Have Success Right Now w/ Ryan Glitsky

Show Notes

Hey everyone, welcome to episode 195 of the Antler Up Podcast!

On this week's episode I was joined by PA native and a damn good hunter, Ryan Glitsky!  Over the last couple of years Ryan has really put himself out there when it comes to being one of the hardest working hunters.  Between putting the miles on scouting and hunting, Ryan sure has a lot to offer when it comes to advice.  We didn’t waste any time in this episode as Ryan shares what you need to be doing right now in the woods to be successful!  

We begin this episode by hearing Ryan share the importance of pre-season and in-season scouting that helps guide his decisions for the where and when to hunt.  Ryan shares trends that he has observed over the past few seasons between trail cam data and time on stand that will help you right now during this week in October.  Ryan discusses what he does when it comes to hunting mature and cautious bucks and a whole lot more! Enjoy this fun episode and see you next week! 

Thanks again for all the support and best of luck out there and Antler Up!

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Show Transcript

Jeremy Dinsmore: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Antler Up podcast brought to you by Tethered, the world's best saddle hunting equipment. And we have a fun show for you all today.

What's up everybody. Welcome back to this week's episode of the Antler Up podcast. We're on episode 195. On this week's episode, I was joined by Glitsky. Over the last couple of years, Ryan has really put himself out there when it comes to being one of the most hardest working hunters out there, especially here in PA.

And between putting the miles on scouting and hunting, Ryan sure has a lot to offer when it comes to giving advice and being able to allow us individuals to listen and learn from him and hear [00:01:00] his insight. And we really didn't waste any time in this episode as Ryan shares what you need to be doing right now in the woods to be successful.

Ryan shares the importance of pre season and in season scouting that helps guide his decisions for where to hunt, when to hunt right now. Ryan shares trends that he's really observed over the last couple of seasons between trail cam data and time on stand that will help you right now during this week in October.

He also discusses what he does when it comes to hunting mature and cautious bucks and a heck of a lot more is packed into this episode. Enjoy this fun one. Really appreciate Ryan coming on. Thanks again everybody for tuning in. If you like what you hear, please if you have a minute just go leave that 5 star review over on iTunes or Spotify and write a written review and also share with your friends, share with people.

That's how it helps and continues to keep this thing going and growing. So really appreciate that. Thanks for the support. We have some more fun episodes coming up [00:02:00] that are meaningful. impactful that is going to help you as it comes time for the rut. I haven't had a chance to get out this past weekend with the rain, had some other commitments.

My lap really have only been out two times here in PA with two dough down and really excited for what's to come. Cameras are starting to light up a little bit more now. Sign is getting laid down. Really excited. Hopefully you enjoy your time out there in the woods where we will look forward to Dropping another antler up report here in a couple days So make sure you're tuning into that as well and you're checking out all the other episodes and podcasts on the sportsman's empire Have a great night.

Everybody or great morning at work wherever and whenever you're listening to this episode We'll see you next week antler up

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And we're going to talk about that a little bit. I got Ryan glitzky on Ryan. Welcome back to the show, man.

Ryan Glitzky: Hey, thanks for having me,

Jeremy Dinsmore: dude. It's always a pleasure to have you on. Yes, sir. We have some exciting times ahead, right? Anyway what has been new for you? It seems like obviously Saturdays you're out in the woods, you got family stuff going on.

You, you were also involved in the whole little motivation workout thing this past summer that, everybody was doing, which was fantastic to see people take a fitness to a whole new level. I know that's always been a part of your life. So I'm sure, you enjoyed to [00:05:00] see people make a change for that as well.

So other than that, man, what else is new in your life?

Ryan Glitzky: Just I guess everybody just busy family work, all that stuff. You know what I mean? Trying to fit the fitness, journey in there and the whitetail journey in there, so just busy ready to get back out of here, of course.

We did we did upgrade to a new bow this year. So that's a new biggie because I finally had a, finally had to retire the old girl. She wasn't performing too good. We finally ended up biting the bullet and got a new bow this year to try

Jeremy Dinsmore: out. Nice. Here's here's something that I've been trying to ask guests, unorthodox type questions to kick off an episode recently.

And I'm asking all kinds of different things. And one that I want to ask you is if your name is brought up at the topic of a dinner table. What do you hope is being said about you?

Ryan Glitzky: What's well, Oh boy. I can go either way, when it comes around Whitetail I guess if it comes around Whitetail if my name would come up there, I think just just an honest, hard worker, Hunter, [00:06:00] I try to keep the ethics and part of it good Woodsman.

Woodsmanship in general stuff like that, like I said, I just try to keep it, honest, be upfront and try not to bullshit, nothing, I like

Jeremy Dinsmore: that. I'm sure that's what is being said because that's what would be exactly said at my dinner table if I were, if your name ever gets brought up and does, especially when that's why I asked it because my wife sitting at the dinner table tonight figuring out after my plan of attack of taking my daughter out.

On a little quick bike ride, she said, who do you have tonight? And I said, Ryan, and she knows. And so she said, that's the one that goes out every weekend that you watch. I was like, yep, it sure is. And so she knew. And I was like, man, he works hard. And so that was part of a, I was like, you know what?

That's a great question. If his name gets brought up at the dinner table, what does he hope things are being said about him? So that was

Ryan Glitzky: perfect. Yeah, good deal. That's pretty cool.

Jeremy Dinsmore: All right, Ry. So like I said earlier, third episode, first two were completely different. And the first one, we discussed your post season scouting [00:07:00] in the second one.

We talked all about preparing for the rut. Basically this episode, I want to cover. Really some preparation and that early to mid October stuff. That's what I want to go go with. So like with that being said, the last two and a half years that we've known each other, what would you say have been the biggest strides that you've made?

And really, what are you still looking to improve upon?

Ryan Glitzky: You know what, to be honest with you, it would be probably around that time frame. Everybody knows me as a rut hunter, pre rut, that end of October into November. That's my, that's my bread and butter. I've killed the majority of my whitetails then.

And I think me becoming a better bow hunter or hunter in general that early part of October through mid October is something that I've been probably working towards here the last year or two. Unfortunately, a lot of me, it's the area I hunt handcuffs me a little bit where I work, where my big bucks are.

It's like a two hour drive plus so that hurts me [00:08:00] a little bit, but I do have Saturdays, some other options in there. I think that's my biggest thing I've been working on and trying to be better at is that early to mid October. I know the recipe. I know the game to be played in. That's not a problem.

Just got to have the field to play on. And that's, what's been handcuffed for me a little bit. How do you

Jeremy Dinsmore: think that kind of translates into your game plan for the year? Like for coming up with that, here's how I'm going to attack the, like the 2023 season for PA. Cause last year was a little bit like weird, like certain times of our season last year, the weather in October was fantastic.

It seemed like it would be cool and then it would warm up a little bit. And then obviously we had that warm rut. So like, when you look at that, how do you come up with a game plan of. hammering that stuff because there's another question that I think will help even lead into another answer with this.

Ryan Glitzky: Just going into the season in general after last season's ass kicking. I think I'm definitely gonna be more aggressive. That's something I'm definitely took away from last year. I may, I'm a aggressive hunter. But [00:09:00] I noticed last year, I think with the warm weather and the rut and stuff, it did mentally affect me.

There were situations I still do. I needed to be aggressive when I wasn't like I normally would, I like to take risks. This year going in, especially early October into this mid October period definitely gonna be very aggressive. I'm not a bed hunter. I'm a bedding area hunter.

But I'm gonna be a hunter. Very aggressive early to mid October. I got a couple of big bucks lined up. I'm going to be aggressive. If I bust them. I don't care. Go in, read the sign. I'm going to get tight to the bedding and try my best everyone

Jeremy Dinsmore: early. So here's a question to build on that.

The last. Two and a half years since I've been, since I've known you and following along with everything you've been able to obviously scout, get out there, you've been running a ton of cameras, like similar to Steve Shirk, right? Like not 150, like Steve has. But what I mean by that is you've been able to be.

A lot more boots to the ground where you've been able to maybe see some trends what have you noticed over the last couple of years, especially during that early to mid October [00:10:00] timeframe. And I know even last time that we talked, I know this is something where you're like, wow last year my cameras were telling me this, you had a whole nother year under your belt with seeing what some of those cameras were showing you, what's been your.

I guess you could say when it comes to what you're learning from this time period.

Ryan Glitzky: A big takeaway, there is no October law that does not exist. I've seen so many mature bucks daylighting in that timeframe. I've talked about this before. Last season was definitely a. I didn't see the mature bucks in that middle, the law per se, last year, as much as I did the year before for whatever reason I did pick up some, nothing like it would have been what 2021, I had a fantastic middle of October.

I had a ton of mature bucks, 11, 12, 13, whatever time period in that week period there it was fantastic. And even early October, everybody thinks like scrape week is that last week of October. Man, I'm telling you, you get the right scrape in the right location. [00:11:00] They're dynamite early in October or late in October.

A lot of it early to mid October can depend a lot on the weather, your fronts and stuff like that. Especially before some precipitation moves in, I've noticed it's been pretty good than right after. I have noticed I try not to have notice of these big boxes, not. It's almost before it's ready to quit.

Say at last half an hour, it's still raining. I've picked up a lot of big mature bucks up on her feet, hit no scrapes right before that rain front is over. Then of course, after I do pick them up too, but it seems like it's still rain. It's not quite over yet, but it's on a tail wind, man. I see them big bucks get up and move.


Jeremy Dinsmore: then that's what I've even noticed with my cameras is like that little bit of rain, even if it's been raining all day or when it starts letting up, man, they get torn apart. And that's something that I mean, don't get me wrong. I love a cold front, but man, when it rains a little bit, I get even really

Ryan Glitzky: excited for that.

Yeah. Yeah. And like I said, I've seen it on the scrapes on, that middle October, even beginning October [00:12:00] just in a general timeframe of October, yeah, I've seen it hot 78 degrees and I've seen them work the scrapes, but majority time is around the precipitation or some type of front that is majority time, but you have an outlier every so often, it's 75, 80 degrees.

You don't know why he's there. An hour and a half before dark, he's showing up hitting the scrape, a lot of it comes down to location. I try to tell guys, a lot of guys struggle with scrapes, mocks or regular natural scrapes. And the problem is location. And I, a lot of guys, I get a lot of questions, mock scrape stuff.

Again, we're gonna get on wormhole here a little bit, but I think we'll help some guys out here with scrapes in general. A lot of guys ask about mock scrapes, where do you put them at? You know what? If you want to learn and educate yourself on scrapes, go out there in the post season, whatever, and scout.

Find the natural scrapes. Hang the cameras on the natural scrapes. Do not make mock scrapes. Put them on the natural scrapes. Run your cameras for a year or two and learn and educate. You're going to start putting that data together what bucks want, where they want it, what time of day and all that stuff, the weather fronts.

You're going to start putting that together after a [00:13:00] couple years running cameras on natural scrapes. So after a couple years, you got to play the long game here. After a couple years, you're going to go into timber. You're going to know what, where's a good location for a mock scrape or where's a good camera location on a natural scrape.

That takes time. That's not going to happen overnight, but give yourself a couple of years to learn that. And man, it's going to make a world difference on your camera set up or your hunting and strategies in general around scrapes is going to

Jeremy Dinsmore: change. And the other aspect of that too, Ryan, that I think is a really key component is if you learn that, like you said, and it takes, you put, you have to play the long game, your net gets bigger.

You start to understand that area a little bit more because you're getting Intel of where the deer are coming from. So then you're there for saying, I'm going to backtrack and see where that deer was coming from on that timeframe. You get in there, you learn a little bit. Oh, wow. He's using this terrain feature too.

Go. Oh, wow. Look at that. That crazy cover that he's coming from in this edge, the different vegetation. So again, it's like a huge plethora of knowledge in that's going to be [00:14:00] enhancing because now you're learning scrapes and then also your woodsmanship is going Up as well.

Ryan Glitzky: A hundred percent. A hundred percent.

Like I said, everybody wants the short and quick answer to all this. It, I'm sorry. The white toes. This is a long game. This takes a very long time. Unless you're blessed with some fantastic property. This is going to take a while. And I try to tell guys that you got to build that foundation first, and that stuff like that, your camera data, or just said boots on the ground in general, that's what's going to teach you stuff. And like I said, at the end of the day, all this stuff's great, but that white toe is number one teacher. Let them teach you. And then, pay attention to that stuff.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah. The other aspect of that, that I want to talk about is how, like you said, you want to be more aggressive this year. How are you going to deal with the pressure? And then even you could talk about dealing with pressure during this timeframe, but also even going back to the data that you've been able to gain over the last couple of years.

Like what did you notice when. Maybe pressure started picking up a little bit. If you saw 100 or two, maybe on your camera or heck even time on stand for you [00:15:00] during that time frame. What has pressure done? And how do you go about combating that? Basically,

Ryan Glitzky: I've dealt with the pressure for 30 some years on public.

It is part of the game. Don't let it bother me most of the time. I've had a lot of hunts ruined, dozens and dozens of hunts ruined because of it. But it's public land, nothing you can do about it. Something I have noticed is, I would say the early part of October, you get a lot of pressure. Typically early to mid, until the small game season really starts to kick in.

And that's another... wormhole there with small game hunters that change some stuff. But that first part, first week or two, it really does change them. I've seen the pressure really affect, you'll have one pegged or have a ballpark of one. And especially in farm countries, where I noticed that I really have a major shift off the pressure.

Like I said, there's not an October law that we read about. I believe there is a pressure law that will happen in certain areas. Farm country, I do notice it because of the smaller woodlots and a little bit more boat pressure in there, the mountains, I tend to. Not [00:16:00] see it as much. It was funny because I pulled cameras here.

I did a camera check here about two weeks ago in an area. And I had some big shooters a couple of mature bucks. I had a couple of cells in there and they'd not showed up in two weeks. They knew I was in there. It just shows you that a little bit of pressure, and just. And the summer into the first part of the fall here, it doesn't take much.

Sometimes now, typically those bucks will come back in. They'll start doing their own thing, but it's just goes to show. He doesn't really take much that early part of October, really throw them off. Now, as the season progresses, as it gets into around Halloween, the pre rut, they start to let the guard down a little bit.

The testosterone starting to build up. You're going to get away with a little bit more. That's what I know. It's I get really aggressive in a rut. Also I'm playing wind, playing with thermals, my access and all that's important, but I will cheat it a little bit because I can get away for a little bit more.

It seems as pre rut rolls in a rut, you can be more aggressive. You can I'm not going to say over hunt an area, but you can be an area a little bit more if you're hunting it smart. And they tend not to leave that general area a lot of times. What I've noticed, unless you really booger them up or some, another outside influence really [00:17:00] screws you up.

But I see you can have a little bit more to play with later in the season.

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com. Here's a question because I've been running a camera into, in two different spots for about two years now, and. When you get that random dude to come on, I, when I say dude, I'm talking buck here in, in August, sometime, and you haven't seen him all summer. Basically [00:18:00] he's at that flyer. He's coming in and checking out maybe his fall range.

Yep. Do you notice that over maybe the last couple of years, that same buck, does he hit come back in that pre rut time to check for some does around that same timeframe? Have you had a buck do that?

Ryan Glitzky: What I notice is, I don't, I usually try to wait until the end of August to pull my SD cards. when I usually let my sd cam soak all summer, I try not to touch those until the end of august around labor day.

Because what I noticed is mid august on is typically when I get a lot of big shooters show up. They will show up a little bit They will sometimes disappear for a couple weeks, but what I know is after velvet shed or whatever, they will come back in that general area, especially in the mountains.

Usually, usually bucks I get in velvet in the mountains, I typically they stay around farm countries a little different. Those velvet bucks there, I tend to see to lose a lot of them unless it is towards that labor day around that time period. I do get a new one to pick [00:19:00] up those bucks. I will see typically in October, November.

A lot of times I'll see that there's a lot of. A lot of theories going out there. Why these bucks do it. I don't know why all I'm going to tell you is you get those bucks end August beginning part of September, typically those bucks, you're going to be hunting come archery season, what I've

Jeremy Dinsmore: noticed.

Yeah, that was the one aspect that I learned last year, early August. I believe.

Last August, I put out a camera in a spot. I had a pretty good buck actually go by one of them that same day. And I couldn't, it was a farther away picture. Didn't get a chance to really dissect who he was come later on when I was getting different bucks on camera, but man, that end of August. Early September, day, night, it didn't matter.

I was getting a group of different bucks, I would say three to four and they stayed, they stayed around and gave me opportunities. And that was the one that I've talked about on the podcast before where a hunter came on through and basically. spooked them towards me. I was anticipating this [00:20:00] deer to work his way to a double scrape to me.

And when he got spooked, he ran right towards me. He just was 55 yards and instead of continuing to work towards me, he worked the other way. But yeah, so that, that's the one aspect that I've noticed. I've noticed too, on the other side of the mountain that my dad and I, we rarely get bucks on camera and we started, I would say about End of August towards early 20 timeframe of August, boom, they start showing up and they'll disappear.

But then come end of mid, late September, they show up again. That's why I don't get worried. I love when I get pictures of buddies when they send me the slammers they're getting and they're like, what are you getting on camera? I'm like, Jack shit, because it's not where these

Ryan Glitzky: guys live, yeah. And to be honest with you I get, I do this timeframe into August, beginning of September to get bucks. But if you're going to tell me my favorite time to get bucks on camera, like I told you, I'm a rut guy. Mid October into that third week of October. If I get a buck starting to start show up consistently, I don't give a shit if it's nighttime.

[00:21:00] I get a couple shooters on there starting to show up. I'm feeling pretty damn good. I'm gonna run into one I prefer seeing those bucks that middle to third week october right before starting to amp up, you know that last week of october i'll get a lot of new bucks then show up Those are ones that really get me excited to be honest with you Because they're up and moving the rut's getting ready to kick in And there's a good chance i'm going to see them up on their feet in daylight.

I've killed a lot of bucks that

Jeremy Dinsmore: way So here's a question that we could go back to about like creating that game plan for you since we're being a little bit more aggressive this year, Ryan, when you think about how you're going to attack that, are you using some last season data?

Are you using maybe some of that sign that you found here scouting throughout the year? What kind of data? Do you take into consideration of October 9th? Man, it's dropping a little bit. Here's where I want to go. Is that going off of what cameras told you in the past? Is it what you did scouting wise?

How, what kind of, what makes you make that decision?

Ryan Glitzky: It's going to be my postseason scouting [00:22:00] that's going to lead into my camera data that I got throughout the summer in the early part of fall. And then it's in season scouting. You put all those three together, use all those tools to go in and make an education.

The guest were to set up and kill. 90 percent of time doesn't work out. But you're trying to put yourself in the ballgame, especially the big wood setting mountains. It's really hard to get one on a bed pattern early and kill him. Is it possible? Absolutely. But they tend to random bet bed wherever they want to sometimes.

I have been keying on some certain things. I know the general area where a lot of these bucks are bedding. There is a primary food source, not maybe a mile and a half away, some private ag. He's not going to show up on that private ag and daylight. I don't feel, it's too far away.

You're looking at that spot in between there, closer to his bedding area. So that's where my post season scouting, knowing where that bedding area is. My trail camera data is going to tell me, okay, he's daylighting in this general area and then in season scouting, reading the sign, reading the tracks.

You just got to put all that together. That's where the woodsmanship part of it comes in. The in season scouting, that's probably the main thing there. The most important [00:23:00] thing is. Putting that all together, what you're seeing right then and then don't one thing guys didn't make mistakes. This is where they start to hunt the cameras.

Don't hunt the cameras. Let that Intel, you got that Intel, you the in season scouting to tell you where to go. Not that camera. Okay. He's there, but use your scouting to find fine tune. That puts you in a kill tree to kill him. Amen,

Jeremy Dinsmore: dude. I love that. That just frigging just. I think light bulbs are going to be skyrocketing off people's faces at that point in time off their brain.

So here's a great question that maybe someone that is driving or listening at work is thinking, you, you hunted in the morning, saw a couple doe you're already in a pretty good distance. I'm throwing that out there. I'm assuming, you're pushing in for the evening sit.

Do you set up on that first bit of hot sign that you find deep in there, or do you go a little bit further? Basically how far are you pushing that

Ryan Glitzky: envelope? That question can only be answered by experience. If that makes sense [00:24:00] that I can't tell you, you have to do this long enough. You got to blow it up enough.

You got to screw up enough where you still screw up. Even I don't care how long you've been doing this. You're going to screw it up still. But. Your screw ups start to get less and less. You're going to learn how far is too far. Or what's not far enough. You just got to do this long enough. There's not really a textbook book answer I can give you.

Say, oh, I find this great, but find this rub. Like I said, you just got, it goes back to the last part of this. Where you got to take all the intel you gained over 365 days. You're scouting your cameras, you're in season. To make a good educated guess where he's going to be. And like I said, 99 percent of the time, guys, we're screwing up.

We're not, unless you're on a prime piece of property, we're going to screw up majority of the time. So don't get frustrated, but we only got to be right one time during the season. And it's a fantastic season. So you got to remember that. I'll tell

Jeremy Dinsmore: you what. I always like to say, I agree with you a hundred percent that there's really no, there's no right or wrong answer for that.

There's no textbooks. Like you said, Ryan, [00:25:00] what I like to say is, man, whatever gets that, that my pants a little jumpy whatever gets you warm and fuzzy, man. That's when you're like, okay. Because Hey, what ends up happening? You have confidence, right? Like then you have confidence.

If you're standing there going, you know what, man, that rub is there. Okay. That scrape is. That scrape looks fresh, but it's not screaming to me where like what you were saying is why would that deer make that? What deer is hitting that? Is that deer hitting that at night?

Push a little bit further. If you're doing, if you're sitting there, standing there, guessing a little bit, keep going. Because the worst thing that's going to happen is that you're going to be in the woods. You're going to learn something. Maybe you hunt from the ground then because you're pushing in too late, maybe busting something, or you bump the deer at that point in time and he was bedded.

Guess what? Now, where he's

Ryan Glitzky: sleeping. Yeah, there's, I'll tell you what. Always. I think you always lean on the aggressive side in a lot of situations. Like I've said this before, I've been around some fantastic white tail hunters and one thing a lot of them have in common is they're aggressive.

They've [00:26:00] screwed up a lot more times and they've been successful. But all those screw ups have learned have led to them being very consistent. Yeah. Killer on mature bucks, and you gotta learn from mistakes. You're gonna learn from your mistakes. That's how I look. If you're gonna push your foot around, sit back in the corner, you're not gonna learn shit from, shit in this game.

You know what I mean? To me, be aggressive and go after it. Okay, you're going to screw it up most of the time, but then you're going to start learning that comfort zone where you need to be. You're going to get that gut feeling, that instinct. You're going to build it over time. So this gets back to this whole thing.

This takes time, boys and girls, just take your time, lay that foundation. You're going to learn this over many years doing it. That

Jeremy Dinsmore: brings up a great point too, Ryan, because I know you've been you were just this past summer, you traveled a little bit, got a chance to do the mobile hunting show with lone wolf custom gear and everything like that, talking to those hunters, man, like you just said, like one of the attributes that all these great deer hunters have is that being a little bit aggressive, man, like what else what is your big takeaways because I know like you even do bows camp and everything like that I [00:27:00] asked lyle harvey the question when he and I shot 3d together me him and m and jim We shot a 3d course in early may.

I think it was You know, I asked him, like you did both think twice. Now, would you do it again? And he said, absolutely. And I, and he said, the reason why is just because you get a chance to be around people, you learn a piece of here and there, and it's, you're around like minded individuals.

So for yourself. You're, you've done a bunch of those different activities this past year, man, what are some takeaways? What do you encourage people to do? That's like a glorified podcast but in person, you know what I'm saying? So I guess what are your takeaways? What are some things that you maybe might implement and go from there with that.

Ryan Glitzky: Yes, the aggressive mindset is definitely something I took from a lot of fantastic white donors. I think the big thing is how bad do you want this? And what I see in common with a lot of us is, yes, the good Lord and our family. One and [00:28:00] two, then there's whitetails, man. The passion that everyone has to chase a whitetail is unreal.

We all have it. We think this 24 7, 365, and it's not, you'll see people that, ah, they're getting excited right now, season's coming, they're going to hunt. Man, it, from the day it stops till it's getting ready to start, it is whitetails. Yes, you've got to keep your priorities in check with the good Lord and your family don't get me wrong.

You have to do that. You have to keep it healthy, in the day we all have this sickness, man. And that's what's in common, you're just, it's just go with the grind. Like I tell people, I think what the big thing is, what I've learned, maybe I'm getting older too and some of these other guys I've talked to are around my age maybe, and some of the young guys is, they love the process.

The process is, it's just what drives you. It's not to kill so much anymore, it's leading up into the kill. That's me, drives me. Like that post season scouting, I can't wait till season's over so I can get in the woods. In the mountains with my dog and just this walk all day, and that's a lot of us.

We love the [00:29:00] buildup. Some guys are on the land management side where they can't wait to put the food plots in and TSI and all that stuff. It's different for, private and public, but that's what drives them. But we all have the same passion. Just, like I said, it gets me fired up, man.

I've been on a lot of these podcasts, guys probably know I get fired up over this shit. And that's the fire in all these guys. There's no quit. There's no off season. And that's probably what most, all the consistent killers have is there is no off season. It is 24 7, 365. You are thinking.

about whitetails. How can I get better? Is it in the gym or is it how I eat in the woods, boots on the ground, hanging a stand, hanging, it's, it all plays in. You're constantly thinking how do I get my better equipment? That's all. It's always trying to, evolve into a better hunter, a better woodsman.

That's what I think everybody has in common is just this love and this passion for whitetails.

Jeremy Dinsmore: I agree, man. I love it. Said. And I love that when you get fired up because it just, it shows that passion and the drive that you have for it. And, we were just talking about creating that game plan and reading the sign, like we're saying, how much is,[00:30:00] when do you stop?

Here's the question. And it was an article that I read in the North American whitetail magazine, and I think. It made me really stop and think, and I know you are big on finding that sign and especially for getting out there and scouting a lot. You have individuals that may not scout a lot. Heck, it made me even go back to a year and a half ago, two years ago where, I was looking at, like you said, a scrape and I was like, man, I'm getting a ton Of either photos or video at nighttime and, figuring out, okay, I need to push a little bit further and see, and that's when I came into more, better stuff, especially seeing things on daylight.

So my question is Ryan, how are you, how do you decipher that day night laid sign? Because I, and that's what this article was about. It was about how this, the author for many years as a young hunter was just. Oh, there's a rub or though there's a scrape and X, Y, and [00:31:00] Z. And it turns out that a lot of that sign, especially on this property, he was hunting was all at night, and I think that's a challenge for some, because you don't know, unless you have the camera and all that type of stuff, but. What are some things that maybe we could help hunters out, young hunters or guys that are, maybe struggling with that of saying Hey this is mainly probably made at night, like this rub line is either going to bed or.

Going down to feed and something along those lines.

Ryan Glitzky: Yeah. I see a ton of that sign every postseason. When I'm breaking down a lot of new areas or existing areas, I see a lot of sign where I look at and it's that's not where I'm going to kill a buck. If I guess if you're going to find an area where you want to get more consistent daylight activity I tell guys diversity white tells love diversity.

They're an edge animal, transition there. Like I said, they're rabbits with horns. If you get it in a big. Not so you can't [00:32:00] kill them in a big mature timber setting, but that's, not really where I think you're going to be consistent, especially on a more of a pressured area. So always look for diversity, either the best, in my opinion, is habitat and terrain diversity.

If you can start to pick, put that all together typically that's usually pretty good areas to kill whitetails and keep an open mind with all this. There's too much out there that bucks only travel on the upper third. Bucks only do this. They only use, hubs are a big thing right now. Hubs are fantastic if they're hunted correctly.

They're great for inventory. But all this, keep an open mind. I don't care if you're a bed hunter or in a box blind hunting over food plot. Keep an open mind with all this. You get your mindset on one way box only do this. You're going to be a step behind majority of the time. But when it, but getting back to, I guess we're getting on a rabbit hole.

You're sorry, but with nighttime pictures, your child cameras are going to tell you a lot. If you're consistently getting nighttime pictures, you're not getting any daylight pictures and you're letting them cameras soak [00:33:00] for a season or whatever. You're in the wrong spot. Probably. Now the cameras only tell you a little bit too.

You need sometimes put some ass time if you're getting consistent, a lot of mature bucks in an area, like I told you before, I don't care about getting nighttime pictures because I've know what I guess I know what I'm doing, like apparently, with reading the terrain and the habitat, if I'm getting nighttime picks in area, I feel they're going to be in.

I'm not too worried about that. But now if you're a new hunter and you're getting a lot of nighttime picks, throw a sit or two in there and just see what's going on. If you're not seeing any activity, it's all nocturnal activity, then you're in the wrong place. That's when you need to start venturing.

Okay, they're there. You just got to venture off a little further. And like I said, typically that's, you're just looking for a diversity of habitat and terrain. Then you're gonna start being in the ballpark.

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So check out RidePWR. com and prepare for your next adventure. The last couple years of running your cameras and getting all those nice good bucks on, on, on video for scrapes. What's some of the buck behavior that you've noticed? Were you able to put anything to anything together as far as man, like that's a, that I know is an older buck, he may not be the biggest buck, he's the oldest buck per se [00:35:00] cautious like really anything as far as that buck behavior aspect that you've learned and even time on stand, maybe this past year, what kind of behavior have you been able to witness with running the cameras and during that early mid, before the pre rut per se, Buck behavior on these scrapes.

Ryan Glitzky: Yeah it first has to be, I guess we have first off is. That scrape has to be in the right location, okay? To get the daylight pics of these bucks, which typically is pretty close to some security cover. Now when it comes to what I see, you know what I see is every buck is an individual has its own personality.

I've seen bucks aggressive at the scrapes, even early to mid October. Summer passive, some almost know you were in there, the camera, they're a little shy about it. Some just don't give a shit. You know what I mean? I just, I think what I've noticed in general is just, they all have their own personality and.

Depending on your camera, when you check your cameras, you can utilize that in your setups and how you kill them too. You know what I mean? If [00:36:00] you got to be a little pass or be a little aggressive in a setup maybe with Colin or whatever, you're going to use all that information, but I'd say in general, I really can't put my finger on one thing they do because it seems like they all, they're like people.

They're all different. I, like I said I've been in Dr. Scrapes often that day, next day, buck him in and... Dan, while he smells me, just don't give a shit. Then I have a big one show up. And, I typically don't like seeing a big buck show up, say I've had cell camera. I don't like to see them show up first day or two, cause I know they're going to smell me.

Like I said, some don't care. Other ones, I don't see him again. You know what I mean? I would say the personality in general is something I've picked up on. They're just different. Each one of them, to be honest with you. Yeah.

Jeremy Dinsmore: That's the aspect that I find fascinating just because, and why I've now.

When I've either doctor up a good prime location, either mock scrape or a big community scrape that I found like that camera must take video. And that I think was a huge up uptake in my learning curve, especially when it came to learning scrapes and learning [00:37:00] deer behavior and buck movement has been since adding the camera to

Ryan Glitzky: video.

100 percent

Jeremy Dinsmore: 100%. Yeah, I, and I don't know. I just, I think that, that will help tremendously individuals because you have to be careful with some of those cameras. You might see a nice cell camera for 89 bucks, but you got to check because it's some, most of them of that price range. Don't take video.


Ryan Glitzky: To be honest with you. We actually had this conversation, we say it's alone with custom gear show some diehard hunters and we agreed upon I really enjoy running SD cams picture video. I enjoy run them. I seem to get so much more intel out of those for the historical data, letting them soak.

The cell cams are nice. Don't get me wrong. I will always run them to a point, but I think you can fall down a trap. Please sell cams. And I noticed myself and us guys, we talked, we, we pride ourselves on being good white tail hunters. And with, being, good, solid Woodsman and he's cameras, I think handcuffs a little bit, either a beginner or a veteran, I think to sell camps, cause [00:38:00] what happens, even though you're not hunting them cameras, they're still influencing your decision making.

That's what I noticed last year, a little bit. Maybe why wasn't aggressive as much because I was utilizing cell cams a little too much. I like run them. I enjoyed, I don't think they need to be banned or any of that bullshit. They have their place, but you can get yourself in trouble if you start chasing cameras and start chasing pictures.

That's where sometimes just use a little bit at Intel, let you know he's in there, then use the woodmanship and do your in season scout and kill him.

Jeremy Dinsmore: So when the age old question. Mornings or evenings, how are you attacking those days? Maybe it's really good in the morning and you're going out then, and the evening doesn't look that great, like what's your game plan?

Or vice versa, it looks real crappy in the morning. You still have the time to get out there though, to maybe scout around. How do you what's your game plan? Because a lot of us, man, that Saturday, that's all we look forward to. So rain, shine, it doesn't matter. People are going to be in that, in the woods.

And for someone like myself. Man, I love waking up and [00:39:00] it's dark out and being in the tree and then watching that sun come up and thanking God for it for that day. So what's, what what's your game plan for early season mornings, evenings? What does that typical Saturday look like for you?

Ryan Glitzky: I have no problem hunting mornings, early season.

If the scenario sets up, if I can get back to an area and to a bedding area without being detected a hundred percent, I'm going to set up, near a bedding area and security cover that I feel comfortable, I can get in there without blowing everything out. I absolutely, I'm hunting mornings.

Typically, I'm hunting majority evenings, a lot of times, be honest with you, if I'm not hunting in the morning, I am going to be doing still something, maybe I sleep in a little bit, mid morning, I'm going to check cameras or something like that, come back, get something to eat, and I may start, maybe I have a general area I want to go to in the afternoon.

Maybe I do have some data, some camera data. I pulled some cards or I know where some good bucks at. We're there and I'm scouting my way into a certain situation and reading the sign for that evening hunt. [00:40:00] Once the season kicks in, I tell guys as soon as the season kicks in, you're reading you're reading the whole season, you're scouting, every, every week it changes, you start off, say October 1st, everything's green, everything else, a lot of food, acorns are dropping, there's corn up and, a certain place, still some beans and the next week, okay.

The beans are dried up. Acorns are dropping more. Maybe apples are all off. There's so many things. You just got to continue to read that timber, read the woods every day, every week. And just every time it's just a different game you're gonna play every day you step in the woods, but you have to take all that in, the woods, all of a sudden it starts to open up after a couple of weeks.

You got small game pressure rolling in. You got to take that all in consideration. When you're starting to hunt, you're going to start going for that. That thicker, nastier cover cause they're getting pushed back into it. You got to play that on. You got to look for that secondary food source, not the primary food source where everybody's been sitting on a field edge for the last week.

You got to get off of that and go find that secondary food source. That's hot. That's all. That's all the stuff you got to play in your head early season. Yeah, no

Jeremy Dinsmore: doubt. And I want Ryan glitz keys [00:41:00] top three rules. For hunting this October timeframe this year.

Ryan Glitzky: First don't be lazy. I said to be aggressive.

I'm not going to worry about pushing too far. That's going to be a big thing. Cause the way I look at it, I got, to be honest with you, I got a couple of big ones to go after, and I'm going to be very aggressive early, but I'm limited to a Saturday. So I have to be extremely aggressive. If I blow them up, I blow them up.

They're going to go too far. I'll kill them in a rut. That's a look at it. You know what I mean? So I guess one big rule is going to be not to sit back. Don't be afraid to be aggressive. You blow it up, just go on to the next deer, wait for another day. Trying to think some other rules here.

Just in general is, I think is we all do it is we get this fitness, we get prepped, we'll get everything going here for the season. Then the season rolls in. We all slack off. What it's a big thing I want to do this year is keep to it is keep my fitness and keep my diet up.

Cause I said, it starts to become fluffy season. So I that's something that what I guess, I don't know if it's a rule or what, but something I'm really striving for is to make sure I'm [00:42:00] up on my cardio, up on my diet. I don't let that slack off during the season. Cause come the rut when you're sitting all day, if you're still out there, that's still going to help out a lot, being in shape and all that stuff and eating,

Jeremy Dinsmore: yeah. Amen to that. That's the aspect that I fell victim to last year. I remember. The season. I would be working and my off period would go and I would, I'm like, oh man, should I do this for training? And I would talk myself out of it. And I'm, next thing you know, it, January rolls around. I'm like, what in the f do you do man?

You look like the hot puff dude. And then you get back into swing of things and you don't want to start behind the eight ball. That's for damn sure. And yeah, I'm with you for that. I agree with. All those three aspects of the rules with that. Now here's what I want you to think back to last year.

And man, I would love to hear a story. Where you, you think back to it and it maybe grind your gears a little bit and makes you want to make sure that never happens again, or [00:43:00] either that answer something along those lines or a question where you're thinking about man.

That was a great experience. Here's how I'm going to build upon that.

Ryan Glitzky: I can tell you the day, October 27th we had, I think it was October 20th, most positive that we had a cold front come in an evening. Like I told you, I wasn't aggressive because it was paying too much damn attention to somebody's cell cams.

There was a hub system that I. knew I needed to be in. I had some good bucks in it and as warm as it was, even that last week for October, we had a cold night. I knew them bucks gonna be up moving instead of pushing it. The wind was off a little bit that night for me. We had a lot of east southeast winds last year.

And that warm spell. But I tell guys you're running mobile, you can get into a spot, you manipulate the spot and that's what I should have did. I had a cell camera in that spot. And I had multiple shooters on a doe in that spot that night in that hub system. I would have guaranteed it.

Nothing's guaranteed, but I would have probably seen them and I would have got [00:44:00] an opportunity to kill a pretty good buck that night. If I just would have used my, instead of worrying about the damn cell cameras, what they weren't showing in that hot weather, I should have known that cold front came in that cold day or two.

that I should have pushed it, went where I knew I had multiple shooters in, went into that system and I would have killed that night. I felt pretty positive. That I am still kicking myself in the ass because you're only going to get a day or two, a lot of time hunting pressure property. And when those days line up, you got to get in there and you got to kill.

And that's where I usually I'll do that. I sat back and this is where I said, I get, you get tied up the cell cam. Sometimes that live stuff coming in that burned me this year. That will not burn me. I will, I like getting pictures, but that will not influence my decision. What will influence my decision is my wisdom ship, the weather, all that stuff will play into me making a decision off of my gut, not technology.

Jeremy Dinsmore: If you're in the market for finding a new trail camera, I highly encourage you to look no further than Exodus. Exodus has two main [00:45:00] options to choose from as far as cameras go, a budget friendly option that doesn't compromise quality. The Exodus Rival is the camera for you. Simplicity meets functionality in this easy to use, feature rich cell camera.

The Rival offers crystal clear photo quality, easy setup and use with complete remote management through the app anywhere in the world. Two already are set up in Northeastern PA for me and they're working flawlessly. And if you're looking for an all encompassing cell camera, seriously, look no further than the render.

It's their flagship camera. It stood the test of time for thousands of Hunter across the country. I have one deployed here locally where I live and another one I'm saving for back at Northeastern PA again, zero issues. And I'll tell you what, Exodus stands by their five year warranty for accidents. Or for theft, top of the line customer service.

So see for yourself why so many made the switch to Exodus and experience the Exodus difference, use code AU to get [00:46:00] 15 percent off your first camera today. Yeah, that weather's a key thing. And that's the aspect. I know that Steve Shirk really loves and believes in, and I I do as well I guess with that, Ryan, and I know earlier we were talking about rain and everything like that.

Man, I feel, we all know, yes, wind, we all know like now, like that other side of things with weather. But I guess, man, like for you to enhance and make those big strides the last couple of years and you've been doing this for so long and being successful for so long to you. How big is that weather?

Cause I know Steve is like, man I'm a 90. 92%, like it's all dictating on weather. What is it for you? Do you

Ryan Glitzky: think weather is the number one, most important factor in white to hunting, in my opinion. That is the biggest influencer in my opinion, what I've seen. And I'll, like I said, I am a pre rut where, you get a 75, 80 degree weather that really kills us then warmer weather does hurt you early, [00:47:00] not maybe as much in certain situations but even then, you get a cold front early October, mid October, we know it's dynamite, or you get the precipitation or something different, you don't want stagnant weather, that's what kills you me personally, the number one influence is weather, Only thing that influences it outside of weather is heavy gun pressure.

Heavy gun pressure of course changes everything, but your bow pressure and your small game pressure affects it, but not as much as, as the weather in general that. October through basically our bow season. We're not influenced by the gun pressure, of course.

But in our bow season in general, it is weather in my opinion, man, weather is king. I just, have I killed him at 75 degrees? Absolutely. I got quite a few bucks back here. I've killed in seasonally warm weather. But majority of my good hunts is going to be around cooler weather, some type of fronts.

And what I tell guys too is. I love cold weather in a rut, but if you get the stagnant 11 days of cold weather, it's decent hunting. I'd rather throw in a couple warmer days, say [00:48:00] 60s, throw in a day or two at 60, then I let it drop off. Then after 4 or 5 days, let it go back up and get a little warm and drop off.

I like that roller coaster of the weather. I don't want stagnant, even if it's cold. I'd rather see it up and down a little bit. Give me 3 or 4 days, nice weather. Then let's get a little warm and drop back off. That's when it's fantastic hunting, in my opinion.

Jeremy Dinsmore: Yeah, I remember listening to Blysee talk about too we've always heard the term, like when that colt, like it turns cold they're up on their feet.

And I remember him saying like the opposite one time, I forget if it was. Who he was talking to, but he was like, man, when it gets warm out, it's nice. You want to be outside, right? Like sun's out, guns out type of ordeal. And I'm not talking like super, super hot, but you just, but like you said, like when if it's been 40 degrees, 30 degrees and all of a sudden it's wham, bam, there's your 58 degrees, 60 degree day.

There might be a spot where that deer is going to go look for water, right? There's, that deer might get up on its feet and be like, Hey, man, that wind's not [00:49:00] blasting in my face as I walk to this X location. It's just something else to think about. And the way and I'm butchering it a hundred percent the way Blysee related, but the way he said it, it did make a little bit of sense.


Ryan Glitzky: yeah. I think any change in general, this is extreme. Like last year, it jumps up to, you start getting up mid sixties above it. It starts to get a little rough, it does. But I think, if you're riding, you're getting frosty mornings, 30 degree days, overcast windy, and maybe you get a blue bird day, high pressure system or something rolls in and, it's, it warms up in the fifties.

Yeah, I've had fantastic hunts like that. You know what I mean? And like I said, maybe it creeps up in the sixties and then next day you do get that cold snap all of a sudden. Another front moves through or a cold night. It's another frosty morning after a warm spell. A lot of times those are, great days to hunt it.

I just, like I said, I like the fluctuation. I like the roller coaster a little bit. Even stagnant cold weather. I think after a while, can they just get. they get stagnant. You know what I mean? Yeah. The movement, I'd rather have a cold,[00:50:00] for 10 days straight and then warm. Don't get me wrong.

But I like a little bit of play with that up and down. And that's where I see a lot of great movement.

Jeremy Dinsmore: All right. Last question, man. If you could only hunt one week, what week you're hunting?

Ryan Glitzky: I'm a rut hunter. So it's going to have to be around there. And we're talking about early October and mid October here, but we're still going to go for some time in November.

I've been asked this question. A few times, and I'd probably have different answers. Because the Beyonce I've had it comes back to the weather. I've had fantastic last week's October. That seven, eight, ninth, man, I've killed a lot of boxing at seven, eight, ninth, that weekend around there, slap that middle of a week somewhere, I'll take that.

You know what, whatever weekend, October and first two weeks of November, it's going to be. Good weather, like I said, maybe we get a little seasonal warm weather and all of a sudden a front moves through the next four or five days are going to be cold below average. I'll take that week, wherever that's going to line up.[00:51:00]

Jeremy Dinsmore: All right. This one, this is, I lied. This is the last question. And a yes or no. Do you think, do you think does or certain does. Go into estrous same time, year after year, a hundred percent. I like it, Ryan, dude. I just want to thank you so much again for coming on for one the coming on to this show being so kind to me always being there for a text message, phone call away and answering you're down to earth individual, you do some great things, you put out some great content.

I really appreciate all that you do for this community. And I wish you the best of luck and I wish, you and your family happy health for this upcoming year and everything going on and, Ryan, where could people follow along, see what you're going up against this year and how this year you're going to kick 2023 is ass and not the other

Ryan Glitzky: way around.

Yeah, I appreciate all those kinds words and good luck to you also this season. But if anybody wants to follow along on my journey pretty active on Instagram moose 1720. You can follow me [00:52:00] there and just see some big meathead that has one hell of a pass. A chase chase White tells man.

I like it

Jeremy Dinsmore: man. Alright everybody, thanks again for tuning in. Go check out Ryan, get after it and we're up. Thanks for

Ryan Glitzky: listening to this episode of the Antler Up podcast. We hope you enjoyed it. Please go check us out on our Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and go wild

Jeremy Dinsmore: and at antlerupoutdoors. com.

Ryan Glitzky: If you enjoyed this

Jeremy Dinsmore: episode,

Ryan Glitzky: go leave a review and subscribe for next week's episode.

Until then,

Jeremy Dinsmore: Antler Up.