These Wild Turkey Shots Burn the Worst

Show Notes

• Brad volunteers his story

• Evening hunt advice

• The wait

• The hen cometh and she brought frands

• Failure, anxiety, and a bird of flight

• Arica also has a horrible story

• Change of plans

• All the f-ing turkeys

• Turn this way, no that way

• Bang. Bang. Bang.


[UNCENSORED] by GoWild kicks off your week with shameful nonsense, inappropriate convictions, and unfiltered tales from the woods, waters and whatevers. [UNCENSORED] is a behind the scenes look at our adventures, failures, wins, embarrassing moments at trade shows, hilarious tales from the warehouse, and a good rant or three about the most recent tyranny from the Dark Lord of the Sith himself.

The show launches every Monday morning. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or watch the conversation on our YouTube:


Show Transcript