Talking Hunting, Fishing and the Game with Buckeye Greats

Show Notes

This week is a special week to folks from Ohio and the state up North.  Each year the football teams come together for an epic battle on the gridiron.  We know this isn’t a football show, but when we have the opportunity to bring a couple Buckeye legends on the show to discuss outdoor activities, as well as a game between two undefeated giants, you just do it. This week on the show we talk with Anthony Schlegel and Jeff Heuerman (and Kyle Waters, friend of Jeff’s) to discuss hunting, fishing, and football.

For real information that will help you afield next week, we also have Andrew Buck Michael from WSYX in Columbus.  Andrew is a long time Ohioian that spends a lot of time outside and knows the importance of an accurate forecast for those outdoor activities.  He gives us a run down of what the gun season should like, as well as the rest of the year.  He discusses thermals and a few other topics during the segment.

Paul and Andrew have returned from the first deer camp of the year.  One doe in the freezer, and more to come on that trip.  As Paul mentions, we made a new “friend”, Terrance, who may or may not be a 300 lb black bear, as well as many other great memories.

Happy Thanksgiving, as we are truly thankful for all of you out there listening to the show!!  Good luck in the gun woods, and be safe!! And of course GO BUCKEYES!!!

Show Transcript