Pressure Cooker of Emotions

Show Notes

On this episode of Huntavore, pressure builds as season openers draw near, and Nick is presented with an opportunity to hunt elk in Montana.  The combination of exciting new experiences along with adventure in a brand new environment builds a pressure of anxiousness, nervousness and excitement.  Speaking of pressure, One of Nick’s tasks this week is to turn heavily worked venison cuts into easy bags of shredded goodness that can help with midweek meal prep.  Seal up those valves, pressure is about to build on this episode of Huntavore.

With 13 days left (at the time of this recording) before a group a hunting buddies and myself head out to Montana.  This will be a lot of firsts for me; first hunt out of state, first hunt for elk, first hunt from a truck/backpack.  Even with all the preparations and training, and conditioning I feel the pressure of the unknown.  It’s an exciting pressure, thrill of adventure, yet the daunting thoughts of what’s next, and what should I expect are ever present.  (Side note). After I recorded this, a practice session with the bow helped my anxiety.

Along with returning safely, I’m ok with either outcome; no elk, amazing backpacking trip, or we get elk and bring home glorious meat.

Now to bring things back around to meat.  One of Nick’s tasks is to prepare a batch of shredded venison that can be used in the months ahead.  Loading up the instapot and seasoning with salt, pepper, and garlic will produce a great tasting base shredded veni, for a whole number of dishes. Vac these into 1lb bags and back to the freezer.  Because they are cooked and packed with the drippings makes for a quick warm up final add of seasoning toward whatever you want to make.

A dish that I will do in my enameled dutch oven will be Hank’s Veni Barbacoa, recipe here:

Show Transcript