Strategies for Achieving More Success w/ Chris Weist

Show Notes

Hey everyone, welcome to episode 194 of the Antler Up Podcast!

On this week's episode I was joined by PA native and good friend of mine, Chris Weist!  Over the last couple of years Chris has really dialed in his hunting strategies that has led to more encounters and more success.  Chris for example was successful last year killing 4 bucks in 3 different states all with different tactics! As hunters, we try our best to put in the work to scout and make up the best gameplan we can to find success.  Well, sit back and enjoy this episode as Chris shares tactics, stories and scenarios that will help you this season!

We begin this episode by hearing Chris share the importance of post season scouting that helps guide his decisions for the upcoming season.  He uses his time scouting to get an understanding of the woods and how the deer in that area specifically use the terrain.  Chris keeps tabs on the data he collects during the post season and during the season, especially when it comes to trail cameras.  This allows him to map out where and when to hunt.  We discuss the critical component of access and plans for hunting specific spots this fall.  You will hear a ton of information when it comes to scrapes! Strategies, stories and scenarios will be shared that I hope a lot of you will be able to relate to and be able to implement this upcoming month! Enjoy this fun episode and see you next week! 

Thanks again for all the support and best of luck out there and Antler Up!

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Show Transcript

Jeremy Dinsmore: [00:00:00] Welcome to the antler up podcast brought to you by tethered the world's best saddle hunting equipment, and we have a fun show for you all today.

What's up everybody. Welcome to this week's episode of the antler up podcast. We're on episode one 94. And on this week's episode, I was joined by PA native and good friend of mine, Chris Wiest. Over the last couple of years, Chris has really dialed in his hunting strategies that has led to more encounters and more success.

Chris, for example, was successful last year, killing four bucks in three different States, all with different strategies and tactics. As hunters, we try our best to put in the work to scout and make up the best game plan we can to find success. Sit back, enjoy this episode as Chris shares tactics, [00:01:00] stories, and scenarios that will help you in these upcoming weeks.

We begin this episode by hearing Chris share the importance of post season scouting that helps guide his decisions for the upcoming season. He uses his time scouting to get an understanding of the woods and how deer in that area specifically use that terrain. Chris keeps tabs on the data he collects during the post season as well as during the season, especially when it comes to using trail cameras.

This allows him to map out where and when to hunt. We discussed a critical component of access and plans for really hunting specific spots there in specific times. This, you'll hear a ton of information when it comes to scrapes, strategies, stories, and scenarios with that. And listen, now's the time to get ready for it because it's coming up.

So hopefully you'll be able to relate and implement these tactics this upcoming month. Enjoy this fun episode. We'll see you next week. Antler up.[00:02:00]

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You have deer prediction, journaling, and the best maps on any hunting app platform there is. Use code antler up to save 20 percent off your Spartan Forge membership at Spartan Forge. What's up everybody. Welcome back to this week's episode. I'm joined by a good buddy of mine. Had him on the podcast this past summer.

We got Chris Wiest. Chris, welcome back to the show. Hey man, glad to be here. Oh man, I'm

Chris Weist: Trying to kiss a deer over over talk.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I know. Dude, I'll tell you what. It was awesome, number one, having you on, getting it getting a chance to listen to you, listen to some of the tactics that you're, that you are implying and applying to your strategies and everything like that, but also get to know you a little bit more as a person.

And the one aspect of this that is really enjoyable for me is getting a chance to really know people more so on a personal level, not just for an [00:04:00] hour and a half of doing the podcast thing. And I love that you and I have a ton of things in common. Even outside of the hunting thing. And so we stayed in touch.

And I, I know the other day you shared some really cool photos of some really great bucks with me. And I, man, I was like, dang dude, good for you. Like you just, you put it into work and if nothing else fails, man, you're just continuously growing as a hunter, as a woodsman. And if. Man, good things are on the horizon for you and I'm pumped to see what this season has in store for you and to pick up where we left off from last conversation.

Chris Weist: Yeah, definitely got some got some good ones on camera. Like I said, such as some pictures there. I think that I'll just. That all comes from the post season work, man.

Jeremy Dinsmore: The post season stuff, for me even, this year, I really saw the impact that really plays. I knew four or five years ago when things took, when I started taking this a lot more serious, if that makes [00:05:00] sense, I would get out here and there and do things because you hear about it and you pick things up along the way with certain hunters and certain friends and individuals and you just want to get better.

And so you're out there learning things. And like I've said too many times, I guess on the podcast, but man, I'll tell you what this past spring without. With having more time free to get out there, and I'm not even talking, and this is, I think, a good thing to share is there. Us as individuals have different lives, right?

You like your schedule. My might allow you to go out every other day after work. It might allow you to go every day after work or before work. whatever it applies, right? For some individuals, it's man, it's only every Saturday that I could go or one day a week during the week and one day over the weekend type of ordeal.

And it's just for a couple hours. But what I've [00:06:00] noticed this past year, and as far as like my confidence goes, as far as what cameras have told me I would even say even going back to last year of putting in a little bit more time during the summer and then, obviously hunting last season and then this past post season really starting early.

I would say in that February timeframe and working my way all the way up until hunting season. It's really paid dividends in learning terrain features, learning about way wind mapping actually works and how to go about doing that. And I just feel like those are little things that you might skip over because.

Quote unquote speed scouting, right? You're looking for a sign instead of really diving into breaking a piece down instead of just marking random. Way points on whatever platform you're using. So I think for me, man, this year I'm really excited about because. I feel a little bit more confident.

So even if I don't shoot a deer or it's taking me, it takes me a while. I feel more confident going into the [00:07:00] rut to be able to locate and put myself in the game rather than just throwing a dart at the board and figuring out hopefully this works today. You know what I'm saying? And. Like you said, going from what you've already have on camera and developing this game plan, and that's what we'll really dive into is how using all this information and the things that where you've put yourself postseason summer that will allow you to make these good possible Data slash, into field boots on the ground decisions to hunt, I think it's important that no matter what you could do to get out there, just get out there.

If it's that three hours a week, go for it. I think no matter what, it will help you because going back to when I did not do it as much, man, I felt lost and, and you could really see how much it really does help.

Chris Weist: Yeah, definitely. And then I think now, especially you guys coming up when you're young and you're twenties and you're high teens.

Now is the time to take in all this information you can get off the internet now, really [00:08:00] build up that resume, put all the boots on the ground that you can get all these spots fine to figure out what these deer are doing, how they're using terrain. And then later in the 30s, early 40s, if you have kids, important things going on, you have all that data, all that stuff written down, that notebook, a playbook, if you want to call it, and you don't have to do as much as that scouting, you already have that resume, you can say, hey, I don't have as much time this year.

I have all this data in this book and you can go right back to that and be a lot more efficient later in life, too.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Dude, total like out non hunting. But even as a teacher, I love the fact that whatever platform we use for teaching, Things archive so I could look back if I'm doing whatever lesson or whatever activity or map out my next couple weeks if I'm planning, I could go back to that archive class and look at it and be like, Oh yeah, that's the one activity I [00:09:00] was thinking about in my head and go back to it.

It's there. So it's that same principle. Principles are applied to that hunting thing, right? You've gone through those things you've scouted. Like you said, you're writing things down. You could go back to it. So to have it. I think really does play a role in your success and being able to, grow and develop because it's heck you could look at and be like, okay, I was here X amount of times.

It wasn't good there. Okay. Don't go back to that spot. At that certain time now you know how to read certain things and figure things out a little bit better.

Chris Weist: Yeah. And especially nowadays I know that everybody is only up and up with their technology and they have Excel spreadsheets and.

And your Google drive and all that, but I'm telling you, write it down, get it, you'll never lose that. You always have that shit. Technology is such a fluke, in, in the grand scheme of things, because you never know what all that stuff could be taken from you or you lose it and it's gone forever.

So write these things down. Yeah,

Jeremy Dinsmore: I agree. I love writing things [00:10:00] down. And for me, the way my brain works, writing it down also is and it's taken that extra step of not only just leaving in my brain, I'm also now writing it. So I'm saying it and it's just another learning aspect where it helps me just because the way I learn and everything like that.

So all right, Chris, so seasons upon us last time we really broke down what you were doing in July, August, and like what you would be really gearing up for as far as September goes. And we're here. How are things mapping out for you right

Chris Weist: now? Right now really good. I got a really good inventory of bucks to chase all the way across the board and Looking into the season, I'm gonna go down to Maryland this weekend one more time And I got I got one spot that I want to just touch up on.

It's a morning sit like we could get on a gravel hole. That's the reason why i'm going to that specific spot but right now I have a four four cameras out in Maryland, and I have one SD card camera where I [00:11:00] know they're feeding at. I have a cell camera where they're entering that feeding area, and I have a cell camera where they're going back to bed, and right now, they're just, it's showing up on par every, almost every single day.

And basically, I just, I'm just going down to touch up on a secondary morning spot, which it's a spot where I'm not going to go in and bust deer, but if I'm running low on time in a morning set, it's a spot that's a little bit closer to the road, but I still have that chance to catch one of those bucks there because I know historically that they use that area.

So that up. So I have that because I want to be able to spend my, I would say my high priority time. Yeah. And that high priority spot on a weekend or a day that I have extra amount of time to be there and not rush it and blow the spot


Jeremy Dinsmore: So early season, and we might've touched upon it last time, the way the terrain and just the foliage is, it really could play a part in [00:12:00] where you're hunting because of thermals and just the way the wind is carrying, not carrying because of what is on the trees compared to other locations.

And with your experience of hunting Maryland. You know what, like you were just saying, you could go down a rabbit hole of that spot and everything like that. You said a keyword that I know a lot of people shy away from, and that is hunting the morning. What's that reasoning behind that?

Chris Weist: If I have time to hunt, I'm probably going to be in the woods. I think I know a couple other guys like this. I think if you have one big thing is it's just a public ground. Yep. I can't afford. To say, Hey, I'm going to let this spot set for a week and a half before I start hunting it.

If I don't get in there and kill one of these bucks, the chances are small because I know the area, but what if somebody else barges in? So then you just wasted all that energy through the summer scouting it for nothing. Really,

Jeremy Dinsmore: so what what were some of the key things like with this spot that you're really honing in on?

Like you have your [00:13:00] cameras, you said in four different spots and what. What kind of, what made you giddy about this area that, and now obviously knowing what you have on camera whether it is a travel route are you coming up with a game plan to, be in that vicinity, hunt over that area?

And how are those scrapes even early season coming into play for you?

Chris Weist: Okay. This is probably the one spot where I don't see the old many scrapes it's because it's like some big mountain terrain. And a lot of times I don't see that, but sometimes you can find licking branches on those big mountain sides like that.

Just a spot where a lot of deer congregate and they just all stop and hit that same branch. Yup. So a lot of times you can find those. Now I take that back, there is one scrape just a grand scheme of things. So how this sets up is I've said this before on other podcasts, you've got this clear cut on top of the mountain these, it's a West facing slope is the side of the deer bedding one.

So it's working in reverse from what the norm is instead of [00:14:00] a deer coming from the top to the bottom, the feet are coming from the bottom to the top of the feet. And really for me last year when I killed my buck in that area, I just had an idea of where the deer were coming from to a specific tree that was dropping acorns.

I set up on that off wind. So my wind was blowing towards the bedding area, but I hadn't made it to the bedding area yet for my wind to blow to it. I was just off of it, so I was blowing off the side, and that's how I killed that deer. Now this year, I really went in and fine tuned my scouting this summer to figure out where these bucks were coming in going to specifically into the cut.

And one thing that I noticed, one thing I found was the lack of water. On the side of this real steep mountainside, I found like a wallow or a a natural spring that comes out. There's not always water in it, but it's always muddy. The end. Right below that, I found a big scrape. I found that actually last year, like this season, when I was doing some stalking.[00:15:00]

I found this. And I knew 100 percent that I had to come back to this because that was the only water that was, I would say, relevant to that clear cut. I went in, slapped a couple SD cards up in this clear cut. I put a cell camera on an entrance trail in line with that water. And then I went down and I have two cameras set up on this water source.

And let me tell you, man, it's, they're following it to a T there's a little micro point right off to the side of this. And I think that there's a box of bedding right around that little micro point. And they come down in the morning, I get them in the morning, getting out water. I'll get them at five o'clock in the afternoon, getting it again.

And I'll get them at six, get them in the

Jeremy Dinsmore: cut. So that's pretty good. How's that entry? How are you accessing like that spot to really make sure you're not busting anything out?

Chris Weist: So in the evenings I'm going to start obviously in the cut and basically what I'm doing [00:16:00] there is I noticed where some deer had been coming into that clear cut, specifically the first week that I had hunted there last year.

And that lines up right with this cell camera that I have with these bucks are coming into the cut. And all I'm doing is I went in and I glossed the acorns on those reds and whites. And I noticed that there was hardly any whites in that cut. I think the early frost really killed off all the whites and the cherries in general.

Okay. But these reds are looking really heavy. And basically I'm sneaking in on that off wind again. I'm gonna be off to the side and I'm gonna loop in and I'm gonna hunt that very first oak tree. That they make it to when they come in that cut. And on top of that, a key feature of this is this tree isn't on the very top.

So here's the top of your mountain. It's just down there over that military crest. And almost probably 30 yards off of where the timber line starts. So it's going to be that first tree that buck creeps into. But he's still on the back side of the top. So he's [00:17:00] going to that military crest. And as far as the as far as the mornings, there's a log trail system.

That runs just out off the top to that. That's my second bear morning spot. I had an encounter with a buck there last year in the morning. I was just set up completely wrong for it. And, but I seen how the deer entered. So I actually went in there and I have a big mock scrape set up on that log road.

And I don't have a camera on it. I haven't been back to it. I did that in July. And that's where I'm going to go to this weekend. I'm going to pop up an SD card just to let me know what's been coming through. And I'm going to freshen up that scrape. But the tricky thing is in the mornings to get to this water wall is I'm going to have to access from the bottom.

And from a mile off the road. So it's a little bit of a walk to get in. It's probably like a mile and a half or something like that. And it's pretty steep to get up to where the water is, but I'm just going to get up underneath out that dish system try to put myself in a position where, I could shoot the water and I could shoot the old scrape that was there.

And then I'm just gonna let the deer filter back down [00:18:00] off the clear cut to me on that west side with my thermos pulling down. Take

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You have an idea of where you're going and how the deer are maneuvering around. So you probably have a good grasp of, okay, at this point in time, man, the bucks that maybe I have, I've been getting on camera may not be. Here at this location today, or at this point or whatever and you feel confident enough to get down to go maneuver and go scout towards the, for the evening, basically, or you're heading back just to get a quick drink, get the supplies needs.

So then that way at. Whatever time one o'clock you're going to go check some cameras and get ready for the evening hunt. Is there like when what's your feeling like when you're up there in the tree and you're like, okay, now I feel okay to get down.

Chris Weist: I was just looking for a specific time.


Jeremy Dinsmore: Or like what. And it doesn't necessarily need to be a specific time just cause I know some people [00:20:00] are like, yep, nine o'clock I'm down. You hear people. And I just feel like for me, my, my goal going into it for this year is not necessarily to have that timeframe.

Like I, I almost want to just go off of my gut. If it's 1145, if it's 1245, I, for me, I honestly want to spend more time hunting than anything else. Especially for those times. And I know there's going to be a time where, okay, let's move. I, because this isn't the setup for an evening. This is like you said, this will be a good morning set up basically along those lines.

So when you think your morning setup runs, one runs dry, when are you getting down and are you going straight to, to scout or are you going? Towards the, that evening sit location.

Chris Weist: All right. This is going to be depending and I'll try not to talk a circle around this. I had some caffeine this morning.

Sometimes I'll get really fast. No, you're good, man. So what I am going to do versus what I would do [00:21:00] depends on if I know I'm in the game or not. So let's say I had to Maryland. And right now, I know these bucks are here, I know they're in the area, even if I have to shift, it's not going to be much because I know what they're doing because of historical data, so my plan is every morning spot is going to get at least three days, three morning sits, and preferably in a row, and I think it's just because, I get these bucks on camera pretty often, but it's not every single day, and they might just take And an off trail one, one morning, and they don't make it to you, but they're just above you.

You know what I mean? You just have to give it time. The deer there. You spend your time there. Now, if I was walking into a piece that I didn't know a lot about and I was setting up in a morning set, it's gonna depend on the sign that I see. If it's really hot stuff, I'm probably gonna give it two days.

If it's an area I'm familiar with. If it's an area that just looks okay, and I don't see nothing the first morning, [00:22:00] I'm probably getting down at nine o'clock and I'm probably going to start to turn around and try and find something better.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah, I like that answer. All right, man. So early season, we talked a little bit about that.

Your first time and then we're diving into more so of that end of September. What's what's the rest of the month looking like for you as, as far as your hunts lined up PA, I know Ohio I think Ohio is, are they the week prior to statewide for Pennsylvania this year or the same weekend,

Chris Weist: a bunch of guys about this already.

Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia are all on the same day this year. Really? Yup. September the 29th or 30th.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. Yeah. So now, and I know from last time we talked, I know obviously the Ohio's a go, you got camp out there, PA's a go you're home state, West Virginia, you gain access to that piece.

How was that? How did that work out for you? Cause I know. When we, the last time we chatted on the podcast with that, it was, you're like I'm not a hundred percent sure I'll be hunting it [00:23:00] this year. I have to go check it out. I know you said it turned out looking good. Is that in the cards this year or is it I'm going to scout it.

I'm going to learn it. And then maybe next year what's your game plan for that?

Chris Weist: Yeah, so I definitely Pennsylvania and Ohio are like my top priority list, and I definitely want to make it to West Virginia and I would say we will. But I think. Year one most likely we'll probably go down in like a gun setting where we could have an opportunity at a bear or a deer.

And then that'll give me opportunity to do some sneaking and just get to learn a lot more about the property that way.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. I like that.

Chris Weist: It was really steep and it was actually so steep that a lot of the really good setups is just on those micro benches and then like where the points wrap around or.

You get two features that meet each other. And old two tracks, the old log roads, when you get five or six of those that meet at one spot, those seem, that seems to be the ticket in that setting. [00:24:00] Nice.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Nice. Alright, first, first first weekend of, or the last weekend of September, we're getting into October then for PA.

And I know you just said PA and Ohio are your one and twos. What's your game plan, man, this year? What's what what are you using from your, all your scouting to the game plan? And what are you coming up with?

Chris Weist: Yeah. Obviously, I'm a big, great fan.

And as of right now that's pretty much set in stone going to be the tactic. I think I might set out on the Ohio opener this year. I got some pretty good stuff happening for me here in Pennsylvania I'm excited about. And I got a week off in October that I'll probably head down to Ohio and hunt some scrapes.

I'm probably going to hunt from like the 14th until the 22nd. So that'll give me a good chunk to to get some hunting in Ohio. As far as right now, dude, like this weekend, I have some cameras here in PA that are really high end, important [00:25:00] cameras to me. They've been soaking since June. They're on two specific scrapes that are I just know that those are the ones and I knew I needed to leave alone I'm probably gonna tiptoe in this weekend Not sure exactly how I'm gonna do it yet I'm funny about it because I know it's where I need to be but I also need to know which one this year's Using or frequenting so I know which one's the better of the two or where I need to spend my time But I'm thinking I'm probably I've never done this before I'm probably going to wash my clothes, even though when I'm hunting, I'm not super worried about my scent because I'm going to be set up in a way to where a deer shouldn't be able to crack me.

I'm probably going to wear some fresh clothes. I'm probably going to hike in on my hikers. And then before I get off the beaten trail, I'm going to put some rubbers on. I might spray down. I'm going to use a creek. Sneak up. I've already trimmed a little path earlier in the year where I can get up to where these cameras are and I'm going to [00:26:00] change the batteries.

I'm going to pop the card out, change it. And I'm going to get out of there. I'm not going to check the camera or nothing. I want to spend the least amount of time possible. And then I think that's gonna give me hopefully some good information, man. That's be, that would be June 6th is when I put these cameras up, so it's gonna be almost three months.

Worth of intel. And leading up to June these scripts we're getting just absolutely hammered in May and June by these deers. So I'm super excited to get those card pulls. And on top of that, I'm gonna Maryland this weekend. I'm gonna freshen up that scrap I made on that log road.

That was a really sweet setup too. I had that set up on a beach and I got a vine hanging from it and I made Mock grubs the whole way around it. So it was real visual based that way anything coming out On the log road or above the log road. They see that visually So I'll probably freshen up those mock rubs too.

And specifically because I've been getting some hardhorn pitchers now. And you better bet if there is a bachelor group of two, three year olds, they're going to be rubbing everything in sight right now. [00:27:00] Yep. So I think that plays a role in that. This time of year, I think some mock rubs could really play big because there's deer.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So let me ask you this because someone might be thinking it you, you've been able to get deer all year round, basically. Now is this, would you say that's because of like the where you're hunting, like these spots, cause I know in a sense of certain people are going to might say man, what about that shift?

About what about that rut shift? Like when, like what deer are staying, what deer are leaving? And these game plans for you, man, it sounds like you're, why you're getting after it early is that kind of, is that the reason one getting after it early and then two, does your area hold a good amount of deer?

Because. If certain spots you hear there's not a lot of deer, there's, I do trust me. I do know there's that shift because I see it at home, right? Like I will Northeast PA where [00:28:00] the mountain that I specifically hunt there, I'll get very minimal bucks and then there's out, I'll get a wave in August on my cell cameras.

And I'll, at the moment I only have. Three, three cell cameras going and two of them are my dad's and one of them is mine. So those are out and man, I'll tell you what it is. It's, I'll get that occasional buck here and there early on during, throughout the year and it goes away. And man, I might see him once in June, couple handful of times in July, August.

I'll get him plus a handful of other ones and they're coming through and they're awesome to see. And then mid September, it blows up. That's when I get really excited. So like these next couple of weeks are when I really get fired up, are you worried about that shift or is that mainly why you're going after the early season?[00:29:00]

Chris Weist: That's already all part of the plan, man. And that's it's super depending. So Maryland there's a buck there that I had on camera last year. And this buck was there every single day. And then two days before season, he disappeared. I take that back. I think about this time he disappeared.

It was right around the week before season. He disappeared, but he's still there every single day. And I think the differences is those eight coins. There's no whites in that clear cut this year. It's all reds, and I think that's making him Make different decisions than last year. I think there's so many whites I think he was somewhere else on a hot oak tree that I just hadn't located yet.

Yeah, and With the clear cut being high priority food for him the brows and then the reds fallen And these storms we've been having barney's eight points off early. I know they're eating on us a little bit I think he's sticking around but as far as pennsylvania like the spot that i'm in man I already have that shift anticipated and actually The two cameras that I'm going to check[00:30:00] that I put up in June are actually two cameras on scrapes, what I believe is his fall range.

That's a half mile away from where I've been getting him at and I'll call it his summer range where he's been spending a bunch of time at. And yeah, I think that's a rule of thumb for me. I think a half a mile, like I feel like they just shift, it could be in a direction. So I would say if somebody was getting a deer on camera in the summer and it disappeared, I would keep your cameras there or a camera on the best scrape in that spot and just let it monitor.

Because you never know when that deer is going to visit. And sometimes when they visit, it's going to be for like one or two days. And then they're going to, off again. That's a pretty common thing. But I would be looking on the map. What is the best terrain feature? What has the most things that make sense?

And why would a big buck want to be there? Look in every direction about a half a mile. That's where I would start. If there's some kind of [00:31:00] big piece of bedding, cover and there's a better food source and really that's what it comes down to. I think they shift the food source just a little bit and then they just, they make that shift and I don't think some bucks it might be.

I've heard of people having deer on camera in the summer and they shift five miles, but that's not that common. That's usually half a mile, three quarters of a mile. And, it takes some historical data for that stuff too, that's not just a, you're going to walk into this season, you got this buckled camera in August, he's gone in September, where'd he go?

It might take you till next season to figure that out, cause you have to put your boot, you might be able to catch up with him this season, but that takes time out of your hunting time, you I think it would have to be a pretty special deer for me to draw off everything, but this deer disappeared.

I got to start scouting a half mile in every direction. It just takes a lot of time. Yep. And you know this, I've talked to other guys about this before. This is this is a marathon. You're not going to figure it all out in one season.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Electrify, escape, and expand. [00:32:00] With PWR, nothing will hold you back from finding adventure on your own terms.

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Use code AntlerUp750 for 750 off or AntlerUp25 to save 25 percent off the site excluding the roam. So check out RidePWR. com and prepare for your next adventure. Here's another [00:33:00] question to go back to about, you have another camera, he might be hitting that summer range camera and then a half mile to another mile away is another.

Good scrape camera where you anticipate because of the way things lined up. How many pictures does it take you to be like, okay, I know he if he just checked it randomly, like end of August, like if the first time, like you have them all on camera a, which is your, his summer range and camera B is where you think he'll be in fall, If he's on camera B two times, he's going to end up, say you check it, I don't know, this weekend.

Like you said, if he's on there two to two plus times, he'll be coming back at some point in the fall.

Chris Weist: Once it comes time that they're dedicated to their scrapes, I know that one of those two is going to be it. Just the way they set up made us just to get that gut feeling. You've seen it. Probably if I didn't make an assessment right now without actually going to check that camera just yet.

I know what scrapes he's been in, in the summer [00:34:00] range. I know where he's betting at. And I say that confidently. I actually had his boarding. So I went over. And I wanted to wind map my access. Tell me how many guys do that? Not very many. I wanted to wind map the entire way. I wanted to go in the daylight, in the morning.

a relevant situation. So how I'm going to hunt it on a regular wind day. If there would have been a storm coming through an East wind coming up, I wouldn't want that day because that's going to give you a false reading. I went in on a regular West wind day, checked my wind the entire way in. And as soon as I got to that camera and pulled the SD card, a buck was there an hour before I was, I got on that buck's track.

And that's great. And I followed that deer's track and that trail clear to the cut where that deer's bedding at. And after I looked at it on the map, it made a complete sense why that beer is there. So I know where he's betting at. I have trees picked out acorn [00:35:00] trees right off of his betting for evening sit.

I got sets set up on the scrapes for in the mornings. And I would say what's going to happen is if I check this camera in spot, we'll say call it B is small range. If I just have a couple of pictures, I know he's starting to trickle that direction a little bit. I would say I probably wouldn't hunt the full range scrape unless he's been pulling it consistent.

That gives me complete confirmation of what he's doing. Now there's two cameras there. If one camera is better than the other, obviously I'm going to pick the better scrape. The better camera that has in those pictures of it, but if it's just one or two times, I'm probably going to dabble and hunt the summer area right off the bat, like the first couple of days of season, because you still have that chance where I've killed deer like this too.

I've killed deer on their summer patterns still that those first, maybe four days of season, then I'm probably going to dabble on that summer end first. And cause there's two SD [00:36:00] cards that I haven't checked. I'm not going to check until I go to hunt because the access is real good. I can come right up to the tree, hunt that camera, check those.

And then if that camera says, Hey, he hasn't been here then I'm going to start tripling back over towards the fall

Jeremy Dinsmore: range. That's perfect. Perfect, perfect scenarios too, man. Ohio's looking like your favorite time of the year. When it gets to be scrape week, it's scrape season. Man, how does that, what because we hear that all the time right now.

Like a lot, I know it's not a new coin thing and get on the freshest of fresh, but the one aspect, since you Really honed in on this the last couple of years, as far as scrapes and learning them and how you're the deer that you're getting on camera their behavior with them. And I know we've talked and you're one of the one individuals that really shared and where you're walking by certain ones okay.

Thanks there's there, I know there's something there's got [00:37:00] to be something better, right? That's the one aspect that I really enjoyed and listening to you talk about was that so scrape week, Ohio. What let's hear it.

Chris Weist: Yeah. So I have let's see. 1, 2, 3, 4. I think I have four really solid scrapes in Ohio that I'm wiring right now.

Okay. And the last time I was there, I checked the SD card camera and I had a really good looking eight point the buck that I definitely couldn't pass is probably a mid thirties, eight point. And then we got a couple of big ones on camera. But one is in a situation where he probably, there's really no scrape relevant to this deer's pattern.

I'll just use terrain. Two tracks is probably what I'll be hunting, trying to kill that deer. But yeah, the time frame will be the 14th through the 22nd I would say is when I'll be in Ohio for sure. [00:38:00] I'm gonna be Monitoring the cameras and trying to catch that first big one to make his first mistake.

So catch him So I know there's I'm not trying to cut dry on you. I'm trying to think about all the details Yeah, there's one scrape that The last three seasons have been really good and I had really high hopes for this script this year Yeah and I think I still do but I Really just don't think they start to hit that until September and I got the first good one on camera the other day He come through that cameras have been there a while.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So it's like May. Yeah, let me ask you this then I That's totally fine. What? What challenges have you gone through with hunting scrapes, right? What were some of those first couple of times hunting it where you're like, damn, I thought this should have worked, right? Cause I, there were times that I've done that heck [00:39:00] even last year.

Oh man, I've gotten bucks hitting this every time of the day. It didn't matter if it was 6 35 in the morning. 8 o'clock in the morning, you name the time, 1 o'clock PM, 12, 12, like it was just the most utilize random ass time. You just needed to be in there, right? And then obviously your wind line up at the right time.

And I've had some really good encounters. And then there was like an evening where I was just baffled that I thought quote unquote, my wind was right. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I would just set up wrong. I'm just not sure. And everything was fresh, Chris. You smelt it. Sign, it was littered with sign, scrapes rubs, like fresh rubs.

What are some of the challenges that you think you still encounter with hunting that type of style of what the scrapes?

Chris Weist: The biggest learning curve for me was realizing that the best scrapes are in the best [00:40:00] locations for a particular reason. And that is season to season. It's not every single scrape is going to be fire hot every year.

And that is because and there, there's a lot of things that can determine that. This food source, food sources change the amount of bucks in that area. If a lot of deer got killed in that area and the same with those, if there's a doe group that is living, maybe just four or five does that live really adjacent to that scrape.

If those get murdered in rifle season, there ain't going to be no does there. So that's probably going to hurt that scrape a lot. And one thing that is really important is you guys need to realize that these big scrapes and not necessarily the size of the scrape on the ground, the licking branch, if you're on a licking branch, this is completely murdered.

It is because those deer come to that spot for a particular reason. And it's probably. Because they're catching a lot [00:41:00] of wind there, a lot of thermal, it's probably a spot where everything ends up at that

Jeremy Dinsmore: spot. One aspect of a game plan that I'm planning on trying to initiate this year is that if I start getting multiple days, Of does hammering a scrape in that timeframe and that next day that I could hunt where it's been two, three days of maybe a buck here and there shows up obviously, but trying to figure out the timing, like if it's only a nighttime, but does are hitting it during the day and all that type of stuff for multiple days you got to believe that next time that I could hunt.

And the weather aligns up with it and all that type of stuff, man, that is the spot where I'm going to go. You have a lot of cameras, you're observing a lot of scrapes, there's going to be even times where these bucks aren't on your camera, but they're still in that area checking what's some of the behavior that you've noticed with some of these deer.

Like with the scrapes, as far as that [00:42:00] goes do you have you, do you set another camera up nearby, like near a trail? So

Chris Weist: I think this goes along with what your expectations are. I think that if you are just trying to kill a buck, if you're just trying to kill just a nice buck, that could be anywhere from a one and a half to a three year old, right?

I would probably be sitting right on the straight. Okay, because a lot of times those are the bucks that are going to come and they're going to put their face in it They're going to get excited. They're going to work the crap out of it, but there is a certain time in the season Where i'm not going to be sitting on that scrape I'm probably going to be looking for a faint trail and i'm always going to be downwind Some situations you can be in a spot where you can shoot the scrape and be downwind.

Other times you'll be 50, 60 yards downwind from it. And you just find that real random not a lot of sign, faint trail that kind of curves around the bottom side of that. And that's where your four and five year old deer if [00:43:00] it's the right spot and there's enough cover and they're comfortable, that's where they're going to come

Jeremy Dinsmore: through to check that.

I like that. All right. So here's what I want you to come up with. Give me Chris's top three must do's when it comes to hunting scrapes. I think

Chris Weist: yeah. We've done plenty of those. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So I would think probably the top three things that I'm going to look at through my own eyes for myself this season, two, two major things right off the bat and you can't get without these is your access and the endowment.

And then I think the third thing is.

Don't mess with in my opinion. Don't mess with that scrape I think too many guys are bad for getting a picture of a big buck and they're like, holy shit I have to do something to keep this deer coming I'm gonna go to Walmart and I'm gonna buy [00:44:00] some wildlife research active scrape and I'm gonna dump eight ounces of it into this Make a puddle Think that's a terrible idea I think I've been so guilty of that in the past that I had the same mindset.

It's ever since I've changed my mindset, I've had my success has been 10 fold. I would buy just any scent that on the back, it said. Yeah, it works all year long and it produces results and I dumped the whole bottle in and the deer stopped hitting it and I'm like, what the f k? Yeah.

But, yeah, I think guys get too intense with trying to make their luck using something, out of the box. They want to use something fake to try to make their luck. Yeah. I guess is the best way I can explain it. I think if that deer is hitting that already, not a chance out of 10, you get it. 95 percent more pictures of deer using the licking branch rather than pissing in the scrape.

100 percent That scent is already in that dirt. Those deer do piss in [00:45:00] that and once it's there and they know it. They can smell it. The licking branch is the most important part of the scrape. If that deer is already coming in and hitting that by himself, his scent is already on there. And what's going to make him keep coming back is other deer hitting that.

If another buck comes in and hits that, that's going to make that deer mad. He's going to want to bark at the top of it. So if that deer is already hitting that scrape, just leave it alone, be downwind and make sure your access is clean and put a couple of days into that scent. And your odds are going to go way, way up.

Jeremy Dinsmore: If you're in the market for finding a new trail camera, I highly encourage you to look no further than Exodus. Exodus has two main options to choose from as far as cameras go. A budget friendly option that doesn't compromise quality, the Exodus Rival is the camera for you. Simplicity meets functionality in this easy to use, feature rich cell camera.

The Rival offers crystal clear photo quality, easy setup and use with complete remote management through the app anywhere in the world. Two already are set up in Northeastern PA for me, and they're [00:46:00] working flawlessly. And if you're looking for an all encompassing cell camera, seriously, look no further than the render.

It's their flagship camera stood the test of time for thousands of Hunter across the country. I have one deployed here locally where I live. And another one I'm saving for back at Northeastern PA again, zero issues. And I'll tell you what exodus stands by their five year warranty for accidents or for theft top of the line customer service.

So see for yourself why so many made the switch to exodus and experience the exodus difference. Use code AU to get 15 percent off your first camera today. It's so funny because it's such a basic answer, And.

I know this isn't a talking about scrape, but I've watched recently rip and stick dude from PA. He always puts out some pretty funny videos that will randomly pop up on my YouTube thing. And he did one where it [00:47:00] was like deer mineral on his property. And he like went to tractor supply, bought like eight different brands.

And he was like, let's see who wins. Let's see what the deer liked the most. And he ran a camera on video and he does it for a week to see. So he did it on mineral and he did it on like blocks, like two different, two different videos. And man, it is fascinating. I say it fascinatingly, but it's just so interesting to see how fricking cautious certain deer are, especially bucks.

And when you are doing these scrapes, it's the same thing applies. Like you said if you got one and they take it over that's it. It's done. You don't have to do any more work other than check your camera when you need to check your camera, right? You only need to hunt it or plan on hunting it. You don't need to go over there, respray something or put something in the ground, anything along those lines.

That, like you said, though, some of my better scrapes. Are [00:48:00] once I started doing that.

Chris Weist: Yeah, and don't get me wrong. That stuff still runs through my mind. I was literally just thinking about that the other day. I said, man, I wonder if I could just put something in that to make it a little better. But the more I think about it, I'm like, man, like, why do I need to, you know what I mean?

And I think the thing is for me is. Anything you buy over the counter man, you just don't know what's in the bottle. Yeah, they advertise whatever they want to advertise But you're not there when they pour that shit into the bottle. Yep, and I just I don't want to hurt my, I've done all this boot work, but all these miles on sweating my ass off and did all this work.

Why would I ruin my setup with some synthetic smelly fricking scent? You know what I mean? Yup. Yeah,

Jeremy Dinsmore: no doubt. So when it gets that okay, let's talk PA, let's just say early season didn't work out for you. And you went to Ohio, Ohio was a success or not a success. And it's now. That main pre rut [00:49:00] time, like now we're 23 through, through Halloween for Pennsylvania.

That is, I think, what we all dream about is PA bow hunters. Just bow hunters in general, I'm, I could generalize, but obviously here in PA and I think over the last two, two years, that's what I look forward to most, man. Like once that one, when it hits two zero. These are my prime days that I know I need to be in the woods and like the mistakes that I've made prior to the past couple of years was not.

Necessarily scouting as much as I should have to figure out what is the hottest, scrape locations and finding that sign and everything like that. And that's where last year, I think I did a pretty good job of that and we'll hopefully continue to grow with that. So does anything outside the box happen for you during this timeframe or are you sticking true to the plan?

Chris Weist: So I actually [00:50:00] have. I talked to you on the phone last night. I have all this stuff written down that I definitely don't think that we should overlook. We can hit it at the end if you want. Or I could start now and then hit you up on your question when I get there. That's up to you. Yeah, go for it. Okay, so if we'll just jump, I'll just like generalize, go over.

We'll jump back to, we'll just say September 30th is the opener. So basically I sat down and I wrote all these notes and I thought to myself, Where? On these dates, specifically, where am I going to be at on this block? I basically set it up in stages, right? September 30th, let's say that's the opener, and I'm going to run that until about the 10th or the 13th of October is where I'm going to put this block at.

And all this, the scrapes that I'm going to be hunting are going to be And junction with food and bedding, that early season gets them coming off the beds or to hit that scrape probably before they, they do you that under feeding and scrapes off a [00:51:00] buck bedding, that's the typical it doesn't have to be like a hub system style, thick cover close to it.

And then your best scenario in early season is finding a scrape that multiple boss are competing over. That's the best scenario to be in. If you have bedding. In several different directions, you're going to have different betting opportunities for these bucks to come in and they're going to be competing over it.

And I've actually heard Dan Impaul say that, that same thing, that he's killed a lot of his really big ones that way. Yeah. I think that does set true for sure in certain situations. And then we'll say October 14th through the 31st, and this is just a generalization. Yep. Scrapes around their betting.

Scrapes that you get frequent dough pictures on and then that leads back to historical data. Also, if you have. Cameras on scrapes in that time period that a certain buck starts to show back up on, then that's probably where you need to be at having that historical data. [00:52:00] Yeah. And really you're just looking that 14th through the 31st.

You're just looking for that buck to make its first mistake. Yeah. And then we'll jump back if you're hunting a specific buck. I jumped the dates back from the 14th to the 21st. Okay. And this kind of goes along with what you said about on the 20th. Yep. And that. That time period is when I would be hunting a specific buck close to an area where, he's still betting at this is before they start to meander and wonder long distances, you could still have that chance to catch him coming to the scrape off his bedding and then obviously this goes back to historical data.

If you have history of a scrape that fires up in this time period, this, these couple of days, that's probably where I want to be at. Yeah. And then. I'm going to say probably I tried to pick a couple of days before November come. So I'll say figure out when I'm going to start hunting [00:53:00] off the scrapes.

So up until this point, from the beginning of season until about the 25th, 26, I'm probably going to be hunting. On the scrape. Okay. And I think about the 28th through the 31st I think is when I'm going to start backing off. That's when, cause I've seen too many mature bucks start to show up in that timeframe around October.

And they're not hitting. And if they're going to move in,

Jeremy Dinsmore: what's that? They're, they might come to that scrape, but they might be the ones that are checking down when letting Junior go hitting that scrape. Yep.

Chris Weist: Yep. Yep. I've seen too many bucks. They come to the scrape at night, like in the middle of the night, they'll show up in a new area where there's a dough group.

Maybe that buck spent his time there in the summer. He knows that scrape. He moved away for the fall. And now he's coming back in just to check up on those does. But if he moves back in the daylight, he's probably going to be on the downwind side of that. And this depends [00:54:00] too. So that's Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania, he's probably going to be on the low side. And I say that because of the pressure aspect. Now, if I'm in Ohio, there's a lot higher chance in Ohio that I'm still going to be on the scrape up until the 31st. Cause I think those deer are just a little more aggressive and I don't see the pressure out there.

It's super, super hard. I just think the deer act, they don't act like Midwestern deer. But they act a little more like a deer should than Pennsylvania is what I'll say. So a lot of times there's bumps in the high, a lot of times we still come to the scrape up to that point. Then we get to November 1st and then, so our season only runs till what 13th

Jeremy Dinsmore: or 14th in there somewhere?

Yes might even be like, yeah, 15th or 16th, I think. Yeah.

Chris Weist: So I ran this from November 1st. To the 21st. Okay, and I would think [00:55:00] and I put the 21st in there just because of the Ohio aspect I have never hunted much later than this. I have had all my success mainly that I've killed Seven or eight bucks the first week of season.

I've killed all my biggest bucks except for one that first week of season or mid october so if I was going to be Hunting November from the 21st. I think any scrape that you can get to clean and downwind of in the middle of doe bedding is a really good place to be. And this specifically comes into play if you have data on doe groups that come in heat.

When those does actually come in heat. Dude, if he, if it's after November, you have a scrape right beside a dough bedding area and you know that dough comes to heat in this three day period, your ass better be on that scrape downwind of it right there. You better put it in three, four days because at some point a [00:56:00] buck is going to be coming in there and checking out before he jayhooks in there and tries a breeder.

I just, I think that is like the ultimate right there that if you're, the fourth base in seasons, almost, coming to an end both season, you got historical data, as you see the buck just high tailing this doe the season before on the 10th of November.

Your ass better be sitting there from like the 8th to the 11th on a scrape down the window there, right beside those does, if you know that doe comes at 8 then. Yeah, no doubt. I have little examples here that I can go over. Yeah. That's just, like I said, we could talk for another hour and a half.

An example, the November 1st to the 21st, and just an example that I had written down It would be like a micro bench. Okay. So I missed one here. It's a scrapes in junction with dough bedding on a certain terrain feature. So let's say a terrain feature a buck is using to get from dough bedding A to dough bedding B and he's using that to get from A to B so he can check both.

It's like a micro bench on a West or North facing slope where the [00:57:00] thermals pulled downhill and I had some kind of ditch crossing. Or I've even seen where the flat side of a ridge actually comes to a point and the point is where two benches split and the benches start right there is a great place to be man.

I've killed I killed three bucks in october That's a different time frame, but I've killed with that certain terrain feature. I've killed three bucks in October sitting on a point like that, and these deer come across this flat, and right when they get to that point, they either go left or they go right.

So it's just right where that intersection is. That's a really good place to be. And then I have a couple days written down. And I have not seen this in person, I have seen it on camera, but I've other, have had other guys from Ohio tell me this, that 16th through the 20th, the scrapes aren't going to be hot more than likely, but the 16th through the 20th, [00:58:00] if a deer does show up to that scrape, it's probably going to be a big one.

And it's because he's just looking for that last doe that's coming in heat. I've heard of multiple guys giving me the 18th that they've had really big deer. There was like hardly any other deer using that straight, but then just randomly like around the 18th, a big one will show up and hit that.

And he's just looking and sneaking for that last bill. I can't even count how many times. And bear season that I have seen huge bucks just cruising and our archery season is done. You know what I mean? But yeah, I've killed I was trying to do a head count. I don't know where all my stuff is at.

I think I've killed six or seven bucks from 30th through the 13th. I've killed four or five from the 14th through the 31st. And I've only killed maybe two in November. So all my deer get killed in October, [00:59:00] basically.

Jeremy Dinsmore: That's phenomenal. That's dude, that's very few. Usually it's towards that end of October into November that it bleeds.

That's frigging impressive. I killed my

Chris Weist: biggest one. I killed my biggest one ever in November, but technically, in my head, I killed him on day one because I missed that deer the first day of season. In my head, I killed him there. You know what I mean? I like the scout game, guys. Yeah, that deer was just like I said about the the buck betty.

Early season, man. He was using a micro bench that he would use in the mornings to come in above the scrape, which was downwind because it was a west side and that place always has a breeze. He would come upwind or downwind, but he was above the scrape and he would come in and then in the afternoons he would make his way down and touch that scrape up.

Head back out to feed and yeah, I screwed it up in morning one, man. [01:00:00] Had a sub 160 inch buck opening day of season at 830 in the morning. Walked by and I messed it up.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Talk about, holy shit. First day, something along those lines that, that big of a deer comes through. Talk about ready to be ready to go.

Chris Weist: And this is, this goes back to your woodsmanship and your gut feeling, dude. I was just talking to the guys at the Timber Ninja event last weekend about this, about using your gut. If I would have sat, if I would have sat in the tree that I picked first, I'd have smoked that deer at five yards. But instead, I'm like, man, I'm worried that he's going to come downwind of me or up the hill.

So I'm just going to be careful and cautious and be up the hill more. And he comes in, he's 40 yards now. And I draw back and I anchor dude and I stop him. Deere has no idea what's going on in the world. I shoot and I knew something was really bad when my arrow went six feet to the left, like just completely out in the outer space.

I'm like, what just [01:01:00] happened? Yeah, I was in my saddle and somehow the sidebar or my compound picked up my bow rope and my bow rope got caught in my string and cam. Oh, and it has set my arrow in outer space. And that deer just stood there and looked around like. What just happened? Oh my gosh. Tiny details killed deer.

I'd have killed, pulled up your bow rope. If I had pulled up my bow rope, I'd have probably killed him. I missed another buck, maybe a year or two before that. That's like a 140 inch 12 point. And you know what? This deer was 25 yards hitting straight, right? I'm a full jaw. I'm like, Oh my God, this is happening.

I put the pen on him. I'm floating squeezing, pull it. And my arrow flies right over his back. I look up and the one limb that I did not cut hit my top cam when I shot, so my arrow over top his back.

Jeremy Dinsmore: But dude, you're not the only one, that's the beauty of these [01:02:00] stories is because then, people listen and are like, man, yep.

That had, that happened to me before. And it's, you name it. It's happened. Dude, I've

Chris Weist: been shooting round bales for seven months now. Yeah. Yeah. But you

Jeremy Dinsmore: draw an outline of a deer. So that's the, you're giving yourself that at least that look, you're not just shooting a circle, and like I said, 8 a

Chris Weist: can of spray paint, man. Yup. But

Jeremy Dinsmore: that's giving you that visual. That's all you need. If you have that capability and that's what that in the grand scheme of things, because that's what I'm talking about is just give you that imagery of what. That animal is, and what you plan on shooting because it goes a long way.

And the other aspect that I love to do too is shooting from obviously different yardages, but that whole different angles okay, this is a quartering two shot. This is a quartering away shot. If you just get complacent on that whole waiting till broadside and all that stuff, you're trust me, you'll, you're going to thank yourself later when that moments and you're like, yeah, it is the little things.

Yep. Yep. Definitely. It's going to be a [01:03:00] phenomenal year, man. You're, like I said, you were all summer, all I shouldn't even say summer, man. You've been since the clock turned to 2023, you've been on them and now it's time for the hunting season. I can't wait to see your success fall along. I'm sure everybody else listening is going to be doing the same.

So Chris works, people find you fall along and see what you got going on.

Chris Weist: Yeah, everything is on my Instagram. Unleash the least. I post on there as much as I can. Enough that hopefully I don't annoy people rather than help them. And yeah, as soon as season starts, I'll try to post some stuff. I think I might be a little more quiet once I start hunting just because I'm going to really try to tune myself in and be successful with the trad bow this year.

So I just want to take a little more determination and a lot more work, but yeah I hope you guys follow along and and I appreciate everybody. Follow

Jeremy Dinsmore: my path. Hell yeah, dude. I appreciate it. All right, everybody. Thanks for tuning in [01:04:00] and be ready for this scrape week when this stuff arrives and Chris drop some great, not only strategies, but stories to go along with it.

Make sure you're following along and make sure you implement some of these tactics because like he said earlier, he's killed some bucks. And he's killed them during this timeframe. We'll see you next week. Antler up. Thanks for listening

Chris Weist: to this episode of the antler up podcast. We hope you enjoyed it.

Please go check us out on our Instagram,

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Chris Weist: Facebook, and go wild

Jeremy Dinsmore: and at antler up outdoors.

Chris Weist: com. If you enjoyed this episode, go leave a review and subscribe for next week's episode. Until then,

Jeremy Dinsmore: antler

Chris Weist: up.