Show Notes
On this episode of Michigan Wild, Nate is joined by Josh Zuiderveen for a good BS session. Fatherhood, steelhead fishing and a local archery club (WMAC) are the main talking points throughout the episode. Raising 2 boys throughout a hectic sports schedule and still getting them involved in the outdoors can be a challenge, but Josh and Nate navigate through the chaos and talk about a mindset fathers should have with their children. Nate did pick Josh's brain about some of the intricacies of steelhead fishing and learned one of Josh's goals for the spring was to get his son his first steelhead.
Josh was also involved in getting WMAC up and running over a decade ago and is still involved with the club. WMAC is a club that Nate has enjoyed over the years and encourages all archers new or old to check it out. Check out West Michigan Archery Center to learn more or become a member!
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