Show Notes
In this podcast Rocky Burrus from SA Farms Management Service discusses his process to build the ultimate setup for killing deer. We dig into what Rocky has been doing since our last podcast. Rocky travels around the southern part of the US helping clients achieve success, as an implementer he is responsible for putting clients.
Rocky discusses food plot timing and recent client’s visits. Jon discusses his food plots and what he is observing this time of year. Rocky breaks down how to emplace deer in areas and further describes what he calls buck traps. Rocky works with his client to enhance natural movements and improve huntability goals on his client’s properties.
Rocky’s breaks down his process of designing and setting up hunting properties. Rocky goes through each step and how you can build a property to kill quality deer every year. Rocky dismisses the idea of nocturnal bucks. Rocky provides a specific example from a recent client visit and how his team creates bedding, food plots and controls movement into his deer traps allowing success each year. Rocky explains how to move deer into different locations and how he establishes scrape stations near treestands to create the maximum draw. Rocky and Jon discuss having the correct amount of cover and Rocky focuses on the use of hinge cutting to develop precision bedding.