A Season To Forget

Show Notes

This week on the show Nate and Micah talk with returning guest Ren Witte about his 2021 season and his pursuit of a buck he nicknamed Tupac.  Usually hunting stories told are that of success, but Ren's pursuit of this buck last year had to be one of the biggest series of horrible events we have ever heard from one hunt, let alone an entire season's worth.  Ren had one thing after another go wrong as he tried pinning down this buck, and after one crazy or bad thing would happen to him and he was ready to move on to the next chapter, another bad thing would happen.  All of the things that happened to Ren during last season were all out of his control, and can make a hunter feel very discouraged and make hunting very aggravating, the exact opposite effect it's supposed to have on us hunters.  Ren's story is one that hopefully encourages the listener to keep a positive mindset and to just keep your head down and working, no matter how bad you think it may get.  Ren's year last year is proof that it can always be worse.  We want to thank Ren for coming on to talk about his horrid year in the pursuit of Tupac.  In the real hunting world it's not always rainbows and sunshine, sometimes it's just a big shit show.  Thanks for listening!

Show Transcript