Maximizing Your Trail Cams with Jacob Sklenar

Show Notes

It's hot, it's humid, the mosquito swarms could carry you away, and that can only mean one thing... It's time to start hanging trail cameras! And who would be better to talk about trail cam strategies with than Jacob Sklenar? That's right, folks, Jacob is back again to drop even more knowledge to help you guys get off on the right track this deer season, and you might want to grab your notepad.

In this week's episode the guys share how their summers have been, and then dive right into strategy talk. Jacob breaks down why he uses trail cameras to answer a question he has, and how he goes about doing that. He shares areas he likes to hang cameras, when he likes to hang cameras, some subtleties he picks up about other hunters in an area and how they will shift deer movement, how he uses historic data about an area, reading tracks when the camera doesn't go off, and even a bit of speculation about technology in the woods. All that and more in this week's episode!

Show Transcript