Food Plot Fertility: Choose Amendments Wisely

Show Notes

On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch continues his food plot planning conversation from the previous week.  Mitch's career as a full time agronomist has him assisting in row crop management across eastern Pennsylvania.  This includes making soil fertility decisions to maximize crop yield and farm profitability.  The planning that occurs on farm operations translates to our food plotting - plan ahead for success and use the correct tools for the job at hand.

One of the most frustrating things Mitch comes across in the world of food plotting is the array of recommendations produced by food plot companies to consumers.  Often, the products and practices recommended may not be appropriate for your specific food plot scenario.  What's worse is the lack of context behind a recommendation that leads to overspending, and never properly addressing soil needs for quality food plots.  Mitch addresses a basic soil test, and provides information behind lime and fertilizer.  The motto behind this episode, "Just because the product bag has a big buck on it, doesn't mean it's the right product for your soil!"

Show Transcript