How Micheal Perry Uses Maps to Scout for Deer

Show Notes

In this episode of the How to Hunt Deer podcast, Josh talks with Alabama big buck killing machine Michael Perry. Michael has had great success killing above average deer on heavily pressured public land in unforgiving terrain. Just last season he was fortunate enough to connect on the current Alabama muzzleloader record, a 195 6/8” bruiser. To what does Michael owe his success? Scouting, scouting, and scouting.

Michael’s approach to using maps to scout for whitetails is quite different than many others today. Rather than starting with a map and picking likely whitetail hotspots, Michael picks hard to reach sections of his favorite public spots and puts boots on the ground. Once he finds promising sign, then the maps come out as he begins to ask, Why is that deer here? While this may sound more like an old school approach to using mapping apps, Michael’s success shows it can hold its own as a tried and true method.

Show Transcript