Season "A" Turkey Hunting Success!

Show Notes

The first week of turkey season has come and gone and holy smokes was it an eventful one! Birds were missed, birds were later shot, but most importantly, a good time was had by all! This week is all about turkey hunting success stories and lessons learned, reminders earned, and key takeaways for everyone to take with them into the woods in the coming weeks.

After whiffing on a bird opening day, Pierce sought redemption a couple days later and was able to connect with a gorgeous tom out at a family friend's property to punch his Season A tag. Then, he joined his good friend Chance for an early morning hunt on a property that is filled to the brim with turkeys! That hunt was short, sweet and action packed and resulted in Chance filling his tag and harvesting his second turkey ever. It's a fun episode filled with laughs and even a few tips for folks listening to take with them into the woods. Enjoy the episode and good luck out there in the coming weeks!

Show Transcript