honey, they told me to do this and this.

And they're like, I've been saying that for the past few years. But it's a different kind of relationship. So this is where like a coworker or a friend can be a really good accountability partner. I'm a coach. Coach is our accountability. Source of accountability. But you can also find some coworker or friend to do it where you have a good relationship.

But I'd never recommended that friend who they wanna go out to. Happy hour every single week. Don't get that friend is your accountability buddy. Get the one who they wanna make a change and you'll be like, Hey, why the hell did you go out in on [00:41:00] happy hour? Oh man, I screwed up. Cool. Why don't you not do that in this upcoming week?

And they'll do the same for you. Hey, I saw your Instagram post. Why were you there? Oh, crappy caught me. I like that too. And I think what we're bouncing around a little bit too, is the mental side of things. The mental toughness. Yeah. And. Mental toughness is not something that is easily taught.

I don't even know if it is taught, but mental toughness is a big part of this. What thoughts do you have on the mental strength conditioning when it comes to making changes for the betterment of your physical life? So it's worded mental toughness. You're about to, if you're actually chasing that, you're about to do a whole bunch of woowoo stuff that is not gonna seem very mentally tough.

So I'm super like analytical sciencey, welcome to the yoga, let's break out our crystals and like light up the sage and stuff. That kind of stuff is what you're gonna have to do a little bit, not too much, but [00:42:00] you have to figure out what is the barrier holding you back from your goal. This can be journaling where so a lot of guys, especially myself included oh, I'm gonna write a diary.

Screw that. I'm not. If you view more like a brain dump, take all the information in your brain and dump it on paper. So a great exercise is like set time for 20 minutes, don't let the pen stop writing and whatever comes to your mind, it's gonna come out on that paper. And that can give you insight of come kinda the deeper stuff that's going on with self-sabotage.

And you might also get like some other great ideas like, wait, this solved my food pot problem for this year. I don't know why I never thought that now. So it's also good exercise of, but brain can be really good. Meditation can be really good. There, there's, you kinda have to figure out that self sabotage.

So generally those are the two things I like people to do. And I'll get I'll fight with someone for a while and finally they'll do and get screenshots. It's eight pages long of stuff they did with like their brain. They're like, [00:43:00] I figured it out. Cool. In one day you did, you just had to sit down for 20 minutes in quiet spot, set a timer and just start writing.

And a lot of businesses do this, like a lot of like successful CEOs, they will do this stuff. So it's not oh, this is what hippie people do. This is a lot of people do it who are very successful. I do it I also do like power listing where like we're listing out the things that have to each day.

And then it's developed over time. Like it's not a light switch, like you not gonna turn

of resilience. It's developed over time. And one big way to do that is through exercise. We have data to show that as you exercise you do hard things. Ex like exercise is hard. Like I'm not gonna like sugarcoat that and be like, Hey, we're gonna go and do bicep curls and super fun. No, it's still hard.

You might enjoy it, you might not. That's hard. And when we do hard things, we build up resilience. We go and do something we don't like, but we get rewarded for it later. That builds up [00:44:00] that re resist resilience over time. And so slowly you develop it. It's not gonna be a month, it's gonna be six months, it's gonna be a year.

But if you can start now and start doing that, you're going to slowly build up that mental toughness to where then you can take on more and more difficult things. Hopefully that answered your question. No, and absolutely did. And I think again, it comes back to baby steps and things that are achievable.

No, I like that. And we've been talking a lot about being in a situation where maybe you're just in a funk or in a tough spot in life and you need to make some changes that are tough if you want to not go down a certain road, but let's take a different avenue to this, Chris. Hunting in a lot of cases can be a very physical and mental game.

And, if you want to better yourself and you want to put miles on hunt in tough locations, tough situations, or maybe it's just a stamina thing in order to connect on a, maybe a very high end goal. From your hunting [00:45:00] experience alone what are some of the things that you have found that really take your hunting Stamina, shooting capabilities, whatever, to a next level in your hunt.

Like things that you wouldn't have thought of before, but now that you're working on this and using this in your daily routine, Hey, this helps me be a better bow hunter or be a better whatever, hunter. So I've added more cardio to my routine for if I do go black bear hunting or if, I do have to drag a deer out from a place like you can't get anything in.

So cardio definitely helps, but also doing like once or twice a week, that high intensity interval training that's gonna help train your nervous system for when you get the buck fever, which we all know. The heart rate adrenaline spike, your heart rate through the roof. You get that tunnel vision and that's where a lot of mess up.

So there's no. [00:46:00] Perfect way to train that. However, when we do interval training so getting that heart rate up high for a short amount of time and then fully recovered, not the stuff that orange theory does, that's not true. Interval training, we're talking like we're gonna go 30 seconds on 60 seconds off of say like some, like a sprint or kettlebell swings or just some sort of exercise like that.

You do that's gonna, every time you do that, your adrenaline spikes, your heart rate goes way up, and then you like come down. I know a couple guys will do that, and then they'll go and take one shot worth of. So don't start with that. You'll miss and you'll cost you some errors. But once you get a couple weeks under your belt, you can go if you can.

Obviously everyone's situation is different. You can go and do just that of I'm 30 seconds of a super intense exercise. I'm take one shot at 20 yards and then rest and then do the same. Same thing, and then you're gonna build up to a little bit of fatigue. And then also just training your body to better [00:47:00] handle that adrenaline dump when you get it.

Yeah, that's a big one because I'm sure you were probably caught off guard the first time you experienced it and you experienced that adrenaline dump. And that's one of those things, I've hunted my entire life and I just listened to just listened to a Joe Rogan podcast. I don't listen to a lot of those, but I was really interested in the guests.

He had Joel Turner on Joel Turner, shot iq. Really fascinating guy. Really fascinating episode. I listened to it twice. And talking about the mental side of things and dealing with that adrenaline dump and how to execute that. So there's he was talking a lot about the mental side of things, but there's definitely a physical attribute and being in a physical state that's better than, at your peak performance, I guess so to speak, is going to.

Be able to execute something like that better if you're at a moderate level of brain capacity in an adrenaline dump, yeah. So I've seen a lot of guys do different stuff, but [00:48:00] yeah, when you get that adrenaline dump, like your brain starts to shut down that heart or it's spiking up. So if you can condition your body to handle that, you're gonna be better able to focus and make better decisions under that high stress situation.

Cause it's a high stress situation for your body. You caught really off guard the first time it ever hit me. I'm like, what is this? I've never experienced that ever. So now I just know and expect even every year, like you forget over the year and then I'm like, like I can start hunting in September, October.

Oh, that's what that feeling is again. Oh crap. But I can manage it pretty well. But the. Other than getting out in the field and experiencing it, which you can't do year round, you can do it through some sort of physical exercise. The other thing that's really good for hunters especially if you have to carry out anything or just carrying your gear, it's gonna be weighted carries in the gym.

So if you've ever watched charain competitions, you see them do like the farmer caries and stuff [00:49:00] Exactly that. It's gonna be like doing farmer caries, suitcase caries, golic caries, just like holding weight in different position and just walking with it. Kinda what rucking does, but you can go much heavier and that's gonna train your body to better handle, like after the hunt happens.

Like, how do I drag this deer out? Or pack it out if you're going out elk hunting, or how do I drag this bear out? Maybe it's like you're, you a few guys and you're like, how gonna get out this drainage so we can get it like maybe onto a vehicle or something. Like how's that gonna happen? That's a good way to train the body to move under load.

And you can get like gut, you can do like body weight each hand, like a good goal is like half your body weight in each hand, but you can keep going up. High levels like for PharmaCare, like your body weight in each hand. But for men, like a good starting goal would be half, like if you're 200 pounds, a hundred pounds per hand and walk like 50 yards with that.

So it's five yards down, 25 yards back if you have the [00:50:00] room. Or you can go multiple. But that's an amazing exercise. Good stuff. Good stuff. Another thing that's gotten extremely popular, and it's a very cool thing, we've talked about a bunch is public land hunting, running and gunning mobile hunting setups and with mobile hunting setups a lot of the guys that do it, have different maybe sticks, saddle stick, tree stand setups, maybe the guy's still running climbers and stuff.

But when it comes to climbing trees, setting up a setup like that, we've talked a bunch about how to do it quietly and stuff like that, but there's definitely a stealth stamina aside to things that comes into a physical attribute. Now it's I've been I remember the first couple times I hung tree stands hanging on, hang on, tree stands in the summertime.

I couldn't believe the physical toll that it took on me. I wasn't used to it. Now I'm very used to it, and I think I do it fairly efficiently, but timeliness and quietness and stealthiness is really important to that. When that comes to your mind, how do you incorporate that in for somebody like a whitetail hunter as [00:51:00] far as off season preparation?

So that would be lots and lots of rucking. That's gonna help, that's gonna help with the endurance of getting in there. Cause if you're taking say like a climber in that's gonna be strapped probably to your back. Actually I'm, two years ago when I was at up a bear camp, there was a guy who he brought a climber in.

It was like straight up the mountain and he was dying. He made it, but he was dying to get up there. So it wa you know, that's gonna be anywhere between 25 and 50 pounds. Plus you have your weapon, plus you have water, probably food and, whatever other equipment you're taking in, you can weigh that stuff out and figure out, okay, I need to walk around with about this much weight on.

I usually don't recommend more than 50 pounds cause the injury starts to spike at that point. But if you can work up to moving around withing workouts of like 30 to 45 minutes with 40 to 50 pounds on. You're gonna be in pretty good shape to get in quick. Cause there's gonna be [00:52:00] a balance. Anyone who's been outta breath knows this.

You can't hunt when you're like, you're totally exhausted. So you can't sprint in. Cause if opportunity presents itself you're not gonna be able to take a steady shot. So you have to move at a quick pace that's quiet but not so fast that you're gonna be absolutely exhausted and take 10 minutes to actually come down.

In case like an opportunity presents itself. So that's gonna be around like your zone, what's called zone cardio, which is about 65 to 70% of your max heart rate, which is kinda what you're training during those rucking workouts. So it's training your body under load to move with endurance. And it's also training your heart rate in the zone you wanna be in, where you can focus, you can still be steal, you're not getting fatigue.

But you can actually Take that into the field and then translate that to getting it. And then once you're in having that endurance, like now we actually have to get up the tree. That's half the battle. So having good I haven't yet to use a climber, but it's kinda like a full by exercise.

So [00:53:00] doing resistance training is gonna help there. Any endurance training will help. But doing resistance training is gonna help you be able to move quickly and quietly. Cause the more fatigue you get the more your five skills start to go down and that's where you start to get noisy. So any level of endurance and any level of strength is gonna help you with that.

And the more strength you have so strength works on like a percent basis. So if you're able to move, say 50 pounds and it's 25 pounds, that's 50% of your strength. So the lower you can move, like whatever that climber is down the strength curve the less toll that's gonna take on your body. Not saying you need to like bench press 300 pounds.

But if you can just improve your strength at all, that's gonna be so much easier to do this season. Hopefully that answers that question. No ab Absolutely. Yeah. Again, I keep just going back in my line, I think so many people would say this is like the, again, back to the time aspect. If I take off, let's just say I take off a couple days in bear season, couple days, the first [00:54:00] week of firearms season, and I'm gonna be, I'm I live in the southern half of the state.

I go up north to the big woods and I'm putting, I know bear seasoned, it's nothing to put on somewhere in the, realm of 15 to 20 miles and in two days heavy mountains, thick cover this and that, and it's just all day long. Go. In this, in its extreme environment sometimes.

And My mind, and this is just my simple mind, the way I go. I just think there's no way to prepare for that's realistic because it's an all day extreme event. And I don't have the timeline in my, I can't take one day a week and go do, just devote to that preparation. But a lot of people have told me that's the wrong ways.

And can you elaborate on what your thought is? Like, how does the workouts you're talking about or the little things you can do throughout the, actually it does build up stamina over a long enough time. Yeah. So specifically when I'm talking like the rucking and zone two workouts, one of the adaptations we're [00:55:00] creating is helping your body utilize oxygen better.

So when. How's 45 45 minute rookie workout gonna help you when you're spending 12 hours hunting from before sunrise to like basically sunset when you have to pack up and exit the mountain. So how's that gonna help you while you are train your body to better utilize oxygen the whole time?

And that's not just like an off switch during your workout that's gonna carry you through the rest of your life, including like outside the mountain as well when you're not hunting. But that's gonna help you there. Any strength you build is going to help you so you're not gonna fatigue as fast.

So are you gonna be tired? Oh yeah, tired. You're gonna be tired, you're gonna be beat up. You're gonna come back. So there's absolutely no way, unless you were able to hike every single weekend and do eight to 10 miles every single weekend. I used to before I had kids. I can no longer do that. That's a great way to get in shape guys, if hiking is a good way, but not realistic for everyone.

Just [00:56:00] doing anything is going to help at least a little bit, even if it's twice a week, 15 minute workouts. If we're improving our hearts capacity to pump blood and utilize oxygen and we're increasing strength, then when you go to the mountain, it's not going to be as bad as last season. And the other thing to think about is when it comes to physical fitness, there's no like pause button.

The pause button's actually like staying active. So every year we're actually like losing muscle mass, we're losing endurance, and we're losing strength. So the only way to stop that so that if last season sucked it's gonna be even worse this upcoming year unless you get active. So if you become active, you start walking more, working out, stuff like that, we can at least press that pause button or start to make improvements.

And then you're gonna notice that oh, like I, last year I got tired, three miles in this year was five miles in. There's still 10 miles, like maybe there's another 10 miles, but you got additional two miles.[00:57:00] That's awesome. Maybe you just need more recovery. You also learned the limits of your body as well.

When you're exercising, like for a lot of guys, if you're not working out, you have no idea what your limits are until you actually test it. When you're working out, you actually know kinda Hey, these are my limits. I really start to go downhill at this point. Like it really gets difficult for me at 45 minutes.

You kinda know Hey, I'm gonna hike in and we're gonna go three miles in, but I know I'm gonna need to rest, so we're gonna chill out at this point. Scan, say, I'm thinking like my black bears. This is kinda how I would do it. I would sit down here's the point I know if I go any further, I'm gonna fatigue.

I'm chill out. And then if nothing happens, I'm gonna move to this point, say an hour later I, my body an hour's time to recover. I'm gonna move over here. Then we're gonna spend time over there and if nothing happens and depending on the wind, we're gonna move to over here and you can kinda map that out on, on X.

But if you don't know your body's limit you're kinda like, I dunno, may, maybe it's five miles, maybe it's two [00:58:00] miles. I don't know. Yeah, that's great. That's great. Wild game being such an awesome thing. What suggestions do you have for people who are on the go constantly to utilize wild game in a way that is not so time consuming, but is just fantastic?

What what comes to your mind as far as that utilization? For recipes, my go-to thing is either throw it in the slow cooker, that's like the go-to. Or the other thing you can do is something called sov. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of that, but basically, but I'm not familiar with it.

Okay. Super fancy word. Basically it's put it in the bag. So if you already have it in like the the vacuum seal bags, it's already done for you. You put it in the bag and put it in warm water and you just like cooks it to the exact temperature you want. So that's literally why I deal with the Benson tonight.

And you can throw it in frozen. That's the other thing, like you can have that stuff ready to go throw it in frozen. You can buy the machine or if you have it, if you have an instant pot, you can [00:59:00] use do on most instant pots. If you have a custom temp thing, just fill up with water said to whatever temp.

I like my stuff rare. So it's usually like 1 25, 1 30, I cook at two. Put that in. Let's sit in there for a few hours. So you have work. You might put that in frozen in the morning, set the delay, and then. When the delay goes off, you can time out with your work. You might be walking into the door with that already done.

Cool. You can take that out. So you just look online like size of the meat and et cetera. And there's also because the water's the exact temperature you want, you have to leave it in for a while to like overcook, overcooking. It's also essentially slow cooking. So if you get like a big tough Rudy buck, it actually helps break down some of that connective tissue in there.

So it's gonna tenderize it as well. So slow cooker or sovi, those are my two things for, you need dinners that you're going to you can set in the morning and then come home too. And it's super quick.[01:00:00] When it comes to like lunches, we use a ton of ground. We'll do vents and burgers, vents and meatballs and kind of meal prep, all that stuff for the week.

Taco meat. And then for snacks, you can do jerky. We don't do a ton of jerky. We usually only do jerky for any extra we get, which we didn't get any extra this year. But that's one way people use it for snacks. We don't do a ton with that, but if you guys are using Vincent, like Ground Vincent and you're trying to watch your weight if you process it yourself, try to make it Lee.

So I put mine at a 93 7 when I processed it, process it myself. A lot of butchers are gonna put 80 20. Which makes an amazing burger, don't get me wrong. Amazing, delicious burger. But the calories are really hot. So if you're like, oh, Chris said use my ground meat. If it's age 20, there's gonna be a lot of fat.

You're gonna wanna cook off most of that fat. I try to just do mine super, super lean. Not a hundred percent lean, but lean enough to where. I'm [01:01:00] not destroying the cows. And if I want some like gourmet burgers, I might do a separate thing where I'm gonna add extra fat to say 10 pounds of venison.

We're gonna do that. That's gonna be for like the summer cookoff barbecues and stuff like that. But for our day to day stuff, it's gonna be. Like that. Like that. All right. Here's your opportunity. I want your open-ended thought process. When it comes to social media, there's a ton of, I shouldn't say a ton, but there's definitely reels, pictures channels that are devoted to helping people with fitness.

And it might be specifically devoted to Two hunters. But there's also a lot of infomercial business that comes into that. So I'm curious where somebody like me who's clueless to a lot of stuff where where do you navigate the fallacy versus the facts and stuff like that.

And when you go through that, I would love for you to dive into, somebody who's doing the research and, good old Apple [01:02:00] Android's got their algorithms to know, how what you're looking at and try to put popups there. That can bombard people. So I really want your opinion, like how do you what do you see out there right now online that's just BS versus good information, good information, obviously follow Chris Heskett.

Thank, but let's go outside of Chris Heskett, right? Yeah. Okay. So if we're looking at accounts, I know coaches, I'm friends with the really good coaches. We're not gate keeping anything. If you ask me like, Hey, what are my macros? Like, how to set my macros, like my protein, carbs, and fat. I'll help you out.

I will give free information out there. If you look at most of my reels, it's like free actual information. About half of them are like actionable. Like you could take action today with that information. If someone's just posting like they're a fitness coach and they're we always call it with my like group of friends, like the ass picks where it's gonna be just checks, it's gonna be like, okay, like they're just showing their butts in every picture.

Or guys are just like [01:03:00] shirtless all the time. There's a handful in the community. Might not be the best coat. They might just be in guy and crappy. And you like log on. The other thing is if it's too good to be true, like I'm gonna do this person's program. It's 1999 for our custom program. It is absolutely not custom.

There's no way. So that's something to look out for. Anyone who's just not actually giving information out. Again the best coaches right now that I know, they're just giving out good free information because honestly, like you can, anything I talk about, you could Google for free and find good information.

If you wanna learn like the workout programs I put together for clients, you could learn it all through Google, the nutrition programs I put, you can learn it all through Google. Where I help as a coach is like navigating some of that BS out there in the industry. I just keep laser focused and knocking shiny object [01:04:00] syndrome like, oh, I listen Toman podcast and I'm gonna do ice bath and red light therapy every single day.

Cool bro. You're not even eating vegetables three times a day. You're getting maybe just dinner. Maybe we should focus on just that right now that stuff's not gonna help you. Oh yeah, that makes sense. So any that's who to look out for if they're gate keeping information, they're just not providing actual values.

Just like pictures of Hey, do this. Or if they're just trying to sell stuff constantly, that's a red flag. They're usually like massive followings and they're just like playing the revolving door game of I'm gonna get clients in, I'm gonna get clients out and every month I'm just gonna grow my following and try to get new fresh clients in who buy my stuff.

And then they're gonna leave and I don't care cause there's so many people coming. Versus I wanna make sure everyone comes into my program, has a great experience, reaches their goal, and then graduates from their, the program with the skills they need to like never get back in the situation that they were, where they were unhappy or unhealthy in their body.

[01:05:00] Yeah, that's real important. Hey, this has been this has been a very different episode for us, but I feel it's important cuz there's a lot of us out there. I've got friends family that do a great job keeping after things and keeping after their physical shape. And I hunt with them and go, man I need to do better with that.

And taking that initiative sometimes sometimes the, all the motivation you need is just to hear somebody like yourself saying it's not that hard if you take the right steps. Chris, I really appreciate you coming on sharing your knowledge. Anything you wanna leave us with and you, definitely plug your following for people to follow along with what you're doing.

Yeah, I'll leave. So we talked a lot about fitness. I'm gonna dive into nutrition to. I'm gonna do two things. One is nutrition and it's not that difficult. So nutrition is gonna be where you get most of your results, especially if you're looking for improving your health and losing weight. So where I started a lot of people is just eat more protein, which if you're eating wild game, eat more and then eat [01:06:00] veggies, cut back on the process stuff.

We can dive into keto and carnivore and vegan and all these different things. Hunting, podcast, nobody's vegan probably. But there's all these different conflicting things. Most people know what to eat. Just start eating more of that stuff. Don't try to cut that out. Eat more potatoes, eat more venison, eat more chicken, eat more veggies.

Don't try to shrink those down and then snack on more stuff. So that's where I leave that out. And then four people just starting out. All of my clients, we start phase one of our programs called Base Camp. I like to paint a picture like you're climbing a mountain towards your goal at the top of the mountain.

So there's four core habits. We call these the core four. So to get results you need to do these things. And this is always where we fall back on if like life gets crazy. So it's gonna be protein at each meal. It's gonna be aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep per night, or trying to get a total of 49 hours of sleep in a week.

That's gonna be drink about [01:07:00] half your body weight s a water per day. And then it's gonna be getting some sort of daily movement in having a goal steps per day trying to get a workout in here or there. But some sort of. Movement goal. It doesn't need to be resist, it doesn't need to be work working out.

It can just be like, I'm gonna walk my dog twice a day now and we're gonna go we usually do a mile. We're gonna do one and a half miles. Good deal. Like it. Hey for people to follow along there, what can they catch up with you? Yeah, so I'm gonna be on Instagram and TikTok at Chris underscore pwc.

I have a Facebook community so that's gonna be Peak Weight Loss Secrets. You can join that. That's a free community. And then my podcast is called Wild Nutritions. Yeah. Just Wild Nutrition Podcast. Yeah. Where can they find your podcast? Same places you'd find a lot of podcasts. Yep. Spotify, apple, Amazon Podcast, iHeartRadio, pretty much everywhere.

Good deal. How'd you get into the podcast [01:08:00] side of things? I have been listening to podcasts for years, so it was just like, I listen to podcasts all the time, why don't I start my own? And then I like the long form content. Like you can't talk about what we talked about tonight in a 62nd reel. Sure.

Or even a 92nd reel. So it's just a better way to communicate and then get, offer a platform to other people like you offered your platform. To me, I do it with other people as well. Hey, come on, you'll speak to my audience. And maybe the message I've been sending people hasn't resonated and then all of a sudden another coach comes on.

That's how I found many people I follow in my life from other podcasts. Okay, so I wanna offer this other opportunity to the world. I'll bring other coaches in, I'll bring other experts in, we'll talk about stuff and hopefully that message can get out and help other people. Absolutely love it. Hey again, thank you.

Good luck with everything you got going on and hopefully everything preparation leads to good fall for you this year. Thank you, Mitchell.[01:09:00]