The Biology of Our Northwoods Fisheries

Show Notes

On this episode of The Wisconsin Sportsman, Pierce is joined by DNR Fisheries Biologist, Nathan Lederman, to talk all about what makes the fishing up north so exceptional! Nathan is a Wisconsin-native and current DNR Fisheries Biologist for Oneida County. In this conversation, the guys dive into what makes the fishing up north so good from a biological perspective. Nathan shares how the DNR uses a three-legged approach to ecosystem management in order to serve the needs of all stakeholders of the waterways, what a year of fish sampling looks like for a fisheries biologist, the various types of data collected to monitor the growth rates and health of various fish species, what species go underappreciated in some of the most popular areas, the impacts of panfish bag limits, and all of the resources that the DNR puts out to share their findings with the public. All that and more in this week's episode!

If you're planning your fishing trips for 2025, be sure to check out the resources mentioned in the episode below:


Trout reports

Full survey reports

Snapshot survey reports

Creel surveys

Ceded territory fisheries reports

Lake Superior Management Reports

Lake Michigan management reports

Lake habitat and aquatic invasive species

Aquatic plants


Big thanks to our fantastic partners:

onX Hunt:

XOP Gear:


Wisconsin Backcountry Hunters & Anglers:

Good Chance Fly Fishing:

Show Transcript