What Makes a Pennsylvania Elk Hunt Successful?

Show Notes

On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch is joined by returning guest Bryan Hale of Elk County Outfitters.  One notable trait of Bryan - the man is a grinder.  He works tirelessly to maintain success at Elk County Outfitters for clients and his team.  So how does Bryan stay sane throughout this process?  That's the beauty of hunting - it's a much greater endeavor than killing.  Comradery and fellowship bring greater reward in the end.

As hunters, it can be very easy to stress ourselves out to fill a tag and meet a certain expectation.  This added stress only takes away from our experience and removes us from the present.  We dive into this topic as it relates to PA elk hunting, then shift to discussing the tag lottery system, and of course some awesome 2023 hunting stories.  Hopefully if you're not applying for PA elk, this episode sways you in the right direction!  Even if it doesn't, it definitely makes you think about slowing down and enjoying the process of hunting!

Show Transcript