The Neighbor Shot my 200in Buck

Show Notes

On this episode of Michigan Wild we are coming in from the Chilli Buck Lounge over at The Fall Podcast's studio. Nate was able to sit down with Arron Bliese and Russ Papke and dive into the final chapter of a 200+ inch buck. (Mr Krabs) This was a deer Nate had some history with and actually named the deer when he was 2.5 years old in 2021. Nate even sent an arrow at Mr Krabs in 2023. Unfortunately for Nate, Russ didn't miss this fall. He closed the chapter on Mr Krabs and shot an absolute mega giant!

Russ's story for how his fall played out is wild. The ups and downs Russ went through leading up to the moment he saw the deer does bring life into perspective. Life is unpredictable, much like November, and fortunately for Russ he listened to his wife and still spent some time in the woods. Shooting a 200+ inch buck in Michigan is incredible, it's a testament to hunters passing (or missing) deer and striving for a higher age structure across the landscape. 

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Interested in being a guest on Michigan Wild? Send an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comor send a message on Instagram @michiganwildpod.

In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs.

Want to dive into the mock scrape game, or find a proven product? Check out DH3 a full synthetic scrape system. 

Show Transcript