DIY Sportsman - Late Season Hunting Strategy with Johnny Stewart

Show Notes

On today's podcast I've got Johnny Stewart on again as a guest, and we're talking about Late Season. Now, some might call Johnny somewhat of a rut and Late Season specialist, because his job doesn't give him a ton of free time in the early season. So he'll often hunt until the bitter end in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, or even Iowa, and has killed a number of good deer during that timeframe. We discuss big woods, like the national forest that we walked together during the Spartan Forge veterans hunt a couple of weeks ago, and how to find likely food sources in vast areas. Then we also talk about more pocketed areas of land where there might even be ag as a food source. In addition to finding food, we talk setups, access, pressure, weather, and off-the wall tactics like scouting at night when the deer are out feeding away from their bedding areas.  DIY Sportsman is Powered by Simplecast

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