Stories from a U.P. Deer Camp, Pt. 1

Show Notes

Few places capture a deer hunter’s imagination quite like a northwoods deer camp. At deer camp, camaraderie is more important than kills, success is measured in good times with good friends instead of inches of antler, and deer hunting plays second fiddle to a whole host of deer camp shenanigans. At deer camp, giant bucks may be every hunter’s dream, but the friendships are what really makes the experience.

In this episode of the Wisconsin Sportsman Podcast, Josh interviews his dad, Brian Sutton. Brian grew up hunting Jones camp in the U.P. of Michigan in the heyday of deer camp culture. Brian shares memories of deer killed, pranks played, and Michigan deer camp culture. The guys also discuss Brian’s transition from the north to the Deep South, Josh’s introduction to hunting and lots more.

Show Transcript