River Fishing with Tony Fellows

Show Notes

Tony Fellows hopped on Michigan Wild this week to share his experience river fishing. Tony's first memory of fishing was heading to the river with his dad where they targeted trout. Unlike Nate who grew up pond and small lake fishing and has very limited river fishing experience.

Through this episode Nate and Tony go over some of the basics of river fishing, including what to look for and tactics to use for certain fish. Fly fishing is really where Tony has settled over the years and shares different technics he uses throughout the year. Tony also goes into more detail of how he breaks down a river and how to do some river scouting. Which Nate realizes has similarities to breaking down a property for whitetails or other game animals.

Nate and his wife Ashley really hope to join Tony on a river this fall, and look forward to the adventure and the learning experience.

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Show Transcript

Nate Rozeveld: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Michigan Wild Podcast.

We're just here walking around. We're going to go set a tree stand. Don't worry. My dad's weird. He never shot a huge buck before. I just shot a fricking big buck.

Get that one. Oh, you hit him. Go get that one, Henry.

At the size of that deer.[00:01:00]

All right, we have another episode of Michigan Wild, and this evening I have a buddy, Tony Fellows, who's hopping on with a big I have a decent sized beard, but this dude's got me blown outta the water. But how's it going, man? Oh,

Tony Fellows: it's going. It's not too bad.

Nate Rozeveld: So how long has the

Tony Fellows: beer been growing for?

The last time I had a razor to my face was 2014. October. Decent. Yep. You were

Nate Rozeveld: a strong-willed man. Lazy LA. Oh, lazy. Yes. There you go. Yeah. I very lazy. I just don't wanna shave anymore, man. You rock it though. Good. Yep. I, so the, so for me, the mustache is what always bothers me. So then I always trim that up every once in a while and then you get a little too far.

So the next thing you know, you're doing more than you want and the next thing you know, you sucks and then you end up cutting it off. So every time it happens, for me, it's an

Tony Fellows: accident. Yep. No, if I thought about trimming the stash back, 'cause every time he'd take a bite of a sandwich, it's 90% hair and Yeah.

You're like

Nate Rozeveld: wiping it away to get back. Yeah.

Tony Fellows: Yeah. But I, yeah, [00:02:00] no,

Nate Rozeveld: I'm not sure. No, you're just doing it. Have you thought about braiding it? 'cause you are at the length where you could braid it.

Tony Fellows: Yeah, I've braided it a few times, but every time I do it takes away length. So it's just two little nubs hanging out.

Yeah. But the most I'll do now is I have these silver beads. So I'll just pull the hair through those beads and leave it like that. Yep. So it still gives me the length and I got the little bling going on.

Nate Rozeveld: Sick. Yeah. So that's your bling you got now. That's the style. I like it. Yep.

But no anyways, Tony. We went to high school together. And we also, I would say you're, you were probably mostly closer with Tyler over the last few years, right? Oh, yeah. And then that's been your circle. I've, I'm not really the outcast, but like I just got busy with life and I've found out that I was missing out on a lot of my buddies from high school and stuff. So you came back into the circle of my life, I guess this winter you went rabbit hunt with us. Yep, sure

Tony Fellows: did. Whiffed on some rabbits, shot one. It was great.

Nate Rozeveld: Yep. But you, so when you went the first time with us, like when was the last time you had rabbit hunted?

Like with dogs or with doing it

Tony Fellows: that way? So that was the first time [00:03:00] I've ever hunted with dogs. Nice. And that's why I was like, yeah, you guys do this every weekend. Sick. I'll see you next weekend. Yep. That's how it went. Yep. And then the last time it was a horrible rabbit hunt 'cause I would always come up on a rabbit and then I would never shoot because I was with my dad's buddy and he was always in the fricking way.

And he would say, he's just shoot. Just shoot. So I said, okay. And I came up on a rabbit and. Following him and boom. And my buddy, my dad's buddy just tucked his shoulder a little bit and I go, what? He's you just shot me. Yeah. It's

Nate Rozeveld: and he had four or five

Tony Fellows: pellets in the back of his arm and not he's, I was like, you told me to

Nate Rozeveld: shoot.

Told me to shoot. He's the dude told you to shoot me. And so what a great experience. Yeah. Yeah. Not,

Tony Fellows: yeah. Yeah. So pretty much after that it was just like shooting clays and pop games, that kind of stuff.

Nate Rozeveld: Yeah. And yeah, that the, if you've never been with it, so like how was that for you?

Like you got to come in, me and Tyler have been doing this for a long time with dogs. It was probably a completely different ball game compared to just going out and stomp on brush piles.

Tony Fellows: Yeah. No, a hundred percent different [00:04:00] because like before when I was a kid and just beaten brush, like maybe seed three, four rabbits on a good day.

Yeah. But with these dogs, you can pretty much just stand there. And you just hear boom. And then you're like, oh no, just stay here. Wait. And then here they come, rounding right in front of you

Nate Rozeveld: and boom. Yep. That's good stuff. Yeah. Yeah. You, I remember I was it, I don't know if I got to spend as much time with you the first time you went, but I know the second time we, and you were like together more, and I was trying to give you some pointers because it is a new thing. Yeah, learning how rabbits run through, like you don't really know and. I got a little overexcited a few times. I was like, okay, I think the rabbit's here. Let's move up a little bit.

And then the rabbit would run right where we were standing. Yeah. So I was like, we gotta stay. It's that half beat between being patient and then also, you gotta put yourself in the right position. But I know it took a little bit, but when we finally got that your first rabbit, there was a few missing.

It was, oh, yeah's a little different shooting em rabbits, but yeah, there was you yelling and laughing at me. Yeah, that was great. Like right here comes Bigfoot as I'm hauling through the woods trying to catch

Tony Fellows: this rabbit. Henry's just [00:05:00] busting up. I'm like, at least someone's having fun.


Nate Rozeveld: It was a great time. But yeah, that, that rabbit did end up shooting, I know. Was a really good circle while the dogs. Because you actually came with us one of the days that I feel like it was one of our best days from like the dog's working perspective. Yeah. They were just going nonstop and they were circling great.

And it was like a real, it was a spot that was like, It was good for rabbits, hard for us to kill 'em because of the terrain. But yeah this, we got in some water and wa like flooded areas and you set up perfect. And the dogs worked a rabbit right towards you. Yeah. You beared down and smoke that thing.

And I remember we were all just I was so pumped that I gotta see it. We were all like, I think I had seen it maybe first. And I was like, all right, Tony, here's it. Come, because had a little better vantage and yeah. You beared down and got it. That was, yep. That was pretty dang. It's hard to get worked up, but that was pretty easy to get worked up over that.

That was a great time.

Tony Fellows: Yeah, that was awesome. That was awesome too. 'cause literally after I went with you guys the weekend prior, like I went straight to the sporting good store and bought a brand new Benelli Nova youth model. 'cause I'm, I don't want to carry a big gun. Nope. So I was like, oh yes.

Perfect. And within it was probably like 10 minutes we had that [00:06:00] rabbit

Nate Rozeveld: boom. I'm like, you broke it in good. You christened that shotgun. Oh yeah. That was nice. And that was, I think, yeah. 'cause we talked about that with Tyler, how you can get into this very affordable, like you got that shotgun. Yeah. 400 bucks sporting good.

Yeah. Four great shotgun, like awesome pump small size works great. That thing's gonna lasted a long time. But yeah. So you, so that was fun. That was a fun winter. And now moving forward it's like we know have another guy that we know we can call up anytime ready to have a good time. Yeah. And yeah. 'cause you didn't get anything the first time you went,

Tony Fellows: no, the first time was miserable for me 'cause I haven't been doing nothing all winter long 'cause ice fishing wasn't there and Tyler's there's no ice. Why don't you come out someday? I'm like, dude, all I have is that fricking eight 70.

Big old have you steel barrel and blah, blah, blah. I'm like, I don't know man. He's just do it. I'm like, okay. Yep. And yeah, we walked for days it felt like. Yep. We were moving. Yeah. 'cause I remember when I got home after that, like my arms were killing me. I'm like, man, that is, somebody's heavier

Nate Rozeveld: than I thought it was.

Yep. We have dogs. That doesn't mean we don't still walk, all we do get after it. [00:07:00] Yep. And that's just for one, we like to walk so it's makes it easy in some of the spots that we hunt, you have to, you came to a spot where we have to cover some ground to get to 'em, and we were struggling a little bit that day trying to get 'em going, but yeah, it was, yeah we did not take it easy on you.

I guess the first time you went, we're like, at all, welcome to the party, Tony. Here you go. Yeah, because like when

Tony Fellows: I got home that night, I went and looked up my phone from our watch and it was like 6.5 miles and I'm like, yeah, that feels like it. Like it.

Nate Rozeveld: But no, it's nice knowing that moving forward that's something that you can, yeah, every winter, another guy that we can go out to and go have a good time and you're great to have along because you, we like guys that have good positive energy, like to, have a good time.

Doesn't matter how much stuff you shoot, we're all is out, in it for each other. There's nothing worse than going s especially small game hunting with someone who. Is like trigger happy or has to be the first person to shoot something or, gets all worked up. He doesn't get anything.

Or let's say like I've been with Tyler, that dude will shoot his limit. And I'll like only shoot one time and I am like [00:08:00] ecstatic and it's fun and having a good time. The same will go for him. If I'm laying down the rabbits, he's laughing. We're all having a good time. We're all in it together.

And you fit that mold. Great. So yeah. That's pretty. And then, I wish it was easier to find guys like that, but it's hard just because it's a dynamic that if you're not really around it, it's hard. You can't really teach it, it just gotta be one of just the personality, it's been pretty cool.

Tony Fellows: It also helps, I've always had that mindset, and this comes from my dad back in the day of, you gotta put your time in that first time going out, I had zero expectations of shooting a rabbit. And I shot at rabbits. Wh yes you did whip, whiff. Whiff. But. I just knew, I'm like, I'm probably not gonna shoot a rabbit today, but I'm gonna go out with my buddies and have some fun.


Nate Rozeveld: That's, that is important. And then not everyone, maybe they've been told that, but that doesn't necessarily resonate with everyone. And that's, I think that makes the re reward. So I think, let's say you would've went out the first time a rabbit with dogs and the rabbit gives you a cake.

Some of your shots are easy, but you've dumped the first one. You might've, we've taken guys before they come, they'll clean house. And we never hear from 'em again. Just because, yeah. They're like, maybe it's because they've done it a lot or they just want, they just [00:09:00] felt like doing it that weekend.

You put in your effort and you walk and you do these things, it just means that much more and it's just good. Clean, fun like we always say, but Right. So what other kind of hunting have you done, like growing up?

Tony Fellows: Growing up was primarily small game and then whitetail. My dad was a big whitetail hunter, mainly rifle.

'cause back then Bo was outdated. No one wanted to do it. He still did it, but he never really involved me with it too much. Which made sense 'cause I was a young punk kid, didn't wanna listen. And even when we went out white tail, we'd sit in the shack and. It'd be like as soon as that sun came up, I'd be eyes wide open, just watching and 10 minutes later I'm like, ah this is boring.

Yeah. I need to move. Get me outta here. Yeah. And then he'd yell at me. 'cause I'm making a little squeak in my chair. And then five minutes later he's passed out. No. So loud. And I'm looking at him like,

Nate Rozeveld: what do you, come on man. He just wanted to be quiet. So we get, take a snooze or that's why Yeah,

Tony Fellows: exactly.

Exactly. It's 11 o'clock, deer aren't moving. And he's yelling at me for making a little squeak and then he passes [00:10:00] out. But yeah, that's primarily it. Like I never did any water fowl. I did a little bit of pheasant hunting 'cause my uncle he's nerdy like we are, and he, raised his own pheasants and so we did that,

Nate Rozeveld: which is my neighbor. Yeah. Which I did not know until this year. Yeah. Which is pretty

Tony Fellows: cool. Yeah. Yeah, first time I came over I'm like, this is your place,

Nate Rozeveld: huh? And he is yep. I'm like, yeah, my uncle is right there. It's no way. That's your uncle. That's just really

Tony Fellows: cool. Yeah. So you need pheasants or I don't know if he's doing chuckers or partridges this here, but yeah, he usually does quite a few things.

Yeah, that's good. He does. Oh, way too many things, but yeah.

Nate Rozeveld: That's cool. So you kinda like Tyler, maybe not quite as intense because Tyler's dad was big into small game hunting, but you liked small game hunting more growing up. You could move and be active and Yep. Do that kind of thing. So how, where, at what point did fishing come into the life,

Tony Fellows: like for you?

So fishing was as far back as I could remember. Like even before going out small game and stuff like that, because no matter [00:11:00] what age I was, my dad would be like, oh, let's go either, carrying me around in some sort of contraption or. I could walk and do my own thing and have my own fishing pole.

And it's something that anyone at any age can do. So my dad's yep, let's go. Let's go. We'd go hit all the little cricks, so you

Nate Rozeveld: started river fishing right away?

Tony Fellows: Yeah. Okay. Because like when I grew up, we didn't have a whole lot of money or anything like that, so we never had boats or anything.

Still don't really have boats, but yeah, you don't need a boat for a river? Nope. You just walk right in and start

Nate Rozeveld: fishing. Nice. So you, so that's how, so I did not even close to that. So like I grew up, My dad wasn't a fisher, he was just thought that was a waste of time.

'cause he just busy business owner always had other things to do. So I'd always tag along with my uncle or grandpa and it was always blue gills. That was the thing. We did Little John boats or whatever. And so I had experience with little ponds, little lakes and yeah. Fishing with a bobber and hammering blue gills.

And then I can remember going to a campground [00:12:00] and I remember I was, shoot, I had to be like five, five years old. I could just start riding my bike without train wheels. And I did something to the campground I wasn't supposed to. So my dad was like, You are not fishing with uncle tonight. And I was devastated.

But he let me go with him. So I remember watching my uncle Fish and he caught this huge catfish outta this pond. Yeah. It was at a campground. So pretty easy fishing, but I remember I was so upset that I couldn't fish. I found some some fishing line that was all tangled up in a tree. Yeah.

And I got it outta the tree and had a hook on it, thank goodness. I tie it to a stick. And then there was like these little blue dragonflies, like all over, you get those little Oh yeah. Danil gypsy flies. Yeah. Yeah. They'll be all over it. I never smashing one of those, put it on a hook and whipped it out there, like probably cast it like, a couple feet.

And I caught a perch, or not perch, but a blue gill. Yeah. And I was like so excited by that. And being a little kid, I couldn't contain my excitement. So we got back to the house, there was like, what'd you catch? My uncle caught this big, catfish and stuff like that. And I was like I caught a, I caught a blue gill and my dad was like, supposed to speak.

You did what? [00:13:00] And I was like, oh man. And I got nabbed. But I remember him telling me later that He was like, that's pretty good of you to, I told you couldn't bring your fishing pole, but I never told you couldn't make your own out there. But I still got in trouble. I probably didn't fish for the rest of the week, but Oh yeah.

That was my punishment. Yeah I didn't step foot on a river. I had to be almost a teenager. 'cause I think my uncle took me to the dam. In Rockford actually. Yep. And we went out there it was, it felt like middle of the night. It was probably just as it got dark. I don't remember anymore, but Right.

We tried to catch some salmon or whatever that were coming into the dam. And I actually caught a catfish that night and that was the coolest thing for me. That dam. I caught a, yeah, I caught a catfish. It wasn't very big. Yeah. Caught one of those. That was my only experience, but it wasn't a great experience for me because I'm a little kid, I'm with all these and it was pretty busy.

I don't know how, you've, we've all heard about how busy dams can get, but Oh yeah, it was, I didn't really know what I was doing and I felt very intimidated. 'cause I was younger, and every time someone yell, I got a fish. You gotta really, your pull, if you don't reel in quick enough, you get yelled.

But, all those intricacies, I just never [00:14:00] knew. Combat fishing Yes. Is what it is. So once that happened, my desire to step foot in a river and fish was like zero and growing, where I live, there's tons of little lakes all over. So when I did fish, that's all I did, but you let's you just like your dad's we're going to the river.

So yep. What did you primarily like fish for when you did that as a kid?

Tony Fellows: So whenever we went one, like one of the first poles my dad bought me was an ultralight, right? And then there's like a medium rod maybe. So those were the two. And we'd always take those with. And on the medium rod, it would just be a big old night crawler, a couple sinkers, wing that into the river, let it bounce down until it gets hung up on a rock.

And then you literally just set it on a crotch of a stick and let that one sit there. And then the ultralight rod, you would just have a little spinner on there. It's still probably the deadliest thing for trout man. Nice. Is a little spinner, whether it be MEPS or Panther Martin, it doesn't matter.

Yeah. And that was on the ultralight and you'd just flip that out, upstream a little bit, reel in, and [00:15:00] usually two or three casts like that. You'd have some sort of brown trout or rainbow on there. Nice. And. Being a kid, that was cool. Just catching fish. Fish in general was cool. Yeah.

Nate Rozeveld: Catching fish right away. Yeah. 'cause you're able that was the thing of blue go fishing and you just cast out there, you just sit there. Yeah. And you just wait for it to, Bob to hit just, Bob goes down you're casting and like bass fishing almost in a lake where you're casting constantly and doing that

Tony Fellows: you're moving, and stuff like that.

And then, so what would you

Nate Rozeveld: catch on the crawler that would just hang up? Or same thing with trout and stuff, or what were you kinda targeting with that?

Tony Fellows: So usually like with a big night crawler on like that, it'll be a nice sized brown trout. And you're always fishing at night for those big browns.

'cause they like coming out and just because they're big meat eaters, man. Gotcha. So yeah, usually on the crawler you'd get a decent sized brown and then every once in a while you'd just get this monster brown. And you're just like, especially being a kid, your heart's just stumping and you're like, oh man, this is the biggest fish.

And it's 14 inches, which isn't

Nate Rozeveld: crazy, but still. But at the time, that's as a kid. Oh yeah. You're like, this fish is as big as me. Oh, that's great. So that was like your. That was [00:16:00] like, you're exciting. Like when you went and did that with your dad, it was like, like you probably couldn't sleep or you're just pumped the whole time knowing you're gonna go to the river and do that.

Oh yeah. Yeah. That's cool.

Tony Fellows: And it helps too. Like my dad's a big trickster, so like I remember I got bored fishing down in Rockford, below the dam, and I think he might've been going for steelhead, which he never really let me do. And I understand why, because that's a whole different breed of fish right there, even though it's not.

But so I'm just there and I was dinking around with his crawfish. I was in the water and it was a big one. And he he moved and a stick came up and flipped a leaf on my boot and my dad's oh, you got crawfish on. You look out. And I about pooped. My pants almost fell in the river. He had to quit grabbing me and I'm panicking.

'cause those things, they pinch hard. Yeah. And he's laughing and he, after that he's yeah, we gotta go. 'cause he is I gotta go to the bathroom, man. Yeah. I'm like, great.

Nate Rozeveld: Awesome. Thanks for that. So that's really cool. 'cause I, I have like stories like that hunting, [00:17:00] like goose hunting or doing, all these little things. Intricacies. I think that's why I hope Henry likes it, to go out because of the same kind of thing. Get to have fun stories and do that. But so when you're a kid, like how often do you feel like you'd go fishing? Is it something you'd do pretty regular, like almost weekly?

Or how often would that be? When

Tony Fellows: I was little, it was probably about every couple weeks we'd go. And then during the winter we'd do a lot of ice fishing 'cause there's not a whole lot going on. But then as I got older, sports started picking up and I got interested in that. So then like the fishing died out for me until I got to that high school age.

Yep. Because then I would skip school. To go fishing. And my dad, he didn't like it, but he really couldn't yell at me about it 'cause he did the same stuff.

Nate Rozeveld: So what time of year would be like, so obviously for me, if I'm going, play hooky at school, it's, October, November kind of thing. When would it be for you? Like when you're like, yep, today's a good day to not show up. What would that, what kind of a day was that?

Tony Fellows: That would be like a spring day. So school's kind of starting to wind down a little [00:18:00] bit anyhow, or wind up, depending on how you look at it. And just when I was a kid and didn't really know much about trout before, I'd completely nerded out on it.

It would be a nice sunny day where you just don't wanna be inside and now Gotcha. Me and Matt would be like, yep, let's hit the river real quick. And yeah. So we'd

Nate Rozeveld: go do that. Nice. So where would you, would like, would you like. Go for like when you would do that day, what was like considered like a good day?

Like when you'd play it, like even like when you're high school age, like when you hit the river quick, was it like you caught a fish, awesome, caught a whole bunch of fish? Or is it just just the being there because I'm trying to like understand, I. Like talking to my buddy Colt, like trying to see what, like a good day for him would be like, what's a good day in the river?

Because I know guys that will fish the river every morning before work. And they're like coming in oh yeah man, I had, I had six hits and I landed one. Or for me I'm just like, this is cool. I'm slowly like learning what that means and I'm the art of it, but like for you, like you and your buddy in high school because I know for me, so like me and Tyler went, [00:19:00] if we went goose hunting during high school after football practice if we got to shoot a bunch and we knocked down a couple geese, we were high fiving. That is like totally worth it to us, so what kind of a thing would that be for you guys with fishing?

Tony Fellows: So like a stellar day, skipping school and catching fish Would, the number of fish would probably be like 6, 7, 8. Nice. Somewhere in there. And it didn't matter what size it was. Just catching. Yeah, just catching 'em. And then the older me now realizes like the best days of skipping school and fishing.

We didn't even do like a whole lot of fishing. It was dinking round. Like one, one day. We we didn't even, we skipped to go fishing. We went down to the river right at frisk in 12 Mile. Oh yeah. I Over where that area? Yeah. Actually his grandpa, that's his farm field there. Yeah. Uhhuh. Yeah. We got stuck in his field and we knew he would not be happy about that, so we were trying so hard to get outta there.

And then finally a tow truck came up and he's you guys need help? We're like, yes, please fast. And he pulled us out and we're like, what [00:20:00] do we owe you? He's nothing. You guys are

Nate Rozeveld: idiots. Yep. And we're like,

Tony Fellows: oh cool. And then by then it's yeah, we gotta go home now anyhow. 'cause if he sees our trucks, we're in trouble there.

Yeah, we're in trouble. Oh, that's

Nate Rozeveld: great. So you're the culprit for that? Yeah. Trust me, there's been lots. So you're not the only one. All good. So now as you've gotten, so I'm trying to think, like trying to, when you, this fishing thing was, I can see why it's important to you or you like clinged onto it 'cause that's what you started at.

At what point in time did you say you started nerding out

Tony Fellows: on it? That would be pretty much when I moved back to Michigan. I moved outta state for about four years. Went down south and was doing work and that stuff and moved back up and a lot of my friends had moved on and everything like that.

And I was like, yeah, whatever. So I was just, bumming by myself and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna go fishing just like when I was a kid and da. And my two rods went out there, threw a crawler and was throwing a spinner. And I was sitting at the river not catching [00:21:00] anything.

And just upstream from me is this dude. Nice Orvis waders and his fly rod. Oh. And he's just hammering 'em like anywhere from little three inch dinks up to like nice 16 inch trout. And I'm like, that's it. That's it. That was, you saw it. Yep. I went online and bought a cheap fly rod and started doing a bunch of research on fly fishing.

And then that led into How trout would act. Okay. And what sets 'em off and temperatures and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it just goes on and on forever. Like you can drive yourself crazy with how much info is out there on, on trout. And then so how accurate

Nate Rozeveld: do you feel like that info is? Because that's one of the thing we're always talking about, trying to overcomplicate white tails and stuff like that.

It's okay, somewhere in the middle is the truth. But like how accurate is it actually not. Not at all. Yeah. That's kinda not at all. You have a great day, you're like, it's because of this and the current and blah, goes through. Yeah. Yeah. And if it's a bad day, oh, I knew it was too cloudy day or whatever, that kind of thing.

But [00:22:00] still something you really clung onto. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. So what kind of a, like how long you see this guy just slaying or just doing great? And you're like, I need to be like that to fry rod to you actually like catching fish with that fly rod. Was it pretty quick or how long did it take?

It took about two days.

Tony Fellows: Okay. Of going out for three, four hours at a time. Just 'cause I didn't realize like how much physics would be involved in casting a fly rod. And then of course I didn't do the research of oh, I'm a beginner fly fisherman. How should I fish? Because you see a fly rod and you instantly think, false cast.

False cast. And you drop it and it's a dry fly and you watch it and then fish jumps up. Bites. Yep. Set the hook and you're like, oh easy

Nate Rozeveld: peasy. 'cause the guys that do it know they make it look

Tony Fellows: easy. Yeah. 'cause they casted trillions of times. Yep. That's what no one tells you. Yep.

That 10,000 hour rule, man, that's real. Yep. But yeah, it took a few ti like few days to get it down [00:23:00] to the point where I could actually catch fish. Okay. And then see

Nate Rozeveld: that's why fishing's cool. So that's talking to Colt a little bit about that. I don't know if we hit the point, but that was kinda what I was thinking like you whitetail hunt and you go all year for your one opportunity.

Yep. And it could be more, but if you're someone that's like trying to dedicate like certain caliber of deer or whatever, like I might go all year and not even have opportunity. If I do it's one. Granted shooting doughs and like more prevalent deer, that kind of a thing. Like it's easier to do, but you go fishing, you can, if you're determined, you get there, you have lots of opportunities and you get those small little, adrenaline dumps or excitements more often.

More frequent I guess,

Tony Fellows: oh yeah. Yep. And not only that, you can fish year round. It never ends. Yes. And that's one of the things that actually sticks me a lot more with fishing is 'cause it could be the middle of January and I go, yep. Throw on some sweatpants, throw on my waders, thick socks, all that jazz.

And I'll go Wade the river in the middle of January. You're

Nate Rozeveld: doing what you love. Yeah. Doing that. Exactly. [00:24:00] So I. I got a fly rod for Christmas when I was 12 or 13 years old. My uncle, the same one that took me to the dam the first time. So I had to be right in that same age, but it got me a fly rod and I lived a quarter mile away from a nice lake.

I didn't live on the lake, but we had neighbors had docks or whatever and I'd just get permission to fish off those. But he got me a fly rod and I wanna say it was from Walmart. It might be wrong. I think it was a Shakespeare,

Tony Fellows: if I remember right. It was probably from Walmart. Walmart was okay.

Nate Rozeveld: Yeah. Shakespeare. But he taught me how to use that and it was really nice because, on a dock you got all the room in the world. Oh yeah. I learned how to do. A fly rod would like, use, was what I was taught. I don't know if that there's a different term for it or not, but I would just back make a U and lay it.

Yeah. And dude, I got so good at doing fly rods for blue gills, laying 'em on the beds. I would go out there with a bucket and just fill it up with bluegill know, just 'em all. Yeah. Love it. Running along. But then I've seen guys fly fish in rivers. I'm like, how do these guys do this [00:25:00] effectively with no space?

'cause they're not the biggest area. So like, how, so obviously there's probably a different technique to how to use the fly rod for that.

Tony Fellows: Oh yeah. So there's a couple different casts. You have what you're talking about where you're watching the u that would be your, your typical cast or false casting.

And then the most. Use cast in the world as a roll cast, and it's so much simpler than doing your false cast like you were just talking about. You literally just take the rod tip up and you point it back behind you. You still have your fly rod or fly line in the water and it makes a D with the rod in the line behind you.

And you snap forward ah, and it makes this giant loop and then it straightens out and boop right on the water

Nate Rozeveld: so that you don't need the big aing back. Not at all. Okay. Because I always wonder, you see these guys doing it, I'm like, how are they, I've walked, I've kayaked that spot, or some of the spots, like there's rope swings or whatever. You go do that and I'm like, guys are fly fishing back there. How are they doing? But I guess that makes more sense and I guess you get, probably get really good [00:26:00] at Oh yeah. Judging distance by being able to do

Tony Fellows: that. Yep. Yep. And if you are an accurate roll caster, you're set for life.

You don't even need to do a back caster or anything. 'cause you

Nate Rozeveld: can just flip it. Yep. Because that's another thing like, the river fishing, like I've talked to a couple other buddies, like we've been deer scouting and he'll come up on a waterway or creek or something going through a stream and I'm just like, cool a stream because deer, used that to my advantage, how deer would use that.

He's Walk in the bank like looking, he's oh dude, I could totally sneak up on some fish right now. Yeah. I could just dump it. I'm like, what are you talking about? Yeah. And he's all breaking down how it looks, and I'm just like, I've never in my life heard someone say, I could sneak up to this edge and dump something over this lip and probably catch something.

Oh, yeah. So blew like, that was just one of those things. I was like, what these guys that are serious into fishing breaks the river down. Like same with a lake. How I break down a property to deer hunt or a small game hunt. So there's a lot of parallels with it, which is cool. But when you, what kind of a, what's an ideal river that you wanna fish?

What does it look like? What's it [00:27:00] got going on?

Tony Fellows: That, that depends on what you're targeting, man. I know that's a cheesy answer to give, but, so you're

Nate Rozeveld: going summertime, let's say you're

Tony Fellows: summer fishing. So summer fishing, that's what we're in right now. Okay. I'd probably be going for rock not rock bass, small mouth.

Okay. And that would That would be probably the Muskegon for Smallmouth. It's a nice wide river. It's deep. It's got tons of rocks that they love.

Nate Rozeveld: And are you're bringing, you're not doing that with a fly rod? Yeah. Oh, you are doing that with a fly rod, dude, there's no

Tony Fellows: rules. True. I guess there's no rules.

You can catch any fish you want on a fire rod. Yeah,

Nate Rozeveld: true. So you're catching small mouth with a fly rod.

Tony Fellows: Yeah. Oh yeah, dude, it's a riot. Really? Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. So yeah, you put a little bug

Nate Rozeveld: on or See, this is what's cool about this. I don't know much about fishing, so here I'm talking all these people and I'm just like enlightened this whole time.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. See,

Tony Fellows: and there's a, so there's. A ton of different flies out there too. And it breaks down to three different flies. You have your dry flies, [00:28:00] which is what's sitting on the surface. Yep. You're probably not gonna catch a whole lot of small mouth

Nate Rozeveld: with that. That's why I called

Tony Fellows: Bluegills Whiz.

Exactly. Yep. You'll catch Bluegill, you'll catch trout. Probably not small mouth. Okay. And then there's your nymphs, which is basically a bug that's in its baby stage that's underwater. And if you wanna catch trout, that's probably one of the best ways to go. 'cause a majority of the bugs that they eat are underwater in front of their face.

They don't want to jump out and catch something that's hard. Yeah.

Nate Rozeveld: They're you're, yeah. They're waste energy that way.

Tony Fellows: Exactly. And then you have your streamers, which mimic, your fish, other bait fish really huge bugs like crawfish and stuff like that. And if I was gonna go for small mouth on the Muskegon, I'd be throwing a streamer all day.

Gotcha. Some sort of

Nate Rozeveld: little bait fish. And how far are you so like in a river, are you. You're casting and are you dragging that back away or is it just chilling there? Or how are you like attacking the river? I guess it depends on holes and all that,

Tony Fellows: but yeah, and it also depends on the flow of the river.

And this is when I say

Nate Rozeveld: you really nerd, you're starting to nerd out. I know that's, yeah. [00:29:00]

Tony Fellows: So it depends on the flow of the river, but what I do most of the time it's called swinging. So you'll cast upstream a little bit, like very little bit, and you'll just let it sink down and then it'll tumble across the bottom and it keeps going and going.

And then it puts a loop in your line and it swings out. And then once your line straightens out, it's called stripping in where you just slowly hand. Yes.

Nate Rozeveld: Same thing I did for bluegills over beds. Exactly. I would hold in slowly like that.

Tony Fellows: Yep. So you just slowly strip it in or fast depending on what they're doing.

'cause some days they want slow food. Other days they want fast food. Yeah. You just never know until you get your boots in the water,

Nate Rozeveld: yeah. How long do you stay in that spot to figure out what they want for that day? Like when is it like, alright, this spot's I need to move on. Or you get, you spend like amount of time, you try a few casts one way, do it a bunch of different ways, right?

Different presentations and you move on. Or like fish move in and out a bunch. Can you hang up in a spot for a long time if you're not catching anything? Or is it oh yeah.

Tony Fellows: You can hang out in one spot.


Nate Rozeveld: because Kyle hunting 20 minutes. No, Kyle, move on to the next spot. Oh yeah.

You deer on a property and if you don't see [00:30:00] nothing for a whole day or whatever that may feel, you're like, yep, this spot's done. I'm not here. Like how do you attack that in a moving water where you can't see the fish, you have no idea what's going on. Like how do you have a good judge of that?

Like what's your kind of game plan I guess? Yeah.

Tony Fellows: So if I was just walking up to the river I'd just sit there and wait about five minutes before I even get in or anything. And I just sit and stare at the water. Because my primary target is trout or steelhead or salmon when they're running. But my primary target is trout.

So I'll sit and watch. And if they're rising, dry fly. Yep. And if they're rising, I try to look around and see what kind of bugs are floating around so I can try to match that hatch. Start digging through the fly box. Okay, this kind of looks like this one doesn't.

But if I take my scissors and cut here, we might have something. So yeah, just sit and watch. And then if you don't see anything rising, then I'll get in the water and I'll put on, I usually throw on a stone fly immediately. 'cause every river has stone [00:31:00] flies, but you don't know what stage they're at and blah, blah, blah.

But I'll throw it on and start doing that. And that's a nymph. So it sinks down. Yep. And I'll start doing that. And as I'm doing that, I'm looking all around me to see if there's any sort of action. And if I don't see a fish that doesn't necessarily, there mean there isn't one. So I'll stay for 10, 15 minutes and if I don't got anything, we're either going down or up.

So that's pretty much how my first, that's how I attack. Yeah. My first attack,

Nate Rozeveld: that's, I find a tree to sit in yeah. When I like go to a property like what you're saying, I'm or when I'm scouting I'm just observing, like looking around trying to figure out those small little details.

I don't think I ever, if you were like, Nate, you should go fish the river tomorrow. I'd get to the water and boop whip something. I never would've thought to slow down and see that. But you've just learned most likely or whatever that is so beneficial that five minutes can be the difference between catching some fish or not.

And that's a cool little detail that I'm sure maybe a lot of people with fish know that, but for me,

Tony Fellows: no idea. [00:32:00] Yeah. For people that like have no idea and are just getting into something like this. Even if you're not fly fishing, that's something you should be doing is just sit and watch. Yeah. What's the worst that's gonna happen?

Oh, you sat in nature for five minutes. Darn. Yeah. That was rough. Yeah. Yeah. That poof, man. I better get my cell phone out. Oh, yep. True. But yeah that's pretty much how I attack any river, whether I fished it a hundred times or first time getting on it. Yep.

Nate Rozeveld: So now do you scout like holes out or Yeah, I did that on the way here.

Did you really? Really? Okay. Yeah. So what is the How do you, is it based, what's it based off of? Define like a good spot because I know guys do that. They look for spots. What are you guys looking for? What is the mo Are you just checking water levels? Are you checking? What kind of stuff are you going through?

What's going through your head when you like drive up to that river? And look at it.

Tony Fellows: So for me, like I focus on rocks, and what is feeding that river, whether it's a lake or a spring or just runoff that's making it go. Because [00:33:00] trout, they love cold water. That's where they do the best.

So that's what I'm focusing on. So I do, hop on, go maps and go through okay, it looks like it's a lake fed, so it should be decently cold and do some research on the lake and whatnot. And then get behind the wheel of the truck, and start, go look. Try to find where it butts up to the road somewhere and park real quick.

Hop out. That's exactly what I just did here down the road. Nice. Because I fished it a million times when I was a kid and I'm like, ah, I should go check this out. I haven't been here in a while. Yep. And I'm looking and it's all silty bottom. There's barely any rocks anymore. And I'm like, yep. This is why people don't fish here anymore.


Nate Rozeveld: because it's not the rocks. I've heard that before. Yep. So that's because they can spawn in the rocks. Yep. So it would easier, so like easier for them to find food. What's the Yep. What's the thing

Tony Fellows: with rocks? Rocks. They hide the food for 'em. It gives them cover. 'cause in Michigan, the real predator they have here is, birds.

Yeah. So if they can hang out by a rock, they're getting protection and food. [00:34:00] Gotcha. All at the same time because. Like I said, most of the stuff that they eat is already underwater. So they sit in front of a rock, beside a rock or behind a rock, whatever's flowing downstream is gonna hit that rock.

Come around and right in the mouth, they're waiting for it. Gotcha. Exactly. Okay. Yeah, and that's that. A lot of the times, that's how I fish if I can't see anything. Like on the Muskegon, a year ago I was floating with my buddy and we're in his boat and I was like, stop right here, dude. He's like, why? I'm like, because there's like a boulder, like the size of a car down there and I want to cast at it.

And he goes, you're not gonna coach nothing and. I flipped down, let it go on one side. I'm like, okay, flip it back up. And it goes around the other side. Whoa. 16 inch rainbow. Nice. Oh, it put on a show, hooked into it. Started jumping immediately and I'm like no fish. Huh? No fish. Yep. It was the only

Nate Rozeveld: fish, but I caught it.

You got it. Yeah, exactly. That's cool.

Tony Fellows: So that was great to rub it in his face '

Nate Rozeveld: cause Yep. Take that

Tony Fellows: sucker. Yeah. Yeah. 'cause he's more of a steelhead salmon guy. Okay. And I'm more of a [00:35:00] trout guy. Yep. Mainly 'cause steelhead don't like me,

Nate Rozeveld: but, there's lots of steelhead in Michigan, isn't there?


Tony Fellows: dude. It's probably our best game fish. Yeah. Honestly. But I've been going after steelhead, like hardcore targeting steelhead since 2014 and I've hooked into hundreds of them and I've yet to land one. Really? Yeah. Okay.

Nate Rozeveld: So that's something I didn't. It's taken me a few years to comprehend. Yeah, me too.

Hooking fish does not mean you land fish in a river. Yes. Because like when you bass fish, if you get a bass on, there's, I don't know what the percentage would be, 80% chance you're gonna land it. Maybe more

Tony Fellows: like with bass. I'm gonna hate on the bass fishermen on it that'll listen to this. 'cause anyone a monkey could catch a bass.

Okay. Yeah. And bass fishermen, they got 80 pound braid. 80 pound liter on that. Yeah. Of course you're gonna catch the fish. It ain't gonna snap off or nothing. Yeah. They're ripping it right

Nate Rozeveld: into the boat. I've seen the video. Exactly. You're in a

Tony Fellows: lake, you're not gonna be grinding up on rocks and cut your line, like Yeah, of [00:36:00] course you're gonna land the fish.

Yep. But with with steelhead, They're a big fish. Yeah. First of all it all it is a rainbow. Just huge. So they go out to the big lakes, live their life, and then they come in. Yep. The spring and fall, and they'll spawn and then they hang out for a little bit and then they go back out to

Nate Rozeveld: the big lakes.

So you have two opportunities a year to catch these solid opportunities. You can catch 'em actually all

Tony Fellows: year round. Oh, okay. So some of '

Nate Rozeveld: em stay in the rivers. And these things have alluded you since 2014. You can catch 'em all year long. I know. My buddy

Tony Fellows: told me I was all geeked. I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna go on my buddy's podcast, talk about fly fishing.

And he's yeah, you're gonna tell him how you can't catch a steelhead? And I'm like, yeah, I am because I don't need someone finding out later on this guy came in here and acting like an expert. And he's

Nate Rozeveld: never even landed one. Every guy that's in the river now is gonna be like, all right, that dude's got a beard that you could braid.

Is that him? Is he gonna catch the steal it or not? Is that guy? Is that him? Yeah. No.

Tony Fellows: So there was one time. I was fishing with my buddy Andrew. He's the one that's taught me everything I know about steelhead and salmon, because [00:37:00] before I didn't care about it. But then I found out, I'm like, oh, they're just giant trout.

Yeah. Let's do this. And they taste

Nate Rozeveld: it. Yeah. It piqued your interest. Yeah. Because I've only ever caught 'em on charter fishing, like on the big lake. That's all done. Charter

Tony Fellows: fishing is the most boring fishing

Nate Rozeveld: in the world. Yeah. And I puked my brains out last time I went. So yeah, that's that.

Tony Fellows: I heard

Nate Rozeveld: that. I heard that.

Yeah. I couldn't talk the next day. I puked so much. It was six hours of misery for me. But my wife, like she caught quite a few. It was a good time. It was a great, I've done it a handful of times. It was a great except for the puke and nonstop, but yeah, that was, so I've seen steelhead.

That's how I've seen 'em get caught. I've been, driving around by the rivers around. And guys hook into fish and pictures and all that, but I've never. I've never been like, you know what? I need to target those in the river. It still weird to me that fish that big are in some of the rivers they're in.

Like it's hard for me to be like, they're just these kinda like monsters in this river, river monsters. Yeah. Yeah, because that's my thing. I don't like water really that much. I love swimming, but oceans are a big no for me, for sharks With coal. I was like, yeah, that's a no for me.

Yeah. No, but this whole knowing that a river can hold that many [00:38:00] fish that big is just really odd. And then, living close to Grand Rapids, you always see all the guys just piling in there, catching them and stuff or whatever. They catching there

Tony Fellows: more combat fishing. And that's for salmon and steelhead right there.

Yes. Yes.

Nate Rozeveld: So you've never caught one and you've tried hard.

Tony Fellows: I've hooked. You've hooked hundreds, sir. I've hooked hundreds of 'em, but when it comes to landing it, man it's a different ball game because if it's a real finicky day, you gotta put such a tiny leader on we're talking like six, eight pound tests because they can see it.

Yeah. That's why. Okay. Yeah, and they're a smart fish. Really smart fish. Gotcha. Like as soon as you hook into one, you can't horse it in like a bass, but you have to actually sit and fight it in. Pay attention to what's going on. You actually steer the fish with your rod to keep it outta the rocks or keep it outta the current trees, whatever it may be. And then yeah it's such a pain and they're a big strong fish. So once I figured out oh, I gotta really learn how [00:39:00] to control this fish. I can steer the fish and everything just fine now. But my problem is now is I keep breaking hooks

Nate Rozeveld: in these guys.

Because you're a bigger guy. Does that have something to do with it? Are you like trying to overpower 'em to a point or like you don't know? Dude,

Tony Fellows: I don't know because I've had so many of my buddies sit there and just watch me as I'm fighting this fish and they're like, I wouldn't have done anything different.

So it's just a monkey on your back. Yeah, dude. So it goes

Nate Rozeveld: back to putting in that time. So right now if you catch one, you have to come back on a re redemption podcast for that?

Tony Fellows: No, I'll definitely do that. But there's been a few times where like I get it to the boat. Or like the PM will be just standing in it.

'cause the PM to me it's not really a river, it's more of a crick. Yes. And like I've had that fish and I can see hooking mouth and I'm like, yeah. Yeah. And my buddy Andrew goes to, net it for me, but he needs glasses and he never wears 'em. Oh. And he straight up Poseidon that thing and snapped my line and I'm like, I just stared [00:40:00] at him.

Come on man. And I go, I'm not talking to you for the rest of this flow.

Nate Rozeveld: Yeah. We need a better guide or a better net guy. That's what, yeah. We need a better net

Tony Fellows: guy. And he's oh, it was hooked to the back. I'm like, it was not hooked in the back, sir. See

Nate Rozeveld: it? Oh man, it's gonna be, yeah. 'cause that was something that talked about Colt he grew up in, by the pm.

So like he knew a lot of, and I, my experience of seeing that, I was like, what is going on? I don't understand why is this? And now hearing you talk about it, that makes a lot. More sense why I saw what I saw. Because they'd be fighting it, then the guy just It's cold out and he is just full commit to getting the water and do what he can because I guess I didn't really realize it was that easy to lose the fish.


Tony Fellows: There's plenty of guys out there just like me that have been going hard at these fish for years and still haven't landed one. So Yeah. Yeah. So it's not unheard of. Like I tell people like, yeah, I've never caught one or I've never landed one. That's what I tell him. Landed one. One. Yep. And he is yeah, join the club.


Nate Rozeveld: So that's why when a guy comes in late to work and he landed one fish, he's ecstatic because it could have been steelhead. Yeah. If it's a steal really is a big deal. Yeah. Gotcha. [00:41:00] It could be a big deal. Yeah. Gotcha. Yep. And then see now I'm, I like that 'cause I'm like learn I'm always pumped if you're pumped, I'm pumped.

But I don't necessarily understand. It's like me trying to, like someone who's not into whitetail hunting, I show 'em this buck down here in my room. Like I can break down this hunt. And why that? Is important and all the things that go into it to someone else, they just see a picture of me with that deer.

They come here and be like, yeah, this is a, that's a really big antler deer. That's cool. And they're happy 'cause I'm happy, but they don't have any idea the backstory or the journey or all that stuff. Yeah. Exactly. So that's cool doing this. Like I'm starting to learn more.

I don't know at what point in time I'll get into river fishing more, but I already sent

Tony Fellows: you an offer to take you and Ashley out because I know she wants to get on the river. She's,

Nate Rozeveld: you said that out podcast. Yep. She's gonna be, she knows. Yep. But that would be like, it's a cool thing I like, so when I take someone new hunting, I, try my best to bring 'em in slow or try to explain the whole intricacies of it.

We're doing this, why we're doing this, okay, we're shooting dough or we're not. Or blah blah blah. You go [00:42:00] through the whole thing. But it's a really hard. Concept to grasp or to portray. 'cause it takes a a long time. Like fishing is really a good thing to get someone new into because it's more, it's like small game honey, a little bit.

Like you're active, you're doing stuff, you're, it's a lot of species. Different things. You can slowly bring someone along. But for me, like being immersed into hunting at a high level, I I want to be like I don't wanna cheat by any means, but I want to be at least educated, right? Okay, what does this mean to be high level?

What does this mean to be like intense into this? So then I can find my groove? Obviously I'm not gonna go in and be like, yep, I'm gonna go walk in this river and I'm gonna land the first steel outta hook into I might've thought that until I'm talking with you. I'll be like, oh sweet, I hooked one.

'cause I'd be like, oh, what? Oh, what happened? And I'd have no idea that it's like a struggle, right? Just like it's a struggle to shoot a five and a half year old buck in Michigan. Yeah. If you don't know so I almost like knowing this now because if I go. Catch one and like maybe, who knows?

You always hear the guy that goes, go over there and he shoots this giant buck, and [00:43:00] he doesn't realize what happened. I want to be educated and Yeah. Hearing this stuff, it's like I see the allure. I see why it's, no, no pun intended there. No pun intended. Again, I might have done that before, but that's not on purpose.

But I it's a parallel. You guys are going through you're doing the prep work, you're doing all this stuff, you're like reading the water in a way, and you're either trying to target the biggest fish you can, or try to target a certain species of fish. And then you're also like, like you just said, like you have a smaller leader.

So you're putting yourself at a disadvantage because Yep. You have a small, so like you grab a bow or traditional equipment or whatever, you're limit yourself compared to a rifle. Exactly. So you're doing similar things, that's the journey, that's what's, that's all the meaning behind it.

So I really like the parallels with it. It's really cool.

Tony Fellows: Yeah. There, there is a lot of similarities between, Hunting and fishing, especially fly fishing. For like me, I tie all my own flies. I love tying flies. It if the weather's crappy out, it's not gonna be good hunting, it's [00:44:00] not gonna be good fishing.

Oh, guess I'm tying some flies. 'cause you're gonna break off a million times anyhow,

Nate Rozeveld: so Oh, so like you, like how many flies are we talking that you'll tie?

Tony Fellows: At

Nate Rozeveld: a time? No, if you're like, hey, for this season or whatever. Oh, how many, how many flies do you have chilling in your tackle

Tony Fellows: box? So right now, I haven't been fishing a whole lot lately 'cause work's been crazy, but there's probably 300 flies in there.

And you

Nate Rozeveld: tied all those yourself. Yeah. So how long does it take to tie a fly?

Tony Fellows: That, here's another crappy answer. It depends.

Nate Rozeveld: Okay. So there's a lot of

Tony Fellows: detail work. Yeah. If you're tying an egg, I can tie an egg in two minutes. It's super easy. You just take your foam or yarn and quick wrap it around the hook, pull it tight, tie it

Nate Rozeveld: off.

But like in my head, I'm envisioning like a fly that you see on the river out west floating on top of the line. So like a dry

Tony Fellows: fly? Yeah. Like how long does that take? So those, some of those guys take a very long time. You burn, I'm not gonna

Nate Rozeveld: lie. Just burn. And you just burn through those. You'll just go through a bunch

Tony Fellows: of 'em.

You plant all these, food pots true for white

Nate Rozeveld: till true. That's what I'm saying. A parallel. That's Exactly, [00:45:00] yeah. Okay. Exactly. So you'll have to. Like this is a commitment, like what you're saying to do that. Oh,

Tony Fellows: okay. Yeah. Ho honestly, it's a relaxing, I guess it's oh yeah,

Nate Rozeveld: super relaxing, meet, meet fletching arrows or like sharpening broadheads.

It's like some of that kind of fun, like secondhand fun. Like you're doing it because it's part of the journey. Okay. Yeah,

Tony Fellows: exactly. Like when you nerd out on all your bow hunting stuff and everything like that, it's the same way with time flies very similar actually. 'cause you're talking about putting your own fletching on, yep. Feathers. Hello? That goes on a fly. Yeah, there you go. But yeah, it's, and that's actually one of the reasons why I'm trying to get back into hunting now because it's like you got a pheasant and a Turkey behind you and a part yeah. Partridge.

Nate Rozeveld: Yeah. Prairie chicken I think. Yeah. I don't know what the correct term, but North Dakota bird.

Yes. Yeah,

Tony Fellows: there you go. All three of those birds, I can tie flies with those. Re Oh.

Nate Rozeveld: Yep. So you can use all that.

Tony Fellows: Nice. Yep. Yeah. So geese, can you do anything with geese? Yep. Geese, byot. I don't know where the hell that feather comes from, but they got 'em. They're on, so yeah, I'll [00:46:00] figure it out. Oh, okay. And then whitetail, their tails, literally you can tie tons of flies with their tails and then their bellies.

Nate Rozeveld: Elk. Yep. Squirrel tails. Squirrel tail. Because I remember I saved up a bunch of those when I was a little kid for meps or whatever. Yep. They still

Tony Fellows: do that, dude. Oh really? Yes. When you buy one of their spinners on the back of the box it says mail your tail.

Nate Rozeveld: Really? Yeah, dude, I had a pile of those.

Yeah. When I was a kid. 'cause I lived in a cul-de-sac. So I think there was only like six houses maybe, and pine trees and all this stuff. We had tons of squirrels and everyone had a bird feeder. So they're like, Nate, we need you to eradicate all rabbits and all squirrels. So I was just laying them down.

Oh yeah. My pump BB gun, and I had a pile of those and I. Did you get paid for? No. You didn't get paid, but you got lures, right? Yeah.

Tony Fellows: Is that, I don't know how they did a bad talking 20 ago. I know they did ago. Did some contests. I know they did some contests back in the day. Okay. Where if you sent it, like if you were the highest whatever, they would send you some stuff.

I didn't read too closely 'cause I'm like, no, I'm gonna use these

Nate Rozeveld: myself now. Yeah. Do it [00:47:00] yourself. See you're like, I'm like, heck yeah. I don't want it. Those Yeah. I think I got, man, I sent a bag of o of them in and I feel like I got a couple lure, like I got some meps, like nothing crazy. I remember thinking, I was like, man, all those tails I could've made probably like thousands of 'em.

What I just got, exactly. Exactly. So it was still fun. I didn't know they still did that. That's cool. Yep. Still do that. Nice. I'll know. I'm gonna just give 'em to you now.

Tony Fellows: Oh, there you go. I'll take them. Can take them. Yeah, I'll take them. But even rabbit man. You can use Rabbit for.

I've used my beard. Don't, it don't matter. That's so

Nate Rozeveld: cool. Yeah. And so what is the, does Tony have a secret weapon of your own handmade fry?

Tony Fellows: No. No. So there's, they're calling recipes or patterns or receipts, whatever you want call it. But there's already so many of 'em out there that coming up with your own pattern is good luck. 'cause you're gonna one day like, oh look, post on Instagram. I just made this pattern and I caught

Nate Rozeveld: my first steelhead with it. Yeah. Or whatever. And then

Tony Fellows: everyone's gonna be like, no, [00:48:00] it's this pattern. You just changed colors. Good job. Yeah. Ding. Done. It's oh man. Yeah. Gotcha. No, I don't like, every once in a while when I get tired of tying the same patterns over and over again, I'll oh, okay, let's get artsy here and start going through my box and oh, I haven't used any of these feathers, or I haven't used this for yet, so why don't we give it a shot, and then, All the synthetics and stuff out there for time flies now too.

Yeah. So yeah, every once in a while I get

Nate Rozeveld: creative. That's a good, but that's a good thing to do, like to we live in, like you talked about how busy work is for you. Like I know. Like you're, what you do for a job, like that's a lot going on. Like you could just grind it out. Like it's just you're going all day.

Every day. Like you said, your summer's kind of slipping away from you. Doing something like that is like a really good grounding thing for me. Yeah, coming down here, even if it's later at night, like just to lay my stuff out or maybe grab a gun and clean it or, pull up, like you talk about pulling up, mapping to look at the rivers.

I like to do that with hunting properties. It's just like a really good spot to get, like you. [00:49:00] Like today's world, it's so hard to just get in this mental fog, with the Groundhog Day maybe not necessarily that to the extent, but it's okay, what I'm, let's reground myself.

What makes you know what's happy? What's the kind of thing we can do? And that's why I like, I. Doing all the hunting stuff because it's easy for me to do that. It's easy to me to you know what, I don't need to do this right now because I need to just like, let's just me, Henry and Ashley, let's just, we're just gonna go for a drive.

We'll go look for some bucks. Yeah. Let's go do something like that. Or we're just gonna hop in the truck and we're gonna go see if we can shoot a squirrel, or we're gonna go goose hunt, like goose hunting's coming up. I'm not a big goose hunter, but I'm pumped to do it. Me and him are gonna be like talking about it.

We're like, all right, let's get all prep. Try to find the fields. Like you're just doing all those things just to kinda bring enjoyment to your life. And that's not, I don't need that with a form of a pill or a form of a needle or anything like that. Or cell phones, cell.

Exactly. Yeah. Yes. The cell phones, that's a, to tune out, it's easy to do that one. Yeah. So doing these kind of things is really good and like it sounds The fly thing. Like you talk about that. I was like, I can relate.

Tony Fellows: Oh [00:50:00] yeah. There's things I do for that. Yeah. So like I drive truck for a living, you know that.

People listening don't. But I drive trucks. So by the time I get done after 10, 12 hour day doing that, my brain is just zapped. It's fried. So I get home and versus just shutting my brain off and staring at a screen for hours. I try to like, don't get me wrong, I still watch TV or play on my phone, but I'll whip out the vice and I'll start, okay, let's tie some flies.

'cause I can shut my brain down and do that. 'cause there's a ton of easy flies out there. If anyone wants to start tying flies, Jake. Rubber leg. It is so dumb. Easy to tie. Five minutes done. Nice. Five minutes done boom. And it's, they're pretty cheap to tie to. Nice. But

Nate Rozeveld: yeah, so there's, yeah.

There. That's another cool thing. Like you can take this fishing thing as far as you want. Yep. You don't have to have the crazy thousands of dollars worth of equipment to go out and have a great time. Oh yeah, exactly.

Tony Fellows: Like that first fly ride I bought, it was a combo. So it came with a reel in a case in fly line, and it was [00:51:00] 150 bucks on Amazon.

Sick. Yeah. It's yes. Yeah. And I, I caught so many freaking fish with that and, it wasn't an Orvis I throw a little shade at them because, they're the top tier expensive stuff. And I get, 'cause you're paying for their knowledge, they've been around forever, whatever. That's

Nate Rozeveld: something you can build towards though too. Like I feel like if you have to, like I have some high-end gear, but I've worked my way up to that high end gear over. Yeah. All these years. If someone comes down here and they're like, Hey, what do you use for. A bow or what kind of a deer rifle do you have?

Or what kind of a, what do you Kyle Hunt with? And I would go show 'em what I got. And they're like, oh, that's really cool. Yeah, it is really cool. How much is it? It's I don't really wanna tell you, because it's like like, why did I do that? But that was like years of that, that's not the first gun I took out. Like I used to Kyle Hunt with a Ruger 10 22 back in the day. Yep. Or this, like you talked about like a pumped shotgun. Tyler's got this pumped shotgun. He's been rocking since he was a little kid. Yep. Because that's just what he loves and does that So you can do these things.


Tony Fellows: Muscle memory, [00:52:00] rock it back twice as fast as you can.

Nate Rozeveld: You can wit you're a testament to that. Isn't that amazing how he does that? It's, it is. Oh gosh. It's so great to watch. And I told you too, I was like, alright, we were out there and I, you could see where the dogs were, hear the dogs. And Tyler was over by 'em.

Okay, like one's gonna probably run by him. You need to watch because he will just hammer. And he was a good distance away. And we saw him shoot and I was like, And it was one of those things where it was like two shots, but they were so close together. We're so far away. I was like, I think I, he shot twice.

And you're like, I'd think so too, but I'm not sure. Yeah.

Tony Fellows: And you'd warned me, you're like, he's gonna shoot twice. Watch. Yeah. And he did. And it was so close together that it was one thing of smoke going in the field. Yes. Because it was so

Nate Rozeveld: fast. This, and I'm like, oh, he got the rabbit. I guess he shot Tyler.

Yep. He did it. Yep. But yeah, that's the thing. That's why if anyone can get anything from all these podcasts, like talking about different things, is that you can get into the outdoors and there's so many different [00:53:00] avenues you started as a young kid doing that. Like you said, two poles, like a weight and a night crawler.

Yep. And you had a great, you have memories that you are gonna take with you the rest of your life they get to do. And that built that foundation for you to like, Enjoyment in doing that. Yeah, I have, I got brought out to the woods in a sleeping bag as a kid, like that kind of a thing.

I didn't have a cushy, super expensive deer blind and all this crazy stuff. Like it was just, Hey, let's get out here and do this, as you can take it as far as you want, that kind of thing. Yeah. And the river thing, I never really thought about the river just being a very easy Outlet to go fishing.

Like to me it was always lakes, but like you said to get across that lake to go fish over there, you gotta have a nice boat or access to a boat or whatever that may be. I just was fortunate enough to live there and be neighborly friends and just, Hey, can I fish there? Yeah, you live right there. Go for it.

I have all these docks. Yeah. But I never even grasped that concept that lake fishing has different limitations opposed to the river fishing, so Oh yeah, that's

Tony Fellows: that's cool. That, and [00:54:00] another huge side to the river fishing is rivers hold every type of fish there is lakes. They either are planted fish or fish that have been there forever and you're pretty limited on what you're gonna catch outta there because even in the rogue river there, like on the top side of the dam when we, when I lived down in Rockford, I'd go there with a bait caster and I would catch pike all day right there.

Nate Rozeveld: Nuts to me that, that's nuts, right? Yeah. And I've heard that before. There's pike in there. Yeah.

Tony Fellows: Crazy. My my brother-in-law caught a 14 inch perch out of there and I got the picture to prove it. That's because no one believes

Nate Rozeveld: me every time I tell him that. Yeah. 'cause like Grand River, I was a surgeon.

There's dinosaurs in the Grand River, like things like that. What a cool opportunity. Yeah. And so those are amazing fish too. Yeah. And did you hear about my boat? Ever talk about my bow fishing? Experience. So I went bow fishing one time. I have a really nice bow fishing bow right there.

Oh yeah. I've used it once. Used it. But we went, dude, I'm in the same boat, old quick. We got old. We were like, oh, this is a great idea. We did it one time. We're just exhausted. I shot a few [00:55:00] fish that night. It was cool. But yeah, we went to a channel and we're like all, he's I think this will be flooded.

And we'll, it's summertime, there should be some, we're going for car or whatever. And we went all up in there, didn't see anything. And as we were coming out into the Grand River, there was a fish. Now I'm in the front of the boat and I was like, like it freaked me out. I was like, this fish was giant.

And I was like, he's like, why'd you shoot it? I was like, it was so big. I didn't want to. And I had no idea what it was like. I was Oh, it's a good thing you did. And you'd be in jail. Exactly. So be wary of what you shoot at. But a year later, we're talking to a guy who was like really serious about boat fishing.

And I was like, yeah, we went here, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, dude, I saw the biggest carp I think I've ever seen. He's like, where were you? And I was like, dude. He's dude, there's sturgeon up and down that area. Yeah. I was like, that's what it was. 'cause then it clicked. Yeah, it was really long.

Like I'm talking like over six feet. Oh yeah. Like giant and the back was weird 'cause carp have that color and it was like, it didn't look right to me. Big scales. Yep. And I was a sturgeon, so like that [00:56:00] was, yeah. That was my bow fishing experience for that nice bow sitting there. But yeah, that was, that's cool.

That's the fun thing about that. But you, I wanna roll into, you talked about wanting to get a little more into hunting. Yep. Obviously you did the rabbit hunting this winter 'cause the ice fishing wasn't as great. Yeah. So you did that and that's something you really like. And then you've, you're dabbling into the bo or bow hunting right.

Kind of what you wanna

Tony Fellows: do. Yep. So last fall I told my buddy Cody, who's, he's all into the bow hunting and white tail is supreme. And so I started talking to him and. A few years prior to that, I took out a recurve, a really nice traditional take down recurve. And I smoked a dough, and of course it sh shot right into the swamp.

And I spent six hours trying to find it, and I couldn't find it. And I know it died out there. And I'm like, sh, man. Yeah. So I was like, okay, I'm not doing that again.

Nate Rozeveld: What a great way to start that. Yeah,

Tony Fellows: exactly. So I'm like, all right, I just need to, nut up, buy nice, setup.

[00:57:00] Yeah. A nice setup. And so I started talking to him, seeing oh, what do you use? What do you use da. And I've had shoulder surgery before, and my big thing with the compound bows is if for whatever reason, you're not gonna sling that arrow and you gotta bring it back down. The cams are got such a low bottom that it slams down.

Yep. And it's gonna dislocate that shoulder immediately. I know. 'cause I've done it. And that's why I was going with Recurve. 'cause it's a constant

Nate Rozeveld: smooth and it's smooth. Yeah. It build slowly. I have a torn lab in my right shoulder, so Yeah, that's same thing. Yeah. So like they're, I know exactly what you're talking about.

That's definitely a difficult thing

Tony Fellows: to deal with. Yeah. Talking with him and he's oh, the cam shape this, that, the other, and we narrowed it down to A P S E that'll be my boat brand forever, ever. Just because of what they do with the veteran community and stuff like that. Yep. I was like, that's what I want to go with.

And he is okay. So we started going through everything and we saw that the D n A has a nice subtle, lobe on it. Nice. And he's I think my buddy has one. [00:58:00] And I'm like, that doesn't mean he is gonna sell it. He's no, all he does is buy bows. I'm like, okay, maybe. Yep. So he went and talked to him and the guy hemmed and hawed and himmed and hawed and it's like getting closer and closer to, opening day.

And finally two weeks before opening day, he is oh yeah, I'll sell it 400 bucks. Nice. Everything on it goes, which I was thankful for. 'cause I was like, sweet. That's less research I gotta do. And less money. Yep. So I get it and I start slinging arrows out of it and I'm like, oh, I am rusty.

So I was like, I'm not going out this year. That's what you Ashley and I have in common with this thing. Yeah. Where I'm like, no, I need to be on it, at least two months beforehand and start slinging some

Nate Rozeveld: arrows. Confidence is key, especially when you had that, recurve experience.

Like that can be crippling, like that. Oh yeah. It's not easy. Like people like, oh, you killed deer. It's hard to explain to the responsibility. You feel that personal responsibility to do that. And then I've wounded deer, not found 'em. So I, the first three deer, I think I shot two or three deer with a bow when I was a kid before I killed my personal bow.

And it almo like I was gonna be a hunter. [00:59:00] Like I am a hunter, I'm gonna kill deer. That's my family. Yep. I'm doing this. But that was tough for me still to yeah. Once I finally got that monkey off my back with that, it was hard. So as an adult, I was a kid dealing with that you're adult more, you're more mature.

All this stuff. A lot of stuff going on

Tony Fellows: and I don't know, for me it's, as soon as you squeeze that trigger, as soon as land that fish in the net or release your bow, that's when responsibility kicks in. Because you just decided that you're responsible enough to take that life.

Yep. Even with if you're just going out to catch fish and release 'em, as soon as that fish hits that net, especially with trout, you just as, you just took that responsibility with their life. Yes. And no one wants to make them suffer at all. At least responsible people.

I was

Nate Rozeveld: just gonna say the people who care, the people that I want be affiliated with. Exactly.

Tony Fellows: That kind of thing. Exactly. So and I get fishing is weird because some people, like with the carp thing, people don't really eat 'em. You can. Sure. But, and I'm even [01:00:00] guilty of this where, I'll go out bow fishing, get a bucket full of carp and just go

Nate Rozeveld: dump it in a garden.

Yeah. Fields. Yeah. That's what we told that're better for compost. You're right. That's an education thing. We, there's a point in lying when like you're educated to an extent. That's how I was brought, I was brought up thinking that with car, that's what everyone did. Or you brought it to a local guy that you knew that liked it and you're like, yeah, take 'em all.

Or a lot of 'em went gardens. They work great to grow vegetables. Okay. That's what we put all that nitrogen right into that kind. That's what we thought. No. Now as we've educated ourselves more, you, there's other, avenues

Tony Fellows: And I'm gonna stop you with the, educate yourself more on this. 'cause if you just rewind and go back in history, Carp were actually the fish that like the kings and queens ate No way.

A hundred percent. I'm not even joking.

Nate Rozeveld: So that's the thing how much of this do we, like that's the thing, what kind of rabbit hole do you go down?

Tony Fellows: Wow. So yeah, just delicacy. Yeah, exactly. That's what it was considered back in the day. It was a delicacy. Wow. So it's okay, our cooking methods must have changed to the point where we don't remember how to cook that properly.

Yep. But I don't know. [01:01:00] So

Nate Rozeveld: anyways, I feel like you, once you get to the point where you're confident with a bow, just hearing how you talk about fishing, I think the transition to like the woods, the stewardship. If you already kinda look at a river and break down a river how you do and be well versed, I think breaking on properties to figure out how deer move is gonna probably come pretty easy for you.

Yeah. I think, and I think you're gonna enjoy that. I think that's why you probably, you can probably tell already. Yeah, I

Tony Fellows: know I'm going to. Because You asked me to be on this a while ago, and I'm like busy life, blah, blah. So I started listening to, Michigan Wild Podcasts, and that's where I've been getting all my whitetail information from so far.

So if I don't shoot a big buck this year, it's your fault.

Nate Rozeveld: Oh, I gotta do better, is what you're saying. Yeah. You, I don't wanna be that guy that's net and that steelhead bad, I'll always try to give you as much experience as I can, but Yeah. No,

Tony Fellows: but that goes back to the beginning where I said, you gotta put your time in, man.


Nate Rozeveld: You, that's another thing. You know that, so you're going into understand this is a journey. Like with aj, talking about him. It was a journey for him. Yep. And I like to think that I know a lot about white whitetails because I've been [01:02:00] just doing it for so long, but I was like right there with him every step of the way and.

I go I didn't shoot a buckle lab with anything last year. So it's one of those things where it's a lot of effort, but like I know if I'm successful this year, it's because of what I did last year Exactly. And what I do this summer. So having that mindset, like you're talking about like you just went and spent some time today looking at a river, if it's worth spending time in and you're like, Nope.

Doesn't check the box where I like, but you could see that river and you just knew because you've been to a lot of different rivers. Yep. You've seen these other areas. Same thing goes for me with like how a lot of these, me and other, I feel like successful people and the, hunting aspect.

They have a, like an innate ability to get the presence and feel it. Yeah. They're like, yep, they're good. I've been to, with my dad, like we've been outta state a lot hunting that guy will, we need him, will be walking through the woods. And we won't say much. And then we get back to the truck and we're like, both boom on the same page because that guy's been there, done that, yeah. He's seen deer. He do, knows how to do those things. So it's [01:03:00] a cool thing. You're gonna love it. If you, oh

Tony Fellows: I already know man. I already know. It's already got that nerdy element that I'm really into with it. Yep. And then also, meat in the freezer. Yes. Maybe some nice antlers on the wall.


Nate Rozeveld: Good memories. Yeah. Good memories.

Tony Fellows: Yeah, exactly. Yep. That's cool. Yeah. Shoot. I'm gonna have my

Nate Rozeveld: hands full. I got you Tyler. All my buddies are getting into it, screw Tyler, dude. Last year he is yeah, I think I'm

Tony Fellows: gonna go whitetail hunting for the first time. And he always taught crap white about those whitetail hunters.

He did, because he's a small game hunter. Yep. And yeah, he smokes a beautiful buck first thing in the morning, first thing, and then he is yeah, I think I'll go in the afternoon too. And then smokes a massive dough. Yeah. I'm like, get outta

Nate Rozeveld: here, dude. Not a little dough, nothing. It's dude, what a deer like a trophy.

The dough was a trophy even. Yeah. And

Tony Fellows: then he has the audacity. Yeah. I didn't have to buy any meat this winter because all the rabbits and the two deer, I'm like, dude, you could have not shot any rabbits and been fine. He was, yeah. He's been

Nate Rozeveld: living good off while game. Oh, I know. Knows it.

I know. What a cool thing, what a cool thing. But yeah, I always tell everyone this, I hope [01:04:00] that with this podcast I would like to get people in here and like follow their journey. So now that we have you on here, I really look forward to seeing how the fall goes. Seeing how fishing goes.

Sounds like I'm pretty much committed to going on a river with you and Ashley. Oh. At some point this year. Yep. Yep. So looking forward to that and a journey. And yeah, if anyone else has any questions, I guess for this, feel free to reach out. You have Instagram, what's your Instagram? Yep. So

Tony Fellows: my Instagram, actually, let me double

Nate Rozeveld: check this real quick.

That's probably the best way to shoot a message for you. Oh

Tony Fellows: yeah. So hitting me up on Instagram is gonna be the best way. I don't have the notifications turned on just 'cause I don't wanna spend so much time on it. Yeah, you can be patient but I get, I try to get on there once a day 'cause I do have a lot of people that hit me up.

But my handle is bearded brown bear. You can tell because it's a big bearded guy

Nate Rozeveld: holding a big salmon. Yep. That's you. Yep. So yeah. Anyone that's got any kind of like pointers, like you're, you've always been someone that's like sitting down doing this podcast, it feels like we've done this before.

Because me And you've had a lot of conversations in the [01:05:00] past Yeah. In the last little bit. You're a guy that you can sit down, you're very approachable and you're willing to help. Oh, yeah. Which is awesome. So anyone who's got that, wanna tie a fly or whatever, do that. Yeah. Reach out. Oh, so Oh yeah.

Yeah. '

Tony Fellows: cause even if I don't have an answer for you, I'll get the answer for you. Nice. And if you have tips for me, bring it on. 'cause I love getting new information from people. If you

Nate Rozeveld: think you can get him his first steelhead or reach out.

Tony Fellows: Dude I'm gonna say one more thing about that steelhead thing, so I've taken a handful of people out and they go, oh, I want to catch a steelhead. They, and they have limited fish like Matt. Okay. Very limited fishing experience except for walleye. He's a walleye guy. And he is I wanna hit the river and, catch the steelhead because we used to skip school and all that.

I'm like, okay dude. Dude, first time out hooked one landed it. Oh my gosh. Yeah. And I'm like, it's not, it's literally not me. I just taught this guy everything I know. And he landed one. Yeah. And he did it. Yeah. And I've done it to a couple other people too. First day out, first time ever limited fishing and [01:06:00] wham landed it.

I think it's my netting skills that really,

Nate Rozeveld: sets it in that're. So I was just gonna say, it's 'cause you're the guy running the net. So Tyler we duck hunt. So like I try to get mounted like my first of everything. So like most stuff in here is first, like my first blue wing teal, my first, Hungarian partridge, first pheasant, like all that stuff.

My first mallard I got I have not shot a male wood duck. Okay. Oh yeah. And I have shot quite a few wood ducks and they're always females. Yep. So Tyler was like, let's go. We're doing this. He got access to this little lake. And we're in this, like me and Tyler are both big dudes, like over six foot tall.

Oh yeah. We're both like, he's two 30. I'm like two 40. Two 50. And we're in this tiny little boat with shotguns and stuff. And I, we were tucked up against the side and I was like, okay, this is your spot. He hasn't shot very many ducks. I've shot a handful of them. So I'm like totally invested to being the call guy.

So I was like, we could hear them coming. I was like, oh, these are wood ducks. And they come and they break over and I was like, oh my gosh, there's a male wood duck. And I'm like, I'm gonna let Tyler [01:07:00] shoot first. I said I would. So Tyler pulls up, I'm staring at this male wood duck. Of course that's the one he just dust, yeah. So then I'm like, oh my gosh. And then I like, Swing over and I just shot the next one. Female again. Yep. And it's like he got it mounted. It is beautiful. Oh, I'm so happy he got mounted. It looks, I know, I remember him talking about that. I was like, dude, you have to that's your first one.

I was like, I've been trying to shoot one of those things for years. Yeah. Like we don't, I don't go every year, but I've been duck hunting quite a few times. And I was like every time I see a picture of it or see that, I'm like, you know what? That was my wood duck. It's, I look at it.

Yeah. That had Nate's

Tony Fellows: name all over it.

Nate Rozeveld: He, Tyler. He was a good guy. Tyler. Tyler. You never would've got that. It wasn't for my immense calling. I'm just kidding. We know that's not true. But, no, that's cool. See, that's what, that's comaraderie. This is fun. Hanging out with buddies doing that.

Man, I love it. It's just great. Oh yeah. But yeah. Thank you for coming on doing this. Yeah, not a problem, dude. Not What else do you do on a Tuesday night?

Tony Fellows: Yeah, you know nothing. Literally Ty flies. Yeah. You can, time wise

Nate Rozeveld: go stare at a river. Yep. Hey, you're gonna, I'm, you're gonna have to let me know when you get some, success on some of [01:08:00] those spots.

I would like to know a little more maybe be like, Hey, this worked today. That's gonna be a thing. I wanna be like, like you reach out to me about, hunting or we can break a property down. Like maybe that's gonna be the, maybe I can break a river down with you or something sometime.

The hard part is though, you guys like to fish rivers and I like to be in a tree.

Tony Fellows: Yeah. I know. That's part. So we're to find that, like after I told you like, yo, I'm taking you naturally fishing for salmon. And I was like, thinking to myself, I'm like that's bad timing. Yep. Worth it.

Yeah. But like right now, salmon and are starting to run up north and it slowly trickles down. South so

Nate Rozeveld: they, so I'll shoot my buck early, get one buck down early, no big deal. Yeah, no big deal. Week in October. Yep. Do that five minutes after first like cacao. Yep. And then we'll then we'll go out to hit some rivers.

So yeah, we'll plan it out. But no, yeah. Thanks guys for listening and hope you guys have a great week. Appreciate it. Bye.[01:09:00]