Bearded Hens, Bourbon Drawls, & Camping with Kids

Show Notes

In this week’s [UNCENSORED] podcast by GoWild, we start off with some silliness and ask where our regional accents and drawls come from. How much does alcohol influence their appearances? What happens to your accent when you’re born and raised somewhere and then visit or move to another area … do you fake it or have you made it? How does age affect how it happens? 

Derek went up to central Ohio to turkey hunt with our good buddy Paul Campbell of the O2 Podcast and How to Hunt Turkey Podcast. They hunted both private and public land, saw some birds, hunted a few different ways, and got real close to some toms … find out how they did. They follow two key tactics for killing birds: with your feet or with your seat. They also remind us that even if you’re calling and not hearing birds respond, they are still hearing you. How does vegetation affect hunting as the season progresses?

We also discuss how public land parcels are neglected and trashed by people. This may not be hunters or anglers doing it and it’s not the fault of the state wildlife agency; so who is creating these messes and what can we do about it?

Arica took her kids pond fishing and they got into some panfish. They’re planning a trip up to Michigan and are hoping to target pike, bass, and more. School gets out soon and they’ll be camping hard until the end of summer. Dan Johnson from Sportsmen’s Empire raises a great question about kids’ age and camping: how young is too young to take a big trip to somewhere like Yellowstone? At a young age, are they able to get around and will they even remember it? Can you train and condition kids to prepare for a big trip and long hikes?

Dan and Derek talk about the tags they’ve drawn already, are planning to draw, and hint at some of their fall hunting plans. 

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[UNCENSORED] by GoWild kicks off your week with shameful nonsense, inappropriate convictions, and unfiltered tales from the woods, waters and whatevers. [UNCENSORED] is a behind the scenes look at our adventures, failures, wins, embarrassing moments at trade shows, hilarious tales from the warehouse, and a good rant or three about the most recent tyranny from the Dark Lord of the Sith himself.

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] welcome back to another episode of Episode Uncensored. I feel like we need a banjo intro for that. You guys all of a sudden went to a Southern accent. Yeah. Welcome to Kentucky, the bourbon drawl. You weren't supposed to let them know that we Oh, okay. We actually have a Boston accent, but for the show we, we all just act like we're from this area.

Yeah. Hi. Hi. Best y'all. How y'all dam the best is you get a little liquid courage and Brad and his draw comes in. Yeah. Little more. His roots start chilling. Yeah. I always thought, cuz I lived in Alabama. I'm from the Midwest, so I get, I've I got family from Northern Iowa, and so I get the Minnesota at.

Like I hear the Minnesota, I used to live in the South. I've been, I know some East Coast people, like in New York. I've talked with some people from Boston before, and even like in California, they, it may not seem like it, but they have their own hey like valley man it's [00:01:00] true.

And I always thought I always thought, which one, if I didn't have this, no accent. Cuz I'm from Iowa. No accent. I don't think I do anyway. And which one I would not want. And of all of 'em, I think I would rather have a southern accent than a Oh, how you doing type Wisconsin, Minnesota accent.

Yeah. I'm with you, Dan. Like I don't feel like I have an accent either, but it's funny, like where we're at, if I go north of here, like a little ways and I start talking with people, they're like, oh, where in the south are you from? And then if we go south from here, I start talking to people and they're like, oh, you sound like you're from the north.

Yeah, it's like identity crisis. I don't know what I am mean, going to school in Lexington, there's a lot of people from Ohio that go to uk and so hanging out with those people, they always thought it sounded like a redneck, but then you got 20 minutes outside of Lexington. When we had friends from Winchester and they were country.

Or, it sounded very southern, much more southern than than Louisville. [00:02:00] I've been watching this season eight of Alone on Netflix, and there's this girl on there that she's, I think she's from like part of Wyoming, but then she moved to either Australia or Great Britain, and it is the weirdest thing that she's putting on.

It's like collaboration of accents. Yeah. It's very strange. It's got both and me and Dan have talked that we think that maybe she's. Just putting it on. And that she does, because she's only been from In Great Britain for five years. Oh, okay. And so I'm like, do you really translate your accent trying to fit in?

Yeah. Especially as an adult. Yeah. Have you ever watched We had a girl in high school who was a foreign exchange student for one, like a year, and she came back and she started talking with this European accent and we're like, this is fake. This is not real. You need to stop it cuz you're starting to annoy us.

And she's, yeah. And then a couple weeks later, she didn't have it anymore, so [00:03:00] I dunno. Wow. I don't know though. Wait, one last comment on this, and I guess we can move on, but No, I have a show reference but yeah. No, I was just gonna say that in my other job I work with a guy, I don't wanna give out too much information about this guy, but he's Eastern European, like born and raised, moved to America, like in his late teens, early twenties.

If you talk to the guy, he sounded like he was born and raised in rural central Kentucky. Really? Yeah. Like somehow and when he came over here, he couldn't even hardly speak. Like he could speak some English, but not much. He's a spy maybe. I don't know. But it is, it's crazy. You tell people like, oh yeah, he's from this country, and they're like, nah.

And it's yeah, he is. So the show reference I was gonna make, and Dan, I don't know if you watch letter Kenny. No. But the guy that plays McMurray, Bobby McMurray Yeah. Has those YouTube videos where he switches all these accents. I'm like, how I can't even, my brain doesn't work fast enough to do that.

It's so funny cuz his character in the show just is sounds like Boomer. Yeah. [00:04:00] So funny. Yeah. Anyways. Speaking of going north in accents, I went north. Yeah, you did this last week for a little Turkey hunting. You did? What do the birds look like up north? They just look like turkeys. Yeah. How far up north?

Like Canada? No, I was just central Ohio area, but it is north of here. Okay. Up the north woods. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It would be funny if Turkey's gobbled. In southern accents or goble accent. Y'all, come on, sit down, spell gobble. Where is the northern Turkeys are like, I don't know. Got get, get outta here.

Go away. Yeah. There was a Ted Boogie TikTok where? He's with Paul Campbell. That's who I was with. Okay. Turkey hunting. And Paul's like doing his slate call, and Ted Boogie's they can't understand your northern accent. You gotta hit him with the down south. And he breaks out his Beer Can the bush latte.

Yeah. And it's really funny. Yeah, speaking of the [00:05:00] North and Paul Campbell and Turkey hunting, that's, I went up to central Ohio area. Met up with our good friend Paul Campbell from the O two Podcast and the How to Hunt Turkey podcast. And we did a little Turkey hunting in his neck of the woods.

So I, we hunted, let's see, I headed up there Tuesday. We hunted Tuesday afternoon and evening, and then we pretty much hunted all day Wednesday, and then hunted Thursday. And then Thursday he had to go even further north for work and that's when I decided to come home after our morning hunt.

But it was a good time. Salt Turkey. Did y'all hunt public land? We did a little bit of both. We did mostly private. Paul's got permission this year on a section, a pretty decent section of private land, and we hunted there Tuesday. In the evening, and then we hunted there all day Wednesday, and then Thursday we hit public land.

But we did a little bit of everything as far as like the different ways you can hunt Turkey. That was my next question. Yeah. Paul's mentioned it on his podcast before too. There's the two main ways to kill Turkey is with your seed or with your feet. And we did both. We didn't kill any Turkey though.

Spoiler alert.[00:06:00] Did y'all get any clothes? Yeah. Crazy story. So the first day, like I said, we got up there in the afternoon and it was like boots on the ground immediately. Like I pulled in, ran in, changed real quick, jumped in his truck, and we went no time to be like, eh, welcome. Let's hang out a minute.

I know you've been driving for a while. No, it was just right to it, which I was all for. And we got out there. There was actually hen out in the field that we were wanting to set up in when we got out there. So she altered where we were setting up and Paul kind of army crawled out there real quick and got a decoy set and I set up where, We would be sitting and sat there and it was a testament to even if you're not hearing the birds, but you're just calling like they can hear you.

And eventually one's gonna come check out what's going on. So we were out there for, I don't know, three and a half, four hours just looking this field over in nothing. And then out of nowhere, Paul, I think was like looking down, doing something real quick and I just go, Paul, There's a Turkey in the field.

He looks up and this [00:07:00] Turkey comes up over the draw and starts walking right towards us. Gets a little closer. That's when we see it to Tom. I was like, all right. And we had been calling for a while, so this Tom's just coming to check out. This hen that's been making a bunch of noise. We had a Jake decoy out there with the hen decoy, and we even talked about it on the way out there if we wanted to do that or not.

And we're both fairly convinced that was maybe a bad move. Which I don't know the signs behind it. I don't know if there's any fact behind it. Just in my personal experience, I've learned that it seems like the later the season goes on, the more afraid, or, and I don't even know if afraid they're tired of getting ass kicked in fights or something.

Yeah. I don't even know if a. Afraid is the right word. But just the more, the later the season goes on, they're more, they're gonna avoid a Jake decoy, whereas a hen decoy might still bring them in. So yeah, I don't know if they're tired of fighting the whole time. I don't know if they're just tired of being like, dude, the analogy I gave to Paul was like, if that scrawny little dude comes up to you in the bar late at night and wants to fight, and it's I don't want anything to do with you, dude. It's not like I'm just gonna leave. Yeah. [00:08:00] So why would it have worked like earlier in the season, I think earlier in the season they want to fight and they're still maybe working on like that lacking order of establishing who's okay.

Dominant, but also, they're breeding at that point. So it's no, I'm. I'm gonna breed, not you. Okay. Because it's a Jake Decoy and this was a tom out in the field. Yeah. So it it got within I don't know, maybe 70, 80 ish yards. And it never saw us, never spooked, nothing like that.

But he just turned and went the other way. And for a minute we thought he might have been hooking and looping around behind us. So we got ready for that, if that had happened, but it didn't. And then that was the end of that day. We were hoping to maybe roost some birds, but we didn't see any, go to the roost.

Headed out. And then we were right back out there early the next morning. I think we got three hours of sleep when everything was all said and done. Got set up and late in the season. Again, nothing on the limb. Birds weren't gobbling, didn't hear anything. And that day we got set up in the spot that we actually wanted to be set up in the evening before.

Make a long story short. Same thing, just quiet [00:09:00] morning, didn't see anything. Did a lot of calling and then. Early in the afternoon, 200 ish yards away through the field. I see a hen and she's slowly working her way towards us. And at this point we had set up just a single hen decoy. She's getting closer.

She and. She gets probably, again, probably 70, 80 yards from us and she turns and she starts yelping into the woods. And it's hard to explain how we're set up, but we're set up with the property line right to our back, looking into the property that we can hunt, and she's walking that property line while she turns and starts yelping into these woods.

And then maybe 40 yards off to her left. We hear him just hammer B and we're like, oh let's get ready. So start hunkering down. This is getting serious. We start calling to the hinge. She's yelping. Every time she yelps that Tom's just hammering back at her. Paul sees the Tom before I do. I think he's just saying there's a tom in there.

And I'm like duh. Like I can hear it. But what he was actually trying to say is he's got Get ready, he [00:10:00] can see it. But this Tom is on the other property. Like behind us. So I get repositioned in a way to where, when, and if that Tom crosses that property line and it's, he's gonna have to fly a fence, probably.

Cause it's a pretty substantial I guess woven wire fence would be the best way I could describe it. With a barbed wire top. It's a good quality fence like this. Turkey's probably not going through the fence anyway. It's probably not going under the fence. This turkey's gonna have to fly the fence to get to where we are.

Yeah. And our hope is that he's gonna see the hen, the real hen, get close to our decoy, hear us calling and you know it's gonna be something that he can't refuse. And he's gonna, he's gonna fly that fence and come over. The hen comes right into our decoy. At one point she's probably. Four feet from me.

Yeah, because she came into our decoy and then cut around closer to us and walked right in front of us. We're dead Still. Statues not moving. Cuz if she sees us this whole thing's over. Probably about four feet from us at one point. And then she walks past us and that's when I see the Tom for the first time.

And [00:11:00] he is right on the other side of the fence in the woods with a bearded hen. Oh. And interesting. Oh, yep. It was interesting. Boy, every time this hen the real hen is yelping into the woods, he's just hammering. B ba it. And how far is he away? Probably The closest he got to us conservatively was probably 15 feet.

I'm thinking he was probably closer than that. My goodness, dude. So he was right behind you, right? Behind us and to our left. Like I said, it's hard to explain exactly how we were set up, but we're right on this property line and he stayed in the woods on the other property the whole time, and.

To the point think it was a fence. Fence and a hen on one side and fence and the hen, and we're even not so sure that maybe he never even saw our decoy, honestly. With, you gotta think about how high off the ground he can actually see and he's down in like just a slight dip and then you got the woods and everything right there.

We think he maybe just never saw it, or if he did see it, he just wasn't interested. But he, the whole time stayed in the woods with that bearded hen, never came out into the field. And just walked out of our lives [00:12:00] forever. How long did that all go on that he was that whole ordeal? Probably from when we saw the hen yelping into the woods and he was gobbling up until the point that they were behind us and gone was probably a 45 minute ordeal.

What time of day was that? Two 30 in the afternoon. Really? Yep. That's so weird. Was he still goblin when he was 15 feet away? No, when he got. Close to us. He quit gobbling. Which, I've heard gobbler crack off right next to me before. And if that's something you've ever experienced, I, not it is, they're hair stands on end.

It hits you in the chest. Yeah. Like it, you literally feel them gobbling and it, the gobbles sounds so much different too, when they're that much closer. Me and Paul were talking about that after the whole thing. Like they almost sound mechanical is the best way to describe it. Yeah. Huh. But that it was, did you happen to hear him spitting and drumming like he was in strut at all?

No, he never strutted. We never heard it. And Paul obviously is ate up with Turkey, as we all know, and has a lot of connections and talks with a lot of biologists and stuff. And I can't remember if he was talking about an interview that he had done with [00:13:00] Dr. Ashby or maybe with Dr.

Chamberlain, but was talking about how they're starting to find out that Tom's are even drumming at a frequency that we can't hear with our ears. Huh. And we were wondering if maybe that was going on. And that's, so it's almost like a light purr. I don't know what it would be, honestly. But we're almost wondering if he was maybe doing something like that, which is what was getting the hen worked up.

Interesting. It was interesting. But let me ask you a question about the vegetation. I've never hunted I've never been Turkey hunting this late in the season before. I'm used to hunting where you can see almost straight through the timber, maybe the, there's some green buds on the stems and things like that.

Was the vegetation and issue compared to maybe like in October or an April hunt? It where we were. I don't believe so. This property we were on is, first off. It's just beautiful. When you picture like your stereotypical like kind of meadows that you just picture like your spring Turkey [00:14:00] hunting in, that's what this place is.

It's a cattle farm. I think they do some other stuff out there. It's very well. Cared for. And then the field that we were hunting in, they had just tilled a lot of the edge of the field up to plant beans. So the grass wasn't super tall, cuz I know I run into that problem with the property I hunt here in Kentucky, late in the season is, a hay field basically.

And when you start getting later into the season, that grass gets so tall that the birds don't even want to go out into it. Man, it's, it is crazy. My trail camera between the last weekend of Turkey season, which was. Three weeks ago. Two weeks ago for us. Yeah. And now, it shot up like a foot and a half, just pow came out of nowhere.

Oh yeah. I know some guys that are already laying down. Hey here. Yeah. Yeah, it's getting tall here. I could see it being very different at this point if we were still open. Oh yeah. But where we were, this property, like I said, the, this field that we are overlooking is gonna be planted for beans.

The grass was, there was no grass on the edge of the fields, at least cuz it was all tilled up there in the woods. You were, [00:15:00] it's typical kind of central Ohio hardwoods, very similar to what we're seeing here. Maple oak trees this property has a lot of sycamore trees.

Good mature growth in the under growth, which is not very tall. Sycamores, like water twos or creek. There was a creek that ran through there. And like I said, this property is gorgeous. It's a place that you look at and you think to yourself like a Turkey has to die here.

It is just the stereotypical, just spring meadow, Turkey hunting property that you picture. Beautiful piece of property. But that was, I don't think it was Dan, I don't think vegetation was an issue. I think it's just turkeys being turkeys, which is what me and Paul kept saying all week.

It's just turkeys being turkeys. I think that's what bad hunters say. This guy. Nice. This guy. Nice thing he is outta the truck. To the roosted tom. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that was Saturday. Or not Saturday. I keep thinking it was like a weekend, but it wasn't. That was I guess Wednesday, midweek Thursday.

Yeah. And then Thursday we hunt a [00:16:00] section of public land that Paul's very familiar with. He's hunted out there a lot. A beautiful section of public land. That was a running gun type situation. We were on our feet all more and walking around calling a lot. Nobody was there. It in a way upset me and I like don't want to get on a soapbox too long.

But this section of property is. Gorgeous. It's public land, all kinds of great hunting out there. It looks like this place has potential deer sign everywhere. Paul's killed a lot of Turkey out there, and I can think of places here in Kentucky that are not far from us, that have potential to be as good as this place, and I just don't feel like they're managed as well, and that can, I think a lot of, maybe management is part of it, but then also just people trashing it.

We have these beautiful sections of public land here that have tons of potential that are just trashed. Yep. And that's a nationwide issue, dude. People have absolutely zero risk. I'm not saying everybody, but Yeah. When you can go, when you pull into a publicly land parking spot and it's [00:17:00] probably not the hunters per se who are doing it.

But when you, there's bags of garbage and like bed, old bed mattresses and things like that. It's probably not the hunters who are doing it, it's just dirt bags who have no respect for. Yeah. You know the land and that's. I don't wanna get on the soapbox, like I said, but I kept dropping.

I kept name dropping a section of public land to Paul the whole time we were out there of a, an area that I've done quite a bit of hunting out here, and I'm like, this place is what could be, this place I'm talking about in Kentucky could be, if it was, I hate that I said manage it in the right word, but it was just better cared for by the people that use it and are around it.

And so you're not pointing the finger at DNRs? No. I think citizens, I think Kentucky Fish and Wildlife's doing. A very good job out there. And I think the hunters and the people that use this property are doing a good job of trying to keep it clean. It's what Dan's saying. It's not the hunters and people that are using this land that are trashing it.

It's the townies. Yeah. And yeah. But yeah. But it was a great, it was a great hunt. [00:18:00] I'm excited to hear what you compare it to. Yeah. When we get off here, I will. Didn't I'll tell you didn't see or hear any birds that day though. Paul swore he heard a gobble. We chased after it for a little while.

I think maybe he's just insane. I think he just hears gobble. He's that time all the time. Yeah. You just hear it all day. Yeah. But yeah, it was a good time. It was a very good time. I did a little bit of fishing too, one evening when I was up there that I guess it was Wednesday. We got in with a few hours of daylight still, so I went out and did some fishing.

Didn't get anything. But if we're going fishing with those boys this week we are going fishing with those boys. I'm looking forward to this weekend. Yep. Going up to Lake Erie, doing a little walleye trip. Paul, Andrew, our boy Glen. My buddy drew from high school. Some other people. Dan Braden.

Yeah, you, me. Big crew. It's gonna be fun. Yeah. Two boats going out. There's a walleye festival going on, so there's, good people watching. Oh yeah. I'm excited for that. Beer and corn dogs go around, so it's gonna be fun. Does sound like fun? Yeah. What kind of fishing is it? Is it like crank bait or is it like trolling?

[00:19:00] So I went on this trip last year. We're going with the same group of guys and stuff like that. We went later in the year and we were. Don't, jigging is probably not the right word, per se. What it was, how we were doing it, but we weren't trolling. And I know that's like a big thing for walleye out on Lake ies.

A lot of people troll. Not just Lake Erie, really all the Great Lakes. But we would we'd get into an area where they knew the walleye were there, and we would throw this rig that basically it was like a bottom bouncer, and then maybe a foot off the bottom of it was like, best way I could describe it was like a Snell hook coming out, but it almost looked like a worm harness that you would use when you're trolling and you bait it with a night crawler.

And just throw it out there, let it hit bottom, and then just let it swing in towards the boat and just jig as you're fishing in. And the walleye we're hammering that way. Yeah, it's interesting. I've never fished for walleye. I've caught. Small walleye. Unintentionally. But I've never been out on a lake like this to fish for him, so I'm like I told you.

I want to call the boat captain cuz [00:20:00] my nature is an angler. I want to see what I've got that I can take and just chuck and try and whatever. Yeah. This is how I like to fish, but I'm gonna try to be good and follow his instructions. It was hard for me last year when we went Yeah. Cause like I wanna do more and I'm like, ugh.

I got some deep running crank baits and jerk baits. Yeah. That I would love to get out there and throw around, but I think, I'll just follow the Captain's lead. That's why I, is it pretty busy out there? I've never been on any Great Lakes fishing before. Is there a lot of boat traffic? There will be more this time.

There will be more This time festival. Cause this is the festival and this is peak walleye season quote unquote. I don't know that they really have a season for 'em, like that's regulated. I'm pretty sure you can fish 'em year round, but like this is the time of year that everyone's after them big time.

But, so we went later in the summer last year and there was definitely boats out there fishing, but it didn't feel like you were overcrowded or anything, man. My uncle might would've been in my dad's uncle, so my great uncle that used to have a cabin on Oak Island in the lake of the woods.

And so it was a really cool trip. We [00:21:00] flew into inter or we drove in through Bodett and then got to International Falls and then took a boat plane. From there to Oak Island, a float plane. And then we would stay at his cabin. But the days that we went out fishing, man, there was so much boat traffic.

Yeah. And so everybody would boats would get in a line to Dr. Float past, or drag or troll, whatever you wanna say over these specific features. And then you. You'd, once you got past the structure, you'd turn around haul ass as fast as you can back to get in line again and do it. And it was so packed and there was it was so choppy.

I think we caught it like one fish in five days doing that type of fishing. Oh gosh. And it was just, I said to myself, dude, I'm never gonna do this again. It was it was, I don't know, it was disgusting because you'd get too close and people would give you dirty looks and you'd have to fight [00:22:00] that as well.

And yeah. So I don't know anything about the fishery that was, 15, 20 years ago when we did that. But That's amazing that you've, yeah. You used a float plane to get in somewhere remote and it's packed. Oh yeah. It was packed. I was just talking about Lake of the Woods this weekend about how much I wanna go up there and fish, but that's disheartening to hear.

What do you fish up there? The walleye big up there. Yeah, that's Northern Pike and Purge. So Smalls. Smalls, definitely. Yeah. We're going to Michigan. I think it's, no, it's not Lake Michigan. I don't know. It's on the right side of Michigan. Yeah, that's not like the woods. We're going up there. Is that towards Traverse City?

You said right side of Michigan. The right side. Yeah. Traverse is the left. Yeah. Traverse is up here. Middle, left. Oh yeah. Anyways, geography, lake Michigan's over here. Yes, I'm on the other side. Yeah, you're gonna Huron on Huron. Huron? Yeah. That's Huron. I'm too scared to say names because I said A, a name of a [00:23:00] camp spot up there that we were going to.

I said Petski, and I know that is not it because apparently Brad got a lot of dms about mine. How dare you? I think it's Pat Petski. Pat, go ahead and. Get, take that off again. Give us a flare. Anyways, but we were talking this weekend about maybe doing some fishing and I told him you guys were going up there to do walleye and I wondered like what else there was, what we could get into or like Charters Pike or Cool.

Yeah. Yeah. Getting after Northern Pikes. A lot of fun. I like doing those. The ones with the teeth. Yeah. I guess they all have teeth. A lot of them do take a pair of pliers. Yep. Oh yeah. If you can find like good, like submerged vegetation, that's a really good place to fish for Pike. You went fishing this weekend, didn't you?

Yeah, a little bit. We went pond fishing Friday. We just fished with the neighbor. The kids would crank out some blue gill. And when they'd get the right [00:24:00] size, we would put 'em on our hooks and oh fish with us fish for fast. Yeah. Didn't really have any luck with that, but we were pulling out the little blue girl and that was fun.

Especially the kids, like they just wanna. Pull something outta the water. Yeah. Saw a big snapping turtle. But you know what, this is the time of year where it's like prime time where we fished until dark. Dark. And then on our way back home we were riding back home, just like jumping property, and the lightning bugs are out. Oh yeah. And you can smell the honeysuckle. It is like prime. I haven't seen, we haven't seen the lightning bugs at our house yet. Oh, you haven't? No. Yeah, we just stopped in the middle of our field and the kids got out and they were trying to catch 'em and we were just like watching it.

It's awesome. It was amazing. This weekend kicks off for us like camping until basically school starts back up. Yeah. So school gets out this week. And then it's gonna go until [00:25:00] August and we're like camp camp, camp. So yeah, we were talking this weekend about trying to get out with our kids sometime soon while the weather's not super hot.

And I was telling Liz, like the struggle of finding camping spots and everything that's going on. So if we're gonna do it, we need to book something quick. Yeah, some, some of them you can, but some of 'em are a little bit harder than. Yeah. Others? Hey, I got a question about camping. I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on this.

So my wife really wants to go to Yellowstone and my youngest boy is five, and then I have an eight year old, and then I have a 10 year old. Okay. And so that's a big thing, like going to Yellowstone, that's a big deal. I am telling her I think we should wait until my five year old maybe gets to eight or something like that so he can really remember it and enjoy it.

Do you think I, we should go at that young age to where he can get out and maybe do some more hiking and be active or should [00:26:00] we wait? This is the, okay. My husband and I are having the same conversation about Yellowstone. Cuz I am dying to go to Yellowstone. That is the thing that I wanna do.

And some other people told us that, cuz I wanna start planning for it for next year cuz apparently you need to get a year. In advance, like if you're gonna camp out there, the spots fill up quick or wherever you're going, like Yep, you've gotta get passes and whatnot. So I was like, I wanna start doing this now.

And my little boy is five and then my daughter is eight, so they'd be like six and nine next year. And everyone's I think you should wait like another year or two so that your youngest is a little bit older and will like really remember the trip. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think, Jacob? My opinion is take 'em and then go again.

Yeah, that, that's what I was thinking. Like we could always go again. I don't know. Yeah, it's, you run the risk of [00:27:00] them not remembering it or whatever, but I'm sure at that age is there, I have to feel like they're, so I don won't get into the details, but we went to Alaska and I was very young.

And even though there's a lot of that trip that I wish I could remember but I was young. There was still parts of that trip that even at that age, I remember that to this day. And I'm like, wow, that was incredible. Yeah. Yeah. Like they can go when they're adults too, like surely they want, they'll wanna take their kids to Yellowstone or, yeah.

It's not like you can only go to Yellowstone once. Yeah. It's not like you go once and they, you get like a little thing and like you can't come back ever again. And it's not Europe where you've got a plan, an extended period of time to be there. Yeah. Which is very, because we've talked about that with our kids, and that is definitely wait till they're older.

Because there's, yeah. Especially just the itinerary, especially for Dan. He's almost for us, he's already halfway there to Yellowstone. Yeah. As far as travel time, man, I would do it. I think my youngest is almost four. I think she's probably a [00:28:00] little too low on that range of feeling comfortable, honestly.

Just comfortable taking her to do that. Yeah. But my son, who is six, I would totally, if he was my youngest, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I just don't wanna run into a scenario where, all right the little one's tired. We were in Yellowstone for the day, we've done something, now he's tired and he doesn't want to go on a hike or go do something, and then, I have to stay back and then I don't get to experience Yellowstone or my wife has to stay back and she doesn't get to experience this one thing.

And so I don't know that those are the types of things that I'm thinking about when I'm trying to make my decisions. Yeah, I mean on to help with that stuff, you could always do some training hikes, just like you would if you were gonna go do some long hikes yourself. Yeah. Get the kids out, see how they do on.

Long days in local area before you Yeah. Make the long road trip out. Yeah. I wouldn't be worried about the memory part though. Yeah. Yeah. My help when he like [00:29:00] starts Is he in kindergarten? He is in preschool now, but he'll be in kindergarten this fall. Yeah. Okay. Same with mine. And I'm all, this is off topic, but I'm like, okay, he'll get that full day of school coming up.

So maybe that'll also train him for Condition him. Yeah. Condition him, yeah. Condition for Yellowstone by going to school all day. No naps for you. The way our kids are when we go hiking is they get so wrapped up in playing creeks and stuff. We may plan to hike four miles. But we get to two.

Because we stop. Because they wanna see so much stuff. Yeah. So it's just, like a route planning kind of scenario versus an all day. Yeah. What's crazy is. Me and my wife, we wanted to go in, we were in California, so we flew into San Francisco, then we went to Napa Valley. My wife likes this wine stuff.

And then we went to Napa and then on the last day we headed straight to the coast and took [00:30:00] the was that the Pacific Crest Pacific or Coast Highway down to Highway One, back into San Francisco. I. I looked at stopping at to go see the giant redwoods. There was one place we were able to stop and go see, but there was there was so many people they then you had to get in line and then now you had to buy tickets.

And then the tickets went back for months and even years. And so some of these places, there's no more being spontaneous in some of these. Really big natural resource areas like the giant trees or even other state parks or federal parks where it's you can't just go, Hey, I'm gonna go to Yosemite today.

You can't do that anymore. You got, you have to plan and prep these trips. And I don't know. Life is good. We went to, I had a buddy that moved from Kentucky to San Francisco and we drove out there and I just went with him for fun and keep him company. And we went through Yosemite and it was crowded, like back then it was [00:31:00] crowded and this was.

20 11, 12, something like that. Yeah. And it was extremely crowded to the point where it's, this doesn't feel like a national park should feel or whatever. Exactly. And I couldn't imagine the crowd level that has come up the last few years where you can't even get in day of or there's hour long waits at the gates to get in.

Yeah. Same. And then you see these pictures. My favorite is seeing these pictures of the beau, like the most beautiful pictures of Zion or Arches. And then right next to it, it's like what you expect and then reality. Yeah. It's the same, it's the same image just with a thousand people. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen those two.

I was thinking about that when we were talking, they were watching the elk rut. Yeah. With a thousand people in Rocky Mountain. Yeah. Really get outside anyways. Screw the crowds. Heck, go do it. Heck yeah. It doesn't have to be a big, it doesn't have to be like a big major trip. It can go down to your local boat landing and [00:32:00] throw rocks in the water.

That's what, yeah. Yeah. My kids love, like my youngest or my oldest son when he was like three. Man, I'd sit him on my lap and we'd drive this gravel road down to this boat landing, and he would throw sticks and rocks in the river for hours if you, if I, if my patient didn't run out first, that's all he wanted to do.

And so there's definitely other things to do then, take these mo these, monumentous trips and things like that yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think as our kids get older and they're starting to ask about phones and they got their little handheld Nintendos and stuff, it's like even more important to make sure that we're taking 'em outside as much as we can.

Cuz I don't want them to just be stuck on that thing or feel like they have to be dependent on that for fun. So get a lot outside, make 'em bored. I don't wanna be a downer here, so I'm coaching. I'm a coach for football and I'm coaching, [00:33:00] helping coach a baseball team, and you can see the effect on this upcoming generation that like, Instagram or I guess you would say Nintendo and YouTube and a the sedentary lifestyle that comes with just playing video games and watch I'm an eighties kid, man.

I had a Nintendo, we played video games, but I was also outside all the time doing that. But you, I, you can see it. Like you can just see the activity level down. They're not as conditioned as kids previously were. Like, a lot of that has to do with parenting. But it is, I'm telling you right now, it is impacting children in a major way.

Generations to come at this point. Then maybe Yellowstone and the next. 10 to 15 years won't be as crowded. They just wanna play video games. They'll just, and not go out there. It'll be like a virtual Yellowstone experience. Oh gosh. That you get to, Ugh, what was that [00:34:00] movie, Wally? Or what was Yeah.

Oh, Wally. Where they have that world where people just Wally float around and eat. Cheetos and Yeah, and they're like bubbles color pops of human. They're so fat and in zero gravity that they, that their bones aren't developed and they just eat like sugar and fat snacks and things like that, and they're all morbidly obese.

That, that movie. Is like sending a message. Yeah. Yeah. It scares some people. It's fun. It's a fun movie, but it's like it, if you think about it, it's oh my God. Yeah. Yellowstone won't be as crowded. Public land areas won't be as crowded. It'd be easier to draw tags in certain states. Yep. It goes all the warm buckets on the creek.

Yeah. I saw a video the other day and it was a younger kid and he was just like talking to the camera and he said, I see, I always hear older people talking about how they drank water from a hose outside. And he said, did y'all not have sinks or what? [00:35:00] Or like I was just like banging my head on the table.

No, we were just outside. We're like, Your parents wouldn't let you back in or like you just played and you were thirsty, so you turned the hose on and at one point water didn't come outta the refrigerator door either. Yeah, yeah, no kidding. On that. Nope. We're gonna shut her down.

Stay while, yeah. Get your kids outside for goodness sakes. Get your family outside. Yep. Make sure you log this show. Wait. Whoa. You got a tag Dude, we just. Almost we can talk. Hey, we can talk about that next week if you want. I was trying to segue into it when I say it'd be easier to draw tags.

Oh. Talking about things being, I didn't pick up what you were laying down. It's okay. It's okay. Do you wanna give us a teaser then? At least Dan, I'm interested. Okay. Shit, we might as well talk about it. Let's go for we Okay, so for the last four years I've been going to South Dakota.

And South Dakota used to be a a state where it was an [00:36:00] automatic draw. You still applied for it, but everybody got a tag. Yep. They reduced non-resident numbers and now it's to a preference point slash draw system. Yeah. Okay. So this year I applied with zero points and I got the tag.

And I also applied to Kansas with one preference point, which according to everybody I've talked to, should get me in to Kansas. I was almost hoping not to draw not to draw South Dakota, get that preference point, and then yeah, be able to go back and forth between South Dakota and Kansas, start a rotation like that.

But I think I'm going to, if I had to guess, I'm probably gonna draw Kansas and I'm gonna draw I've already drawn South Dakota, so now I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do as far as as far as planting is concerned. What is it deer tags, I'm assuming? Yeah. Archery. Yeah, archery deer. Okay.

Yep. Yeah that's, [00:37:00] I feel like that's still manageable though. That's, I imagine, yeah. So does that tag, does it give you the season or is it just a tag for the whole season? Yeah oh, it's for the archery for, so South Dakota is just for the archery season. And the archery season in South Dakota starts in on September 1st.

But I can only hunt private property, fromto, or from. First if I'm a non-resident. Got it. September 1st to the last day of September. Then on October 1st is when non-residents are allowed to start hunting public uhhuh. And so that's the rule that they have. And so interesting because I have had bad experiences as on private and, it's just time of year.

The closer that you are to November the, just the movement, the cooler temperatures and things like that, I'll probably go second or third week. In October to to South Dakota. Like I have in the past. And then probably come back, try to hunt Iowa during the first week and a half [00:38:00] of November, and then hit the hit pro, try to time it where they start.

Heavy Rudd in kansas, probably the second, third week in November there, okay. Yeah. I might have to pick your brain about South Dakota. I haven't. I applied for anything in South Dakota yet, but I was gonna do it this year to start on it. And then I've got a couple points built up in Kansas. I've only been getting points in Kansas.

I haven't actually tried to draw a tag there yet, but then, yeah I'm hoping to check off North Dakota this year, but that's gonna be for Waterfowl Hunt, but yeah. Yeah. Good deal, man. Sounds like you're already playing in fall. It's gonna be busy. It's gonna be good. Yeah. Trying to, and then trying to, like the, One thing I've really fallen in love with this year is coaching football.

And so I have to make the decis cuz in the years past I've put coaching to the side and just been a spectator. But now number one, the need for coaches and just, I've started to fall in love with [00:39:00] the coaching again and I. I want to, I'm gonna try to, I'm gonna try to figure out how to balance this, balance football and coaching and all that stuff.

I don't know. It's something's gonna have to give. Hopefully I can find maybe an assistant coach that steps out, or maybe the season will be over by the time I start to hunt. So we'll see. Yeah. Yep. Good deal. Yeah, we our kids are at the point where we have to sign up for fall soccer if we're gonna do it and it's, yeah, probably gonna get taken away this year.

Not because of hunting, but that's like a side benefit. Oh yeah. Yeah. Which is crazy cuz. Man, when I was a kid summer was baseball, fall was football or soccer. And then in the spring or spring was, excuse me, spring was soccer and then basically it was just those three sports, right?

Yeah. If you wanted to do something extra, you had to go somewhere else to do it. But now I live in a per [00:40:00] in, I guess the two. Two most populated counties outside of Des Moines, outside of the Des Moines area, the two most populated counties in eastern Iowa. And man, now, if your kid is not specialized in a sport by, I'm gonna say 10 years old, they're getting overlooked and or outplayed in everything.

So there's no more of this. Hey, let's sprinkle in everything and have fun. It's getting serious real fast, and At some point, I'm gonna have to sit my kid down and be like, Hey, what do you wanna do? Unfortunately, Yeah. I used to coach some middle school and high school lacrosse too, and I loved the multi-sport athletes.

Yeah. There's a lot of things that translate between basketball and field sports and that kind of stuff. And so these kids starting to specialize sucks to that degree of, yeah. They're not getting the multi-discipline, but I've seen that with our boys too, is that soccer kids are soccer kids already and they're 10 years old yeah.

Blows my mind. It's crazy.[00:41:00] Thanks for joining us, man. Yeah, it's good to see you. Yeah, you too guys. You too. Make sure you log this show. Get your points, get your rewards. We've got some cool stuff coming up. We got like a, we're banking some big stuff coming up for the rewards that'll be running for the entire year.

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