A Little Spring Fishing and a Big Camo vs Solid Color Clothing Debate

Show Notes

In this week’s [UNCENSORED] podcast by GoWild, Jacob and Derek start the show by talking about the early spring temperature swings and how they make for some tricky fishing. Derek was fishing deep and slow trying to dig up some largemouths. He tried several different baits– find out which ones got some strikes. Jacob mentions the biggest factors that affect bass action this time of year. Dan Johnson says he does a little fishing as well and visits the Mississippi River pools every spring. He also drops his favorite fish species and how he likes to fish for them. The guys come to an agreement about the hardest-fighting fish.

We also have a candid conversation about the rising influence of solid color hunting apparel products: Is there a shift away from camouflage patterns? We ask some tough questions that really get into the nuts and bolts of what it takes to be a successful whitetail deer hunter and suggest that your camo pattern may not be as important as you might think. Dan mentions what he feels is the biggest thing to do to kill more deer. We banter over the other factors such as noise and light reflection that might be more important in hunting apparel. We discuss other important considerations for choosing hunting clothing such as durability and comfort and talk about why proper base layers mean all the difference. We mention a few brands we like and a few we don’t. We also mention how and when camo became associated with hunting.

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] All right, back for another episode of Uncensored. Got our man Dan Johnson on with us this morning too, which is always a treat. Heck yeah. We're gonna dive in and talk a little bit about this past week and then thank Braden and Dan have a conversation that we want to address. On, oh.

Latino apparel. Yeah. Can get everybody's feedback and opinions. Little rumblings. I want somebody who knows what they're talking about to weigh in, so yeah, that'd be fun. So when that guy showing up, yeah. You may hear some slurping over on our end of the thing. We're gonna be sipping on a little wildland coffee.

You've heard us talk about 'em the last couple weeks. Our buddy Zack over at Wildland makes these very handy tea bag coffee. Dispensers, receptacles, something. I dunno what you call that. Thank them a jers. Anyways, so great for hunting scenarios, fishing scenarios. You just take a little bottle of hot water and dunk your [00:01:00] coffee in there and let a brewer as long as you want to.

It's good stuff. So if you hear the, you're welcome. You're welcome. Let's dive into this past week. So obviously here in Kentucky. It's temperature swing back and forth. Seventies, one week drops down to 20 overnight. This past weekend and week I've been trying to get out and fish. It's been a nightmare.

I can't figure out the fish. I'm fishing slow. I'm fishing deep. I'm fishing shallow. I even caught a bass on a top water. Oh, wow. Which was, that's random. Was it one of the random warm days at least? It was that first week of March. Cloudy. I don't remember what it was. Cloudy. Yeah. So cloudy, that's My head, yeah, turkey's on my mind.

But this is the time of year when I start to completely think about fishing and I'm trying to figure 'em out. I cannot catch anything that's bigger than 10 inches at the moment. And I would love to hear what you're seeing, cuz I know you got out too. Yeah, I got out just a little bit over the weekend. Just hit a little hole.

[00:02:00] You, me both know quite well for large mouth, mostly. I was like what you're saying? Fishing deep, fishing slow. I started off with the Ned rig. I wasn't even trying to hit the banks or anything like that. I was just casting straight out and just letting stuff sit and we're talking minute and then couple pops reel.

Ned rig wouldn't get, I got maybe one soft look on the ned rig. Switched up to the tackle HD swim. Bates started thinking, maybe I'll try to strike into the more predatory sense of the large mouth that didn't get anything. That's funny. That's what's worked the best for me.

That's the white ones? Yeah. The pearl or whatever, the iridescent blue, I think. Oh yeah. Think's what they say on the packaging, but they are white, which they have like a blue hue to 'em. Yeah. Especially in the water. But then I just switched up to the old Texas rig with a plum worm on it.

A worm. Yep. And that is what got the two fish that I did get over the weekend. I will make a little plug real quick too. I was using that vexing pro [00:03:00] bass rod and that thing. I love it. Love it to death. It just, the sensitivity on it, man, the fish that I did get, I got, I think, Three hits and then I landed two.

And they were just soft takes. They were just like just playing with the worms, just mouthing them. And it was all about timing. It was almost like fish in the top water where like I would feel it hit and then I'd just let it sit for a minute and let 'em start taking it and then set the hook.

And that Rod, like I said, not, it's also just a great casting rod. It's a spinning rod, but it's just a cast real well, it was getting really good, distance on my cast. Yep. But yeah, conditions were less than perfect. It was just a little pond. I'm not out on the boat or anything like that.

It was super windy the morning I went out, snowed on me most of the time. Overcast just. I think it was mid thirties temperature-wise. Not your picturesque bass fishing day. Yeah. But yeah, that was the amount of fishing I did. Yeah, man, it's been annoying trying to figure it out. I've, obviously when I started getting the [00:04:00] swim bait bit, cuz I've been using that power bait the HD bluegill little three inch one that we had. Yeah. That's what I've been seeing the most bites on. And I. Optimistic that they were starting to get more active and a little bit more aggressive feeding. And then I'd stepped it up a notch on my aggressiveness as far as how I was retrieving it, and tried a real fast jerk bait.

And that wasn't working. So then I just went back to that real slow crank on that swim bait. And you've been targeting more small mouth here lately, right? No, in the back world. These were out at the farm pond. Okay. Trying to find some large mouth and I. I did catch a really nice small mouth.

I can't remember if we talked about here or not a couple weeks ago. I knew you had caught that one on a little tiny jig and almost like a Ned trailer on it, so it was real small but straight. I'm almost wondering if. If it's gonna stay cooler here, if we shouldn't start switching up to smaller swim baits maybe.

Yeah. Cuz you're gonna come into that time of year where blue gills start starting to spawn. So you're gonna start seeing some smaller fry. And that kind of thing. I don't know, man, the, [00:05:00] these temperature swings are weird. I look back at my. Previous couple years of fishing photos in history.

And this time of year, three years ago, I was crushing the bigger bass cuz they had already moved up. And so it's probably warmer though. Yeah. So you the air temperature and water temperature is really what matters. More so the water temperature. I'm just upset. I haven't been able to get my boat out for crappy yet.

Yeah, you should dude this. It's not. I'm dealing with boat issues currently. Yeah. What boat stands for? Bust out another thousand. Yeah. Yeah. Brio. No fishy. Fishy, dude I'm mad at 'em right now. I was, I've been watching like everybody catching 'em and go wild and stuff.

Paying close attention to what people are using, talking to you guys. Every time I'm going out, I'm texting Jacob what should I be using today? What are you thinking? Okay. That's what I, okay. I feel good about that. Go out there and forgetting nothing. I've been inviting people coming with me.

They're not catching anything, so now I look like a bigger ding dong. I'm mad at the fish. Yeah, I know. Yeah. It's not like when we go down to Hatchery Jacob's Sleighs and you're just sitting there. It's clearly a me [00:06:00] issue here. Yeah. It's I haven't, I I've watching Go Wild dude, slice the bass's stomach open and there's like a big orange crawl in there and I'm like, oh yeah.

Like it's I'm going, I'm throwing everything. Fire crawl, orange red I got. Not a single look. It's, I don't know. I don't know what to do. I bought a ton of stuff that I'm trying to cycle through and use, but I've mostly just been doing chores around the house, getting ready for Turkey season and stuff, so I don't have to do as much.

I can just go making those bank deposits. Yeah. Yeah. That's something I learned from old Jacob. Yeah. Yeah. Dan, do you do much. So I'm married into a fishing family. So the reason that my wife is even halfway understanding about me leaving in October and November to go hunt in different states and be gone for a long period of time is because her dad is the bass fishing version of.

Okay, so this dude is, so every time in, in northeastern Iowa right on the [00:07:00] Mississippi River, there's all these different there's a couple different pools and they have all these core of engineer rock formations out in the, out there. And it creates all these islands and it's just superb.

Fishing. So he's been fishing the those, there's two pools specifically for 45 years. Oh, geez. And so every time I go up there, it's just okay, there should be fish here. And I can remember one of the first times I went fishing with him, I think I caught maybe 12 fish that day. And they were decent sized fish for the Mississippi River.

And he goes, man, Dan, I'm really sorry about today. I was hoping we could catch some more fish, and so I'm, just gimme a chance and I'll get you on some fish. I'm like, what are you talking about? This has been one of the best days of fishing in my life. And so listening to you guys talk about what what you were throwing, April has always been a really good month for us whenever we go up there, and not so much on the crank Bates, but [00:08:00] on the, and I'm not a, I don't know the names of them.

The, all the strings hanging off of them and jigs. The jigs. The jigs. Okay. So a jig. And then he puts what I think he calls a rubber frog or a toad or something on the back end. Yep. It just looks like the back two ends and it's just casts it out and then just pop it reel, pop it, reel, pop.

And that's where we've had a ton of success over there. And then also top water for Smallmouth in the mornings. That has been that, that you wanna talk about. In my opinion, some of the most fun and some of the, my favorite fish to catch period is just top water smallmouth. Man, that's so much fun.

Yeah. I will catch small mouth with anything. And it is my, I actually was going back and forth with somebody and go wild about this over the weekend cuz I had posted that nice small mouth of caught the other day and he threw out like, yeah that's good and all but has nothing on saltwater fish when they're running [00:09:00] peeling line and uhhuh catching a carp.

And I'm. Yeah there's bigger fish you can catch that may run. But I legitimately feel like every time I catch a good size, small mouth in a small creek and it fights with the current and is just angry. Oh yeah. There's something else to it. Yeah, you could always catch a bigger fish like that is a possibility.

But every small mouth I've ever caught in a small. Takes another step above a bigger fish just because of you're convinced everyone's 10 pounds the way they fight. Yeah. I always I joke around and call 'em the bicep of the river. Yes. That's good. They get that shape too, man. That's perfect.

All right. I wanna move on to our topic of, do you really wanna move on? Because you could talk about fishing for forever. I, I could, yeah. I'm being forced to move. Yeah. I can talk about the intricacies of stream fishing for small, not this time of year. Yeah. But I, I am actually really excited to get Dan's [00:10:00] take on this.

We've had some conversations around the office whether it be. Products that we're promoting, products that we're trying to get in the door to sell on the platform brands that we're talking to. And so there seems to be going to ATA shot show even some of the consumer shows. There seems to be more of an influence from solid color apparel for hunting.

There's a lot of it going on out west where Yeah. The solid color. Are in the mountains, yeah. And you're starting to see a lot more influence into the broader scope of hunting apparel. Yeah. I dig, personally, dig, this is gonna sound a little cheesy, but I dig the style, I dig the fit, I dig some of the technical aspects of it, but I am not informed on the hunt ability of this apparel.

Yeah. And so I'd love to get your all's take. Why I would look Dan, specifically on whitetail, like obviously out west, this is something that's been going on for years. I just, I've been seeing it come into the whitetail [00:11:00] community more and more. So the argument is like I'm up in a tree.

Like how much does it really matter? Or these are the types of things I'm hearing. Are you still big on like having a pattern and breaking up the outline and that whole thing? Because then some guys are like, my grandpa shot him in red plaid and what? Blue jeans?

Yeah. In blue jeans. Smoking a cigarette. Smoking a cigarette. Yeah. What's the deal, man? We could sit here for the next three hours and talk about this. There, there's, I feel like every camel pattern that's out there. Has, they're in it, in their description of their camo pat pattern. They say something about scientific tested, if it's scientifically tested, or it's scientifically proven, or it's been proven for X number of years, man, I've killed deer.

I've been hunting and I can honestly say I feel like I've been in every possible situation in a tree stand e and even on the ground, walking back [00:12:00] and forth, or maybe doing a spot in stock or trying to creep up on some deer in a field from a, from inside the timber. And really I've been in ev I say I've been in every scenario that you could possibly be and nothing beat.

Sitting still straight up. I've had deer, I've had. Look at me and run. I've had deer look up at me and stay and just ignore me. I've had deer, get down, wind, smell me, but not see me and stay, smell me and run. And so what I'm trying to get at here is, There is no magic recipe. There is, and this is my opinion.

There's no magic recipe, there's no camo pattern that I feel performs better than another. Now there are some materials I would say that perform better than others, but it's ac, it's not the actual camo pattern itself. That is the tipping point of, [00:13:00] having success. And that's just my.

Yeah. Yep. I think with a lot of the technical clothing, that might be a really good tip that a lot of people aren't thinking about is if you're gonna go outside of like a hunting brand to buy some solid clothes that you're gonna hunt in, like we've talked about a little bit here, like the reflective.

Stuff, right? The Yeah. If it's just a technical hiking apparel company, they may not be considering or likely aren't. They might accidentally make something that's great, but they're not making hunting clothes, so they're likely not considering, some of these things that really matter.

Like you said the material, right? Like it could be loud, it could be reflective. Is that, are those the two main things that you'd watch out? Man. Even. Even this whole notion of being loud, a material being loud, right? Unless it's, do you guys remember when Sun chips may, they went from this regular bag to this new, like this new bag of wild back, and if you touched it, it would echo through your whole house.

Yeah. Unless your camo clothes is doing [00:14:00] that, I don't see man, there's so much noise in the woods that if you're just moving around a little. I don't see it being that loud. Now I'll step out of that and say I wear a an Eddie Bauer puffy jacket for my insulation layer. And so if I'm having that on top and it's a dead, quiet day, and when I draw back, yes, there's a little bit of noise, but the notion that if you're drawing back on a deer that's comfortable and his body language is showing that they're comfortable, And they run out of the county because you just drew back at 20 yards and they dude people it, that's overrated in my opinion.

They cannot, they hear good, but they don't hear that good. Yeah. And so if there's wind or leaves rustling or things like that, yeah. Then man I think the whole notion of, this is so quiet, they're not even gonna hear you. That's overrated. I will say, however, [00:15:00] there are there.

Material that do collect, that do reflect sunlight. Yeah. And those you have to be careful for. Yeah. And they, and it's not necessarily that they reflect the sunlight, but they become brighter and they do not absorb the sun. Yeah. The sun rays, like other materials do. And so you look, you actually stick out in the tree if the sun is hitting you directly and.

I don't know. I there are, there, I would say there are materials, but again, if you're sitting still, you solve that problem. Yeah I had an experience with like almost exactly what you're talking about. Two years ago when me and my buddy Phil were hunting together. He was in a tree like 30 yards from me, like just down a path, and eight point comes in.

I'm wearing, I was borrowing Brad's camo at the time, so I was wearing like a, I think it was a, what's that duck brand? Drake. Drake is a Drake, yeah. A Drake big jacket cuz it was freezing and it was [00:16:00] the heaviest thing I had and I went, I drew back on this thing and I don't know that there's a louder piece of clothing on the planet.

And it goes whoosh. And all that buck did was scamper. 15 yards just to get on the other side of a tree where I didn't have a shot. And I watched Phil put an arrow in him. So in the worst case scenario, he definitely didn't run outta the county like you're talking about. Yeah. Like he just, he was like, oh, that's weird.

And took a couple steps. So it's not like it's gonna take you completely outta the game, but and what's interesting, you think about the quiet woods. Quiet woods to our ears. Is fairly quiet. Yeah. If there's no wind and that kind of stuff. But to a deer's ear that if they're more sensitive, they're gathering in so much more sound than we probably are.

Of stuff moving, squirrels hopping around. Same stuff that gets our attention, but amplified. And I like, like Dan saying, I think it's just so much auditory noise to them that it's gotta be pretty stark out of nowhere. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Because in my experience, the three things that we're trying to combat, if you will, when hunting is you're [00:17:00] trying not to be seen, you're trying not to be heard and you're trying not to be ENT or whatever.

You're trying to control your scent. Scented. Scented. Yeah. I was like, you're trying not to be smelled, smelt, scented. I don't know. Anyways. So in my experience though, with hunting deer, it, it seems. Smell obviously being the most important one. I think all of us here would agree with that. It seems to me that the deer if you if they hit on two of those things is when they'll start to target or that's percent, they start being aware of something's not right here.

Smell again, like I said, being the one that, if they catch a real good whiff of you, they're downwind or whatever, it might as well be game over. But then again, not always, but if they see you and they hear you what does seeing mean? We don't know. We're not seeing what the deers see themselves.

And I want to just agree with what dancing too, like the movement is the biggest thing. I've been hunting my whole life. I've hunted in everything from surplus army camo to the Walmart brand, camo [00:18:00] to higher end brands. Now I've hunted in everything. I've killed deer and everything.

And what is better than any camo is just being still and not. Yeah. So yeah, I think the still you're talking about might be a little like as a new hunter or like something like that. There's another level of still than maybe what you're used to. And I've just seen that in bringing, younger guys and Yeah.

Even myself, like when I first got started, like the still required for when something is staring at you is Dead still don't blame. Like you're literally not moving at all. Not just like quietly moving, like you're not moving in. The movements you do make when hunting are very different than the movements that we make in our normal everyday life.

Yeah. I remember the, one of the first times ever went hunting, I think it was squirrel hunting, I pointed, yeah. At a squirrel trying to show my dad, Hey dad, there's a squirrel there. And he goes, don't do that. Yeah. And ever since then, I've never pointed and went hunting. I'll like slowly signal with my head.

If I'm with somebody, I'll be like, To the right. Yeah. But yeah. And the other thing too is tree stand hunting. Saddle hunting.[00:19:00] You're getting elevated to get out of that line of sight. Yeah. And so the importance of that even comes down a little bit more. True. Especially if you're saddle hunting and you can use the tree as a shield for your body.

Less of you is visible to the deer. And then you're talking about selecting clothing that is the best fit for the environment. And what you're gonna be doing, the stuff you're going through to get there. I'm in support of it. I haven't done it yet. I'm still all camoed out hunting.

We've been talking about some of these Yeah. Pants and stuff that I've got my eye on. It is expensive. I will say that some of this apparel's pretty steep in price. Yeah. But I would like to get a set of pants. Trauma out this year. I started running solids out west and it's come into the east now hunting these last a handful of years after deer hunted, wearing least solid pants and stuff like that.

And especially in a saddle. And this might have been something I heard on one of Dan's podcast, but it, you're saddle hunting, you almost look like a limb coming off of a tree. Solid really might not mean much, especially with where you're at. I've [00:20:00] seen no real difference, honestly, wearing solids here.

I, I had hunted with solid pants all year. Shot my butt with solid pants. Yeah. 20 whatever yards. They're, I was intentional about the color I bought. I didn't just buy like red, like it, they're brown or whatever. I think there might be some consideration for that. I don't know.

It. But the more like we talk about it, it seems like the big thing about buying like nice camo or nice like hunting apparel from these brands is that like they, they're thinking about making clothes for a hunter. Like I, I don't think all of them make like solids or anything like that, but if you think about where they're putting pockets and how they're like designing them to fit like what you're doing.

That seems like that's really the main advantage over one camo versus another, versus a solid. It doesn't sound like that's I don't know, it doesn't seem like that's that big of a deal versus if you buy from a nice apparel brand for hunting, you're likely gonna get some really smart, it's built for it.

Yeah. So I, I have a basic question on this whole thing. Why did this start out west? Why, what's the reason for the solid apparel? Push beginning [00:21:00] there. Like why did they do that? I think a lot of guys that were hunting out west and were going back quite a few years, weren't using brands of clothing that were made for hunting.

I think they were using brands of clothing that were made for, backpacking. Yeah. Hiking, stuff like that. So they weren't camo to start with. But then also the other thing is you just out there, you're looking you're hundreds of yards away potentially if you're rifle hunting. And you're not too worried about blending in at that distance.

No. But there still was like color consideration, right? To some degree, or no? To some degree. Yeah. In Wyoming. Sorry, Colorado is what I'm thinking of, Colorado. You gotta wear orange when you're rifle hunting on head and vest. Yeah. So you're basically half orange. You're ready to start with.

Yeah. That's the interesting thing, like when people make arguments about it, it's during firearm season you're wearing like, what percentage of your clothing is bright ass orange? Yeah. I'd like, see, we talked about that part. I'd like to see what Dan has to say about this too. Yeah, man, I'll tell you out west.

So [00:22:00] full disclosure, I wear a variety of different things all year long, but for the most part it's solid colors. And the reason I wear solid colors is because when I am out west, I wear I put all my stock into base layers. Base layers are what makes me the most comfortable. And so really what I'm looking at for any type of clothing I wear, Com comfortable and durable.

And so really the comfortable is like a two level thing. One, it actually feels good on my body, and b it regulates whether I'm hot or I'm cold and allows me to be comfortable in the tree stand or while I'm doing, a spot in stock or whatever. And so a lot of that depends on the time of year, but out outside of.

So I'm putting stock in my base layers, but then outside of that, the, I've found that the pants that. I that the camel companies offer just do not [00:23:00] live up to the durability that I want. When I'm crossing a fence, I'm ripping a crotch out of a, a potential $200 pair of pants.

Yeah. Or I'm spotting stock in thorns and things like that and rocks and shale and just, Like nature's just designed to be hard on you. Yeah. And so that's why I'm wearing like double need denim like Dickies or there's one of my favorite brands is Arbor Wear. And and that, that's a company that's designed for arborist guys who cut trees down for a living.

Okay. And so outside, Like my tops, just like solid color, solid color sweaters. So solid colored hoodies. A again, letting the base layer actually do the work of regulating. And then usually an insulation layer, like I mentioned was my Eddie Bauer. That's navy blue.

That one's Navy blue. Yeah. And. When I'm sitting there doing a spot in stock and I'm spot, I'm trying to spot something up that's potentially a half mile to a mile [00:24:00] away. Camo number one doesn't matter at that distance. Yeah. And then when I'm in a tree, I, this year I shot my deer with that navy blue.

Insulation layer on the outside of me, and so there you go. I just feel like it's all of that stuff's overrated. And going back to the durability, man in, I don't know where you guys hunt, but I walk through thorns and beggars, lice and cockers, and. All that stuff is designed by nature to stick to you.

I have a pair of sick pants downstairs. It's a fleece type material that I can't wear anymore. Because the beggar's lice is so bad on it, and so it, that, that really doesn't happen that much to the denim that I wear. And so these days, man I'm not wearing anything fleece unless it's in my backpack and I'm putting it on at the base of the tree or already up in the tree.

And As much as, don't get me [00:25:00] wrong, there's one company that kind of sticks out to me that I feel has it together. And that's the name of the company's called Code of Silence. They're, oh, yeah. They're fairly new. I don't know if you guys heard about them. But their stuff would definitely pick up the bagger's, lice and things like that.

Yeah. But I, it's really close to a solid color. Yeah. But it does not absorb the light. I don't know, man. Is it, woo. I hate to say it. It's wool, right? Yeah. It's a blend. So there is some wool. Yeah. Okay. But man, like you look at you look at some of the whitetail sickest stuff that's almost white. So I don't care, dude. I've been picked off a lot in that, and I'm not sitting here trying to talk trash on Sitka. What I am saying is that a deer's eyes. Is the way they're designed is really good to pick up movement. And it's not, I if your pattern is moving, then your silhouette is moving, right?

So it, the pattern has nothing, in my opinion, the pattern really [00:26:00] has nothing to do with it. If you're still, they'll look at you and go, okay, that's cool. I don't care if it's scientifically designed or, the research and testing behind it. Out, like once you get to a certain point like. That's where I really do feel solids, especially if my color is matching the tree behind me, I can get away with a little bit more movement because my torso is the same color as the tree behind me.

And yes, there's a little movement, but the wind blows all day long. Yeah. And so branches are moving around. Yeah. And I don't know, man I just feel like solid, like I'm a solid guy these days. Solid guy, just imagine. If it was, the technology probably exists, I don't know if you went out and you took a picture of your exact spot where you're gonna be sitting or hanging or whatever, print that exact photo on the piece of apparel.

If that tree trunk shifts in the middle Yeah. The deer's gonna notice that and be like, what the heck was that? Yeah, it could literally be the exact [00:27:00] form. But if it moves in an odd manner, it's going to get their attention. Yeah. Look at all the marketing that's done for camel patterns.

A majority of the camo pictures, if you're looking at. Picture specifically is at the eye level of the hunter. It's never it's never really at the eye level of the deer looking up at the hunter, because if you're trying to, if you're looking up against the sky and there's a blob in the tree, it doesn't matter if it's real tree, Sitka first light, kryp, it doesn't matter if there's movement in the tree up against the sky, you are screwed.

Yeah. It doesn't matter. Or even. It doesn't matter. Yeah. That's a fishing principle. What? Yeah. Wearing blue and the tree limb drab colors because they see looking up at the top of the water. That's how they're going to see you movement. Yeah. You tell me I gotta wear camo when I'm fishing. I is that what I've been doing wrong?

I do whatever it takes. I do oftentimes wear camo [00:28:00] or especially when I'm saltwater fishing, I wear a light blue or light gray. Yeah. Cuz that's, you think about the bio. Makes sense. What's behind? Yeah, at one point Dan made about durability. Man, I had that experience last year cuz I'm, I'm finally like buying my own camo and obviously it's not cheap to get yourself out, dude.

First day out and there's strings coming off of these, $200 pants. And it's it was disheartening. I was so upset man, I'm spending all this money and it seems like you're spending a lot of money on the pattern and like maybe the. Warmth and maybe it's me not knowing, layering and stuff, but I turned around and bought some upland pants from like upland hunting pants from Badlands, just that have this big thorn guard on the front and on the calves so that I didn't destroy all my hunting stuff and have to spend another $200 next year.

So that's most of my consideration going forward is gonna be about stuff that is going. Maintain the right temperature, but also just not tear up instantly when I go into the woods. And that's why I put so much energy and time into my base layers, man. Yeah. [00:29:00] Makes a ton of sense. Base layers is huge.

I like wearing depending on what I'm doing, where I'm hunting and all that. I, like Dan said something about Dickies or whatever. I wear Wranglers rigs. Yeah. Which is they're made for, Working on roads and stuff like that, but they're super durable, super tough, thick pant. I love wearing those just a go bust and through brush.

They're not breathable. I agree with you. They're not they do not dry out quick. Yeah. And so that's the downside. Yeah. But you, I'll walk right through a thornbush and not feel it in my pants. And I, I don't care if that, On a pair, those pair of parents specifically, I'll walk through the thorns and mud and cross the fence and the, it's almost like it's de it's des I treat 'em like they're disposable even though they last more than one season.

I treat 'em as the disposable because they're only like 40 bucks. Yep. Yeah. Some the Dickies or the Wranglers, or there's other brands as well, [00:30:00] but man, I just beat the crap out of them and. I'm not sitting there going, oh God I don't wanna walk through, I need to walk through this way where all the thorns and beggars, lyce are, but I don't want to get these $200 pair of pants.

Messed up. And so right there, you're not thinking about deer hunting at that point. You're thinking about doing something. You're taking a different route, not because of what you need to do, but to. A pair of pants and I just can't think like that. That's a great point. That's good point.

I bought those bottom land overalls this year for Turkey season that are just that kind of denimy material just so I can, run through. They're not super expensive and just throw a hoodie on or long sleeve underneath that and I'm like, I'm gonna feel bulletproof out there. Yeah. Yeah. And I back to a silly point I made earlier.

If I can get a pair of pants that I'm spinning $300 on and I can wear them more than the 10 days. May hunt more or less than that, but 10 days of the deer season that I'm able to get out if it's a pair of pants that I can. [00:31:00] Otherwise for other things, other activities, and I'm not walking around in camo.

Like that justifies spending that amount of money. If I can go mushroom hunting or I can wear 'em fishing, or if I gotta run to my kid's soccer game, in between things I don't Church clothes. Yeah. Church wedding sweating. Yeah. Derek showed up to a wedding yesterday. An all real tree suit.

There's just an element of it though. If I'm gonna drop that kind of coin on a pair of pants, I want them to be multi-functional. That's a fair point. A lot of the stuff I have is not because I'm not going to wear my camo everywhere. Yeah, that's a great point. Great point. Cool. All right.

Soap, solid color in the deer woods. Try it. If you haven't done it, try it. Try out, try it out. It's coming for you. I will say this, I'm gonna give an, I'm gonna give a a shout out to a company that I've found a lot of really good solid color stuff. And that's LL Bean? Oh, interesting. They have, man, I bought a wool, a hundred percent wool.

And it, granted, this may, it's when you start talking [00:32:00] about, certain people go, oh, that's cheap. Other people will say, oh my God, that's really expensive. Yeah. It's hard really to talk about what the price of something costs, because there's two camps, right? Yeah. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's affordable.

Yeah. And man, they have this wool, really thick, really heavy, not very not. Friendly from a pack ability, like it's not packable like my Eddie Bow. That I can pack into the size of a softball and put it in my pack. Th this is bigger, it's heavier, it's thicker, but boy is it comfortable.

And Boyd does it retain heat and it's this big wool sweater. It looks like it was that they would, it looks like something that they would've given World War II soldiers. In cold weather. It literally looks military and style. But LL Bean I found is a, Place to look for solid color outdoor material that now they're not technically a hunting brand, but they are an outdoors brand.

Yeah. You know what's interesting? A [00:33:00] lot of those like LL Beans been around forever. It seems forever. Yeah. And so those guys were, Guys and gals were probably hunting in that stuff anyways, back when they started creating it. I could be completely wrong when I say this, but I wanna say LL Bean actually was a hunting brand when they first started.

Probably probably, yeah. They still make fishing equipment that most people don't know about. They're up in Maine, so it's. Tremendously intense conditions. Alex on our team lives up there and he's been sending photos of all this snow and blizzard conditions they've had, and so that's the stuff that's made where those people are is meant for.

Yeah. Keeping you warm in the woods. Yeah. That wool man, that's what all those dog guys were running out there when you and Brad were running. Oh, they made like World War I trench, guys. Yeah. I made the switch to wool handful of years ago, and wool's the secret deal. I've been saying that for a while now.

Yeah. I love. Yeah, I know Brad came home and bought a full setup, like immediately. I may be off on this, but my, I'm not sure which war it [00:34:00] was, but my stepbrother cleaned out some old man's barn and he found. A whole bunch of field and stream and outdoor lives from way back in the day. Right when they first started.

And all of the pictures in there had somebody wearing plaid or like the original magazine. And then something happened outside, and I can't remember if it was World War ii, Korea or Vietnam. But after one of those wars is when you started to see camo being introduced into the woods.

Because all of the soldiers who came back home started wearing their old military fatigues out in the woods. And so now, Nothing really changed other than a war ended. And so that started that, from what I understand, that started the camo trend in the woods. And so That's [00:35:00] interesting.

I believe it. Yeah. Now it's gone deep. We're like going down rabbit holes of big camo right now. Like

Yeah, I mean they say that, hunting really had a huge uptick after World War ii cuz you had all these, 19, 20 year. Guys coming back from a war and you just like shoot guns, be in the woods, shoot guns and go have fun out in the woods and stuff like that. And get away from everybody else.

Yeah, I mean there's all kinds of reasons we could say why, but point being was they say that's when hunting started having a huge uptick was post World War ii, so I can totally see how interesting that's when camo could have probably also entered the scene. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.

Yeah. And those patterns are very different than yeah. Anything you'd see around here and there's still a lot of people wearing it too. Yeah. No doubt. I think it all comes down to that, one of the initial statements Dan made, don't move, don't limit your movement. Don't be stinky. Don't move.

Yeah. You can start thinking about get the right apparel for the situation. Yeah. Everything comes down [00:36:00] to most things. It's discipline in the woods versus. What you're wearing. And I'll tell you this, about five, it was about five or six years ago is when I really started just testing out a whole bunch of solid color stuff and testing out non-hunting, I guess the, it would be quote unquote non-hunting brands of apparel for the woods for hunting.

And there's something to say about you. Sitka dude, Sitka donates so much money to conservation every single year. It's not even funny. So I would definitely feel comfortable supporting a brand like Sitka for that reason alone. Now, same with a First Light and some of the other, some of the other bigger brands like Real Tree and Mossy Oak.

These guys are doing a lot for the actual hunting community and the hunting industry. And there's always that, yeah. Reason why you should buy camo. Hey, buy camo because of what these brands, are doing, but you're gonna pay more for [00:37:00] that. Outside of that, like when I started messing around with these non camo non-technically camo, I.

There. Here's the thing, I'm just gonna be very blunt here with the hunting community and the hunting industry. Camo seems to be like cliquey. Oh, you wear this or you wear that. And I did not want to identify as someone in that like some guys are like, oh, dude, only rednecks wear this, or Only elitist wear this.

Or only, guys who poach wear this, and so I just wanted to I didn't want, I really didn't want to be associated with any type of clique or anything like that, so I'm just like, dude, I'm just, I'm not, I'm gonna show people that you can kill deer and not have to wear camo.

Yeah. And follow up to that, this nice marriage of those principles is happening right now too, where if you are a fanboy of a certain brand, These solid colors are [00:38:00] coming. Yep. And Mosy Oaks catalog, they have mossy apparel that is solid color. That's not camo. Yep. Bad lands you mentioned has first, first slide just dropped.

Making a big or whatever, tetra or terra or whatever. Yeah. It's just solid. If you are a fan of a brand, you can still keep your fanboy hood. Look at these solid colors as an option. You don't have. Yeah, just go camo. Worth considering for sure. I'm digging it, man. I Solid. Solid color. Like I said, breaking down clicks.

I love multi-functional apparel over anything. Agree. I think this really starts to tap into, yeah, these aren't my deer hunting pants. These are pants that I can hunt, fish, hike. Get their work, whatever, yep. Dig 'em. Cool. All right. Let's shut her down. Dan, thanks for joining us again, man. We appreciate it.

Yeah, no worries. Appreciate you buddy. I appreciate you guys coming on and letting me be part of your Cool Kids Club. Our click, we just brought you a couple notches. Yeah. So make sure you're logging the show on. Go wild. Get those points, earn those [00:39:00] rewards. There's some cool stuff going on right now on the platform.

Lots of Turkey stuff dropping, starting to happen right around the corner. Birds are hitting the ground. It's great. Give us a review too on, on your podcast. Show listening thingy, platform of voice. We'd love to see what your thoughts are on the show. If you're just tuning in for the first time, make sure you check back some of the old episodes to see what kind of goofiness we've gotten into.

So appreciate y'all being here, and we'll see you next time. See you.