Indoor Archery Tournaments

Show Notes

In this episode, hosts Ricky Brule and Jake “Hollywood” Iverson discuss various aspects of archery, focusing on target archery and upcoming events. They share insights about their pro shop developments, member engagement, and the challenges of target shooting. 

The conversation also covers significant tournaments like the Vegas shoot, product insights on the Victor Arrow Rest, and their future plans for the podcast and the archery community.


  • Target archery is gaining more focus in the podcast.
  • Upcoming events include a members-only money shoot.
  • The pro shop is nearing completion and will host events.
  • Engagement with members is a priority for the hosts.
  • The Vegas shoot is a major event in the archery calendar.
  • The Victor Aero Rest is highly sought after by archers.
  • The hosts share personal experiences with target shooting.
  • Community involvement in archery is essential for growth.
  • The importance of patience and practice in shooting is emphasized.
  • Future episodes will include discussions on turkey hunting. 

The Range Podcast is available on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Video versions are also available on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel and Wild TV.

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The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.

Show Transcript

Speaker 2 (00:00.108)

Welcome to the range everybody, I'm your host Ricky Bruhle and I'm here with my co-host Jake Hollywood Iverson. How's it going? Good.

I was going to purposely make an awkward silence there. We're doing good. We're back again.

Yes, yes we are. good to have you on man, really is. It's a ton of fun. We always get a lot of good laughs, creates a lot of good content, a lot of good stuff for social media and all that. So, but yeah, so if you want to find us on YouTube, you can look us up on the Vapor Trail YouTube channel. Make sure you give us a like, subscribe and hit that bell so you can be up to date on all things archery. If you are listening, please give us a rating and a review, only five stars.

And a thumbs up

and a thumbs up.

Speaker 2 (00:51.97)

Today, we had somebody, we talked about how we're gonna have conversations about target archery and rarely does that happen because I think you and I probably gravitate more towards the hunting side of things. But you have had more experience in the target side and we did have in our last, on social media we had somebody actually, he's one of our pro staffers ask about more target archery content so we figured.

We're in the midst of indoor tournaments and we figured we'd just kind of give a quick rundown of some of upcoming shoots that are coming along. And we wanted to start by talking about the money shoot that we're going to have here at the Pro Shop this Friday, February 21st. And it's going to be a 300 Vegas round. I think we're going to do a $20 buy-in. We'll just kind of see.

Just kind of feel out the room depending on who's here. But this shoot is not open to the public. It's going to be members only. If you're not a member, you can become a member to shoot. All members also will be allowed to bring a couple of friends along if they would like. And then we're going to probably offer some type of special for a membership. I haven't figured out what that's going to be quite yet, but we'll try to do something.

in that area and then again just have fun. we're going to have some beverages, we're going to have some food and just try to have some fun. Everybody will kind of get a tour of the facility. Right now the range, like we could do a shoot right now if we wanted. All the targets are set up, everything for the most part is cleared out and we could do that. The Pro Shop is coming along nicely. It's leaps and bounds on the daily.

So hopefully we might have the Pro Shop most of the way ready by the time the shoot happens. nonetheless, those people who are here to shoot will get a privileged tour of the new facility as well. And again, just just kind of hang out and you'll get to see Frank's natural wonders and oddities.

Speaker 2 (03:17.63)

natural history museum as you walk in so everybody will get to see all the amazing animals that he's taken as well.

Yeah, it'll be fun. You got everything right there. Yeah, right now, for the most part, I'd say we... You know, it's just kind of the bigger objects in the way. So they take up a lot of room, but they're easy to move or, you know, easy to create more room once we do decide what we're going to do with some of those things. Such as some of the targets, couch, that sort of thing.

It's coming along nicely and yeah, the shoot again being members only, it's a laid back deal. It's not like we're going to do some full bore tournament deal. mean, yes, it's a shoot, a tournament, whatever, but it's not like, you know, this is kind of just like a, in my eyes, like a reunion. Yeah. Like welcome back. know, it's, we've been down, I guess it'll be like three months.

in total, so it would be nice to be back open. We've had a lot of demand to open those doors. But we just can't do it not being fully ready. We're not like that, so we've got to make sure it's fully functional and looks good. Hopefully next week we're mostly ready, most of the way there. Just a few large objects to either put in place or remove. So that's it.

Yeah, it's nice to finally see some assemblance, thinking about the fact that there's only really one week until we want to have things mostly done. last week was, how is this going to happen? And now it's more like, OK, think we're going to get this. I think we can make it go.

Speaker 1 (05:10.86)

Yeah, I still struggle a little bit. I've told you this and I mentioned it's Rory again last night. It's a little difficult for me to see the finish, but that's because I don't have that artistic thought or really even despite me wearing the blue collar outfit today. Some of the carpentry stuff that is required to finish this, like that one wall that we want to get our products up on.

It's hard for me to see that because I don't really know the exact vision. I know that you're kind of taking that on. But my boring self would just be like copy paste from what we had before just because that's easy and you already did all that work before. once I have or once you get some direction and you can yell at me or whatever to do something, yeah, I think it'll be easier for me to be like, yeah, we can do this. Right now it's.

It's really in my eyes just that that scares me because I don't know what's going on for myself. But once that's there, mean the rest of this stuff, like it's just putting slat wall pegs up and I mean get the POS running and we're done. So it's really easy stuff.

Yeah, yeah. And I think for the most part, layout is set and ready again, to your point. Like trying to visualize how that's going to look is a little bit, I think it's going to look good, but we also have some time too. You know, we do want to have, like I said, we want to be 90 % done by this, by next weekend.

But then our grand opening when we officially open to the public isn't going to be until March 29th, which is a Saturday. So that gives us some time. Perhaps we do a soft open maybe the week before. You know, it just depends on where things are at. But we'll just kind of see. So we got some time.

Speaker 1 (07:09.09)

Yeah, maybe if we do a soft open, we've got some crossbows sitting here, I gotta get those back in some customers' hands. They are aware of those, there should be. Most of them just said, see you on the flip side. There's nothing going on right now. So maybe they can get a look.

Yeah, and we got some arrows we got to build.

Yeah, yeah, I've had a lot of arrows. You have too. But yeah, there's a lot going on in the meantime.

So with that being said, currently there are probably people shooting on the line in Chicago at the NFAA indoor nationals. And then there's all kinds of other events going on at that deal, right? Like you were like, there's an archery trade show, there's.

Yeah, I can't remember all of them, but it is the big NFAA shoot. mean, yeah, there's the Vegas shoot, but for the five spot stuff, this is it this weekend. And I'd like to go there. I mean, I didn't realize it was this close this year. mean, that would have been nice to hit that up. And that's the thing, like backing up to what you saying earlier. You know, I've dabbled in Target and I keep saying it every year. like, oh yeah, I'm going to get back into it.

Speaker 1 (08:32.686)

And then, you know, I really said I was gonna go to Vegas this year, starting from last year. And then it was just like, once we found out the building sold over there, I just, not to give up so quick, but I did. I was just like, there's no way. I mean, with the building, I mean, we knew what was coming as soon as we found out. Once our contract was signed over there and this one turned over, it was like,

yeah, we know where this is going. yeah, I would love to get back into the target scene, but I just don't, I could create time, but in reality, I'm here a lot already. So if I had a 20 yard range at home, man, it would be fun.

Yeah. Well, like you said, it's been like three months that we've been in the process has been, you know.

It's nice.

And it's not just moving either. You know, you've been doing a lot of the marketing for, you know, Victor stuff and ATA and whatnot. And then I'm doing the backside of just inputting pricing and sales stuff. So it's like, we're just constantly going right now. So yeah, we have not had a lot of time.

Speaker 2 (09:38.081)

All that.

Speaker 2 (09:44.61)

Yeah. And it's interesting too, because I saw like maybe some people, anybody who follows Colby from ultra view, he's been really, working. He's got, I guess he's going to shoot Vegas this year. So he's been, doing a ton of shooting and all of that. then like, I even saw the other day, lane from go hunt is prepping for Vegas as well.

And so, and again, maybe that's something he's done in the past or something that he does every year, I don't know. And I guess maybe because I haven't paid super close attention, I was just kind of figured he was more like on the hunting side of things. But it's kind of neat to see some of these guys that I didn't know that really want to compete on that level. And I've had a lot of people tell me that I should put more time in. And I feel like I could maybe do well.

You could

Pass my prime now at this point if I was gonna do it I should have done it in my 20s and early 30s but But either way, you know, I'm gonna shoot that money shoot this weekend. I don't even know if I'll get to shoot my bow before that, you know, I might just be Praying that the arrow hits where it needs to and go from there. But seriously I do need to have We need to find reasons to make a shoot. Otherwise

Yeah, I Colby I saw him start shooting and I am no means like the Colby Hanley But I see myself a lot in that where it's like once you get so involved and in the weeds of the business I feel like a lot of us just don't really take the time to actually do that and so I see it's like I want to get back into target shooting too, but it's tough, but with the tournament upcoming This week

Speaker 1 (11:35.662)

I thinking like, I wonder how I'd do with like a bow hunter setup. Bow hunter freestyle because ever since we put up these targets, we've all, at least me, I don't know so much about you, but you've seen me a couple of times just come out like just to freshen up my mind. I'll rip two, three arrows just because it's right next to my desk basically now. But I don't know what it is. I haven't touched my target bow in a while. I'm shooting insanely well with that. So I'm like, it'd be kind of fun just to run a bow hunter freestyle setup.

Like I've got my target bow and just a quick rundown on that. It's a PSC super focus Excel achieve I've got a lucky shot scope local guy six power lens in there and then some x27s and Yes, I'm shooting a Pro V on it. It's kind of funny. It's just it's a memes bow. Like it's just a joke, but

It looks like a meme too.

Dude is bad. It's ugly. It's terrible, but it shoots But I just you know, it's only as good as I can shoot and I have not put the time behind it So right now that hunting rig is actually pounding. So like maybe yeah, you can trust me see You know what that's a problem for this week I need to get Vegas targets. I don't know where they are. Do you?

I'm that five spot back there.

Speaker 2 (12:54.004)

you know that is no i know where they're the return

You're telling me there's three spots in there?

I so. I'm vertical.

Let us know in the comments if you want a An 18 meter target.

So for the members that are going shoot this weekend, have to bring your own target.

Speaker 1 (13:13.646)

Dude, we had stacks of Vegas targets. cannot find them. That's the problem, everyone, when you move. Well, we can get them really quick.

somewhere. Geez, he might be driving up to Maple to get make it happen. Yeah, so NFA indoor nationals in Chicago currently happening right now. Good luck to all the shooters there. And yeah, it'd be cool to go to some of those. mean, you know, I used to always attend the, you know, the state shoots, we used to have a booth there and, and I've shot it a few times, I, you know, did terrible, but

The lake. Yeah. Yeah, we'll get those. So, continuing on.

Speaker 2 (13:52.226)

whatever, it doesn't, it's just not where I'm at, you know what I mean? Like I could compete on the 3D side.

When it comes to paper... It's hard to stay focused.

Yeah, ADHD is not. mean, it's good. It's good. Shooting a bow is really actually good for ADHD. But it gets to a point where it's like, even when I practice, I don't shoot more than three arrows. And then I go down and pull. like in my yard when I'm shooting on my 3d target, I shoot three arrows and I come back.

Well, that's just the big thing. That's like the five spot though. It's just, it's so damn boring. Like, especially when you're like, it's a test of patience and the stamina really, like, and more than anything for me these days, it's just patience. Like 30 arrows, 30 more to go. Yay. Like it's the easiest target really. So I could see that too. You've always been 3d guy, not the paper.

Yeah, and I mean, I like the ones too where you, you know, shoot a couple arrows. Sometimes you shoot two arrows into a target, you know, but the downside is, is, you know, I've done those types of shoots in the past where, you know, you shoot two and then your partner shoots two. And so you're just stacking four arrows into the 12 ring. And me and Glenn have done some shoots and he always gives me a hard time because I bust his knocks off all the time.

Speaker 1 (15:16.906)

Blowing arrows up left and right get the bushings. Yeah, get the pin knocks

But yeah, so there's that going on. Moving on, coming up, we've got the Minnesota Archer's Alliance.


And so there's a couple coming up here at the end of the month. And so you've got the MAA, NFAA state indoor championship at Rapids Archery, which is one of our favorite places to go in the spring and summer when we're trying to get some content for social media and for advertising and all that kind of stuff. But they've got a really nice facility over there in Andover. And so that's coming up either.

It's kind of an interesting deal they're doing. You can shoot either Friday, February 28th or Sunday, March 2nd.

Speaker 1 (16:13.098)

for the NFAA stuff.

Yes, for the state indoor championship and then they're doing the Allstate Vegas shoot the day in between which is Saturday March 1st.

Yeah, that's a nice break and a nice break in the two. just rip 30 arrows quick and you know, obviously some practice, then those NFA five spot deals, they just take so long. And there's a lot, I mean, there's a lot of people go or joining MAA. so I noticed that last year with the 25 meter shoot. I mean, that thing was booked. Like we had, I think we had two full lines, if I recall. and they almost could have done a third, I believe. it was very full.

Nonetheless, where Tim and I started sparking up the conversation of like, maybe we go to, where is it now? We're eventually going to say it.

National Sports Center in Belém.

Speaker 1 (17:04.821)

Sports center. Yeah, and it appears I've been a little too busy to talk to Tim. Yeah, it appears it did happen. So that's good. It's really good

So yeah, then that of course leads us into the next shoots. You've got the, what do we got here? The MAA, the USA archery state, JOAD 18 meter championship. And for anybody who's new to the sport, that's the junior Olympic archery development program. And it's all recurves, right? Olympic recurves.

No, I think a lot of it used to be. Now there's a lot of compound. No offense to the parents that put their kids in it. A lot of kids eat seaweed. Like there are some interesting individuals I met in that.

Look at Damon man, he came from a Joab. Eat seaweed. Dude, I remember, it's just Alex Whiffler, I mean if he ever sees this, like I saw that guy in Iowa eating seaweed like in between like bottom and top lines like he'd shoot and then he'd go eat his seaweed and I'm like, there's some weird people.


Speaker 1 (18:16.398)

And then look at Eric. Eric's good stuff. He works for us part-time. Eric's really good. Yeah. Joad's great though. It gets your kids into archery and it's very, from what I understand, is very cost effective. Like it does not cost much more than obviously getting the equipment. And then it's really good. gets, you know, kids involved in, you know, the competitive side of, you know, a sport and that sort of thing.

in the archery industry keeps them entertained and every one of them end up shooting very well that I've met every Joad person. So it's a great community. Yeah, it's good stuff.

Yeah. And hopefully we can have a program of our own here. It'd be kind of cool to, you know, we've talked about it in the other shop, but it just was, you know, it's like, well, you know, maybe next year.

I feel like there's always been just so much fire or you know gas in the fire that we've never been able to slow down for two seconds today and really put extra thought into it.

But yeah, it would be great. It'll be fun to see what Darryl can do and where he can help bring this. So that shoot is going to be at the National Sports Center in Blaine on March 22nd. And then the following day is going to be, sadly, a shoot that we hosted last year. And because our facility was big enough and we had the distance.

Speaker 2 (19:46.646)

to get 25 meters, but now with us downsizing, that shoot has moved to the National Sports Center in Blaine, and that will be on March 23rd.

I was just going to say they should be able to do that in one day. That is the nice thing. Like having a big field house like that. they did the, I think it was the NFA regional shoot years ago when I was in college at the Mankato, field house. that, that is just so sweet. They did, you know, you can just shoot, you know, a hundred people could shoot at one time and, you know, it goes, it's way quicker. Don't have to worry about two lines. I mean,

Maybe they're still going to do two lines. I don't know the exact details. again, haven't really, I didn't even know they moved over there, but they could literally, if they wanted just line the whole field house and just go. Like that's nice. That's sweet that they have that. And Blaine is pretty, I think that's a great location. mean, even where we were before, sure. You could run somewhere quick and get food, but like, again, being right there, they've got so many food options, places to stay like none other. So yeah, that's, that'll be good.

I'm happy for them.

So then the big one coming up, you want to talk about that one? The World Series of Archery Shoes.

Speaker 1 (20:59.714)

the Vegas shoot? Yeah. Sure.

It's the one I was going to go to for like the third year in a row. Yeah, I literally was like hardcore was where Katie was like, you know, we were looking at getting out of here because I need a little break from all of this as we all do from a nine to five once in a while. And she's like, well, aren't you going to the Vegas shoot? And I was like, scratch it.

I'm like, I don't care what you plan for vacation now. Like I, I was very adamant about going to the Vegas shoot, but yes, the Vegas shoot is what, what are the dates again? March 6th through the ninth. I will be in Miami, not anywhere near Vegas. not even thinking about archery. and that like Rick said, is a world series of archery. there's the, the obvious three spot Vegas and then, the actual.

World chute on the vertical target and I believe that is 18 meters as well and I was thinking of I just saw Mathias Fullerton post. He's got 23s 27s and his X10s set up so 23s for your World Series chute your world chute and then 27s for the Vegas chute and that NFAA and then the X10s for

Inside outs in a shoot-off. So that's that's the fun part and then they do the What is it the underdog shoot I think yeah, so that's I always loved that part I always tune in and watch that so And it is televised as well But yeah, and then the new thing there they moved if anyone is really into the target side that's listening they already know this but they moved over to

Speaker 1 (23:02.424)

believe it is the real Caesar's palace in Vegas.

Yeah, because where was it at?

It used to be a South Point. And so South Point was good. I don't know. I really appreciated the time chain or like the date change from the last couple of years with Lancaster getting so big. Lancaster Archery shoot or classic that already occurred. That has gotten so big that it's just crazy. like you had

Iowa at the start of January and then like for Minnesota, you'd have the Vegas shoot right after or no, right before I think. It's been a little bit. Then you'd have like some regionals, Lancaster shoot, maybe another lame shoot and then Las Vegas. So it was like all stacked up in there. Like whether they were high, you know, high level or just, you local level, like it was just crazy all that month of January into February. So I appreciate that they.

pushed it so far back just to kind of give some breathing room and travel. I always looked at those guys that were going from the classic right to Vegas. They'd be home for a day or someone fly from Minneapolis out to Lancaster. Then from there, well, I guess it'd be like Philly, then from Philly to Vegas. It's like I can't even imagine the money. Just going out between flights and hotels and dinners.

Speaker 1 (24:34.902)

all that so that's great but I think that was another part of the reason why they moved towards Caesar's Palace is I think everyone's kind of getting bored with it I didn't realize South Point's kind of out in the middle of First time there a few weeks back. so there's not really I mean sure there's food but I mean at Caesar's Palace there's everything.

Yeah, it's like out of

Speaker 2 (24:58.38)

Yeah, you'll be like right on the strip pretty close. mean, the only downside, I guess, is going to be costs. I think South Point was relatively inexpensive and it's nice because everything's right there. Like when I went, what was it? think I went COVID year 2020. Really? I think was the year I was out there and, and it was.

Yep, that's been the biggest kickback.

Speaker 2 (25:24.45)

Yeah, it's just kind of cool. Your room's right there. You know, you go down, you hit the blackjack tables or whatever. You walk down over here, you get some food. Like you never have to leave the building. But then if you, you know, one night we went to the strip and so we had to, you know, get an Uber and, you know, take it into town and stuff like that. And so I guess, and Caesar's Palace is quite a bit more bougie.

Yeah, that's the thing I've heard the most is just the room costs is probably going to be, you know, maybe not double, but they're definitely more expensive. So people might have to find different hotels. And that was kind of nice like South Point. Yeah, like I didn't, we didn't really leave once. I think we ran to the gas station like the one day. Other than that, yeah, I mean, we went up to the strip. That was an Uber, but

Uber was actually really cheap out there too. I couldn't believe it. I mean, I paid triple in LA. That was terrible. But yeah.

The fact that you were in LA is terrible.

Yeah was. God. That sucks. But yeah, I think it was a good move. mean, even though it would cost more money, I think it's better. I don't think they needed more people to shoot either, but it's another attraction. At least they can say, hey, you're right on the strip now, if you can afford to stay on the strip anyway.

Speaker 2 (26:36.098)

Well, thanks.

Speaker 2 (26:58.03)

Yeah, and like you said, you don't have to. You stay wherever you want. You know, could do a, you could do a, a time share seminar and get yourself a free night.

Well, it's just like our Victor Aero rest that is almost sold out, you know? Everyone's mad at the price. Well, hey man, the price justifies it. We're not telling you you have to buy this rest. You really should buy this rest. We have other rests though. It's up to you to buy it. you know, you don't have to. You can stay at Caesar's Palace. Don't have to.

You can sleep in your car if you want.

Yeah, shameless plug for the Victor Aero rest.

Yeah Nice so that So then finally then I you know locally we probably want to talk about the MSAA five-spot state indoor and That's gonna be at the Duluth archery club. I think has been up there for the last couple years, hasn't it?

Speaker 1 (27:38.663)

I was thinking it.

Speaker 1 (27:57.964)

Yeah, actually, I wonder, I've been pretty removed from MSAA, Minnesota State Archers Association, I believe is what it is. Been a little removed from that one just because again, like Tim Wilson being local and him and I communicating for other shoots and all the MAA members around here. I'm a little more involved in that than the MSAA, but that one was kind of fun back in the day. It was pretty big. I don't know how big it is now.

I believe Friday night, is that fifth and sixth Saturday? They used to, at least the last couple of years they've been doing on a Friday night, a Vegas shoot off, which is kind of cool. It's kind of fun. I have not been able to make that either. The one year I probably could have gone, Jim Vang tried tearing me up there with him and Mason Sheehy, and they had a hell of a snowstorm. I don't know if you remember that, but those guys, the one guy had his car snowed in at our parking lot.

I came in I think it was Monday and his car is still stuck there. I'm like what the hell. So yeah that's how it fun. The Friday night Vegas shoot, that's a great way for MSAA to try and get some more attraction again. But I know that in the past they've kind of jumped around location to location. yeah it has been in Duluth. So that again is April 5th through the 6th. And I was going to say too for the Vegas shoot you will see the Victor Aero Rest.

and decide if you want to buy one or not once you find the man, Eric Nathy. Find that guy. He has it on his bow.

Mr. Nathy. Yep, he's going to be shooting it in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (29:37.826)

He is going to run that on a... Okay, I'm gonna say he's gonna run it on a bow hunter freestyle setup. That dude changes his mind more than I do as far as what he's running, I believe it's bow hunter class that he's gonna run, so.

Matthew's title.

Correct. Title 38 with our strings and then he's running the Victor as a static rest. So he is going to be running it as a blade. So it's not going to look that, I mean, it looks cool, but it's not going to be like, yeah, there's no functionality really. So yes, he's got it, you know, blade angle set for his bow and all that stuff. And I think I mentioned this on a previous podcast. He already shot it first night at leagues, you know, missed four X's I believe.

Yeah, no cage on it.

Speaker 1 (30:26.238)

So while setting it up there, so proof is in the pudding.

He's gonna be here Friday, which is which will be cool. Nathias? Yep. said he'll be here. no, nobody's got anything to worry about.


Speaker 1 (30:44.398)

He's already been here a couple times.

He said he'll be here anyways, he said doesn't have anything going on. But I'm sure he's super busy, so I'm sure I'll have to nudge him again next week just to make sure he didn't make other plans. So yeah, and we've got some, yeah, we should have a decent crowd here for that shoot. I'm pretty excited about it. Just again, just getting back to why we do this, you know what I mean? Just the conversations and just BSing about whatever.

Speaking of that just made me think so some upcoming things that we have going on as far as the range podcast goes Next week the day that this will air we're gonna be talking with our new pro shop manager Darrell Lego He's gonna be in house. We're gonna chat with him for a little bit Just to kind of get his story. He'll talk a little bit about his background and all that So that'll be kind of cool. And then after that, I think we're full swing turkey hunting. I Mean at least talking about it talk

I haven't seen a single bird yet, if we're hunting, I'm going hungry.

I a bunch off of, where the heck was I? I was on my way home, so it must have been right off of Main Street, heading towards my place, towards Blaine. They were on the north side of the road.

Speaker 1 (32:08.888)

There I was at that rocket sod field. Always.

So I a handful of birds there, yeah. then just going to, I think we're going to try to see if we can't get on some birds. I'm going to go for the opener this year. Yeah. See if I can get in on a few and take one down early and possibly even be the first person to kill something with a victor.

Yeah, you could, could or would be. You're the only one with a Victor. Yeah. People asking like they're going to have a Victor in the next couple of weeks. And just, I mean, not trying to be mean. I just laugh. It's like, I, we have one in the house. So.

one in house and if no talking about this earlier and giggling about it because if only people knew how much it costs to have, you know, just like a handful of prototypes made like, cause, cause I, you know, your pricing is based on, on volume. And so when you're only doing four or five, 10 of them, the cost is astronomical. Like if I tried to sell you one of those and even just recover my money, your jaw would drop. So

Yeah, I mean you just got to think about the the guy that has to set up the machine So the machine is itself the the guy that needs to make sure the drawings are gonna work for the machines I mean however many it's probably only a couple hours work at most but then you're talking getting the Aluminum for it and you know this and that and the steel like all that stuff. Yeah Yeah, it's a little bit of money just for one part

Speaker 2 (33:47.084)

Yeah. And, and, and just for the record, the reason I'm privileged is because we need that aero rest for content.

And you are the marketing guy.

since I have a tendency to most often be the talent as well. That's kind of where and how it lands. So yeah, there was, I was gonna try to send it out to hubs to use in on his trip where I think he's actually probably in transit to the Nether, New Zealand, for Red Stag.

was going to try to see if I could get that to him. But I just can't be without it in case we need to get content. That's true. So just didn't want to. We couldn't really afford to. Or who even knows? If his luggage got lost or if it got damaged in transit or something like that.

Just all what ifs with that is just crazy. For him to be as confident as he is with his setup right now and then sure you can get it shooting groups but only a couple weeks with the tool. It'd be a thought in my mind. Not that I don't trust our stuff, it's just still a thought when it's still prototype stages.

Speaker 2 (35:08.622)

But speaking of that, yeah, mean, that Victor, man, everybody wants one. They're asking, gosh, can you just get me anything? Any, I'll take a prototype. like, I can make one out of cardboard for you, maybe.

I've taken two calls today. And the third was a couple days ago with Rich. mean our sales reps are begging.

It's hot. Everybody wants it. So get your order in for that. And I think that's pretty much all we got right now. We'll probably get off of here so we can finish cleaning up this place and I can get this edited and cut and over to Mr. Dan Johnson at the Sportsman's Empire.

Yeah. Your weekend. I was just going to say, I'm going to get ready and actually I just got the text. started at 12 a.m. So, oh yeah. I will be plowing once the snow comes. I will be plowing. That's roads.

ready for our weekend.

Speaker 2 (36:03.086)

It is Valentine's Day so yeah I won't say what I was gonna say

Sorry not sorry, use your imagination.

It's Valentine's Day, so...

Yeah, I told Katie have fun. Have a great night. I'll see you tomorrow. yeah. Celebrate. not be able to. Yeah, I have a that's my little side gig.

claw in two nights in a row.

Speaker 1 (36:30.542)

If it snows enough So hence the blue collar rig that I'm wearing right now, you know safety green looking me go big worker so

Yeah. Well, all right. That's the end of this episode. Don't forget, you can see the video version of this episode on our Vapor Show YouTube channel. So make sure you head over there. Give us a like, subscribe, and hit that bell so you can be up to date on all things archery. And if you're listening, make sure you leave a review, give us a rating, and give us only five stars.

Five stars, nothing under that.

That's right. And with that, we are going to pack up our bows and arrows. Have a great day everybody. Peace.

We're gonna hit the range.