Organs and Stock with Poldi Weiland

Show Notes

On this episode of Huntavore, that time old topic of; what are you keeping from the gut pile comes up.  Nick employs the help of Poldi Weiland, a traditionalist foodie, homesteader, and host of the Year of Plenty Podcast.  Poldi gives some points in why adding organ meat into our everyday diet is worthwhile.  In addition, the guys open up about bone stock and its uses more than just soups and stews.  So get ready to dig a little deeper, and maybe keep an extra something from this episode of Huntavore.

Poldi Weiland joins in from the great state of Montana.  Born German, Poldi has been back and forth a few times and has experience with hunting cultures both in the Old world and new. After a brief run through of German hunting culture, NIck notices some similarities of traditions held here in the states.  The guys then dig a bit deeper as Poldi explains how organ meat isn't a fad, but honest to goodness real food, for an everyday diet.  In Poldi’s case its more important to get it down than to fluff it up and fancify it.  Mixing it into ground, or even just taking small portions at face value is how he does it.  Bone broth has also been an interest of Nick’s  and Poldi explains the benefits of adding broth or stock to an afternoon drink instead of another coffee.  If you enjoy this conversation, please check out the Year of Plenty Podcast with Poldi Weiland.

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Show Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Huntivore podcast powered by Sportsman's Empire, where we celebrate the hunting and fishing lifestyle through the utilization and consumption of our wild game. No egos. Fork in hand, beer in the other. No status. A piece of red meat on a hot grill and turn it into a burnt offering. Just catch it, cut it, cook it.

This is episode 135, Organs and Stock with Poldi Wieland. On this episode of Huntivore, the time old topic of what are you going to keep from the gut pile comes up. Nick employs the help of Poldi Wieland, a traditional foodie, homesteader, and host of the Year of Plenty podcast. [00:01:00] Pulte gives some points on why adding organ meat into our everyday diet is worthwhile.

In addition, the guys open up to about bone stock and its uses more than just soups and stews. So get ready to dig a little deeper and maybe keep a little extra something from this episode of Huntivore.

Hey folks, beautiful. here in Michigan. Hey, I tell you what it is raining outside right now. If you happen to be out the 19th of October out hunting, you are far more diehard than I am. It is getting to the point now where, yeah, I'm a little bit sick of the rain. I'm ready for things to dry back out.

I'm ready to be able to get out and chase after deer again. I've been living the high life. Off of getting my buck early, getting through the processing of that buck. I'm left with the hindquarters. I thought I'd be a little bit further along than what I am now. We're now at day [00:02:00] 10 of of it needing to get into the freezer.

However, we've been using the fridge to be able to keep those temperatures consistent. So it's just the two hindquarters that are left but I'm also training up the boys in their knife skills. So everything has gone from a fast, easy process to a long, drawn out, need to redo process. We went through the phrase of, if you don't want to get bloody, cut toward a buddy.

And the whole idea of being able to cut away from yourself, that was a good lesson. We also learned how to hand knives over to people, that we were setting the blade down grabbing the handle and reversing the way that it is so that at that point they're not pointing blades at people, they're actually pointing the handle.

So that was night one. For those those little guys. They had a fun piece with, each of them got a rib or a piece of neck. And they turned those cuts into basically burger as is. But they were, got a chance to work on bone. They got a chance to work on some [00:03:00] tissue. Yeah, they've come far and wide from where they were off.

earlier in the year. But yeah, that's neither here nor there. We're tonight we're going to be exploring a little bit more in depth of both our venison and just a lot of the critters that we end up harvesting right here at the fall time. And I've gotten a hold of Poldy Wieland. He is the podcast host of the Year of Plenty podcast.

He hails from, at least right now, he hails from Montana. Poldy, thank you so much for joining me this evening. What's it like over in the great state of Montana right now? Is it is it rainy like it is here in Michigan? Or have you got some some better temps going on over there? How's it going, Nick?

First of all, thank you so much for having me on the podcast. Super pumped to be here. Yeah, you said that I'm in Montana right now. It's interesting weather. We've had a really wet year. I've only been here for three [00:04:00] years now. This is definitely the wettest I've experienced it. Right now, we haven't had too much rain, but it's definitely dipping down into those colder temperatures.

Next week, we're supposed to get snow. Which I think is somewhat late for this area, and sometimes the first year I was here, I remember we had snow in September, so it's getting there. I wish we had a bit more of the, more of a fall, and a bit warmer weathers for a bit longer, but I'm also excited for what the winter season has to bring.

Excellent. Yeah, it's a harsh transition. The higher altitude that you get, it goes from one thing to the next very quickly. I had a chance to come out. To Montana last year. We went on an archery elk hunt, and it turned into... Yes, it turned into a viewing of elk. I had a very close experience with a spike elk.

Single digit yards. Five to six yards. He walked past me. We couldn't take him with archery equipment that early. So I had to let him [00:05:00] walk. Oh my goodness. I was itching. I wanted to take him right then and there, but cool experience to have him walk by me. I had a friend take a shot at one. Hit shoulder.

I don't care what kind of arrow you got set up. It bounced right off his shoulder. We followed a little bit of blood for a while, but it it wasn't meant to be, but we were in them. We felt we felt accomplished for our first trip out there, but yeah, the ups and downs, oh my goodness, being a flatlander here in Michigan, it was a stark reality to know that everything goes up and down and there's no flat ground.

I found myself kicking dirt, trying to make out just a little spot where I could stand with both feet flat. I definitely missed flat ground after about three or four days. Yeah, it takes a while to get used to, and the weather changes are insane too, especially in the mountains. Like my girlfriend, she always tells me that if you're in Montana and the weather turns bad, wait five minutes and it's going to change.

That's usually the case. [00:06:00] Now you didn't grow up here in the States or even in in Montana. You grew up in Germany. You said you've been here now three, three seasons, three years. Yeah. Yeah. Talk a little bit about in Montana. Oh, three years in here in Montana How long have you been in the States? And when did you make the move over from the old world?

first move was 2007 actually when I was 12 to Wisconsin a con walk area in Wisconsin and Did up to high school and then I went back to Germany for almost four years Which was a great experience and that's where I really got into hunting and then from there back to Wisconsin And then I knew I had to come out to Montana.

That's why I ended up here. Gotcha. Oh, so yeah, a great Laker. You've been able to enjoy our great lakes, Lake Michigan right there. Neighboring to yeah. Smelting. Yes. You got the big smell fishery over there. Excellent. Excellent. Yeah, let's take it. Let's take a quick tangent as we go [00:07:00] over to back home to Germany's you said you got that's where you really got Deep into hunting.

I know you understand systems are a lot different. We don't necessarily need to go into all those systems, but What was your experience like in Germany going on the hunt? Was it big game small game? I From my understanding that like boar is a very popular thing over in Germany along with stag really fun stuff to chase.

What were you chasing? Yeah, so I was I grew up in the south southern part of Germany Very good hunting culture there. I would say it's just to back up real quick In Germany, it's not like here where you can just easily take your hunter safety and go hunting with a family member or whatnot.

You gotta go through an extensive course and you gotta be at least 16, ideally 18. Once you're 18, you don't need a mentor. If you do it when you're 16, you still need a [00:08:00] mentor every time you hunt until you're 18. But yeah, going on hunts there it's very different. It's a lot more traditional, I would say.

The hunter over there is much more... a mix of outdoorsmen and wildlife biologists, I would say. During the course, you're learning about wildlife biology, you're learning about the ecosystem, the trees there's just a book on mammals, a book on feathered wild game. So it's really extensive and a big part of that also is ethics and traditions.

So going on hunts over there is usually ambush hunting from a tree stand. We tend to build our own like stationary tree stands out of wood that we get from the woods there. And I was lucky enough during my hunting course to be able to help build some tree stands to usually one or two person tree stands and not like the ladder stands you see here, but, nice big stands to really sit in and you're pretty protected in there.

And usually [00:09:00] what I would be hunting over there is roe deer and boar and fox. Those are usually the three species we were going after. The way the system is set up. There's usually someone who leases land and then has other hunters help cooperate with them, help manage the land, and in return they get to hunt.

So my dad was the one, my dad still lives in Germany, and he's the one who got me into hunting, but he's the one owning, leasing the land. So he was calling the shots on what you could hunt. And and during what time of the year. So it's not quite like here where you get your tag.

And you can just choose to go out during a season. You have a much longer season in Germany. We can hunt roe deer bucks from, I think it's January 31st until or May 1st until January 30, 31st. So it's a long season, but the way it works is you're leasing land as a hunter over there for at [00:10:00] least six to nine years.

So you're incentivized. To not just kill everything on the land you lease because you're going to be paying for a long time for it You know, it's quite complicated the system over there But yeah, a lot of ambush hunting and then the other thing I would we would do a lot is drive hunts these are really traditional and Usually around the winter months, most of them happen in January, I would say, just because it's easier to shoot, there's less ground cover.

There's, the fawns are usually old enough in case the, they're separated from their mom, or if the mom is shot by a hunter or whatnot. And, These drive hunts are cool. The way my dad would do me, we'd have 50 hunters come and he would put out a ad in the paper for volunteers.

And then the whole town would come like a ton of people from the town and you have your beaters, that's what they call them, who basically push through the woods with just a stick. And then the hunters get positioned all around the land and [00:11:00] there's a strategy that you plan beforehand and how the beaters are going to walk so that they push the animals towards the hunters.

But on those hunts, it was usually again, boar roe deer, and then the fox. We don't, where I'm at in Germany, we don't have stags really. And they've really been trying not to hunt as much small game, especially like rabbits, because... In the like nineties, similar to what was happening here, farmers were basically going from small fields with a lot of hedge cover to big fields that they can industrially, work on and they got rid of all the ground cover.

So all the ground nesting birds and rabbits, they really took a hit. And my dad has a hard rule of, one rabbit a year, basically. We're limited in what we could hunt, but a longer season there at least. Yes. That's very interesting, both with the limiting on small game to say we don't want to lose this.

We, we messed up with some of our farming practices and we want to make sure that we keep that, that [00:12:00] seed population down. That's very interesting. The second thing too is I, the idea of like traditions you said that hunting was very traditional over there. I come from. An agricultural family.

We, we have a small farm. It's a poultry farm. My brother actually has bought it and he's running that farm. And but through that we, we didn't do a whole lot with hunting. Hunting wasn't a huge part of us as a family. And here I am like the first generation from that family jumping out and doing the hunt.

So I essentially, I guess I'm writing my own traditions book, so when I hear of these other traditional hunts and how things are run I've seen images of, or at least even video clips from Germany where like you said getting the beaters together and it's almost like a, it's almost like a celebration.

There's horns there's bands, and then they go and they do their push and the hunt, and then it all gets brought up and they line them all. In front of the camera and it's it's the beaters and the hunters together. It was a great, big [00:13:00] social event. It is, and I just think that's a really, it's a really neat thing.

I think it still happens here, at least in, in Michigan. We still have our deer camps where guys get together and spend a week up in a cabin and there's a lot of social aspect that goes with that. And then even drives are done. I know there's a lot of people here in the states that kind of.

Poo the idea of drives, but there are still a lot of pockets of people that they will drive a farm or they will end up picking out a field that is, that hasn't been picked yet, and they'll have their beaters or their walkers that will go through and then on the position, down the other side or the folks there, and that it really is, it's a social event that people have a great time do.

It's not just, yeah, it's the pursuit of. Of an animal at that point. But it's we got a job to do. We have to get the year's harvest, at least from the venison. And this is how we're going to do it. So that's really. Especially every hunter who leaves this land will usually set for himself, like, how many animals he wants to take and [00:14:00] whatnot.

And at the end of the year, having a drive hunt like that is an efficient way to really, make those numbers. And a big part of it is also the boar, the wild boar over there. They cause a ton of damage, similar to what is happening in Texas and some southern states. And they're really hard to hunt, and or dry fund can be super effective for those and having it be like a whole community thing is cool because you're showing non hunters to value of it and bringing them into the community and the way my dad would always do it after the whole hunting day everyone it would go to he would rent a big restaurant or like a big hall and have food catered and usually the beaters will eat for free.

When I was a kid way in the day the hunters would pass around a hunting hat and everyone would put 5 to 20 bucks in there and that would be split amongst the beaters. It's, it is a really cool social event and how you said, there's hunting horns, especially at the drive hunts. They all have different signals and this goes back way back to [00:15:00] medieval times.

I mean they have A signal for every animal that gets killed like the species. Oh there's a different sound and then there's even the sound To go to the restaurant, you know at the last one is like now we go to eat basically and it's quite something I like that Those traditions a lot, an outsider might think it's cheesy and like it looks like, you know someone's LARPing or something like that.

It's look at these nerds, but we are nerds and we enjoy it and it's it makes it an experience. You won't forget Absolutely. Yeah. As I'm writing my own hunting traditions I'm picking and choosing things that are important to me. And so like when I see communities come together like that and yeah yeah, cheesy and whatever, but at the same time, there's so much deeper meaning behind all of that.

In fact, I think the one that I truly do really appreciate, I think I think it could, it's probably been all over the place. The idea of the last meal. You guys are putting in, it's a sprig of spruce is that you guys are putting in [00:16:00] or was it something specific that Germany is doing? Usually something, it's whatever area like the animal browses a lot on.

So for us it was often a lot of spruce usually. But really anything counts that the animal likes to browse on. Yeah. That whole idea has been really fun. Cause yeah, the boys, every time that we do go track a deer, they're like, why are you putting that in his mouth? And it's we have to, say thank you.

We need to let this animal know that we appreciate all it's given and it gets to eat first before we get to eat it. And of course they raise an eyebrow at me like, what are you talking about? It'll make sense when you're older, okay? Don't worry about it right now. Yeah. When I did it the first time here on a private land, I was invited on a landowner thought I was doing some sort of witchcraft.

No, man. No, it's given it. It's less the last respect. Yes. Symbology. Okay. It's not, yeah, it's not going to all of a sudden stand up and start running or excuse me, symbolism. It's not going to ever just start running [00:17:00] around and. Sweet. How has your season gone so far, Pauly? Have you got a chance to go out and pursue anything?

Again, multiple things are opening up all over here in the fall. And, Montana is no different. What have you been chasing after this fall thus far? Yeah, so I never got back to one of the first questions he asked is like what brought me to Montana? A big part of that was really the ability to live like a true wild food lifestyle and also be able to bring home enough food for myself and my loved ones and whatnot and I see a lot of value in meat It's, I think, out of all the wild food acquisition practices, hunting is the one that's gonna give you the most calories, the most value.

So Montana, there's so much I can hunt, right? I bought the sportsman's license with Bear out here. That's what it's called. It includes a general elk tag, so either sex elk, either sex mule or white tailed deer [00:18:00] the upland bird license, and fishing license. And it has all your conservation license and stuff all in there.

And it's just a good overall thing to get. And now I have all these opportunities. while I'm out in the field and all these different seasons to really utilize because, I always say I'm a kitchen hunter, like I hunt for food. That's why I hunt. And I try to really maximize what I can shoot out there.

So this year so far I went pretty hard on archery elk at the beginning of the season, 3rd and had three really close encounters with 40 to 60 yards. I, Never could get a shot off and didn't take him and yeah, bummer, but man, it's just so cool to be able to get that close to an animal like that.

The last hunt that was almost successful, me and my girlfriend, we were in an elk herd for the whole day. Basically we saw him at [00:19:00] 7am and started calling and the elk, the bull didn't care at all about our calls. He did like a few bugles, rounded up his cows and went into the drainage. And we chased after them, found them again, and then just tried to sneak in and get as close as possible to get a shot off.

Translated to us being literally with the herd 150, 200 yards away for many hours. We're just moving with them. And then they would go up beyond another finger and we'd catch up to them again. And at the end of the day, we had a, I had him at 70 yards full drawn. My girlfriend that she's really new to it and she's called a bit too early.

And then he was aware of us and he just didn't want to. Make that last 20, 30 yards that I needed to get a good shot off. But after elk hunting, I decided, I'd been doing a lot of mountains and whatnot. So I went after some whitetails here with my bow, which in Montana, they're usually congregated in the river [00:20:00] bottoms, which that's very similar terrain, what you would have in Michigan, Wisconsin, and they love that stuff.

Went out with my brother and on that day, we just went underground, no tree stand, no saddle, nothing. Just moved with the wind he positioned in one little meadow in a forest opening next to the river and I had another and Half an hour later, I had a whitetail spike come out right in front of me, and I saw another bush rattling there, and I decided there, I'm going to put him in my freezer if I have to use my general tag, whatever I want that meat, and also just the idea of hunting a whitetail from the ground, it's cool with the bow.

It wasn't my best hunting experience. I actually took me three shots to get that buck down. I had him at 20. Somehow I missed. I was shooting for my knees, which I'd never done before. So I missed him at 20. Then he came back, for whatever reason. And I'm like just sitting there on my knees. I didn't have much cover at all.

I had face paint on. He [00:21:00] came back at 30. I shot right over his back again. And then at 40, I nailed him. But, yeah, I don't know why I was missing. I'm happy I didn't like... After the first shot jump up and look around I just stayed really calm. And I was like, maybe he'll come back. And this guy, he kept coming back, and he's kept looking at me.

Put him in my freezer. That was really good. It wasn't my best, like I said, my best shooting. But then... Last weekend I went on my first antelope hunt of the season with the rifle because that starts a bit earlier and Found some antelope two miles away with my spotting scope and moved in it was very flat land So super hard to make a stalk But there were a few drainages that I could work with and I moved through these drainages and ended up getting sub Under 100 yards, but again, there was no cover.

So I couldn't even range find. I just knew I was within like 100 yards and shot one of the doughs there. I only had a [00:22:00] dough tag and she dropped right there. So I also have her in my freezer now. So far, it's going good. Yes, that's a great start. That's a great start. You know what? I think There's a different pressure, like you just said, with being a kitchen hunter, being myself, a meat hunter, there is a, there's this nagging feeling of there's empty space in the freezer, we need to eat, we need to eat, and it does make, and there's a contrast, a lot of the guys that I hang out with, or at least end up associating with,

They're after bone, they want to, they want these very impressive animals, and they're okay. They're okay with letting animals pass. They're okay with letting animals walk. And to a certain extent, I'm, I think I'm maturing a little bit that I can let animals walk by knowing that there will be other opportunities, but at the same time, there is that voice in the back of my head that just says, burger's getting low.

You need [00:23:00] to attend to that. And so taking that spike, he gave you three shots. Hey, I'm glad the third shot worked on that. That's archery hunting. I tell you, that's archery hunting. You can think things are, in the bucket, things are going to be ready to go. It's going to be 100 percent dead and done.

And that can be not the case. It could be a quip at malfunction. It could be, you've not shot from your knees and here you are trying to make a new approach. My, the buck that I got early on here in October, my, I was relying on my pin lights in this area that I was at. It was up against, I had.

These open areas that would be bright with sunlight and just with ambient light. And then there would be pockets of real dark covered up by Oakleaves and having those pin lights to be able to look into the dark areas. You do need those and shoot. I let those batteries go out and it was my own failure.

So I had to adapt. I had to take risk that normally I don't like to take, [00:24:00] but given that opportunity, it was like it's either now or he walks away. I got to figure out what I'm going to do with that. And so that's where, yeah, if I want to fill that freezer, I had to make that risk. So it was a great buck too.

Oh yeah. I I had a chance to go, I went back to the taxidermist. He was, he'd already flushed it out. So I got the, at least have the antlers. They're out in the garage right now, but I have the antlers to go show off to friends that are around. So they can see it. Cause they were already like, Oh, you took him in already.

I didn't get a chance to see the rack. Like, all right we'll go get it. But no, it's been fun to be able to break him down with the boys. I did have, I was going to work on some different rib cuts. I wanted to make some. And use the brisket, but it got left out to the training of the boys I finally just was like all right.

I'll worry on the dough next time that I'm working on, but yeah They ended up shredding up that brisket is a either on like on a whitetail elk. I know it's a really nice big piece but I like to do with the brisket off a whitetail is I make a steak frites, and I really like how [00:25:00] If you get a super fast sear even though it's a really hard work muscle, it's thin enough that You just I'll actually take the grate off and throw it directly on the coals.

And so I'll get a sear for 30 seconds that side, flip it over, sear on the other side, let it rest, and then you do, you just slice it real thin into ribbons. You make yourself like, quarter inch slices at that point. You spread that over some fried potatoes and I, man, that is just, that's one of those meals that I'm like, if this was my last meal, I'd be okay with that.

And that's after a cut that usually goes right to the grind pile. So I do like to save that little bit. Yeah, man, I need to, I was watching your video a bit on the breakdown. I need to, I've never taken like the brisket off. I take it all, but I put it all in the grind, but I've never tried to get like one, one piece off.

And also I saw you were doing. Stuff with like neck fillets, usually the neck I just try to get as much off as I can, not paying attention to what cut it is. And the flat iron I think you [00:26:00] did in that video too. That's something I need to explore more and it's exciting. That'll come down the road for sure.

Absolutely. When you smoke a big ol elk. Those flat irons will be like porterhouses. Those will be big. I've got my, got my teeth wet, or excuse me, got my experience on smaller deer, and so making the flat irons after a while, you're like, man, that's like a, just a little morsel. It's a little hard to do, but with this buck, I was able to take off a full on flat iron steak.

It makes it worthwhile for a dinner, or at least even like eggs and steak in the morning. But yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed that. One of the reasons I really wanted to find you and get ahold of you is you've been really pushing for the idea of organ meat and being able to add organ meat into your diet, not just on a one time occasion, but trying to put this into an everyday thing.

I've been, I think, semi successful With trying to help [00:27:00] folks say Hey, you know what? Try to keep at least one thing that you normally haven't. And like that first step for hunters, a lot of times is, you know what? Keep the heart. There's a lot of, again, symbolism with that eating the heart, but at the same time, it is an easy transition from meat to organ.

Essentially is meat, but it does have a different look, a different texture. a backstrap, but it's also gentle enough of a transition that the guys are willing to eat heart. And I know you just recently had a big old Podcast episode on the benefits of having organs. Yeah. What did you basically culminate from that?

If you were to boil down that episode into a few statements, what would that be? The big thing, like the way I titled it was like organs, nature's forgotten superfoods, and they really are the superfood, not like a lot of, or unlike a lot of these. plant superfoods that you're seeing being sold at the grocery store for a [00:28:00] lot of money and that's because the organ meats Of everything in the animal, they have the most nutrients and also the most bioavailable nutrients.

What do I mean by bioavailable? It means they're really high quality. They come in a form that your body can absorb and process and utilize really easily. Unlike a lot of plants. A lot of plant nutrients in plants, for example, in vegetables, yeah, they're high in them, but they come in a form that your body first has to basically process.

and convert into something usable like a good example is heme iron versus iron and meat and organs you get the heme iron that's easy for a body to use right away the non heme iron first needs to go through an energetic process, like a process that requires energy to really be converted. And then, the levels of conversion aren't the best either.

And often you'd really have to eat a lot [00:29:00] more plants, like way more than you probably would want to eat to get the same amount of nutrients from meat and especially Oregon meats. What's nice about the Oregon meats is that they're not just have, they don't only have. a variety of nutrients and minerals and a lot of them are in high quality them, but also a lot of them.

So you really just need a little bit to, to get the benefits from them. And each organ meat has, its own superstars in terms of nutrients. Some even have vitamin C, you always hear like you got to drink a lemon juice or orange juice for your vitamin C, but you can get it from animal foods as well.

So really the. The nutrient quality and the quantity in those organs is what gets me to do it. And then why I like it over supplements is because it comes in the whole food matrix. So in science, they call it the whole food matrix. We haven't even explored it to its fullest extent yet. But basically a whole food comes with all these nutrients and [00:30:00] cofactors and enzymes that a supplement doesn't have.

and desynergize together. So they impact your body in positive ways. And like I said, we haven't, like nutrition science still fully doesn't understand how it all works. And it's interesting if you look up nutritional dark matter, you'll find stuff on that. It's cool how they, that's how they call it, nutritional dark matter.

And then, why should you really eat them beyond that? As a hunter, you probably, you're already out there hunting for meat, hopefully, everyone, to everyone their own, but if you're hunting for meat, why would you leave several pounds of the most nutrient dense part of the animal in the woods, right?

And then also, if you have any a lot of us hunt, I think, because of that ancestral connection. That's a big part for, at least for me. Live more how our ancestors have lived for millions of years and hunting is a big part of that. And all of our fellow hunters, a lot of [00:31:00] them throughout history, throughout the ages, have prized the organs, even to predators.

If you look at predatory animals, if they kill an animal, they'll often go for the the organs first. And there was actually, in my blog and podcast, I had a quote, like a historical account from John Firelame Deer. What's his name? I think he was a Native American. I just, I took a note.

Let me read it real quick because I figured it would resonate with the audience. But he said that in the old days, we used to eat the guts of the buffalo, making a contest of it. Two fellows getting a hold of a long piece of intestine from opposite ends started chewing toward the middle, seeing who can get there first.

That's eating. Those buffalo guts full of half fermented, half digested grass and herbs, you didn't need any pills and vitamins when you swallowed those. Not saying you got to be that extreme with your hunting buddies, but cool to see. And if you looked, there's so many historical accounts of cultural, different cultures, [00:32:00] tribes utilizing the organ meats, and they still do.

I've done several podcasts with nutritionists who've gone to Africa, studied different tribes, and organs are always on the menu for them. It's, if you look at traditional diets around the world, they're always there. And that's because of that nutrient richness that they have. And I don't know how it...

You know how we lost it in our society. I actually did read a thing on Reddit in the historical Reddit thing, where it used to be a big thing during World War II, like they really pushed for organ meats during World War II, like the government had campaigns around it and whatnot just because they were focused on utilizing as much food as they can, right?

But I don't know how from World War II to now. It's become a, a thing of the past, just a strange, an odd bit, that's what people call it today, an odd bit yeah.[00:33:00] [00:34:00] [00:35:00]

It's crazy you bring that up, and... We can say it even for... Yes, as, as far as our food goes, but let's even take it like, for a while, it was like pharmaceuticals, like there used to be Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and then Penicillin, and then from that, technology has allowed us to create a pill for everything, a pill that, hey, this is going to solve the problem, hey, this is going to fix that ailment, and pretty soon, heavily relying on that, Is gonna kill ya, and so You got to step away.

You got to say no, that's not natural. And we're finding that with our food systems, even where it became, how can we make something delicious? How can we make something that was nutritious? And now we're even finding Hey, how can we take calories and make them [00:36:00] cheap? And it's all of a sudden we're seeing this back regression.

We're seeing this one 80 of we've let technology we've let innovation. Comes so far that it's now almost regressed us as people and so to take that time out. I talked with Even with the cookware Kyle Sipe was talking about how even with cast iron That was made at the height of the industrial age Like we're working with iron ore and they're in these smelts, but they're creating this like Lifelong piece it's always gonna be here.

And if you season It's going to provide you with even heat for generations, but now. You go get a Teflon pan, and if you use a metal scraper on it, shoot, now you're gonna be ingesting that Teflon. That's not gonna be good for you. You're gonna use up that pan within six months, and you're gonna need a brand new one.

It's this throwaway aspect versus what we know has been [00:37:00] true. What we made was to be timeless, and now we're even finding that with our organ meats. Hey, we got to a place in our life We get to enjoy the best, we get to have filet, we get to have ribeye, and we lost this accustomed to really good, nutritious parts of the animal.

Like you said, odd bits, or the wiggly bits, or the, ew, I don't want to talk about the guts. There's more to guts than just intestine, it's a whole working piece that we can be able to take from. Even the fat, people don't notice or don't really see the fat as an organ, but that's an organ of the animal.

So that's something you can even start with. If you've killed a deer, never utilize the fat. I know some people don't like it, but I love it for cooking. I render it down and I just talked to a guy on Instagram. He makes body lotion and Soap from his deer fat. Yeah, we went, we did bird suet. That was what we did with [00:38:00] ours.

We did those last year. The boys had fun doing that. No. So you use the, you even render down venison fat or elk fat. And you use that on your pan, your cookware, or do you use that as just adding fat into like biscuits or something? No, I use it to cook with, usually. It's really high saturated fat, like stearic acid.

That's what gives you the, that kind of waxy feeling on the top of your mouth that a lot of people don't like. But I think it's another just thing that we lost, like a texture we lost in our cuisine. Forever it was said that bad was, fat was bad and everyone switched to the seed oils and whatnot if they were going to use fat and it just has a very different texture than those animal fats.

So I, I like to use it. I think it's great for seasoning your cast iron too. Yeah. So when you're using that, are you getting, do you get a really pungent venison flavor from that? Or, going through the [00:39:00] rendering process, does it mild out? You're tasting a fat at that point. And you with the ceric acid, I'm sure you're still getting a little bit of that coating of the mouth.

But at that point you're adding it little bits here, little bits there. It's not like you're chewing on a big hunk of fat at this point. Yeah, no. I think it really, I do sometimes get that, it depends on what the animal is eating, but at the end of the day, I'm not a picky eater at all, so I still utilize it.

I've never had it be off putting, where I'm like, I'm not gonna, I can't eat this. But I think, especially eating more of the grain and whatnot in the farm fields, those are way better than like an antelope that's eating sagebrush and whatnot in terms of smell and flavor of the fat. Yeah, I've got, I think you just got to man up sometimes, fine, Poldy, writing that down. Man up and use fat on cast iron. Fine. Yeah. Alright I got a late season doe that I'm sure will have my name on [00:40:00] it and she will have a fat cap on her rump. That I think is going to be suited for that trial. Poldy, know that I've got a fat cap that I'm going to be trying to render down.

Give it a try, let me know how you like it. Good deal. I'm working on getting my boys to to try things more that are a little bit out there. Yeah, when it comes to comes to even like backgrounds we're talking about with our organs heart usually ends up all of our archery deer go to tacos.

We do a big night with my guys. We all get together and we do heart tacos. And that's just really yeah I marinate them a little bit. You clean them up, add a little bit of a marinade on them. And I really try to Cumin works really well with those, and I try to stay off the spice just a little bit.

My one buddy is all about jalapenos. So it's hey, add the spice onto your taco, but I won't make the meat super spicy. But we go through... Shoot, it'll be five or six hearts. As many guys as they can get a deer, and not put it right through the heart. We try to [00:41:00] utilize that, and man, I would put that, I would stack that up against a lot of different recipes.

A taco is just an easy vessel. I still want it to taste like venison, so I don't go crazy with the amount of spice, or the amount to either try to hide it or whatnot. But it's just a user friendly organ, be in the heart. Liver, though, on the other hand, how are you serving up liver?

I'm sure for yourself, like you said, you weren't a picky eater sear on both sides and send it up. But if you're trying to introduce somebody to liver, how are you going about that? Yeah, I think especially the liver and kidney are two that can have a pungent smell. The kidney smells a bit like pee sometimes.

And I think there it's just really important that you trim off any membranes and skins and veins and then soak it, both the liver and the kidney. The liver I usually do like a lemon juice. soak or a milk soak for two to three hours [00:42:00] that'll draw a lot of blood out and milden it a lot and then for the kidney I go a little longer I usually do two hours in the salt brine and then overnight in milk and that tends to really milden the flavor a lot.

And I've served it to friends that way and they liked it. The other option would be of course Hiding it like you said you don't really want to do that But if someone really, you know wants to eat dogs just can't do it I think the making a liver into a liver sausage is the best It's so freaking good.

We me and my dad we make a me and my stepdad would make a German farmer's liver sausage, which has pork belly in it bay leaves, peppercorns, you basically start with a broth of that, and then later boil your liver in there, strain it all off, and then you take that pork belly cooked with the liver, and some spices, and blend it all up, [00:43:00] and that is amazing.

If you can do that, it's super tasty. I have it with some fresh sourdough to hope, you can make it home and whatnot as well. Otherwise putting your liver and kidney and any organ really into your grind. Like I said earlier, there's so many nutrients into organs that you really just need a bit.

If you're trying to get it into your diet every day I try, even though I love cooking and I love extravagant meals, I try to keep my day to day cooking as simple as possible, but also as nutritious as possible. So for me, that's a lot of grind. And you can, make, start, just try making some grind packets where you have a quality fat to bring some flavor, you have the meat, and then you add in a little bit of organs.

And you're not going to need a ton of those organs in there. That I think is a good way to, to utilize them and I have never done it personally, but I know people who just do it raw, they will freeze the liver. [00:44:00] You can cut off a piece. You literally just take the liver out of the freezer, shave off a piece, and swallow it like a pill.

I've never done it, but I know people do it. So that's another thing you can try. I want to try it. I enjoy flavor and the experience of eating too much. Shoot, you can tell. Already I got a gut going on here. I like eating too much to just be like, I'm not going to take this organ as a pill.

Let's make something good. But know that I do a boudin ball which is a Cajun style. Or like a Yeah, like a Cajun style sausage, where I actually will make it up, you use Poblano's in there, and bell peppers, onion there's a rice in there as well, and so you grind up, or you actually boil up Meat and then also organ as well for the liver but then that all gets ground and then mixed together and you ladle on the broth to give it this stickiness tackiness and When you're first making it is it's one of those like this is definitely a poor [00:45:00] man's food This is one where you are using every scrap inch and we're trying to, even with the rice that you're pouring in here, like we're trying to find a vessel that we can get more calories into these things, but I roll them into a little ball and then I hit them with some panko and then give them a quick deep fry and it's, I tell you what, if it's a party, it's a party platter, but man, I come home with an empty platter every time because people just put these down and then it's a mixture.

I think not only of the, yeah. The pungent, pungentness of the the liver, but at the same time adding a little bit of that poblano chili in there, and the bell pepper, the sweetness in there, it works off one another, and it actually turns something that you, normally people would turn their nose up.

And it makes it something that, Oh, I can enjoy this. There's been times where I've gone to the party and declared there is liver in this and it still has gone over very well. And then I've also gone to parties where it's just just serve it and just see what happens. And yeah, it's also done very well at both of [00:46:00] those.

Not that I would ever try to force people to have something that they don't want to have, but I was like I'll just, I just won't say, I won't make it a big thing. Depending on who it is, right? Exactly. Depending on who it is, you gotta. When they talk about, yeah, that boudin is really good.

Hey, cool. We'll leave it right there. We won't expound upon it. Yeah. So in that way, you're also hiding it a bit. And I think that's totally fine with the organs for me to, the main thing is just, yeah, I want to enjoy the flavor too, but I want to get those nutrients in and a curry, like putting kidney into curry is a great way to utilize them.

I think. And at the end of the day, it's just. Flavor preference, and I think whoever's listening is gonna just have to try some recipes out and see which one you like the most. But there's definitely ways to turn the organs into something delicious. Especially if you soaked soak them beforehand and make them a bit more milder in flavor.

Yeah, there, and you said it, it does a good job at milding out the [00:47:00] flavor when you're using the milk. I've heard a couple things one that like somehow the lactic acid works with the uric acid of... of the or at least not works with, but like combats the uric acid of the kidney. I've also heard the same thing where the lactic acid does a better job of drawing out blood than say, a salt brine.

I've always just gone with a salt brine just because it's, I found it easier to do. I thought the milk at least was an overkill, but at least for the kidney aspect, using more of that. I've. I had a set of kidneys I really wanted to work with I lost them. Due to a freezer failure. So I didn't get a chance to use those, I was not happy with what I had there.

So I ended up having to pitch those. But the next set that is gonna end up coming into my plan, I wanna do like a steak and kidney pie. Yeah, that's a good way to utilize it too. Yeah. But you're saying go with something with that harsh of [00:48:00] a flavor. Going with the milk is gonna be a far better.

Yeah, with the kidney, usually I'll do salt brine first and then milk overnight, like a lot longer than the liver. I usually just do two to three hours in the milk and it works out pretty well. It draws a lot of the blood out. And I like the flavor of liver too though. So it's not something I'm trying to really get rid of.

Just that P flavor sometimes that the kidney has that can be somewhat off putting. But again, I'm the kind of person who will be like. Gotta eat it for the nutrients. Is... Going with this, going with that same idea, I had a chance to go shoot some hogs in Oklahoma. These same hogs that are a problem over in Germany.

Yes, they're still the same problem down in Texas and Oklahoma. Got a couple of them, and in fact I did get to shoot a young boar. Very excited about that. We took a bunch of [00:49:00] sows, and yeah, we did have a couple of boars, but I was able to, we had night hunts where it was a push. We were using thermals as well.

Very different aspect of hunting that I've ever been a part of. Oh, it was a lot of fun. But at that point, the landowner was like, Listen, I want you, we want to glean as much off these as we can. But he said, most importantly, I want them dead and gone. This is an extermination, not just a...

So we had to grip that as we were, shooting the amount of ammunition that we were shooting and the calibers that we were using. But he being able to take that bore. I was very excited because I did take that from a blind. I was using a rifle, but I was able to put the, put him down very quickly.

They talked about bore taint and a sexually mature male is going to already have this musk, this tanginess. In his flesh. And you're gonna be able to smell that on your hands when you are you're [00:50:00] butchering that. And the reason I bring that up is someone, you're saying you grew up in, in Germany, but Had a chance with this is a is bore taint that tanginess in the meat Is that something that you guys are looking for?

Is that something that's sought after as far as a pleasing flavor? Because as I'm getting ready to grill this up like I smell it a little bit and I'm like man That just it Turns my head to the side a little bit, but then after it had got a chance to sear on the plate, or excuse me, sear in the pan, and then I was able to serve that up there wasn't an ounce of off putting ness to that.

There was almost another level of flavor that came with that. I was very surprised with how that reacted. Yeah, I I've definitely smelt it before, too, like gutting and whatnot, a mature boar. But I've, like you, I've never really had an issue with it once I'm eating it. It's mostly just while you're searing it and while you're cooking it.

And it is talked about in Germany, but not as much as over [00:51:00] here. And I think it might also have to do with what they're eating a bit. But I know a lot of it is just hormones from the rut. I don't necessarily, I wouldn't say that it's like a sought after flavor over there. It's just not really.

That discussed at least in my hunting circle there. It's not really a big was never really a big issue I did I interviewed Jesse Griffiths, you know who wrote the hawk book. Yes. Love that guy Yeah, and he said, you know It's just a lot of it depends on how you shoot him how you butcher him and I mean in his book He really goes Into all the ways of doing it and whatnot, but yeah I've never had a really negative experience there, to be honest, where I'm like, I can't eat this, good, good. That was, yeah, that was just an experience I had that I was like, Oh, I wonder if other, cause I think Jesse even talks about these like cultures will even, and it was more, I think more even Eastern, more of where you're at Eastern European, where it's one of those things like the older the boar, like again, the more [00:52:00] prized the trophy, but at the same time That smell either, either signified like, Oh let's bring this up, or at that point people really enjoyed having that flavor.

That that next level flavor of that. Yeah, it wasn't really discussed too much from my circles, but I can see that being a thing. I know a lot of people who love wild game, even though it might have some, more game y flavors. Better than beef. So I think it just, at the end of the day, comes back to preference and what you can handle yourself.

It's, if you love corn and soybean, then you can go with the domestic stuff, but yeah, if you want something more, if you want an adventure on your plate, then yeah, that's where the wild can come in. I think that's a great way to put it. Last little bit that I really want to go over with you Poldy is the idea of broth, adding more and more broth, because we've talked about organs, I really wanted to hit organs hard with you tonight, and, That is something that, that our gut, that's [00:53:00] left in our gut piles, or is sawed as secondary and I don't want to say that's necessarily the fault of all hunters, but I think there's a, like you said, there's a resurgence, there's a realizing that we're missing out on something, we've gleaned, we've missed the true gleaning, we've missed the full, Deep harvest of these animals and yeah eating nose to tail really, you know Absolutely animal if shoot if hunting is going to Continue to be in the good graces of the public if we're gonna still be able to buy tags and be able to go Out and chase these animals.

I think we need to also hope so I did it Yes, identify like we are putting our money where our mouth is. We are putting the facts that we said oh, we want to put this on our table and that's why we do this, then well, we better be putting this on our table and we better be showing the world what we are doing.

Cause ultimately we're a little outnumbered when it comes to that. And it wouldn't take too many, it wouldn't [00:54:00] take too many sessions in Congress to have that all just wiped away. That's the scariest thing to me, man. That's, yeah, no, I don't know. I don't even want to think about it.

But it all comes down to education and how it's portrayed to the public, but yeah. Meatstock versus broth. Let me get to that in a sec. One more thing I want to say about the organs. Yeah. Is that if you're gonna get them from wild animals, I really would take some time to look at pictures of what healthy organs look like.

This was a big part of my German hunting course, actually. We had a veterinarian come out, show us like diseased organs and healthy organs, because you really just, you want to eat them from a healthy animal. The meat too. And understanding the difference there can also help you decide if you want to eat the meat at all or not.

And I did a whole podcast episode a long time ago with that, on that, with a veterinarian from Italy, actually a hunter. And we get into, we show some pictures there and whatnot, but just take some time, [00:55:00] look up like diseased liver. of deer healthy liver. Get an idea if you have never seen it of what that looks like because I think that's something you definitely want to consider.

Now meat stock versus broth I like to do both a lot but basically the main difference is like the meat stock is cooking your bones and even meat for a few hours, two to three, and then the bone broth can sometimes go 24, 45 hours. There's mixed. science out there, I would say, or mixed thoughts about which one is better.

I think both are really great for you, especially if we get, we're talking about utilizing the whole animal, it's, the bones, like you said, are left behind, but they have so much nutrition in them. The bone marrow, that is something that our ancestors ate way back. archaeological evidence of them cracking open bones, cracking open the head to get [00:56:00] the brain.

There's a ton of fat in it, in the bone marrow, and a lot of amino acids and whatnot. And often your bones are going to have pieces of meat and gelatin on there and whatnot, like tendons. All that can go into that pot and you cook that. You know long enough however much you want but two to three hours usually from a recent podcast guest I had on She's a nutritionist.

She was saying that some recent studies have shown that the two to three hour mark So it's still meat stock at that point There's a lot of glycine and proline which are amino acids that get released and those are really good for gut health and Building a healthy gut lining and whatnot. So if you have issues with your gut that might be something to try the bone broth is used for that too.

But, with the longer cooking time you might also destroy some nutrients, but some other ones might be extracted more so than a meat stock. One thing to, to kinda look at, there is, some people have a histamine [00:57:00] intolerance, and histamine's basically... get built up in food, the more you reheat it, the more you cook it.

So some people can't do it with, deal with a bone broth at all. It messes them up. So that's something to be aware of. Yeah. Yeah. But it's super, it's just it's such a great way to utilize a part of the animal that's usually just ignored. We've been making just lately, my girlfriend's been making a lot of stews.

I had some elk roadkill, actually, from last year. And that's, it's great to use that for stew and whatnot. And... I'm pumping my fist here on the phone because that's, I... As much as a, as a meat hunter I am also a a salvage hunter as well. We live here in rural Michigan and I take, I really take pride when I get a chance to pull the truck off to the side and, either salvage a hind quarter, take out the back straps Having a podcast that revolves all around eating wild game, like there's a lot of experimentation that [00:58:00] has to happen and so that's where We do that.

So anyway continue on just know that yeah, you have a salvage. You have a Fellow salvage hunter here in Michigan with you. Good. Good. No, it's a good I definitely recommend it to people to, take some precautions. But yeah, just using those bones and not even going out and saying, Hey, I'm going to make a bone broth now.

Just throwing some of those into your stew, into your curry. You often people go out and they buy a broth or a stock or a starter pack. Just put some water in the pot, add those bones and cook those for two to three hours before you add that stew and you already you got the best of both worlds.

You're saving money, you're utilizing the bones that you would throw out usually, you don't have to buy a broth, and you're gonna just have so much more flavor. In that in that stew later I haven't done it with curry yet, but we're going to do it with a curry too, to start out with those bones and you could also, [00:59:00] if you don't want to make a meat stock or bone broth at all, you could also just cut them, in a way So that they're not a whole bone.

They're just cut in half or whatnot. How you see like the bone marrow bones that you buy at the butcher. Yeah. And just literally fry them up in the, not fry them up, but bake them in the oven and, take that bone marrow out and spread that on some sourdough and it's freaking delicious.

So it's another way of just getting a lot of food from the animal that's usually not utilized. And again, nutrients, a lot of fat in there. And the bone marrow, I love it. It's just super tasty. Yeah. I want to do yeah we've called it a couple of times like nature's butter because yeah, when you can.

When you can cut the making, like what do they call those? The canoes where they can cut the bone on the length of it? Yeah. And then lay those out. I'm thinking the femur of this buck. I'll try to probably save those and see if we can't make, they probably won't be like beef canoes.

They might be more venison kayaks. But [01:00:00] anyway, we can still clean a little stuff out of those things. I like that. But we'll pull those out. If this is your bone, you can also just cut them that way. You don't need to do it a long way. Whatever you can do to access that bone marrow. And it's underutilized for sure, I think.

Back to our stock thing. I am, I've been toying with the idea and I've practiced it. A few times and it's the idea of creating a broth that is going to be a meal supplement. And I know we were talking, that's where I wanted to lead this on to is personally rather than packing something that's, a bag of chips you know what, that's not going to do anything for me.

And I, I do enjoy a good sandwich at lunchtime to get me through the day, but there's being an educator. There's times where I don't get much of a lunch. It's it's the kids are coming back. They got to be, they got to be in your, in class ready to go. So rather than having something that I need to take time and [01:01:00] eat have something that I can sip on, through an hour and a half of the day.

And that's where I was really thinking of instead of another cup of coffee, putting more caffeine in me, I do enjoy that in the morning. I do find myself as a coffee connoisseur, but After that, it's I don't need the caffeine boost, I just need some sustenance, and having something that I can just sip on throughout the day, Yeah, like a, basically, a soup without the filling, that's essentially where I wanted to go with.

Has that been something you've toyed with? As far as making that a meal supplement, going with, definitely. I used to, in the mornings, instead of coffee, I used to make broth and just crack an egg in it. That's super tasty. And you will get an energy boost. I do at least. And that is, there's a, again, the nutrients in there.

Some of them have energizing properties might not be like the caffeine rush you get from coffee, but you're still like going to get some sustained energy, whereas like a [01:02:00] chip or a Carby bread, or some ultra processed like Twinkie or whatnot, those. Spike your blood sugar, they're going to mess with your blood sugar levels throughout the day and just with your hunger hormones, they're going to keep you wanting to eat again in two hours.

Something like a stock or bone broth, it's got a lot of fat and protein, or protein in the form of amino acids and whatnot. That's what satiates you, so that's what's going to keep you full a lot longer, and I think it's a great replacement for... Chips, for example. And it's a lot easier. I have tied with the idea of just bringing bone broth packets out in the back country.

I, I don't know how I would make that myself. I'd probably need some sort of expensive equipment, but the companies are doing it somehow, so I could probably start making my my own bone broth packages somehow in the future. But [01:03:00] yeah that's another thing to do, like on your hands, bring some of that. And you can drink it cold too, depending on what kind of bone broth you make. Sometimes if you use like deer bones or bones from an animal that's had a very like grass fed heavy diet, it gets very gelatinous and then it's more like a Jell O, but Hey, it's still got that flavor.

You could scoop it out of there. Yeah. Cold. If you have to. Time to warm it up. It's definitely better warm. Gotcha. That's where I was going for. Filling up my Stanley, my it'll hold all that heat in for lunch. And I think that'll be, I like it because I can just take the top off, that's the cup, and then I can just fill that up as I go along.

Yeah, and you can, like I said, you can add stuff like egg yolk, eggs. I've been doing a lot of raw egg yolks and stuff. Just cracking one in, I try to get them from a good farm or quality eggs, but there's other things I bet you could get creative with the bone broth there.

Awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, I was in, I've got some dried mushrooms yet that need to get used up[01:04:00] and I'm thinking that might be an added bit as I'm heating it up throughout the first part of the day, dropping some of those in, just let those percolate, soak around in there, and then that might be a little treat that I take off the top when we open her up.

Man, I'm, I feel like I've only got through half of my list here, but Poldi, this has been a great way, we have totally expounded upon a couple aspects of the hunt that totally go underused, both in the organs, recognizing that fat itself, is an organ, and we can utilize that. It doesn't have to be cubed fat that we're putting into our sausages but it can be literally fat that we're using to grease our cast iron.

And at the same time, we're talking about using the bones for the marrow purpose, that it's so nutrient dense, we could use it as is roasted, or even getting it into the, into our stocks and stews, in several different ways. Poldi, I appreciate. Man, just your your experience into this [01:05:00] discussion. I think this is really going to give folks something to chew on.

I guess that's the best way I can put it. I like that. Yeah, man, it's been great. I wish, I had. Some more recipes and whatnot for you, but I, for me, it's just always, like I said, I'm not a picky eater and I I think everyone just needs to experiment for themselves, see what works, but give it a try.

Don't just say you can't eat it because it's the guts and the guts are gross and that's what you've heard your entire life. Give it a try, see how you can explore it and know that it's for sure going to nourish you to a level that most other foods you'll get. Bought, absolutely. Yeah. Poldy, this is probably not going to be your last time here on the podcast, but I think you should help my listeners out.

Where can we join in with your discussions? Where can we find your blog? Where can we continue the conversation with Poldy? Where can we find you? Yeah, I appreciate it. So I run the Year of Plenty podcast. Like you [01:06:00] said at the beginning, that's my main thing that I do. It's all about getting people closer to their food source and learn the skills so that every year can be a year of plenty.

That's my mantra. Wild foods, homesteading, nutrition, ancestral, traditional foods. I'm trying to combine it all in one thing and Hopefully, educate people around the food aspect of all these things and get them to think about your food choices and what they're putting in their body and the long term effects of that and whatnot.

The Year of Plenty podcast, that's on all podcast platforms. And I'm really trying to ramp up my blog, so that's at www. theyearofplenty. com. I've gotten a few blogs out now, and I'm writing a few others right now. Otherwise, on Instagram, at poldiewieland. That's why I'll be posting a lot of complimentary content, a lot of reels and videos some little of vloggy type stuff.

Yeah, I really appreciate you having me on, man. I'd love to come back and [01:07:00] I'd love to have you on my podcast as well. We can chat about a bunch of things, all things hunting. So absolutely. Hey, when you get someone that jives with you, yeah, you want that conversation to keep going. Hold on, Poldi.

I'm going to let my listeners on out, folks. So yeah, folks, I hope you enjoyed our conversation. It has really stemmed around, I think, topics that we've discussed before, but I think Poldi really brings in a new highlight on why we're doing this. Continuing age and innovation is pushing us further and further away from things that we've known to be absolutely essential for our life.

And as we find ourselves wanting to really make ourselves healthier, Make ourselves more in tune with the natural world that we need to be looking at stuff that we're skipping over, like the fat, like the organs, and continuing to use the bones in creating our stocks for our stews. So folks, if you found this interesting, yeah, head on over and check out Poldy's blog and his podcast, because yes, [01:08:00] As hunters, we do have a mission, not only for all the prying eyes that are wanting to know what we do as a lifestyle, but we owe it to ourselves and our families to make it a year of plenty, every single year.

And whether it's you trying to crack open one of those bones to get at the marrow, or you're just cutting out a steak to enjoy with a quick sear on both sides, make sure that the knife you are using is very sharp. And I'm gonna press...