6 Years of Huntavore

Show Notes

On this episode of Huntavore, Nick continues to talk in 3rd person tense even after 6 years of
making podcast episodes. He shares his gratitude and thanks to the listeners, followers,
friends, and even the critics of the show. Nick also explains his plans for a triple seared style
backstrap at the campground this weekend. A bit of reminiscing and celebration on this episode
of Huntavore.

6 years and 150 episodes of Huntavore has been such a blast to research, schedule guests,
and lecture on audio recording for others to hear. My journey has taken me places, challenged
my thinking of food and what it means, and brought me face to face (digitally) with very
knowledgeable people in the hunting and culinary world. I have stuck with my roots “no ego, no
status” to keep me humble, and not lost sight of my mission “to celebrate my hunting and fishing
lifestyle, with the consumption and utilization of my wildgame”. I understood this is a niche area
of interest, and the people who I have been blessed to interact with share so much of my own
passion. Huge thanks goes out to my listeners, followers, friends, and critics who have
challenged me, encouraged me, and listened to what I have to say. Cheers to 6 years, and a
toast to many more on the horizon.

Show Partners:
Umai Dry
Instagram: @umaidry
Website: bit.ly/3WhfnnX
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Tappecue Meat Probes
Instagram: @tappecue
Website: https://bit.ly/2NIr0Xj
Coupon Code 10% off: HUNT10
Instagram: @tiebossllc
Website: https://bit.ly/3V8qn8I
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Show Transcript