It’s Time for Whitetail with Byron Horton

Show Notes

Hey everyone, welcome to episode 188 of the Antler Up Podcast!

On this week's episode I was joined by Byron Horton from The Whitetail Experience.  Byron is a guest that I am extremely excited to have on the show! I have been watching Bryon’s YouTube videos the last few years and tune into his podcast whenever he drops them right here on the Sportmen’s Empire! This is one of those episodes where you name it, we talked about it when it comes to hunting whitetails! From the struggles of last season, mobile gear, the pay to play, self-filming and getting the last minute pieces together for this upcoming season, we talked about it!  

We begin this episode by hearing Byron discuss some of the struggles he encountered last season and if there are any goals heading into this upcoming year.  We dive into some early season hunts that can be possible for Byron and the struggles with hunting during the early season.  We get into what Byron is doing right now to make sure everything is good to go for the year and what steps are needed to dial in your setup with all the gear before the year begins.  We also get into self-filming talk and this was really great to hear because I believe Byron does a hell of a job with the camera and telling a story through the lens.  If you haven’t had the chance to watch any of his videos, this evening go to YouTube and check them out! Some freaking awesome hunts! Byron also shares information regarding his Uncut series which is also on his YouTube channel…..So, tune in and listen to some stories and a fun conversation with Byron and make sure to follow along with what he is doing over at The Whitetail Experience!  Enjoy this fun episode and see you next week! 

Thanks again for all the support and best of luck out there and Antler Up!

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Show Transcript

Jeremy Dinsmore: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Antler Up Podcast, brought to you by tethered the world's best saddle hunting equipment, and we got a fun show for you all today.

What's going on everybody? Welcome back to this week's episode of the Antler Podcast. We are on episode 180 8, and on this week's episode, I was joined by Byron Horton from the Whitetail Experience. Byron is a guest that I've been extremely excited to finally have on the show because I've been watching Byron's YouTube videos the last few years, and I also tune into his podcast whenever they drop right here on the Sportsman's Empire.

And this is one of those episodes where like you name it, we talked about it when it comes to hunting white tails and what goes along with that [00:01:00] from struggles of last season, mobile gear, the pay to play. Self filming, getting the last minute pieces together for this upcoming season. You name it, we talked about it.

So to begin this episode that we hear Byron discussed some of the struggles he encountered last season, and if there are really any goals heading into this upcoming year, we dive into some early season hunts that could possibly happen for Byron and the struggles with really hunting the early season.

And we get into what he's doing right now to make sure everything is good to go for the year and dialing in his setup and what you should be doing to dial in all your gear before the year begins. We also get into self filming talk, and this was really great to hear because I believe Byron does a hell of a job with the camera and telling a story through the lens.

If you haven't had the chance though to watch any of the videos, this I'm telling you this evening, go to YouTube, check them out. Some freaking awesome Hunts. Byron also shares information regarding his uncut series, which is also [00:02:00] on his YouTube channel, and that's where that pay to play when it comes to hunting right now comes into play for that during this episode.

So tune in, listen to some stories, and this was a fun conversation with Byron. Make sure you fall along with what he's doing over at the Whitetail experience. Enjoy this episode. We'll see you next week. Antler up

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You have deer prediction, journaling, and the best maps on any hunting app platform there is. Use code antler up to save 20% off your Spartan Forge membership at Spartan Forge. Dot ai. What's up everybody? Welcome back to this week's episode of The Antler Podcast. I'm joined on the other line by someone that I've been itching for the last four years to finally get on here and this morning we're finally able to [00:04:00] make it happen.

So Byron Horton. Byron, welcome to the show, man. I. Hey

Byron Horton: man, thanks for having me. Big fan of yours, came across you on the Sportsman's Nation, started listening and kinda liked your direction, the guests. So yeah, happy to be here, man. Dude,

Jeremy Dinsmore: I appreciate it. That means a lot too, coming from you because like I said, the last couple years, always enjoy what you've been doing, putting out and you know what, as far as the video goes, the podcast goes just the informational information that you give out.

So I, I appreciate you taking the time and for all the work that you've put in the last couple years. So it goes a long way. It's helped a lot of hunters and individuals good meaningful content, good, meaningful purpose, and that's always enjoyable and refreshing to, to listen to. We're just just quickly chatting some life stuff and everything regarding that.

And, you were just saying potentially trying to get out for an early season hunt. And I know with this past summer it's been cool. We, we, I had Chad on. Early June and we talked about nothing regarding hunting. We talked about life and fitness and work and [00:05:00] just who like we are, who we are basically because of the crap and shit we went through growing up.

And it was really cool to see how people really gravitated towards the fitness side of things with that. It was just awesome to see. And with fitness comes goals and with hunting comes goals. Do you set out goals for upcoming seasons? Just because, you look at how last year really went for you.

It was really unexpected, unexpected with the E H D issue. So takeaways from that experience, and how that kind of makes your goals change. Do you do any goals for upcoming season? I don't want,

Byron Horton: I hate this to be broad, but I'm gonna shoot, I wanna shoot a nice buck.

Like that is a, I have a few philosophies a, around it, but I don't set certain goals. I maybe have some lessons from last year that I want to apply. Okay. Or okay, hey, I feel like I did this in the prior year or two and I need to get back to more X. There is definitely some takeaways or some things I learned I feel like last year that I'm looking to do this year.

But yeah, I don't have [00:06:00] like a hardcore goal. I do I. I, I think like in terms of a, let's call it a two to five year period, I do believe okay, if I'm shooting nice bucks, like bouncing that bar to the next caliber is a good thing. And I have done that at points, but then I don't kill, I'm like, okay, like I'd like to kill a buck again.

Like the standard may shift back to, oh, more of a pope and young versus, I think last year I was kinda like, I don't know, 1 35 or bigger, plus or minus, right? If he's 20 inches wide, he's gonna die in my book. But There are definitely aspects to it. I also think there's a little bit of a sliding scale.

Like I have this target class buck I'd like to kill, or October one when season opens or whatever, and then January 15th rolls around. Like that goal is definitely like down an inches and caliber. I, he, Cisco had talked about that on a podcast and I was like, I really like that aspect.

Like I still wanna kill bucks. I still have a lot to learn from closing the deal on the final 10 seconds. So yeah I'm okay with that sliding bar from both a three, [00:07:00] five year type period and as season goes on.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah, that's the one aspect that I think when it comes to, especially out-of-state hunting, right?

Like we, we all have that idea, I think of what you want to do in your home state and what you're grinding for, because majority of your time spent is obviously in your home state. But when it comes to the out-of-state thing, I, the one aspect that over the last couple years that I've really. Drawn, drawn to was the fact that like you have this tag.

And I know you may not go into a different state and you will say, I want to shoot only this, and you're okay with eating that tag and spending that money. But you know when you have that, you're taking that trip, you're taking that time away from your family and you have that ability to, fill a buck tag or whatever it is.

And it's not obviously may, maybe it's not the caliber that you would shoot in your home state, but it's given you presented that opportunity, who knows, maybe you don't hunt that state again for another couple years. Take that shot. That's the one thing that I've my belief, like if I come to Ohio this upcoming year, 'cause I have the, a [00:08:00] license from Turkey season, like obviously I know Ohio has really great deer, but if a decent, really good eight pointer steps in front of me and it gets my juices flowing, I'm gonna take that shot.


Byron Horton: Yeah I'll say this, it took me a couple years to punch an out-of-state tag. Because I did keep my bar at a relatively like I wasn't shooting a four pointer. I passed a couple 110, 115 class bucks that I think most guys, when they go to a foreign state, especially if they're coming from a pa, a Michigan w would take I can take a three, three bucks in three different states that I think most guys would.

But when I finally was able to make it happen, like it was a little bit better class, it was something I would shoot here in the home state. Now this year, if I do get some out-of-state early season hunt, like I talked to the guys about this the other day, like a velvet buck, if he's, I don't know, just racked out I'm not gonna shoot a four pointer, but just solid rack.

Yeah. Because I may realistically I may never shoot a velvet buck. Like it's not a huge bucket list item of mine. And [00:09:00] that openers have to fall in the first week of September versus let's say the seventh, eighth, ninth I don't know man. It's it's one of those things and then this year I was talking goals and like the stick bow might come into play, but I still think I want that little bit better caliber.

Like I, I don't wanna shoot, I'll just say it like 110 inch spindly 10. He's pa I'm passing it. Yeah. Even if he's 10 yards

Jeremy Dinsmore: like this year, right? Yeah. I'll tell you what that, it's funny how you said that seven, eighth and ninth window of September. It's crazy to see Byron, when you do go an out to an out of state early season hunt, how those days are very critical in like your pursuit of if you do want to have that velvet buck.

Because couple years ago when me and some buddies went out to Delaware, we went around that timeframe. We saw like a younger buck still holding, but then the next night when all three of us saw like a really decent buck in the field, he was, it was bone. You know what I mean? It's dang. And my one buddy that I, that went that really planned the trip, Tom, he really was dead set on [00:10:00] going with a velvet.

And just the schedules didn't line up that we could have gone a little bit earlier, but knowing that what we know now after that experience, yeah, you have to go for that opening timeframe and those first couple days to, if that is a goal of yours, to kill a velvet buck,

Byron Horton: it's crazy. Yeah.

Yeah. It's crazy how oh, it can shift or whatever.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So the one thing that I like that what you've been doing is on your YouTube channel, you've been doing a like summer whitetail checklist of, Hey, here's what we're doing. So we're. August is winding winding down, and you already posted your August one with the last couple weeks remaining and what you have coming up, what, what's going to be getting that extra attention here in, in early season, because like you said, you might be going somewhere.

It really, and the, and during this timeframe, does anything get less attention to as well? Yeah,

Byron Horton: so one I think in general, like I'm not a huge summer scouter. I have done the, at least this year, like I'm not gonna be hunting stuff that, that [00:11:00] glassing is advantageous of. So that's like not a priority.

I know five years ago I did some glassing type missions, but I just washed all my like, early season clothes yesterday. Yeah. They're like half drying on like the kids' jungle gym or the weight rack in the garage. It, it is a bamboozled affair out front right now. But so that was like a checklist item.

I do have some C minus food plot stuff that I do on my small farm. That's Yeah, it's C minus at best. But that's like a priority that last week of August. Like I'll try and shoot out the air. I might even do it in the dark, like before work on a Thursday if it's gonna rain that day. I, in a perfect world, I will get time to do like another four to six cams in another just loop, if you will, where I don't have cams now.

And it's a place I've hunted historically. I just, I prioritized a whole different area, a whole different block of camps. I got 12 out. But yeah, I would love to get that other six out. It just, I don't know. Yeah I got two little kids, like I can go in there maybe September with the, in like half squirrel hunt, if you will.

Yeah. And look at [00:12:00] cameras. Get some in-season scouting, yeah that, I can shift that priority. But those are like the few things here in August is get the clothes ready, the mobile gear's kind of set up. Film gears is set up. I'm playing a little bit with a pac 'cause I really wanted. To go for a fanny pack this year, but I can't take a oh, my, my water.

The grail water filter system. Yeah. Yeah. And I think if I do hunt September, like I'm gonna want that. So I might have to bounce back to the I got like a small eberly, stock bandit backpack. Yep. So that might, that is the loose end to tie up is what bag I wanna run. That bag

Jeremy Dinsmore: is a really slick bag.

It's the, it's a really good size for a minimalist, what you were saying. You want to, if you want to go as light, and I know some friends that really mod it out so that way they could add some extra compression, like straps to it. I have to watch it a little bit more in detail just because it just has that one flap and there's not extra loops where you could really put those on.

And I know they did some modding to that, where they've been [00:13:00] able to make that pack actually work.

Byron Horton: Yeah, like it's a great day pack for, if you were just gonna go for like a shed hunting trip. Yeah, because there are some external attachments to tie off. If you only pick up two or three handlers, you may not wanna take this to Iowa, but But it's super light and you could fit a few things to it, but it does, it lacks external like little pockets to store, like a range finder or release.

Yeah. And those like organization type aspects of a whitetail bag. So yeah, like I, it's well built, constructed, but it is, they could tweak some things and be sweet. Yeah.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. 100%. And I think that's where obviously I run that tethered fast pack and it's like a, that pack on steroids, and that's where that kind of really, for me it was like, yep.

Because it's very similar base body and all that type of stuff, but it's

Byron Horton: how big is it? Cubic inches, like the main housing,

Jeremy Dinsmore: let me, so with the, it's a thousand cubic inch main pocket, 600 to 800 additional storage with the lid side pockets. And that's the other aspect, Byron, like with the [00:14:00] bowling ball side pocket, I have my eighter in that.

And then the, there's a zipper layer in there is where my. Rope pull up rope is, and then there's that side pocket that leads up to, against the main frame of the pack, basically. That's where I'll put my camera arm and base and stuff like that. Very good for organizational stuff. And then it fits everything, but it rides exactly like the bandit, which is awesome.

So yeah, the mainly

Byron Horton: is, I think it touch smaller right around 800. Yeah. Like I said they, if I was drawing it up, I'd tweak it a bit.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I like it. So with the early season coming up, what challenges do you think you faced with during this timeframe? Even, you could even talk about your early season in Ohio, it doesn't necessarily need to be, if you're going to Kentucky or North Dakota.

What are some early season challenges that you face?

Byron Horton: Yeah, I think it's like time. And aspect of I'm probably [00:15:00] not like the best bed hunter. I'm trying to improve on that. Yeah. As far as get within that, that a hundred, 200 yard bubble I'm, I definitely am more of a rutt or I do like late October and killed a few bucks on scrapes.

But so that's, that, that's something. And I don't hunt necessarily close to the house, so I don't burn P t o October 5th most of the time. I stack a lot of my stuff to October 15th through even the end of November, where I'll take two hours on a Thursday and scout. So Saturday morning I got M r I, I've been in the woods, I got my flow.

I kind of un understand. So that's like the biggest thing I feel like with my early season aspect I used to be squirrel hunt a good bit be before kids, and I was actually much better at getting on deer at the opener. So yeah, I just think. If I can get in the woods a little bit like that all helps.

And maybe just trust in the gut a little more. I think last year, the last year was a struggle because of the E H D. So if I didn't see the buck sign I was looking for, I always assumed death. Yeah, I couldn't, I didn't wanna [00:16:00] always sit there in hopes and dreams when a lot of the bucks were dying.

So yeah, e h d, we need that to stay away. Yep. And then time aspect. Where can I get a couple scouting type missions in and around the opener and then even into that first week time in the woods? Yeah. I'm narrowing my focus too. Like I think I was touched too, spread last year where I had area A and B and they weren't exactly close.

And I fell in love with B 'cause I had a match set of a nice buck and he was alive, but there, there wasn't necessarily any other shooters. But I had that emotional attachment to it. Dude, I got his match set. Yeah. Like I'd love to kill him, but then I abandoned area A that maybe had a nice buck, but also had several other nice bucks and yeah, I just wasn't as efficient.

Yeah. And looking back that, that, that kind of cost me, because I was still trying to figure out where that match, that buckle was running around. And he got me, he was elusive. Yeah.

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So do you have an example where you did that and you were successful, or an example where you wish you would've done it? Yeah.

Byron Horton: Like a gut success story. I shot a buck late October, [00:18:00] and I was like just scouting my way in mission and I jumped a deer and Oh, some buck shit. Or clumpy, turds. I don't know if that's a thing or not a thing, but I'm gonna go with it for confidence boost.

Yep. A couple rubs and no giant rubs, nothing crazy. And I can remember I got to a point and there was like three spindly trees, and I'd already passed two other nicer rubs. And I'm like, dude three or four trees in a rub were just raked. I'm like, I gotta be able to shoot this tonight.

I had a pen that was 40, 50 yards further. Yeah. And I had another pin over here that was like 40, 50 yards further, and I was like, Nope, I think I need to this, I need to be able to shoot this. And I killed a buck there like an hour before closing time. So yeah you can't beat it. That was just a gut instinct.

Said, you know what? It's time to do it. A time that it, like the gut instinct coughs me. I, so the thing that comes to mind is I I was hunting an area and I had some bucks on some scrapes. And this was like, let's call it October 10th ish. And I knew there was a couple shooters in this area, a scrape along the clear cut and [00:19:00] I'm like, sweet.

I go in there to hunt it like the 19th and it was like raining and stopping. And I remember I was peeking at this scrape, 'cause I didn't wanna lay my boots down. I was like, ah, is it open? Are they hitting it? I had a camera up in the tree, but it's like the rain is stopping. I was like, I gotta hunt.

Yeah. And two nights before that I had hunted based on historical trail cam data where I had a buck the year before. And I felt like that was a waste 'cause I don't believe he was alive. 'cause af so I was like hunting based on like old trail cam data and I was like, dude, that was dumb.

Maybe if I had a picture of him or some big rubs and oh, there's a chance he's back. I would've felt better about it, but I felt very dumb hunting last year's data. Like he could have got hit by a car, somebody else could have shot him like that. It's just that didn't sit well. So I'm looking up at that camera, I'm like, no.

Trusting the gut tonight. And I end up looking at the scrape and it's not hit. And I'm like I said, I know let's just keep scouting. Yeah. And there's a, that camera's sitting in the tree. There's a picture of me walking away, and then there's a picture of a nice one thirties, class eight. And I ended up shooting [00:20:00] at like 125 inch eight.

60 yards away on a different scrape that I found. But it was like the gut told me to hunt there, but I was like stubborn in my ways. I don't know. It was definitely a second guess type of type hunt.

Jeremy Dinsmore: And I like the, I wish listener like those of when this finally airs on YouTube or whatever, but tho those listening to this beforehand, you should have seen Byron's face and just a smile when he's just started talking about like, when it burned me you could see the smile and just the story and the excitement that he was going to tell on that one.

I love seeing that, but man, it's so funny with the gut aspect because, going back to past things for me, going with my gut for the success, obviously I remember those a lot more, and then some of those failures were. Like, I just want to take a piece of two by four and just smash it like my face into it.

'cause it's like, what were you doing? Why were you doing that? You tell yourself don't do this. And you always, I don't know, you, you second guess yourself I guess. And that's the [00:21:00] one aspect of going with your gut. Hell, it's even when you wake up in the morning ah, it's doing this.

Maybe like those, the second you do that go, because majority of the time that's the, they're the successful days.

Byron Horton: And I think too I did a video on this, but I remember this was a week, like literally last month, I was listening to a podcast and the guy was like overly analytical as far as his approach was concerned.

And then I listened to Tony Peterson and Dan Johnson talk like later in the week. And or maybe it was Andy May and Tony Peterson, I think that's who it was. But I don't know a combination of those guys. And they were just talking about I. Past experiences, help them with their decision making.

And it was definitely more of a flow type state approach. That I, and I've been listening to the Stick boys a little bit too, and like Nathan Killen, like the, I think we're too hung up on analytics. Yeah. The algorithms, the deer are gonna move and blah, blah, blah. I'm like, I think you gotta walk in the woods and be like, dude, this is the spots to kill 'em.

Like a little bit, a little more old school. Like we gotta be men of the, [00:22:00] we gotta be men of the woods or men of the field craft. Yeah. Yeah.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I, dude, 100%. You look at these apps now and it's like you have a 99% chance of seeing deer tonight. And I don't know how many times I walked into the woods and I was going off of oh, I this.

Not necessarily use, I was using more of that than I was using, like you said, that man of the woods of this is great sign. That's when I think, again, going back to what was I doing? Like why would I hunt over this sign when it looks old one or that doesn't look fresh too. There's just things like that I, like you said, just scout and you'll know when, basically.


Byron Horton: Like I remember I had an epiphany thought years ago when the maps were becoming very popular on your phone. But I think we all walked around the woods staring at our phone and I was staring at the woods and I had a couple bird dogs at the time and watch those guys.

They figure out the best trail because they're at eye level with the deer type travel and the bird dogs love deer shit. It's just like [00:23:00] you, I don't know, I don't necessarily like to spend a lot of time when I'm scouting in the winter looking at my phone. I just wanna walk the woods.

I want to. There's some, don't get me wrong, like I'm not a big e scouter, but I'll spend a few minutes and say, okay, let's go to A, B, C. But when I'm walking between A, B, C, I don't pick up that phone very much. I wanna see what's going on in the woods. Yeah, I like

Jeremy Dinsmore: that. So that, this leads into a good question with what we just talked about.

I, obviously being in education field, I love doing the podcast to learn and grow personally, but allow others to, to do the same thing with it. There are now, I think there's so much good information out there and there's so many amazing hunters that one that we hear all the time from, but, and there's some that you hear, we don't hear from, right?

There's so many who wish we could, you get on the horn and stuff like that. But what challenges, like in a broad scheme of things do new hunters or guys that are trying to get over that hump like were faced with today compared to a few years ago? [00:24:00]

Byron Horton: So I do think like the ability to get information is there.

Like you, the podcasts are very digestible. YouTube, you can, and you can hone in your subject matter, like I want to get good at hunting. Pennsylvania, a 30 acre track. My grandpa owns, you can find a YouTuber podcast on that. Yeah. So that's awesome. But I think where those guys lack is have they squirrel hunted?

Have they gone out and done some things? I think, our generation of guys, we were looking at maps and walking around the woods and going, I think this is the property line. There's something to just getting out there and having and gaining all that experience, I think helps. And then, the ability to close on deer.

Like you can't write a book or talk about how to close in that final 30 seconds when maybe somebody is, a dough catches you reaching for your bow, and how do you pull that off? That just comes with time. Yeah. And the, there's also like a mental, you gotta [00:25:00] be an assassin. Like there, there's definitely the ability to close kind of thing. Like you can't, some guys are really good at shooting under pressure and some guys aren't. There's a few of those things that, that if we were in a tribe back in the day, we would have our better hunters because they had a few of these things that are just probably instinctual.


Jeremy Dinsmore: I agree. Because that was, I even think of last year with the pie ball buck, just that experience of how I knew I could have looking back on it I shake my head because it's man, you should have just been a little bit. More aggressive with your movements. I was being, I was playing it off too cautious and wanting the deer to do a certain thing when in reality I needed to adjust to the deer and just done a weak side shot.

Like it would've been easy. I just didn't want to get picked off because I was like, wow, I have this chance. But I do, I agree with you. I think too, like right now, there's, it's like going off of what we were saying, there's that information of being too analytical. I think that's like another aspect, [00:26:00] because you could go down so many rabbit holes with that and for some, if, especially if you're just learning, like you're, like I said, trying to get over the hump, man, that's just so much to digest that when in reality just go, like we were just saying to, to combat that.

Just go out in the woods and put yourself out there and learn. And Ryan Glitzy says it best when he is just you gotta have that woodsmanship. And the only way you're going to get that is by being in the woods.

Byron Horton: Yeah. And I think there's some grit aspect to it too. I talk about I've talked about this, like it's easy to get fired up here, August watching a YouTube video and a guy shoots a buck, but get up nine days in a row at three in the morning.

Dude, it sucks. Yeah. And it, that's tough to capture in film. That's tough to even talk about, but there's just that placebo or I don't know, your brain tricks. You see the sunshine a cool November morning and here he comes and he shoots him and everyone's dude, I can do that.

I want to do that. And they don't realize that guy fell climbing that hill five times in the rain [00:27:00] in October and he got up every morning and kept going and going you, you gotta give it. There is some of that I think the new hunters don't realize that you, there is a, that mental

Jeremy Dinsmore: grit.

I love that. That's the stuff too, when I was coaching that I used to try to really hammer home is that grit and. It's gonna help you in so many different ways in, in, in life. Oh, yeah,

Byron Horton: dude. We're we're only getting softer as a society. Look at my grandpa. Dude, those were men's men. Like they they build things.

They, they were way tougher. They, and look at my generation, we've had technology and, I, the future generations, man. Whew. Yeah.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Here we go. Get better, right? Yeah, I watched,

Byron Horton: dude, I watched this young couple the other day at the pool. I'm there with my son and they're wanting their kid to do cannonballs.

I look at the dad, no offense, he's 40 pounds overweight and blue colored hair. So you just do the math and I'm like, Did you want your kid to keep new cannonballs? I'm like, watch this buddy. Like I did four in a row with him. Yeah. And it's one of those things that, [00:28:00] you know Yeah.

It's the next generation, they're worse way softer than our parents. Yeah. That's for sure.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. 100%. And you made a, you recently made a video with like that boom of the bust of a public land stuff and there was, which dude? I really enjoyed it. I like this little uncut series that you're doing.

I think it's great information. I think it's needed. And I, that topic, what's been the feedback on that? Or I guess before, before you do that, explain to people if they haven't checked it out, what what you're doing with that and what this specific topic was. Yeah.

Byron Horton: So the uncut is just like I push recording whatever happens.

I'm pretty busy with some other editing and various things going on, but I still wanna put some content out. But this video was like the boom bus factor of the public land boom that we've had really going on for the last six, seven years. And I talked about the combination of factors from mapping apps now on your phone podcast information being so quick and [00:29:00] easy and digestible because everybody drives.

You can put an earbud in working, mowing the grass the bar, the t h p boom, when those guys left Midwest White Tail. And people just so relatable, right? And my brand somewhat is targeting that aspect because I look at myself, I target myself at 18 where I. All it is the outdoor channel, and you don't understand how those guys are really just hunting bucks that an outfitter has scouted really hard for the last month for that guy, TV guy to come in and shoot.

Yeah. So yeah, but I do think like either this season or last season was probably the most amount of people hunting public land, the most amount of like better hunters hunting public land. And the it's tough out there. It's way tougher than it was five, 10 years ago. I hate to say it, I wish I could go back in time and really do some damage back 10 years ago.

Jeremy Dinsmore: It's crazy because the one aspect in that too, that you talked about, and I know Dan has touched upon it, Dan Johnson that whole pay to play. So I [00:30:00] guess in the hunting world, explain that. Yeah, like

Byron Horton: just the nature of the beast, if you will, for the last couple years. Go knock on some doors. It is tough to get permission and I also think like your general person who owns maybe 30 acres, 20 acres, 10 acres, that doesn't hunt. They've probably been approached enough by knock on doors and then maybe, hey let me write you a check. I'd buy a hunting lease, or whatever. Like they're willing to pay.

So I think that is becoming a very big aspect of it.

Jeremy Dinsmore: It is one of those

Byron Horton: things that access is like the number one aspect to, to deer hunting. Whether it be, even if you just wanna shoot dough you can't hunt a 10 acre piece every day and still have dough October 15th, 20th, like they'll figure it out. And the combination of private ground is harder to get than ever before, and unless you're like local or know somebody, and even then you might have to write a check. Yeah. The whole I'm gonna work a farm. Like I worked a farm in college for hunting rights.

Just, [00:31:00] but the, those days are gone yeah. Yeah. I remember some guys, I was hunting that farm and I was working every Wednesday at Mogra, mo hay bales paint fences, whatever. I remember some guys tried to lease it out from under me. And fortunately it was one of my friends mom's owned the horse farm and she just needed help.

And that was she was like, no I'm not gonna, lease this out. But guys literally knocked on the door as I was working and asked for permission and asked to lease it. Wow. Yeah I just think, and now people have done the public land thing. Public land is definitely More crowded than it was ever.

Yeah. And yeah, if I wanna take my son for example, like I'm publicly and grinder or whatever, but like I can't convince my boy to trek back into with me in a couple years. I want him to have a good experience. I want him to see deer, I want him to see deer doing deer things. So yeah, I'm gonna buy a piece of ground probably in the next 10 years.

Yeah. In some aspects. Yeah. I do think the pay to play is like very much a part of hunting these days. And, yes, equipment's important but I do think the pay to pay aspect of private [00:32:00] land is here, right? It's a resource that's

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[00:33:00] So check out ride and prepare for your next adventure. Yeah I agree with you and I think, like you just said, what hit the nail on the head with the boom and people, I think individuals that have been doing it for a very long time, and they're out there and they're like, just, especially for certain pieces like near me where it's like a big circle.

So you think oh, if I go in this route, like no one could go, come in from the other way. They can it's, there's no spot where it's like restricted access for a lot of different areas and it gets crowded. So I think a lot of people that have been doing that for a long time are going to that spot where it's you know what?

I wanna enjoy it. I want to go. And they're paying that opportunity to lease or, join certain hunting clubs and everything like that. And it's just, it's funny because my dad has been a member. Of the hunting club that I belong to back in northeast pa where I grew up hunting for, I'm 36, my dad's been a member [00:34:00] there for 39 years, and he did that just because it was close to his work.

He knew people. And it was just a spot where he could go shoot his, clays and hunt a little bit Turkey and, but that was 39 years ago, like in that same thought process of that is happening now still. You know what I mean? I just wanna be able to go and do that and enjoy it.

'cause we've hunted small game stuff on public land growing up all the time. He and I and I just remember like if it got crazy, we got a little western at certain times he would always just go that's why we have the club for white tail.

Byron Horton: I think bow hunting obviously, too. Like it's way more popular than it was.

You used to have guys that would just gun hunt, but the advent of the crossbow is allowed a little more weekend warrior. Oh yeah, I'm gonna hunt, yep. Granddad's 10 acres. I can pull a crossbow out and hunt three or four times and it's, allows 'em to get in the game.

And then people talk about getting, here in Ohio, throw a corn pile and a trail cam on it and oh yeah, there is a nice buck here. There're deer here. Now, [00:35:00] cousin is gonna come over and hunt that little 30 acres that originally used to just be like a knock on door piece.

Yep. It's, yeah. There's very much a few things in play here that I think making private land and especially a little more like higher population states, tougher and tougher to get. Yeah,

Jeremy Dinsmore: I agree. Let's, I wanna change kind of gear here. You are one that I really enjoy your storytelling and.

When it comes to filming I think you do a superb job. The way you tell that story, Byron, when people get into self filming, when they, what are, like, what interests you when you've go to YouTube? Like how you said earlier, public land, Pennsylvania, if you type that in. Are you watching videos that are five minutes long and in just of the kill, or are you looking for more so that storytelling aspect of things?

Byron Horton: I think it depends what I'm searching YouTube for. Is it like an information based video? Like I, I bought some firearms and so like I'm there to consume more of a talking head [00:36:00] breakdown, a piece of information. If I'm there for maybe some entertainment purposes, I'm probably gonna watch one of the better higher produced type hunts on YouTube.

And maybe I'm wanna watch, like I watched Oh. More of a video log meet. Met a rutt hunt guy, shot a buck. I think it was even an Ohio hunt this morning. On YouTube with my son. That was, I think it depends what you go to YouTube for. I do hate this. I hate longer information, gear review.

Dude I'm sometimes there for a shorter aspect of attention. Yeah. So there, there is that part to it. If you're gonna make a long video, man, you better keep it moving. And I better be very dialed to what you're talking about or seeing. So

Jeremy Dinsmore: when you, so for your own creating your stuff, what, yeah.

What are, and I know you, you offer some great things on your patron le channel, like with your podcast and everything like that. What are some, if someone wants to elevate [00:37:00] their game a little bit, what are some do's and don'ts? Like just, I guess you could even keep it as broad as you want, man.

Byron Horton: And just for clarification, this is just Hey, I wanna be better at producing my Yes.

Hunting footage. From, okay. Yeah. I have several thoughts on this, but I think one that just gets way overlooked is how do you get good at making videos? You make videos. So what does that mean for you? Why don't you go hang a trail cam this weekend and film it and make a one minute video of hanging a trail cam.

'cause you'll build it, you'll look at it, and then maybe you're watching YouTube and I don't know, film and he hangs a trail cam. Oh. He had two or three different angles. He had medium tight and very far back shots. You're like, oh wait, I only shot everything hip level. And so by building one a one minute video, you now have gotten so much better for your, let's just call it 10, 20 minute shot a dough early October, shoots a buck in the ru, now you got a 25, 30 minute film.

Whatever you wanna do. At the end of the season, you've [00:38:00] gotten significantly better because you've gone through the process, start to finish of shooting a one minute video, editing a one minute video, and then final touch is producing it and looking at it, assessing it. Almost like

Jeremy Dinsmore: watching game film.

Yeah. The one yeah the one thing that I love that you just said about that was like the different angles. I think that is, has been critical. I think that's been, even for my development, making the quick little reels for tethered has been a huge growth for me doing that as well.

Byron Horton: Yeah.

I'm somebody that I'm a big pace guy. I like to keep the eye moving. I like to get a variety of shots. But that doesn't you, some guys and some guys can't see it. I can't sing. I'm just not artistically talented to do that. And some guys, you can know all the functionality of a camera and they don't see it.

It is an art. You can get better at it, but you do have to have some natural vulnerability. For example, like my favorite shot I've ever produced and I've edited three web show seasons. I've put [00:39:00] together my own YouTube channel for years. I do content, for a couple companies at a very high level, my favorite shot was shot on a iPhone five because I turned around in the tree stand and snow is slowly di drifting.

The sun is coming up. And I was like, dude, this is a baller shot. I didn't have a nice camera that day because there was snow on the trees and I didn't wanna ruin anything for this hunt. I literally pulled out an iPhone five To this day is my favorite shot to date I have ever captured. Awesome. And all I did was set it like, I think it was in 60 frames a second, and I just held it against my chest and rocked between the trees and the sun gap came through.

The snow was drifting out and I was like, dude, like every bow hunter's seeing what this is doing. They puts him in that spot. But again, it was not on a fancy camera.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah, you don't need, that's the other aspect. I like my goal. I have a Sony handy cam that I obviously I'll put on a camera arm, like all that stuff.

And what I seen, what I tended to do [00:40:00] more so last year was just bring to go pro, slap it on if dear are in sight. And just from my point of view and obviously in a post-production, I wasn't going to get anything really out of that. So I was like, okay, next year let's keep this Sony, let's go roll with it.

And then I added a 360 camera. Because I am to the t Byron, when that moment comes like that killer instinct and everything where I just go full stupid, I'm focusing on that deer killing that deer. I know for a fact I am that individual that will not let that camera hinder that kill, if that makes sense.

I'm not making money off of videos, all that type of stuff, so I'm gonna let it rip if I don't hit record, I'll be okay with that. But the 360 camera I'm hoping is going to be, I'm gonna get a, this is where the gear side of you and I think what we even haven't touched upon yet, this is where you and I think are long lost brothers with things.

But we are[00:41:00] I want to get a clip made where it's going to hold the back end of a battery. It's gonna plug in and charge it like a and be able to run on loop. So we'll record every 30 minutes and what all that jazz, I'm hoping. I'll be able to then capture that if I do not happen to get it on the main camera.

But yeah, I, but like you said I, it's crazy. You don't need a whole lot of things. Heck, if you're gonna spend $500 on a 360 camera, because it's going to be able to capture everything. It the footage is actually really good and cool, and maybe it's gonna be lead you into that, yeah.

Byron Horton: The only thing that gear obviously it can separate some levels of production, but there is an aspect to deer footage and not even people know this or think about this, but as a solo filmer, you record Oh. In, in, even with a Zoomable camera I maybe get 15 to 25% the deer.

I actually see hunting on video. So if you just went to the woods with some GoPros and your cell [00:42:00] phone you're not gonna be able to get the four pointer out there at 40 yards. Just your cameras. Yes. You can crop in and see it, but the quality Yeah. It'll be but deer footage, like you might get held up but as far as overall final product, you can do some really good shots and yes, your deer footage is probably gonna have to come from encounters inside 20

Jeremy Dinsmore: yards.

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And again, it's just a matter of what you really want to get out of it. If you want to get, like you just said, Byron, with get good footage of deer and all that, which unfortunately, you know, when we're on I'm not gonna lie, there's sometimes if it's 11 minute video and nine minutes of it are of the person talking in the tree, I'm fast forward until the get, I get to the point where he's encountering deer.

So yeah, it is important. I think, and and the thing that I think Byron mentioned is you don't need a lot to get. Started use your phone. There's, now there's all kinds of gadgets and things that you could use to hook up your phone onto and use, whether it be a camera arm, whether it be just on your bow.

So you can, you could do some really [00:43:00] awesome stuff, especially now that was with an iPhone five, which is how many years ago, Byron. Whereas now these things are really good right now. Yeah.

Byron Horton: Yeah. It's gotten a lot better. Yeah. From the, yeah. Even the GoPros, the three sixties, even the small handy cams are better than they were five years ago.


Jeremy Dinsmore: So here's the funny thing. I talked to somebody the other day, to me arrows are the gateway drug to individuals working on their own archery equipment, right? I do. I think it starts with people are afraid to work on bows. 'cause they don't wanna put a knife close enough to their D loop.

So they cut their their strings, all that stuff. So what do you do? Oh, if you flex an arrow, you could, it's wrong. You could just take that fletching off, retry and try again until you get where you're going and then that turns into man and you love doing it. I'm going to start learning to work on your bow when it comes to gear.

When it comes to climbing sticks, the mobile game, what is the. Gateway drug per se, to the [00:44:00] mobile gear. What do you think? Ooh I've been trying to think of this. You I've I don't, I got it. I got it. Okay. It's when you

Byron Horton: go from a, and for me, I had a hundred dollars field and stream climber, and I remember I was at the Deer and Turkey Expo in college, and so I didn't have money.

And I watched the guy give a presentation on the tree walker, tree stands, which like, can't remember. The dude had some ingenuity to it and obviously they were, I think his model that I was interested in was 18 pounds. But like the cable had memory and it had a square slot. So when you fed it back into the climber itself, it was automatically square.

And so when you slide the pin in to like your adjustment level, like it was perfect. And he painted the tips orange. And so like when you had that orange in the pin, you knew the one below it, it was your acceptor or your female like open end. Yeah. And like I watched that and I bought that climber and I was like, oh my God, I didn't know what I needed until I needed, because dude, I left that field and stream [00:45:00] climber in some trees.

'cause I got so mad and it was heavy. It didn't carry well. It was loud, it had wing nuts. I had to like, yep. Turn and get in there. So when I went to that just second level performance, and we're not even talking about the stand stick game, but when you get to that like just a little better, you're like, holy shit, this is nice.


Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. I think it's that whole, when you finally get something that is. Extremely better than something that you had. You know what I mean? And I think another good one, I think is climbing sticks. I think when you have that, those heavier ones or the way they pack, and then you finally have one that might be, you're still maybe on a budget and they pack so much better than your old ones.

You're like, okay. And then you're like, okay, wow. I want lighter ones now. So then it's I think climbing sticks are that are also that, that aspect of things, but it's exactly that. I think it is. Once you gotta hunt with

Byron Horton: it though, like you gotta go from hunting with the sportsman's guide, like clip heavy thing.

You gotta go for two or three hunts, hang that. And then [00:46:00] even if you bought like the hawk sticks Yep. You'd be like, holy shit.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yep. Yep.

Byron Horton: And by no means are those a great Yeah. Climbing stick in the upper echelon of mobile gear these days, right? Like you would be like,

Jeremy Dinsmore: holy cow dude, when those helium hawk helium came out, that was like the big deal.


Byron Horton: Yeah. My first mobile setup was an x o p silver. Okay. And so that, that looked a little more like a lone wolf at the time. It had the round speed buttons. It was a little bit bigger. It had a orange seat, and then I had the hawks, and I think Dave bought the true lone wolf sticks. Okay.

Because I wanted my feet level. I thought there was a win there, and they were like, I don't know, 50 to a hundred dollars cheaper on a three or four pack. Yep. Yeah. And yeah, it was, that was, those were my first mo sticks. They did all right. Yeah. For the time. Yep. Yeah. No, it's a good time if you're gonna start entering that world.

Nobody, like rewind, five years ago, I think Dave weighed his pack on a dough hunt, and he filmed his hunt, and so [00:47:00] it was 45, 50 pounds. Yeah. And for a whitetail hunt, it was four of the long big x o p sticks. A bigger stand. I had big camera arm, dude, I had a, if anybody remembers filming Hunt's eight I think they're called third arm.

Yeah. I think, dude, it weighed eight pounds.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yep. Yep. And

Byron Horton: now my tree stand weighs less than that. Like what?

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It's that is just bizarre, man. It's, I don't know, that's just such a blast from the past, like with that stuff and and people bust our balls now that oh, you don't need to be, I love seeing people on Instagram. They're like, apparently I need to work out to get a hunting license or whatever.

It's yeah, if you're trucking up with a 50 pound, backpack, you know like hell yeah you need to do something 'cause you're gonna be sucking win and only go in about a hundred yards.

Byron Horton: I remember we, for a while, we would [00:49:00] wear like a backpack on the front, like over a pregnant woman.

If we were on like a path of a four wheeler or forest road or whatever. Because we'd have so much like you had on your back, you had your camera arm, your sticks and your stand and your front would have your backpack full of bullshit. Yep. And back in the day we brought everything but the kit, but the kitchen sink.

And now, we were talking about early in this podcast, running around with a fanny

Jeremy Dinsmore: being as minimal minimalist as you possibly can. I, it's so funny how shit just goes in ebbs and flows of things. And I remember too, like a couple years ago when I think what's the company? Treason or Treg or whatever they make the backpacks and all that stuff.

And I remember, or 10 Zg. 10 Zg. And they Teng. Yeah. Yeah. And they had their first like lumbar fanny pack ish. Backpack. I'm like, what the hell would you put in that? And like now that's what people are seeking to, to use, which is cool to see again where, how we've evolved in, into this game.

Let's see.

Byron Horton: Yeah, da Dave has like the monster version of that mini fanny pack that [00:50:00] still has shoulder straps. Yeah. And like it expands though or whatever. They, he loves it

Jeremy Dinsmore: though. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. So here's to, to get the last kind of topics going here, Byron. We're just talking about like the whole public land thing and private land thing.

When you, what are like with that, I think the term that's been tossed around is like finding those overlooked spots and to get into those areas and find where you're going. How does pressure, affect your planning during that, during the, like your hunting season? Yeah.

Byron Horton: So I don't like hunting pressure.

I, I would rather hunt a place that maybe is less affected. As far as from people hunting it or having access to it. Even if that means maybe lower deer numbers, like that's I think I'd rather play that game. And as far as hunting pressure I don't necessarily I get deterred a little bit from Trucks and parking lots, a little [00:51:00] as far as that aspect is concerned.

But Dave has coached me up and been like, dude, like chances are you, I don't talk to people when I pull in the parking lots. 'cause I always feel like I know what's going on in the woods, maybe more than they do. And you could, I, dude, I'm fully like judging the guy who's stepping out if he steps out rubber boots nah.

Like I ain't too worried. Yeah. He, you can't walk that forward, tric, hilling in a pair of rubber boots all day. Good luck. Good luck. Yeah. So yeah I definitely keep some tabs on trucks and maybe judge the guy based on what kind of gear he is, what he says.

A question I sometimes get is like a guy says, oh, I seen a nice one or guy killed a hammer in here two years ago. If he says that, I ask him what's a hammer? If like he doesn't have a quick answer of oh yeah, 1 54. Or, then you know, I don't know, it was a big 10.

You can start to gauge how dialed in he is. But yeah and I definitely see a little more pressure too from like the backdoor aspect of public. We talked about this a little more earlier in the podcast with the popularity, like people are hunting the five and 10 acres that butt up a lot of times now, rewind a couple years ago [00:52:00] people would maybe have a feeder on their five acres that butted to the public, but they wouldn't step foot into it.

And now they are. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. Pressure doesn't, I and you talked to overlook. I think that's a ridiculous term. Overlooked the d r where the deer are. Yeah. And I can't find those overlooked spots on maps. I'm not, I've gotta find the in English point in the woods. Like I gotta see it in, in person with my eyes.


Jeremy Dinsmore: for me yeah, for me, like that overlooked spot is going to be like finding that random ass water hole like that. And you're not going to see that on a map, right? You have to stumble upon that, like you're saying, going from a point A to point B on good trail or something along those lines that's leading you to that destination.

I just, again, I think it's that one that's, and I wouldn't even say that's an overlooked spot. I guess that's just finding that kind of little hidden gem, per se. But yeah I don't know. 'cause I've. Talking to Zach Fernal from a couple times and hearing him talk about those areas where you're close even to parking [00:53:00] locations and how deer are, could be actually observing you, like from there.

And he shared some stories on that podcast and it's just so funny to hear because I bet you it happens a lot more than we think. Sure. Like

Byron Horton: I I could've buck close to a parking lot and like automatically people say it was overlooked. And I would be like, no. The habitat was really good there.

Yeah. And it was very advantageous for a deer to survive there. It wasn't overlooked. If you walked the whole 500 acres in the off of that parking lot, if you were a slightly elevated a hundred, you'd be like, yeah, most buck sign was here. And, but it's not overlooked. I, it just, I think it's where the deer is, meets really good habitat.

Meets with a little bit of unpressured ness. I don't know I think overlooked yeah, deer all where the deer are.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. I like that man. Alright, lemme do some rapid fire with you. I gotta come up with them quick here, so we'll start with it. One that's super easy. What's your favorite day to hunt?


Byron Horton: day to hunt? November 15th, I've killed two bucks.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Ooh, nice. What is [00:54:00] your must have that will always be in your pack during the rutt? During the rutt,

Byron Horton: probably water. Otherwise I'll cramp. Cramp.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Okay. You could kill a one 30 with the trad or a one 70 with your compound. I'm gonna go one

Byron Horton: 70 compound because that may never, that you're getting up there big enough.

It may never happen again.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I like it. What is your biggest regret Hunting?

Byron Horton: Biggest regret hunting? That is a good, very good question. Two things come to mind is I didn't get exposed to hunting early in life, but I still had an inclination to like, want to try it. I liked, I thought shooting guns was fun.

And mom and dad both didn't own a lot of firearm, any firearms. It was like forbidden in my house. But my cousins were [00:55:00] a little bit more redneck than me and I was like, dude, I think that'd be a blast. I can remember driving down some of the major highways that go through the rural counties here in Ohio and looking, and I.

I exploded outta my seat one time when we drove by a snowbank or like a snow hill, hillside. And I seen five deer. I was like, oh, there's deer. Yeah. But clearly there was something inside me. And I played a lot of paintball growing up in, in high school. There was something in there that needed scratched, and I do wish i'd a really cannonball in a touch earlier.

Okay. That, yeah that, that's a little bit of a regret. And I can remember I was sitting on the floor and my papa bill was behind me. And we were watching deer hunting and I remember him saying Hey, I'd like to I'd like to try that someday. And I said, me too. And I shot my first buck off that ground.

And dude, I wish I would've fucking dealt with him because 'cause he, I think that moment, like he lit that little

Jeremy Dinsmore: spark. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome, man. Yeah. That is awesome, dude. I could just tell him that passion. I love it. I love it. Dude. [00:56:00] What is something new you're doing this year? Oh, it's stick,

Byron Horton: bow, stick, bow n never shot it.

And oh, I bought one, I think I ordered it in February. Got it. I think late April or May. And I pretty much shot every day, but I think seven since then. And part of that was family vacations. Yeah.

Jeremy Dinsmore: You loved doing it.

Byron Horton: Oh, dude. It's a blast. Yeah. I've never had so much fun. I killed a groundhog with it the other day and it was like a 10 minute sneak and I smacked him at 12 yards and you'd have thought, I like chipped in for birdie.

I gave the old Tiger Woods fist pump. I, it was awesome.

Jeremy Dinsmore: That's awesome. Last one. Have you ever used your camera data from say, may to June and seen that first fawn drop for when you want to go out and maybe hunt that next fall?

Byron Horton: No. The I really have never done that via trail cam esque. Yeah.

I've walked across some [00:57:00] fawns and we backdated it. Yeah. But I still haven't even hunted that piece in public in the last five years. Yeah. Okay. But yeah, it's

Jeremy Dinsmore: not on the radar. Dude, I, dude, this was such a fun conversation, Byron. I don't know, man. It's so funny talking to guys that like, I really, not funny, but I just I love.

Having these conversations for, with people that I really respect, that I really want to just get a chance to know and enter and interview and talk to, and learn from. Like I said earlier in the very beginning, I really respect what you do. I think you do a phenomen. No, man. Appreciate it. I think you do a phenomenal job.

You're very personable. You're a no bullshit kind of guy, and I like that as well. And, just, I really appreciate what you shared today. Hopefully we could do another one down the line. Byron Oh yeah. Where can people watch you, listen to you and fall along with all your goodness that you're putting out, man?

Byron Horton: Yeah. I'd say like the number one place is the YouTube channel Whitetail experience. And then obviously like the major social platforms. We do a light podcast that's [00:58:00] not it's like a every two weeker. It's not like our main outlet, but it is an avenue that allows people to get to know us on long conversation format, if you will.

And I get to interview some guys and ask some personal selfish questions. So it is cool to be able to do that. I'm a big consumer of podcast but yeah, I don't claim to be a podcaster.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I like it, Byron. Everybody, if you're already not following along with what Byron's been doing, please do it's some great stuff very relatable, but you're going to get a lot out of it. So thanks again everybody for tuning in this week. We'll see you next week and antler up. Thanks for listening to this episode of the Antler Up Podcast.

Byron Horton: We hope you enjoyed it. Please go check us out on

Jeremy Dinsmore: our Instagram,

Byron Horton: YouTube, Facebook, and

Jeremy Dinsmore: go wild and at antler up outdoors com.

If you enjoyed this episode, go a review and subscribe for next week's episode. Until then,