Vantage Point Archery

Show Notes

This week on the Missouri Woods & Water Podcast we talk with Brian Poe and Jeff Stringer of Vantage Point Archery. VPA makes some awesome made in America broadheads and other products and the guys come on to talk about their history, their lineup, and just broadhead talk in general. Thanks for listening!

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Show Transcript


Welcome to the Missouri woods and water podcast. I'm your host, Nate Thomas flying solo today on the, actually, I think the intro and the show was actually recorded a few weeks ago. We had a bunch lined up for the rut and I'm doing the recording of the intro on. The two or the Sunday before the show drops, so it's been a few weeks since I actually recorded with these guys So forgetting everything about it right now, but it's all coming back to me.

It's all coming back to me Had a busy weekend We're gonna have as Our podcast crew [00:01:00] me Andy and Micah. We are planning to record our rut slash rifle recap show this week and It is going to be a good one. We, our Missouri Woods and Water family has had a bunch of stuff happen since the end of October until now.

And hopefully by the time we record this show, I make something happen. But, lots gone on, a lot of crazy stories, a lot of big deer have hit the ground. And just a lot of stuff has gone on with our MWW family. So look forward to that show. But today's show is also pretty cool. We got the guys with vantage point archery on the show, Brian and Jeff come on and talk about if you don't know about vantage point, they are a there are a lot more than that now.

They had a big announcement a couple of days ago, but for the sake. For the purposes of this show, they are a broadhead company. And they sell really high end high quality [00:02:00] broadheads. Made in America. All that stuff. We basically talk about broadheads and, get into what makes a good broadhead, what they do etc.

It's a good show with Brian and Jeff. Appreciate them coming on um, and doing that. Without further ado, I'm not gonna talk much more about our Rutt Rifles show. Cause we're gonna get into that. It's it's gonna be a good one. But let's do some sponsors real quick before we do the show.

And we'll just jump right into it. Let's start with Athlon optics. Those badass optics have helped us put some bone on the ground the last month or so. So check them out. Athlonoptics. com find a dealer near you. If you can't find one, reach out to us. We know a few dealers that we would definitely recommend.

Weber Outfitters. Check out our buddies over there. They are. Getting some cool stuff geared up for the winter time. Got some awesome coyote hunts coming up that they're going to be sp not sponsoring I guess that too, hosting. And they've been they've been awesome to work with and they, they've got all kinds of stuff, man, archery.

Related, [00:03:00] gun related, you name it, they're doing it. And we love working with them. So hope Adam and Josh and everybody out there at Weber continues to get out there and hunt, have a good season. I've been following along. With some of the social media stuff of all the folks over there at Weber and, rooting for them as they're out there trying to get it done.

Check it out, Weber Outfitters. Morrell Targets the bow has been put up a little bit over the last couple days, but those targets are just ready to go at any moment's notice. Throw out that big... What the hell is that thing called now? Big Roller. That's what I got. I got the big one. Not the smaller of the two.

The Big Roller. And I just throw it out. And start shootin It's pretty awesome. Check em out in Rail Targets. Midwest Gunworks. Use our code WOODSWATER for 5 percent off. I just ordered some ARCA rails for... Not just. Had them for a while, but I just got them and put them on a couple weeks ago, and work really [00:04:00] well.

Had to get some more mounts for another thing I'm using for my new gun. And Midwest Gunworks, man, they got them all. So check them out. Midwestgunworks. com, River's Edge Tree Stands. Use our code Missouri10 for 10 percent off plus free shipping on all hang ons and ladders. It's not too late to hang a stand.

I guess. It's by the time you listen to this, the, it'll be the very last day of rifle season in Missouri. But, you can still go hang a sand stand for the rest of the year. That is the only firearm hunting we do. I know the state of Missouri's got alternative methods and I don't know what else.

We don't do any of it. We really, if we're gonna break guns out, we only break them out during this 10 day stretch and then they get put back up and the bows are going. I know there's a lot more. Gun type related hunting that can happen in the state. We just don't know a whole lot about it cause we don't do it, but you can go set up a tree stand for the next one.

It's coming and get ready for it. Lucky buck mineral. com. I posted a reel today of [00:05:00] a deer that died and It's videos of him hitting Lucky Buck all summer, man, all freaking summer. So that stuff works. It's attracting it smells so damn good. I want to lick it and I haven't tried it yet.

I'm guessing it would be too salty for my taste, but check them out luckybuckmineral. com. On X, use the code MWW20 for 20 percent off. Me and Micah used the hell out of that app. tHe day he got something done. Or the night before, actually. Don't sleep on it, man. It's got the mobile version. And then do not sleep on the desktop version.

I use that all the time. And it's really nice. Camo fire when you're hunting. It's a great app to get on. Check out those daily deals give you more reason to go hunting. If you wait to get on the camo fire app while you're in the tree stand or hanging from the saddle or whatnot, it's a good time to do that.

So check it out. Camo fire and black ovis. Last but not least, black ovis dot com. They are awesome. [00:06:00] Our guys over there that we work with. There are awesome folks. Just check them out, man. They've got a little, they're online retailer. They got a little bit of everything and The trophy line saddles that we're using this year, Black Ovis came through with some of that stuff and it is sweet.

Never thought I would say I'm a saddle hunter, which I'm not totally a saddle hunter, but I've been doing a lot of it this year and it's pretty freaking sweet and guess where it all most of it came from, Black Ovis. So check them out, use the code MWW10 for 10 percent off. And I missed one, Reveal Cameras by Tacticam.

Like I said, that reel I dropped of... A deer, Micah, got killed. I'm trying not to like, ruin it for anybody who hasn't been on social media. They're all those videos of that deer are on reveal cameras by Tacticam, so check them out, reveal cameras. Can't say enough good things about them.

And that's it. So how about we get into the show with Brian and Jeff with Vantage Point Archery. This is the Missouri Woods and Water Podcast.[00:07:00]

Okay, with us today, we've got Brian Poe and Jeff Stringer with Vantage Point Archery. What's up, fellas? Just glad to be here. Thanks for inviting us on. Yeah, no problem. Thank you. Micah and Andy send their condolences. They wish they could have made it today, but the propane game is getting really important down here in the Missouri.

We're down in the 30s today after being hotter than hell for the last month. Micah's slinging that Hank Hill propane right now, and... Andy is just Andy. He's, who knows where he is ever. He's just somewhere. So you guys are stuck with me. That's just, that's your [00:08:00] bad is what it is. No problem.

So for the listener vantage point archery is obviously They don't just sell broadheads, they're they're bread and butter is broadheads. I would assume I'm saying that for these guys here, but before we get into all of that stuff why don't you guys introduce yourselves, tell the listener a little bit about who you are, where you're from and how you're, what your background in the hunting world is.

And Jeff, we'll just start with you and then we'll let Brian go. My name is Jeff Stringer born and raised in, in Utah town called Spanish Fork. Really, my family's been hunting since I can remember it. I don't remember not going deer hunting or pheasant hunting or whatever it was.

So just born and bred and living out west. There's so many things to hunt. Moved around. My background was aluminum. So I worked for Alcoa and some other big places and ended up in Indiana. And found vantage point archery in the machine shop. That's absolute, that's part of it. That's how we ended up doing what we do.

But I've always been an archer, [00:09:00] always been a rifleman. Just part of what I enjoy doing, being outside. Brian, how about you, man? Brian Poe born and mostly raised in northern Indiana. Moved away to Florida for about I was born in Warsaw and moved to Florida. About nine years and then came back to Indiana and I've been here since I wasn't brought up hunting didn't have family that really deer hunted I was introduced to it by some buddies at school Their dads hunted they hunted and it was just a natural thing if my friends were going to do it I had to do it.

So I started out bow hunting, that morphed later into some muzzleloader and shotgun hunting but over the last 10 years i've been strictly bow hunting and It's just something I'm passionate about. There's nothing like bowhunting and I love it. I have spent the last 30 years in the orthopedic industry.

The town I'm in is the orthopedic capital of the world. fOr the last two weeks, I've been employed with BPA. I've been on the field staff for about three and a half years. [00:10:00] And this just worked out and Jeff brought me on and here I am. So I'm happy to be here. Nice company. Great people.

So when your buddies got you into hunting, did they did they do any hazing? Did they make you eat a heart? The first one you killed, they make you gut all their deer. It's funny that most of the hazing was shooting those awful bows back then, but the little tiny wheels and 55 pounds of fingers and 50 percent let off.

It was brutal. Now you look back at it and don't know how you did it, but it's all we knew. Yeah. Yeah. I'm the same way as you, Brian. I didn't start hunting until I was in my super late teens, early twenties. I didn't grow up, I grew up in a town, not in a city, but in a town, and I didn't have buddies that hunted, or at least didn't talk about it, and My now wife grew up on a farm and her brothers were hunters.

And so as her and I started dating, that's how I got into hunting. I started going hunting with the older brother and now my best friend is the younger brother. And him and I just got back from Wyoming chasing [00:11:00] elk. AlL three of us on this show are similar to what Jeff and Brian just mentioned Andy grew up, Andy was like sitting in fence rows with, firearms when he was seven years old, his dad, would just say, go figure it out, go, if you need to kill a turkey, go do it, and Micah was a lot of the same way, and then you got a guy like me who, didn't know anything, just, I didn't even know hunting existed.

I bet you, when I was middle school, high school, I just was oblivious to anything of that world. I never saw anybody do it. It was just nothing I had anything to do with, and then as soon as it happened, it was like... Addiction. That's what my wife would call it. Straight up addiction. And one thing you can certainly get addicted to is broadheads.

And I'm, I am definitely in that category. Always researching, always trying to figure out what's, fixed versus mechanical. Then once you decide what, then you gotta, go through all these different options. What flies better, this and that. What was the...[00:12:00]

What was the thought behind the foundation of Vantage Point Archery? Was there a specific mission that you wanted to accomplish by, starting the company or the company get going? For people who don't know, I do my homework and vantage point archery is a higher end broadhead. In my opinion, maybe you guys disagree with me, but it's a high end, broadhead.

What was the goal when it first started? What were we trying to accomplish? wE can't take credit for that. So Ryan, myself and Rob bought the company about five years ago. So the story behind how we even found it was Robin. Rob's one of my partners, Ryan's the other partner. They owned a insulation company and I was looking for some parts to get made and somebody said, Hey, go check out this machine shop.

They can do it for you. So ran over there and met the guys, loved them. And I'm walking around thinking. This thing's underutilized. How can we help them out? Ended up buying it. And as I [00:13:00] walked around, I seen the broad heads and I had friends that were part of the WAC broadhead group, Seth Davis and Scott Davis that started that and I thought, man, we need to dig into this.

So when you start digging back in the history, it's really Jeff Miller and he's still with us and said there's just not a good broadhead out there that he enjoyed shooting on the traditional side. So he said. We've got all the equipment, let's delve into it and try it. It's a word of mouth at the beginning.

And then when we got it, we really took it over and took it mainstream, put the equipment behind it. The big thing for us is quality. We wanna make sure that you have the right broadhead, you have the right quality behind the head, and it's just a good product that when you invest that money, because we're not the cheapest, but we're not the most expensive.

But when you invest that money. You feel good about it, and it's something you can use over and over. I tell people, use it this year, use it next year, use it this kill, next kill. Every harvest you get that's the difference that we're trying to [00:14:00] make. Maybe not the best business plan, but I can look you in the eye and say, I charged what I thought it was worth, and I think you'll be happy with what you paid for it.

And I'm definitely one of those guys that, I remember my dad told me this years ago. You get what you pay for. anD not everything is that true. There are some things that I can spend a lot less money on something and get the same quality maybe as something I spend a lot of money on.

But, I've always been a proponent, and we've talked about this on our show when we talk about our bow setups and things like that. You go and spend 1, 500 on a bow, you get the nicest arrows you can find, you get AAE max, fletchings, you do all these different things, you spend 300 on a release, and then you wanna bitch out, or cheap out, on the thing that actually kills the animal, on the end of the arrow.

I spent all this money, and oh my god, 65 for a set of three, and I'm just saying that number, I have [00:15:00] no idea what the cost is. I can't do that. I can't do that. And... I've been one of those dudes I, I own probably the most expensive, if not the second most expensive, broadheads on the market.

And I'm not going to say names because we're talking to Vantage Point today, I don't want to give someone else a a plug, but, I just, I've never wrapped my head around the fact that something that actually does the physical job of killing, once, The arrow's released, you've done all this work on getting the bow tuned and everything correct.

Once that arrow's gone, there's only one thing between that deer and death. And that is that razor blade that's about to zip through him, hopefully. And, through my learning of the archery world, the archery game we've all shot deer, and I've shot deer that didn't die. And, I start one, I start to ask myself, why didn't this, what happened?

Was it the shot? The shot felt pretty good. Why didn't I not get my, why did I only get penetration down to here? And then I started really [00:16:00] doing research. And, everybody's got a different setup. Me in particular, Andy, for instance, is the exact opposite of me. Andy is 6'7 and left handed. So he has got a 32 inch draw left handed bow.

I'm 5'7, shooting a 27 inch draw bow. So no matter what I do, my, my arrows are gonna be slower than most people's. No matter what I do. Even if I'm up at 75 pounds, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna be slower. And my arrow is typically gonna be lighter than most people's because it's shorter. Less per, less grains per inch, all those things happen.

I'm a guy that wants to find a good quality cut on contact blade. Because I really want to poke two holes in that animal if I can, help it. And the only way I'm gonna do that is if that broadhead starts cutting the second it touches. Because I'm gonna lose energy quick. I think I'm 260 feet per second 253 feet per second this year with my...

With [00:17:00] my, or my bow. And that's only with a 425 grain arrow. If I jumped up to, let's say, a 525, which is where I'd love to be, I'm gonna be 220 feet per second. Potentially pretty slow. When you guys are deciding what you want to, build there's different ways you can go, right?

You can build a blade that is, not necessarily razor sharp and, is a little more hardy. Obviously, we're not even going to talk about mechanicals because that's not what you guys produce. Those are a different... Area, but, Oh, come on. Let's make it fun. Bring out some mechanical chat here.

I just know that the most popular broadhead in the world is a mechanical and I wouldn't. I wouldn't pay my kid to put that on the end of their arrow. Let's just leave it at that. And there are some quality mechanicals that I've done research on that, and I have shot before.

But the one in particular we're talking about I just can't see how it's so popular. Very good marketing. Very good marketing. But what about what about your broadhead when you, once you bought it? [00:18:00] And we were trying to figure out what are we going to produce and how are we going to bring it to market?

What about your stuff said, this, these things have to be met. We have to meet these goals when we're producing a certain broadhead. Go for it, Brian. We've been talking about that last couple of weeks for sure. First of all, you mentioned this earlier. What really drew me to VPA almost four years ago was the fact that the material source in the U.

S. and everything's manufactured in the U. S. And we need more of that. Is it going to be the least expensive? No, but their goals and their objective is to build the best possible head. And just in the two weeks I've been there. I'm just blown away at the constant improvement and how we can make tweaks and adjustments and continue to make quality products.

Now, does that make your margin smaller? Yeah. I'm not mistaken, Jeff, you were told recently on a different product, somebody had mentioned. You [00:19:00] need to go to China. You need to go outside and buy your material. And of course, Jeff said, no. And I just think that what we get here, what we manufacture here, it's so much easier to keep tabs on and understand what's going on, especially when it's in house.

So far as I'm concerned, I tested a hundred grain up to 250 grain, single bevel, double bevel, three blade. When I first came on board as a field staff member. All the heads were quality. They all spun true. They all held up to OSB testing and I shot and I shot these things. I would resharpen them and shoot them again.

So I did about four months of testing before I decided which way I was going to go. But I felt comfortable with any of the VTA heads. Any of them to put on my arrow. I think what Brian brings up is what I think we do different. How we machine our heads is completely different than everybody else.

And everybody will say, no, there's only one way to do it. I've seen a lot of these, my background's metal. What we do is [00:20:00] different and it's more expensive the way we do it, because we really start out with one pound of metal. And we can end up with a hundred grains in a broadhead, but it still starts out as one pound, make sure it's true.

But the things that we look at a little bit different, I think, than other people is there's a group of people that don't let's face it. The economy sucks right now. Things are more expensive. People don't have as much money to decide what to do. There's some limits on what your funds are, and I'm not going to knock anybody for buying what they think is good.

The one we're talking about, and I'll just throw it out there, is Rage. If you can make a broadhead in a pack of three for 27 bucks, and you think there's quality in there, you're fooling yourself and whoever's buying it, but it is what it is, right? And there's, there is good marketing behind that.

We take it the other way that, we're a Christian based company. When I look at that animal. That's God's creation. And he put on this earth and we have to, if we're going to take that animal to eat, and even if you're taking it for sport, you have to do it ethically. And [00:21:00] I want to make sure whatever I send down range gives that animal the most humane death we can give it.

Because that's what you're doing. You're killing it at the end of the day. So we want to make sure our product is, again, like Brian said, made in the USA by good U. S. American people that need the jobs. Why go to China? I don't have to worry about slave labor. We pay above rate. We try to, we make sure our families are putting their kids through school, buying homes.

Whatever they need to do, just make sure we got a good quality living. They get through, we use us products and then we make sure that we don't scrimp. Matter of fact, yesterday, me and Brian, some others were sitting in a meeting. We had somebody that kind of messed some stuff up in the shop. And what was my response, Brian?

I think I told him scrap them. Start over. I'm not sending out a quote. I'm not sending out a Defect on anything. It's just not how we work Yeah, and that you hit the nail on the head with the dispatching of the animal as quick as [00:22:00] possible, Micah myself and Andy are all you know Christian guys as well And we allow people to say whatever they want on our show But every time we start recording with somebody if we have if we're talking to a person that might be a little More vulgar in the way they talk.

We always say, hey, you can say whatever you want. Please just don't say GD. That's the only thing we don't say on here. And I shot a buck on a, he's on another wall that you guys can't see five years ago. And that buck suffered for, oh, almost 12 hours. Before he, Pat died and then I found him.

I was able to, eat, salvage the meat and all that was good. But it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You walk away going, That's not how I wanted this to go. I didn't want him, and it was a bow kill. I shot a little high and it was pretty much all guts and intestines that it hit and I knew it so I backed out like a smart person [00:23:00] would and I recovered him and I was able to eat the meat.

He died right before I found him luckily from the meat perspective, but that means he sat there, trying not to die for 12, 13, 14 hours in a bed and that's when you go back and you go, what did I do wrong? Was it the shot? It was. It was the shot. But, you gotta ask yourself, What did I do wrong?

A lot of people find that deer and then they're like, Sweet. I found him. It was successful. It was a win. But to me, yeah, it was a win, but it was a loss. It was one of those win lose situations. You guys, either of you guys watched The Office or whatever, where Michael's Oh, that's a lose.

That was ugly. It was a win lose situation for me. I won in the end, but it wasn't as, it was bittersweet. And that's why when I'm, looking at broadheads, I tend to, look for stuff that's, higher quality material. I don't know all the different things that you guys know with A2 steels and all these different [00:24:00] types of steels and metals.

But if, if I can take a broadhead and bang it against the ground and dent it, or bend the ferrule or whatever, I'm not so sure I want that flying through, an elk or a deer. Because if it hits a bone and doesn't, hold up, then I might do less damage than I'm hoping. And to be honest with you, all I want my broadhead to do is to screw up as much stuff as possible all the way through the animal.

So that, that... Some of those... Go ahead. Some of those... Some of those are design factors, right? If you want to sell a lot of broadheads, make them sure they're one shot, you shoot one time and you got to go get a new one. And there's nothing wrong with that as long as you let people know going into that, but no, you didn't say you wanted.

Maybe not mixed, fixed and expandables, but let's just look at the science behind it. A lot of, I just watched that JJ and the elk shape guy last night [00:25:00] on a little podcast they did, and they were there, I think it was Levi Morgan, some other guys shooting mechanicals through plywood and some other things.

And there, there's some really good broad heads out there. Jay at grim reapers, somebody I consider a friend. And he makes some great broadheads, but when they don't start doing what they have to do mechanically until they're a couple inches in, you've already lost momentum and then it's going to do what it does.

It takes more energy out of the shot while you're doing that. And nothing, a lot of those, when you looked at it, they start talking about penetration. They shot against iron will. It's not always going to go through and actually Dudley said when he was with another talking head he said I don't want it to pass through.

I want to stick in there. I stand back and I think about this and I look at these people and think you're missing the ethical part. I want to stick in there. The it's proven that the deer is not going to bleed out the same way as if it goes the full pass or you have two leaking [00:26:00] holes that are, it's got all the damage done on the inside and that deer expires quicker.

So what are we, when you stand back, those are people that I'm looking at and products I'm looking at saying that deer. That deer is the one that's getting most affected by this thing, right? Hunting's fun for us and it's something we do as a hobby. That deer has given its life. So shouldn't you, one of the main focuses you have, is have a piece of gear, whether it's your bow, your arrow, your shot placement, your practice, and say, my ultimate goal is to take that deer ethically.

And that doesn't mean that you're gonna not miss or hit it forward or hit it behind, but that's where we come in and say, all right, you hit it forward and you hit it in that front shoulder. We're still going through, you hit it in the back shoulder, we're still going through, you hit it in both shoulders we're still going through.

Our stuff is a tank, it's gonna, we can talk about FOC and all those other things, but ours is going through and you're gonna have a better chance at ethical kill. Instead of shooting, if you watch that one with JJ and those guys last night, some of the blades were breaking off, some of them, [00:27:00] they never opened up.

All those things that you don't know when it hits the deer and you're out tracking it, maybe just poke two holes in it. Two small holes, just the deer has a choice, maybe not a choice, but it has a, you have some loyalty to that deer in your shot. Another thing I noticed that I mentioned in the email was in that video as well.

Every single one of those mechanicals, and it's not just a bash mechanicals, but when they hit these ribs, this medium, they were shooting every single one changing angle because those blades are not going to open. I guess you say concentrically at the same time. So your arrow path is going to change. If the top blade or bottom blade opens before.

The other one, it's got to change. And I've had that. I lost a buck one time because of that. It's the only thing I've come up with. It was the last buck I shot with a mechanical head years ago. And I would shoot this deer in this same spot every single time the rest of my life. Lung blood. But what I think happened was when it went in, it [00:28:00] hit a rib and it touched one lung.

So I got lung blood on the ground. It never hit the second lung. We didn't recover him. We tracked him for I couldn't tell you how long five of us the next day scope this woods and end up bumping them on the far east side of the woods, two properties over. And so that was a lesson learned that the only thing I could come up with is that it had to have deflected because the angle and the shot, I would do that every single time.

In contrast to that, The last 4 deer that we've shot, 2 bucks and 2 does with our VPA heads, single bevels especially, we've got a total tracking distance of 165 yards. And that's no joke, that's no exaggeration I posted a video on social media last year, I shot a doe at 17 yards. And she, when I stopped her, she turned and quartered a little bit.

So I intentionally aimed for the knuckle, for the point. And it went through her so quickly and stuck in the ground that she turned and she took just a couple little gallops and turned back and looked toward me. [00:29:00] And I'm looking at the exit hole on the opposite shoulder. And she got wobbly and just right there.

And so you want ethical. I watched her take the last breath. It was probably 12, 15 seconds. It doesn't get any better than that. And that's the thing with fixed blades is they're boring. Look at this Omega. It's boring. Doesn't have any moving, moving parts. Nothing to watch open or close or that's really cool.

Look how this works, but it works. No moving parts. And you can put an edge on those that it will retain. Even after a pastor, I've blown away at these things. When you feel those edges, how sharp they are, even after passing to your deer. So we've got other stories besides mine, but. Yeah, the fixed heads, especially the TPAs, they just work.

You're not the only one you stole my thunder because I was watching, I feel like it might have been GrowingDeerTV Dr. Grant Woods, it might have been someone else, I don't remember, I suck at remembering what I watch. But I remember what it is I watched, I just don't remember who put it out.

And it was it was talking about, like we were just talking about, doing a lot of damage inside [00:30:00] compared to zipping right through. And now this is not a hundred percent of the time, but there's a higher likelihood that if you zip right through a deer. It keeps them calm, calmer than if they're getting, there's stuff kicked in inside their body.

And sometimes they just don't know what just happened. So they bound away for a few and they look back and they're like, what was that? And you can see blood just gushing, out of their body. And then they fall just like you said. Whereas if you cause a lot of damage. As you're going through, not that we're not causing damage when we're zipping through, it's just so fast and quick that they don't realize that somebody mentioned in the video, sometimes I think the deer might think it got bit by something like a snake on the ground, bit him in the leg or something like that, and they just don't know exactly what it was before they're, tipping over compared to a deer that you slap straight on the butt.

They'll run for 30 miles before they slow down and if it takes a deer two and a half minutes to [00:31:00] die a Deer can go a long ways in two and a half minutes if it knows You know something's wrong and when I watched that video it made a lot of sense to me and this has been a long time several years since I watched that And it stuck with me.

A guy like me, I want to poke two holes. That's my goal every time. I want the two holes to be in the right spot, too. I don't really want to poke, like the deer I told you guys about, that suffered for, twelve, fourteen hours. I put two holes in him, but they weren't the two holes I wanted.

Did he die? Yep. And was he gonna die? Yes. I successfully killed him, but not exactly how I wanted it to go. But, had I only poked one hole in that deer, who knows if I would have found him. down the road. Because of those two holes, I was able just to find a little bit of evidence about where he was. And a little bit, but at least it told me he's gotta be here.

And I was able to find him if I only had [00:32:00] one hole. Man I really don't know. Short of seeing where he ran and just starting that direction, I don't know that I would have, figured him out. And one hole might have let him live even longer. Let's say, one hole he would have lived for 16 hours, so then the next morning when I go to find him, I bump him and lose him altogether.

You know what I'm saying? I've always been a guy that's, it's two holes, that's what I want two holes in the animal, and that's what I want. Then I start looking for Stuff like what you guys, produce and some others out there. So let's talk about what you guys produce, what are the different types of broadheads you use or you have, and what's the positives and What are the positive negatives to having one compared to the other?

What do you guys like to use them for? That's this and that we have 78 skews now. I think it's growing with the Omega line and we actually have another line coming out. Obviously the pause is we. We talk about is there's this whole fight between FOC [00:33:00] and high FOC and low FOC. Usually when you call us and we say, usually, cause not always, it depends what people ask, but if you call me and say, Hey, what do you use the first thing or what do you want me to use?

I'll tell you. What are you comfortable with? We have everything from 100 to 350 and we can actually go up to 600 if you really want to go that high, but we don't tell anybody, here's what you got. So we will make a two blade from 100 to 300. We'll make a single bevel from 100 to 300. We have more choices on our offering than anybody else says.

We have three blades, two blades, double bevel, single bevel. When you look at the lineup, it's, I think it's pretty impressive, but it's what you're comfortable with. We're not going to dictate, because I'm not the one that's pulling the string back and launching that thing of the animal. It's you're the one that's got to be comfortable with it.

Yeah, I was going through your stuff. You got, let's just say in like the three bit, three blade. Okay, sure. So there's the three blade. [00:34:00] 100, 125, 150, 175. 190, 200. Two fifty. sO yeah, whatever you want, yeah, you can go and like you said that you got the different offerings, the two blades, the the single different stills that you want.

Mild still, do you want stainless? Do you want to have seven? They're all over the place. Yeah. And you got field points. That's nice. We got thumpers, we've got turkey spurs, we've got risers. We're trying to try and do a little bit for everything. I think one of the things I want people to think about though, is just what you just said about, let's talk about again, going back to JJ's shot.

You have these mechanicals that open up three inches, five inches, 25 inches, whatever their claim to fame is. But then you listen to them and say ours are designed that they don't open up till they're through the skin and through that bone. Okay. So that means that you've got all. Little hole on the backside, you lose all that energy.

You're not going to punch a three hole or a three inch hole coming [00:35:00] out the other side. So you've done a bunch of damage, but all these mechanicals say we do that for a big blood trail. All right, let's just back up and think about that. I'm not going to open up till two inches in.

So the entrance hole is going to be tight around the arrow because the skin and everything the muscle tissue is tied around it. Then you're going to do a ton of damage. If, and I put parentheses around, if that thing opens up, you'll do a bunch of damage on the inside, but it's not going to come out.

So where's this big blood trail? It's going to bleed. It's definitely, but it's all going to be on the inside, maybe a little bit on the outside. You punch two holes in there and I don't care if they're pin site holes. I don't care if you do with a target tip, you're going to have leakage. You're going to have more blood that way.

And I'm not saying that's how it always works out. Cause there's pass through with some mechanicals, but this whole argument about mechanicals and. and fixed blades. I just don't understand it. Mechanicals, when you shoot, you want to take variation [00:36:00] out of your shot. And then you're going to go buy a mechanical.

And what does that do? I don't know, because it creates variation. So it just, it doesn't make sense. And I used to shoot mechanicals a lot. But even some of the fixed blade, again, you're adding variation. If you're shooting a fixed blade, it's made up of six components. There's variations in all those components.

And it's never repeatable bars. There's variation in ours. I'm not going to say they're all identical, but we machine them in. In such a way that every blade is exactly the same. The feral, the center line, the run out is exactly the same. Nobody else does it. The way we do it, and not even to put stop there, is that we do a lot of broadheads for other people.

We don't go out and advertise who they are, but we wait label a lot of broadheads and they come to us because of the way we manufacture. Nice. Can I piggyback real quick onto that? And it also goes back to what you had said about, did you put a bad shot on that deer that you did recover late? Yes. [00:37:00] But see that's human.

We have variables. We practice as much as possible, but torque heart rate. Heavy breathing punching and release under tension under pressure. A lot of that stuff happens when the chips are down and that's just part of hunting. That's what makes it fun. But what I want to remove are variables like Jeff was talking about.

I don't want to have to worry about blades opening on the way. I don't want to have to worry. I actually watched a video of a guy who went to move his mechanical in the tree stand and caught it. I think it was on his backpack hanging on another tree and it opened and he had to close it before he could take a shot at the deer.

So rare, maybe, but it's possible. I don't want to have to worry about variables. And there's enough with me with executing that shot and putting it where it needs to be without introducing anything else. I want something that's going to retain the edge as long as possible through the animal.

It's only going to get more dull as it goes through the animal but if it's razor sharp to begin with the energy that you retain is going to be a lot better [00:38:00] going through that animal. For example, if you look at a 65 pound draw, pretty, pretty average, pretty normal, a 400 grain arrow at a 28 inch draw length comes out to about 70 foot pounds of kinetic energy.

Now, that's at launch. That's not at 20, 30, 40 yards. If it takes even 10 or 20 foot pounds to open a mechanical, go ahead and subtract the 70 at launch, and now you're at 50, at 20 or 30, assuming the arrow flew perfect. You had a perfect release, you didn't torque the bow, good luck with that who knows where you are by the time you get to the animal.

So that explains a lot of times why an arrow hits, and you'll just see those things tail whip. The flight was bad mechanical didn't open properly or open prematurely, there's a lot of stuff that can happen but with that fixed blade, it just removes those variables. We're always going to be a variable, we know that, but let's remove, tune our bows, good fixed blade, razor sharp head, and that removes those from [00:39:00] the equation.

Yeah. Gives you a better chance for success. No and you're right, that situation we've talked about with mine, it was me that was the variable. That was the one time I was like, damn it. This podcast made me think too much. Because we had just had a buddy on who does not like to stop deer when he shoots them.

He practices that way. He practices, and he is a well known name in the industry, and he practices on deer that move. I think what happened, I think he tried to stop a deer years ago, and when he did, that thing came out of its own skin, and he never saw that deer again, so then he, obviously, He's not gonna shoot at a deer that's running, but and he had just killed a deer the week before I shot this deer.

And the deer on video was walking and then had its head down feeding. And he shot it, made a great shot, deer died 60 yards later, and he got so much hate from, our, the hunting community where we can be little bitches sometimes. And [00:40:00] we, oh, I can't believe you didn't stop this deer, blah, blah, blah.

I've never not stopped a deer. And so this deer came in, he was chasing a doe, and he got on, I mean I saw him, said shooter, grabbed my bow, go to get ready, and with, by the time, he was already five yards underneath my stand, almost directly underneath me. My first thought was, watch your height, because He's right there, like you're gonna have a steep angle, but then he was moving and I just thought to myself He's too close to stop.

He's gonna freak out. I'm not gonna stop him. And I said just, aim a little, lead him just a little bit. And I didn't. I did, but I didn't. And I shot him back. But, because I had, and I don't use these types of blades anymore, these heads anymore, it at least got through all the way.

And that's the only reason I found him, is because It poked two holes. If it wouldn't have poked that second hole, his entire cavity, because my first hole was high, because that, he was steeply angled. [00:41:00] So he was just gonna fill up with blood and probably never bleed a drop. Instead, he, now, the exit hole exited just in front of his back leg and pulled intestines out with it.

So it didn't bleed great, but it was enough that I could find just a little bit of direction to travel. Otherwise I'd have been like that 300 acres that way, something like that. Yeah and the other thing I wanted to ask you guys out about is weight because there's a few companies out there that offer a bunch of different weights in their broadheads, but honestly, I don't think I've found one like you guys that literally go from a hundred or 600 or, three 50 stock.

And then you could potentially get even more. What are your thoughts on aero weight and broadhead weight? And where do you fall personally? What do you like to use as far as your setups? Go ahead, Brent. Let me go first. I've done a lot of testing when I went back to the fixed blade, even before I [00:42:00] started BPA, just a lot of testing.

Some of it is what, I'm in my 38th season. So I've seen a lot of, Arrows fly. And some of it is that. Can I be satisfied, first of all, with this bow tune? Does the arrow fly the way I want it to? I really want to use this X weight head, but I don't really care about the flight. I'm going to use it anyway.

There are people that actually do that, where they want to get to an arrow weight. And they'll sacrifice perfect aero flight and Ashby's 12 rules there. Number one structural integrity, which should be a no brainer for anybody. Ethical kills come to mind and number two, it's got to fly perfect.

So that's a priority with us. My three boys and my son in law and I, we shoot anywhere from 480 to 580. Anywhere in there from 150 grains up to 200. So a lot of it is what you can live with. Maybe a number in your head. As far as speed goes, I want to be between 275 and 285. And you can work through some testing and you can figure out what you want there.

I'm [00:43:00] personally at 530 grains. I just use Black Eagle Carnivore stock insert, and I've got a 200 grain Omega, and I'm at 530. I don't use lighted nocks. And I'm getting 283 feet per second out on my bow with that. And that will do a lot. I haven't shot a Deer with that set up yet, but I'm hoping tomorrow morning.

But I also have a 31 and a half inch draw. And so that opens up a lot of opportunities. I understand that it doesn't necessarily for other people. Yeah. I think it depends in my mind. I'm telling you to screw off right now because you got 530 grains and you're still faster than me at four 15.

It's not fair. It's bullshit. I've heard that before. Yeah. But like I said, Andy's the same way as you. He's got a 32 inch draw and the dude can do whatever he wants. He could throw a freaking baseball bat with that, his bow at a deer and it'd probably fly faster than mine. But no, not mine.

Mine's feather light and still slow, but hey, it is what it is. What about you, Jeff? [00:44:00] So Brian's going to find out pretty quick that I've got, I think I've got six bows and they're all set up different because the difference of EPA is we want to shoot everything. So when somebody calls and says, what do you think about this?

I don't want to say, I don't know, I make it, but I've never shot it. So I'll just give you extremes. I have a dart and we're good friends with. Randy Kitts and he got me set up on a dart and so I've got a dart and bow with some three blade 300 one and a half inch cuts The whole setup on it's on a victory rip.

I think the whole setups like 586 or something like that. It's pretty heavy. I've shot Turkey with that. I've shot whitetail with it I've shot a ton of groundhogs and varmints and things a couple coyotes love it. And then I have A Matthews V3 that's got the same rip arrows on it shooting I think it's like 512, 515.

I didn't weigh them. I put some lighted Nox in them last night to outweigh them. [00:45:00] But I'm shooting the 200 Omegas on it and I actually posted some stuff. Last Sunday, Brian, maybe last Saturday. I don't remember. I shot a deer 24 yards out. She ran, I think I put it in there. What do you need the blood trail when they run 20 and die?

But I think she went eight and a half yards tipped over. Didn't even know what hit her. She looked around like. What was that and dead and that's what we're trying to do. It's, I'm done talking about other people's broad heads. The difference with ours is we test them. You'll see a video that come out last week with Brian in the shop testing the new one 25 Omega's to make sure that they meet.

What we want them to meet, and we've got scientists and engineers on our staff that help design them and all that. But even after they're designed and we know they're good, we go shoot them through ribs, we shoot them through scapulas, we shoot them through ball joints, we shoot them through double layers of plywood.

All the things, I think that's the... The question in the industry [00:46:00] is, what is the standard? When you shoot ballistics out of a gun, there's a standard you have to meet. What we're working on now is coming up with a standard that, maybe not everybody, because everybody will tell you that a foam target is the best thing to shoot into, but we want something that replicates the animals.

That we can show that, hey, here's a baseline, now let's go shoot everybody's broadheads through there. And at the end of the day, the ones that perform are the ones that perform. The ones that crack me up, and I'm getting off on a tangent here, are the guys that go shoot. They'll have a lineup of broadheads and their first test is MDF or particle board, and half of them don't go through, but then they run to the milk jug, and the ones that didn't go through the particle board, they're shooting through the milk jug saying, that wins because it drained all the Pink stuff out of the milk jug on like timeout if it couldn't go through the skin and the bone It never got into the cavity.

So how can you test it on the milk jug? There should be a process of elimination if you can't make it through the solid stuff on the outside You don't make it to the milk [00:47:00] jug test Yeah best I'll be honest So I do research just like we've talked about you Brian you do it. Do you have to do it? I'm when I buy a product I will find out about it before I buy it and There's a guy with a YouTube channel who test broadheads and you guys have probably heard of them since you're a broadhead company.

His name's John Lusk Archery Adventures. Don't know John. He's got about the best process that I can tell because he tests every single one the exact same way and he's got, hardness test and he shoots them into freaking cinder blocks after they're all done to see how they hold up and when I can see a broadhead go through what it goes through and then also Break a cinder block in half now the broadheads probably done after that, but this one wasn't no It wasn't it had a little like tip fit now.

Would I ever shoot that broadhead again into an animal? No, I'm gonna go buy a new one and move on with my life But that's just me. I watched what that thing did to [00:48:00] a cinder block. I'm just gonna go get a new one I mean I would encourage people to go check out John's channel and type in vantage point Broadheads and see what you think because, he tests, his goal is to test every freaking broadhead in the world and he does a lot of them and, there's certain ones that you can tell what he thinks about him.

He tries to be very, I'm in the middle here, but you can tell what he thinks about most of them. And Yeah, I would encourage people to go check out his channel and see what he thought about Vantage Point because they tested well. And, I wish, people had the ability to see You know to do more research than just, listening to our show, for lack of a better term, we're talking about Vantage Point Archery broadheads today.

The last thing I want is anybody to listen to this show and then run out and buy your guys broadheads. What I want them to do is start learning about them, and check out which ones they might like, and then trying to figure out if this is the right setup for me. [00:49:00] Because it's gonna sell, a good product's gonna sell itself.

You don't really need... Someone to sell it for you. You guys, hearing me say John Lusk I'm, now you know I do research because I've watched thousands of his, hundreds of his videos at this point in my life, especially when I went down the mechanical road a couple years ago and did go mechanical for a year.

Didn't shoot anything with it and I moved back because I'm just I'm not set up to shoot a mechanical man. Brian yeah. Honestly, if you wanted to shoot a mechanical, you would be the one that could. Maybe Jeff, I don't know what your speed is, but because at least you got a fast ass arrow.

I don't. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna hit an animal and then end all my energy the second I hit that animal, which is not that much in the first place. A guy, I would say this. Yeah, go ahead. No, you're good. I would just say this though, that last year I was really curious. I hadn't shot a 60 pound bow in a long time.

I do an off season, but for hunting. So I rigged up my Bowtech Revolt XL, 60 pound limbs, I [00:50:00] specifically bought limbs and put them on it, and 62 pounds, 512 grain arrow with the single bevel VPA, that's what I shot that doe with last year, 267 feet per second I think it was, I just wanted to go out and shoot a deer with that weight arrow.

and a fixed blade. So if you want to talk about testing, it doesn't get more real than that. I just was confident it was going to work because I saw what arrows did back in the day. When I was a kid, all of our arrows, the xx75s and game getters, they were all 500 grains, pretty much all of them. You couldn't help it.

A lot of your broad heads were 140, 160 grains, the bear razor heads and that type of thing. And that's just what we shot. I know that's off on a different deal, but yeah with a good fixed blade head, again, it removes even the variable of speed. What I need to do, honestly, is one of these off seasons, I need to go buy some 150 grain field points and just start shooting.

See how I, shoot it through a chrono, see what my speed is. [00:51:00] And I'm gonna freak the hell out if it drops under 200, I'll be honest with you. And my worry is, being 75 grains heavier than I am now, I'm just, it's not gonna have the speed I want. We'll see though, maybe it only drops it from 263 to 245.

Who knows what it actually is. I've shot nothing but 100 great heads my entire career as a hunter. So I really don't know that. What I need to do is go buy some 150 grain field points and just see what they do. And I'd feel a lot better having an almost 500 grain arrow. than I would 415. What would it be?

490 if I went and bought, 150 grain heads. And so the point to me asking you guys that question was, the listeners should think about that sort of stuff. There are some new archers out there. There's some people who've been archery hunting for a long time. You should think about your entire setup.

How fast are you? How heavy are you? What is on the end of your bow? Some of those things don't go well with others. A guy like me. Is [00:52:00] gonna pay for shooting a mechanical at the speed he's at. A guy like Andy or Brian might could get away with it a little more than a guy like me. Because the speed they have, they're losing less en they have more energy to start with than a guy like me.

You gotta figure out like what are you? What is your setup? And... Then where are you gonna go? And if you're gonna go fixed blade, then you got companies like Vantage Point that have 490 different weight options that you can pick from and You know you can get set up the way you want And then you can also buy what I liked about your guys's site too is you can also buy the field points To match that weight that you know want to try so a guy like me the type of consumer I am I would go buy those field points Try them if I liked them now the broadheads if everything flew like okay This is I'm good with this now I can go get those broadheads in the same weight and I'd be good to go.

So that's cool I don't have to go to Amazon or some other website to find the field points that I want to try out they're right there. I can just [00:53:00] get them from you guys and I'm assuming it's the same type of material that Your broad heads are made of because you've got it sitting in the shop to make stuff with.

It might be the extras or whatever, but it's still the same stuff. What else? Don't we have, we sell test packs now, correct? Jeff, so you can buy three different heads. Is that right? You expound on that. So sweet. We actually sell a test pack where it's all the different field tips. From 100 to 300.

So you can figure out what weight you want. And then to Brian's point, you can call in, say, Hey, I want a 200 single bevel. I want a 203 blade and I want a 202 blade. Or I want whatever mix and match you want of the broadheads. And we'll send you out a pack like that too. So you can, maybe I want to try a 1 52 blade and I want to try a 200 Omega and I wanna try a 301 and a quarter cut.

I don't know. We'll, whatever. Over your mixes. We'll send that out. You brought up a good point. Think about it. You just sold that for me. Now I don't have to worry about going and [00:54:00] buying 125, 150 grain, 175 grain fill points. I'll just get the, what is it? What'd you call that? The what pack?

The test pack. I'll just go do that. And then when I'm trying to decide what broadhead, I'll do the same thing with the broadheads. I'll. Test which ones, cause I've never shot a single bevel. That's interesting to me. But then your three blades look pretty freaking cool. So just once again, what do I, what works?

That's pretty good. I Want you to think about one thing you guys were just talking about. So you got Brian here. That's freaking a tree, six, two, or whatever it is. He's got a 31 inch drives, pulling back two tons, 90 pounds, whatever that is. He's going to stick it through everything. But you go on the flip side, I got a daughter and a wife that shoot.

They're both five, two, my wife's pulling back 51 pounds. My daughter's pulling back 52, 53 pounds. I think one shooting a 24 inch straw, one's probably, she'll tell you it's 26, it's probably 23. We need to make stuff [00:55:00] that works for them too, right? Both of those have complete pass through. The question I would ask is, you see some of these, again, talking heads and say, oh, it's all about speed.

What about deciding should I be shooting at 100 yards? I don't, I do not, I don't think that's ethical. I think if I want to shoot 100 yards, I'm pulling the rifle out and I'm going to go back to rifle hunt. I want to get so close that I can smell them. I can see them. It's. It's more of the primal thing of being right there with the animal.

So part of that goes back. All right. So you can shoot out a hundred yards and you're this Neanderthal at six, four at 90, 90 pounds, sorry, Brian, I'm not calling you Neanderthal, but you get my point, he has a lot more selection of what he can shoot out with. I would question ethics if it gets too far, but we're trying to make broad heads for everybody and everybody can get into the sport and everybody can enjoy it and everybody can take an ethical kill.

So part of that is your equipment. Part of that is the time you put into it. Part of that is the [00:56:00] choices you make. So when you're up there and you're in full draw and you're thinking, I'm in smoke this, that thing, just make sure you're smoking it ethically and that whether you're shooting mechanicals or whatever, just have that in your head that I'm doing these for the right reasons.

Yeah. When I'm doing my research, I'm not doing it just for me. I've got a 13 year old son that got his first bow this year and he's pulling back 20 pounds. So he's not hunting with it yet, but when he gets to 40 pounds, which. is the bare minimum I think he should be at to maybe take a deer with it.

He's not going to get to shoot a deer over 20 yards. The first time he goes hunting and the research I do for myself, I'm doing for the boys as when they become hunters, because it's even more important for a kid that's, at 45 pounds, let's say with a, I think his draw is a 22 inch draw, a 20 inch draw, something like that.

He's a decently tall kid for me being his father. And, [00:57:00] he's going to have a lot going against him when he first starts hunting. So the last thing I want my son to have. Is negative experiences the first time he tries to kill a deer, you know Luckily both my sons have already killed deer and it was successful But one was with a firearm and the other was a crossbow Eventually, they're going to want to get into dad's world, which is archery world where they're able to hunt with a bow and I'm going to be very specific about how we're going to do it because, I feel comfortable shooting a deer at 40 yards, 45, if he's, depends on the situation, but I feel comfortable.

There's not a chance in hell when my son's pulling, pulling 40 yards, 40 pounds that I'm going to let him shoot a deer past 20, um, because it's not going to be a fast arrow. And there's a lot of things that, he could err on. And you're going to have to do that and then on top of it, I don't want to put a 600 grain arrow on his setup that has a mechanical head on it.

That thing's just going to slap the deer's hide and fall down because it's going to be [00:58:00] just like shooting a straw through the air. You know what I'm saying? So people got to think about those things when they're doing their setups. And I think the consumer today is much better about it than they were.

A decade ago with, not just going to Bass Pro grabbing a pack of arrows, grabbing some broadheads and, buying a bow that you find hanging there and moving on a lot of consumers, in my opinion, at least guys like me, I'll research every damn part of what I'm buying to decide what it is I want.

So it's awesome that vantage point and companies like you guys, number one, are making products in America. That's huge for guys like us, number two, that are testing their products and trying to make a product that is, better than, it could be. And then I go back to the made of America, made in America thing.

If you guys would have reached out and said, Hey let's do something together. And you aren't a partner of mine that's paying me to talk to you. I'm not letting you come on my show when you make stuff in [00:59:00] the Philippines. That's a huge thing that a lot of consumers are looking at.

And it's a good thing. I love that a lot of our consumers are starting to figure out where stuff's made. And there's some awesome companies I work with that don't have stuff always made in America. And it sucks, but there's still some good people out there that just have to make decisions they gotta make.

But before we hop off here, why don't you guys tell everybody. Where they can, find your stuff, watch some of your videos and help them make a decision that might lead them to Vantage Point. I'll let Brian tell you where you can get everything. But the one thing I want people to think about when you think about Vantage Point is we have a lot of great people that shoot our products.

A lot of big name people that we don't throw their names up there. The people we want shooting our products obviously is everybody we are for a for profit, but the ones that matter the most are the guys you don't see on TV, the people that go out that, work a 40 hour week and get off. This is what they do with their family.

[01:00:00] The kids and the families attack that go up and three, four generations up there, the moms, the sons. The daughters hanging out with their dads, that's who we're after. We want people to just enjoy it. Know it's made by good American people in America with American products, creating American jobs.

We're keeping all that here. It's a good ethical product. When you call, you talk to Brian, Alex, Ryan, or myself.

Oh man, I forgot his name. I got another kid in the other. Sorry. Yeah, I was going to call him. I was going to call him Caleb, but I know it wasn't. It's Kellen. And I've known the kid his whole life. But those are the things I want you to think about. It's 30 families that we keep employed. 31 now that Brian and his family's on.

We hire families and we're doing it for the right reason. We're for profit back to what you said is I didn't pay you to come on your show You invite us to come on your show now We deeply appreciate that but I'm not gonna go out and get a talking head that just tells people to shoot my stuff [01:01:00] Because I pay them I want people talking about it And I want a ton of talking heads to shoot our product because it's a good product Not because I pay you to go out there and do it, agreed. It's all on you, Brian. I would say this if you're considering, and you know in the last couple of years, few years, a lot of people are gravitating back towards fixed blade head, I would encourage you, first of all, get yourself a test pack. from bpr3. com, but shameless plug, but consider this, if you don't change anything else on a setup, and the problem is some people go, I'm going to do arrows.

I want new veins. I'm going to go light and knock on a new head. I want just take the arrow. You have tune your bow and put a fixed blade head on a good quality, one piece fixed blade head made for Wayne, Indiana, hopefully, and start there. I don't care if it's 415 grains, 450, 500. Start there. That is going to be better, in my opinion, than any mechanical head because of the moving part variability.[01:02:00]

So that's a great start. Put a good one piece fixed head on it and start from there. If you want to start adding weight, changing inserts, that type of thing, playing around with FOC, that's up to you. But some people make this way more complicated. Yeah, it really needs to be start with the head and that's number one.

Like you said earlier, that is, that's the only thing, the initial contact with that deer elk, whatever it is. So that's gotta be priority. Number one, it's making sure that head's in good shape. Again, VPR archery. com is where you can find the head we're all over social media, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tik TOK vantage point archery, look us up and we're on there staying busy doing a lot of posts and again, like Jeff said earlier.

Posted video of us testing broadheads through through different medium last week. So that's a fun part of the job is shooting a bow at work. Get paid to shoot a bow. Yep. That's pretty nice. Yeah, for the first time in my life. And you said, we've said this multiple times on the show and I keep, we keep glossing over it, but I want to make sure, I drive this point home.

A tuned bow.[01:03:00] You can buy the nicest stuff in the world and if your bow is crooked as shit, it's not going to shoot right. So start there. Nice tuned bow. We're lucky enough to have a guy in our area that is world known for tuning bows and all of our stuff goes to him right off the bat. Doesn't matter.

You know where it came from or what it's been doing and that's important. Have a bow that's shooting straight, then you can move from there, then you can start, playing. But, hey I'll tell you what, Brian Poe and Jeff Stringer with Vantage Point Archery, I appreciate you guys coming on and talking a little bit more about what it is you guys do.

Yeah, thanks for having us. It's, it's a lot of time and effort and just hope we gave you some information and some reasons to check us out. Appreciate it, guys. Appreciate your time. We'll see you. Appreciate it. Thank you.[01:04:00]