Reel Obsession

Show Notes

On this episode of Michigan Wild, Nate has a stellar conversation with Kyle Kunst from Reel Obsession. Kyle loves getting after fish through the ice and Nate actually came across his youtube channel watching an ice fishing video and reached out to record an episode. Not only does Kyle ice fish, he has also fished at a competitive level on open water for many years dating back to highschool. Kyle's journey began as a highschooler with a desire to compete, and it became an Obsession through determination and effort. 

Nate being a complete novice to ice fishing and fishing in general really appreciated Kyle's transparency in the competitive fishing space. There were some interesting parallels between finding big fish and big whitetails across the landscape. Even with the ups and downs it's an opportunity for people to chase a passion and attempt to make a name for themselves. Hearing how Kyle started and seeing the point of entry is inspiring and proves that hard work can pay off. 

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Interested in being a guest on Michigan Wild? Send an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comor send a message on Instagram @michiganwildpod.

In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs.

Want to dive into the mock scrape game, or find a proven product? Check out DH3 a full synthetic scrape system.  

Show Transcript