Be Prepared, Adapt & Attack w/ Steve Sherk

Show Notes

Hey everyone, welcome to episode 192 of the Antler Up Podcast!

On this week's episode I was joined by PA native Steve Sherk Jr. to kick off the PA state wide opener week!  This is the second year in a row that Steve has kicked off the season for us.  If you are like me, when Steve speaks you have to listen!  He is one of the best out there when it comes to providing helpful information and has year after year success in the PA woods.    This was a really fun episode to record because we discussed some plans for this upcoming season, Steve’s ability to adapt to hunting pressure, potential outlook for the 2023 season, timing your hunts and a whole lot more!

We begin this episode by hearing Steve share what he is doing to finalize things for this upcoming season with more prep work with cameras.  Steve discusses what hunting means to him and the impact it has made on his life.  Following this up Steve has been able to adapt to the hunting pressure.  With more great information out there Steve has changed some of his strategies to better his odds on a PA mature buck.  With the low kill numbers, mild winter Steve believes in his area this upcoming year can be a good one.  We dive into food options, his 3 C’s and his top 3 rules when it comes to hunting those big ole cautious bucks!  I greatly appreciate Steve for all that he has done and is doing for the hunting community and can’t wait to see his success and get a chance to catch up with him again! Be sure to check out his Mountain Buck University YouTube channel and his Sherk’s Guide Service!  Enjoy this fun episode and see you next week! 

Thanks again for all the support and best of luck out there and Antler Up!

Check out the Sportsmen's Empire Podcast Network for more relevant outdoor content!

Show Transcript

Jeremy Dinsmore: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Antler Up podcast brought to you by Tethered. The world's best saddle hunting equipment, and we have a fun show for you all today.

What's up, everybody? Welcome back to this week's episode of the Antler Up podcast. Hunting season is here, everybody. What a week. Really excited to get things going, and no better way. To kick things off for us than having this episode with steve shirk jr Really really pumped to have him on again for the second year in a row To kick off the season for us all and if you're like me when steve speaks You gotta listen man, and he is one of the best out there when it comes to providing Helpful information and has year after year success in the [00:01:00] PA woods.

This was a really fun episode to record because we discussed some plans for this upcoming season. Steve's ability to adapt to hunting pressure, the potential outlook for 2023 and the reasoning behind it. Timing your hunts and a whole lot more really get into some really good stuff with Steve on this one.

And, uh, we go back into his three C's his rules for. Hunting cautious bucks, man, just a really, really fun episode to record and hopefully fire you up and get ready for this season and be sure to check out mountain buck university on his YouTube channel, as well as shirks guide service where you could book a hunt, uh, probably for not this year, but for next year.

So I want to thank Steve for again, for all that he's done and continuing to do for the hunting community, especially everybody out here in PA, but also across the nation. He does some great things. So appreciate you, Steve. Thanks again, everybody, for all your continued support. If you like what you hear and you enjoy the podcast, [00:02:00] share your, share it with friends.

Make sure you go on iTunes, Spotify, leave that five star review really helps out a lot. If you want to continue to get things rolling with the Antler Up podcast. Also really quick bi weekly, so not this week, but next week on Friday, we will drop a bonus episode calling it the antler up report going to have friends on just random guests, even as well, talking about success stories, failures, man, just as of right now, they're going to be like a 15, 20, 25 minute little, you know, straight to the point, maybe a hunting topics as well, just fun conversations, kind of that, that camp feel.

So hopefully you tune in on those. Thanks. And if you want to come on to those for a topic or something, tell a story, hit me up, let's get it going. Thanks again everybody for all the support. Good luck to you in the woods. Say stay safe out there. Best of luck, antler up[00:03:00]

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You have deer prediction, journaling, and the best maps on any hunting app platform there is. Use code antler up to save 20 percent off your Spartan Forge membership at Spartan Forge. Welcome back to the show, everybody. I'm joined by what people would say, the man, the myth, the legend, Steve Scherz Jr.

Steve, welcome back to the show, man. It's a great pleasure and honor to have you back on. Uh,

Steve Sherk: just, just thanks a lot for having me. It's uh, I don't know. I think I, maybe we talked after the season. So I think, uh, last year too, I talked right before the season. So it's, uh, just an honor on my side too, just to know that, uh, You'd like to add me on about this time of year and, you know, kind of to kick off the season.

So thanks a lot for thinking of me as well. Oh, dude,

Jeremy Dinsmore: anytime. And since we're giving [00:05:00] thanks and all that stuff, you know, I, I, I did have something written down and, and I want to stick to it. I want to say thanks not only for, from my behalf, man, but for, I hope I, I know for, especially for some of my really good close friends, you know, just thanks for.

All the knowledge and the help, man, that you have shared with not only myself, uh, but with a public individuals, the public hunters, I'm not saying public land hunters, but just public hunters out there, um, over the years, because man, it it's. You're awesome as an individual and you're the the information and the help that you've provided is just so greatly appreciative and so man I just want to say thanks on behalf of that because you know You could keep you could have kept all this information on to yourself and and you know Not let it out there And I think it's really awesome and and just so great that you've done it and I just want to say thanks on that on On that man.

No, well,

Steve Sherk: hey, you don't have to thank me. No one [00:06:00] has to thank me It's just, it's just part of who I am, so, uh, I mean, certainly, uh, makes me feel great when I know that people like you that, you know, really take it seriously and benefit from it, but, uh, Hey, like I said, no one's got to thank me, but just glad I can help someone.

So appreciate

Jeremy Dinsmore: that. Heck yeah, man. So what's new? We have some really exciting times coming up. So other than that, what, what else is new and Steve, uh, in your life, man? Yeah. I mean, from

Steve Sherk: the hunting side, there's a lot going on, a lot of trail cam. Uh, moving around right now, you know, a lot of, a lot of like early or not really seasoned, but preseason prep, um, getting things ready, you know, cause literally, I mean, I won't start guiding until the end of October, but it's not something that just in a couple of weeks I can get prepared for.

So, uh, the past past couple of weeks, just really started to think of spots, um, going back in areas, even, even a few hunting spots here and there, [00:07:00] I've been doing some trimming and clearing some lanes. Like I said, uh, especially when, you know, guide as many as many people as I do, like you got to have a lot of spots.

It's not like, uh, everyone's hunting from the same stand every time. So it's just been a lot of, you know, early prep work, but it's just, just kind of like this summer, I don't know, just flew by faster than normal. It's just, I swear, just almost doesn't feel right. Met or you know, my heart is in it still the same.

It's like, Jesus, it's already here, almost. You know, I'm sure, uh, I just got a feeling I've talked to some other people, some other people said the same thing. So it's crazy.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I know it comes to time where June one rolls around and we're like, okay, people are either have cameras out already just a little bit that keep out all year.

Then other people are like, I'm ramping up. Here we go. You know what I mean? And that just seemed like, like a snap of your finger. It's over. And here we go.

Steve Sherk: [00:08:00] Exactly. So, uh, that's why, uh, you know, some people honestly, I would say, uh, you know, this now is the time to, to get a lot of that work done or, you know, check, check, make sure your cameras are running good and get them in the right spots.

You can't really do some of these things too soon. So, uh, definitely, uh, I hope that other people kind of have the same mindset as us right now. Yeah,

Jeremy Dinsmore: I'm with you on that one. So here's, here's what I want to ask you, Steve. So, and it's still geared towards hunting, so it's, it's not, it's not like, Hey, who won the 1949 world series thing?

So, but. I love your passion and, and the start this off, like I said, I thanked you for not only helping myself, but other hunters and putting out that information. You see the passion you just talked about it, what you do as far as your guiding service goes on public land for, you know, great opportunities here in Pennsylvania, what does.

Hunting mean to you, man? Like what, like if you have, if you randomly met [00:09:00] somebody through your, uh, you know, your own personal business that you do with your lawn care and all that stuff, and you got, I don't know, middle aged individual and you're in your camo gear because you're getting ready to go into the woods and they say, are you a hunter?

And you say, yeah. And they say, what does hunting mean to you? What does it mean to you, man?

Steve Sherk: Oh, honestly, it's more than any meaning to me. It's really like a part of who I am. I really think it's, uh, something that the good Lord put in me, you know, when I was first born, or when he was putting me together with his own hands.

I, uh, You know, it's not, um, and it's not so much just about the hunt itself, uh, obviously, or even the kill, it's like, there's a connection that my soul that almost needs to survive just from being in the outdoors and the woods and just every aspect of hunting and nature, like, it's just, honestly, just to boil it down, it may sound simple, but it's, it's just a part [00:10:00] of who I am, and I honestly, I don't think I would even want to exist if, if I couldn't be connected to that.

Um, it just, life wouldn't be the same and, you know, I'm not going to say it's the most important thing to me, but it's definitely a huge part of my life. It's not even a choice. Like I just, if nobody introduced me to hunting, I still think I would have found it on my own or, you know, it's just, just where I'm meant to be at least in part of my life.


Jeremy Dinsmore: awesome. It, it teaches you so much, you know what I mean? And, and it's like you said, it's not necessarily all the success and everything like that. It's just being out there and being connected in a different way. And, uh, it's interesting. To see how there's very similar responses and feelings and it all means different things, but in the end, it's, it's, it's what creates and a huge part of who we are and, and, uh, you know, I appreciate you sharing that because, you know, it just, for someone that is as passionate as you are, that has basically a [00:11:00] side gig job in it, you know, that you're part of doing that as far as the guiding goes, you write for North American white tail and, you know, you do your own studies and you know, all that type of stuff.

So. Obviously it means a lot to you, but it doesn't mean it's, it's a job to you. Right? Like that, take all that stuff. You do it, you do all that stuff because of how much you love it. And it it's, it's seen, I put it that way. Like man, like that, that's the one aspect. I think that's why a lot of people have Steve Shirk Jr on, on the top of their list.

for individuals that they love to hear from, because you're not just out there for other reasons. And, you know, I, I respect the heck out of you with that. And, uh, so man, that's awesome to hear.

Steve Sherk: No, thank you. And honestly, just to kind of touch on that a little more, like the other day, you know, as I'm like starting to get even more excited about hunting season, the thoughts of like, it wasn't like, uh, [00:12:00] you know, being in the stand or shooting a big There was like certain memories that were bringing joy to my heart.

Like, Oh, I love it when I go through this one valley with all these meadows every fall and check that scrape liner. I just. The feel of just watching the sun come up over that ridge on one of my favorite stands like some of those, those like, uh, I mean, it's just like what I want to say, like, almost like God given moments that, you know, you, you can't, you can't create yourself or just the smells, the sounds, the sites, like that's honestly the stuff that really has been coming to my mind a lot lately.

I mean, obviously, yeah. Yeah. I'm hoping I get a nice buck, and I hope I have some good action this year, but, you know, those weren't the first things coming to my mind, and I really think, like I said before, if you can find Joy in hunting [00:13:00] with everything that it has to offer versus just the actual hunting and killing itself.

I think you're going to be a much more happier hunter and, uh, probably going to stick with it for much longer in your lifetime. If you really take every part of it

Jeremy Dinsmore: that's available. Yeah. When did you. Take things a lot more serious, Steve, because I mean, yeah, you've said it on multiple podcasts that, you know, thanks to chat and those guys over at Exodus, like they were kind of like that first podcast a couple of years ago that got the ball rolling, I guess, for you to be out there, you know, how did they find you?

And like, when, like, when do you feel like that? I don't want to call it a break, but like, when do you think people started recognizing you like with, with the information you were putting out there? Yeah. I mean,

Steve Sherk: you, you really did hit the nail on the head with those guys. Um, you know, I wasn't very well known until I started getting like, you know, people's podcasts.

And I mean, I never, I've never asked anyone to be on their podcast either. Right. You know, I always had some, [00:14:00] you know, mainly local social media followers, but you know, not a huge following for. You know, or not that I even have a huge following now, but much less than what I have, but, uh, it was, uh, you know, I, I bought some of their cameras, uh, you know, it just, I could tell they were, what I liked about the Exodus guys was like, I knew they were hunters, uh, they weren't that far from me, they're easy to reach out to, you know, you can literally, I literally call Chad on the phone, like he's the owner of the business, but yet he would take a call at any time, you know, like, I'm like, you know, these guys, These guys are my kind of people and uh, I think they saw something in me too, especially when I'm posting pictures of big bucks on exodus trail cam pictures and they're probably like, well, that doesn't hurt.

Might even be able to benefit us. So, uh, yeah, and then it was done. They just, uh, said, hey, you know, we'd like to, uh, have you on our podcast sometime, and, you know, I wasn't sure, I wasn't [00:15:00] sure what to think of it, I wasn't, you know, I wasn't going to refuse it or anything, but, just like you said, after that podcast, I mean, I figured that would be like my one and only thing, only time.

It didn't matter to me that, you know, things have turned into what they have, but I did like one podcast with them, and then, I don't know, just, it just, like you said, it was like a domino effect, and I guess I, you know, I don't want to say I'm proud of what happened, but I was just, it's like, wow, I guess things that I've learned, and, you know, some of this is actually helpful and interesting to other people, and it really just drew me more to wanting to share, and like, I guess if I do have a gift or, you know, something to make someone better, like it gave me more desire to want to share that.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Right. And then in return, you know, ultimately you get better at it. I mean, that's, that's the, you know, that's the other kicker is that you're, you're spending more time in the woods. Gaining that, that extra [00:16:00] attributes for your, your woodsmanship and being a better hunter and all that type of stuff. So in that grand scheme of things too, it also translate into not only helping others learn and develop, but you as yourself.

Yeah. And even

Steve Sherk: like, uh, you know, I've talked to so many great hunters like you and many other guys, and, uh, like just talking to so many different people from all over the country about deer hunting, like. You know, I'm, I've become a better hunter just through many other people myself. So, uh, certainly it's, uh, it's helped me in a lot of different ways.

It's helped my business. Um, like I said, it's great to know that, you know, people aren't just having me on for no reason that, you know, that I am able to share some things and, you know, do a good deed in some kind of way for someone. So, uh, yeah, like I said, it's nothing I ever planned on happening, but. You know, I think it's pretty cool.

And I'm still here. Um, I, you know, you, you've [00:17:00] had me out three times now and I'm not going away until everyone's tired of

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Use code a you to save 15 percent off your tailored arrow order at exodusoutdoorgear. com. I'll tell you what, man, as long as the Antler Up podcast is going, this episode that I call it my annual Steve Shirk Jr. PA white tail bow hunting kickoff episode, I always air that, you know, either end of August beginning, or I'm sorry, end of [00:18:00] September, beginning of October, and that is the one episode, man, I always look forward to a circle and, and kind of, Get all giddy about to share with everybody.

And, uh, I'm, I'm, I'm pumped for that. And, you know, kind of go off of that third episode, Steve, you know, the first two, we kicked it off. The first one was, uh, we tabbed it. The going to Buck school, you know, with Steve Shirk junior was, was episode one. It was basically part two, uh, last year. Now this one, I don't know what I'm going to call it.

I just, you know, we're going back to school with Steve Shirk. I think we're going to name this one. Um, but you know, to kick off the PA season, man, what, what potential, uh, do you think the year has and everything else, uh, in between for, for this upcoming year for the state of Pennsylvania? Um,

Steve Sherk: I mean, I think there's a lot of potential, although, you know, I don't know if I can speak all across the state, but you know, up in my area.

The deer are really healthy. Uh, we had a mild winter, fairly low kill up my [00:19:00] way, finding, finding some more bigger deer, uh, even bigger antlers this year than usual, you know, the numbers are really good for once. And it's been about three years. We finally got a good acorn crop up here. Um, just, man, I will say like, I can't find one thing.

going into this season that I'm like, man, you know, this isn't looking good. Like everything's just looking very positive now. The only thing, you know, that can happen, because, you know, I'm a big weather hunter, temperature especially, like, if we get a real, you know, hot, warm season, you know, that's, that's gonna make things tougher, but overall, I mean, I hope that everyone's seeing the same results, but I really think we got a special year, you know, not only for, Uh, my business, my family and me, but you know, I think it's going to be a special year all over the state.

Um, I just, you know, it's just one of those things, uh, not, not every year, you know, [00:20:00] it's going to be a great year. It's not usually every year is a fun year, but I would just, if I was going to sum it up in one word, I really think most PA hunters are looking at a potentially very special season.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah, I, I think so too.

I mean, just even going off of like what you just said from things that you've posted online through social media early on, I mean, Steve, it seemed like early, early, you were getting already multiple nice, good, big bucks on camera. Like I'm talking to June where I was like, dang, Steve, that's already like,

Steve Sherk: So, yeah, no, that's exactly like these here.

You know, they had a mild winter. It was a warm, early spring, uh, just so many things, you know, mother nature kind of put, you know, put in their favor this year, you know, going into this summer and obviously this fall, like I said, now, now I have a good, it looks like we got, you know, a good mass crop. I mean, I'm finding.

It's not even just clear cuts, but the habitat's improving everywhere. [00:21:00] Uh, just, I mean, I could just go on and on, but that's like... That's what I was just thinking the other day like I don't know if I've really felt like this going into any season Okay, I'm not gonna say like an overconfident feeling but like just like I can't find one negative thing That's like, oh man, you know, that's kind of bumming me out I'm a little concerned like everything is just super positive

Jeremy Dinsmore: so far.

Yeah, I'll tell you the one aspect that's been crazy is like you said about the acorns. Um, I mean here in Central PA, I've been finding them all over. I'll be going back home to, to Northeast PA here. I was supposed to go this past weekend, but, uh, some family stuff I had to get. Kind of wrap things up here at the house for a little bit, but works out good because then my dad's off.

So we'll get a chance to spend some time together and, and I want him to look at some, uh, a spot that I might put him up in with a, uh, you know, maybe a market with a, uh, A marker so that way he knows to go up in his climber or something like that later in the year. But yeah, I'm excited to see [00:22:00] because back at home, Steve, Northeast PA, the last two years, we had a pretty good acorn, uh, mass and, and man, the year, a couple of years prior to that, it was like non existent, like it was tough.

And the last two years, I mean, you had to be careful walking down the two, the two track, because if. If you weren't paying attention, you could be going on skates, man. Like that's how, but you know, it was a little bit tough, but at the same time, I mean, that's probably, I feel like I've enhanced with understanding a little bit more about how the deer are using, especially back at home in Northeast PA, but my.

thing that I still struggle, struggle with is the finding the, that fee tree, if that makes sense. Like the one, you know, you could have acorn trees falling from all over, but you know, trying to find that sign where it's like, okay, this is fresh crap in here. This is the fee tree. Um, so that's kind of been my, my struggle bus as of probably last year, where I got to get [00:23:00] better at this year, which I've been trying to do a little bit more here in central PA scouting, finding those, those, uh, those ones that are already dropping.

So that way I, I know come season, don't worry about it here and kind of keep building and working around that. But, uh, so that's, that's something that I need to get better at. You know, what's your kind of plan of attack when it comes to that, since you said you have a good, good, uh, uh, drop coming up. Yeah, well, up our way

Steve Sherk: this year, um, what I'm noticing is there's not acorns everywhere, but There's just certain pockets for, you know, what's loaded with them.

And I like, this is exactly what I like. Like, I don't like, uh, real mild or moderate crop because they tend to, between all the bears and squirrels and, you know, turkeys, like, they'll get eaten up pretty quick. But I also don't like, uh, you know, major heavy crop just everywhere. High, low elevations, you name it.

So, like, there's, there's stretches of... [00:24:00] You know, oaks for miles that there's not an acorn, and then all of a sudden, holy cow, for a quarter mile square in this area, it's just like marbles. I'm kind of set up so far, you know, just like the perfect scenario. Um, so that's also going to help break down, you know, where these deer are going to be, where mature bucks going to live.

Um, but you know, as far as, you know, finding that right tree, um, that it is honestly a very hard thing, especially. A lot of places throughout Pennsylvania, you know, very heavy, dominant oak woods, like thousands of oak trees everywhere. Um, and that, you know, it really is very tough to do that. That's where, you know, I honestly think you, you know, I know you brought up finding the right, you know, feed tree.

But in that situation, I think you got to use that feed tree as more of a starting point or that feeding area. And then [00:25:00] find where that deer's bedded because I honestly think that unless it's just literally one oak tree in the middle of nowhere that there's no other oaks around, like, I don't really think there is that one tree all the time in some of these oak forests, so, but like I said, you can use that area, but most likely that buck's got one general area where he's bedded, and that's what I would be focused on is Low cam in that feed.

You can even keep intel on that deer in there. It's probably coming at night a lot too. You know, I'll try to find where that deer is bedded. That's, that's just how it's worked for me, um,

Jeremy Dinsmore: in the, over the years. So one of the things that I did last year was I found a pretty good trail coming into a big Oak and there are multiple Oak trees around and all that type of stuff.

And the sign was okay. It wasn't fantastic. I threw up a camera. Again, this is on, on a private mountain and everything, and there's zero food plots nearby. I mean, they got a, they got a track of a mile, [00:26:00] which is easy for them. Don't get me wrong, but it's not like it. I'm I can't hunt it. I'm nowhere near it basically with the property where I'm at and I threw up a camera and what I've been trying to do is exactly what you just said.

I'm trying to see where the deer movements coming from and looking at the terrain features, scouted out a little bit in this past off season, and I kind of have a. pretty good idea. I'm not 100 percent certain, but it's an aspect of, I think I got a little, I pushed the needle in the right direction basically in, in that one and being able to put it together.

And, and I'm, I'm really happy you said that because that's exactly what I did. So I was like, come on, Steve, say what I hope you want to say.

Steve Sherk: Yeah. Like I said, it's, uh, I'm not going to say it's impossible. Sometimes there's There are spots where if the bucks, you know, got a lot of, you know, a lot of acorns dropping even right in his bedding area, you know, sometimes they'll just have a little pocket that they're just hanging in and hardly even moving around at all, except maybe to go get water at some [00:27:00] point.

But, you know, overall, you know, like I said, in these heavy dominant oak forests, you know, they might have a special feeding area, but to really narrow it down and sometimes that right tree, I think sometimes it changes day to day too. Um, but, you know, like I keep saying, it's, it's that where he's bedded is probably gonna be more consistent to narrow down the

Jeremy Dinsmore: more he's feeding.

Yeah. So here's a, here's where I want to kind of continue on and kick things off a little bit. Steve is, you know, after listening to you, like I said, uh, you know, you, you did some really great ones here this past, you know, early, late summer, early fall type of ordeal with, with some really great podcasters and all that stuff.

And, and. Thank you. You know, hearing you, especially over the last couple, if things are changing for you, man, like I know whether it's still, I know whether it's still, you know, King to you in a sense of, of obviously for deer movement, we're talking and when you like to get out there and hunt, but you know, I hear you talking about a little bit of pressure and staying away from clear cuts [00:28:00] and things like that.

So, you know, what can you share a little bit of, of to like what. And really why you're changing up some of your, uh, strategies, I guess. Yeah, well,

Steve Sherk: um, you know, I don't want to say hunters are my number one enemy, but I mean, we wouldn't be doing what we're doing if everyone wasn't buying a hunting license.

But I will say, like, when it comes to patterning deer, hunters are your number one problem. Um, it doesn't matter what time of year. Even public or private land, like if you're getting pressured, everything changes. And so, you know, when I see, you know, people doing consistent things and, you know, heavily concentrating certain areas, I mean, it's a no brainer that I either got to get out of there or I got to start doing something different.

And, you know, what's amazing, too, in some of these clear cuts is... Um, these are some clear cuts for, you know, five years ago, I'd get a lot of daytime activity, but the [00:29:00] cameras are still there, and, and because they're still, you know, good, good stem count, you know, still a lot of browse, like, it's turned into more like a nighttime food plot, where it used to be some of them would just stay in these clear cuts all the time, even.

All day and they get up and, you know, up and lay down in there all day, you know, feed for 30 yards, lay in a bed for 20 minutes and just keep doing that pattern all day. But now they're bedding maybe a half mile or mile away. And just because there's so many people and so much pressure, you know, around these clear cuts that, you know, these deer are not feeling secure, even though.

The cover is there, uh, it doesn't matter, I mean, there's, there's too many people in there. These deer are getting human scent constantly, uh, you know, so, I mean, those are the things I'm noticing. Um, and, but I've had to do things like this my whole life, I mean, I've... Literally never hunted, uh, private [00:30:00] land ever in my life.

So, there's, I'm all, you always have to evolve. It's just, you know, nothing against podcasts or, you know, sharing information, because I do it more than anyone, but. You know, when people are always listening for certain things, and, you know, clear cuts have just become a huge attraction in the past couple years, and, you know, a lot of people aren't willing to put in the boots on the ground, and the sweat, you know, the hard physical labor to find stuff, but you can literally sit on your phone And, and scout is, you know, and locate these areas as good as good easier than any way there is.

So now I think that's why the clear cut game is because it's so easy to figure things out that way. But the problem is, is it's really just getting worse in some areas like. Yeah, I mean, years ago, you, you would be right on the money, but you know, with everyone else doing it, everything's changed. So as far as the [00:31:00] clear cut game goes, I mean, I've really, I have a couple of cuts that I'm hunting that aren't, I'm not really seeing much pressure, but most of them, I mean, it's getting

Jeremy Dinsmore: pretty bad.

Yeah. So here's a question that. I've been wanting to ask you and a great friend of mine also brought this up when I said that we'll be recording this evening and I want to ask you this one. So for known Bigwood spots, what is more important? Or your belief that really leads to success, is it the time on the stand or using that historical data?

Steve Sherk: Um, for me, I would lean a little bit more towards the data. However, I would lean even more towards like the right day, right time. Right. Weather situations within the right time period. Um, you know, if we, if we get a really good cold late October, I mean, I just think it will be absolutely phenomenal. Um, especially [00:32:00] with these pockets acorns, because those are going to stay close to these food pockets.

Bucks might bet further, but they're going to be very more patternable this year than ever. And these bucks are going to daylight heavy in these,

Um, you know, until some of them, what you will find is when some of them do go into heat, because these areas are going to be so highly concentrated with deer. I think you're going to see mature deer pull some of these hot does out of these areas just so they don't have to have a lot of competition. But I really think.

Um, you know, for me, if, if I can get a good seven day stretch, or if I can get seven cold days from mid to late October. And I mean, I'll be drooling. I really will be not to sound overconfident, but I'm telling you that's that's what I'm hoping for that. That's that's kind of been, um, even though this year, you know, I'm [00:33:00] a little more confident than usual.

Um, but overall throughout the years, uh, especially, uh. What I want to say, like, I don't know if you noticed, but I just, I've always been a weather hunter, but I've gotten more serious about it in the past probably five years, but I went back because I've recorded weather for years and I went back on my past ten bucks that I've killed in PA.

And nine out of ten have really been like pretty prime weather situations. So like, if I can just get prime weather at the right time,

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So check out RidePWR. com and prepare for your next adventure. Yeah, now for those days, like in those nine bucks, Steve, since like you said, you kind of looked over those and everything like that. The one... Obviously the weather was more prime time with the wind, right? And this is the one grasp that obviously as a teacher, I, it's, you know, weather changes, man.

Like we, you know, we, two years, a couple of years, or [00:35:00] was it three years ago when we had the warm rut, you know, then we were okay. And then now last year, like we had another warm rut, like we know, and. You know, I've, I've even think you've said it where, you know, somebody has success on, on November 4th with you, uh, for, for a guide guide thing, you know, they want to book it again next year.

Like they don't know it's going to be that great time. Like I fall into that category. Like I really do, because I have to plan that, that, uh, that timeframe basically. So, you know, I, I, I, what I've learned though, is to wait a little bit longer. Don't do it right now, because who the heck knows, right? So I've gotten smarter about that.

Um, you know, so like where I, where I wanted to go with this, though, is with that, with Looking at all that information with their nine bucks, the wind, man, I always felt like because I'm, I'm limited on time, I'm like, man, the wind needs to be in my favor. It needs to be in my, my, my, my, like for me, for me, for me, when in reality, what I'm gathering and what I've [00:36:00] learned, even heck, even in the field is it's okay.

If you're, I'm flirting with disaster, yeah. Right? Like they're like, like you need to, you almost need to give something up. And although I don't want to have the wind obviously blown straight to that animal, but I want to be right on the cusp and know that like, I have a shot opportunity right here and then maybe three.

Three to four steps later, I might get busted. Right? I, but that's gonna give me that opportunity on that deer because of that wind. What was the, do, could you recall any of those situations with the wind, um, where maybe you were flirting with it? Maybe it was totally wrong, maybe it was all in your favor.

What, what, out of those bucks, nine bucks, or however many that you could really think of, what was the win like in that situation?

Steve Sherk: Um, I will tell you that I'm almost positive that I'd say half of them, uh, I was in a swirling wind situation, uh, which. Sounds disastrous, but you know, a lot of those were around cold fronts and a lot of times [00:37:00] when you get a cold front, especially in the mountains, it's just windy.

And when, when you say windy in the mountains, it's generally not a consistent wind. Especially if like you're, if you're just slightly off the top, if you're anywhere near a bowl or a ravine, like there's going to be wind going everywhere. And it's just one of those things like. I've been doing this so long that, like, I've just gotten used to it.

Like, you know, if you're someone coming from, like, Kansas or Illinois or Iowa, like, you would really struggle being comfortable here because, like, you get the wind in your favor pretty often in those places. At least you can plan the wind better. Here, it's just not. And I mean, it's another reason why these mountain bucks get so old because...

You know, the wind is, is really not meant for, for, for it to be in our favor, or like, you know, if it's not consistent, you are getting, you are having some bucks bust you some, but. You know, the way I look at it [00:38:00] is like, I'd rather be out there gambling on the wind knowing that every buck is on his feet putting miles on than just sitting at home and waiting for just a plain old 60 degree calm day or a light breeze steady from the south.

Like, no, I'm going to be out there when them bucks are running hard and I'm going to take that chance. And I will say too, like... If I'm hunting a scrape or, you know, a trail, or I know where that deer is bedded, um, if I'm in that spot, you know, I'll sit, even as soon as I get in there, usually I'll hunt the tree that I planned, no matter what the wind's doing.

If it's, if I notice it's just going to be one of those crazy, windy, swirly days, but I'll sit there for, you know, 10, 15, 20 minutes. And just kind of, just kind of start studying it a little bit, and then it's like, okay, it's mainly coming out of the West. Like, alright, I'm gonna adjust. But, you know, a lot of times, even then, like, when I say, uh, [00:39:00] I'm adjusting, I'm saying that maybe...

In a 10 minute period, six minutes roughly. It's coming out of the west and four of the other minutes it's doing different things, but Right. Trying to find even, I figure if I can have that wind in my favor 60 to 80% of the time. Right, and, and especially if I'm not hunting like right near a buck bed, but like if bucks are just out there cruising, you know, from ridge to ridge, You are in pretty good shape.

I mean, cause odds are you got the wind in your favor most of the time. And deer are coming from miles away. It's not like that wind's blowing right in that buck's bedroom. You know, that's a different situation. But, I just try to get it in my favor most of the time. Um, just because it's swirling, you know, I don't panic.

Um, I just kinda, you know, sit back and just kinda feel it out for a bit. And if I gotta make an adjustment, that's what's nice about being mobile is... I can go climb a tree 80 [00:40:00] yards over there within 15 minutes. It's not like I'm sitting in a buddy stand and It is, you know, I'm screwed. So that's just why it's another big reason why I'm a mobile.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. I kind of gave my dad some crap about that, uh, last year because he texted me, we were both hunting the same day and we were kind of on, we were on different Ridge systems and everything like that. And he's like the wind swirl. And I was like. Yeah. Uh, that's why you should have brought your climber because he was in, uh, uh, he, he was, he was in my, my, uh, my brother's, uh, hang on.

And I was like, you should've brought your climber. Cause that he, he has a spot that he hung a, my, my brother's a hang on in that one. And. He had it all prepped and everything like that. And he's like, I think it's good win for that one. I was like, yeah, I mean, it's saying it is. And when you get in there, who the heck knows what it's going to be actually doing.

Yeah. So you got in, he gets in there and he throws a milkweed out and he'd, you know, it's just swirling because it was swirling to like where I was. And I was like, oh man, he's probably going crazy right now. But, um, you know, you brought up [00:41:00] a good point though, Steve, and I want to ask you this because my.

My, obviously this isn't something I think you could really gauge off of a trail cam photo and detail is that, you know, what's the wind doing basically, um, or like as far as like how fast, what it's been like in the field, your personal experience about seeing movement, like when the wind is really howling.

Steve Sherk: Um, it depends on the time of the year. Um,

Jeremy Dinsmore: if it's like

Steve Sherk: October, heavy wind is usually fine. Um, If it's like late November, maybe the last week of archery, and it's like even 35, 20, 20, 30 mile an hour winds or more. Generally, those deer will go down low, like they'll look for security cover, hemlock, and pine.

Um, temperature is, is a big part of it, except I will say, like, those first two, three cold fronts you get maybe from mid October, late [00:42:00] October, early November. It can even be like 35 degrees and 20 mile an hour winds, and them deer, I swear, it doesn't seem, seems like they're just, they're just, they were waiting for that situation, like, they're not, they're not gonna lay down, they've, they've had them winter coats on since, you know, September, but it seems like, you know, later, you know, once you get closer to gun season, um, yeah, Real cold, heavy winds do have an effect, you know, but overall, you know, some people will tell you real windy day deer aren't moving most of the time I've seen an increase of movement than a deer not moving at all.

And, you know, wind doesn't bother me a bit. Um, sometimes there's days, you know, you do have to hunt on the ground. Like I wouldn't tell anyone on a 20, 30, 40 mile an hour wind to go climb a tree, but. Yeah, it's still probably dangerous being in the woods, but, you know, if I know of them, if I know it's a day where I could have better [00:43:00] potential to kill a mature buck, I mean...

If it gets to the point where I gotta throw a hard hat on or something like that to save me from a tree branch, you know, I'm, I'm going to be out there. I just probably won't be in a

Jeremy Dinsmore: tree. Yeah, yeah, I'm with you. That's the one aspect where I think a couple years ago, even, you know, right before, probably in like 2018, I remember I was like, man, It was really, it seemed like every time I was out, it was just crazy wind and certain spots that I was in, I would see a little bit of younger buck movement and then it was, I want to say 2020 season, uh, there, I forget what day it was.

It was like kind of that mid to late October and it was a really windy day. I just remember watching. I was on the edge of, of some real thick cover nasty, like briar stuff. And it was open a little bit and there was a, uh, freshly made scrape, uh, that looked within days, like a couple of days that was hit at least.

So I was like, Ooh, I'm going to set up over this. So I get in my, uh, my saddle and I get up and [00:44:00] it started, I didn't get up too high because I was like, if I get up a little bit higher, like you said, it's going to be a little dangerous. And I'm, I'm watching all the, the, the branches move in and I'm like, I don't know how long I'm going to stay out here.

And then all of a sudden I look about 60 yards, kind of how towards like the, the two track goes and the two track had maybe about another 50 yards basically. And I just see movement and I quick throw up my binos and I just see a big buck just cruising, like kind of just moseying his way up, up the ridge.

And I was like, holy cow. I kind of, obviously he was not going to hear me. I mean, I could have screamed. He wouldn't have heard me just because of how loud the wind was basically with the trees shaking and everything, but that kind of solidified like, okay, uh, big bucks are still going to move during this.

Because again, I was kind of under that impression, like they don't move as much, right? That's kind of what I was told. And that's what you hear a little bit. And that seeing that kind of changed that all, all [00:45:00] for me.

Steve Sherk: Yeah, no, I, like I said, especially me being like a, a weather hunter, uh, hunting around weather fronts, drastic weather changes.

That's when you have your biggest, your highest wins. Um, and honestly, that's when I find some of the best movements. So, you know, other than, you know, like I said, play it safe, you know, don't climb a tree. If that tree is swaying like crazy or it just doesn't feel right, consider just getting out of the ground, be surprised.

But, uh, definitely try to, try to take advantage, even if it's real windy. I can only speak for my area and, you know, where I've been, but, these deer usually move like crazy, especially big deer. You know, I wouldn't

Jeremy Dinsmore: be dead. Yeah, that's good to know. Alright, so last, last conversation that we had, uh, Steve, on, on the podcast, we talked about the three C's, cover, cold fronts, and cameras.

So you had it, you had another full year under your belt talking and learning and [00:46:00] observing all, all three of these, you know, I guess maybe touch upon this, touch upon your process. How has it evolved over even this past year? Or how you, or even, or even like how you plan to implement it again this upcoming fall.

Yeah, I mean, it's

Steve Sherk: gotten to the point that like, uh, I mean, I'll probably get out, because the thing about me is, I do hunt, you know, from like, this year I'm going to start guiding, it'll be October 26th, uh, I'll, I will hunt every morning, um, regardless of the weather, but. Uh, you know, if I get freed up a little bit, you know, and I can get a longer afternoon set or occasionally, you know, four or five hours set, um, those sets are only going to be on prime weather days.

Uh, I remember last year, like, you know, first week in November, getting in a stand, you know, for the last two or three hours, you know, in the evening, not, not saying that you don't have a chance, [00:47:00] but like. 70 degrees and most of those sits I didn't see anything. Um, I wouldn't tell anyone to maybe have that mindset but it's the fact that like You know, I still have a job, um, I have a family, um, why, why beat the, the, you know, the world around me up when I know that most of the deer I kill are in these prime weather, you know, more perfect weather scenarios and, you know, if the good Lord Zazi blesses me with good health, you know, I, I am able to get out there and Pretty much any time, whether God's line everything up.

Right. So, you know, like I said, it used to be, you know, I was hunting every opportunity I could, but anymore, you know, like I said, even going into this year, I'll probably hunt, you know, a lot of mornings just because, you know, I just love being in a tree stand in the morning when that sun comes [00:48:00] up, regardless if it's prime time or the weather.

I'm in the right spot, whatever. It just starts off my day. I mean, it's not a better, there's no better way, in my opinion, to start your day off. I'm with ya. Than a tree stand on a ridge somewhere. But, um, but yeah, as I've been doing this, all these studies and all this research, that's what's changed me the most, is like, It's just, it's, it's impacted my way of thinking, um, versus like, it used to be like hunt as hard as you can, every minute you can, every second you can, cause like, I'm a, I'm the type of person that like gives everything the best that I can give it.

Yeah. Um, but then I, you know, you just start to sit back and be like, you know, it's not that I'm trying less, but like, I can make sure I get everything else taken care of in my life. And still have success because I can focus on those more prime situations. And like I said, this year, that's, that's going to

Jeremy Dinsmore: be my plan.

I think the other aspect, Steve, and you could tell me I'm totally out of line or wrong on this. [00:49:00] You actually, you have the ability and the time to put in that work prior to that and, and see that. And you have, you have that ability to reflect on. X, Y, and Z of that Intel, right? You had to on that data, whereas, you know, a good portion of people really don't, and that's why I respect you by saying, you know, I really don't encourage people to really have that mindset, you know, but, but, but in the grand scheme of things, if you are able to take those prime days off, then.

And you know, or I'll, I'll use myself for example, man, it's, I'll see a good buck or two in that middle October. If that cold front hits, I've, I've seen it happen, but for the most part, if there's no cold front, I'm not planning on taking that Friday off to, to go in and hunt a Friday, Saturday when it's 75 degrees, I know when it's.

I know that if come later October, I know come [00:50:00] sometime in November, I would rather save those days for, man, there's a nice little temperature drop or, Hey, it's a consistent 35, 37 degrees. You know what I'm saying? And, but, but again, going back to what I was, how I started this out is you've over the years have been able to see that in the field by putting a lot of time in prior to the season during the season over the years to, to see that.

And that's, it makes sense for you. Yes,

Steve Sherk: and, uh, you know, that's why, uh, you know, why I share that information so much, um, but, you know, it is tricky because... There are people like, like you said before they schedule, you know, they got November 1st to 7th off and it doesn't matter the weather, um, as far as I don't care what time of year, whether like there's always a chance to, to have success, but on the other hand, like if that deer, you know, for mature deer, you're hunting any deer, whatever, [00:51:00] it might move 300 yards during the daylight.

Or that deer might move six miles or every mature buck in your area is moving three to five miles that day, like, because of a weather situation like that's when you start to realize like, okay, you know, that's, that's when my odds really stack up and, you know, if, if anyway, I mean, this is what I tell people that aren't quite in my situation, but that's if I was working for a company or working for someone, I would, I'd be sweet talking to my boss, you know, going into hunting season.

Like, you know, I do have, you know, November 7th off, but you know, would you mind if we get a cold front, if I can slip out of work early, because, you know, just so you know, throughout the summer, any other time I'll work extra, but, you know, I hate to put hunting, it's such a high pedestal, you know, in that situation, but it's like, I've seen the weather impact my success so much [00:52:00] that like, it's just, I don't know.

As far as increasing your odds, um, I'm telling you that whether you can argue that weather is is a bigger factor than anything and giving yourself a chance of success or greater

Jeremy Dinsmore: success, right? Last year, if we look at the 22 season, October was like dynamite it to October was like cold, you know what I mean?

And then November hit and it was a little warm, um, you know, judging from like maybe your inner circle of people. Did a lot of people have success during those, those big, nice cold front swings or October compared to November? What, what, like within your circle that, that you know of? Yeah. Um.

Steve Sherk: No, not up my way.

Um, it's you might have been a little south of me. It still wasn't cold, cold. Um, I think, you know, one of the best times this is crazy, too. But like last year, I think we started guiding 20th or 21st of October. And one of the [00:53:00] best days was like the 19th that we actually had snow that day. Then things gradually warmed up.

But, I mean, it, it was okay. But we didn't really ever get real, real prime weather. Yeah. Um, until like closer to mid November. Um, I want to say in October from like when I was guiding to say like the 21st or whatever to Halloween. We might have had two mornings when it got freezing or below freezing. Yeah.

Now that's something I do want to bring up, like, it's not just, uh, you know, in my studies, it's not just like, okay, it's cold, like, it really boils down to numbers. Um, I always tell people, if you have highs in the 30s, at least highs in the 30s, and lows 32 or below, um, that's when you're gonna see prime movement.

Um, and we didn't have much of that in October. But I can also tell you, uh, any day in November [00:54:00] we had those numbers. It was phenomenal. Um, and you know, another cool thing too is some people Say that, like, you know, if it stays cold for five, six days in a row, like stagnant weather can, can kind of slow movement down.

And I don't see that at all, actually. Like, if it's the prime time of the year for these deer to be roaming miles, and it's those, those right temperatures, I bet my life savings the movement's going to be great. So, the temperature, like I said, it's just... Unbelievable for, for mountain northern mountain deer.

Um, and I really think a lot of it too has to do with just the fact that they have these big, thick winter coats that, um, I mean, they're built to withstand some really cold winters. I mean, you go out there throwing all your heavy winter hunting clothes and you try to go as fast as you can and put five, six, seven miles up and over mountains.

And it just beats the heck out of them. So they, uh, yeah, and [00:55:00] the right will happen whether it's 80 degrees or 30 degrees, but as far as how much these deer are going to move, you got to have the right temperatures.

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Obviously now, but when we get off and we're done, look at October 29th, this past year, that was my craziest day in the woods. So I want to see what, yeah, I want to see what your, what your cameras told you about that day. I don't know. Again, uh, I don't know if I, I want to make myself sound smart saying that I pre tracked it to when, uh, my first fawn dropped that I had on my camera from, from that time I was going, I was going in anyway that So I can't sit there and say that's the reason why I went in there.

But, um, I said it was around Halloween and I, again, I had a crazy [00:57:00] doe encounter where she was running, mouth open, running for her life and four bucks on her tail, bigger, big, medium, and then small. Like they were only 10 yards apart from each other in a straight line running after the same doe. Well,

Steve Sherk: another thing is, I mean, I want to say like in that timeframe, probably maybe 10 percent of does come into heat like that latter part of October and even.

Like, it's probably as early as October 15th, 18th. Sometimes even earlier, a doe will come into heat. And just because, like, you're not seeing sometimes rubs and scrapes everywhere, your buddy's telling you he hasn't seen any rutting movement, or all your buddies are saying the rut's not happening. If we have bucks right now in our woods that have shed their velvet, testosterone started to flow.

If a doe comes in heat right now, she's gonna be bred. And what you, in my opinion, probably witnessed, uh, I mean, you were in that central zone. [00:58:00] You had a hot doe, and that's when I brought up the fact that in the rut, like, the rut always happens. You, but those bucks, you know, maybe they weren't chasing her all day.

You know, they might have chased her some in a small area. She laid down, they laid down. Or they might just kind of lay down Winder and watch her, but you were just in the perfect situation, like, you have that, that... You know, one of those early hot doughs come by and you couldn't, you couldn't ask her to be in

Jeremy Dinsmore: a that day was friggin amazing.

Just such a cool day. Did

Steve Sherk: you have, what was the weather like that morning for you? Do

Jeremy Dinsmore: you remember? You know what? It was, it was actually kind of cool. Um, it did warm up though. Like that, that evening, man, I would say like right at dark, I probably had some deer in. Cause I remember as soon as I climbed down, I heard a deer like spook out.

Um, Yeah, but it was bad. It was already dark by that point in time. And, and, uh, but yeah, that was, that was the best day. I mean, I was out in November and, and hadn't had other [00:59:00] encounters here and there, but not like that day.

Steve Sherk: I like that day. Yeah, I've, uh, I've killed more. Most of my mature bucks have been roughly October 20th to Halloween.

So, you know, I mean, you're not seeing something I've never seen before. That's for sure. I love late October. And that's what I told you earlier. If we can get some good weather and late October this year, oh man, I mean, I'll give anything for that to happen.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Steve shark juniors, top three rules for hunting cautious bucks.

Mm hmm. Um,

Steve Sherk: well, I think hunting a cautious buck, you know, you don't want to hunt that deer from the same spot very often. If you know that maybe you've got some history with this deer and times you bump them or he just always seems to To be kind of on the move and on to like, I think you gotta be, you know, you gotta be very aggressive as far as not letting that deer catch you in any [01:00:00] pattern either.

Um, you know, try to, uh, constantly be moving around on, um, also pick, pick the right times to hunt that deer, you know, once again. Now, if you've got some really good spots where you have a lot of confidence that he'll show up, you know, don't hunt that just because, you know, maybe it's the rug or, you know, he's hitting the scrape a lot at night, but wait for a prime time, you know, for me, prime weather situations, hunt your best spots at the best times.

Um, I don't know, probably my third, my third thing too, would be, I don't know if this is, if this isn't maybe a valid answer, but keep them to yourself. Don't, uh, don't let anyone know about it because chances are deer like that. It's going to be a really big deer. Uh, I've made that mistake before. I'll be honest with you too.

A lot of the biggest deer I have on camera, I never post on social media. So [01:01:00] you want to, you want to keep those big deer secret. Um. Just for the fact that he's already super cautious and the more people that know about him, you know, the harder he's going to get to kill. So hopefully that's three good answers for everyone to use on a deer like that.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I like those three and, uh, you know, we were talking about your favorite timeframe to hunt, right? That, that middle to the end of October, you know, I, I kind of considered that, that scrape season. Yeah, I really do. I think that's from my personal experience of being in the woods scenes, the scrapes are, scrapes are the most active cameras, you know, that that's been my kind of like you, that's probably, man, I would even go out and say 90 to 95 percent of my cameras are over either a regular scrape that I found or mock scrape or something along those lines is a scrape.

And obviously that timeframe for me just is lit up during the day, during the night, you name it. Yeah. You know, during that time frame in a perfect world, [01:02:00] or let's look at it as how, how are you handling and or picking which one that you want to go to?

Steve Sherk: Yeah, I'm glad you asked that question. And honestly, like this might surprise people, but I'm more focused on At first what scrapes those are hitting that time of year, especially those in the daytime because You want to find us this where he can interact with me the other day and like not any bucks at all.

Someone would be like, oh, you know, I'm going to move out. It's just does, but I'm setting myself up for the perfect scenario. And then all of a sudden, you know, it'll be mid to late October. All of a sudden, bam, bam, bam, you know, a flurry of bucks started hitting it. And as long as those does are consistently hitting that scrape.

Well, those bucks are going to start to come back to that scrape at that time. Like the does are the biggest key [01:03:00] to that situation. If you find a scrape that a lot of times there's hardly any does, maybe a doe at night here and there, but you're, you know, you're getting some occasional bucks, honestly, some of that's just, just, just out of luck or like not really a pattern to that, like you want, you want to make sure you have a reason for that deer to come back and.

Like when I killed that 10 point in 2021, um, and like a week stretch, that buck hit that scrape in the daylight at least three times in a week. But it had does hitting it every day. It was right next to doe bed. And that buck came back to interact with those does. Like, those does were in there and he would make his rounds.

Like, you know, one, maybe not every day, but every couple days he's like, I gotta go see, you know, if any of those girls are ready yet. Shirk just happened to be there, you know, in the right place at the right time. But, uh, um, yeah, that's, that's the biggest key for, you know, [01:04:00] to that time of year is making sure you have good, consistent daytime DOE activity at those scrapes, because that's why those bucks are going to come back.

Like I said, the biggest mistake people make is because everyone is so focused on bucks, is they'll put cameras out in October for a couple weeks. somewhere around that time and just get those and you know, they'll pull out because they think they need to be seeing those bucks. And it's, you know, you Those bucks or those dollars generally you're gonna if the food and everything stays, you know, nothing changes Those stills will stay there for weeks.

So especially you don't want to pressure him either though Yeah, but like you have to know what's gonna be on a buck's mind What's on his agenda there for the right time of year and you're going into that late October period like I said There's not much more out of his mind than biting that first hot dough.

So as long as you got doughs around, he's coming back

Jeremy Dinsmore: most likely. I liked it. All right, Steve. Final question, man, [01:05:00] before, before we let you off this evening. What is a must that a hunter should be, or should try to do this upcoming season that could lead to success or advance a learning curve for them in the field?


Steve Sherk: I keep, you know, I keep talking about how I'm

Jeremy Dinsmore: evolving, um, and

Steve Sherk: constantly, you know, being more of a boots on the ground hunter. Uh, putting in more footwork than, you know, time on your phone or computer, figuring things out, uh, looking for things that other people aren't looking for, because, you know, I, I especially relate to, to public land hunting.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Um, you can't, I don't

Steve Sherk: care, you know, that's one thing I don't worry about, like, especially saying this, because. Is, you know, at least where I come from, there's just so much ground that like, you can do all the e scouting you want, but there's so many hidden gems out there, that you're gonna have to, the only way, like today [01:06:00] especially, you know, I found two like, super hot scrapes, and just out in the middle of nowhere, like on this oak ridge, producing acorns like, You're not going to find that, uh, from a satellite.

Like, that's, that's what I really feel hunters need to start doing more. It's putting in more footwork, you know, putting more sweat equity into it because you're going to notice, you know, so I, I'm figuring we're talking to a lot of public land hunters here. You're going to notice that, you see the same things I'm seeing.

There's just so much information out there. Um, you know, and not just the clear cut thing, but like you've got to find those hidden gems now where nobody else is. Um, it could be just something as simple as a real hot scrape, like on a Oak Ridge, but putting in that footwork to find things that no one else is finding, that's what it's going to start taking the Have more success, you know, especially on public land.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Heck yeah, Steve. Well, I want you to plug anything that you would like to plug. [01:07:00] Make sure you do your, your mountain buck university on YouTube. But you know, man, it's always a great pleasure to number one, hear your voice, catch up, do all that. Um, but to have you on and share your wisdom, man, it's a great honor.

I always learn something, multiple things when we chat. Um, but you know, where could people follow along, see, uh, all the awesome things that you're, that you're doing.

Steve Sherk: Yeah, um, you can find me on Instagram or Facebook. It's Shirk's Guide Service. S H E R K apostrophe S. And, uh, my buddy and I, uh, Tyler Wilber, I think you've had him.

You've talked to him too. Awesome dude. Um, uh, we both started, uh, Mountain Buck University, uh, YouTube channel last spring. Um, it's entirely related to Mountain Bucks. Um, you know, I just, uh, just we got talking and, you know, this isn't something that, you know, it doesn't really matter to me if it becomes like some big thing or not.

There's really not a lot, or there's not enough out there [01:08:00] that's just related to like big woods, mountain deer, public land, um, and I just feel like, uh, yeah, I mean, I can talk a lot on a podcast, but there's just so many different things, especially in my mind that like, I want to tell people, um, that it was like, you know, I just got, we got to start a YouTube channel, like a few minute video here, a few minute video there.

I mean, I think within a few years, like not to brag, but people are really going to learn a lot from this. So, uh, definitely, uh, if you haven't subscribed, you know. Give it, give it, at least give it a look to say the least and if you are following, um, I promise you there's, there's thousands of more videos that will eventually come.

It's just, you know, we're, him and I are both working so much and we got families and you can only do so much, you know, especially when you aren't getting paid at it either, but. If you just stay with us, I promise, uh, it's going to be a lot more good stuff yet to come. So, uh, yeah, you can [01:09:00] definitely follow me from those three avenues.

And, uh, like I said, I'm certainly the kind of person that, you know, I'm passionate about hunting, but I'm just as passionate about sharing my experience and my knowledge. So, uh, I, uh, would hope that anyone that follows me will benefit from that.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Heck yeah, Steve. And man, we're lucky because we have individuals like yourself.

There's plenty more out there as well that do that. And we're thankful. And, uh, you know, not only do you do that, but man, like I said earlier, just one of the best individuals out there as far as, as a human being goes. So, uh, try to try to be better every day, man. And, and, and, uh, you know, Every time I talk to you, you just always seem so positive.

I know that's not always going to be the case, you know, we live these lives and everything like that. But I just want to say, uh, uh, man, it, it, it's, uh, it's a privilege to have you on and talk deer hunting and, and hear this and, and, uh, grow as an individual and especially as a hunter, man.

Steve Sherk: Hey, same to you.

I'll, uh, I know it might be a while, but I'm, I'll be looking [01:10:00] for the next time. I'm on antler up, so I'm always ready and enjoying every

Jeremy Dinsmore: chat with you. Awesome, Steve. Well, everybody,

Steve Sherk: like, like Steve said, go follow a

Jeremy Dinsmore: mountain buck university, check out the guide service and everything else that he has going on.

And, uh, man, best of luck to everybody out there. Hopefully Steve fired you up. Cause I'm ready to rock and roll to get in the woods. So we'll see you next week. Everybody antler up. Thanks

Steve Sherk: for listening to this episode of the Antler Up

Jeremy Dinsmore: podcast. We hope

Steve Sherk: you enjoyed it. Please

Jeremy Dinsmore: go check us out on our Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and go wild and at antlerupoutdoors.

com. If you enjoyed this episode, go leave a review and subscribe for next week's

Steve Sherk: episode.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Until then, Antler

Steve Sherk: Up.