The Logistics and Reality of Being a Traveling Turkey Hunter

Show Notes

In this week's episode I have Roy Holdford from the "Curl Hunts" youtube channel on the show. Roy is a previous intern for the hunting public, who now runs his own youtube channel where he documents his turkey hunting travels throughout the country while living out of a van! Roy and I discuss some of the unexpected challenges that come with traveling to hunt turkeys, as well as what we love about it. We share several stories of different situations that we've ended up in within turkey hunting travels and how we overcame them. We talk about the things that you need to be prepared for, as well as things you need to educate yourself on before crossing state lines. For the second half of the podcast, we talked about tactics, and how Roy likes to set up, call to and hunt turkeys. I hope this episode helps keeps the anticipation at bay a bit for those of you who aren't in a state that is open yet, or haven't started your spring travels yet. Thanks for listening!

Show Transcript