Team Wingbone

Show Notes

On this episode of the How to Hunt TurkeyPodcast, Paul sits down with a group of guys from the State of Louisiana, Team Wingbone. The hard-earned nick names of this group,Turkey Hunter, Little Turkey Hunter, Hindleg, Perch and Bagman make up this amazing group of Turkey hunters. The roots run deep with this bunch, with the first Turkey killed by the Family Patriarch (Gobbler) in 1933. The laughs are plentiful in this episode. The stories are richly and passionately told. The knowledge is second to none. The experiences in the Turkey Woods are special for all of us and Team Wingbone embodies the true meaning of what it means to be a Turkey Hunter. The guys discuss picking a set up, reading terrain to determine your movements, knowing when to make that move and when to be aggressive. Learning every time you are in the woods in a trait good woodsman share. Generations of hunting Turkeys have taught this group the small lessons you only learn from years in the woods. Enjoy this episode with Team Wingbone.

Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to the How to Hunt Turkeys podcast. I'm Paul Campbell. Join me as we dive into the world at Turkey Hunter. Every episode we'll explore the minds the finest Turkey hunters around. We'll take a look at the people, the places, the tactics, the gear, and the culture that creates the mystique around America's favorite bird.

That's right, I said it. America's favorite bird, the Wild Turkey. Throw on your Turkey vest. Grab your box call. Let's talk some Turkey How to Hunt. Purpose Podcast brought to you by Go Wild. Visit time to go or download the app on iOS or Android. Go Wild has all the gear. The Wild Turkey hunter needs, camel clothes, hats, vest, Turkey calls, decoys, and everything else.

Sign up for a free account today and get $10 off your first order. [00:01:00] Time to go Wicked North gear. Delivering the very best gear for a life well lived in the great outdoors. From field kits and DIY tax derby solutions to hats, hoodies, stickers, and more. Visit wicked north Hey guys.

Welcome back to another episode of the How Howle Hunt Turkeys podcast. I am your host, Paul Campbell, this weekend, Southern Florida. Today, I'm gonna date this episode. Today is February 26th, 2023. There the Utes. We're out in southern Florida. Hunt Osceola, turkeys getting it done. It is here guys.

It's here. Turkey season is here. I am so excited. Can't wait. I. 15 days. 15 days for my first Turkey out of the year. I can't sleep. It's not gonna happen. I'm not gonna sleep the rest of the rest of those 15 days. So got a great episode for you guys lined up today. I've got Team Wing Bone, which is a group of guys from Louisiana.

They do a really, they have a really good [00:02:00] YouTube channel. So if you're looking for content, these guys, I'm telling you, they're putting out some of the purest Turkey hunting content that you can consume on YouTube right now. Check them out to search Team Wing bone on YouTube, on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook, all of it.

A really great group of guys. When you talk about family traditions, oh, Hank Williams Jr. Diving into this conversation here. Family traditions, these guys, their family tradition of Turkey hunting dates back to 1933. That is amazing. That is absolutely amazing. Just a wonderful episode.

This I've done, honestly, I've done over probably 200 podcast episodes since I've been doing this. This is top five, really is just an unbelievable conversation and if you've listened to all of these episodes right now and if you're just new, you're just coming in The best way to learn to Turkey hunt.

It's through storytelling. And I hope you've picked up on that. This is not one of those [00:03:00] shows where it's oh, hey, we're gonna do this. This is how you do this is how you do this is what you wanna do here. You wanna set up here? You'll get a little of that. The best way to learn, in my opinion, to Turkey Hunt is through storytelling.

And that's what this is, that's what this show's all about. This is just a fantastic interview. So thanks to the guys from Team Wing. I can't thank you enough. Really enjoyed it. They sent me a hat. Love this thing. Great logo. Of course, it's in Masio Bottom land. Love that. So you guys are really gonna enjoy this episode.

There's a little feedback in the beginning. Listen, I'm not an expert. I'm not a producer, all right? I'm an idiot. I'm literally sitting in my basement at, nine o'clock on a Sunday night. I know how to edit podcasts as well as as well as I should. I'm not freaking Steve Ella, right?

So give me a little grace. The editing might be a little weird in this one, but the content, the storytelling, the information, the knowledge you're gonna get is second to none. You're really gonna enjoy this episode. So [00:04:00] dive into this. Thanks for listening. Hit subscribe. Tell your friends about it. Find this show on Instagram, H two ht, how to Hunt Turkeys H two HT podcast.

Find me on Go Wild. How to Hunt Turkeys. If you haven't checked out, go wild yet. If you're just if you're new to this show, you haven't listened to the O two podcast, the other show that I do with Andrew months Go Wild. You hear 'em in the intro awesome community. They've got a really neat feature, the near me feature.

Check it out. I want you to read the article on time to go that I talk about how to use that data, that information that we collect through that near me to make you better. Turkey hunter, you're really gonna like that. Check out the stuff that we've got at wicked north

Kill kits, DIY tax Demery. You guys will be shooting some long beards this year. You gotta have some kits. You gotta have some stuff to to hang those beards, to hang those fans. Bobby's got all those Wicked North You've heard me talk about this site, this is a labor of love for me. This is a new project that I've been working on with [00:05:00] my buddy Justin Turkey

I am so excited about this team Wing Bone. Those guys are on there. Some of the best Turkey content that you can find on the internet. Podcasts, videos, blogs, articles are all on this website. I've got an awesome store coming up. I've got Rolling Thunder game calls, Woodhaven, custom game calls, bone collector Redfin, polarized sunglasses, wicked North Gear.

Oh my God, there's so much stuff for the Turkey hunter that's gonna, it's gonna be on this site. It's not it's not a huge. Not a huge story. There's some really good stuff on there. The content, you're really gonna enjoy it. So check it out, Turkey That sucker is going live on the first official day of Turkey season in this country, March 4th, Southern Florida.

So check that out. If you're not Turkey hunting, it's gonna get you in the mood. Got some really cool stuff on there, and it's just gonna continue to grow. So Turkey You can find it on Instagram, the Turkey season. Some dudes got Turkey season locked up if you know [00:06:00] that guy, send him a dm.

Tell him to give it up. So thank you so much for listening to this program. I really appreciate it. The popularity of this show has exploded. I did not see this happening, and it's all because of you guys listening to this. So leave me a review. I saw some reviews on there already warm from my heart.

Thank you so much. I appreciate you guys listening to this. Reach out to me, Paul Campbell 3 22 on Instagram, Paul Campbell on Go Wild. Love to talk with you man. Turkey season's coming. Thanks guys.

Where at in Louisiana are you guys from? We Denim Springs, Louisiana. It's about, 10, 15 miles east of Baton Rouge. Okay. Two east of it. I've I've been to New Orleans a couple times. I've poked around. I've been to Baton Rouge a couple of times. I've never done any Turkey hunting down there.

I need to get down there and experience that. [00:07:00] Yeah, I'm sure we'll talk about that in a minute. But we used to have a lot of turkeys, but they've gone down just like it has all over the United States, but they start to, to come back a little bit. Yeah. I got a good friend of ours that does a lot of research.

He works for the, he's actually the Turkey program manager for Louisiana, so we could talk about that too. Yeah, I saw you guys put that out. Who got to hold the, Tom? Who was that? That was Turkey. That was me. Okay. Two years ago? Yeah, two years ago. Okay. That's really the last one that came out was Cody.

He's the manager of the program. That was the one Okay. Just came out, but I held one, two years ago. He, that's very cool. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty neat. We're doing here in Ohio, we're doing a we're doing a nesting and brood habitat study. It's a multi-state cooperation between the agencies and the National Federation and I'm bringing some, I work for the N W tf, so I don't know if you guys knew that, if we've talked about it, it's cool I get to travel all over the country and talk to people like you guys and I get to. I wanted to hold a Turkey so bad. I can't tell you , I [00:08:00] just wanna touch one and just hold it and be like, I love you. And then , just let it go and let it fly. Go. Yeah. So I'm really looking forward to that.

But they've got they're starting, the state is starting in Ohio State University. They're putting out bait sites. Our deer season runs until I don't know, the first week of February. It runs pretty long. So as soon as that's over with, they're gonna start baiting public land sites. And then they're gonna have the nets out there.

And so we're taking some Nwtf members out there and we're gonna sit in ground blinds and hopefully get pushed button and catch some Turkey. Yeah, that's cool experience for sure. It is. And with my role, like I want the members to get to experience it, but I'm gonna be back there just like a kid, man.

It's oh, come on, let me push the button once, . But I was gonna tell you, I, I went with Cody two years ago when he was doing it, and he had the. I think it was in February, you had the, the debate set out and they had the traps and we got there real early and I was gonna do most of the femme.

And the guys that were going to shoot the net were over to our side. And they, we were communicating with little radios and Cody was listening and he was watching them through [00:09:00] binoculars and I'm fing it. And he said, you gotta wait. And I think there were like 22 turkeys out there one large time. That was the one that I and he said, you gotta wait till all their heads go down.

Cause if you shoot the net with their head up, he said it'd ec clipped it off. And we caught all 22. Oh wow. All, I'm sorry. We caught 21 of them and one Jake got away from us okay. We had turkeys everywhere, but none of 'em, injur do, none of 'em was injured. Man, that's really neat. Talk about pressure.

You don't want to decapitate a Turkey. That's, you're just probably looking at all of 'em like, okay, we good to go. And I don't know how Cody did it, but he was watching and he says no. And now boom. And that. And none of them were injured. So it's amazing how they do that.

Yeah, man. It's pretty, it is pretty neat. I'm really looking forward to it. I hope I just get to experience that. Give me, gimme a rundown of all your names the nicknames, how you got those. Let's, we'll start whoever wants to start . Start on this end. . There we go.

I'm hile it. And as I [00:10:00] always tell everybody I earned my name. It it was actually given to me by Turkey Hunter's father, little Turkey hunter's grandfather years ago. Gobbler first got in Turkey hunting and it was actually during squirrel season while we had a good squirrel hunt that morning.

Cooked this good gravy that night. And I happened to get up and I went and fix my. We all, what's the best part of a squirrel to eat? Just like a deer. Anything else is the hi leg. So I fixed my plate and boy pit put a little rice on there for a little gravy. And then next thing you know, I grabbed all the hi legs out of the pot.

So Gobbler who's no longer with us, he goes up there and fixes his plate. It says, dang, ain't a high leg lift in this pot. So therefore I earned my name, the hi league. Everybody earns their name, Papa got back over to the table. He's hell, there's all the hi legs right there. Look who's got it, . And it stuck with him that night to this day.

That's been over 20 years ago. 20 years ago. Oh wow. now. [00:11:00] Steve, what about you? What's your give us your nickname. Me, my, my real name's Steven Howes, but I'm a little Turkey hunter and I just came with that name cause he was tur Turkey hunter. So everybody just started calling me little Turkey hunter and that was it.

It was simple. , just soon as you could walk little Turkey. Big story on it. Just born into it. There you go. I'm James House and my father, his grandfather was the gobbler. He's the one that kinda introduced us and who made all of our wing bones and hi. His name was the gobbler and I'm of course Turkey hunter.

So that's the pecking order that we had. Very good. And I'm Jason Harris. I'm cousins with these two right here. Not Tapp on the end, but just these two right here. . Oh, oddball. Yeah. There you go. Perch. As a, when we hunted in the forest running dogs during deer season, we have handles of course you can use your real name on the CV radio.

Of course, that's before. Cell phones. And my dad was a green trout, which is a bass. And we had to find something for me cuz I started mouthing off on the [00:12:00] CB instead of using my name. So we tried to find a fish that was smaller than the green trout and we couldn't think of a name of a little bass. So we just said, all right, what about a perch, a red belly perch, and ended up being perch.

So there you go. Good. And we have one other member that's not with us tonight and and that's Jeffrey. And his handle is a bagman and but we'll have to let him explain. How he received that name. Yeah. Fair. Fair enough. . So one of the, one of the, one of the things that I really like on your videos and your intros, you talk about the Turkey hunting tradition that you guys have and how it started with your father Gobbler.

Really when he shot that first Turkey. Talk about that. What, 1933. That is impressive. Impressive. Yeah. 1933. I know if you, just from me reading around reading history in a lot of the Turkey hunt population, back in those days, it was real low across the United States, but in the, in Louisiana they're known as the Florida parishes, which if [00:13:00] you're just picturing it would be like the toe of the.

And all that area was prime Turkey habitat. And they had a lot of turkeys then in the twenties, and my great-grandfather he passed away before I was born, but daddy knew him. I think he passed away when he was about 16. So he remembers him very well. He taught my grandpa how to hunt, Turkey, hunt.

He ma they made the wing bone calls my, all my grandpa's family uncles first cousins. It was a ton of them. And they all Turkey hunted. Of course, some of 'em had made their box calls and some were, they were just trying to start making the diaphragm calls and all of that. But the wing bone was my great grandpa and my grandpa's go-to, and my great grandpa made it from my grandfather, probably around the late twenties, 19 27, 28, made his first wing bone, Turkey call and started teaching Pop Paul how to hunt.

And he told him, he said, son, you gonna learn more on your own than what I can do for you. So he turned him loose [00:14:00] and he was nine years old in the spring of 1933. And he told me he could walk out the back door and hear anywhere from nine to 10 turkeys gobble from the back porch of the house.

It was that many turkeys. And he said he would go out there and he'd, he said, I'd call the one and he'd shut up and I'd run him off and I'd go the next one and run him off. And he he said, after I'd run 'em all off and they all shut up, he said, I'd go back, sit on the porch, and daddy would tell me, practice with me, and he said, I kept going. And finally he went out there and finally killed one. And that was 1933. Wow. Man. What a story. What, what a family tradition. So I, I don't know many people that have that, that that deep, rich family tradition of Turkey hunting that goes back that far.

That, that you've been able to talk about. Especially, my tra I didn't start hunting until I was 25. My dad didn't hunt. My, my grandfather, he did, he died when, in the mid seventies. I wasn't born until 82. I've got his hunting license from, I [00:15:00] wanna say like 1955. And I've got a couple shotguns and that's it.

That's my, that's where my heritage starts. And, it's I get jealous when I hear about that stuff. And I'm just, I love hearing about it and I, it's just neat. It's neat to hear those old stories. And I've got this book on my shelf back here. It's from 1966 and it's about.

Hunting. And it's, it was from the hunting season of 1965. So it talks about like populations, it talks about license sales and all that thing from the different states. And it's funny how many states didn't even have a hunting season for spring turkeys during that time. And I don't think a lot of modern hunters, they don't even realize that that we as hu like you, you didn't even get to experience hunting turkeys in a lot of states.

I know in Ohio, our first modern Turkey season wasn't until 1966. We shot 12. Yeah. We shot 12 turkeys that year. It was opened in six counties and they sold, just a handful of licenses 12 turkeys. And so people forget that. So the Turkey, just that cradle being, the southeastern portion of the [00:16:00] United States.

There was pretty decent population. So that's really neat that, your family got to, got to hunt when other states didn't. Just didn't have turkeys. And that's really neat. And you talk about that's the foundation, your family, is the foundation for the modern Turkey hunter culture that we know just collectively, and that's really cool, man. You talk about legacy that's some neat stuff. I hope you guys are proud of that. That's pretty cool. So we are very proud of it. And it's funny, to hear my grandma's side of the story, you know how she. All our, the way we picked with each other, and I called this one off for you, or you couldn't call that all the stuff that the Turkey hunters do today.

She said all those conversations went on in the forties and fifties when her papa first got married. And she said, it all sounds the same . Oh man. That's so funny. That's it. That's so funny, man. You just wish that, like we had videos of those old school Turkey hunters just sitting around just running their mouth and just getting after each other and cutting it up.

That, that's, that'd be great, man. You talked about would be offline. We're fortunate though with I do have a lot [00:17:00] of, lot old vid pictures from black and white, from probably going back at least to the early forties of them with turkeys, all the way up through. I got a bunch daddy, he's in his teens, seven, eight years old to high school.

We got a lot of those pictures. So got those saved, got those in the safe. Okay, that Turkey hundred, they built a a very large Bass pro shop here, probably 5, 6, 7 years ago. And at least that many years. Got some of 'em in there and we they came around to the community and we got a bunch of pictures of my dad.

My grandfather, his brothers and they have a lot of 'em blown up and posted in the Bass Pro shop here in, in the Turkey section. And it's pretty neat to go down there and see 'em all. And that was one thing dad was very proud of. He used to go down there before he passed away in th 2013, and he'd wanted to go look at his picture.

So he enjoyed that. That's pretty that's pretty cool. When it first opened, we couldn't wait to get up there. We didn't know where they were at or which ones they had. and they had [00:18:00] 'em blown up, four by four. And I bring him up there and we're walking around, I'm, look, I said, look there you are right there.

And he looked at it and had a guy standing there and he bumped him. He said, that's me right there, . That guy said it don't look like you. He said, heck, you put 60 years on you and see if you don't change. That's funny. That's good. That's good stuff. Turkey Hunter, when did you start Turkey hunting?

When did all go Turkey hunting? Probably, of course, I squirrel hunted at first and then I, they would never take me Turkey hunting because, one of the main things is, you gotta hide and you gotta stay still. And I was, hyper around and so forth. But I probably really started in, in, in probably around 10 they would take me with 'em.

And we'd, I'd miss one or two, but I finally killed my first when I was with daddy when I was 11 years old. And I, remember like it was yesterday, but , it was one of those things you cherish forever. And I was with him when he killed his first one and him and Carl several off of him until I let he lay kill one second

So I'm, as you [00:19:00] could tell, I'm the senior member of the group. So yeah, he's got seniority. I got seniority over all of him. So you get to pull the trigger first every season, right? I, that's it. That's it. Now you do. That's it. And good deal. So I, is a father I get my kids in into hunting and I'm at the point where I want them to have the more chances than I do.

I want them to pull the trigger. And that's the stuff that like, when you close your eyes for the last time, man, those are the things that are gonna flash to your mind. It's not gonna be yours. It's gonna be your kids and it's gonna be, the people that, that you bring into it.

So that's, those are always neat experiences. Absolutely. Now, when you're getting in, this is funny cuz my friends. Are just now starting to get into Turkey hunting. I've gotten him into it over the years, but we're having those conversations like, okay, who's on the gun first?

And how do you guys settle that argument every hunt or every season? ? We always let Hein leg shoot cause he, it is a 50 50 chance he's gonna, miss's gonna happen. At least you got, you can be the backup. So you still might have a [00:20:00] chance to shoot , but not since we started filming. I pretty much, I get behind whoever's gonna go.

I try to split up and go with legs. Some daddy, some and per some and film. We do have a video coming out this year, so I think y'all gonna enjoy that. The whole game and it was a shirt, . That sounds fun. Yeah. I can't wait to see. Yeah, I can't wait to see that. A lot of action.

Yes. A lot of action, man. I, oh, that's gonna be, that's gonna be good. So how many have you guys hunted all 49 states and have turkeys? Or are you still working on. Still working on it. I guess I'm around the twenties. I think everybody else is right there. Pretty close to me. I may have one or two up on them, but yeah.

Yeah it's a goal of ours. I know when they, you know this, back in the nineties, it was the Grand Slam. The grand Slam. And we went and did that. And then after it was over with, we was like now what? But, and then they started all with the 49 and I said we want to do it, but we don't wanna do it too quick.

Want to enjoy it. [00:21:00] Yeah, there you go. Spread it out a little bit. That in the pocketbook might have something to say about that. Every I know, I've been trying to talk my wife into, let me, hunt more states than I have this year. And I'm pitching her on a western swing.

So I've got a Florida hunt planned. I live in Eastern territory, and, I've got a Montana hunt planned. And so I told her, I said, if I kill an Osceola, I kill Anisha, and I'm fortunate enough to kill Miriam's, not in Montana. I'm going to go kill, I'm going to go I have to check your stuff on third.

Yeah. Yeah. And I, and I, and what's crazy is if I kill all three of those, the pressure that I'll put on myself or Rio . Tremendous. So we all know the feeling. Yeah. And so she, my wife's you have your entire life to do. I'm like, you don't understand. I can do it one year.

That's, it's not the point. I can do it one year. I'm going to do it. I'm just telling you. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you like that. I'm just going to, it's gonna happen. Yeah. I'm going to go to some state that has Rios and I'm gonna spend however much money it costs to get on public land. And I will, I was like, I will make it up to you on the [00:22:00] backside of Turkey season, I promise.

But that's, I'm just giving you a fair warning that I hope that happens. Start laying the groundwork and the preparation now, huh? Oh, that's it. I've been, I it's just what do you need? What's up? What's up? What can I do for you? How's the house? Cleaning the house. Take care of the girls. I'm doing all of these things, just lay laying.

What do you guys got planned coming up? You got any big hunts planned? Yeah. I'll be going to Florida the first weekend. Of course we'll all be in Mississippi when it opens on March 15th. And then I think the whole crew's going to Kentucky this year. Kentucky's a good one.

He went with us before we went in 2014. 2014. 14, nine years ago. Okay. Nice. Yeah, I I, Kentucky's probably my favorite state to hunt. I think I been in. Yeah, there's a lot of turkeys there. The terrain is cool. I like the hills, I like the open areas. It's just a lot of fun.

I am doing my first Florida hunt. I've never done that. And I am, it's January 31st and I'm not, I'm gonna be down there March 18th and I can't sleep already. No, you, yeah, I've watched all your Osceola [00:23:00] videos and I'm just, I just go on YouTube and I type in Osceola, Turkey hunting, and I'm just like just absorb all of the content I can.

So I'm looking forward to that. So let's talk about the name, the namesake team Wing Bone. When I first started Turkey hunting I'll tell you I've told this story once or twice on this podcast, but I'll give it to you guys. So I was 25 when I started hunting. YouTube wasn't really around the mid two thousands, early two thousands.

And I bought the the Primo's Pro power Crystal Turkey call, and I didn't realize you had to scratch it up, right? To make it make noise like a Turkey. . And so for weeks I was trying to make this thing sound like a hen. And I couldn't do it. I couldn't figure it out. And so I take it back to the store that I bought it from, this little hunting store in McConnells, Ohio, and I'm like, Hey, man.

The Turkey call's broken. I need a new one. And he just looks at it and doesn't see that it's, that it's scratched up. And he like, takes the sandpaper and he scratches it and here's he's, here's how you work it. Get outta here. I'm like, oh, great. So I So I start with the pod call.

And then I, and I try, I get into like mouth calls and I realize that I have this terrible gag reflex that never goes away. [00:24:00] And so I got into wing bone calls, I got into trumpets. I got into my personal favorite tube calls. But I do love the wing bone. So you guys don't use anything other than a wing bone?

That is it. And I love it. How'd that start out? We yeah, my grandpa made all the wing bones that we have, and that was his thing around the community to make wing bones and he would give 'em to people, they'd come by and they'd want to hear all the old time stories.

And he'd tell them, and of course they would ask, can you make me a wing bone? And he would. And he never sold one. He always gave 'em all away, so every time as that group kept growing and around town they'd kill a Turkey and they'd bring, go to Grandpa's house and show the Turkey off.

So that got to, that's how it started. That was probably back in the nineties to, Team Wing Bone got another one, so that's how it, how the name got kicked off. Team Wing Bone. We started. Really anybody that used one of Papa Paul's wing bones, that was team wing bones.

So I bet the first [00:25:00] time he heard that he was strutting around town, . It still is hell, . And of course, when we started started the YouTube and the filming, it was no question what we were gonna be called at that point. But he'd always make us, cause we were, he was too old up in age to be able to go with us on a trip.

And he'd always make a call for us. And we'd take one with us on a trip and if we would, and we'd mostly hunted private land public land. But if we'd see a Turkey on private land, we'd go and ask permission or whatever. And if they'd grant us permission, if we'd killed a Turkey, we'd always have one of his wing bones and we'd give it to him.

And he's got wing bones all over the country for that. He's, we've distributed through the years, man, that's neat. What a tradition. And so I think that's, that wing bone, that's one of those traditional. Calls. It's the same thing as the trumpets, the tube calls. It's just, it's really those calls that were, on the forefront of Turkey hunting and box calls.

And if you've been to the Edgefield N W T F Museum, they have a box call that's, that was like [00:26:00] hand carved by someone like the 18 hundreds. Have you, everything is, it is unbelievable. I'll send a picture of it to you. It's, yeah, I'd love to get it. Yeah it's Will Primos has it he donated it to the museum to display.

And it is just, you look at it and just, you just think some kid at a farm was just like, I'm gonna carve this box. You know me, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hunt Turkey. It's yeah. It's so cool. And I like what, what you guys. As you've got such that strong, hunting heritage and it's really it's a preservation of traditional Turkey hunting and, you use the wing bone and the way that you guys hunt on your shows, I can see that it is, it's that traditional, calling man, you're just using woodsman skills, you're using the calling skills, you're hiding bushes, and it's just, I like it.

And , that's the way we were taught. So that's it. And say one you take pride on and growing up is 90 plus percent of where we hunt is public land. We grew up hunting here in the Nashville Forest in Mississippi, and most of our trips are national [00:27:00] forest. Not that we hadn't gone on private pieces or actually went on Indian reservation, but when you go in public, it's a little bit different than, sitting on a private piece and maybe you got 15 goers or maybe sitting on the ground blind.

There's nothing wrong with that, but, It just seems like we're so used to the public and then you gotta do with other hunters. You don't know who's around the corner, who's on the other, mountain or who, whatever. So it makes it a little bit different that you're anybody can be around you from anywhere else.

But it also, going back to the old school, you talked about old school. I remember hunting with a goba when I was eight or 10 years old and he would identify trees to sit behind or logs to sit behind or a ridge and he would, the wind and the humidity. and the way the Turkey gobbled, I mean there were so many details that was going through your mind that you wouldn't even think of.

And that's what I call old school, really Turkey hunting to really get in there and figure out, alright, how am I gonna beat this thing? Does he have one hen no hings or 15 hens with him? So all that's going through your mind where you set up. Don't set up call, don't call. All those are racing through your [00:28:00] mind.

And it's gotta be done pretty quickly. Yeah it does. And that's something that, you know, regrettably for me, I just, with within the last seven or eight years as I'm walking through the woods the entire time, I'm just looking. I could sit there, I could sit there and it's just walking cuz you never know.

And this show is really for people that are just learning to Turkey hunt, just getting into it or want to become better. You never know when one of those suckers are gonna pop. You have no idea . And if you're, and I've been there, we've all been there where some, a tom just rips one off 60 yards from you and you're looking around oh God, where do I sit?

I don't, I where's a bush? I need to, you just lay flat on the ground oh God, okay. Calm down. Re you know, reassess. And guess, I guess one thing that says in my mind from being taught from a very early age is that the one thing that was drilled and drilled, make sure when you sit down, make sure you or hid, that was the number one rule.

And he would, get behind a stop stump where he would get behind the law and the first thing to do leaves would [00:29:00] go on top of the law to conceal yourself or whatever. But I guess the number one, Item on the list is make sure you are hit. And for the beginning, Turkey hunter that's a big deal.

And don't move. And don't move. And now we gotta up the camera. Set up the go, bro. up the back camera. Now let's, yeah, I was watching just one of your, one of your videos recently, and you got the big tripod and then I, I see it like you set the one GoPro in front of you and you turn it, you set the other one behind you and you turn it.

I'm like, man, God, love those guys. That's so much work and just, Hey I'm getting anxiety just watching it stop moving, like it's time. And when you're watching and listening, you don't know how close these turkeys are when they're gobbling. I'm like, if things right there stop with the camera, it's it's gonna be okay.

No one's gonna be mad if you don't get it on film. So just kill that thing. So that, but that's important. Stay in. That's such a, it's such an overlooked. Thing with new Turkey hunters intermediate Turkey hunters and advanced Turkey hunters, you just, I mean that [00:30:00] constantly like scanning the woods what can I hide in?

And when you're looking for that hide, you've got the hide, are you looking for you got Tom working in, are you looking for something if, maybe 20 or 30 yards in front of you just to break up, where you're at. So it's not as easy as for him to see. Yeah, we, like Daddy said, you want to be here so we, we trying to get somewhere where you either gonna be covered, behind you or we really like to get something in front of us, honestly, like a log or a stump or something like that's become more difficult with the camera.

So we and I like when we setting up, when, when the Turkey gobbles and we setting up, I like to get as close to the shooter as I can cuz I like to get that back and forth conversation, and I get a kick out of that cuz half the time we so far off on what's happening, after you, the outcome, it's man, if we'd only do that, but yeah, just trying.

I've gotten a little little it's a leafy suit. Top is all it is. And I got that to go over the. So that helps conceal me because usually I'll get them [00:31:00] sitting up against something, whether it's a log or a tree, and then I can slide in there right up, tuck in behind them. But I had to have that, that leafy suit on there to conceal me.

And I was learned the hard way. Yeah. many times. A few times. . Yeah. That's, and I talked about this in an episode that, that we just recorded. That's the best, really the best. And the only way to learn in Turkey hunting is failure, right? That's absolutely. Yeah you do something and the Turkey runs off and you stand up and you're like I'm not gonna do that again.

But you are, because it's just what we do. That's a hard lesson to learn. So perch like when you're walking through the woods and you're listening to, as a kid to gobbler and to Turkey on or talk about these lessons. Did she, it, when you were younger, did you like latch onto that or did, was it just kinda Yeah I know like a lot of kids.

Yeah. Not immediately. At 10 years old I knew everything about Turkey. I don't have to listen to anybody. But he would point out, and my dad would remember this as well, who's not here, but he would say, he would look and see where the Turkey was got, especially if he's on a [00:32:00] limb and you gotta survey the woods.

And it helps if you know the woods, if you don't, it's a little bit harder with the draws to the Turkey down here or hardly jump a draw where it's two foot wide. They don't have to have water in it. They're not gonna cross that draw. And he would say that turkey's gonna come on that ridge right there. So you better get in shooting distance.

I mean that Turkey may be a hundred yards goblin. and he knows. So when you're going through there and you're surveying the landscape to think about all these things and knowing the woods is a lot better, of course where the cutover is, where he's, where it's clear where he is gonna walk.

But after a couple years going through my high school years and learning more about where to set up, but also it's not just being still, it's also what I learned is you gotta attack too. And that sounds funny. Turkey hunt. Why do you gotta attack? If you're talking calling to a bird back and forth for 20 minutes and he's not moving and you're not moving, you're gonna have to make a move on him.

Cause more than likely he's hung up with hens or he's got something, they may come in later, but you either gotta circle around, you gotta crawl, or you gotta make a move on him. And we did that a couple years ago. He and I did, got hung up and sometimes you've got to get up and make a move. And it's [00:33:00] harder now cause you've got two or three cameras and you packing all the equipment.

But I've had a many times where I went back and forth for 30 minutes and they get silent. and you don't know if they're 20 steps or a half a mile and you just lost out. So I've learned, to be more, a little more aggressive, especially just 8, 8 30 in the morning and you're still playing with him a little bit.

Patient starts wearing off, you gotta start making some moves and see if you can move on him. So learning through the mistakes, and I probably missed 60, 70% of them, but every time you go you seem like you learn something. I learn something different whether to move or not to move, and that's a split second.

You gotta make whether to get on 'em or. Yeah. So what when you've got, when you've got that Turkey, that gobbling hard on the limb, and this is, for people listening, this is gonna happen all the time. Turkey, gobbling hard on the limb, hits the ground, might respond to your calls, gobbling hard, and then just walks away and you're just like I don't know what happened.

It could be hens, it could be, who knows That's the great life's great mystery. Why he stop goblin? I don't [00:34:00] know. So that's right. When do you pull that trigger to say, okay, I'm moving. I need to move. And what are the things that you're looking for in the woods that dictate your movements? U using the terrain depending on where he was gobbling at.

But I'm very reluctant to move unless I know where he's at. So I, I got, I either gotta try to make him gobble or let or he gobble on his own and so I know exactly where he is at before I make my move. And just trying to use the terrain. . One of the mistakes we probably make the most is going straight to 'em, but you better off sometimes if you circle around on one side or the other, like pert said, if you know the woods, that's gonna help you tremendously.

But most of the time we're somewhere new. So we're just trying to use the OnX maps, and looking at the drained topography and just try to reposition. Cause if he didn't come to you, obviously you not where he wanted to go. And sometimes the world champion Turkey callers can't call him [00:35:00] to him if he don't want to go that way, so you gotta make a move on him. Now, will you rip off like a locator call, al call or or crow or something before you move just to see if he's, if you can just yank something out of them one last time? It depends. Because sometimes if they're answering you, calling, I'd just ahead and call to him one more time and get him to gobble.

I feel like he hadn't come yet. He's not gonna come. I'm just gonna make him gobble, but if we get back away from 'em, we would oow or blow the crow collar. Then on the Eastern from the Marium they love the cow call. Yeah. That's So what are some of the terrain features that you think that, and we could, man, we could talk about terrain features and Turkey movements literally for an hour but what are some of the, what are some of the big things that you see or terrain features that like when you're looking at your map, you're like, okay, this is going to dictate where that Turkey goes. . Yeah. Usually, the higher terrain top of the hills is where I feel like go spots.

Yeah. They try to, where they gonna go do their thing. Yeah. Yeah. And then we just try to [00:36:00] move there and I try to look at it and figure out how I can move where I can't be seen. Cause you don't wanna be up on a ridgetop moving, so if I know he is going on a certain hill, I'll try to slide down on the side of, back side of the hill I'm on, or get in the bottom, make the move, and then try to get on the ridge with him.

Is what our deal is most of the time. Dragging all the cameras and all that along too. . Yeah. One of the, one of the real popular statements that, that you hear when you're consuming wild Turkey hunting content and tips and tricks is taken as temperature. That's one of the. Yeah, one of the phrases that you hear all the time.

So what does that phrase mean to you, and what are you looking for during that process? Give it to 'em, ladies. Come on. Like I've always said, you a hero one day and you zero the next. So it now, you gotta sit there, see what it mood is, and then see if he's really excited.

See [00:37:00] if you can get him excited. Sometimes you just gotta take it easy and make him wanna come see what's over on the other side of that ridge. So it I said I haven't been doing it quite as long as then, but know since 1999, but I've been in a bunch of situations and. Done very well on some, and then I've owed my hat and scratched my head on some others.

So yeah, I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Let's unpack this. This is a situation and the great thing about having a show like this is I can ask selfish questions, right? Because I'm that's why I do it. I wanna know, so this is scenario, yeah. This is a scenario that left, like I just stood up.

I'm like, what the hell just happened? I have no idea what just happened. I'm public land sa, I'm the same as you guys. I hunt 98% public land. And the idea of sitting in a ground blind over a decoy I, that sounds awful. I hate to deer hunt for that very reason. I don't like to sit in the same spot.

If you're turkey's gobbling over the, I wanna go. And so I was three or four miles into the woods river bottom and I'm just [00:38:00] walking slow. I'm hooting calling every once in a while and I hear a Turkey just outta nowhere, just gobbles. I'm like, Okay. And he's across the creek and I can see him.

He's just walking back and forth and I bet this Turkey in a 45 minute period, there's no exaggeration. I bet this Turkey gobble 200 times. It was, I've got video of it just from my cell phone. It was funny. I, at one point I just stood up so I could get video of this Turkey. I'll send it to you, Steve, and I'm like, this is the job.

Yeah. And he just hammered and hammered. I didn't even call, I call I did a couple of times, like he'd take a breath and I'd just, throw out a yelp. Hey, come on. Never. He just gobbled and then just walked off. That was it. And I stood there. I'm like, this is the most frustrating Turkey I've ever met.

This thing would not stop gobbling. And he didn't care that I was over there. And to me, that's like the hardest Turkey to hunt. The one that won't shut up because he doesn't care. He's just, I think he just figured out how to gobble, is what? It's . He was proud, huh? Yeah. How do you figure out a Turkey like that?

And I know, we're all looking for the Turkey that's ready to die. That's the, that's what we're looking [00:39:00] for, right? But how do you handle. I think in that situation like that, a lot of times we, you don't realize there were probably some other turkeys over there. He knew it. You didn't. And he was like, he trying to get you to come on.

Or that was his, happened to be his routine, his route. He wanted to go that way. And he's, the way it's supposed to work, the gobblers supposed to gobble and the hens are supposed to come to him, and but in those situations I was in one exactly like that, Mississippi, probably four or five years ago.

And I watched him till I was sick of watching him on the ridge and he w was not gonna come. So I just slid back off the ridge. I had thankful for OnX. You couldn't have done it. It had been harder, not impossible, but to have the confidence if I knew exactly where he was at, and circled around and got on the other side.

Made one call and he ran over me. So gotta love it. Just making that move and getting, getting to where he wanted to go. Yeah. And that's the fun stuff. That's the battle back and forth that you get with and [00:40:00] old school hunting, traditional hunting, whatever it is, you're not out there shaking decoys and with the reaping fan and all that stuff.

That's the fun stuff, you go to battle with that Turkey. So let's let's talk about calling in the sense of like how you go about that. In the morning, are you guys calling a lot? What's your method? When do you start calling ? That goes back to the Gobbler.

as soon as you got outta the truck. He had a, he pat, he thought he patented the same, but he didn't patent one call. That's all. And the point was when he, when you call and he answers shut up. Basically, and you hear a lot about this, especially these days, what you read and see some of the videos, it's like the Turkey and the collars having a conversation, which is not supposed to be like that.

And at least in my opinion, call Gobel. Eventually that's gonna wear out. He's a lot smarter, at least than I am. So the less column the better. But there are certain times you really need to call, especially when he hits the ground. If you've see him pitch down or hear him, you better [00:41:00] call immediately when he hits ground.

But he may be looking for you. He may not, but he may be trying to locate you. But if he's on the limb going back and forth, he know once you call, he knows where you're at. You don't have to keep calling 15, 20, 30 times back and forth. Now if five, 10 minutes go by and he doesn't gobble, you have to go a little back and forth.

But that over columns, what I learned, and sometimes I probably don't call enough, I. , but they're not stupid. They're not, he's not a four year old Turkey for a reason. When we get to one in the tree, Papa never did like to call the one when, if you got to him, he's in the tree roosted, and you get up there close enough and sit down, get hit, and he's gobbling.

He wanted to let him fly down. And I do that a lot, but sometimes I get impatient and I gotta pull the bone out and call to him. And of course he goggles, sometimes it works out and sometimes it don't. You got to it when it dawn. I'm like, I know

And you had to know the go. But the older he got, the more he wanted you to [00:42:00] call. Call again. Call again. . We laughed. He busted us from calling. But call, call. You're like, Hey, one call. That's all you know. We definitely do decrease our calling substantially I mean by the, May 1st or end of April East turkeys on this public land.

They done seen it all. They done seen it and heard it all. So yeah, we definitely slowed down on a call. Sure. I'll tell you a story real quick too, about a lot of people, there's difference in opinions of whether they get called shy or not. I guess about two years ago they had two gobblers and me and daddy hunted them the first morning and he shot one of 'em and missed it.

And we went back about a week later and there they are, both of them gobbling and called 'em back up and shot 'em and missed them again. And we're using the wing bone, so I'm like, dang, what's the matter? We trying to, you learn from your mistakes, so we, I get it all straight.

I, he didn't get to go that one morning and I. [00:43:00] called him up again and I killed one of 'em, both of 'em, same spot. Knew it with him, and so I got one. We looked at him, he said, finally got one of 'em. So about, I guess it was about three weeks later, it was getting towards the end of the season and I'd seen his track in the road and I knew he was using that road in the same area.

And I went in there one evening and I sat down in the curve of road and I could see way down the straightaway, long ways down the old woods. Sitting there and I'm looking around and I looked down that road and there he stood about 70 yards. I dang, Hey boy, there he is. I pulled that wing ball out and when I yelled, when he went around the curve of the road down there past me, he looked like road runner kicking up dust.

He done that wing.

That's the only way if you wanna form an opinion if they get call, shower or not. That was my experience, . Oh man. That's funny. That's a good story. Yeah. It that's, that speaks volumes, right? . [00:44:00] Oh man. That's, I maybe lose my train of thought. That was that was a great, that was a great story.

So let's have a little fun here. Who's the best shot in the. . Oh, I thought you said worst . These are, you can't see, I can't hear. These are the two worst Uhuh. We were in Kansas one year with this one going for the Grand Slam in one year. We in, I guess June 1st or whatever, Memorial Day.

Memorial Day weekend, 95 degrees. He needed the Rio for the single sing, single slam. He talked in Steven to go with him. We go up to Kansas, we're sweating and Stevens calling and a Turkey answers, and here he comes and he walks up there and he shoots. And the Turkey flies off and he drops his head and he said, I hurt that Turkey.

Immediately, we dropped the red challenge flag and [00:45:00] we pull it up on the camera and we reviewed the video and the only thing that hit the Turkey was the dirt when he shot in it.

He's not a good dude. And this one shoot, oh God, I guess is between me and I . Okay. Now Henley, did you get the single season? Did you get a Rio? I did. And then I said The pressure's coming to you, so just letting you know, whatever I said, we were sitting there and I killed my, I finished the slam with the Osceola.

I killed him eastern at the camp. We had our Marion's trip planned. We went and killed, I can't remember if it was South Dakota, New Mexico. And I'm sitting there and these two pumping on me. Le you can't finish the season. On third was in Oklahoma, so I'm in the back of the truck on the way back, Oklahoma.

Gooing, I gotta find Rio. So old boy in Kansas. And I thought it was a one Rio. All I need, I did, I shot in the dirt on that one, and then blew my gun to [00:46:00] pieces, remember? And it wasn't shooting no more. I was the only one with a gun. I had a single shot at this time. So me and him, we go around the corner and I did.

I wind up getting a slam in one season. So yeah, he was good deal now who missed a couple of times and went out and bought a new shotgun in one of the videos. , I got a, he actually bought, he's only bought his fourth or fifth fourth or fifth gun until he realized it wasn't a gun. I had my my super black, he was hollering for me.

Come pick you up. And anyway, I shoot a Turkey and the gun pretty much fell apart of me. It super black eagle too and had it in four pieces and I got video of it. I got pictures of it and there was a Turkey standing out there, 40 steps laughing at me. I got running about five pieces. I took it apart laying the pine straw and I took a picture of and nobody believe it, and that was the end of that super black eagle.

So I bought a betta and he didn't do much better. Thank man air. I think it's, but you we're not [00:47:00] taking shots too far. It just, the nerves gets to us no matter how long we doing it. Nerves gets the best of us as it should. On a serious when I was growing up, of course I hunted with a, I guess early with four 10, then a 20 gauge.

And there was none of this super, TSS and all this. I remember I would, my dad would not let me shoot a Turkey or try a Turkey over 35 steps. that was 40 was way pushing it. Well now, and we do miss some, you're talking, 50, 60 steps, especially in the wood, not in a ground blind shooting out at a feeder or something with limbs and everything.

So I remember, so now you get older and you got more gun loads and tss and sites and this and that three and a half inch shells, which I shot two and three quarters, my whole life. So yeah, now you get a little more confident going to 50 67, and you will have more misses shooting out that far, if you can't get 'em in.

But preferably 40 steps an end is, yeah. Do you think that's some of the technology that's popped up into Turkey hunting and it, I feel like it's been [00:48:00] deer hunting. It's been developing for years with cell cams and, but with Turkey hunting, you got tss. Do you think some of that advanced technology degrades the hunting experience?

I think if you are responsible with it, I mean you, yeah, you could probably shoot one at 70 or 80 yards, but you don't, you know what, 50 is what we, what is our limit? But sometimes you misjudge that, I know they got the range finders and all that's been the joke between us. They shoot and then they pull the range finder out.

you're supposed to do that before, before you shoot the Turkey. We always got confused. We just before or after the shot, I've seen some of that. You're, someone missed. You're like, yep. 46 yards. And you're, I think Steve, you're like, you should have done that before you shot should have done that before high leg.

I think that was you, that shot at the 46 and missed. I can't, yeah. I don't let none of that stuff out. That's the way it happens. So I just let it roll with it. . Yeah. I think just to put a bow on that, if it's legal, it's ethical and your experience and [00:49:00] you practice, if.

You trust your equipment, and you're capable of shooting that far. I think that people can do that. And that's the one thing I tell people, you just practice. If you're shooting in your backyard at paper and you're not hitting it at 70, don't shoot at 70 in the woods, right?

You just, you're doing a disservice to the animal at that point. Cause you're gonna hurt 'em and it's just disappoint yourself, so you gotta be confident. There's a lot of things to, to go into, to something like that. So let's see. So we've established, yeah, it's it. There's Turkey hunting, it feels like going through.

Just a, I, I don't, there's a mentality shift. I think. I think the one thing with Turkey hunters, and I think you guys will agree with this, if there's 10 million licenses sold a year, I've said this, nine, 9 million of those are people that, they're deer hunters, they're duck hunters.

They like to Turkey hunt just cuz it's something to do. And then a million of 'em are just passionate, rabid, just hardcore Turkey hunters. And that million people that were really protective of the pursuit were protective of the animal. So I think when you get some of these, yeah and people go I listen to a lot of PO [00:50:00] podcasts and read a lot of stuff.

And that's what one thing that, that I've seen, that that the reaping, it is, it's a proven tactic. It's deadly, exactly. Yeah. Before it, if I'd just encourage anybody to read it. It was Outdoor life. , it was a article written by Cameron Weddington, Witten, something like that.

I think he, but you can Google it. Outdoor life Turkey reaping and it'll come up. And he, he not only talks about the safety aspect of it, but he also gets into the, to the the, just the way it triggers the turkeys and the turkeys that we're, you're killing, the dominant the boss gobbler, the one that's gonna breed all the hens and how it affects 'em through the rest of the season.

If you kill him and all the other hens, oh, you take, have to go look, so I, yeah, I encourage Turkey hunters to go read that with an open mind and then maybe form an opinion on it. Cause like you say, it's up to the Turkey hunters to protect this resource. We can't rely on the state government and the federal [00:51:00] government to make these rules.

We've gotta be responsible ourselves when it comes to that. Yeah, for sure. And I think that's one thing that really separates. The different hunting pursuits, Turkey hunting, deer hunting, duck hunting as Turkey hunters. Just your dad, you guys, Turkey hunter, you, you didn't have turkeys in, in, in their native ranges in recent memories.

Turkeys were established in all 49 states and just in 1999, that's not that's not that long ago. That's right. So I think col, collectively, we know what it's like to not have something and quite frankly, to lose something. And so I think that creates the passion that creates the the protective nature of the hardcore Turkey hunters.

And, the more of those hardcore, passionate Turkey hunters are, I think the better. And, with reaping, for me it's just it's a safety issue. Oh yeah. For especially on public plan, it's like you and we hunt. I'm not going out there reaping something in the Daniel Boone National Forest.

No. Or, somewhere in the Lincoln National Forest and hold a gobbler tail hand. I'm not gonna do it for the safety. [00:52:00] There was, we're gonna have a video coming out in a few weeks. There was a guy, we were on some public land. I had another guy with me, we called him Boo and he, we were hunting.

We had some turkeys out in the field. We were probably about 70 yards on the forest. The turkeys were out in a private field. And I heard Boo tell me something about left to the left, and I'm trying, I'm cutting my eyes and I look over there and there's a Turkey and full strut. And I almost said shoot him.

And thankfully Boo is a very experienced Turkey hunter too. And he had realized that about the time I realized it. And it was a guy behind a full mounted wow. Full strut, decoy within 30 steps of us. And he didn't even know we were there. He was going to the turkeys, so inexperienced Turkey hunters.

He fooled me for just a couple seconds, which scared me, and that could be the end of that guy. And I, there's a kid in 2021. He was 19 years old. Him and his girlfriend were on private [00:53:00] property in West Virginia and there was a 75 year old gentleman who was trespassing in illegal hunting with a rifle, a high powered rifle, shot this kid in the middle of his field cuz he was reaping.

Unbelievable. And so the, I think the dangers, the risk of it, even on public property, you never know who's out there. And that's the moral of this conversation. That talk right there. You don't know who's out there. And That's right. Thank God that, yeah, thank God that you didn't, that you took that split second, those years of experience said, eh, it doesn't look right.

I, you could saved someone's life. And that's, that is scary. That is scary to think of. That's what it comes down to to, I'm not gonna dress up like a buck during gun season in Ohio, Woods to bring in other deer. I'm not gonna do that. Why do it during

. So gentlemen I've really enjoyed this talk, man. I love the content that you guys are putting out on YouTube. It's just, it's good. It's pure Turkey hunting. I love it. And the sky's the limit with Team Weone. You guys are just unbelievable guys. Thanks for your time tonight.

Where can people find you guys on social media? Yeah we're on [00:54:00] Instagram, Twitter Facebook and YouTube and our handles at Team Wing Bone on all those. Good deal. You guys got a website? We do, we just got it created. Just got a few hats for sale and some de decals. Those are available.

That's on Shopify, I think it's Team Dash Wing Bone at Shopify is that website. I love the logo. , I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to get a, I'm gonna have to get a hat. , good stuff. So gentlemen, thanks. We appreciate you having us. Yeah, thank you man, Jordan. Oh man, good luck. Hey, my pleasure. Don't get stuff on third though, son.

Look, when you get to third base go ahead and start planting seed with the wife now. Say, I'm trying. I finish up. I'm gonna tell, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna shoot stays open until the end of May, . Okay. That's good to know. . If I shoot a Miriam's, I'm not even gonna celebrate that.

As soon as it happens, I'm gonna panic oh God, I've done it. What do I do now? pressure. It's just pressure. It's just the pressure will just crush my chest. I'm gonna be like, oh God, I have to do this now. No it's all good. So gentlemen, good luck this spring. Good luck. Hey too, [00:55:00] man, man.

The rest of your hunting seasons. I really appreciate you guys and your time tonight. You too. Appreciate it. My pleasure.