Antler Up Report

Show Notes

Hey everyone, welcome to the Antler Up Podcast!

On this week's episode I was joined by my good friend Tim Sisock.  Tim was successful on his ID trip where he shot his third mule deer.  We quickly discuss what it was like traveling since he flew both ways, then we get into the good stuff about what is happening right now!  There will be the first cold front that will be sticking around in PA for a few days.  Tim shares his excitement for the season and we get into a really enjoyable discussion about tactics and more! 

With these Antler Up Report episodes, I am hoping to produce these on a bi-weekly schedule and are going to be quick and to the point.  I plan on giving updates from myself and other hunters to give you real time information and stories.  So, if you are interested in coming on the show or would like to hear from someone please feel free to send me a message! Tune in and listen to some stories and a fun conversation with Tim!  

Thanks again for all the support and best of luck out there and Antler Up!

Show Transcript

Jeremy Dinsmore: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Antler Up report. This is the place where you will hear from hunters discussing real time, in the moment tactics and stories. Tune in, enjoy, and Antler Up.

What's up, everybody. We're back for another antler up report. And I appreciate you all taking the time to download and listen. Had some pretty good feedback from the one from two weeks ago with Chris Weis, who you'll hear coming up probably either next week on Wednesday's podcast or the week after, but I'm joined by a good friend of mine.

And man, we're going to be going out to Ohio here soon. And I have on the other side. [00:01:00] On the telephone. I got Tim Seesaw. Tim, what's

Tim Sissock: happening, brother? Not too much, Jeremy. Thanks for thanks for having me on. It'd be good to catch

Jeremy Dinsmore: up. I know, man. It's been a while. I know. It's been a while. You were MIA there for a little bit because you're out there killing mule deer like you usually do in Idaho.

Tim Sissock: I appreciate that, man. Idaho has been so good to me.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So you have what? Two, two mule deer and an elk out of Idaho?

Tim Sissock: Three. Three. Three, three in one, yeah. Okay. Dang, dude. And I've been there four times, yeah, I've been blessed. When was

Jeremy Dinsmore: the first year you

Tim Sissock: went out there? 17. So I went 19. And then, I took a break.

Trying to go elsewhere, I never drew tags, though. And that's what happened this year, too. It was a fallback to pick up a leftover that got returned. So this year I just go back to the same area that I've been.

Jeremy Dinsmore: What was your... What was the flying experience like for you? Because wasn't that the first time you've done that?

Tim Sissock: So that was the [00:02:00] first time I flew both ways. Okay. And it actually... Wasn't that bad. So I've flown out and driven back before, but this was the first time I was flying both ways. Checking the firearm isn't too big of a deal. TSA just has to inspect the inspect the baggage, the gun case.

And then coming back with the meat I was talking with Tom because I didn't know what I was going to do. I was going to ship it back or carry it on, so I ended up staying at a, in a small town and they had a freezer right there, so the guy ended up letting me use the freezer so I could freeze the meat and then ended up just carrying it on the way back.

And I expected TSA to pull my bag and at least check to see if it was frozen. And I went through the screening and I was sitting there waiting for my bag and I could see the the TSA screen. And my bag comes through and it just like lights up red. So I'm like, oh boy, I'm, it's going to get looked at.

And I'm hoping that everything is froze solid and nothing's going to get revoked. And it just came right through. So they didn't even look at it or [00:03:00] anything. So I basically just carried on, whatever it was, 40, 50 pounds. Of frozen meat that I just took care of myself while I was out there.

And that was it. It was pretty simple. Nice.


Jeremy Dinsmore: good. We, I told you beforehand I do want to save, excuse me, that conversation for an actual in person one when me, you and Tom and, or anybody else when we're together here, this upcoming season, which that got brought up from Jim when I was talking to him today on my drive home and he was, we were looking at the weather for this weekend.

And originally I was super stoked. Like obviously this cold front rolling in and I think of course, go figure. Sunday's going to be, I think, absolutely fantastic. So anybody going out scouting around, you're going to probably wish you had a bow in your hand because just with, after the rain, then in some areas like here in, in central PA, it looks like the rain will end about two o'clock, but back in Northeast PA where you're from.

Tim and where I was originally planning the hunt, [00:04:00] it looks like now it's an all day or with letting up possibly around seven o'clock, which, man, that's so tough for me to drive. All that way to possibly, and don't get me wrong. I don't mind hunting in the rain, but it, if it's going to end here at two o'clock I could save some brownie points and hunt locally, which is another reason why I did all that scouting in the off season here locally, on a looking at it, we're going back to what Jim was saying. He's dude, it's so hot during the week. This weekend looks like a wash. Cause he, he hunted the previous. Two Saturdays ago with the whole open in five C area and he got drenched miserable. And so he's if there's another day where it looks like crap or something, it's like me, you, Tim and Tom are getting together and we're just going to go somewhere like up north and go for a hunt.

So I was like, dude, I'm a hundred percent. You guys would be down for

Tim Sissock: that. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. These early October cold fronts have been really good to me. [00:05:00] And I really enjoy hunting them as soon as I, this one was actually going to hit earlier than what is typical. Yup. And usually around that like 15 to 19 we typically get one.

And that's usually, I think, six out of the last eight years I've been successful through that week. It's always that inline muzzleloader week with Verdot that I've already, that, I don't know what it is, that first cold front just gets the deer moving in transition areas during daylight hours when it's really worked out.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I know I was busting your chop still was it like last week when we talked on the phone? I was like, yeah, so what's your game plan? They I guess the for everybody else to hear Tim, you know on a scale of one to ten How excited are you for this PA season?

Tim Sissock: It's probably always attend but I and we have our group chat but this year man I have some unbelievable beer Better on camera. So the excitement level is [00:06:00] much higher than probably usual. I do have, I really changed last year. I spread myself too thin. I had, I was trying to cover a lot of ground in new areas and.

I don't want to say it hurt me because I definitely had my chance at a lot of good deer. This year the approach was just take two or three big areas and I settled on three big areas and find the best couple hundred acres in those areas and then focus on that. And I guess from, I didn't get cameras out probably until late June, early July, but the results of those, of just pinning in on those areas have been really good.

And then. Actually have three cell cams, which I've never used before. This is my first time using them. So the only, my approach to that was just get them into areas where I knew that the deer were going to transition. And that's just based on a little bit of historic knowledge. So my cell cams are doing jack crap.

Like the first. [00:07:00] Two, three months, but now they're now they're starting to heat up because now there's bucks moving into these areas that I anticipated that they were going to

Jeremy Dinsmore: now those cell camera locations, Tim, are they in a spot that it might be a little bit more difficult for you to get to?

And that's why you chose to put the cell camera there compared to a regular SD camera.

Tim Sissock: So yes and no. It is a pain to go to where they are. I, my whole approach was I don't want to go in those areas unless I have a bow in my hand. I'm not going to go in those areas until the weather conditions are right.

That whole approach was if I can get these cameras in those areas early. I never have to go back in there. So it's not like one of these SD cards. So the plan was basically set up standard cameras, locate the deer, and I do that either by glassing some public areas or even some private areas that are next to public, and then you know, figuring out where to get those cameras in there just to pick [00:08:00] up An idea of what these deer to look like is it something I want to chase?

And then after I located probably 8 to 10 real good deer, 130 inches and over, it was, let's figure out where I want to put a cell cam, and this was back in August. So I can get that cell cam in an area and then never have to go back in there. And that's really the advantage of them. Like I said, I haven't used them and I only have them set to give me pictures once a day.

It's not like them. The possibility to, tarnish the, the use of them by here's a pitcher, let me run in and try and shoot this deer kind of thing. I don't have it set up for that capability. I just, my whole plan was just get them in an area where I know the pressure is going to put these deer into and I can somewhat keep tabs on at least some of the areas and the approaches that these deer are using into the areas that I have them set up in.


Jeremy Dinsmore: I still, I understand where we hunt as far [00:09:00] as the type of terrain features and all that type of stuff, man, it almost be really tough. I don't want to say impossible because I don't think anything's impossible, but. For man, if someone's cell camera goes off probably where your camera is, and I don't even know where your camera is, I'm just throwing it out there knowing you and your style and everything like that, dude, you could get one right now to ding, there ain't no way in hell you're getting there in time to go up there to possibly kill that bug.

Tim Sissock: No, and the other thing is it's all access to like I want and I'll be honest, I don't know if I've ever killed. A buck over an area where I have a camera, right? I've killed buck that are on camera, but like I have one camera at a creek crossing. I'm not going to hunt that creek crossing because you just can't like the canopy is just too intense that you're not going to be able to physically hunt it.

But, 100, 200, 300 yards from there, [00:10:00] there's areas that funnel into that creek crossing. Based on the terrain features. So that's where I'm going to end up being right. So just cause the deer is on the camera, doesn't mean he's going to be two or 300 yards away where I plan to set up either.

Access has always been super important and I really shot myself in the foot in a new area last year. So I'm actually really looking forward. That's where I've kick myself for not shooting the one buck. I think it was October 19th that had One good antler and one not so good antler He had a spike or a little split on one side and he had seven or eight points after I finally got him on camera after I Passed on them at last light.

So that area I really screwed up on my own Just with the way that I was accessing it because of the way that I learned how the deer were used So I'm really excited. It's a little bit farther of a ride on the bike to come in from the West. But, I think it's going to do a lot better than it was for me coming from the South.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So you're just talking about like [00:11:00] access and pressure and all that stuff. Here's a topic of debate. I not necessarily debate, but just something that I always... In years past would think about just because of having a family and just having another full time job to do.

And just, priorities, I guess you could say when you look at like how I said earlier for Sunday, I guarantee you it's going to be so nice. Like it's going to be perfect. That cold front it's after the storm. And obviously we can't hunt, there's gonna be guys out there going out scouting a little bit, which is great.

I, I, there's nothing wrong with that, and I think it's important, and I've grown leaps and bounds over the last, year and a half by being able to do that more. But do you think for some, it's like more harm than good for certain people, like going in there and putting more extra pressure on the deer than, what's your take on that,

Tim Sissock: My approach has always been that if it's an area that I've hunted before and I understand somewhat, then there's no real reason for me to go [00:12:00] in there. But if it's a new area that, maybe I haven't hunted or I want to see what kind of signs are there.

It was last year was my first time I've ever done it but I was extremely disciplined that if I'm not going to find the sign or find what makes me happy, then I'm not even getting in the tree where in the past I have always been get in there, find a tree set up and it doesn't pan out anyway, right?

So I guess part, I don't know if I would do it on like a Sunday where I can't hunt, but I would definitely if I can get out of work at two o'clock. And I could spend, two, two, two and a half hours scouting around that area and then have the option to choose okay, I do want to hunt this tonight or area isn't going to be worth my time, maybe at this moment, or maybe ever, you just got to cross it off.

So I guess during the year my, my opinion is if you're just going to go in and scout, you're probably doing a little bit more harm again. It's for me, it's all about the the pressure, the [00:13:00] access and obviously leaving sent down. Yeah.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. Cause I, cause I really liked what you said earlier about like where those cameras are, right?

Like you said you're not going in there until you have a bow in your hand. I just love that. And I, and that's also a spot where you've. Have history with. So you're, you got a chance to know that area compared to if you don't, and I see that benefit Holy cow I just hunted.

Spot x and it was a little bit more pressure than I was really hoping for I'm out of a I might want to check this spot out to see what it's going on and if that falls into being like the like a sunday you want to go check like I see what that is because maybe you don't plan to hunt it for a couple days Anyway, so you're giving you'll give it some time to rest.

So I do see that. I was just curious just because of there's people that bump deer and heck, even when you're going into a spot, like you just said, two o'clock, you're getting in there. You have two hours, you might bump a deer and, but that's okay. At [00:14:00] least, maybe, you can put some pieces of that puzzle together.

Tim Sissock: Yeah. And I think this time of year too this what's considered early season isn't the end of the world. If you bump a deer, I feel like once these deer start getting into these transitions where they're going to start entering pre rut and everything else, you can get away with a little bit more now.

Like I'm not a great early season hunter in terms of if you look at the dates that I've killed my deer, they're like all after the 13th. So I guess in my opinion, if I bumped a buck or something, like I'm not going to think twice about it right now. Yeah, it is what it is. Let me get in there and let me see what's going on.

But at the same time, I think there's some added benefit that if it is a day that you plan to hunt, then you get in there and you fire on the right sign, you can end up killing that deer that night. So I'm a big proponent of, if I split my success into a pie chart those number one sits would probably be three quarters of the majority.

Of, going in, finding the sign, get, [00:15:00] getting set up first time ever in that area and then killing a deer, as opposed to, hunting the area five, six, seven times and then eventually getting an opportunity. My percentages personally are lower than.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah I'll tell you what, speaking of bucks, I don't know what it is, if it's just me.

I would love to hear what you think or what other people think just from opening day like to statewide, man, I feel like a lot of people are hammering down on some really good bucks already.

Tim Sissock: Yeah. I haven't seen. I haven't seen a ton, but the ones that I have seen, yeah, they're just complete giants for Pennsylvania.

It's just, it's insane. And I think you can go all the way back to the Antler restriction in 2001 and everything and see how far we've come. But I think. Overall, just the generation has changed that, most like our dad, our parents age, like [00:16:00] my dad didn't care if it was a spike, it was going down like 20, 30 years ago, now with the amount of good genetics that have come into this state with after the call of the herd, it's okay to let them go now, we have a pretty steady population and I think it's really doing good.

But I can go down a rabbit hole on that topic, but at first glance, yeah, there's just the monsters. Like I said, my, my cameras this year, there's some real, real good deer that I would be. More than inclined to take in any other what I would consider a big bucks date if I was hunting it.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah what's how it's funny is like I've you know, obviously on social media I've seen a good bit of people and hell even success with some does and obviously I have my first sit in PA was Monday after work and I shot a doe and was able to get her cleaned up and everything like that and Taking care of and knocked the dust off.

But my dad's boss his wife dude come crushed a [00:17:00] toad. Just a straight up unit. I'll send when we get off the phone call. I'll send you a picture of it. Just an absolute slobber knocker, man. Like I couldn't believe it. My dad was like, yeah, this was shot down the road from where I work.

I was like, holy hell. Tim, this sucker is a toad, man. I can't wait to share that with you.

Tim Sissock: That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. It's an, it's just, it's a little bit it makes you wonder, like last year, I know for archery, I really held out for something that was in that 140 ish class.

And the opportunity didn't arise. Like that's something that I'm going to hold up again this year unless something in life changes, but like that is that's not unrealistic at all, which is pretty cool. Cause you think even five years ago a one 40 class was somewhat, I wouldn't say unrealistic, but the percentage of seeing a deer like that in the woods was definitely.

Less than half than what it is just five [00:18:00] years ago.

Jeremy Dinsmore: And that's the other part. It's like, where are you hunting? Are there even that what is your percentage of that caliber deer? And it's low to begin with. And a couple of years ago was probably even lower than what it is right now.

So having the, what you have on camera and possibility and just hearing that excitement, man, like that, like you said, on a scale of one to 10, I'm sure like you, you're off to charge as far as that goes.

Tim Sissock: Yeah, I really am. And I didn't shoot a buck with the bow last year. I wasn't, it wasn't, I actually, I really enjoyed going into rifle season one attack because I think it was the first time in at least a decade.

So I was, I actually really enjoyed it. But I'm just happy to be strutting around the woods with a bow in my hand again. So

Jeremy Dinsmore: I love it. That's why I like when I posted that picture last night, like it was hot. I didn't really get any photos. I was by myself. My father in law wasn't available. And I was like, you know what?

I'm just going to take care of this deer real quick. I got five other tags. Hopefully the way. Like last [00:19:00] rifle season went with killing that, that dough, putting myself in that position, the turkey season went really well. Hopefully the mojo, the goal is to keep it things going and a shot opportunity presented itself.

But it was a cool first day because I didn't get out Saturday, had a family obligation. And so it was cool, like seeing on social media, people having success either on, on a buck or a dough or whatever. And I was like chomping at the bit and man, it was so hot. After work and I was driving home and I didn't feel all that great.

And I was just like, ah just go, like just go get knocked some dust off since you're Maryland hunt, all that type of stuff. And it was cool. Like I had deer around me for majority of the evening. Like I bumped some going in. I was like, all right, whatever set up where I wanted to.

And I didn't see what they were. There were like two or three of them. And then I would say about like 45 minutes later, this buck comes like. Screaming through the woods and I was like, oh crap and he was by himself and he I don't think he was legal He could have been a forker [00:20:00] or like a five or something like that But I couldn't really see because with the foliage and everything even through my binos.

He never really presented himself A clear cut image of his rack, but he was trashing trees. He was sucking up acorns. He was browsing. It was so funny because then when I, when he walked away into this thicket and when he came back through the reason how I knew he was back was because I watched a tree.

With the leaves all on just swaying back and forth because he was just trashing the tree again. I'm like man, he's a spunky little guy it was cool to see that and I saw a couple deer come through doe and one was working her way on an angle towards me and I ranged this one little, stub of a tree trunk and I saw it was 32 yards And I was like, okay, I set my dial to that, even though I know I, I would just need to split the pin difference, but I just since I had the time, I put it to that and she started working her [00:21:00] way and she was behind this.

this tree. And at that point she started feeding away from me. Then she turned and started feeding away from me. And she basically made a big loop because towards last light about was like six 50 she worked her way in front of me. So she would have been on my strong side basically. And using the my mad rock, I just basically dropped myself.

I don't know, dude, like eight inches or so. And I was using my S my stick on. As my platform and I just put my knee into the tree. I range her. She was only 27 yards at this point in time, put the pin on her, made a perfect shot. I was so happy with the shot execution. Perfect shot. She darn near flipped over as far how hard she donkey kicked meal, do whatever, and ran right underneath me.

Blood porn ran about. No more than 20 yards past my tree and just pile it up, man. I was like, all right, I know where she's at, which is no track job, no nothing. [00:22:00] This was awesome. So eventful, yeah, eventful night, man. Like seeing deer and I even said to myself when it was getting close to that time before I saw her like circle back around or whatever deer it was, I was like, all right had a buck coming in, like putting on a show for you and a couple of deer.

I'll take that. That's a win. And lo and behold, we had the shot opportunity. So I was thrilled on, it just continues to build that confidence. And I think that is critical, to begin a season because at least, you're like, Hey, you've already done it this year compared to be like, when is it going to happen?

Tim Sissock: Yeah. No, man. Congratulations. But that's that's the way you want it to happen. Especially with dough. You just want to be all calm, cool and collective. You want to have your time. You're able to get on your strong side. That's the way you want to write it up for a big box cut. They never seem to do, to follow that kind of script.

But and you stripped the rest off, right? Yeah. Probably just felt so good that you have your system down, all your gears dialed in. Everything worked out. Yep. And that was awesome, man. Kudos to you.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Oh, thanks, [00:23:00] dude. It means a lot because, last year I drew back on a buck, but I didn't get a chance to sling an arrow.

You know what I mean? Killed my, killed that doe during rifle season and everything like that. So that was, like you said, that was... Was really important and don't get me wrong. Like it's going to be really good eaten for us. And Nora loves this time of year with jerky and all that type of stuff.

And venison burgers. But for me on a personal level, it felt really good to get that Perfect shot execution off perfect shot placement and get her down within five seconds like that was huge confidence booster to me because man I can sit here every guest and say man, I'm confident man I'm ready to rock and roll but shit do like I was you know I had a I've been working through and keeping myself as calm cool as collected as I can and I was fired up man I was all pumped

Tim Sissock: That's great, man.

Yeah, I think this year is your year to put one down there with the bow. I guarantee

Jeremy Dinsmore: it. I hope so, man. Like I said, I've been putting in the work [00:24:00] and figuring things out a little bit more and, it's awesome to have such great friends and support group like you guys are. And I just, it's really fantastic and, I don't deserve it, but man, I appreciate it more than you guys know, but, yeah, dude. So with this cold front what's your goal or game plan going into this one? Because it could be a good one, I think.

Tim Sissock: Yeah, I think it is. And I think it'll get better as time goes on because it's going to be a longer cold front than it will two to three day front that we usually get.

Yeah. And I only, I hunted opening evening and that was it. I'm trying like with the Idaho trip. I felt like I wasn't like fighting at the bit to get out the woods. So I know in the past I've burned myself out by the, in the first two weeks, cause you're not seeing a ton of deer or whatever it is.

It's hot, sticky. So I've really been taking it slow, but I'm really just gearing up for the cold front. And in these areas that I'm hunting, I have a lot of bedding areas really marked out knowing [00:25:00] that with that cold front that we could see some bucks on their feet. In day, in daylight hours and my plan will just be to work through some of these areas by not going near the bedding areas and get as, as close as I feel comfortable in, in what I would consider a transition area.

And that's where I've had all my luck is these deer getting on their feet. Early in the evening, and then most of the time I'm killing them even like an hour and a half to two hours before dark, right? So my plan will be to go into a couple of big areas that I know there's big deer and hoping that, just pick the right area that he's he's going to be laying in.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So here's one last thing that I do want to ask you because it brought up a a thought process for me and I want your opinion on it. So I found the spot that Hepler and Jim and I scouted last, not this past summer, but last summer and I hunted it. I managed what I hunted it. I hunted twice in the morning, [00:26:00] maybe three times and all three times, I just blew shit out of there.

And obviously I could access it in a different spot. And which, but it's not, I still think I would bump deer and in the evening sits. They were primo or like in the late morning when I would be able to get in and see gray light Basically, it would be primo as well There's a spot there where that double scrape was Tim that off to the left of it and it's where that big buck went to When he was bumped to me basically that time, and that's where I said, my dad and I scouted this past late spring and everything in early June that we, I was like, man, I was just, I know I was hunting over the scrape, but if I would have hunted here, I think I would have had a little bit more success and near, near that there is betting like it almost seemed like for every 40 yards, if [00:27:00] wherever there was a good hemlock, there was a bed underneath it.

And I'm so torn on where I would want to set up because like you just said about not getting close, like too close. Do you know what I mean? And I feel like I've made the mistake on like Busting the ass into that spot where I'm like, Oh my gosh, there's tons of rubs and there's no bed here. Like I should be hunting this when it's maybe I should have been hunting, not necessarily right into that spot, but just off of it.

Tim Sissock: Yeah, I think one thing to consider and what's helped me is determining their final destination. And what I mean by that is come dark, come. At dark, where do these deer want to be for, let's say, the evening to feed or whatever it is? Even, you watch deer enough, deer are leaving bed through the evening, but where do they want to be? That will really start to connect the dots of, okay, [00:28:00] I know I don't want to go this far because he could possibly be bedding within 100 yards of there, whatever it is. And I know that they're going to want to get here by dark and then start using the terrain features to establish at what point is there, some kind of throat or funnel or whatever it is to bottleneck these deer into you.

And sometimes that's not always possible. Like. Where I live now, there's not as much terrain diversity in terms of elevation changes. There is towards like back home where we grew up. Like now I'm at like the plateau. I'm like on top of like gigantic mountains. It's been more difficult for me because like I don't have oh there's a bench, or oh there's a little funnel here.

It's more or less, really trying to intercept closer to bedding because I don't have those features that I can be five, six hundred yards away. And know that, no matter where they come from or where they're going to go, I know that they're going to pass through [00:29:00] this area. It makes it harder but I know my approach has always been, where are they going to become dark?

Obviously you're having deer in there in the morning, right? Yeah. When you're going in, you're bumping deer out of there, that's a tough one, because you know you want to be in there in the morning, so it's almost like you still have to adjust maybe a couple hundred yards to avoid bumping deer out of that area, because they just want to be there before light.

Yeah. And whether that's them coming back from bedding, and they're just feeding back, or Coming back from feeding and they're just feeding through or they're transitioning through back to bedding or whatever it is, but it sounds That's the worst part is when you're trying to get in the morning and you're kicking deer out.


Jeremy Dinsmore: I gotta get you in to see this spot man, because I think that one day that the three of us went out there We were like, oh wow, like it ended up being really good and I still think there's just so more to un uncover in that one location

Tim Sissock: Yeah, and you're in the right area, obviously.

It's just like, how do you tweak the setup a little bit [00:30:00] to... Yeah, and even the access, to get into that setup and sometimes you can't, property lines, whatever it is approaches your, your two track that you have out there. Sometimes it's just, you got to take the risk, and hope that something's not in there or you're just booting some dough out, which doesn't hurt if you're after a buck, but yeah, so that's always been my kind of approach during the first cold front is, yeah.

get in near where I think they're bedding and try and figure out where their final destination for the night's going to be and Try and put yourself in the best position between the two Based on the sign that you're seeing and the terrain feature.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I like it. I like it, dude That's perfect a perfect way to end that one.

So amen to that and I'll tell you what man what we need to capitalize on This cold front or the maybe not this specific one, but maybe another one. So that way we could plan on what we're going to do and put a lot of time into Ohio then.

Tim Sissock: Yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't mind it.[00:31:00] October buck tag be punched.

Yeah, for sure. I

Jeremy Dinsmore: know, man. That's awesome. Tim, man, I appreciate you taking the time to talk and get this stuff rolling with me and dude I'm hoping people feel the way I feel right now. I feel bad cutting Tim off because I feel like we could keep going and do another episode. And that's why.

I'm pumped to come in a weekend, hang out with you and Tom and do one in person because man, I'll tell you what if you're listening to this I've hunted with Tim traveled out West with Tim. Obviously he's a straight up killer, a phenomenal hunter, but he's even a better human being, a great friend and really appreciate you so much, buddy.

And I just want to just say, I can't wait to. Get that text and that call and the photo of that one of those slobs that you get a chance to crack out.

Tim Sissock: Thanks man. I really appreciate that. You, you're a good friend of mine and I, congratulations on putting that deer down and looking forward to getting together.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I know man, me too. I appreciate it as well. Everybody, go follow Tim at Eastern Backcountry, [00:32:00] right? Is that right? Yeah man, that's it. Yeah, Eastern Backcountry. Check him out on Instagram. Hit him up, man. If you're looking for some tips and tricks as far as getting plans ready for out west, we've talked about it on podcast before.

So go back, just search his name on there and he'll talk about it. And this is just one of many I'm hoping for this upcoming year, talking with Tim. So thanks again, everybody for tuning in for this Friday. Good luck this weekend. Hopefully the rain doesn't damper too much of your hunting plans for tomorrow, for being Saturday.

We'll see you next week. Antler up. Thanks for listening to this episode of the Antler Up podcast. We hope you enjoyed it. Please go check us out on our Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and go wild and at antlerupoutdoors. com. If you enjoyed this episode, go leave a review and subscribe for next week's episode.

Until then, Antler Up.