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February 12, 2025
How To Hunt Turkey

How To Have A Great 2025 Turkey Season

Public Land

In this episode of the How To Hunt Turkey Podcast I discuss a number of things to help you have a great 2025 Turkey season. I talk about planning ahead, fighting off burn out as well as making sure your gear is dialed in. I also discuss practicing calling, the dangers of turkey hunting on memories alone and the importance of moving quietly and staying hidden. I also talk about the importance of good hunting boots for turkey hunting and different methods of hydration and snacking while hunting. Most importantly I talk about making sure to enjoy your spring and make sure you are experiencing all that the woods has to offer!

February 12, 2025
Nomadic Outdoorsman

Double D's

Public Land

In this engaging conversation, two friends, both named Dan, share their experiences and thoughts on various topics, including the joys of day drinking, the challenges of duck hunting, the complexities of family life, and their reflections on work and entrepreneurship. They delve into personal stories that highlight the importance of balancing work, family, and personal passions, all while maintaining a light-hearted and humorous tone. In this engaging conversation, Dan Johnson shares his experiences navigating workplace challenges, reflecting on early jobs, and discussing the ethics of hunting versus factory farming. The dialogue flows through personal anecdotes, humorous moments, and serious reflections on the nature of work and life, culminating in a thoughtful examination of hunting ethics.


  • Day drinking becomes more appealing with age.
  • Outdoor activities provide a sense of relaxation and enjoyment.
  • Duck hunting can lead to unexpected and humorous mishaps.
  • Family dynamics change with the desire for more children.
  • The freedom of entrepreneurship allows for more family time.
  • Work experiences shape our perspectives on life and career.
  • The importance of being present for children is emphasized.
  • Navigating parenting challenges can be complex and emotional.
  • Personal stories often reveal deeper insights about life.
  • Finding joy in outdoor adventures is a common theme. Workplace challenges often arise from rigid management structures.
  • Initiative and hard work can sometimes go unrecognized in corporate settings.
  • Early jobs shape our understanding of work and responsibility.
  • Food preparation practices can be surprisingly unsanitary.
  • Hunting can be a more humane option compared to factory farming.
  • The ethics of hunting are often misunderstood by non-hunters.
  • Experiencing tough jobs can motivate individuals to pursue education.
  • The joy of hunting is deeply rooted in human history.
  • Conversations about hunting can be complex and sensitive.
  • Respect for nature and wildlife is a core value among ethical hunters.

February 12, 2025
How to Hunt Deer

How To Hunt Small Properties #2


In this episode of the How to Hunt Deer Podcast, Dan Johnson and Jason Thibodeau discuss the impact of weather patterns on deer hunting, share their Super Bowl experiences, and delve into the importance of accessing small properties for effective hunting. They emphasize the need for proper access routes to avoid spooking deer and maximizing hunting success. In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Jason Thibodeau discuss effective strategies for hunting small properties, emphasizing the importance of access routes, timing of hunts, understanding neighboring properties, and the critical role of wind direction. They share personal experiences and insights on how to maximize success while hunting in limited spaces, including the use of trail cameras and the necessity of careful planning to avoid over-pressuring the area.


  • Weather patterns significantly affect deer movement and hunting success.
  • Mild winters can lead to fewer shed finds and smaller antler sizes.
  • Proper parking and access routes can greatly influence deer behavior.
  • Family activities around the Super Bowl can be enjoyable and memorable.
  • Kendrick Lamar's poetic talent was highlighted in a trivia discussion.
  • Personal preferences in music can vary widely among listeners.
  • The rise of girls wrestling is impacting traditional sports like basketball.
  • Accessing small properties requires careful planning and permission.
  • Understanding wind direction is crucial for effective hunting access.
  • Small changes in access can lead to significant improvements in hunting outcomes. Access routes are crucial for successful hunting.
  • Lazy access can lead to poor results.
  • Small properties can often become mere travel routes for deer.
  • Trail cameras provide valuable insights into deer movement.
  • Getting into your stand early can improve morning hunts.
  • Understanding wind direction is key to accessing properties effectively.
  • Neighboring properties can impact deer movement and hunting success.
  • Overhunting small properties can quickly lead to diminished returns.
  • Using terrain features can enhance your access strategy.
  • Scouting should be done slowly to observe wind patterns.


February 12, 2025
Pennsylvania Woodsman

Tips & Tricks for Switchgrass and Annual Screen Establishment


On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch is back in his element consulting on crops.  This week's crop is a hot topic in the wildlife habitat and management world - switchgrass.  Switchgrass use has grown in popularity for habitat improvement as well as food plot screening.  While it's extremely effective when established, it's slightly more difficult to get started when compared to your fast growing annual food plots.  Mitch breaks down a few details and experiences he has had that hopefully you can implement into your switchgrass planting.

In addition to switchgrass, the use of annual screening such as egyptian wheat has increased.  While it's simpler to establish than switchgrass, there are a few things to consider when planting to ensure maximum potential.  In both crops, Mitch breaks down weed management, seed bed preparation, and timing of planting.  You'll hear information about herbicides that can be effective while aiding in your establishment, as well as the timing when they should be applied.  Start planning your successful plantings now - shooting from the hip this spring may result in frustration!

February 11, 2025
Wisconsin Sportsman

Multi-Species Ice Fishing Tactics with Andrew Wolfe


On this episode of The Wisconsin Sportsman, Pierce sits down with Andrew Wolfe to learn all about ice fishing for a variety of great fish. Andrew does a deep dive on how to target crappies, perch, walleye, and Great Lakes Whitefish through the ice, and covers everything from where each species likes to live, the various types of structure these fish are drawn to, what lures and bait to use for each species, and even what types of rods and methods work best for each species. The guys even tackle the Livescope debate, and the increasing use of electronics in the outdoor space for both fishing and hunting, and whether or not the use of these tools is good or bad for outdoor pursuits. All that and more in this week's episode!

Be sure to go check out Andrew on Instagram @heywolfe11 to see some giant smallmouth, tons of ducks, and follow along with his outdoor adventures!

Big thanks to our fantastic partners:

onX Hunt: www.onxmaps.com

XOP Gear: www.xopoutdoors.com

Huntworth: www.huntworthgear.com

Wisconsin Backcountry Hunters & Anglers: www.backcountryhunters.org/wisconsin

Good Chance Fly Fishing: www.goodchanceflyfishing.com

February 11, 2025
Whitetail Landscapes

Advanced Strategies for Switchgrass, Better Stands, Fire, Habitat and Maintenance


In this episode of 'Maximize Your Hunt', host Jon Teater (Whitetail Landscapes) and Roger Samson (REAP-Canada) discuss effective strategies for managing hunting properties, focusing on the use of switchgrass. The conversation covers the importance of soil health, the establishment of switchgrass, varietal differences, planting techniques, maintenance, and herbicide management. Expert Roger Sampson shares insights from his extensive experience in agronomy and switchgrass breeding, emphasizing the plant's resilience and adaptability. The episode provides practical advice for landowners looking to enhance their properties for hunting and wildlife habitat. This conversation delves into the effective management and planting techniques for switchgrass, highlighting innovative methods, improved varieties, and the importance of understanding planting density. The speakers discuss the role of burning in enhancing switchgrass growth, strategies for creating diverse habitats, and the safe use of herbicides for weed control. They emphasize the need for careful planning and scouting to ensure successful switchgrass establishment and management, while also providing resources for habitat managers.


  • Be patient; land management is a journey.
  • Switchgrass can thrive in marginal soils.
  • Soil health is crucial for successful switchgrass growth.
  • Choose adapted varieties for your specific area.
  • Planting techniques can significantly affect standability.
  • Burning should be a last resort for young switchgrass for maintenance.
  • Frost seeding is an effective method for establishing switchgrass.
  • Herbicide management is essential for site preparation.
  • Timing of planting and maintenance activities is critical.
  • Switchgrass can improve soil health over time. Plant switchgrass early to ensure moisture resources.
  • Improved switchgrass varieties can yield impressive growth.
  • Planting density should be adjusted based on site conditions.
  • Burning switchgrass can enhance soil warmth and nutrient availability.
  • Creating diverse habitats benefits wildlife populations.
  • Fire management is crucial for safety and effective growth.
  • Herbicide application timing is critical for switchgrass health.
  • Scout your fields regularly to assess weed pressure.
  • Engage with local habitat managers for practical advice.
  • Utilize online resources for peer support and education.


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February 11, 2025
Hunt Detail

Blueprint 2025: Part 1

Public Land

The best time to scout for fall of 2025 is now. The scrapes and rubs from this past rut are still visible. If the ground is wet from snow or rain, then trails that deer are using today will be easy to identify. And, any encounter with deer while scouting will reveal to you an area that they believe to be relatively safe. On today's episode, Jacob shares the insights he gained from his recent scouting trip to a big woods public land tract in a nearby state. Additionally, Jacob discusses some gear upgrades that you may want to consider as some retailers will clearance various product lines from last year.

February 11, 2025
The Western Rookie

Mastering Your Application Strategy

Public Land
Big Game

In this episode of the Western Rookie Podcast, host Brian Krebs discusses the intricacies of application strategies for Western hunting. He emphasizes the importance of having a personalized application strategy, which he refers to as a 'Western hunting fingerprint.' The conversation covers how to build an application strategy around priority hunts, navigate state applications, and accumulate points effectively. Krebs also highlights the tools available through GoHunt, including predictive draw odds and the new Insider Plus service, which offers personalized support for hunters. The episode concludes with a reminder of the upcoming application season and the importance of staying organized with deadlines.

FREE Western Rookie Application Calendar


Connect with Brian Krebs

Have Questions or Comments? Send an email to Brian@westernrookie.com!


Sponsors and Discounts:

GOHUNT Insider - $50 Gear Shop Credit with code WESTERN 

GOHUNT Gear Shop – 10% off most items with code WESTERN https://alnk.to/e75Pm4u

RTIC Coolers – Keep Your Meat Cold!

First Month FREE at MTNTOUGH Fitness with code ROOKIE  https://bit.ly/MTNTOUGH_ROOKIE

Save $150 on Steelhead Outdoors Gun Safes with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/fbNvbFXX6Q

Save10% on Maverick Hunting Blinds & Accessories with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/vWHcxHKo4u

Save 10% on Ollin Digiscoping Adapters with code TWOBUCKS 

Save 20% on your first order at Bull Elk Beard Oil with code TWOBUCKS https://tr.ee/X4mp2wWCRK

MyMedic Kits


February 11, 2025
Missouri Woods & Water

Buying Hunting Property With Whitetail Properties


This week on the Missouri Woods & Water Podcast we have our friends Jason Patterson and Dustin Williams, both with Whitetail Properties, on to talk about buying hunting and recreational properties.  Jason and Dustin sort of walk the listener through the process of buying a property and what some things are that they can expect during that time.  The dream of owning your own hunting property might be a lot closer than some of us imagine.  Thanks for listening!    

Check out the MWW Website for shows, partner discounts, and more!!!

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Morrell Targets

Athlon Optics

Midwest Gun Works:  Use code 5OFFMWW for 5% off

Lucky Buck

OnX  Use code MWW20 for 20% off 


Black Ovis:  Use code MWW10 for 10% off

Reveal Cameras by Tactacam

Jason Patterson Land Team - Whitetail Properties



February 11, 2025
Michigan Wild

A Fall to Remember

Coon Hunting

On this episode of Michigan Wild, Nate is once again joined by the twins, Brandon and Tyler Travis. Both guys had an eventful fall and took time to dive into their season throughout the episode. Brandon's season really didn't start until November because of the typical hectic schedule lots of us hunters face with kids in sports and our work schedules. However once November began so did the roller coaster of a season for Brandon. Tyler's season took a different path than his brothers, but still found himself having an eventful season. Tyler has enjoyed the adventure of hunting out west the last few years. This fall he went to unfamiliar territory and he broke down his mindset heading into the hunt and how he found success. 

If you want to check out some of the hunts and projects the Travis brothers have been a part of check out Vital Shot Productions on Youtube. Years of videos and some great hunts can be found there. Keep your eyes out for some future hunts on the channel that were discussed throughout this episode. 

Thank you for listening to the episode! If you would like to support Michigan Wild farther leave a review/ranking anywhere you listen to the podcast! 

Interested in being a guest on Michigan Wild? Send an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comor send a message on Instagram @michiganwildpod.

In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out vitalizeseed.com and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs.

Want to dive into the mock scrape game, or find a proven product? Check out DH3 a full synthetic scrape system.  

February 10, 2025
We Do This Too Outdoors

The New Jack Archers: Real Talk for New Hunters


This podcast focuses on guiding new archers through their initial experiences in the world of archery, particularly when visiting a bow shop for the first time. Courtney, Trey and Jay emphasize the importance of building a strong foundation in archery, encouraging newcomers to trust the process and avoid skipping essential steps. They share personal anecdotes and practical tips, such as the benefits of using a single pin sight to alleviate target panic and the significance of muscle memory in improving shooting skills. The conversation highlights the challenges faced by beginners and the need for reliable guidance from experienced archers and shop professionals.

Additionally, all the fellas discuss the overwhelming amount of information available on social media and the importance of filtering through the noise to find trustworthy sources. They advocate for authenticity in the archery community, stressing that the journey is not always glamorous and that success often comes from hard work and perseverance. By sharing their experiences and insights, the hosts aim to make archery more accessible and enjoyable for newcomers, fostering a supportive environment where everyone can learn and grow in their archery skills.

February 10, 2025
Oklahoma Outdoors

John's Farewell


This week on the Oklahoma Outdoor podcast we send our farewell to John Hudspeth. For four years, John has poured his passion into the podcast and has devoted to bring forth great episodes and we set down to thank him for all he has done. John talks about some of his new adventures for the future for his property and upcoming hunts. We also discuss the new transition from Oklahoma Outdoors podcast to Day 3 Outdoors podcast and some of the new guests and directions we are headed with the podcast. Stay tuned because its going to be a wild ride!

February 10, 2025
Hunt Detail

Archery Range Talk


In this episode, hosts Ricky Brule and Jake “Hollywood” Iverson discuss various updates related to their archery pro shop, including the installation of new products and features, the anticipated launch of the Victor Arrow Rest, and plans for future events and guest appearances.

They emphasize the importance of member engagement and the excitement surrounding the new range facilities.


  • The pro shop is undergoing significant updates with new products.
  • The Victor Aero Rest is in high demand and should be ordered soon.
  • Members will have exclusive access to the range before it opens to the public.
  • The hosts are looking to engage with their audience for future guest suggestions.
  • The new range is smaller but offers improved shooting conditions.
  • The pro shop will feature mounted trophies for educational purposes.
  • The hosts are excited about the upcoming turkey season and related discussions.
  • They encourage listeners to share their hunting stories for potential podcast features.
  • The techno hunt is available for sale at a great price.
  • The hosts are committed to keeping their audience updated on developments.

The Range Podcast is available on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Video versions are also available on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel and Wild TV.

Enter Promo Code trp15 during checkout at www.vaportrailarchery.com to receive 15% off VTX Bowstrings and Branded Apparel.

The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.

February 7, 2025
Nine Finger Chronicles

A Well Rounded B.S. Session


In this engaging conversation, Dan Johnson and Danny Thompson reflect on their past experiences in the hunting world, discussing how Thompson's life has evolved since his first appearance on the podcast. They delve into the dream of land ownership, the lessons learned about deer behavior and hunting strategies, and the impact of technology on the hunting experience. The discussion highlights the balance between tradition and modern advancements in hunting, emphasizing the importance of understanding deer behavior and adapting to changes in the industry. In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Danny Thompson explore the evolution of hunting techniques, the impact of technology on traditional practices, and the personal growth that comes from diverse hunting experiences. They discuss the importance of passing down hunting traditions to the next generation and the balance between work and family life. The conversation highlights the joy of hunting, the thrill of new experiences, and the realization of what truly matters in life.


  • Danny Thompson reflects on how his life has changed since his first podcast appearance.
  • The dream of owning land for hunting is a significant milestone for many hunters.
  • Understanding deer behavior is crucial for successful hunting strategies.
  • Technology has transformed the hunting experience, making it easier yet more complex.
  • The importance of having a solid plan when managing hunting properties.
  • Hunting is about adapting to the environment and understanding deer movement.
  • Trends in hunting technology can sometimes overshadow traditional methods.
  • The hunting community is small and interconnected, with many familiar faces.
  • Struggles in hunting often lead to greater appreciation and knowledge.
  • The balance between tradition and technology is essential for future hunters. Not everyone approaches hunting with the same seriousness.
  • Technology has made hunting easier, but skill is still essential.
  • It's important to teach the next generation about hunting traditions.
  • Personal experiences in hunting can be more rewarding than the size of the deer.
  • Traveling to hunt in different states can enhance the hunting experience.
  • Filling tags is a significant part of the hunting experience.
  • The environment and setting can make a hunt more memorable than the trophy itself.
  • Health and fitness play a crucial role in being an effective hunter.
  • Balancing work and family is essential for personal fulfillment.
  • The journey of a hunter evolves over time, reflecting personal growth.
February 7, 2025
The Hunting Gear Podcast

New Products From The ATA Show


In this episode of the Hunting Gear Podcast, host Dan Johnson and guest Cameron Stover discuss their recent hunting experiences, particularly focusing on a successful deer hunt in Ohio. They delve into the challenges of tracking wounded deer and the emotional journey of hunting. The conversation then shifts to the ATA show, where Cameron shares his observations about the current state of hunting gear innovation, the lack of groundbreaking new products, and the evolution of existing products. They explore the trends in the hunting gear market, including the rise of mobile hunting gear and the importance of comfort and convenience in hunting accessories. In this conversation, Camron Stover and Dan Johnson discuss various innovations in hunting gear, focusing on new products showcased at a recent trade show. They explore advancements in pole saws, waterproof clothing, mobile hunting systems, and unique 3D targets. The discussion highlights the importance of marketing in the hunting industry and the challenges faced by smaller brands in gaining visibility. The conversation also touches on the practicality and effectiveness of new products, emphasizing the need for thorough testing and user feedback. In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Camron Stover discuss various innovations in hunting gear, the challenges of censorship in social media platforms for hunters, and the potential of new technologies like e-bikes and apps tailored for the hunting community. They also delve into the evolution of archery equipment, highlighting the advancements in bow technology and the importance of user comfort and performance.


  • Cameron successfully tracked and harvested a deer after a challenging two-month pursuit.
  • The emotional weight of hunting is significant, especially after wounding a deer.
  • The ATA show showcased a lack of innovative products this year.
  • Many hunting products have reached a plateau in terms of innovation.
  • Consistency in gear is crucial for hunters, especially with bows and broadheads.
  • The market is saturated with similar products, making it hard to find truly innovative gear.
  • Comfort and convenience are becoming more important in hunting gear design.
  • Mobile hunting gear is on the rise, with companies like Arsenal leading the way.
  • Tethered is gaining traction in the mobile hunting market with innovative products.
  • Hunters often feel pressured to buy the latest and most expensive gear due to FOMO. Innovation often comes from smaller brands that lack marketing power.
  • Many products are rebranded versions of older technologies.
  • Waterproof clothing needs to be both functional and quiet for hunting.
  • Mobile hunting systems are evolving to be more user-friendly.
  • 3D targets can add fun to practice but may lack durability.
  • Quality and price are often correlated in hunting gear.
  • Testing products firsthand is crucial for understanding their effectiveness.
  • Unique designs can enhance the hunting experience.
  • Smaller companies can compete with larger brands through innovation.
  • Consumer feedback is essential for product improvement. The direct-to-consumer market is not always cheaper.
  • Censorship on social media affects the hunting community.
  • E-bikes are becoming essential tools for hunters.
  • New apps are needed for the hunting community.
  • Innovations in archery equipment are improving user experience.
  • Comfort in gear is crucial for performance.
  • The hunting community needs a dedicated social media platform.
  • Censorship may not deter hunters from sharing their experiences.
  • Bow technology has evolved significantly in recent years.
  • The market for hunting gear continues to grow despite challenges.

February 7, 2025
The Huntavore

Chewing the Fat with John Smith

Public Land

Nick and Dustin are joined by their good friends John Smith. John is an avid woodsman whose skill set goes beyond any normal guy's understanding. The guys break down the last bit turkey action, morels and false morels, and the ins and outs of trapping here in Michigan. A very insightful episode.


  • Talking turkeys.
  • Hunting with the girls
  • Talking kids and family
  • Talking morels Nick finds one lone half free. Good year. 400+. Weather played out well this year
  • Mushroom forums
  • Talking whitetails.
  • Got started with rabbit and squirrel
  • Average season was 300 hour seasons
  • Food plots, property management, screening food plots.
  • Be out there consistently or not at all. Small parcel tactic.
  • Talking summer shooting. Bows and total Archery challenge.
  • Daughter first challenge and tracking.
  • Trapping. Growing up trapping for fur.
  • Doing nuisance control for beaver and coyote.
  • Talking snares and body grippers
  • Try to keep them scent free.
  • Selling furs
  • Beaver. Cutting out of the round?
  • Beaver recipe. Beaver tail.
  • Beaver tail beans?
  • Bow setup. Shooting the 2009 Captain.
  • Rage 2 blade
  • Bow weights
  • Bottom of the brisket inside or 5
  • Frying mushrooms. Making it good for everyone. Batter is key.
  • Tenderloin and backstrap. Frying steaks
  • Hit it in the batter flip and retrieve. Some sort of greens on the side.

Show Partners:Umai DryInstagram: @umaidryWebsite: bit.ly/3WhfnnXSign up for the newsletter for 10% offTieBossInstagram: @tiebossllcWebsite: https://tieboss.com/pod?ref=pod

February 6, 2025
Mid-Atlantic Outdoorsmen

Shed Crazy with Ray Johnson

Public Land

In this week's episode I have Ray Johnson on the show. Ray is an avid shed hunter. Ray and I talk about the ins and outs of walking around the woods looking for freshly dropped antlers. Ray is so crazy about finding and getting his hands on these things that he will, like most of us take vacation during the rut to hunt.. he will do the same to go shed hunting. Ray talks about walking 30+ miles in a day to locate shed antlers from specific bucks! We discuss the different type of areas that he frequently finds most of his sheds, some of the strategies he deploys to be successful and much more! Thanks as always for listening!

February 6, 2025
Wing and Tail Boys

The STANDARD ARROW Class (.246) w/ Dorge Huang


In this episode of the Wing and Tail Boys, Chris and Dorge delve into the intricacies of arrow science, focusing on the importance of the arrow shaft as the foundational component of archery equipment. They explore various arrow shaft sizes, the evolution of standards in the industry, and the pros and cons of the widely used 246 arrow size. The conversation highlights the technological advancements in materials and design, as well as the significance of strictness and durability in arrow performance. In this conversation, Chris and Dorge delve into the intricacies of arrow manufacturing, discussing the components, the economics behind archery products, and the complexities of sizing standards. They explore how manufacturing processes impact quality and consistency, the role of excise taxes in pricing, and the challenges faced by manufacturers in ensuring precision across various arrow sizes. In this episode, Dorge Huang and Chris delve into the intricacies of arrow design and performance, focusing on the competitive landscape between Eastern and Western manufacturing. They discuss the durability and performance of various arrows, the importance of design considerations for arrow components, and the functionality of knock geometry. The conversation also covers the significance of arrow inserts, concentricity, and the impact of shaft thickness on performance. Personal insights and experiences in archery are shared, emphasizing the balance between speed and accuracy in archery technology.


  • The arrow shaft is the most important component in archery.
  • Different arrow sizes have unique behaviors and requirements.
  • Choosing an arrow size limits your options and performance.
  • The 246 arrow size became standard due to its ease of production.
  • Arrow technology has evolved significantly over the past 35 years.
  • Strictness in arrow design affects performance and accuracy.
  • Durability is influenced by wall thickness and material composition.
  • The AMO and ATA standards guide component compatibility.
  • Resin quality impacts the overall strength of carbon arrows.
  • Understanding arrow components is crucial for effective archery. The design of arrow components is crucial for performance.
  • Manufacturing molds can endure millions of cycles before wear.
  • Consistency in manufacturing is a significant challenge.
  • Regrinding materials can introduce quality issues.
  • Excise taxes significantly impact the pricing of archery products.
  • Understanding the economics of archery components is essential for consumers.
  • Arrow sizing is not standardized, leading to variability.
  • Manufacturers must navigate complex regulations and taxes.
  • Quality control is vital in the production of archery components.
  • The intricacies of arrow manufacturing require deep industry knowledge. Eastern companies invest heavily in manufacturing technology.
  • Durability and consistency are key factors in arrow performance.
  • Understanding knock geometry can enhance arrow fit and function.
  • Arrow inserts play a crucial role in overall performance.
  • Concentricity is vital for accuracy in archery.
  • Thinner shafts require more precise tolerances.
  • Innovations in arrow design can improve shooting experience.
  • Speed in arrows can affect accuracy and performance.
  • Basic knowledge in archery equipment is essential for success.
  • Personal experiences can shape one's approach to archery.

February 6, 2025
Nomadic Outdoorsman

Hunting, The Healthiest Addiction

Big Game
Public Land

In this engaging conversation, Dan and Justin Ringler delve into Justin's hunting journey, exploring his early experiences in Minnesota, the transition to North Dakota, and the evolution of his hunting skills. They share personal anecdotes about the challenges and rewards of hunting, the pursuit of big bucks, and the unique behaviors of deer in different environments. The discussion highlights the passion and dedication that drives hunters, as well as the camaraderie and lessons learned along the way. In this conversation, Justin and Dan explore the multifaceted world of hunting, discussing the emotional impacts of relationships formed through the sport, the importance of supportive partners, and the complexities of trust among hunting friends. They share personal anecdotes about memorable hunting experiences, the evolution of their passion for hunting, and the significance of selflessness in the hunting community. The dialogue emphasizes the emotional and relational aspects of hunting, highlighting how these experiences shape their identities as hunters. In this engaging conversation, Dan and Justin explore the deep connections between hunting, legacy, and personal passion. They reflect on what happens to their cherished hunting memories and trophies after they are gone, emphasizing the importance of these physical memories. The discussion transitions into the generational aspect of hunting, where they express hopes that their children will carry on their passion. They delve into the life lessons learned from hunting, including patience and discipline, and share thrilling hunting experiences that highlight the excitement of the chase. The conversation also touches on the respect for different hunting styles and concludes with aspirations for future collaborations in the hunting community.


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February 6, 2025
No Lowballers

New Research Into ‘The Shot Heard ‘Round the World’


On this episode of the No Lowballers podcast, host Logan Metesh of High Caliber History and Allen Forkner of GunBroker are joined by Joey Bohy, author of the new book Bullet Strikes From the First Day of the American Revolution. This new look at the “Shot Heard Round The World” applies modern ballistics, crime scene recreation and live-fire testing of period firearms to paint a fresh picture of the battles at Concord, Lexington and other sites from April 19, 1775. We learn how the British army left a trail of devastation as it was chased back to Boston by the revolutionary militias and the chaos that ensued. 

Show Topics:

Joel's New Book, "Bullet Strikes":

  • Overview of "Bullet Strikes," which examines the first day of the American Revolution through archaeological findings and ballistics studies.
  • Insights into the archeology project at Minuteman National Park and the live fire studies of flintlock firearms.

Archaeological Insights:

  • Explanation of how modern shooting incident reconstruction techniques were adapted for historical contexts.
  • Detailed descriptions of discoveries from bullet-struck buildings and objects, like a historically significant powder horn.

Ballistic Studies and Their Revelations:

  • Joel discusses how the ballistic studies provided new insights into the engagements of April 19, 1775.
  • The blend of historical data with live-fire results offered a unique perspective on the revolutionary battles.

Human Stories Behind the Battle:

  • Joel shares poignant stories about individuals affected by the events of the revolution, emphasizing the human element in historical studies.

Closing Thoughts:

  • Logan and Allen reflect on the discussion, highlighting the importance of revisiting historical narratives with fresh methodologies.

February 6, 2025
The Migration Waterfowl Podcast

Are State Wildlife Agencies Failing Waterfowl Management?

Public Land

Brian Halbleibwelcomes Tanner McCartney to the show. Tanner shares his journey into the world of duck hunting, detailing his experiences growing up in the duck capital of the world, his typical Arkansas hunting season and the strategies he employs in both timber and field settings. He also discusses his Instagram account, Southern Addicts, and the importance of capturing hunting moments through photography. They talk about the challenges of migration trends and hunting pressure in Arkansas, highlighting the need for sustainable practices to preserve the duck population for future generations. Tanner discusses the evolving challenges of duck hunting, particularly in Arkansas, where increased pressure from hunters and changing water management practices have significantly impacted the hunting experience. He shares his personal experiences, memorable hunts, and aspirations for the future, emphasizing the need for better management and conservation efforts to ensure the sustainability of waterfowl hunting for future generations.


  • Tanner McCartney grew up in Beebe. Arkansas, the home of Echo Calls.
  • He started duck hunting at 14 with friends and developed a passion for photography.
  • Most of Tanner's hunting takes place on public land, with a focus on greenheads and bonus ducks.
  • Hunting strategies vary based on weather conditions, with different approaches for timber and field hunting.
  • Tanner's Instagram account, Southern Addicts, showcases his love for all types of hunting and fishing.
  • Migration patterns have changed, with fewer new birds arriving until late in the season.
  • Hunting pressure from out-of-state hunters is a growing concern in Arkansas.
  • Tanner emphasizes the importance of motion in decoy setups to attract ducks.
  • He aims to preserve duck hunting for future generations through sustainable practices.
  • The duck hunting community is unique and fosters strong connections among its members.
  • Duck hunting in Arkansas has become increasingly crowded.
  • A preference point system could alleviate hunting pressure.
  • Water management practices are affecting duck habitats.
  • Public land hunters are facing significant challenges.
  • The pressure from hunters is the biggest issue for duck populations.
  • Memorable hunts often come from unexpected places.
  • Future trips are planned for diverse hunting experiences.
  • Improving media skills is a personal goal for Tanner.
  • Conservation efforts are crucial for the future of hunting.
  • Community engagement is essential for sustainable hunting practices.
February 5, 2025
Pennsylvania Woodsman

Understanding Coyote Behavior for Better Hunting

Predator Hunting

In this episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch is joined by Rich Yoder who shares his extensive experience in hunting, particularly focusing on predator hunting. He discusses the transition from traditional hunting to predator hunting, the impact of coyotes on deer populations, and the ethical considerations surrounding predator hunting. Rich emphasizes the importance of understanding animal behavior and the need for responsible hunting practices. The conversation also touches on the growing popularity of predator hunting and the implications it has for wildlife management. In this conversation, Mitch and Rich delve into the intricacies of coyote and fox hunting, exploring the behavioral differences between the two animals, the importance of hunting tactics, and the significance of proximity in successful hunts. Rich shares personal anecdotes from his hunting experiences, highlighting the challenges and triumphs faced in the field. The discussion emphasizes the need for serious preparation and understanding of wildlife behavior to enhance hunting success.

February 5, 2025
Antler Up

Suburban Hunting, Gear Tinkering, and Community

Public Land

In this episode of the Antler Up Podcast, I sit down with Tom Fleisher (@PhillyBurbsBowHunter) to talk about the challenges and rewards of suburban hunting in Pennsylvania. Tom shares how his early hunting experiences shaped his passion for the sport and how Pennsylvania’s 5C area offers unique opportunities for deer hunters. We dive into the importance of strategic planning, patience, and responsible deer management in urban and suburban settings, where shot placement and ethical hunting are critical. Tom also highlights the value of building relationships with property owners, navigating new state game lands, and fostering a sense of community through his Philly Burbs Bow Hunters page.

Beyond hunting strategy, we discuss the role of technology—like cell cameras, which can be both an asset and a distraction—along with how harsh winters impact deer movement. Tom also shares insights on hunting gear, from the benefits of heavy arrows for better penetration to the importance of constant tinkering for improved performance. If you’re interested in suburban hunting, refining your setup, or just looking to hear great hunting stories, this episode is packed with valuable insights!

So, grab your gear, sit back, and join us on this episode as we Antler Up with Tom Fleisher! Stay tuned, stay safe, and Antler Up!






February 5, 2025
Nine Finger Chronicles

Blood Trail Roadblocks


In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Jason Thibodeau share an engaging and detailed account of Jason's hunting experience with a unique drop-tine buck. They discuss the challenges faced during the hunt, including tracking the deer after a shot, interactions with landowners, and the lessons learned throughout the process. The conversation emphasizes the importance of patience, ethical hunting practices, and the complexities of deer management. In this conversation, Jason Thibodeau shares his experience of recovering a deer he shot, navigating the complexities of landowner relationships, and reflecting on hunting ethics. The discussion highlights the challenges hunters face when dealing with property boundaries, the importance of communication, and the emotional weight of hunting decisions. Jason's story serves as a reminder of the realities of hunting, the need for persistence, and the value of respectful interactions with fellow hunters and landowners.


  • The importance of patience when tracking a wounded deer.
  • Understanding landowner relations is crucial in hunting.
  • Tracking a deer can be challenging, especially in difficult terrain.
  • Communication with landowners can lead to better recovery chances.
  • Blood trails can be misleading; always assess the situation carefully.
  • Hunting ethics play a significant role in the hunting community.
  • Every hunting experience teaches valuable lessons for future hunts.
  • The significance of respecting property boundaries while hunting.
  • A good shot doesn't always guarantee a quick recovery.
  • Building relationships with neighbors can enhance hunting experiences. You have to respect the landowner's wishes.
  • Persistence is key in deer recovery.
  • Understanding the landowner's perspective is crucial.
  • Hunting ethics can be subjective and complex.
  • Communication with neighbors can facilitate deer recovery.
  • It's important to reflect on your own hunting standards.
  • Building relationships with landowners can be beneficial.
  • Every hunting experience teaches valuable lessons.
  • Don't let fear of judgment stop you from sharing your story.
  • The reality of hunting includes both successes and failures.
February 5, 2025
How to Hunt Deer

How To Hunt Deer - How To Hunt Small Properties #1


In this episode of the How to Hunt Deer Podcast, hosts Dan Johnson and Jason Tibbado discuss their experiences with shed hunting and the intricacies of hunting small properties. They emphasize the importance of understanding the dynamics of small hunting areas, establishing good relationships with landowners, and navigating permissions and communication with other hunters. The conversation is rich with personal anecdotes and practical advice for hunters looking to maximize their success on smaller plots of land. In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Jason Thibodeau discuss the nuances of hunting small properties, emphasizing the importance of communication with neighbors, understanding property permissions, and the strategic use of trail cameras. They explore the significance of building relationships with landowners and neighbors, the etiquette surrounding trail cameras, and the need for careful scouting and analysis of small hunting areas. The discussion also touches on managing access and pressure, as well as long-term strategies for maximizing hunting opportunities on small properties.


  • Shed hunting can be a rewarding experience, especially in good weather.
  • Understanding the layout and characteristics of small properties is crucial for effective hunting.
  • Establishing a good relationship with landowners can lead to better hunting opportunities.
  • Always clarify the terms of permission with landowners to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Communication with other hunters on the same property can prevent conflicts and enhance the hunting experience.
  • Shed hunting can provide insights into deer movement and behavior.
  • It's important to be respectful and considerate when hunting near others.
  • Offering help to landowners can strengthen relationships and secure hunting permissions.
  • Knowing the history of a property can inform hunting strategies.
  • Being adaptable and open to learning is key to success in hunting smaller properties. Communication is key in hunting relationships.
  • Building respect with neighbors enhances hunting experiences.
  • Understanding property permissions is crucial for successful hunting.
  • Trail camera etiquette can prevent misunderstandings.
  • Scouting small properties requires careful analysis of terrain and deer movement.
  • Access routes and pressure management are vital for hunting success.
  • Establishing long-term relationships with landowners can lead to better hunting opportunities.
  • Patience is important when asking for permissions on new properties.
  • Meeting neighbors can help in recovering deer that run onto their land.
  • More hunters are engaging with small properties than large ones.


February 4, 2025
Wisconsin Sportsman

Off-Season Archery Work with Average Jack Archery


On this episode of The Wisconsin Sportsman, Pierce is joined by Nate Sellers of Average Jack Archery to discuss all things off-season archery! Nate is an archery shop owner, competitive archer, public land bowhunter, and Marketing Media Coordinator for Huntworth Gear. The guys do a deep dive into the most common issues that happen to a bow over the course of a hunting season, how you should be properly cleaning and storing your bow, the best shooting drills you should be doing to stay sharp this off-season, the benefits of shooting league, the guys favorite pieces of Huntworth gear and much more! Check it out in this week's episode!

Be sure to go check out the awesome content Nate is putting out on the Average Jack Archery YouTube channel, and follow along with him on social media @averagejackarchery


Big thanks to our fantastic partners:

Wisconsin Backcountry Hunters & Anglers: www.backcountryhunters.org/wisconsin

onX Hunt: www.onxmaps.com

XOP Gear: www.xopoutdoors.com

Huntworth: www.huntworthgear.com

February 4, 2025
Whitetail Landscapes

From 5 Deer to 5 Shooter Bucks


In this episode of Maximize Your Hunt, host Jon Teater discusses land management and hunting strategies with client Gary Swan and Josh Streichert (JWS Logging). They explore Gary's journey in hunting, the challenges of managing small properties, and the importance of timber marking and habitat improvement. The conversation highlights the impact of these strategies on deer populations and hunting success, as well as future plans for property management.


  • The importance of planning in timber marking.
  • Increased deer populations can result from effective land management.
  • Small properties present unique challenges for hunting.
  • Neighboring properties can influence deer movement significantly.
  • Food plots play a crucial role in attracting deer.
  • Regular maintenance is essential for property management.
  • Population management is key to maintaining a healthy deer habitat.
  • Hunting strategies should adapt based on observed deer behavior.
  • Timber management can enhance habitat quality for wildlife.
  • Engaging with experts can lead to significant improvements in hunting success.

  Social Linkshttps://whitetaillandscapes.com/https://www.facebook.com/whitetaillandscapes/https://www.instagram.com/whitetail_landscapes/?hl=en

February 4, 2025
Hunt Detail

Shot Show & Sitka: New Products


This is trade show season and this is the time of year when new products are launched in the outdoor gear space. Over the past few weeks, Jacob has covered off on the ATA show. On today's episode, Jacob highlights some of the new products that came out of Shot Show 2025 and the new boots that Sitka recently launched. Some of the brands that are discussed are: Outdoor Edge, Federal Ammunition, Traditions Muzzleloaders, Tricer Bipods & Tripods, SureFire, Ballista, Garmin, and Athlon.

February 4, 2025
Missouri Woods & Water

Hunting Coyotes With Shotguns With Torry Cook

Predator Hunting

This week on the Missouri Woods & Water Podcast, Nate and Andy get the chance to talk with friend of the show Torry Cook of MFK Game Calls about hunting coyotes with a shotgun.  The discussion covers various hunting strategies, including the effectiveness of shotguns versus rifles, and the impact of hunting pressure on coyote behavior.  Torry emphasizes the importance of understanding coyote personalities and how they learn from their experiences, which can affect their response to calls. The conversation also touches on the need for hunters to adapt their techniques as coyotes become more educated about hunting pressures.  He also emphasizes the significance of setting up in cover to gain a tactical advantage.  Torry is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to hunting and reading coyotes.  Thanks for listening!


Check out the MWW Website for shows, partner discounts, and more!!!

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Athlon Optics

OnX:  Use code MWW20 for 20% off 


Black Ovis:  Use code MWW10 for 10% off

Huntworth Gear:  Use code MWW15 for 15% off

Alps Outdoorz:  Use code 2024woodswater for 30% off 

Reveal Cameras by Tactacam

Habitat Works Facebook Page:  Mention us when you call and get 15% off any service



February 3, 2025
The Western Rookie

Excited for Shed Season w/ Brayden Ware

Big Game

In this episode of the Western Rookie Podcast, host Brian Krebs and guest Brayden Ware dive into the world of shed hunting, discussing the excitement of the season, the challenges posed by varying climates, and the role of technology in enhancing the shed hunting experience. They share personal anecdotes, strategies for finding and securing hunting spots, and the importance of patience and scouting. The conversation also touches on the differences between elk and whitetail shed hunting, emphasizing the need for adaptability and knowledge of the terrain. 

In this conversation, Brayden Ware shares his experiences and techniques in shed hunting, discussing various aspects such as gear selection, food choices, and encounters with wildlife. The dialogue explores the balance between weight management and comfort while backpacking, as well as the importance of preparation for unexpected situations like rattlesnake encounters. The conversation also touches on the dynamics of solo versus group shed hunting adventures, highlighting personal preferences and strategies. In this engaging conversation, Brian Krebs and Brayden Ware delve into the world of shed hunting, discussing their personal experiences, expectations, and strategies for finding antlers. They explore the differences in hunting and shed hunting for elk and whitetail, the impact of social media on perceptions of antler size, and the excitement surrounding the Jackson Hole Shed Hunt. The discussion highlights the challenges and joys of shed hunting, emphasizing the importance of patience, knowledge of the area, and the thrill of discovery.


Download the FREE Western Rookie Application Calendar


Connect with Brian Krebs

Have Questions or Comments? Send an email to Brian@westernrookie.com!

Sponsors and Discounts:

GOHUNT Insider - $50 Gear Shop Credit with code WESTERN 

GOHUNT Gear Shop – 10% off most items with code WESTERN https://alnk.to/e75Pm4u

RTIC Coolers – Keep Your Meat Cold!

First Month FREE at MTNTOUGH Fitness with code ROOKIE  https://bit.ly/MTNTOUGH_ROOKIE

Save $150 on Steelhead Outdoors Gun Safes with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/fbNvbFXX6Q

Save10% on Maverick Hunting Blinds & Accessories with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/vWHcxHKo4u

Save 10% on Ollin Digiscoping Adapters with code TWOBUCKS 

Save 20% on your first order at Bull Elk Beard Oil with code TWOBUCKS https://tr.ee/X4mp2wWCRK

MyMedic Kits


February 3, 2025
We Do This Too Outdoors

From Setbacks to Success: Josh Carney's Inspiring Outdoor Journey

Public Land

In the latest episode of the "We Do This Too Outdoors Podcast," host Courtney Williamson engages in a heartfelt conversation with Josh Carney, affectionately known as Son of the South. The episode opens with a vibrant introduction that sets the tone for an inspiring discussion about the outdoor lifestyle, from hunting to the camaraderie that comes with it. Josh shares his journey from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where his love for the outdoors began at a young age, to becoming a prominent figure in the hunting community. His story is not just about the thrill of the hunt; it’s also about resilience and the power of inspiration, as he reflects on the challenges he has faced throughout his life.

As the conversation unfolds, Josh delves into the impact of his experiences, including a life-altering incident that changed his perspective on life and the outdoors. He emphasizes the importance of embracing one’s passions and using personal challenges as a catalyst for growth. The discussion highlights the significance of community support and the role of various outdoor brands that align with the podcast's mission. Josh’s enthusiasm for turkey hunting is palpable, and he articulates how the sport is not just about the hunt itself but also about the artistry involved in calling and connecting with nature. His passion serves as a reminder of the joy and fulfillment that the outdoors can bring.

The episode concludes with a powerful message about perseverance and the importance of giving back to the community. Josh encourages listeners to pursue their dreams, regardless of the obstacles they may encounter, and to find solace in nature. His story resonates with many, illustrating that the outdoor lifestyle is not just a hobby but a way of life that fosters connection, healing, and personal growth. This episode of the "We Do This Too Outdoors Podcast" is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of the great outdoors, inspiring listeners to embrace their journeys and make a positive impact in their communities.

February 3, 2025
The Range Podcast

Shiny Objects: The New Vapor Trail Pro Shop

Big Game

In this episode of the Range Podcast, hosts Ricky Brule and Jake “Hollywood” Iverson discuss the latest updates from their archery pro shop, including the hiring of a new manager, product arrivals, and exciting partnerships.

They also share insights on operational challenges, plans for community engagement, and personal interests in hunting and archery.

The conversation highlights the dynamic nature of running a pro shop and the importance of staying connected with the local archery community.


  • The Pro Shop is gearing up for a soft opening in February.
  • A new manager, Darrell Lego, has been hired to enhance operations.
  • Product inventory is rapidly increasing with new brands and items.
  • The hosts are excited about upcoming partnerships and promotions.
  • Community engagement is a priority as they prepare for the opening.
  • Operational challenges include managing a large volume of orders.
  • The hosts are enthusiastic about the upcoming hunting season.
  • Personal interests in hunting and archery are discussed.
  • The importance of staying connected with the local archery community is emphasized.
  • Plans for future episodes and topics are hinted at.

The Range Podcast is available on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Video versions are also available on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel and Wild TV.Enter Promo Code trp15 during checkout at www.vaportrailarchery.com to receive 15% off VTX Bowstrings and Branded Apparel.The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.

February 3, 2025
Michigan Wild

A 4 Year Journey


On this episode of Michigan Wild, Nate and Curt Hanko have a fantastic time recapping the last 4 years of hunting for Curt. Curt didn't grow up in a hunting family and was actually introduced into hunting by his friend Austin. Nate and Curt end up diving into his bowhunting journey. Hearing about the personal growth as a hunter and the journey Curt took to get there is inspiring. Curt hasn't been afraid to put in the effort the last 2 years. 

Throughout the last 2 years Curt really saw a change in his understanding of what he was seeing while scouting and hunting. He got more mobile and dedicated more time in listening to podcasts and absorbing content on social media. All these things were a desire because Curt wanted it. He wanted to find a bigger buck on public land in Michigan and wanted to become a better hunter and woodsmen. He took the approach of spending as much time as possible in the woods. Well this past fall all that stuff came to fruition after an eventful December day!

Thank you for listening to the episode! If you would like to support Michigan Wild farther leave a review/ranking anywhere you listen to the podcast! 

Interested in being a guest on Michigan Wild? Send an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comor send a message on Instagram @michiganwildpod.

In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out vitalizeseed.com and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs.

Want to dive into the mock scrape game, or find a proven product? Check out DH3 a full synthetic scrape system.  

February 3, 2025
Oklahoma Outdoors

The Gear We Trust

Public Land

This week on the Oklahoma Outdoors Podcast, John and Levi are running down their gear list and checking it twice. Since spring time is often one of the best times to buy more gear since a lot of companies are running sales, the guys decided this was a great time to talk about the gear that they have used and trust. They cover tree saddles, tree stands, bows, arrows, clothing, and even rifles. John and Levi's gear lists really compliment each other since the two often hunt in very different styles, even though both hunt in the same areas. Levi and John also talk about their last weekend of duck hunting, and the varying success they both saw. Though the season was not what they hopped it would be, they were both able to find a little bit of success as the season closed out.

January 31, 2025
The Hunting Gear Podcast

The Rebirth of Knight & Hale


In this episode of the Hunting Gear Podcast, host Dan Johnson welcomes Matt Wade and Jimmy from Knight & Hale, a historic brand in turkey hunting gear. They discuss the brand's origins, its revival after a period of dormancy, and the strategies they are implementing to appeal to both older and younger generations of hunters. The conversation highlights the passion behind turkey hunting, the importance of community, and the excitement surrounding the launch of new products. In this conversation, the team from Night and Hail discusses the importance of customer feedback in product development, emphasizing their commitment to quality and innovation. They highlight their focus on creating unique turkey calls and accessories that cater to a wide demographic, including the next generation of hunters. The conversation also touches on the brand's legacy and their plans for revitalization at upcoming events.


  • Nightingale is a cornerstone brand in turkey hunting.
  • The brand was founded in 1972 by Harold Knight and David Hale.
  • Harold and David remain actively involved in product development.
  • The turkey hunting community is passionate and engaged.
  • Reviving the brand involves reconnecting with its roots.
  • Social media plays a crucial role in reaching younger hunters.
  • The camaraderie of turkey hunting sets it apart from deer hunting.
  • New product launches are focused on quality and heritage.
  • The old Yeller call is being relaunched due to high demand.
  • The excitement around turkey hunting is being reignited with new generations. Customer feedback is crucial for product success.
  • Quality control ensures each call is unique.
  • The brand aims to cater to all demographics.
  • Innovative products are designed for comfort and usability.
  • Reviving the brand's legacy is a key focus.
  • The team values the input of experienced hunters.
  • Handcrafted products stand out in a crowded market.
  • Building memories is central to the brand's mission.
  • Upcoming launches will showcase new and exciting products.
  • The NWTF show is a pivotal event for brand engagement.

January 31, 2025
The Western Rookie

GoHunt Bonus Series: Arizona Elk & Antelope Applications


Don’t miss any of the application deadlines this year – download the FREE Western Rookie Application Calendar today!


On this bonus episode of The Western Rookie Podcast, Brian covers the upcoming application deadlines for elk and antelope hunting in Arizona. He explains the unique draw system in Arizona, the impact of weather conditions on elk hunting, and provides insights into antelope hunting in the state. The episode concludes with tips on how to navigate the application process and resources available for hunters.


Application Deadline:

February 4th at 11:59 Pm AZT


State Application Website:


Connect with Brian Krebs

Have Questions or Comments? Send an email to Brian@westernrookie.com!


Sponsors and Discounts:

GOHUNT Insider - $50 Gear Shop Credit with code WESTERN 

GOHUNT Gear Shop – 10% off most items with code WESTERN https://alnk.to/e75Pm4u

RTIC Coolers – Keep Your Meat Cold!

First Month FREE at MTNTOUGH Fitness with code ROOKIE  https://bit.ly/MTNTOUGH_ROOKIE

Save $150 on Steelhead Outdoors Gun Safes with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/fbNvbFXX6Q

Save10% on Maverick Hunting Blinds & Accessories with code WESTERNROOKIE 


Save 10% on Ollin Digiscoping Adapters with code TWOBUCKS 


Save 20% on your first order at Bull Elk Beard Oil with code TWOBUCKS 


January 31, 2025
Mid-Atlantic Outdoorsmen

Set yourself Up For Success

Public Land

In this episode I have Chris from the Wing and Tail boys podcast on the show. Chris and I talk about so many different topics on this episode. We talk about sleep schedules, we talk about cold fronts, we talk about deer hunting, turkey hunting and a bunch of other stuff. Chris is always a good time and brings an awesome energy to the podcast studio. Thanks for listening!

January 31, 2025
Nine Finger Chronicles

Real Life B.S. Session

Public Land

In this episode of the Nine Finger Chronicles podcast, host Dan Johnson and guest Chris Romano discuss various aspects of hunting culture, particularly in urban areas. They explore the implications of social media on hunting practices, the ongoing debate surrounding bear hunting regulations, and the balance between human safety and wildlife preservation. The conversation also touches on the importance of scientific evidence versus anecdotal experiences in shaping hunting strategies, emphasizing the need for hunters to engage in open dialogue and learn from one another. In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Chris discuss the complexities of personal expectations, public perception, and the challenges faced in education and parenting. They explore the importance of honesty, the shift in educational goals, and the impact of teachers on personal growth. The dialogue emphasizes the need for tough love in parenting and teaching, while also recognizing the emotional challenges that come with these roles. Ultimately, they highlight the goodness that still exists in the world and the importance of expressing gratitude to those who have made a difference in our lives.


  • The podcast opens with a humorous introduction about the cold office temperature.
  • Chris Romano shares his background and connection to hunting culture.
  • The discussion highlights the potential backlash from posting hunting photos in urban settings.
  • Dan expresses concern about the impact of social media on hunting regulations.
  • Chris relates his experiences as a teacher to the challenges faced by hunters in New Jersey.
  • The conversation shifts to the bear hunting debate and its implications for wildlife management.
  • They discuss the importance of balancing human safety with wildlife preservation.
  • The need for hunters to be aware of public perception and optics is emphasized.
  • Dan shares insights from a scientific study on deer movement and moon phases.
  • The episode concludes with a reflection on the importance of listening to different perspectives in hunting. Expectations can change based on public perception.
  • Honesty in education can be challenging but necessary.
  • The educational system has shifted away from preparing students for real-world challenges.
  • Tough love is essential in both parenting and teaching.
  • Teachers can have a profound impact on students' lives.
  • Emotional intelligence is crucial in navigating personal and professional relationships.
  • Mistakes are a vital part of the learning process.
  • Goodness exists in the world despite negative perceptions.
  • Expressing gratitude can have a lasting impact on relationships.
  • Parenting requires a balance of sensitivity and resilience.

January 30, 2025
No Lowballers

Biggest Buck on the Smallest Property


In this engaging conversation, Dan and Calvin Cloud delve into the world of hunting and fishing, exploring Calvin's journey from a suburban upbringing to becoming an avid hunter. They discuss the dynamics of hunting various species, the ethics surrounding population control, and the allure of exotic hunts. The conversation also touches on the impact of poaching on hunting culture and the excitement of tracking a dream buck, culminating in a personal story about a house fire that led to new hunting opportunities. In this engaging conversation, Calvin Cloud shares his thrilling hunting experience, detailing the strategies he employed to track a big buck, the emotional rollercoaster of waiting for the perfect moment to take the shot, and the overwhelming joy of discovering his trophy. The discussion also touches on the aftermath of the hunt, including the attention it garnered and the future plans for hunting in the same area. In this engaging conversation, Calvin Cloud shares his thrilling experiences from the hunting season, including the excitement of bagging a potential record-breaking buck. He discusses the challenges and joys of hunting in urban areas, the scoring process for trophy deer, and his plans for future hunts. The dialogue highlights the camaraderie within the hunting community and the unique stories that come from each hunting experience..

Connect with Calvin Cloud

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Connect with The Nomadic Outdoorsman

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Shop Dan's Podcast Gear, Hunting Gear and Merch


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Connect with Infinite Outdoors

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January 30, 2025
No Lowballers

Thermal Optics Have Outdoors Fans Seeing the Light


On this episode of the No Lowballers podcast, Logan Metesh of High Caliber History and Allen Forkner of GunBroker shed some light on the history and recent innovations of thermal optics technology. Joining the hosts today are Kevin Reese and Chris French from Pulsar, who will share insights into their groundbreaking thermal imaging products that are reshaping outdoor activities and security measures. Whether it's enhancing hunter safety at night or innovating vehicle-mounted thermal systems, Pulsar is at the forefront of thermal technology. That said, as with a lot of topics on the No Lowballers podcast, we’ll also see that everything new may not be as new as it appears.

Show Topics:

  • A Brief History of Thermal Imaging
  • Pulsar’s New Thermal Scope Series
  • Vehicle Mounted Thermal Imaging - Dark 30
  • Pulsar Merger LRF XT50 Thermal Binocular
  • Looking Ahead: Innovations in Thermal Imaging

What do you think about the recent explosion in the thermal market? Useful tools or toys for those with deep pockets? Let us know in the comments section below!

If you like what you’re hearing, please leave us a rating and review!!  The No Lowballers Podcast explores the history and heritage of firearms. We hope to expose you to the vintage guns of the golden age along with newer, modern guns, specialty items, and a few other odd balls along the way. New shows drop every Thursday wherever you consume your favorite podcasts. 

January 30, 2025
The Migration Waterfowl Podcast

Canadian Waterfowl Hunting and the Evolution of Punisher Waterfowl

Public Land

On this episode of the Migration Waterfowl podcast, your host Brian Halbleibwelcomes Damien Pittman to the show. Damien is a retired Canadian Army veteran and founder of Punisher Waterfowl. They discuss the challenges and commitments of podcasting, Damien's journey from military service to waterfowl hunting, and the evolution of his brand. The conversation also covers his experiences guiding hunts in Canada, the clientele he encounters, and the dynamics of hunting across different regions. Damien shares insights on the community aspect of hunting and his long-term goals for the podcast and brand. They also discuss the evolution of the Toronto Sportsman Show, Punisher Waterfowl’s role in The Refuge area of the show and the introduction of innovative seminars. They talk about memorable hunting experiences and the balance between family life & outdoor pursuits. Damien shares insights into the waterfowl hunting community, the challenges faced in promoting events, and his personal journey in the hunting world. The discussion wraps up with rapid-fire questions that reveal Damien's preferences and experiences in waterfowl hunting.


  • Consistency is key in podcasting.
  • Many people underestimate the commitment required for a podcast.
  • Building a community is essential for success.
  • The journey of creating a brand can be challenging but rewarding.
  • Guiding hunts offers unique experiences and insights.
  • Hunting is about connection and enjoyment, not just the kill.
  • Weather changes can impact bird migration patterns.
  • Networking in the hunting community is invaluable.
  • Passion for the sport drives continued involvement.
  • Long-term goals should adapt as the journey progresses.
  • The Toronto Sportsman Show has seen a revival with a focus on waterfowl hunting.
  • Innovative seminars are being introduced to engage attendees more effectively.
  • Memorable hunting stories often highlight the humorous side of outdoor adventures.
  • Balancing family life with hunting commitments is essential for personal fulfillment.
  • The waterfowl hunting community is evolving, with more American brands showing interest in Canada.
  • Canadians tend to be more cautious with their spending compared to Americans.
  • The importance of creating a welcoming environment for new hunters and vendors.
  • Personal experiences in hunting can lead to valuable lessons and insights.
  • The significance of enjoying the little things in life, especially as children grow up.
  • Networking and collaboration are key to the success of outdoor shows.

January 30, 2025
Wing and Tail Boys

Turkey Hunting for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNER with Kevin Creeley

Public Land

As we reach the end of the deer hunting season here in the North East, we are SUPER EXCITED to start diving into some uncharted territory for us…TURKEY HUNTING! In this episode of The Wing and Tail Boys, Angelo and Chris are joined by Turkey Enthusiast Kevin Creeley to discuss the beginnings of turkey hunting for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNER. The speakers discuss the importance of understanding turkey behavior, common mistakes beginners make, and the significance of pre-season preparation. They emphasize the need for diverse habitats to support turkey populations and provide practical tips for locating and hunting turkeys effectively. In this conversation, Kevin Creeley shares his insights on turkey hunting, focusing on effective scouting techniques, the importance of roosting, and the use of locator calls. He discusses the maturity of turkeys and the ethics of hunting, emphasizing the thrill of the hunt and the strategies involved, including the run and gun versus sit and wait methods. In this conversation, Chris and Kevin discuss various strategies for turkey hunting, focusing on how to find turkey signs, set up hunting spots, and the differences between running and gunning versus sitting and waiting. They explore the importance of understanding turkey behavior, the significance of noise while scouting, and the tactics for calling turkeys effectively. The discussion also touches on hunting regulations and the benefits of having a structured hunting schedule.

January 29, 2025
How to Hunt Deer

If We Could Go Back

Public Land

In this episode, Dan Johnson and Jason Thibodeau discuss their personal experiences with hunting, including the challenges of accessing properties, the importance of observation and mobility, and reflections on hunting gear. They share insights on how to improve hunting strategies and the significance of learning from past mistakes. In this conversation, Jason Thibodeau and Dan Johnson discuss the essential elements of successful hunting, emphasizing the importance of skill over equipment, the learning process through mistakes, and the significance of understanding pressure and access routes. They also highlight the value of scouting and the need for continuous learning in the hunting community.


  • The man cold is a real thing.
  • Personal health issues can affect outdoor activities.
  • Accessing hunting properties can be challenging.
  • Don't overlook easy access hunting spots.
  • Observing deer behavior is crucial for success.
  • Mobility in hunting can lead to better results.
  • Gear should not be the primary focus of hunting.
  • Practice with your weapon is essential.
  • Learning from mistakes is part of the hunting journey.
  • Hunting can be enjoyable regardless of gear quality. You can get by with older equipment if you practice.
  • Your equipment should feel like an extension of yourself.
  • Mistakes are part of the learning process in hunting.
  • Practice is essential for success in any sport.
  • Teaching kids to hunt involves embracing the learning curve.
  • Pressure from hunters affects deer behavior, including your own.
  • Access routes are crucial for successful hunting.
  • Scouting is irreplaceable; nothing beats being on the ground.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for access to neighboring properties.
  • Continuous learning is key to improving your hunting skills.





January 29, 2025
Nine Finger Chronicles

The Perfect Gun Collection For the Outdoorsman


In this episode of the Nine Finger Chronicles podcast, host Dan Johnson speaks with Ryan Muckenhirn from Vortex Optics about his extensive experience with firearms and hunting. They discuss Ryan's hunting season, the excitement of upland bird hunting, and his plans for an 'upland safari' targeting various bird species. Ryan shares insights on starting a gun collection, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right shotgun and understanding gun fit and recoil management. The conversation is rich with personal anecdotes and practical advice for both novice and experienced hunters. In this conversation, Ryan Muckenhirn discusses the evolution of shotgun shells, the versatility of shotguns for various game, and the importance of understanding the cost versus performance in firearms. He emphasizes the significance of selecting the right rifle and cartridge for hunting big game, and highlights the flexibility of the AR platform for different hunting scenarios. In this conversation, Ryan Muckenhirn discusses the versatility of the AR platform for both hunting and home defense, emphasizing its adaptability for various shooters. The discussion transitions into the role of pistols in outdoor activities, highlighting their use for recreation and protection. Muckenhirn also touches on the niche of muzzleloaders for big game hunting and concludes with insights on building a meaningful gun collection that balances functionality and personal sentiment.


  • Ryan has over two decades of experience in the firearms industry.
  • Hunting season can be unpredictable, but it's always rewarding.
  • Upland bird hunting offers a unique thrill and challenge.
  • Planning an upland safari can be an exciting adventure.
  • Understanding different upland bird species is essential for hunters.
  • Starting a gun collection should be purposeful and aligned with interests.
  • A good shotgun is versatile for various types of hunting.
  • Gun fit is crucial for effective shooting and comfort.
  • Recoil management is important for new shooters to consider.
  • Networking with experienced hunters can enhance your learning experience. Steel shot technology has evolved, allowing for better performance.
  • A three-inch 12 gauge shell is sufficient for most winged game.
  • Cost does not always equate to better performance in shotguns.
  • Rifles should be selected based on the game being hunted.
  • The 6.5 Creedmoor is a versatile cartridge for various game.
  • Understanding bullet selection is crucial for effective hunting.
  • The AR platform offers flexibility for different hunting needs.
  • Proper fit and feel of a rifle can enhance shooting performance.
  • Practice and discipline are key to successful shooting.
  • Youth-friendly firearms can be adapted for different sizes and uses. The AR platform is highly versatile for different shooting needs.
  • Home defense and hunting can utilize the same AR platform.
  • Pistols serve both recreational and protective roles in the outdoors.
  • Muzzleloaders offer unique opportunities for big game hunting.
  • Building a gun collection should reflect personal interests and values.
  • Investing in firearms can lead to a valuable collection over time.
  • Understanding the purpose of each firearm is crucial for selection.
  • The evolution of firearms has greatly improved their functionality.
  • Collecting firearms can be a personal journey of discovery.
  • Historical firearms can add depth and interest to a collection.

January 29, 2025
How To Hunt Turkey

Traveling For Turkeys; Make The Most Of This Season

Public Land

In this episode of the How to Hunt Turkey podcast, host Jase Greer and guest Dan discuss their experiences with turkey hunting. They share stories of successful hunts, the challenges of turkey hunting, and the excitement of the spring season. The conversation also touches on the transition from turkey hunting to other adventures, such as moose hunting, and the importance of planning and understanding regulations when traveling to hunt. Dan shares insights on the camaraderie among hunters and the thrill of the hunt, emphasizing the joy of being outdoors and the unique experiences that come with each hunting season. In this engaging conversation, Dan and Jase delve into the intricacies of planning and executing successful hunting trips. They discuss the importance of preparation, and the dynamics of food cravings, especially in relation to their spouses. The duo emphasizes the significance of checklists, the logistics involved in hunting adventures, and the necessity of embracing the unknown. They share personal anecdotes that highlight the need for adaptability and creative problem-solving in the face of challenges, ultimately inspiring listeners to approach their hunting experiences with a fresh perspective.

January 29, 2025
Antler Up

Balancing Family, Hunting, and the Love for the Outdoors

Public Land
Big Game

In this episode of the Antler Up Podcast, host Jeremy Dinsmore is joined by Tom Runscavage to explore the balance between family life and the passion for hunting. Tom reflects on how becoming a parent has profoundly changed his outlook, shaping his approach to both hunting and life. They discuss the importance of self-awareness in managing family dynamics while still pursuing personal hobbies, emphasizing that preparation and enjoying the journey are just as critical as achieving the end goal. Tom also shares why building a history with a hunting spot and cherishing fleeting opportunities can make all the difference in the field.

Tom dives into his hunting gear setup, highlighting the importance of having a reliable clothing system, windproof layers, and organized packs for comfort and convenience during hunts. He discusses the features of his bow setup, the effectiveness of his broadheads, his successful 2024 season in the state of PA where he was able to tag a 135inch public land buck and his experiences navigating the ever-evolving gear market. They also touch on the role of community and shared experiences in hunting, offering a fresh perspective on how hunting is as much about connection as it is about success. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or balancing family with your outdoor pursuits, this episode is packed with relatable insights and actionable advice.

So, grab your gear, sit back, and join us on this episode as we Antler Up with Tom Runscavage! Stay tuned, stay safe, and Antler Up!






January 29, 2025
Pennsylvania Woodsman

Kansas Waterfowl Hunt with Wing Chaser Outdoors

Public Land

On this week's episode of the Pennsylvania Woodsman, Mitch recounts his out-of-state hunting trip he took last week to Kansas.  This was like nothing he's ever experienced before, as he was invited as a guest to join a group of guys from North and South Carolina to participate in an outfitted 3-day wing hunt.  The group was hosted by Wing Chaser Outdoors guiding service who absolutely knocked the hunting experience out of the park.  During the 3 days of hunting, the group killed around 100 geese and a dozen mallard ducks.  Shoulders and cheeks are sore from all the shooting, but the excitement remains as he is still reminiscing about the trip.  The big takeaways were, 1) Wing Chaser Outdoors was an excellent guide service, 2) the comradery at the lodge was excellent and 3) it would be nice if the Keystone state had waterfowl hunting similar to this!  Thanks for tuning in!

January 28, 2025
Wisconsin Sportsman

Understanding Bluff Country Bucks with Tony Van Asten

Public Land

On this episode of The Wisconsin Sportsman Podcast, Pierce sits down with Tony Van Asten to learn all about how Tony approaches hunting in the hills of the Driftless region, and what he does to locate big bucks. Tony is a Wisconsin native and an outstanding all-around woodsman. Whether he's hunting big bucks, checking the trapline, or scrounging for massive sheds, Tony is an expert when it comes to understanding the nuances of hunting in the bluffs. The guys discuss how Tony's military experience influences his hunting style, what he does to keep his minimalist gear kit dialed in, how he chooses parcels of public land to hunt, his scouting approach, and hot spots he likes to run trail cameras in. Tony shares his insights from hunting in Iowa this past fall and how his season resulted in a great buck hitting the dirt. After that, the guys discuss planning access routes in the bluffs, what features he does and doesn't gravitate towards, what he's learned about buck bedding in the hills, and much more. If you've ever wondered about hunting in the hills, this episode is for you!

Be sure to check out Tony's YouTube page @tonyvanasten, and follow him on Instagram @tonyva3 to follow along with his adventures!

Big thanks to our fantastic partners:

Wisconsin Backcountry Hunters & Anglers: www.backcountryhunters.org/wisconsin

onX Hunt: www.onxmaps.com

XOP Gear: www.xopoutdoors.com

Huntworth: www.huntworthgear.com

January 28, 2025
Whitetail Landscapes

More Deer, Bigger Bucks, Food Plots, Bedding, and Screening


In this episode of Maximize Your Hunt, host Jon Teater discusses the importance of land management and habitat improvement for whitetail deer hunting. He emphasizes the significance of understanding food plots, timber cutting, and the overall journey of property improvement through the experiences of his client, Joe Sancho. The conversation also highlights the collaborative efforts of Jon and his partner Josh Streichert (JWS Logging) in executing property management strategies, as well as Joe's personal growth and enjoyment in the process of enhancing his hunting property. In this conversation, Jon Teater shares his experiences and insights from the hunting season, discussing trail management, deer behavior, innovative hunting strategies, and the health of deer populations. Joe emphasizes the importance of the journey in hunting, the joy of hunting with family, and the satisfaction of seeing the results of careful planning and management in wildlife habitats.


  • Food plots should be approached with clear goals in mind.
  • Timber cutting can significantly improve deer habitat.
  • Understanding the purpose of each plant in food plots is crucial.
  • Client engagement is essential for successful property management.
  • The journey of property improvement is as rewarding as the results.
  • Screening and layout changes can enhance deer visibility and movement.
  • Collaboration between clients and consultants leads to better outcomes.
  • Soil health is foundational for successful land management.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation are key in property management.
  • Enjoying the process of land management enhances the overall hunting experience. The importance of trail management in directing deer movement.
  • Innovative strategies can enhance hunting success.
  • Hunting is about the journey and experiences shared with family.
  • Healthy deer populations are a sign of good habitat management.
  • Controlling the environment can lead to better hunting outcomes.
  • The emotional rewards of hunting with children are invaluable.
  • Understanding deer behavior is crucial for successful hunts.
  • The health of deer can be assessed by their fat content.
  • Community feedback reflects the positive impact of habitat improvements.
  • Personal philosophy in hunting evolves over time.

Social Links




January 28, 2025
Missouri Woods & Water

Tales of the Chase: Argentina Red Stag

Big Game

This week on the Missouri Woods & Water Podcast Nate & Micah sit down with Micah's old buddy Jake Morrison and have a great time listening to him tell us the story about his recent red stag hunt in Argentina.  Jake's buddy won this hunt at a banquet, so the two friends decided to go without much of an idea of what to expect.  Jake decided why not experience something he may never get the chance or have the idea to do ever again, and the memories and stories that come from the trip do not disappoint!!  With experiences that were so different from what Jake has experienced hunting for most of his life, this trip will be one he doesn't soon forget.  Thanks for listening!!!  


Check out the MWW Website for shows, partner discounts, and more!!!

Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel!!!


Jason Patterson Land Team - Whitetail Properties


jason.patterson@whitetailproperties.comMorrell Targets

Athlon Optics

Midwest Gun Works:  Use code 5OFFMWW for 5% off

Lucky Buck

OnX  Use code MWW20 for 20% off 


Black Ovis:  Use code MWW10 for 10% off

Reveal Cameras by Tactacam


January 28, 2025
The Western Rookie

Western Whitetails w/ Blake Garrett

Big Game

In this engaging conversation, Brian Krebs and Blake Garrett delve into the world of hunting, discussing strategies for coyote hunting, the evolution of hunting content creation, and the transition from traditional media to digital platforms. They explore the challenges and opportunities in building a career in hunting and content creation, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and passion. The discussion also touches on the growing trend of direct social content and the ethics surrounding crossbow use in hunting. 

In this podcast, Brian Krebs and Blake Garrett delve into various aspects of hunting, discussing the ethics and methods of hunting with different weapons, the thrill of spot and stalk hunting, and the importance of efficient hunting practices. They also share their experiences with shed hunting, the significance of deer scoring, and the role of water sources in deer management. The dialogue highlights the complexities of hunting culture and the personal connections hunters have with their game. In this conversation, Blake Garrett and Brian Krebs delve into various aspects of hunting, including survival strategies, planning for hunting seasons, exploring new opportunities, and the dynamics of content creation in the hunting world. They discuss specific hunting techniques for elk and turkey, the importance of flexibility in hunting plans, and the ethical considerations surrounding rifle choices. The conversation also touches on the excitement of innovative hunting methods and the challenges of balancing work and passion in the hunting lifestyle.




FREE Western Rookie Application Calendar


Connect with Brian Krebs

Have Questions or Comments? Send an email to Brian@westernrookie.com!

Sponsors and Discounts:

GOHUNT Insider - $50 Gear Shop Credit with code WESTERN 

GOHUNT Gear Shop – 10% off most items with code WESTERN https://alnk.to/e75Pm4u

RTIC Coolers – Keep Your Meat Cold!

First Month FREE at MTNTOUGH Fitness with code ROOKIE  https://bit.ly/MTNTOUGH_ROOKIE

Save $150 on Steelhead Outdoors Gun Safes with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/fbNvbFXX6Q

Save10% on Maverick Hunting Blinds & Accessories with code WESTERNROOKIE https://tr.ee/vWHcxHKo4u

Save 10% on Ollin Digiscoping Adapters with code TWOBUCKS 

Save 20% on your first order at Bull Elk Beard Oil with code TWOBUCKS https://tr.ee/X4mp2wWCRK

MyMedic Kits



January 28, 2025
Hunt Detail

ATA Losers

Public Land

On today's episode, Jacob shares his thoughts on the mobile hunting brands that he feels are missing the mark and a few that are effectively demonstrating the "Hedgehog Principle" and as a result are winning in the mobile hunting space. Every segment of business ebbs and flows based on the ever evolving interests of consumers. As some market segments grow, there are more and more new entrants into that market...and every company in that segment tends to have success. But what happens when there is a downturn in interest in potential new customers? What brands will remain and what brands will fade away? The mobile hunting market has been growing significantly over the past 5 to 6 years. But, when this segment plateaus or even takes a downturn, what brands can sustain success?

January 27, 2025
Michigan Wild

Get Outside With Your Kids


On this episode of Michigan Wild, Nate and Jermey Tilly sit down for a discussion focused on spending time with your kids outside. Jeremy and Nate both have kids that they love taking outside. They discuss the many things that revolve around that. Including the process of getting them started and some of the weapons used. Both guys really enjoy taking their kids small game hunting and encourage others to do the same.

Overall this conversation was laid back with two guys talking about their passion for the outdoors and how they have found a path with their families. A wide range of topics were covered throughout the episode. A good ol fashion BS session. 

Thank you for listening to the episode! If you would like to support Michigan Wild farther leave a review/ranking anywhere you listen to the podcast! 

Interested in being a guest on Michigan Wild? Send an email to Michiganwildpod@gmail.comor send a message on Instagram @michiganwildpod.

In need of a tracking dog? Reach out to Find It Fred, Tony and his dog are top notch and Tony is passionate about helping fellow hunters.

Looking to add a food plot or change up your food plot strategy check out vitalizeseed.com and the Habitat Podcast.

Check out Wildlife Legends Taxidermy for any of your taxidermy needs

January 27, 2025
We Do This Too Outdoors

From The Woods To The Word with Josh Mcdowell

Big Game

In this engaging podcast episode, host Courtney Williamson welcomes Josh McDowell, a passionate outdoorsman and family man from Magnolia. The conversation delves into Josh's deep-rooted love for hunting, which began in his teenage years thanks to the influence of his friend Brad Hines. Josh shares memorable experiences from his early hunting days, including a thrilling coyote hunt that ignited his passion for the outdoors. With a family of five children, he emphasizes the importance of sharing these outdoor adventures with loved ones, highlighting the joy of connecting with nature and God's creation.

The discussion also touches on Josh's faith journey, revealing how he was raised in a Christian household and came to Christ at a young age. He reflects on the challenges of navigating faith during his college years, where he experienced moments of drifting but ultimately felt the conviction of Christ guiding him back. Josh's testimony serves as an inspiration, reminding listeners of the importance of forgiveness and grace in their lives. As the episode wraps up, the camaraderie between Courtney and Josh shines through, showcasing their shared values of family, faith, and the great outdoors.

January 27, 2025
Oklahoma Outdoors

Post Season Activities


With most of the major hunting seasons coming to a close across the country, many avid outdoorsmen and woman are already hard at work prepping for the fall of 2025. This week on the Oklahoma Outdoors Podcast, John and Levi talk about what they do once the current hunting season comes to an end. For Levi, this is the time of year he likes to do a lot of his scouting for the following year. He does a lot of e-scouting and puts boots on the ground to locate bucks to chase during the fall. For John, this post season is going to be filled with a lot of habitat work on his new property. Though he is starting with a blank canvas, the canvas needs a ton of work to make the best possible property that it can be.

January 27, 2025
The Range Podcast

The Victor Q&A


In this episode of The Range Podcast, hosts Ricky Brule and Jake “Hollywood” Iverson discuss the latest innovations in archery equipment, focusing on the new Vapor Trail Victor Arrow Rest.

They delve into the features, pricing, and development journey of the Victor, while also addressing community feedback and comparisons with other products in the market. The conversation highlights the importance of precision in archery and the challenges of innovation in the industry.

Ricky and Hollywood discuss the innovative Limb-driven technology and its origins, emphasizing the importance of product longevity and user experience in archery equipment. They address market competition, pricing strategies, and the need for user-friendly designs catering to target shooters and general archers.

The discussion also highlights community feedback, the evolution of archery equipment, and Vapor Trail’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.


  • The Victor Arrow Rest is designed for unmatched precision.
  • Pricing is influenced by machining and manufacturing costs.
  • The Victor offers unique features not found in competitors.
  • Community feedback is essential for product development.
  • The development of the Victor took over six years.
  • Vapor Trail aims to support local dealers with their pricing strategy.
  • Innovation in archery equipment comes with increased complexity.
  • The Victor Arow Rest is versatile and fits various bow models.
  • Quality materials are used to ensure durability and performance.
  • The name 'Victor' honors the founder of limb-driven technology. Limb-driven technology is rooted in the legacy of Jerrod Victor Fondie.
  • Product longevity is prioritized over frequent consumer purchases.
  • User experience is crucial in product design and functionality.
  • Simplicity in archery equipment can enhance user satisfaction.
  • Market competition influences pricing strategies in the archery industry.
  • Compatibility with various bow models is essential for product success.
  • Innovations in design can lead to a more user-friendly experience.
  • Community feedback plays a significant role in product development.
  • The importance of professional archers in promoting products is acknowledged.
  • Future enhancements will focus on user needs and market trends.

The Range Podcast is available on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Video versions are also available on the Vapor Trail YouTube Channel and Wild TV.

Enter Promo Code trp15 during checkout at www.vaportrailarchery.com to receive 15% off VTX Bowstrings and Branded Apparel.

The Range Podcast is brought to you by Vapor Trail Archery and Stokerized Stabilizers. We are proud to be a part of the @sportsmens_empire network.

January 24, 2025
How to Hunt Deer

Mastering Winter Scouting for Deer Hunting


In this episode of the How to Hunt Deer Podcast, hosts Dan Johnson and Jason Thibodeau discuss the importance of winter scouting for deer hunting. They emphasize the value of understanding deer movement, identifying ambush points, and utilizing terrain features during the post-season. The conversation covers practical tips for scouting, documenting findings, and the benefits of using trail cameras. The hosts also share personal experiences and insights on how to effectively prepare for the next hunting season by learning from past mistakes and understanding deer behavior in relation to their environment.


  • Winter scouting is crucial for understanding deer movement.
  • Identifying ambush points can significantly improve hunting success.
  • Terrain features play a key role in deer travel patterns.
  • Documenting findings helps in planning for the next season.
  • Trail cameras provide valuable insights into deer behavior.
  • Scouting during winter allows for less pressure on deer.
  • Understanding food sources is essential for effective scouting.
  • Utilizing mapping apps can enhance scouting efforts.
  • Sanctuaries can be explored post-season for better insights.
  • The more time spent in the woods, the better the hunting strategy.





January 24, 2025
The Western Rookie

2025 Wyoming Nonresident Elk Application

Big Game

This episode of the Western Rookie Podcast focuses on the Wyoming non-resident elk application process for 2025. Host Brian Krebs discusses important deadlines, the modified preference point system, application strategies, and the various types of elk licenses available. He emphasizes the significance of understanding the draw system, managing points effectively, and utilizing resources like Go Hunt to enhance the hunting experience. The episode concludes with a reminder of the importance of planning and preparation for successful elk hunting in Wyoming.

Application Deadline:

January 31st at 11:59 PM MT

Application Style:

Modified Preference Point System


Application Cost:

Regular Elk: $707

Special Elk: $1965


State Appplication Website:


Bonus Episode Research

State and Species: Wyoming NR Elk 

Deadline: January 31st  and 11:59 PM MT

Draw System: Modified Preference Point System

Party App Notes: Groups Up To 6

Leftover Tags: Available in the Leftover Draw

Regular Elk Tag: $707

Special Elk Tag: $1965

Preference Points: Available from July 1st through Oct. 31st



  • GoHunt Insider 
  • Important Info
    • Results will be available tentatively on May 22nd
    • Can modify application until May 8th
    • Must front the entire tag cost
    • Unsuccessful applicants will get a refund
      • Will not automatically get a point
    • Don’t need to apply for a point – separate period for points only 
    • You cannot return an elk license for a refund or get points back
  • New for 2025
    • Nonresident general elk applicants will now have to apply for a specific region – no more entire state
      • State is broken up into three regions – IE not that big of a deal for most.
    • The special elk license increased to $1965 – this might push some people who have done special draw in the past to the regular draw and increase point creep
  • Wyoming Winter Update
    • Another Mild Winter so far
  • Wyoming Draw System
    • Modified Preference Point System
    • 75% of tags will go to highest point holders
    • 25% randomly drawn across remaining point holders
    • Special Draw – increased tag fee for potentially better odds – check draw odds to compare and see if its worth it for your case
    • Group apps up to 6
    • Group points averaged – greater than x less than y bucket
    • Wyoming will over allocate if a group is drawn larger than remaining tags – no decrease in odds to apply as a group
    • Group will need a party leader to begin app and send party ID info to rest of group
    • Only 1st choice uses points
  • License Types
    • Type 1 – Rifle tags with most allowing OTC archery stamp
    • Type 2 – Typically different dates or boundaries as the type 1
    • Type 9 – Archery Only 
    • General License – rifle or archery hunt with the OTC archery stamp
    • Type 4 and 5 – full priced cow/calf
    • Type 6 and 7 – reduced price cow/calf and do not use preference points
  • USFS Designated Wilderness Areas – Nonresidents cannot legally hunt DWAs without a licensed Wyoming Outfitter or Licensed Wyoming Resident Guide
    • Wilderness Study Areas are designated by the BLM and Nonresidents can hunt those without a guide
    • Check the GoHunt Maps platform before applying to ensure you know what DWAs exist in your unit
  • Grizzly Bears
    • NW corner of Wyoming is Grizzly country.
    • Can be a concern for some
    • Know before you apply
    • One option to get away from crowds
  • Wyoming Elk Breakdown
    • Key state for anyone looking to elk hunt each year
    • Definitely worth applying or building points in 
    • Majority of the state is over objective
    • Point creep was pretty consistent with the new region system in 2024
    • Not known as a 350+ state, but lots of big bulls in the 300-350 are killed every year
    • Longer seasons with the general units – a lot of tags can hunt both archery and rifle 


January 24, 2025
The Hunting Gear Podcast

Latitude Outdoors In 2025

Public Land

In this episode, Dan Johnson speaks with Kevin Leach from Latitude Outdoors about the evolution of their brand, the importance of building a strong team, and how they navigate competition in the hunting industry. They discuss product development, handling business challenges, and the significance of customer experience. Kevin shares insights on their collaboration with Realtree and highlights new product launches for 2024. In this conversation, Kevin Leach discusses the latest innovations in saddle design and hunting gear, focusing on comfort, packability, and user experience. He highlights the new Maverick and Lone Star saddles, the Profile platform, and the Ranger backpacks, emphasizing their unique features and benefits for mobile hunters. The discussion also touches on layering systems for cold weather hunting and future product developments at Latitude.


  • Latitude Outdoors started selling products in July 2020.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic increased interest in outdoor activities.
  • Building a strong team is crucial for business growth.
  • Innovation is driven by customer experience, not just competition.
  • The company has a long-term product roadmap.
  • Communication with customers is key during challenges.
  • Celebrating milestones boosts team morale.
  • Saddles should be tried before buying for the best fit.
  • Collaboration with Realtree offers new options for customers.
  • New product launches include single panel saddle offerings. The Maverick saddle is lightweight and comfortable for beginners.
  • The Lone Star saddle offers enhanced comfort for larger individuals.
  • Packability is as important as weight for mobile hunters.
  • The Profile platform packs down to an inch and a quarter thick.
  • Layering systems need to retain heat even when compressed.
  • Merino base layers are effective for cold weather hunting.
  • New backpacks are designed for customization and versatility.
  • The Operator pouch allows for single-hand operation.
  • Future products will include an XL version of the Profile platform.
  • Latitude is focused on customer feedback for product development.
January 23, 2025
Nine Finger Chronicles

The Lords Gift In The Woods

Public Land

In this episode of the Nine Finger Chronicles podcast, Dan Johnson and Mike Stewart delve into the complexities of marriage, family life, and personal growth. They discuss the challenges faced in their relationships, particularly in 2023, where busy schedules and lack of communication led to feelings of disconnection. Mike shares his journey of realization and the steps he took to mend his marriage, including the role of faith and the importance of prioritizing time together. The conversation highlights the significance of communication, understanding, and the need for both partners to feel valued and connected. In this conversation, Dan Johnson and Mike Stewart explore the dynamics of marriage, communication, and personal growth through the lens of hunting and faith. They discuss the importance of trying to connect with partners despite differing interests, the role of faith in personal balance, and the impact of a healthy marriage on family dynamics. The conversation transitions into the challenges and strategies involved in hunting, including overcoming physical setbacks and the thrill of pursuing a once-in-a-lifetime deer. In this conversation, Mike Stewart shares his intense journey of hunting a mature buck, detailing the challenges he faced, including hunting pressure, tracking a wounded deer, and ultimately gaining access to new land. The discussion delves into the emotional and spiritual aspects of hunting, emphasizing the importance of faith and personal growth throughout the experience.


  • The importance of communication in a marriage.
  • Recognizing signs of a strained relationship early.
  • Prioritizing time together can strengthen bonds.
  • Faith can play a significant role in healing relationships.
  • Small gestures can lead to big changes in a marriage.
  • Understanding each other's needs is crucial.
  • Balancing personal hobbies with family responsibilities is essential.
  • Owning your problems can lead to personal growth.
  • Regular check-ins can prevent misunderstandings.
  • Making time for each other is vital for a healthy relationship. Different tastes in entertainment can lead to humorous situations.
  • Communication is key in maintaining a healthy marriage.
  • Trying to connect with your partner is essential.
  • Reading the Bible can provide personal perspective and balance.
  • Short prayers can help settle the mind before sleep.
  • Children can reflect the changes in their parents' behavior.
  • Guilt-free hunting enhances the overall experience.
  • Physical challenges can be overcome with the right mindset.
  • Accessing prime hunting grounds requires strategic planning.
  • The anticipation of the hunt can lead to both excitement and anxiety. The impact of hunting pressure can drastically affect deer behavior.
  • Mature deer can be very sensitive to human presence and pressure.
  • Access to new hunting grounds can change the dynamics of a hunt.
  • Observation and scouting are crucial in understanding deer movement.
  • The emotional rollercoaster of hunting can lead to moments of doubt and regret.
  • Tracking a wounded deer requires patience and careful consideration of property boundaries.
  • Utilizing technology, like drones, can aid in recovering game effectively.
  • Faith and personal growth can intertwine with outdoor experiences.
  • A successful hunt often involves a combination of skill, luck, and divine intervention.
  • The journey of hunting can lead to deeper reflections on life and purpose.

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Nine Finger Chronicles
The Hunting Gear Podcast
The Migration Waterfowl Podcast
We Do This Too Outdoors
Mid-Atlantic Outdoorsmen
How to Hunt Deer
How To Hunt Turkey
Hunt Detail
The Range Podcast
Wing and Tail Boys
The Southern Way
Nomadic Outdoorsman
DIY Sportsman
Oklahoma Outdoors
Whitetail Experience
Antler Up
Missouri Woods & Water
Ohio Outdoors
Hound Dog Podcast Network
Pennsylvania Woodsman
The Western Rookie
The Huntavore
Whitetail Landscapes
Michigan Wild
Limbhanger Turkey Hunting Podcast
Hybrid Outdoors
Transition Wild
Southern Ground
The Average Conservationist
No Lowballers
Wisconsin Sportsman
Iowa Hunt & Fish
Freshwater Bite
Sahn Outdoors
Sportsmen's Empire