Emperor’s Table Series: Nate Rozeveld

Show Notes

On this episode of Huntavore, Nick is joined by fellow Michigander and new Host on MichiganWild Podcast, Nate Rozeveld. Nate is a family man who lives and breathes the outdoors. Nate has conditioned his life around seasons, so he can maximize the right time. The guys talk about several topics, and eventually settle on the meat vs antler chat, where they are able to agree some very foundational terms. Nick of course dives into whether Nate processes his game or takes it in, and is quite impressed with how Nate handles his shoulders. So dive into the great chat about hunting in Michigan, on this episode of Huntavore. Nick is joined by Fellow Sportsmen’s Empire Host, Nate Roseveld. He comes to us from the Michigan Wild Podcast and hopes to bring some excitement to feed. Nate has his fingers in many different things that keep busy outdoors. Having a passion for small game and running dogs, of course chasing mature whitetails, and is contemplating upping his angling, Nate has his hands full of topics to talk about. Nick was impressed that Nate, when given the chance, will process his own venison. Being a bit of a novice in the kitchen, Nate does enjoy making meat sticks and jerky. A meat treat guy at its finest. While he does skit the chance to make some hard earned wild game for his fellow hosts in the Emperor’s Table Pot Luck with chicken wings, Nate delivers on his use of shoulders. Smoking first and wrapping at the end, Nate gives a taste of how we all could approach those whitetail front quarters. You can catch Nate on the Michigan Wild Podcast, on Sportsmen’s Empire.

Show Transcript