The Humble Mid-Shoulder Roast

Show Notes

On this Episode of Huntavore, Nick attempts to give some credit to the Venison Mid-Shoulder

Roast. Between the blade and the shank, this primal cut is a BBQer and Stew maker's dream.

However, it can get overlooked, but longer is going to be the last cut out of the freezer. Get

your smokers lit, and your humerus roasts thawed for an in depth episode of Huntavore.

In this episode of Huntivore, Nick discusses the overlooked but versatile venison mid shoulder

roast. He highlights its value as a barbecue and stew cut and explores various cooking

methods. Nick shares his plans to smoke and shred the mid roasts, as well as ideas for using

them in dishes like sandwiches and hand pies. He emphasizes the tenderness and flavor that

can be achieved with this cut, making it a great option for barbecues and hearty stews.


The venison mid shoulder roast is an underrated cut that offers versatility and value.

It is ideal for barbecuing, smoking, and making hearty stews.

The mid roast has a unique bone structure that adds flavor and holds the meat together.

It can be easily shredded and used in dishes like sandwiches and hand pies.

The mid roast requires a shorter cooking time compared to other cuts, making it a convenient

option for quick meals.

Show Partners:

Tappecue Meat Probes

Instagram: @tappecue


Coupon Code 10% off: HUNT10

Umai Dry

Instagram: @umaidry


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