Innovating Hunter Access with FaceOff E-Bikes

Show Notes

On this episode of The Wisconsin Sportsman, Pierce sits down with Dieter Kochan, founder of Faceoff E-Bikes and member of the Whitetail Addictions team, to learn all about how Faceoff E-Bikes came to be, why they're the best tool for hunters to open up new access opportunities for themselves, and why you should try one out for yourself! 

Dieter shares the story of his upbringing in the competitive hockey world, and how he was able to work frequent hunting opportunities into his time as a profession player. He then tells us the story behind Faceoff E-Bikes, and the guys dive into how much of an asset these bikes can really be. Dieter shares how he's designed these bikes specifically for hunters, and how he and his customers like to use them to create better access on hunts whether they're on public or private land. After that, the guys dive into Dieters scrape strategy for finding big bucks in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. All that and more on this week's episode!

Be sure to follow along with Faceoff E-Bikes @faceoffebikes and if you want to check these bikes out for yourself, stop by the FaceOff booth at the Wisconsin Open Season Expo on March 28th-30th, or swing by Simply Whitetails Archery Pro-Shop in Oregon, WI

Show Transcript