What's Current

Show Notes

On this episode of Michigan Wild, Nate is on a solo mission to bring everyone up to speed on current events. Those current events include a rabbit season update/breakdown, whitetail mindset and scouting update, his upcoming hog hunt, and purchasing a new bow. This time of year is exciting and a transition into preparing for the upcoming fall. Nate finds himself shifting focus on more scouting and changing his mindset to focus on upcoming goals. 

Rabbit hunting is coming to a quick close so Nate took some time to reflect on this season and the success he had. Fortunately the dogs are ending the season on a high note, and Nate found himself fulfilling a few goals chasing bunnies. Now that the hunting begins to taper off once Nate returns from his hog hunt, whitetails begin to take up time and energy. Discussing some potential bucks to target this fall and some strategy in locating new spots to hunt along with habitat improvements are an increasing priority. Finishing the conversation Nate discusses a recent new bow he purchased and the reasoning behind it. 

Thank you for listening to the episode! If you would like to support Michigan Wild farther leave a review/ranking anywhere you listen to the podcast! 

Interested in being a guest on Michigan Wild? Send an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comor send a message on Instagram @michiganwildpod.

In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out vitalizeseed.com and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs.

Want to dive into the mock scrape game, or find a proven product? Check out DH3 a full synthetic scrape system.  

Show Transcript