If You Can’t Beat Them, Join the PA Orange Army

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Few states can compete with the hunting heritage of Pennsylvania’s opening day of rifle season. Everyone seems to take time off from work and venture out. As fun as this season can be, it can also be a challenge. With more hunting pressure than any other time throughout the season, deer quickly “hole up” in security zones. If you haven’t filled a buck tag in archery season, this new added pressure may make it more difficult to harvest the buck you’ve set out for. Instead of getting frustrated with the change in pressure, use it to your advantage! Food is still king; however, pressure may cause food sources to be used just after dark. We discuss how and where to position yourself throughout opening week with your greatest odds, including stand hunting, still hunting, and a lot of people’s favorite: group hunting. Remember, as carried away as die-hard whitetail hunters can get, this is a time of year to cherish. We are privileged to be hunting in Penn’s Woods! This is an opportunity to be thankful and share memories with family and friends. We can still be strategic along the way! Pennsylvania Woodsman is Powered by Simplecast

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