The Barstool Buck

Show Notes

On this episode of the Nine Finger Chronicles, guest Bryan Meyering shares the story of his 2022 Michigan buck. Bryan wasn't a serious hunter, but in 2018 he picked up a crossbow and headed back in to the timber to chase a good buck that showed up on his in-laws property. Then, in 2020 Bryan decided to pick up a "big boy bow" and start shooting compound again. This past year a 150" Michigan monster show up on trail camera and seemed to be running the same pattern every week. He did his research and found out what wind he needed to access the trail this buck was using. The stage was set, but the upcoming youth season made him nervous knowing that the landowner had a couple kids hunting the property. The youth season past, and the buck was still on the same routine. Check this video out for the rest of the story!

Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Dan Johnson: Interstate batteries offers a wide variety of batteries for your everyday needs. Stop into one of their thousands of retail locations and talk with a battery specialist about batteries for your truck trail cameras, and even those weird batteries for your range finder. Interstate batteries even offer cell phone repair in certain locations.

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Mic check one, two. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. It's July, the 4th of July is over, man. I've been driving around out in the country with my boys and I've started to see some some decent bucks, man. They're [00:01:00] not fully grown yet, but it's always exciting to see a deer and velvet no matter how big they are.

And so it's started to get me amped up and I wish my schedule after this weekend is gonna slow down the rest of the summer. But then it's trail camera time, right? Then it's strategy time, then it's tree sta tree stand placement time. It's saddle placement time, right? I'm gonna throw some tree stands in some historically good rut spots, and then I'm gonna be mobile with the saddle, the rest of the, the rest of the areas.

And so I envi, I envision how this is all gonna work. I envision myself going and setting up one, two, Three, four of all the properties and acreages that I hunt, four stands that I know produce the rest are gonna be little off suits of that. And that is when I'm going to start that's when I'm gonna start.

Going and using the saddle, right? [00:02:00] So again, it's a tool. You hear me talk about that whenever I talk about tethered. It's the, it's just a tool in a hunter's arsenal. And so I'm really looking forward to expanding my knowledge and use of a saddle. On top of that, there's nothing better than getting the first big velvet buck on trail camera.

And I'm way behind this year. I might even force it at some point this week and go and try to get the job done on that. But hang up, man. I have 20 trail cameras that I need to hang up across two properties. I just got one of those their da, the cutback link systems where they have the one.

The one trail camera that attaches to like a daisy chain effect. So I can go and put one down in a river bottom where I don't get any cell service, and it will talk to a camera and it will talk to another camera, and it will talk to another camera. And basically spread the in or basically get the message across, right?

It'll send a picture to one camera, then it sends it [00:03:00] to another, then it sends it to another in hopes that I can use cell cams in, in a river bottom that I've never been able to have cell cams in before. And I know right now cell cams are like a heated they're a much discussed topic.

And I don't feel like I'm ever going to use 'em to the extent where, hey, I am number one. I don't have any properties close to me that I hunt. So it would be like, okay, there's a buck in this area. I have to get ready, drive an hour and a half, that's my closest property. Then. Back home, then get in the tree and then hope that animal's still there.

It's not like I can just step out my back door, run into a stand and get in there. My other farm is three hours away, so it's really difficult to, it's difficult to use one in that. Manor, but it's gonna be good to know what deer running around, cuz ultimately my [00:04:00] goal, just like a lot of you, is to shoot the biggest buck on the property.

And the more trail camera pictures I get, the more information that I get. Regardless of it's, of if it's instant or if it is, delayed, then that helps me put a game plan together on where to, where the ambush points are. So I'm looking forward to getting all that done. Baseball is over.

Softball is actually gonna start up now here pretty soon. Wrestling's gonna start up here pretty soon. We might be doing swimming lessons. We're getting ready for a trip, a family trip here in August. And so it makes me think that earlier when I said things are gonna slow down, I actually think they're not.

It's just gonna switch to a different kid. Other than that, man, I'm really looking forward to this fall. I don't, I only have one out-of-state hunt planned right now, and that is to go to South Dakota. I drew that tag. There's a chance that I head south to Missouri just for maybe early October one, like four day type of hunt.

Just because it's [00:05:00] close. Maybe Wisconsin, I don't know. But I'm really looking forward to this fall and my goal is to just, I wanted to get some more meat in the freezer. I'm running low and I want to get another big buck, man. Honestly that's why I do it. I love the chess game. I love.

Just being outside in nature and I'm really looking forward to that. Today we have a really cool episode and we're gonna be talking with a guy who shot his best buck to date on a bar stool that he placed out there the previous year. And he got some trail cam intel of a buck doing a thing, and this buck was doing a thing, had a pattern on him to the point where he's he felt very comfortable and confident going in early season and trying to catch him on a morning hunt, coming back to bed.

And sure enough, he connected. And so check the story out. It's a real good one. I know you guys are gonna enjoy it. But before we get into today's episode, I'm gonna take a sip of coffee. All right. We gotta do [00:06:00] some commercials. All right. So I just got in a whole bunch of new gear from Hunt Worth and I hate to say it, but when they say, they're comparable to Sitka and Ku U and other brands like that, I was a little bit skeptic.

Okay. I'm like, okay, those are some big brands. They're high dollar amount. And usually in a scenario like that, price does reflect quality, but I got a box of their stuff. It's in, it's really good. And for the price, the value is there as well. And so you're getting what they say. They always say 80% of the function for 50% of the price.

That's a no joke. I wouldn't, that's a low ball number for 80, 80%. Man, I was touching and feeling some of their stuff. I was looking at the stitching. The feel, the fit of it is just really good. And I know that when I mess around with it this fall, I, my first batch of clothes I got in from them.

It's gonna be my South [00:07:00] Dakota hunt where it's gonna be cool in the morning, and it's gonna be like hot potentially in the afternoon. So I'm really looking forward to putting it through the ringer man. And so far it it looks good. The stitching is good, it's comfortable, it's quiet. And so if you wanna find out more information about Hunt worth, go check out their website and then all the stuff that they offer.

So it's it's a badass the Woodman's Pal man. I'm getting ready to go use the Woodman's Pal. It's it's I guess you would call it a Habitat tool, right? It's basically a machete and this Woodman's pal I'm gonna take out with me when I go set tree stands. I'm gonna take it out when I go set trail cameras, and basically within the next month and a half, two months, I'm going to be, what am I gonna be doing?

I'm gonna be prepping properties, okay? I'm gonna be tree stands places where I'm gonna ambush, from a saddle, and then I'm gonna keep it in my bag so that if I do have to have something mobile, I'm gonna, go chop, go chopper down. So let's see here. [00:08:00] Go check out Woodman's pal, W o d m A n s p a

This thing is made in America. It's durable, it's badass, man. And so I'm gonna keep one in my pack and one in my truck, and that way I'll have it for, whenever I need it. Now we do. Have a brand new partner I wanna talk about today, and that is Code Blue Sense. And I'll be completely honest, the thing that I like the best about working with Code Blue is that the how they collect their sense.

And so what Code Blue is it is a scent company. Okay? So they make do and estrus, they have scent elimination products, they have cover scents, they have all the accessories that you need for that. But the thing that I'm the most excited to to do this year is, Start messing around with mock scrapes.

And so they have this product called the Ropeadope. And it's basically just a mock scrape kit. [00:09:00] And the, lemme open it up here. And so it comes with a rope, it comes with basically what it does is it simulates rub activity on, in licking branches. So I'm really looking forward to messing around with that, hanging a trail camera off of it, seeing what deer show up, seeing if it it's something that I'm able to hunt over during the season.

And stand by as I start to experiment a little bit more with that. But the other cool thing about what they have here, let me pull up the, this is on some of their products. They have a one. Deer per bottle. So the way they collect is it's not a mix of a whole bunch of urines.

It's not a mix of a whole bunch of different types of scents. It's one buck in there. It's one dough in there, and they collect this at a special facility. And so it's pure, it's fresh and and I think that's pretty sweet man taking the time to go do that. [00:10:00] Alright that my friends is code blue.

So go check out Code Blue Sense and read up on all the functionality that they, that they have, all the products that they have, how to use them, and they have a good like videos there as well so that you can learn. I'm sorry that this commercial break took a while, but I just wanted to get you guys up to date on some of the companies that I'm working with.

Please go out and support the companies that support this podcast. Please go to iTunes, leave a five star review. If you have any questions, man or comments or concerns, or you just wanna, bitch, why don't you hit me up on the DM nine Finger Chronicles on Instagram, and that's where I do most of my communication.

Or, feel free to go email through the web, the Sportsman's Empire website. And I've started the process of something. Like an expansion of the Sportsman's Empire. Okay. I've started this process. I can't let the cat outta the bag now, but I'm really looking forward to this next chapter in what the Sportsman's Empire is [00:11:00] gonna be launching.

And I hope you guys enjoy it. Stay tuned for that. And that's it. Let's get into today's episode of the Bar Stool. Buck 3, 2, 1. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another edition of the nine Finger Chronicles podcast. And today we are joined by Brian Myron. Is that correcting? Yes, sir.

Perfect. Where you, where do you live? What state? I live in Michigan. Michigan. Oh, dude, that's a good Michigan buck we're gonna be talking about today. I'm pretty, Jack. Yeah. That's a couple. Yeah. Nice. All right. Before we knock that out, what do you do for a living? 

[00:11:42] Bryan Meyering: I work at a church. I'm the facilities director, which is a nice way to say that.

I'm the janitor the groundskeeper and the maintenance man. 

[00:11:50] Dan Johnson: Okay. All right. Pretty big church. 

[00:11:53] Bryan Meyering: Bigger for the 

[00:11:54] Dan Johnson: area. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, gotcha. And so I have a funny church story.[00:12:00] I want to share with you. I was an asshole kid when I was younger and, but my mom made me go to church every single Sunday, right?

So we'd be there at 9:00 AM and then for we would be there for nine for youth group youth, like a pre or Sunday school all the way from, as far as I can remember, all the way up to my senior year in high school, had to go mandatory. And so me and another guy who obviously didn't want to be there, but we went through the motions anyway.

We, we would go around and sit in people's spots in the church. There's one family, like row number one, same family every Sunday. So we would go and then we'd sit in those spots and then they would be like, oh they were trying to remain Christian while also saying, Hey, those are our spots.

You need to go find another place to sit. And we're like, oh yeah, we just wanted to [00:13:00] really focus on this week's sermon and and sit there. And they would got, so they would sit there, or we'd sit there for five weeks in a row, right? And then when they finally would try to go to another spot, we would go and sit in that spot, just piss 'em off.

They were so mad at us for just, for doing that. And, we were punks, but I don't know. I think the preacher. Caught on to it and he pulled us aside. He goes, I get what you're doing. And I think it's hilarious, but maybe we shouldn't be doing this anymore. 

[00:13:37] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. Folks get pretty jumpy about their 

[00:13:39] Dan Johnson: spots.

Oh man. It, I guess it was one of those things, the closer yard to the front and the closer to God are, and we had a fun time. We had a fun time. 

[00:13:49] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. I had a an old lady tell somebody to get out of her spot one time when I was a kid at church. That's that's how you get people to come to church by being super friendly and telling 'em to get outta your spot.[00:14:00] 

[00:14:01] Dan Johnson: Yes. Open your arms to the Lord and then have some old lady say, Hey, get outta my spot. You're in my spot. That's funny. Did you grow up in a hunting family? 

[00:14:12] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, my dad was a big hunter, bow hunter. My grandpa, not so much, but yeah. My brother and I hunt. Yeah. How 

[00:14:19] Dan Johnson: old were you when you started hunting Right away?

[00:14:24] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. I went with my dad before I could hunt, and then I hunted as soon as I could. We had bows pretty young, but I never really got into the bow hunting, and then I shelved it from college. Picked it up a couple years ago, 

[00:14:37] Dan Johnson: oh, nice. Yeah, man, that's that seems like a pretty standard thing that happens, right?

It happened with me. I started bow hunting when I was 12 or 13 and I wouldn't even call what I was doing bow hunting. I would say I had a bow in my hand when I would walk into the woods and sit in a tree stand, but I sure as shit wasn't [00:15:00] hunting right. I was just sitting there thinking something was gonna come by me.

And so then, did you play sports then? I tried, yeah. Yeah. Played some, probably had some, high school activities and chased some girls and drink some beers or whatever. And then through college, the same thing. 

[00:15:18] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, pretty much. I had a lot more fun things to do than sit in a tree and not 

[00:15:22] Dan Johnson: shoot deer.

There you go. There you go. All right. Your fr you come from a background of hunting. You did it. What was the then reintroduction? What was the tipping point where you're just like, ah, dude, I wanna get back into it? 

[00:15:36] Bryan Meyering: About 2018 there was a big deer on my in-laws farm and I thought if I really want to kill this deer, I need to get serious.

And I started listening to podcasts to try to figure out how to do things, and then just got in the woods a lot more started out with a crossbow, which everybody loves. Yep. I did that three years and then I started to have some success and I transferred back to shooting a [00:16:00] compound bow two years ago.

So yeah it came down to a big deer I wanted to kill, and then I was able to kill that deer, and then I wanted to kill a deer with a big boy bow. 

[00:16:09] Dan Johnson: Yeah. Yeah. So let me a, for someone who's done both of those things you've shot a cross bow and you've also, you shot a deer with a a cross bow and you shot deer with a compound.

Bow is a crossbow easier, 

[00:16:25] Bryan Meyering: it just doesn't take the practice. Yeah. And you can get away with, you don't have to draw it, so Yeah, your movement's a lot less. Okay. So it's definitely easier. It's a much easier kill. 

[00:16:36] Dan Johnson: Yeah. Did you when you were using a crossbow in that time, when you're getting reintroduced into hunting you're going through.

All basically this this almost like a reminder period where you are you're saying, okay, this is how it's done. I remember this now. And going through the those motions again.[00:17:00] What was the first couple years like for you when you were getting reintroduced to hunting?

[00:17:09] Bryan Meyering: I spent a lot of time, so I by myself most of the time, so I spent a lot of time listening to people who know what they're doing and hearing how to do it right. But that was the biggest thing is figuring out, how to do it. The second part is actually going through the motions of finding deer and scouting and finding where that stuff is.

When I was a kid, I really didn't know what I was doing. I just pretty much climbed up in a tree, didn't think about which direction the wind was. And I was never much of an archer. So the practice p portion of it was a lot. I would go through a lot of arrows. Every day I'd shoot my bow just to try to train myself that anchor point.

Yeah. Because that was probably the trickiest part is figuring out where I wanted my anchor point to be, and then doing that consistently so you could 

[00:17:52] Dan Johnson: actually hit a target. Gotcha. And, but that was after you went through a couple years of crossbow, right? [00:18:00] 

[00:18:00] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. The crossbow was more just figuring out the deer portion.

I didn't have to worry 

[00:18:03] Dan Johnson: about the shooting portion was Right. So let's talk about that that, that reintroduction stage of like deer movement, deer behavior. 

[00:18:12] Bryan Meyering: The first year I went out, I I just went out and sat. I didn't really like tree stands that much. I had a few tree stands.

But the part I liked about the crossbow was I could just walk anywhere and plop down and tuck myself into anything and hunt that was what really was fun about it is like a white trash mobile hunting version. But but it was pretty sweet cuz you could just go anywhere and then it could be a spot to hunt where, you couldn't just do that with a bow and arrow cuz you'd have to draw while they're 

[00:18:41] Dan Johnson: there.

Almost kinda like a Turkey hunting with a shotgun. You can just Yeah. Plop down, aim one direction and wait for 'em to walk in front. As you were doing that then, did you were you thinking like to the future where you're like, ultimately I want to get rid of this crossbow and pick up a [00:19:00] compound?

Or did were y was it more of a light switch type moment where you're like, screw this crossbow, I want a big boy bow. 

[00:19:09] Bryan Meyering: I think when you shoot a deer and then you tell somebody you shot it with a crossbow, it kinda takes a little bit 

[00:19:13] Dan Johnson: outta it. So 

[00:19:16] Bryan Meyering: I wanted to be able to tell people I could I could kill a deer with a bow.

That's a lot of it is, it's kind it's like a second hand kill, I don't know. It's not as impressive with a crossbow as it is with a compound. 

[00:19:27] Dan Johnson: Yeah. Yeah. I understand what you're getting at. And so over that course of how many years did you shoot a crossbow?

Was it three? Yeah, three years. Three, okay. Three years. Did you ha, did you find success all three of those years? 

[00:19:41] Bryan Meyering: Two of 'em the first year I did that was a pretty neat story. I saw a deer on the other side of the field and just stocked up to it and grunted it in and shot it while I was laying on my belly.

Oh, in the middle of the 

[00:19:54] Dan Johnson: field. 

[00:19:55] Bryan Meyering: In the middle of the woods. Okay. Okay. It was in a wood lot on the other side of the field I had to get to. So that was [00:20:00] pretty exciting. The second year I didn't shoot anything, but then the third year I shot that buck. The big buck that I was after, after I had really put in some effort in trying to figure out how he was moving 

[00:20:10] Dan Johnson: through that area.

Gotcha. And what did that look like for you as far as trying to locate a specific deer and then put a a game plan together to try to ambush 'em? 

[00:20:22] Bryan Meyering: I started out with a couple of trail cameras and I used cell cameras because it was a hard place to get to. And then after I got him on one, I started putting more trail cameras around that area to try to nail down exactly how he was using it.

And at that time I was I was taking a Snapchat every day, or I was taking a screenshot every day of the weather. And then I would correlate the pictures to the weather to figure out when he was gonna be moving through that area. And then, and I figured out that he was only coming into the field on one specific wind.

And that was the wind I tried to kill him on. And eventually he was [00:21:00] in, on the camera with a completely different wind and it was right around brought and he was following a dough. And I thought, this is the only wind I can actually kill him on. 

[00:21:08] Dan Johnson: And what wind was that 

[00:21:10] Bryan Meyering: he was normally coming into the field and he was betting on the south edge of a swamp.

With a big open field to the south of it, with a north wind. And he would always come in from the south, from the neighbor's property. So it was about impossible to kill him. He, the day I killed him, he was going down on a south, it was a southwest wind and he beded in the same spot with that dough and ended up coming out into the field and I grunted him into about 30 yards and.


[00:21:39] Dan Johnson: So was that a morning or an afternoon hunt? I got 

[00:21:42] Bryan Meyering: a picture of him in the morning at eight 30 on my camera and then I had to go to work all day, which really was 

[00:21:49] Dan Johnson: frustrating. But then 

[00:21:52] Bryan Meyering: I got back out there and I didn't get out there until about four 30, 

[00:21:55] Dan Johnson: okay. So he was already up walking around and making [00:22:00] his way from the north to the south back into the swamp.

When you shot him? He was coming out of the swamp. Oh, out of the swamp. Okay. 

[00:22:09] Bryan Meyering: But he was coming from the west of me. Okay. 

[00:22:13] Dan Johnson: That time. Gotcha. So was there, just outta curiosity, was there a wind shift that day that went straight from straight north or northernly direction to the southernly direction? 

[00:22:27] Bryan Meyering: No, that was w what was weird is he went to bed on a Southwest wind.

But I think it was just cuz there was a hot 

[00:22:33] Dan Johnson: dough in there. Yeah. Okay. That makes, it's good to know that. That's what I use trail cameras for, man. Yeah. Get those pictures and then say, okay, this deer's doing this on this wind. Yep. And then, and so when you said it was tough to hunt on any other wind, does that mean that you had limited access to the farm?

[00:22:55] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, he was, I, he was on the south edge of the farm and he would [00:23:00] enter the field in the southwest corner. And he would only come in on the north wind, so he was gonna catch my wind pretty much. And there would, there was gonna be deer anyway, so I tried doing it with the sand lock and getting all anal about.

Descent. But every time I would sit up there, he would be about a half an hour after I, I was in there on a 

[00:23:24] Dan Johnson: North wind. Gotcha. Okay. And did you ever get busted? Were you getting busted a lot in the, in that three year timeframe when you were coming back? Or were you pretty, did you have your access routes pretty dialed?

[00:23:37] Bryan Meyering: The last year I started to get a lot better. About the access routes. But initially, yeah, I couldn't figure out how to get to that spot, so I was blowing deer trying to get there in the morning and that didn't work out. 

[00:23:50] Dan Johnson: Did you have to walk through a field to get to your stand locations? I did.

Yeah. That's tough 

[00:23:54] Bryan Meyering: man. It worked out that the field had, I couldn't get there in the morning and that's what I just decided cuz they [00:24:00] were out in that alfalfa. But by the end of it, I had to walk I used the topography to hide myself for the most part, and I could get in there without anything seeing 

[00:24:07] Dan Johnson: me.

Gotcha. Okay. How many acres are you working with here? That was an 80 acre piece, an 80 acres. All right. Pr a lot of pressure from other hunters on the surrounding farms. Not 

[00:24:19] Bryan Meyering: too bad rifle season, heavy pressure, but not any bow season pressure. 

[00:24:23] Dan Johnson: Oh, that's good. And so did you guys have the food and you mentioned that the swamp was on the neighbor's property to the south.

Did you guys have the food then? 

[00:24:35] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, it was like an 80 acre field and it had about 20 acres of that swamp. Okay. On the end of 

[00:24:41] Dan Johnson: it. All right. What was the timber situation? Or was it just like trees around the swamp? 

[00:24:47] Bryan Meyering: It was mixed trees around the swamp, and then there was a, like a red pine plantation along kind of a steep hill.

Yep. To stop the erosion. 

[00:24:56] Dan Johnson: I gotcha. All right. Okay. So now we know the layout of this [00:25:00] farm. What what. What then made you, so the stories that you were telling your buddies and friends is the reason that you put down the crossbow to pick up the compound bow. What was the learning curve then until you started feeling proficient with a compound bow again and saying, okay, I'm ready to be a bow hunter?

[00:25:20] Bryan Meyering: I think I got it in April and probably by August I felt like I could, I was pretty good with comfortable with 

[00:25:30] Dan Johnson: where I was hitting. Okay. 

[00:25:31] Bryan Meyering: I stretched out right away cuz I thought if you can shoot something at 60 yards and hit it, then you should be able to hit anything inside of that.

So yeah, I pushed myself probably a little faster than I needed to but once I got. My, my hold down and my anchor point. Then that was about 

[00:25:48] Dan Johnson: August and I felt comfortable. Yeah. You mentioned something about struggling to find a good anchor point. Walk us through that struggle. 

[00:25:56] Bryan Meyering: The hard part was just being consistent about it.

And where if you [00:26:00] put too much nose pressure on, I was having a hard time getting true arrow flight. So I would move it around. I would move my peep site up and down until I finally got to a spot where I could get the arrow to fly. True. And then I made that my anchor point.

[00:26:16] Dan Johnson: Okay. All right. And how long did that take? That was the whole time from April to August. First couple months. Yeah. Probably all the way to July. Yeah, that's I've definitely gone through that as well. Alright. So now you are, you're dedicated to this compound now. Yeah, but also with that, like you mentioned, comes some new strategy that you gotta think about because you can't just belly crawl through the timber with a compound bow.

You could, you could do it, but during the draw, pulling back, drawing out, that's gonna be a little bit more difficult. What did you say to yourself, Hey, this is what has to change now that I'm a compound bow shooter. 

[00:26:59] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. I [00:27:00] the first time I sat out and tried to shoot something I did, it did it just as like an observation sit.

So I sat against a tree just like I would with a crossbell. And I ended up having a dough walk out at 20 yards and shot it while I was sitting next to a tree. So 

[00:27:13] Dan Johnson: I figured easy. This is easy. Love it. I don't know 

[00:27:20] Bryan Meyering: why that dude didn't see me. Cause it's not like a small individual, but 

[00:27:23] Dan Johnson: so you found success doing the, new weapon, but still the old kinda ways of hunting. Yeah. Okay. 

[00:27:31] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, I did, I bought all the climbing sticks and the I got a X O P stand and and I got a, a saddle eventually, so now I know. I'm really cool. I'm one of the real cool 

[00:27:43] Dan Johnson: guys.

Yeah. Shooting a bow at a saddle. Yeah, buddy. Okay, so you said you're a big guy. How big are you, if you don't mind me asking? I'm 

[00:27:50] Bryan Meyering: six foot, six and 300 pounds. 

[00:27:52] Dan Johnson: Okay. That's a big dude. I wanna talk a little bit before, before we go on with the rest of the story cuz I'm two 30, I'm six [00:28:00] foot, six foot one, I'm 2 30, 2 35.

And I'm curious what your experience is with a saddle at that size. 

[00:28:12] Bryan Meyering: I had the tree Hopper was the first one. It was a two panel. It was similar to like the old Andersons. Yeah. I sat in it all day once last year and it was. Not that pleasant. You just get a lot of pinches and around your hips and stuff.

I got a method too this year, so I'm gonna try that out. But I haven't sat in it all day, but for a couple hours. It's not bad. Yeah. It's not a bad comfortable, but an all day sit was tough. 

[00:28:41] Dan Johnson: Yeah. I think this year I'm gonna be sitting in a saddle a lot more this year. I'm looking forward to using the the new lockdown that tethered put out cuz it's got the pockets on the hips and I think that's gonna suit me pretty well.

But the most that I've sat in my last year's saddle was like [00:29:00] two and a half hours at a time. It was like, Two or three afternoon hunts and that was it. And so now I'm looking forward to this, this different saddle and really just sitting back and seeing how comfortable I can get.

I wasn't even thinking about it this last year, but this year I'm gonna be putting a little bit more thought into it and seeing how to get more comfortable in there. Yeah. 

[00:29:25] Bryan Meyering: A lot of it comes down to where you tether off, like the height of your tether Yeah. For how much pressure goes where.

But it's really nice to have something that you can adjust Yeah. On your hips and where 

[00:29:35] Dan Johnson: the pressure is on your butt. Absolutely. Absolutely. Have you shot a deer out of a saddle yet? 

[00:29:41] Bryan Meyering: No, I'm, oh, for lifetime shooting at deer from the air. 

[00:29:45] Dan Johnson: Okay. Oh, so this buck we're gonna getting ready to talk about was the ground a ground butt too.

Oh yeah. Yes, it was. Okay. All right. We might as well get into it yet. When you sent me the email, you said Barstool buck. All [00:30:00] right. Yep. So let's get into the story. Is it this, is this a deer that you knew about for several years, or was this a deer that just popped up randomly? 

[00:30:13] Bryan Meyering: It was a deer I had found in the summer.

Okay. In velvet. I don't know if I saw him the year before. The neighbor to the north had found his shed from the year before, but I think it was one of those that he blew up and he sh that he showed up a lot more because he was the biggest handler 

[00:30:31] Dan Johnson: deer. Okay. And so there's a chance you knew about him, but you're not a hundred percent sure.

You got, when was the first picture of this buck? 

[00:30:44] Bryan Meyering: I think I, the first picture was right around the end of June. Okay. July 

[00:30:48] Dan Johnson: sometime there. All right. And was he identifiable right away? 

[00:30:53] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, he had about, I think it was like an eight point rack at that point, 

[00:30:57] Dan Johnson: gotcha. He was by 

[00:30:58] Bryan Meyering: far the biggest deer [00:31:00] around.

And what year was 

[00:31:01] Dan Johnson: this? This was last year, 2022. Last this past year. Okay. So June po June comes up, you get some trail camera pictures of him and is is he instantly a shooter in your eyes? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. And it compare him to in, in your area of Michigan, is this, are you in southern Michigan?

[00:31:22] Bryan Meyering: No, we're in Masaki County. Okay. Which is 

[00:31:25] Dan Johnson: central northern. Central Northern. Okay. And so is this a pretty good buck for the area? What would you say is a standard deer for your area? 

[00:31:34] Bryan Meyering: 130 inch deer here would be a big 

[00:31:37] Dan Johnson: deer. Okay. All right. And so right away this deer, just from looking at him behind you, he looks a little bit bigger than one 30.

Yeah. What is did anybody else know about him? Did the neighbors know about him? 

[00:31:53] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, everybody around had knew him. The neighbor to the north did. The neighbor to the west did [00:32:00] actually, a couple neighbors to the west had pictures of him, so he was 

[00:32:04] Dan Johnson: around. Okay. And so as you are collecting data on him, trail cam pictures throughout the summer maybe even leading up into September or October, what were you learning about this buck?

[00:32:20] Bryan Meyering: What I figured out this was on a different property than the first story, this property. It is in the middle of a two mile section. Okay. The North Mile is 90% cover. The south mile is 

[00:32:33] Dan Johnson: 90% ag. Okay. And no roads, the property, no roads going through a two mile section. No roads going through a two mile section.

[00:32:43] Bryan Meyering: So the property is pretty much located right in the dead center portion of it. And it's on the edge. The north edge of this farm is where all the cover is going to the north, and then there's a drainage that runs right [00:33:00] through the middle of the farm heading south. And that goes out to the goes out to the ag.

So pretty much the whole farm is a transition area. With some ag on it. Okay. All right. So what I was doing was I was, I figured out there's about six or seven main pathways that the deer would take coming from the cover, going to the ag. And I tried to cover all those with trail cameras. And each time I would get a good picture of a deer.

I use the Spartan Forge app, and in that app they have a feature called the Journal. And when you type in the date and the time, it automatically comes up with the weather the like temperature, bare metric pressure, that sort of thing. So I could input every one of my trail camera pictures into that journal.

And then once I compiled about 20 pictures of him, I could start looking at these pictures and seeing he's going through here with this [00:34:00] wind direction at this time. So that's how I narrowed down where I had to be and when I had to be 

[00:34:07] Dan Johnson: there. Gotcha. Were you running cell cams or standard cameras?


[00:34:13] Bryan Meyering: places I couldn't get to easily, I would put a cell camera in. And the other places SD cameras 

[00:34:18] Dan Johnson: were so you could easily drive up to 'em, check 'em, and then, okay. All right. And was he pretty consistent in these areas where you had cameras? I had 

[00:34:29] Bryan Meyering: him on two, or I had him on three different main trails.

Okay. And he was really consistent on two of them. The other one was sporadic. Gotcha. So he would, but I, what it came down to was I finally got the most consistent pictures I would get was he would go through this one area where he could hit two trails and he would go through there on a west wind on his way to bed.

So any, it didn't matter if it was west, [00:35:00] southwest, northwest, anything with West, he was using these two trails to get back to cover. And somewhere he was betting on the neighbors where 

[00:35:09] Dan Johnson: that wind worked for him. Okay. So he becomes, he's random in the evenings coming to the food, but he's really consistent coming back to a bed.

Absolutely. Okay. And as this all this data comes in, you're starting to put together, like what was your confidence level? Looking I 

[00:35:31] Bryan Meyering: felt really confident. I told my buddy in September, I'm like, this is a really killable deer. Once I started getting that, that really consistent morning travel pattern, and I knew what the what he was gonna do on what wind.

The only like kicker was, it's a, it's like a permission slash lease. But the landowner's, nieces and nephews hunt it for the youth and the early antler [00:36:00] list, which is a rifle season in the middle of September. So they were gonna be there, and that was really the biggest question mark of what would, how that would impact the travel.

[00:36:10] Dan Johnson: Yeah. That's man, I'd be nervous obviously you want these kids to go out and have success, but not on the Deere that you've, pattern figured out. Yeah. 

[00:36:21] Bryan Meyering: It's deer hunting. It's not, you can't control 

[00:36:23] Dan Johnson: Yeah. The hunters and you can't control the deer, absolutely. Okay, so youth season comes and did they spook him?

Did they bump him? Did anything happen to throw him off of his consistent pattern? 

[00:36:41] Bryan Meyering: I don't think so. I'm not sure. I had a picture of him on the 11th, which would've been the second day of the youth season in daylight. And I don't know how he didn't get shot or seen. But no, it really didn't impact him at all.

I think it moved they were hunting on the [00:37:00] North p part of the farm and, or no, they were hunting on the south edge of the farm. I think that affected where he went through on the south side, but not so much the north 

[00:37:10] Dan Johnson: side. Gotcha. Okay. Okay. And your opener is October 1st, right? Yep. Okay. And were you going in after him right away, or did you have to wait for Wes Winds?

[00:37:25] Bryan Meyering: I had to wait for the right wind and I, and morning hunts aren't super easy for me because my wife takes the kids to school. I gotta watch. I have a two year old daughter, so I stay home with her while my wife takes the kids to school. So I waited for, it, ended up working out. I had a Saturday with 

[00:37:40] Dan Johnson: a Southwest Wind.

Okay. And what date was this? 

[00:37:45] Bryan Meyering: It was the 8th of October. It was October. 

[00:37:47] Dan Johnson: October 8th. All right. So you jumped on this right away? As soon as I could. Yeah. Yeah. And outside of the southwest [00:38:00] wind that October 8th gave you, were there any days. In that timeframe where in the first eight days where you had exactly the right wins that you needed to get in there and hunt him, but you just couldn't because of schedule.

[00:38:16] Bryan Meyering: I think I avoided looking so it wouldn't bother me.

So when I saw it was gonna be that, and then also that Saturday the temperature dropped a little bit. It was gonna be the coldest day. Not by a bunch, but for the most part it, it was gonna drop maybe five, 10 degrees that day. So it was a couple multiple things. Plus I had a seven mile an hour wind.

I wanted a little bit stiffer wind so I could get in there quieter or have some, cupboards cover 

[00:38:49] Dan Johnson: noise. Yeah. Yeah, man. Saturday just worked out perfectly. Yeah, I'll say this. There was one year I had an absolute giant [00:39:00] whitetail patterned to a t. It was like I went and checked cameras on the 20 I checked four trail cameras on the 28th of October, and I went and I checked all of them, same buck.

So now I'm going, all right, he's working this loop. I identified the pattern and I identified the wind, and here comes the wind that I need and it's on Halloween. And what do I, what am I doing on Halloween? I'm taking the kids trick or treaty. And so I've had a couple of scenarios like that throughout the years where the schedule is not allowing me to go and hunt because of I don't work or, something like that.

But I had everything I needed. And then eventually that particular buck never showed up again. Like I never saw him again. So maybe someone shot him, maybe he relocated. [00:40:00] I don't know, but I never saw him. Did he go 

[00:40:02] Bryan Meyering: through that day that you could on Halloween? Did he go through it? 

[00:40:06] Dan Johnson: Yep. Yep. Oh I can't say that he walked in front of any of my tree stands per se, but I can say that he was on two of those four cameras on.

On Halloween with the wind that I needed. But I don't know if he would've walked by. There's a good chance that he would've walked by based off of the information that I know now about how deer cycle through that that ridge system. So I I have a good feeling that I at least would've saw him not necessarily had a shot at him.

So how much fun did you have, trick or treating? Oh, it was great. It was great. I had so much fun trick or treating, especially when I'm just thinking about that the whole time, right? You're just thinking I could have tagged out tonight and then the season would've been over. I would've only had to worry about a late season [00:41:00] type hunt, maybe.

Yep. I use my bow tag. It's done. And so I was thinking a lot about it, but at the same time I was just like, this is the one thing that I have to do that's during the season every single year. Yeah. I might as well just tough it up, forget about it and go, but I will say this, the 28th through Halloween, it, for me anyway, that's when the big dogs start to get on their feet and stretch a little bit.

And I'm not talking like an hour before daylight. I'm talking maybe 20 minutes before daylight and like now that cell cams are there, I have to leave my house, my phone at the house when I go trick or treating because right at this five o'clock mark, it's bing bing.

And I'm just checking my phone instead of watching my kids trick or treating. And so I had to learn to leave my phone at the house. So yeah, that's probably a good policy. Yep. All right. So you identified him, right? [00:42:00] And so you c you knew that you couldn't hunt, so you didn't, you weren't worried about it.

Was October 8th to Saturday did you say? Yep. Okay. Saturday. And so how knowing that this deer, okay, lemme back up. Where, what direction did you have to access this property from? From the east. From the, okay. From the east. So there's a chance that you have the oppor, there's a good chance that you're not going to disrupt him coming from the ag to the back to his bed.


[00:42:36] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, it was, I didn't, I was worried there's a, there was some ag that I had to go through to, to get to the spot. I wanted to, but I didn't think that he would be there. Typically he went to the south. There was some standing corn at that time. And that's where I assumed he was spending most of the night.

And then he would filter back through the property between [00:43:00] five o'clock from the south end to, seven 30 on the north side of, he usually just slowly worked his way back. Gotcha. Through that. 

[00:43:10] Dan Johnson: Gotcha. All right. And, but you needed a west wind, but you're accessing it from the east, which tells me that at some point you have to cross the trail or trails that he uses to get back to bed in order to get into your stand.

To where your wind is not blowing at him. Yeah. At some point. All right. Walk, did you, 

[00:43:37] Bryan Meyering: I had to give up quite a bit to, to cover the two trails that I thought he was going 

[00:43:43] Dan Johnson: to use. Okay. So did you have to like j hook in like a big loop around or did you walk straight to the stand? 

[00:43:51] Bryan Meyering: I walked pretty much straight to it and crossed, I don't know, three, I think three of the six trails.

Okay. Just assuming that it's gonna [00:44:00] be in the right spot. It was one of those I have good intel. I'm gonna make a big swing right now and if it doesn't work, I'll try it again late in the late season or something, but it was one of those, I'm, this is either gonna work really well or I'll gonna screw 

[00:44:14] Dan Johnson: everything up.

Gotcha. And so you were all three of those trails that you crossed within shooting lane shooting range. 

[00:44:24] Bryan Meyering: No, there's I was only gonna be able to cover 

[00:44:28] Dan Johnson: two of 'em. Two of them. Okay. And was one downwind of you? 

[00:44:33] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. Okay. And one of the trails that I was covering, he was gonna hit my wind at some point.

But I had to stop opportunity before he would Perfect. Get there. Perfect. So he would, in that situation, I was assuming like most big deer are the last deer out in the evening. After all the other deer go, come out, I was assuming that he would be the first back to bed. So I didn't think that would be a big problem, [00:45:00] but it ended up, I had 13 dos and fawns go through first.

So they just took the path that didn't. Catch my 

[00:45:07] Dan Johnson: wind, luckily. Wow. And so you had, you were throwing, not necessarily a hail Mary because you had a lot of information, but you were taking a risk crossing trails with ground scent and then getting in a tree. Cuz that shit's happened to me before where I'm in a tree, I'm in a good spot, but then the deer that I don't want to shoot get downwind to me.

If that big buck came through, I would've been, I would've had a shot at him before he hit my wind. Was that something that was a potential worry for you? I 

[00:45:41] Bryan Meyering: was worried about the other deer, but I, like I said, I had assumed he would be the first one through going to bed the earliest, so I was, I thought that wouldn't be as big of an issue as what it ended up being.

Okay. But I was, it was another one of those times where I got really anal about set had everything in a locker with a ozone machine the night [00:46:00] before and, Wearing rubber boots and spraying everything off. Yeah. I was trying to minimize how much of a issue it was gonna be, but 

[00:46:09] Dan Johnson: Okay.

All right. So once you get into the stand then how early were you in the stand? 

[00:46:16] Bryan Meyering: Let's see. I got there about four. I got, I think I pulled in about four 30. And I got to where I, I had put that bar stool in a willow swamp in the edge. And I tucked it in pretty well, but I hadn't been to that spot since August cuz I didn't want my scent around there.

So I went, I walked through the farm and I got to where that. That bar stool was sitting in the willows, and I couldn't find the thing. So I'm just sitting there going, walking back and forth, trying to figure out where I had stuck this thing in this willow swamp thinking good thing I got up so early to get here two hours before daylight and not be able to find my blind.

[00:46:58] Dan Johnson: Wow. Okay, [00:47:00] so this is a question I forgot to ask you. You, at some point you actually took a bar stool that you would find in any bar here in America, and you drug it into the woods with you, the swamp with you, and set it somewhere. Why a bar stool? 

[00:47:20] Bryan Meyering: A chair 

[00:47:20] Dan Johnson: was too low. Okay. Okay. But 

[00:47:24] Bryan Meyering: I couldn't, there were in, in this area, there's, it's a lot of low trees and brushy, shrubby stuff.

So I couldn't get in a tree. There was no, there wasn't a tree around that I could even climb in unless I was gonna climb like a three inch elm tree. And 300 pound fat guy hanging off the side of a three inch elm tree is a little bit cons. 

[00:47:45] Dan Johnson: It conspicuous. Just leaning all the way over. 

[00:47:50] Bryan Meyering: Yep. I had thought I had found this I found one of the two trails the year before.

And I had figured it was probably getting traveled by bucks [00:48:00] because the willows are so thick that they aren't gonna just walk anywhere. It was the only trail going through these willows that was wide enough to get a rack through. So I had set the bar stool in, I'd carried it in on an evening hunt the year before.

And I sat there one time and had, three bucks within seven yards. But they caught my ground set. Cause I had crossed that trail, trying to find a spot to put the bar stool. 

[00:48:23] Dan Johnson: Yeah. So you put this bar stool out. Did you cut shooting lanes previously or did you ha, were you gonna gap shoot?

[00:48:33] Bryan Meyering: There was a natural opening there and I had, in August, I had broken the branches down a little bit so that I'd have an opening. Okay. I set it up so that the deer had to get past me before they would go, I would see 'em in the opening. So I was covered pretty well with them not seeing me coming through.

Gotcha. So yeah, there was a, there was an opening that I had opened up a little bit earlier in that season, but I had left it and not touched anything for a couple 

[00:48:59] Dan Johnson: [00:49:00] months. Gotcha. Okay. So you get in there how much time did you have once you actually found the bar stool to when the sun started coming up?

It was about two hours. Two hours. So you sat in the dark for two straight hours. Yeah. Yep. Okay. All right. Awesome. And here's the thing about the early season that, just as well as I do, sometimes the deer come back to bed real early, right? Yep. Did you, while you were in there, did you hear what sounded like deer coming back through?

[00:49:35] Bryan Meyering: When I first got in there, I heard something and it, it was up, it was down wind mean it had spooked did it, and then later black, it didn't blow, but I think it was a coyote. Cause I saw another coyote run through there about the same time. But I saw my first, I think the first deer that I saw go through there was about six, six o'clock was a little after six o'clock.

So yeah, you could [00:50:00] just make out that it was a deer in 30 yards with your binoculars. 

[00:50:03] Dan Johnson: Yeah. All right. So what was the deer movement that morning? 

[00:50:08] Bryan Meyering: It was pretty consistent. A lot of, there was dos and fawns coming from the south going to the north, and most of the deer were in between. I think that coyote that had actually walked through helped me out a little bit because they picked up his ground set and focused on that.

A lot of them walked the exact path where he was or she was, I don't know. But wherever that coyote was the deer followed that path and were a little weary. But not bad. Most of the deer were in between 20 and 30 yards, and luckily all the do and fawns took the farther trail away, and they didn't cross, they didn't get into 

[00:50:45] Dan Johnson: my wind.

Okay. All right. And then, so there was a good number of deer that came, like dos and fawns that came through first. Any other bucks come through. The 

[00:50:56] Bryan Meyering: first time that I saw the deer, there was a group of four [00:51:00] bucks and they were all bachelor up still. And they all came through together. Okay. At 

[00:51:04] Dan Johnson: the same time.

But he was one of them. He was one of them. Okay. And at, were they all single file line coming down the same trail? Yep. Oh wow. This is sound, this is like a dream scenario. It is. Like you could just take your pick of what you wanted. Yeah. And obviously the big dog's in with this, was he first, was he last, was he in the middle 

[00:51:29] Bryan Meyering: of four?

He was the third 

[00:51:31] Dan Johnson: one. Okay. He was the third one. And when he showed up instantly, did you say that's him? And how much time did you have before you identified him to the time that you had to draw back? I had a 

[00:51:46] Bryan Meyering: pretty good amount of time. I saw him from probably 150 yards. Oh, okay. Really focused on him and right at that time I noticed there was a dough 30 yards away from me standing there.

And she had two fawns. And then I'm like, oh my gosh, I [00:52:00] just have to beat three more deer and then I'm good. Cuz I think she caught a little movement when I put my binoculars up and I was focused on those bucks. But I probably had five minutes maybe a little longer. Okay. Enough to freak out and then tell yourself to stop being an idiot.

It's just a beer, right? 

[00:52:20] Dan Johnson: Yep. The adrenaline dump and then, yeah then you recognize that you have buck fever, then you talk yourself out of buck fever and then it's game time. Were you worried at all about, as you're drawing on that buck, who's third in line that the other deer would see you?

[00:52:36] Bryan Meyering: No, they were quartered away about by the time Oh, okay. 

[00:52:40] Dan Johnson: The draw. So they weren't really walking a straight line right past you. They were coming from away and then coming close and then I'm guessing, following terrain to go back up away from you or down away from you. 

[00:52:56] Bryan Meyering: Yeah. They were following their, they were following the willow edge [00:53:00] there.

Okay. And then there was like a creek crossing 

[00:53:02] Dan Johnson: type of a thing there. Okay. So you shot 'em out on edge basically? He 

[00:53:09] Bryan Meyering: actually, I was, he, they were all comfortable. Yeah. That doe had made his way, made her way through. The first buck walked through and I arranged him, he was at 40 yards, so I slid my pen to 40 yards.

Those deer were all comfortable. Yep. The next one walked, and it was a little bit farther away. I'm like do I adjust or do I just guess? So I decided I just was gonna arrange him to, I arranged that one and that one was at 45. Okay. And then the buck I was after came through and I'm like, oh, I better just range him.

Arranged him. He was at 45 yards. I adjusted my pin and then I'm sitting there thinking, all right, do I grunt to stop him or not? And he stopped on his own and I drew back and I aimed like about four inches under his belly [00:54:00] and got myself 

[00:54:02] Dan Johnson: settled. Because you felt he was gonna drop? 

[00:54:05] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, I'm, shoot, my bow is I shoot a prime, but I had a really heavy arrow set up, and my arrow speed was about 212 feet per second.

So I assumed. At that speed he was gonna drop. So I seldom my pin in, I was just under his belly and I let it loose and you could wa watch the arrow just slowly arc in. And I saw Barry he had ducked and I think he was starting to go forward by the time the arrow got there. And I hit him about four inches behind the shoulder.

Maybe five, six 

[00:54:38] Dan Johnson: inches behind the shoulder. But that's still lung, right? 

[00:54:42] Bryan Meyering: It was, I thought where I hit him it was gonna be the back of the lungs cuz it was halfway up the body. Back of the lungs, liver is what I was thinking it was. Yeah. And then I absolutely lost my marbles 

[00:54:54] Dan Johnson: and just about fell off the bar stool.

Did you see blood instantly? 

[00:54:59] Bryan Meyering: [00:55:00] I don't, I didn't see blood right away. It's a small, it was a small broadhead. So I'm sh shooting like an inch and an eighth fixed blade. So there wasn't a bunch of blood squirting out or anything. Gotcha. I ended up going and finding my arrow and then I had to go to work cuz I found the arrow and I called my buddy who has a tracking dog.

But he had to do something so he couldn't come until the afternoon and I had to go to work until four o'clock. So I had to do the sound board for a wedding while I'm thinking about this deer all morning and all afternoon. So we finally went out there at four o'clock with the dog and we found it after about 

[00:55:38] Dan Johnson: 25 minutes.

Were you worried that the coyotes that you saw earlier might go take a bite of him? 

[00:55:45] Bryan Meyering: I was I wasn't, I didn't think they'd eat his face though. 

[00:55:50] Dan Johnson: Yeah. Oh, and did they eat his face? 

[00:55:51] Bryan Meyering: No. My dad had shot one of his bucks there and he left it overnight and the coyotes had eaten everything. 

[00:55:58] Dan Johnson: Oh yeah. That, they pretty [00:56:00] much ate all my buck this past year.

So when the dog came in, when you got your arrow, was there any blood at impact? What, when you pulled the air, obviously, you know the dog. Did the dog lead you right to him? 

[00:56:14] Bryan Meyering: No, it was a bad day for tracking. It was really, it got hot that afternoon. Yeah. And it was real windy.

So the dog had a tough time finding it, but once my buddy found like one of the beds and then the dog got on that and led us right to 

[00:56:28] Dan Johnson: it. Perfect. And so liver shot? 

[00:56:31] Bryan Meyering: Yep. Liver shot. I ended up missing all the lungs, but it was straight liver, straight laying about 70 yards and embedded down. 

[00:56:38] Dan Johnson: And then seven or 70.

70, 70. Oh, that's pretty good, man. That's still pretty good. Beded down. Yeah, beded down once, got up and beded down again. And that's where you found him? He 

[00:56:50] Bryan Meyering: bet He got up about four times. Yeah. And Beded and made it about 70 more yards. Okay, 

[00:56:56] Dan Johnson: perfect. Perfect man. That's awesome. Yeah. And so [00:57:00] at, is this your biggest butt to date?


[00:57:03] Bryan Meyering: Yep. It was, it scored one 50 and a couple eights 

[00:57:07] Dan Johnson: Michigan one 50 class. And so you're now a stud because you dropped a giant, like one 50. I was a stud before. Good. Good answer. Good answer. That's awesome man. So were you pretty jacked when you walked up on him and grabbed the antlers for the first time?

[00:57:26] Bryan Meyering: Yeah, actually I had named this deer. I had to name 'em in my the journal, I just put one 40 cause I thought he was gonna be 140 inch deer. And when I walked up on him, this is the first time I walked up on a deer that was bigger 

[00:57:39] Dan Johnson: than what I thought it was. Looked bigger. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome, man.

That's awesome. And so now he's on your wall behind you and that's a, he's a mainframe 10. 

[00:57:50] Bryan Meyering: He's a mainframe nine. And he is got like seven inches of extras on one brow tie. Yep. He's got a triple brow tie, so 

[00:57:59] Dan Johnson: That's awesome, [00:58:00] man. Congratulations. And now this season, do you have another deer that you are already got your sights on?

[00:58:09] Bryan Meyering: I think my goal this year is gonna be shoot a good deer on public. Okay. I haven't found anything on private yet, but there'll be something pretty decent, 

[00:58:17] Dan Johnson: I would guess. Gotcha, gotcha. That's, 

[00:58:19] Bryan Meyering: but I don't think I'm gonna shoot 150 inch. Buck every year around here. 

[00:58:23] Dan Johnson: You never know.

You never know. Congratulations on an awesome story, man. I I appreciate you taking time outta your day to hop on and bs with us and good luck this upcoming season, man. 

[00:58:35] Bryan Meyering: Thanks, 

[00:58:35] Dan Johnson: you too.

Huge shout out to Brian. Huge man, I can't talk. Huge shout out to Brian. Huge shout out to all of you for taking time outta your day to listen, to download, to continue to be a part of the Nine Finger Nation. Man, I really appreciate it. If you guys get bored, go check out some of the other podcasts on the [00:59:00] Sportsman's Empire.

Man, there is a ton of great content out there that I know you guys will enjoy. And I'll put that content up against anybody on the planet, in the industry, whatever. It's really good content. And last but not least, man, we gotta talk about the good vibes. It's that time of year where we're starting to think.

About the woods. So we need all the good vibes we can have, man. Good vibes in, good vibes out, and we'll talk to you next time.