HuntStand Pro Whitetail Upgrade

Show Notes

On this episode of the Hunting Gear Podcast, Dan talks with Brian Murphy of HuntStand about the new upgrades that come with the Pro Whitetail update. Brian runs through all of the following updates.

  • Whitetail Activity Forecast - Obtain scientifically-based predictions of hourly whitetail movements at the county or even-subcounty level with HuntStand’s 7-day Whitetail Activity Forecast. Our proprietary model is informed by decades of research by North America’s top deer biologists and incorporates more than a dozen variables with thousands of possible data interactions to provide hunters with the most accurate hour-by-hour predictions of deer movement during the upcoming 7-day period. 
  • Whitetail Habitat Map Layer - Using decades of observational data combined with advanced satellite measurements and artificial intelligence, HuntStand’s exclusive Whitetail Habitat Map displays an area’s suitability for whitetails at a granular monthly level. Perfect for e-scouting and prioritizing new areas to hunt.
  • Nationwide Whitetail Rut Map Layer - HuntStand’s Nationwide Rut Map details the peak two-week rut period throughout 98% of the whitetail’s range in the United States in an easy-to-use color-coded map layer. Data is included for over 4,240 counties, parishes and other geographic designations with information gathered directly from state wildlife agencies and whitetail biologists.
  • National Aerial Imagery Layer - High resolution aerial imagery from the USDA Farm Services Agency, often more detailed and up to date than other available aerial imagery layers. This layer is updated every 1-2 years on a state-by-state basis as part of the National Agricultural Imagery Program.
  • Monthly Satellite Imagery Layer - Not available in any other mobile app, HuntStand’s Monthly Satellite layer provides monthly satellite images, as well as several years of historical data.  It’s a perfect way to see recent timber clear-cuts, agricultural activity/changes, flooding, fires and burns or snow and ice cover and is pivotal to understanding the current habitat conditions of a potential hunt area.
  • Crop History Layer - Annual crop data across the continental United States showcasing 134 different crops at a granular level.  A useful scouting tool, especially in agricultural areas.

Show Transcript